HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1929-02-07, Page 4Foresters Hall, Milburn Friday, BLYTH OBOkIESTRA ADMISSION $i W'ALfTON.. Mr. Albert Constable, who spent "dile pat fw week with his son in S. :Marys, is back home again, Master Arthur ' Balfour attended -the dance at Londesboro on Friday ar'gi'l• Mrs, 'A.,. McGa'vin 'visited_in Kitch ,eg Friday of last week. Miss Tena McCallum entertained :donne of her friends on Friday even- ing. Cards and dancing were on the ;program andeveryone spent a very ,pleasant time. ale Young People of D'uff's United '."Church intend to hold a Valentine `Social on Friday evening, Feb. 15th. "',Everyone come and have a pleasant, and profitable evening and . thus en- c enrage n-cenrage the young folks in their work. A number from this vicinity attend- , -ed the annual county •meeting of the Royal Black Knights of Huron coun- ty at Clinton, on Friday, Feb, lst, ':There was a good attendance. Sir • IKtsig'ht Bullock, County Master, in ;the chair, opened lodge in due form, .. 'and after all business of the past year was squared up and a good record shown, Colmty Master Sir Knight Bullock called on Past County Mas- ter Sir Knight Dodd, orf Wingham, to conduct the election of officers. The results were as follows: County Mas- ter, Sir Knight, Joseph Hamilton; -dep. Master, Sir, Knight Falconer; County Chaplain, Sir Knight P. C. Pilgrim; County Registrar, $ir Kn. H. M: Hanley; County Treasurer, Sir Kn. R. ,B. Rathwell; County Lecturer, 1st, lir Kn, Miller; 2nd, Sir Kn. Mc- Leod; County- Censors, 1st, Sir len. Epps; 2nd, Sir Kn. R. Hoy; County Standard •Bearers, 1st, Sir Kn, I. Rob- -son; 2nd, Sir ,Kn, D. Boyd; County Purs., lst, Sir Kn, Watson; 2nd, Sir. Kn. Cornish, Aftet{wards all were du-, tv installed. Past Co, Master Sir Kn. Dodd gave an address and handed the rest of the business over to County Master elect Sir Knight Hamilton, after which short addresses were giv- •en by Past County Masters and oth-. •ers. After chapter closed a splendid 'Lunch was served and the rest of the •evening was spent in amusements.. Mrs, W. J. Morrison of Toronto re- • turned home Wednesday after spend- ing- a few days with relatives around the village. Don't forget the dance in the Work- . mans heel, Friday, Feb. 8. Mrs.. A. Hoy of MiGaw visited Mrs W. Hoy Tuesday. Mrs. F. Ruteldge spent the week mid in Toronto. 'BLYTH. School Section No. 1 Morris intend -putting on their concert in lfemorial !Hall, Blyth, on Friday evening. It is • well worth seeing and a credit to - those taking part. Miss Aileen Carbert is visiting her • sister, Mrs, James Phelan, this week, 14 Ir. Joe..Blake spent Sunday visiting ....friends in Blyth. The people of this community were grieved at the sudden death of Mr. E. Bender, storekeeper of Blyth. He will be greatly missed, as he was a man of sterling qualities. The neighbors and friends of Mr. Ifrs- James Phelan held a surprise e_earty at their home Monday night, enjoyed themselves in cards and glancing until .the wee sine' hours. Mr. and Mrs, William Cunningham 'entertained a few of. their friends to a social evening Friday. :Biyt'h Y. P. S.—The meeting of the Young 'People's Society was held in • the'basement of Queen 'Street United • Church on Monday evening, with a gond .attendance, !Dr. Ross, the Pres- ident, occupied the chair. The meet- • ing opened 'with a hymn and four sen- tence prayers by members, followed by the Scripture 'Lesson. Psalm 46. ' The minutes of the previous meeting • :were read and adopted. The busi- ness of the meeting was then pro - needed with. The topic of the even- ing was Conversion. This was open- - •ed. by Rev, Mr. Weir, who gave a short address as introduction. Miss Hazel Leslie read a paper on this sub- ject, prepared from Dr. Stanley- Jones ho,ek on that subject. Thie was high- , ly appreciated. 