HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1929-02-07, Page 3Children L,,Lo`ve
To Own gets
The selection of a hildrxtn's Pets iS
TtstrallY progressive, Po bogie
those that de not replies any hand-
ling are best, such as•Cago birds and
goldfishes. Later, or in addition,
phoTh1 come those that do not de•
mend exercise oat ot doors.and
1 et
crib pet, egttirrol makes a d g
o guinea pig is baldly less interesting,.
while white mice and Rai/bits are
always popular with girls es'welles
boys. Weete: poultry are kept, it be•.
collies a simple matter to appropriate
chickens 'anti (lecke to each of the
cllildreu, :and give them the ,r'espone-
ilility of .rearing them, The same
convenient posse -AMY applies In the
case' of kittens and puppies, which
lire the mostdesil'able of all pets,
The dog is the animal most gen',
/gaily adopted i' American• llom0e,,
and the child who has exclusive
charge ot.a puppy and its prelimin•
ary training necessarily acquires ex-
perience°which will be of value in the.
management of mature dogs. There
is nothing better calculated to !still!
• the esltilacating spirit ot sportsman.•
ship in the juvenile mind than the
opporunity which comes of conrpan-
ionship'ivtth a good eam ofterriers or
=c t
spaniels. .Bac even a � nende„ tip..
mongrel is not to be despised as a
dog for children if it be good tem-
pered and of appropriae size for join-
ing in' a game,
Among the pedigree breeds, silo
and character tiifPer so widely
some care is necessary in making a
choice, Such dogs as St.. Bernards,
s are
Great Danes, and mastiff
viously too cumbrous to be convenient
playmates for ;tits Young;- and
and hunting dogs are not always suit•
ed for companionship within doors,
although spaniels have every recom-
mendation as pets for boys and girls.
The Alasatian is said to be extremely
gentle and protective with the child-
ren of its especial-. household, but it
Is not remarkable for playfulness and
even: when carefully trained
be self-willed. The most
mirers of the _breed tl"S
that the Alsatian is a do, to 'catching the passerby. A gnat
ti clary braes and heights •of
-apt en )tatty ,r.!Fftudac:t µ:asespans •rely garbed.. �lal: issued to the tna•cts, � •
zto ,dost. docL•F" , _ �» at various times been on several
t5' of,,hautren's i .. offics boy of --� _• not later than January, 193_.
hate a ?oud..htt Rams (a witness); "Deed site juries:
most, the
Royal Bank -Annual Meeting
The sixtieth annual meeting ot intproventeet in Canadian conditions
shareholders of The Royal Bank 091 Wogs eorresponcliug 10010050e le the
(Mirada marked Lite cloae of the nlost t volume 09 goods wh1Ch they eau sell
successful Year in the history oe the I us. from this viewpoint it ntigllt be
batik, The report submitte1,.showed l considered economic) stateslnanshlp
that both tate asset$ and' the profits i for ns to
tgUtinc increed ase 0c) top discover
of the back constituted a record for max
Can attic banking.
question of trade
Dealing:, with the lues'
relationship between Canada stat the
Holt, tris
• 1.0
• 1 ,
' • Herbert e $u t
United :Stet s,
President, said; •
frdnl Canada, rather than to consider
meaellres which will co11$tttute new
trade barriers;' '
General Manager's Address'
• of
Disatt$sitlg the policy
the latent resources of our country,
r cods ill said n part, --
from a single market than Canada
Porte Mont that country. The value
of these imports during the twelve
u'tontll sending September 30, 1923,
aggregated 799 million dollars, a total
more than 300 million dollars in ex-
cess of Canadian sales to that market
during the same period. • Such an un-
balanced trade relationship le Injure
ons to the national welfare of this
"Ill spite of the tact that the proe-
ent trade •-relatioi'ship . between the
two. countries is disproportionately
tavoh'able to the United States, there
is active discussion of tertb.er tariff
increases that seem likely .to shat out
the few competitive items which Cana-
dians now sell there. It would seem
that those who propose such tariff
changes fail to realize that checks
on C a
tally check the -volume of geode which
can be bought trona the United. States,
and that on the other band continued
"Durieg the last two or three years
many existing', industries 'have been
reorganized to meet the, requirements
09 expanding business, Mergers have
been ;effected to 'basar%;. production on
the moat efficient basis, and many
nom industries have been started.