'Las Clare McGow- an gave the second paper ,;n the sub- ject.- _,. tribute wag paid to the . speakers by Mrs. Wilford, convener pt• the .meeting, A monologue was by Mist 'Barnby. Tile meeting _)toed with prayers ley- members and ,c Rey. Mr. ee'ecir. yrs. Thomas Woodcock, — Death claimed 'an Saturday :as:. February 2n1. 'At re,. 'Theme, i:n'e. Woo lcock, De- ceased wes a u "er -r from carer f .r malty immths ane her death wae .taenot unexpected. She had attained tee alranceei age of 78 year ani vac a etannch friend and most (.bilging neighbor anri was an Anglican in re- liginn, The late Mrs. Weedcnck• v,'heee maiden name was efargaretta Wright, came to Myth 16 year ago. after the death of her husband, Thom- as Woodcock, near \Vestfielrt. She -leaves to mourn her loss three daugh- ters Mrs. W. Dawson, of Winnipeg,: Mr,, -\, Hardisty, of ,Galt; and Miss Josephine at keine. Th funeral took place en Tuesday afternoon, Feb. 5. TUCKERSMITH. service being held in Trinity Church, • conducted- by :Rev. Arthur Shore, ac- Miss Margaret McKay-, *who has sited Iv Rev. W. 'Hawkins of Forest. =;rent the month in Toronto, has re- • She was laid to re.' in the Anglican etrned to her home here, cemetery-, The pailbearerc were Ar- \T ;a:•. Vera anri- Clete Pepper of thine Barr, James .Tierney. Robert ~tante}• -pent Satur'lav visiting at the Buchanan, R tbe.rt Powell, Jame. ire of Mr James Hay, Do4ds, Dee, te.dne. The. recent helve -nett 'ills have The Late Ernest"Bender,...It was 'orale • tate roads seendid f,r sleighs. with pre, fnun'l sasti n'on that we heard' Bride -to -Be Honored. ----On Friday tl-tt F.rneet Render 'had passed away ' °at his horse on Dinstey street Thorerlay, January 31st. The deceas- ed had not been his n-nat self for a shetr•t time. but .t was net :thought that t anything"`seniles would develop het • • he wee' called • to his reward after an itbrtss iii test thane w'eek's duration, The late 1dr. Bender ete Fe born in Hay to"svnshjp 56 years .ago and carafe to l3lytit twentyf ve years ago and was married to Miss Alberta Carr nich{t 20 years ago. On eeming to Blyth he entered in busioees and was ons of the -leading merchants at the time of his death, He was a Liberal at politics and was a devoted member o£ Sueen street United Church, super-. intendent =of the Sunday School, re- cording steward of the church; he was also representa'ti've for the Huron Presbytery . on, the London, Confer- ence Missionary and Maintenance Fund: Besides Ins widow he leaves to &mum his loss, one son, Edwin, at home, one son having died in infancy. One foster son, Harry Baker, in Tor- onto; one sister, Mrs, Pttile .of Zurich, one' brother, Ezra Bender, and one half brother, Henry Phite, The fun' ral took place ort Saturday, service being heldin the Queen Street Unit-' ed Church by Rev, Dr, (Barnby, as - sifted by Rev, George Weir, Rev, Alp, Auburn, Rey, A, C, Tiffin, Wheatley. Solo, "The Old Rugged Cross, was rendered by. Mr, Stanley • Sidthorpe, Interment was made in the Union ce- metery, The pallbearers, were John Maines, David 'Moody, Robert Wight - men, James Situs, Leslie Hilborn. Those who visited Blyth on Saturday and attended the funeral of, the late E, Bender, were:. Mr, C. H. Reese, Kitchener; Mr. and, Mrs.• Peter Gard- iner of (Clinton; Rev. Eric and Mrs, Anderso:1.'0f Monkton;. Rev: C. C. Kaine, (Atwood; Rev. W. J. Maines, Walton, W.M.S.he \\ of the Queen Street, United Church has been postponed until Tuesday, Feb, lith. Rev. W. J. Maines, Walton preach- ed in Queen 'Street United Church on Sunday evening last . Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bell and Miss Margaret were guests of 'Chas. and 'firs. Nicholson Saturday evening, Mrs. Clarence 'Johnston and Iona spent Tuesday with her cousin, Mrs, Abner Nethery of ,Belgrave, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Phelan entertain- ed about 60 of their. neighbors and friends, on Monday evening, a. pleas - .ant time being spent in_ euchre and dancing. Messrs, Joseph and Frank Mc- Caughey visited Mr. and MIs„ Chas. Nicholson Tuesday evening. . Mr. and Mrs. 'Peter 'Healy' enter- tained the Darkie'Orchestra.on'nurse day evening. Mr. Charlie Cunningham left on '(onlay for Preston. • ,Miss Eileen 'Carbett of, Clinton is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs: ;Jas. Phelan. The Orangemen of $lyth have ar- ranged for en old -,time. dance to be .field m community .hall on. the even- ing of Fee. lath. Blyth . String Or- chestre will provide ,the music, DUBLIN. Report of St. Patrick's 'School.— Sr. I'V—aGrdrdon Dill, Ursula Kratts- ikopf, Jaek"Molyneaux, Isabel Jordan. Jr. IV,—Matilda :Dorrestyn, • Mar- garet O"Connell, Reta Stapleton. Sr. LId.—Kathleen Burns, Edwin Stapleton, Rose Arnold, Agnes Ma- loney. Mary Molyneaux, Edward Cummings, Joseph Mulligan,. ,Mar- garet Dorrestyn. Jr. 1,IiL—(Genevieve Feeney, James Dillon, Agnes Rowland,' Leonard Nagle. 11. Kathleen Cummings, James Delaney, Charles Krauskopf, Albert Donnelly, Joseph Dorsey, Joseph Donnelly, Frances Brennan; James Curtin, Fergus Stapleton, • Dalton Burns, Fergus Cummings, Joseph Burns, Marcella Dillon. I.= Joseph Evans, John Flanagan, Andrew Maloney, Teresa Krauskopf, John Maloney, Michael Feeney, Ca- stilla Donnelly, Thomas Dorsey, Lo- reen Looby. Priam, B.—James Krauskopf, Lu- cille McGrath, Mary Evans, Rose Feeney, Joseph Benn, Kathleen Stapleton, Marie Aruold, Kathleen Brennan, Harry Cummings, John Jordan, Angela Donnelly. 'Prim, A.—Mary Jordan, Margaret Tyers. Louise Flanagan. Aileen Jor- dan, Gerald Burns, Loretto Feeney, Mary Dorsey, Earl Nagle; William Maloney, Joseph Kipping. Mr. John Brennan visited his dau- ghter Annie, in Toronto over Sun- day. Mr, and Mrs. R. Kieinfeldt spent Sunday et Mr, ,John McKellar's. Miss Annie Hart is visiting at her brother's, 1•U. Owen Hart, Mr, Maurice Dalton is helping Mr. J. L. Malone draw loge to Dublin: Death of Mrs. James Feeney.—Os Tuesday morning January 0 9th, as the sur was rising, death -claimed an- other victim in the person of Mrs. James Feeney. She was the wife of the late James Feeney Sr., who died about a year ago. Mrs. Feeney was e woman of fine chardcter, of a gond cheerful dispesitinn, always ready to eselet in every good Work. She was helored and respected by all who et' - 1 ,yed her acquaintance. She was a ,cr• teel member of the Roman Cathie lie Church, and she received the last les of the church. All her family were called to her bedside. Mr;. Feeney wathe last member of the i nrns family. A Requiem Mass was ing by Rev. Father F. Bricklin and he chr.ir sang. "Jesus Thou Art Com - 1Z." and "Nearer My God to Thee." elle leaves to mourn her Ines, three 1, yhters and five setts: Mrs. Thomas Enright, Stratfnrrt: Mrs. Leo Evans, e-ratford. and Mrs. Joseph Donnelly, at whose home she has resided for the past twrs .-ears; rive sons, Leo, James and Mack, of Hibbert: John. of Start- fnrd; Michael of Detroit. The pall- bearers were the late Mrs. Feeney'. five sons and het son-in-law, Joseph Donnelly, t n . Feb tat, a number :,f netge- eere and f ierele re Mi_- Helen JTTay ea=eeeel at her home and presented with a Miscellaneous shower, eree t, her marriage. After all the (("111,' present? were displayed. .e n ;smelt was server!. The rent-nf the evening was s7ent. in cauls and ancing' until the early hours in the ,ruing. When all retorted' home ' OLVERTON FLOUR MILLS CO LIN1IT.JI1 S3AEORTR'r'ON`ATARIO WE ARE PAYING. '.'For Grain Wheat Standard )125 per bus o0c per bus 10c per bus $1.45 per 100 lbs. 80c per bus Oats, Standard or over Barley, Standard or