Through a number of different invest-
ment bankers who areourcustomers,
we have had the opportunity to assist
iu such. financing, with the resulttha
numerous new and valuable ecrinee-
lions have been eecured for the bank.
i ani glad to be able to report that In
•every sua'ts case credits granted have
been liquidated to our satisfaetton,
and despite the number of new issues
that have been made, we are oarryies
no undigested securities." period of
He pointed' out that in tills pa
prosperity reserves should bo built
up against less prosperous times,' The
public lies the right to expect goundd
i us-
and Indus-
• meat
leailsrslrip in government
i there
leadership tcih p
with. fetch tr
can buns doubt ooneerning the won-
derful prospects that the future holds
in store for Canada.
'ow Thoughts
On Old Institution
How Your Now Calendar is
Made Years in Advance
Referring to those who make our
calendars, the London Daily Herald'
Meets that "the ordinary elan does
not' even know' w110 they ale,
° "He turns to poclte9 diary or all
almanac when he wishes to ascertain
the, hour 0f sunset or SAnriae, or
changes of the moon and the tides,
and. he does not guess that the in-
formation which he accepts as 'a Mat -
O.W. L.
For a long time the restaurant man-
ager had out a sign --"Home Cooke
ing." Then he removed it.
"I see," remarked a customer, "that
the old sign. is gone."
"Yes, I tookow
"Well, I came to the cone els o
Island f1>r Fleligela. na
Slowly Crumbling Away
German North Sea Outpost Hit Hard
by Bement Stare
11eligolatul - This little German lg.
Land; Neg11s11 North Sea outpost until
1890, has lost 111,000 square meters
swallowed up by mountainous waves
When t'eceilt tierce gales Caused havoc
along the west European coasts as
far as Aiorway,
The damage deno here and to the
Frisian ale
tan oh n
East t tsiail is d
ori' Lr s I
1 i i l b t t
g g
)las led the Prussian Surrey Depart-
ment to appoint a eommissiou to make
c a scientific study of the whole coast -
t' 0 ton w t line to ascertain if there is any dam
tar o£ course ise the outcome y six emus acceleration in the gradual.
years of co-operative ative work by the subsidence of the German North Soa
leading astronomers of live nations, shows,
"For an account of this truly re- It Is known that the whole coast is
markable (though generally. were. sinking, but only at the rat's of about
marked) example of the intonation -
Daily inches in the last 100 years, Com•
alism of sefence ,the London Dai1By ing investigations are exPected to
Herald is indebted to Mr, Moses $haw �s'hether the sinking process
Cotsworth, director of the Interna calla. Ror extra preeautiotls.
'least Pixed Calendar Txague.
"On August 17, 1927, the calaula-
tions' for the year 1933 were begun by
i ei • dentists in the Greenwich CHILDH®�D �I
sal n tt s
Observatory and' the:Nautical Al-
manac Office, Can be Quickly Banished With
"These seen work out for ell the \vat Tablets.
nations the right ascension and de- Baby's Q
clination of the sun, moon, and 84 of Tile aliments of childhood are many
the fixed stars at each of the 24 hours but nine -tenths 09 them Are ,due to
in every day, • one cense and one cause only --a dis-
ed were 28 theseP
August, 19and
Au sstomach B ,t the st
gedition o
Ycord o
d e c
ed and sent to the directors of the bowels, To clulekly banish any of the
national observatories in the United minor ailments of babyhood and ohild-
States, Germany,. Prance, and Spain hood the bowels must be made to
to enable the astrmhonieis of each of work regular and the stomach must
these nations to begin their quota of b0 sweetened.
the work. No other "medic
ered up my mouht Just as sweet and
0 you think he did?"
round, and -whet d
Sadie (blushing); "How should 7
know?" . ; States astronomers work out the
Edith: 'F'ireIl, the fool Just let mo eclipses of the sun and moon for all
' duplicated. The United
ane for little once
"No part is
An ounce of sense will bide one
pound of ignorance.
Down in Mexico a candidate for
president should be bullet-proof. In
the hon
and Y
` s p
the nations,
of the planets and their satellites,
"In France the hourly positions of
the polar stars are worked out, while
the same work for other fixed stars is
done in Germany and Spain.