over Mixed Barley and Oats Buckwheat, Standard and over WE .ARE SELLING' Silverking, Best A't,,anitoba Patent $4,00 per bag Keystone, 'Best Pastry Flour $3.75per Whole Wheat, (Stone:Ground)bag �3,7o per bag Bran in bags $3.00 per ton Shorts " " $33,00 per ton b " Middlings, $38.00 per ton Chopped Mill -run Screenings '� $30.00' � er. ton P g P Mixed Chop ° $30.00 per ton PHONE 51 having enjoyed themselves and wish- 'Gordon Beurtnann, Beatrice Pryce *. ing Helena long, happy life in her Anona Dale., Teacher, new hoarse, A very enjoyable evening was spent Mrs, Robert Coleman is. recovering at the home of Mr. and Mrs. after her recent serious illness. Medd last Friday night by the Mid - Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Tebbutt 'spent night Revellers. "After the executive' Tuesday visiting at Clinton.. , committee of the club had served Miss Elsie Landsborough returned lunch, an extra good programme was home Monday after spending the put on by the programme ;commit week with friends in. London. tee, which consisted of due't's by Rob- Ladies Aid No, 1 Egmondville: met ert and Edith McMillan, songs by at the home of. Mrs. A Kirk,. Lorne Webb, duets by Doreen and The many friend's of Mr. A. Hugill Viola Olark, a reading, The Cotter's were shocked to hear of his death Saturday Night, by, Mr, Thomas •iylc 'which occurred at Exeter where he Milian, M.P. This poem is considered had gone for treatment,' Our- sym in the view of many as Robert -Burins' pathy goes out' to Mrs, Magill' and masterpiece, and ,Mr. McMillan leer Family in their bereavement. tautly showed us itsrandeur, - g an Edgar Allan hacl the misfortune to, ideal of the' Scottish poet who lives lose a valuable horse last week, immortal in the mind of 'S'cotchmen` The farmers in this vicinity are the'world over. After the programme talking of having a rabbit hunt before .a hearty vote of thanks was given to long as they are very plentiful this the host and hostess, and a re"solution winter and' are hard on. the fall- was prosposed by, Mr. William Mason wheat' fields. that a Collection be taken up in aid • Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Carnpcham of of the 'Welsh miners which was Mich:,• spent a few days, at spoitded to liberally. ' Itis grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos,• We er8''sorry to hear that Mr,John Coleman's, Little has been confined to his bed Mrs. George J'ohnstoti and son Gore the last few days,' - don spent the week -end ,at the home. Mr•:s, McElroy is visiting her daugh- of her parents, Mr' and Mrs. Thomas ter, Mrs. Atfred Brown. Coleman. The'' Moonlight Reveliere. met at the S.S. No: 6.-- The following is the home of Mr: •and Mrs, Settee Medd, School Report of S. S. No. 6, •Tuck- last Friday evening.- Avery enjoyable ers'mith, for the month. of January, -evening was spent, based on examinations -and the mon- ths work. 5r. IRr.-Eve1 n Nott tt SS Isabel A'Sudden. oD� a th--lWorkl of the Sud - Ashton 84, den death 'of Arthur Pecle in Akron, Ohio, on Sunday, February 3, was 'received by Mrs, Will Dawson, Gosh- en Line, who is a •sister of Mr, Peck. His unexpected death was the result of heart trouble,. He was born on the Baylfield Road, near Bayfield, and lived in Barnfield till going to the States, Late last summer he spent a short time -,visiting relatives in this vicinity, Mr. and Mrs. Dawson left Tuesday for Akron and attended the funeral on Wednesday morning. He was in his 54th year was a son of the late John and Mrs. Teck, After his father's -death, the •family moved into Bayfield, where he attended school. For a short time was salesman with. the T. Eaton Co. before accepting a position in. Cleveland and later in Akron, where he was head of a large carpet and rug department and • had charge of the buying' of Or,•fentalrugs in New York for the firm. Thirty years ago he was married in C'Ieve- land. He leaves no children bit is survived by his widow, one sister. Mfrs. Will Dawson, and three broth- ers, George, station agent at Park River, N. Dakota, and 'Harry and William, of Four Ways, Alta. A -brother, Edmund. predeceased hien. Messrs. J. A. Carnie and Samuel Hehner visited at i141r, C. H'augh's of Tuckersmith on S'aturd'ay. - Miss Herbert spent the week end with' Miss Lucas of S.S. N. 4, South_ 'On Sabbath morning, at the home of her niece. 'Mrs. McClary, of West- mi'n-ster, near London, after a linger- ing'•ilfiress, there passed into the be- yond' in the person of Mrs. Allan Douglas one, who for many years was a resident of Stanley Township. She, -with her husband, lived for many y'ear's' on tate farm near Blake, and during those years she filled a large place in the churchandsocial life of the community, endearing herself' to all those with w=hom she came itt contact. The funeral service was held. at the home of her sister, Mrs. Wil- liam Scott, of Brucefdeld. on Wednes- day afternoon, after which interment was trade in Tdayfield cemetery. Jr. IV.—,Fietcher 'Whitmore 85. Warren Whitmore 83, Raymond Townsend 70. 1St- DItI,—,Sarah 'Whittnore 93, Pearl Hugill 85, Harold Hugill 74. Jr, (IiI: Verna 'Hugill 84, Myrtle Ashton 81, Leola Nott 71, Hazel Ashton 71 (equal), - Sr. ISI.—'Florence Whitmore 89, Vel- ma Ashton 87, Arnold Hugill 79. I.—Iona 1Hugill 90, Wesley Hugill 67. !Primer. — Mary !Hugill, Kenneth Terryberry. No. on roll, 19; average attendance 17. ' • • Edna M. Jamieson, Teacher, Mrs. W. J. Stevens left Saturday to spend a couple of months with her daughter, Mrs, William Easley, at Mount Forest. s:S. No. 3, Tuckersmith. - The following is the report of 'S.is. No. 3, Tuckersmith, for the month of .Jan- uary. The names are arranged in or- der of merit. 'Those marked with an asterisk were absent for the tests. Sr. IV, -genet 'Watson, Elizabeth Broadfoot, Billy 'Calwill, Bob Mc- Cartney. Mildred Robins, Gordon. Wright. Jr. IV:—Jean 'Watson, Willie Pap- ple, Robert Papple. Bruce Armstrong, Nelson Forrest, Jr. ]II.-4Bobby Dalrymple, Arthur Wright and 'W. D. Wilson (even), Earl Papple, Jalmes Mc'Cullie, Beat- rice Armstrong. LL Annie. Papple, Alice Wright, Delbert Taylor. L—Mac Wilson, Mayme Watson, Annie B. 1•IcDougall, Flora :McDou- gall*, Isabel Armstrong*, Donald McDonald*, 'Pr.—Elsie Robins, Ivan Taylor, Myrtle Papple, Grace Dalrymple, Milton Taylor. Morley Wright, Mur- iel Wright*, Ervin Sillery*. L. BOYCE, Teacher, McKILLOP, Mr. and Mrs, Angus Afore enter- tninel the Merry. 'fakers at their Norte last Friday evening. The even- ing e an. :pent in card playing and dancing. Everyone went home feel- ing that they had spent a very pleas- ant evening. Mr. and Mrs, More make an excellent host and hostess. As Friday. Feb. 15th, is being ob- served as ''The he World Day of Pray- er," there will be a meeting of the \V. M. S. and Ladies' Aid in Duff's Church at '2 p.m. All ladies of the congregation are invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. George Dorrance re- turned on Saturday after an extended visit with relatives in Toronto. S.S. No. 6.—The following is the re - pert of S. S. No 6, hIcKillop, for the month of January. These 'narked with an asterisk have been absent for one or more examinations. Sr, I\r—Mary Duffy 77; Harvie Hillcn 76; Marion Little 57; Loin Duffy*. Jr, TV.w-Esther Duffy 75; Muriel Finnegan 72, Evelyn Sperling 67, I,r,•nten Gedkiin 62. 'Ivan ivlaceeabb 43. Sr. 11I. --+Gordon Elliott 74, Orval• Jleurniann 74, Reggie Pryce 60, Nor ine Little 56. Isola Beurntann 56. Jr. ITT. --Alma Finnegan 75, 'Evelyn Hoegy 62, Vara Duffy 62, Maudie Sparling 55. 