"The wort: in these four canaries
results in the Nautical
Almanac or is t
has had such swceess as has Baby's
Own Tablets. They banish constipa-
tion. and Indigestion; break up colds
and simple fevers; correct
and colic and promote healthful sleep.
by regulating the functions of the
stomach and bowels. Concerning
them Mrs. L, M. Brown, Walton, N,S.,
lsritea:—"I cannot speak too highly
America all. he ueedd is mudguards' about 18 months. of Baby's Own Tartlets as I stave
takes found them excellent for childhoodsurprised by the progress he found in
combines the 93 ailments." Albania. In the country in which, un-
it down." "I asked her to kiss mo, without f 1933 c h 1 well be prinfi Own Tablets are sold by
is apt930 Baby'sill recently, persons hardly dared
But, why?" ' sued by the"end of 1
et 'argent 1 1 n that a ; s those and iseta will 'ye medicine, dealers, a by mail at 25 leave their houses unarmed, people
I don't like kissing 'incest ! "From this all the natio from The Dr. Williams heavenew. 'het umbrellason aith 'belt Pim
aid hardly say .it was doing the place no good. I gotcents a boa ft
„ o things either." able to v.urlc out for each of their own•' rine• Co.. Brockville; Ont. turesque .costumes instead of firearms
to be loft t di
Constant daily testing and blending of the world's choicest
teas give lted Dose Tea its iliifflitabie ;haver{ ani nevet�'v41'ylng
goodtzes9, every pairge guaranteed„ 84
ORANGE PEKOE is extra good
New King
Helps Country
Poison Plot
Physicians Deny
in Illness of Albania's
Vienna,—RePal`ts Prem Tirana that
a serious : stomach affluent of Kiug
Achmed Zu90 had necessitated the
call et two Viennese specialists caused
the rumor that the King had been
given slow poison by one of his many
enemies. These reports were refused Buffalo, xa,x.
by the statement of Professor Guido
lzk eeht one of the doctors con-- Sex 7r75, B$IDG'sn'OB°•' oxri., ca.10.
Ho n
t .
has Just
Cienna. Professor iIolzknacht deelai
ed Acluned Zugo's indisposition was
not serious, being caused by overwork,,
nicotine and too muds indoor life. The
Icing, who is accustomed to plenty at
fresh air and ports, is now obliges to .ailing' Sea
pass most of his time at a writing
'i an s
table yon which he reorganized his London =The last of Bh t
country on modern lines, famous old windjammers, the four- .
As the King himself s head of the masted bark Garthpool, will anchor in
rest of her
s and
ass the
woulde P
illness Tham
•m movement, em
present a serious problem for Albania. days in quiet, peaceful waters t,
This was the reason that specialists forts are successful to save the old
ilia vessel from shipbreaitere,
i d
e Wail sailing
were re ca
Professor liolzknecht states _ I
Sole survivor of tho.nineteenlh tem
tury square �t'igs on. British registry,
the Garthpool is a gallant example et
the' sturdy trade which carried the
sea -borne• trade of the British Empire
at a time when Britain and the United
States competed under sail as they
now do with steamships:. Brad ei in
Anchored near Blacktriaaa g
the heart of London, the Gertithool
would be either a museum or a. train_
ing ship for mercantile marine cadets.
In preserving the vessel Britain would
be following, the example of pubile-
spirited citizens of America who en-' '
shrilled the famous old whaleshiP
Charles W. Morgan, near Nae: 73ed-
ford, Mass., as a memorial to the ii7-
dustry which made New Ln;lan�l
famous, The Honorable Celaip tuy of
Master Mariners in London wants to
acquire.the-Garthpool far training pur-
poses, but lacks funds.
Meanwhile the old windjammer. still
sound but a little slow in these i..eeedy
days of ocean craft,. bravely plows out-
ward bound in ballast for. Australia.
She was originally designed for the
Calcutta -Dundee Jute trade. but 11113
hails from Montreal
Classified Advertisements
Swift's "Laytnore" heat Scraps.
' Laymore" duplicates summer• condi-
tions, supplying digestible protein for
big winter egg, production. For free
A Swift1: et Toronto.