9•', H. -- Helen Ellintt 82,. Criett, Pryce 58: "1"''tl1%1111�1i1�i Jr IL—Rita Duffy 86, Gerald O' - tiara 70, Leslie Pryce*. Pr, ---Mary Pryce, Everett Beur- matin', Marie Hoegy,, Hazel Snarling, HULLETT, Death of William Peter Hawthorne. On -:Thursday, Januacy 31st, one of the oldest and best known residents of Hullett Township passed to hie rest in the person of Mr. William Peter Hawthorne, aged 85 years and 8 months, Born in the parish of Gttith- en, Kirkcudbrightshire, Scotland, he came with his parents,Robert and Mrs, Hawthorne, and the family set- tled orf "Kenhanit Farm," on which he died, lot 1, Concession 3, Hullett, where he lived for over eighty years. On Feb. 17th, 1870, he was united in marriage to Miss Mary Ann VanEg- mond, daughter of the late Edward Vanl" gmoncl, who survives hint, to- gether with two daughters and two son. Mrs, ITumphrey Snell„ of Hui - lett; Mrs. J. E. Henderson, of Sea - forth; John Hawthorne, of Victoria, 13.C,; and Scott Hawthorne, at home, lir. Hawthorne was a man of honor, wlio believed in doing what .was right by everybody and expected others to do what was ritrht by hint, l'FTe was a grand old man" was the tribute paid him by one who had 'known him most of his life. The funeral was held on Saturday afternoon from his late resi- dence to Maitland Bank Cemetery, his• pastor, Rev. Irving 5. Kahle, of First Presbyterian Church, Seafo-th offic- iating. The pallbearers were De. Howard Fowler, of Clinton; eVi!eete Black, Tuckersmith; John Powell,. Me illop; John MnNay, eleKillcp; Hugh Campbell Brussels, Thomas Livingston, 1illile11. \lt, and bet's, Hugh 'Campbell of Brussels are visiting at. Mr, George Cotter's. ei . Thome Walters entertained a number of his neighbors t0 a dance last 'Wednesday evening. Messrs, George Carter and Hugh.` 'Campbell attended the funeral of the late -Peter .Hawthorne on Saturday: Miss Belle 1airservice. of Clitttpn spett't Sunday at the home of her par- ents here. 1'Ir, William Carter Is in the ,Soo this week, BORN. ISA -HILL —Tn 'Seafortlt Hospital, on Wednesday, February 6, 1929, to Mr. and' Mrs. Reinhold Kahle, 01 Logan, a son, HLLLSGREEN. Mr.'I,ra'tta, Sr, who has been mak- ing his home with his daughter, Mrs, John Cochrane, passed away on Sun- day after an illness -of some weeks. - Mr, Walker Carlile of Windsor Is spending a couple of weeks at '"-the home of his parents, Mr, and Mrs, W, Carlile, Mr. Samuel Walker, who underwent an operation in Clinton hospital on Wednesday 1as't is as well as his friend's may look for at the present, but hope he. may soon be around, The Young People's League took piece on Monday evening at 8.15. Mr. and Mrs, Roy Consitt- of Sea - forth and son Jacte, and Mr, and Mrs. Chas: Farquhar and family were visit- ors at the home of Mr. Robin Mc- Allister's recently, Miss Eileen Turner of. London Nor- mal spent the week end at her home. EGMVIIO'NDVILLE. The regular meeting of the Eg- urondville Y. P. S. C. E, was held on Monday evening, The meeting open- ed with "01 .God our Help in 'Ages Past," which was followed by prayer by Mr. i'LCDonald. The Scripture las son was read by J.. Habkirk. The new book, ''¢Christ of the Round Table," was introduced by Mr. Mc- Donald, after which the topic • taken front this book was given by Mae' Wallace, A very pleasing duet was then rendered by Misses H. Lane and B. Cluff. After a few minutes of in- termission, the meeting was closed by "Tell Me the Old Odd Story," and the Mizpah benediction. Miss Gladys:' Way has been chosen as leader of Egntondville C, G: I. T. group. We wish her every success.• - WINTHROP. Miss Bagel Pickard'. has returned to her home in Varna alter spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Mel. Clarke, Don't forget the euchre 'and dance in the Winthrop Hall, Friday evening. Every'b'ody welcome. ' Mr. and Mrs. ,Nelson Goveniock, at- tended the twenty-fifth .wedding an- niversary of Mr. and Mrs. William Sproat, Tuckersmith, Monday even- ing. NIr. and Mrs. Mel, Clarke spent Sunday with friends in 'Varma. Mr.