1,.0., Licn-
S R hr.,,0, 41%,1,11.4 7 h Y ?I
® union. mn+n d
Anton,$ 1pdt awl.
ti. 1 0,d Anton, b1 k Minb"q
Puff 1', (l 1,, (1,1 wyu.donea, ]tel
and ala 1f04 1 e dal„R ru"au,s•
\VrF ud,Y tm rHLe CHICK 110070 ,
Sc5yIU i. S 19dT38ERy';
British Plan Haven in Thames
For Last Bark, S
the esc1hsive charge at children. ;n5nv a.,y l;i tali* *. loo;. at that signs rvsr: "(}ail •nu tell nets' 11 lhepotts to • a w_
r .: •• , 'j at La„ .. y tllefatles. This information ';tits.. theA•� `--»
It is, 001 :e}nel-aL-y 1C."-1,.0ta -,a1 , i th hr^ry aA " [ i" l a eaten ass lawyer once asicect a mall who had
bun -clog is ooe rat t.,
the bu_. ! u
even-tempered 011(1 eras
pets. There are several a ba mod,' brine: 13e don't sn'or'e, slay, or go oft "Who influenced you
was, sale Ah knows expensive g
age h I it."
Sum•sized breeds. also drat have the re-
-mutation of being perfectly safe as
playmates for' the- young. 'Of' their
number are stile Samoyed, the cb.ow,
to football games. He's almost 9011-
"Indeed? But he mus have
orb; W DE M TL FOR
w en seas lawyers, the-witnesseseor the judge?"
ec He expected to get some useful and
t 1 some It's ars east wind that blow's nob interesting information from so ex -
fault. Whet is it?„ t good.
This was tate man's reply: "T'll tele
perieucecl a juryman.
the elkhound the I7t•eeslloun0, theI :.e, 11 Itis only fault le that 1 e
hipperke, the Shetland
sheepdog won.t tvol'k." Doctor; "Do you sleep on the flat ye, sir, 'ow I makes up my mind, I'm
and the merry cocker, and there a4'e' back?" J Qtitid In the Rich, Red Bloocl a plain man and a reasouin' man, and
x11 of the smaller toy breeds which of yeah tau
cream parlor is merely a• "N the hath of my fiat." it Tim ,linic'ntS' Pink 'PiliS I ain't influenced by anything the
have then claims Inmates they lase litt e a i A't x71 > 11iai.e lawyers nursery.
An lee patient: o,
as i t of the
place where ' 1 tables - • - say, nor by what the wit-
, is possible to love everybody ex•' t tl 3 he lasses say; nor, by what the judge
Some of the sporting terriers are t 1110 hick just moved to town who I Anaemia conies on gtaclualiy, gays.- I Just look at the man In. t
inclined to be snappisb and_pervet'se.; != dock, and says, 'if he ain't done uoth-
•r rs are popular in American! wtil make l pretends not to be excited when the ginning with tau ver, [uciisPosition to in' why's he there. And 1 brings 'em
But terriers p G*orgei "I thin''' Peggy fire eugina goes by, manta) ar bodily exertion, irritability,
homes, and the cairn. and Sealyharu 121) 'deal wife. ]very time T' go to ler 1 ! and a fooling of fatigue. Later comes ail in guilty: "
axe especially safe. Much depends i borne I find her darning beg father's 9 PI 1l • "l1'hy do yon wear spate " the palpitattots of the heart, head-
upon the individual dog, its training
with 297 'wade of gum stuck under'I . I,
each table. cep
urian: "In memory of my first aches, frequent backaches and often
'd l t t' nin r l socks. L
end treatment- and the state of its i Pete' "That caught me, too—until
health Any sickly dog may bei ,I noticed that it was always the .
1 disturbed Indigestion and an inability
reit-: st same wife." to obtain rest at night. Cases of this
aced into snappishness by too- much sock.