= Robert Hogg spent Sunday evening with friends in the village, Mr. Wes, Agar wears a smile these days. It's :a baby girl. Mr, Elwood Epps, of Varna, spent Saturday evening in the village. HURON COUNTY COUNCIL CContinued from last week.) Education Committee. The education: committee recom- mended the appointment of the fol- lowing trustees: R. S. Hays, Sea - forth Collegiate Ircetitute; A. B. Chant 'Nesoseimmesemeimmomnsommine. VII R�(IRT F TV efoUnder the auspices of the Ladies" Guild, of St. Johns' Church, Varna Given by the Lakeside Entertainers of Bayfield IN THE TOWN HALL, VARNA —on— TUESDAY, FEB. 12th, 1929 ' • at 8,15 p.m. - These entertainers are well and fa- vourably known in this community and should draw a large crowd. , Colne Onel • Colne A111 Adimssion: Adults 35c, Children 25c Clinton CollegiateInstitute; A. 3, I1'- Wnngh'ant High School; William Mfay, Exeter High School; C: M. Ro- bertson, Goderich Institute; that ar- bitrators be appointed for U.S:S, No. 14, H'owicic, on •advice received frotn. the ',county solicitor, the council to. appoint the arbitrators; that no action be taken on the circular of the Ontar- io School Trustees' and Ratepayers' Association as to the appointment of tttus'tees outside the school districts,' as it was considered that trustees in the school district concerned were s'ttf- ficient, ' The County 'Property 'Committee' reported a$ follows: That we visited the jail and found everything in goods condition and ten prisoners at pres- ent. We recommend that the two hall floors in front of the cells on the ground floor be re -floored, We ex- amined the Court: House and we re- cotutnend•that the necessary repairs be made, the amain hall to be re - floored and the windows overhauled, We visited tyle registry office ,aid' interviewed 'the tegtslea; end found the 'Geyer 11111'01 ,I"nsppector's report there, which%'e reach We find inethe report a: demand fol' all wooden struc- ture and 'fixtures 10 be remonesl, that. filing cabinets -'and '¢pees be installed and a new steel' 'car for conveying books from office to vault. Plans and specifications and blue . prints from two companies with :an, :estimated cost of $8,00Q ` were there and 'we wotfld -recommend that the whole council look into this nta'ttef end that every member of -the council go over and -view the matter before passing an opinion. ,The -report` of the Inspector of Legal Oflfices had the following sen- ten'ce's "What is the use of building espensive'fire proof vaults for int - portant documents ,and records and books and 'theft equipping the- 'same with wooden -fxtures. I might •-also' :point'out`that you require more filing space -and that there bean addition to the -office. Any ,prans; of ecoeirse,, for addition, after being approved .1y 'the County Council, will have to be approved by, an: order in council be - Fore the work is proceeded with. The whole council' visited the'Re'g- istry'oefiee to look into the suggested improvements, the estimated cost of which was $8,000, On re -assembling it was moved- by Mr. Higgins, and seconded by Mr. 'Rader, that no ac- tion be -taken at this meeting of the council but that the matter be left over to the June .session.