The Casa for prohibition is 0101'0 l kind, 11 neglected, become more seh'i-
interPerence, and even a well one may " r ace, j ons, but if taken in time there is no
turn suddenly peevish if pulled about' tempo a
The congregation of a Long Island ( i need to worry. Dr. Williams' Pink
read this announcement in the! Apolitical lelide1ide isn't lilac the .I P111s, which are free from any harm-
weekly bulletin: •real thing. In a teal landslide the fel or Uabit-forming (lilts, are lust
"The ladies of this church have dirt always goes down. the tonic needed to remedy this
east off clothing of all kinds. They wretched state of health. These pills
may be seen in the basement of the One disadvantage of starting ant actually make the rich red, blood that
church any afternoon this week." argument with another weekly paper, stimulates and strengthens every or -
aged men aro still main -
Mho time you get a rise out of gall and nerve in the body. Thus
Hames forg them you've forgotten what in Chun- strength and activity return, tate ap-
Mined, but not so for aged women. der It was you said. Petite improves and restful sleep is
They say when a woman begins to'had. What Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
grow old these days she bobs her hair, Pew people ever need glasses to en- can and will shortens leer skirt and starts all over able them to see your duty, '
and teased when it is tired or hungry.
There is an elemen ot danger -in more
tabu ono person at a time Caressing
or fondling a dog; and if more than
one dog is engaged in play, the young
handlers should be cautioned against
giving cause for jealousy. The chil-
llrcn should be taught very early sot-
to be afraid of dogs, but to treat them
boldly and with confidence; not rough-
, iy, but with masterful authority.
Training is not a difflfdeuit matter.
Children often succeed where their
elders fail to effect the necessary bond
09 sympathy and understanding_ The
first principal of all training is, of
course, obedience. Without it no
dog, either young or mauve, can ba
brought under discipline. Much has
been achieved when the puppy has
been schooled into cleanly, habits in
the house. It becomes increasingly
interesting as a possession when its`
Intelligence is awakened to a sense of
duty: in responding to conmmancls.
Circus stunts and purposeless acro-
batic feats ere not necessary. Theme
are many exercises Which equally well
bring roto play the dog's acute senses
and inherited instincts, mad which
tend to"sharpen its wits instead of
1,nrsfing it into a comedian. The most
sagacious dogs are always triose who
receive the largest share of human
society and atteution.
One advantage in entrusting the
care of a dog to the children is that
the animal's need for regular outdoor
exercise becomes an inducement to
the children themselves to go ou toe
an . invigorating airing. The dog
should accompany them o nail pos•
sable occasions and they ought to
take special pride in their canine
tactiabiiity, and its smart physical it-
• pearanee. . •
Regularity In feeding is important,
with 1he. principal meal in the eve- shQi? "Orr. }PhY.sical ea+„t•oii,
Ding. drd ti.e" tear, bright, spaekiin'g•with
'earth -or dull, with a yellowish tinge
to the whites? This yellowishtingeis
r f intestinal slugsishncss...
Mrs. Schmitz: "Your first husband. Immigration
was a free elan. It's a shame he Fre; New Angle
!firs. Sehmutz: "Yes; that's 'r'hat Ito do muelr work about the house. I
Me' second husballd's' always saying,"
do is shown by the case
of Mrs, D, B. Fanning, Seal. Harbor,
NM., who says:—"I was' in a badly
run-down condition. I was pale, my 9
rite was eery poor, and the least
and swords. Tirauites go peacefully
to the daily military concert in the
new. park. Streets are being con-
structed, also office buildings, hospi-
tals and, a new suburb of 800 houses
for officials.
Automobile roads now link Tirana
with the harbor and other cities. Reg -
1' ice will con -
alar daily airplane sem,
nett the capital with Italy and Al-
banian centers, Au electric plant and
telephone service for 2,000 subscriber's
have been opened. The new royal cas-
tle now ling built will not be inferior
to the palace of any European ruler.
Ilabby: What are you crying for so
bitterly, dear?
Wifie: Give me flffty dollars and I'll
tell 7011.
Hubby (alarmed) : Well here it is.
What are you crying for?
Wide (smiling) : Fifty dollars,
'.4 �----
"Our baby kept waking us several
times a night, until we started giving
him a little Castoria after Lis last
nursing," says an Iowa mother. "He
slept soundly from the first night and
it macre him loot: and feel worlds
better." Baby specialists endorse
Pletcher's Castoria; and millions of
mothers know how this purely -vege-
table, harmless preparation helps
babies and children, with colic, con-
stipation, colds, diarrhea, etc. The
Fletcher signature Is always on the
wrapper of genuine Castoria. Avoid
exertion would leave me completely Idabel: I'm thinking of going to
tired out, In fact I was hardly able Paris this year. How much do you
think it hill cost?