—Carried. In considering the report of the Legislatipn Committee much dis'c'us- sion took place on the matter of the appointment of an officer to enforce the Liquor Control Act. Finally this was -adopted and Mr. Thomas Gun- dry, High Constable, was appointed. In considering the report of the Good Roads Commission a good deal of discussion took place on the sng- gestion for the appointiuent of a treasurer for the Good Roads' Com- lntit, tssionon mi, otio'tit thisof was:Messrs, 'Nnot coteeieurreclal nd Fletitlrson. The other committee reports, were adopted as presented. Dr, Milne: and 'Messrs. Baeker and Neeb spoke at some length on what they termed the eteesslve exchange rates elearged by the banks, final y Alt,,Neeb maxed, •se'eonded by Dr. Milne, that the Warden, the Cleric att'tl the Treasurer be a committee to interview the hankers and report back 10 eotmctt. A4essrs. Trewartha and ,Attains,. moved that Dr. Milne and Messrs. Neeb and Seeker he the committee and this was adopted. This committee later on ria' e ort.r 't\�ovefavorabld by3 M,. 'Hill, secone Mr.-,Bal'latttrepyne, that the Warder anIbyd Clerk be aulhor•ized to sign and sub- mit to the Minister of Public High- ways of Ontario the petition of the corporation of the County of Huron showing that, during the year 1928, there was expended .the sttgi of $183,- 646,94 upon the County !Highway 'Sys- tem, and requesting the statutory grants on that amount, as provided by the H'igliways Improvement Act. -Carried. On Friday morning .Mr. Rader brought up•- the 'matter of dragging the roads -under the Highways Int- provement •Act and the Warden sug- gested that the attention of the eh- gineer he 'called to the suggestion. Messrs. Rader, Mole, Beattie, Snell Hubbard,' Dodds, "'H, IA. Keys ant.' Henderson discussed the matter, IMr, Wilson, representing the Globe Indeinitity Co: addressed the council on the stater of 'in'suring the county against accidents on the County roads but It was decided to take no action, on motion of Messrs. Higgins anaft, lird'R, Roberert McEwan of the Office Specialty 'Co. addressed the Council' as to installingof improvements in the registry office 'but it was decided to do nothing till :• the June session. Moved by Messrs. Neeb and Hub- bard that the matter of tJie transfer of licenses be -allowed only in the Cbduty of IFluron. 'Carried. ,Moved by 'Messrs., Hill and Dr. Milne' that the County Treasurer be instructed to traitsfet' from the gen- eral account to the C'oun'ty Highway .account the $32,000 government grant deducted •'last year.—Oarried. Moved by Messrs: Craigie and Henderson that Mr. Thomas Gundry be appointed ''County High Constable at a salary of $200 and that a bylaw be •Passed nantfirming. -. this appoint ment,—C'arrie{t , „Moved by Messrs. ,Hill and Beati e that tile Warden, and Clerk get into communication' with. the County Council of Brace as till a meeting with the •Huton council tin -June.-Carried, The following committee -was nam- ed to carry on all arrangements: The Warden, the Clerk, the Treasurer and Messrs. Craigie, Hill; Trewartha,, AdamTurner, Beattie, Middleton an s, Moved by Messrs. Henderson. and Stalker that the Corn Borer Inspec- tor be paid by the hour instead 'of by the day as at present, the salary to be 75c an 'hour.—Carried. After the passing of a number of bylaws, the Warden addressed the Council thanking them for". their splendid .assistance in the 'work' of the different sessions. All then rose and sang God Save the King and Auld Lang, Syne, and on motion of Messrs. Neeb and Higgins the council ad- journed to meet the first Tuesday in June. Will It Help Business To Mark Time? By 1934 Ontario and Quebec will need a million telephones and the Bell :Tele- phone Company wants new money ney to provide,them. The company -does not want an y money from Parliament. It only wants permission to try to sell new shares to investors. The investorswill supply pp 1 y the money if they are allowed to. If they are not allowed to, the telephonesystem must mark time. in 48 years the telephone company has never suggested not received a government grant; it only asks freedom to take further part in Canada'sprogress, THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA 11811