Alice: Nothing.
' Mabel: Nothing?
Alice: Yes ;thinking about it
won't cost you anything.
"Smith is a man who keeps his
"Yes, no one will take it"
decided to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
Archdeacon Cody Advocates and attar taking a few loxes can
Irate housewife: "These eggs you truthfully say
sold yesterday as fresh were spoiled."
The Grocer: "That's too bad."
Irate Housewife: "Two- Two?
The Whole dozen were,"
Edith: "I hate that man Wilson."
Sadie: "Why; what: has happened.
I thought you liked him so ninth?
Meth: "He said I couldn't whistle,
and just to show him.0 could, I puckerre
Spending Money on Na-,
tine -Born Instead of
I had gained greatly in
health and strength and was able to
go about my work' with no sign of the
former weakness: I cheerfully re-
commend them to all others who may
be in a run-down condition."
You eau get the pills from your
druggist, or by mail at 50 cents a box
from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont,
What are YOUR eyes
saying today?
Your eyes have no voice, but
they speak they tow rngode
and temper. They do more, they
Eyes of Blue
—true to you
Eyes of Grey
--love wl Z
\. ginen'1 feet are now too sizes the sena o
euto•into=icetion and li r• lo.' Dolth to
neglect 'hie warning poor
Threes than they eial',`; twenty years
ego, accer a ng to an orthopedic ex
Porti is this because she has been
trying to fill mans shoes?
"Call mons"—this we often see—
All money's deaf, I' fear,
For though I callit frequently
It never seems to Beet,.
"My mother ai!1 be surprised
whin *910 gets my ' letter. 'Auguste'..
she used '90, say, `.you are so stupid
that you 'will clever get a job,' and in
the last month. I have bad sial
Tey a regulardaily fa
course for et 6110;4ATregetab
period, Yeuebye(W111 1, oduet
(01! the story.:
cod' about Omfatter from tae E9as en
future Beecham hdvcrasemeatt.
Sake rAaents: Darold it. Ritchie 0G Co,,,
Limited Toronto bre
Hamilton, Ont.—Advocating expen-
diture of stoney to finance energetic
Canadians rather than aiding those
who come to this country from alien
countries, Venerable Aechdeacml H.
J,' Cody, Toronto, addressed residents
of Wentworth County at a large com-
munity banquet here recently.
'Personally, I prefer' the Canadian
to two or three immigrants and I be-
lieve it would bd a wiser policy to
expend money to finance an energetic-
Canadian in Canada than tc aid those
who come to our Dominion- from alien
lands," Canon Cody said. "We want
our: own stock," he continued, discuss-
ing the immigration question. The
Rev. ilir, Cody certainly said some-
thing worth considering. Have we
not many good Canadians in our bacic-
woods wilo could be developed into
producing citizens at a minimum cf
Witte: John dear, slid you put the
cat out? -
Hubby: Yes, my love.
"I don't believe you!"
"Well, if you don't believe nee go
down and put her out yourself!"
Remember the good old days when
the people in the rural districts had
so much money they could affol cl
buy a gold brlek once in a wbile?
Nature doubtless is grand, but it
wasn't It very bt'llllaut scheme to ptit
most of the vltamifes In things you
don't lilts.
The Christian Chttrrii Is divided anti
cumbered with controlerefee rind
broken into schisms.r-'Phe .krehhisholi
of Canterhuty• r«e
MInard's Liniment prevents Flu,
.1-1e—Do you believe in the here-
after? She--Why—er—yes! He—'
Well, how about a hug and a kiss,
that's what I'm here after,
y- —
'from—"It is said that, impetuous
People have black ayes. Bone—
"Well if they don't have them, they
are apt to get therm"
Diner—"What i10 you call this
stuff?" Waiter—"Mode turtle, soup,.
sir." Diner—"Well, I'ns afraid the
cook has carried his mockery too far."
No referred li.as any power unless
the world of opinion is ripe for him.—
J. D. P,eresford.
mem— es—ems.
Clerk (timidly)—"I'd l re to est` if
you can raise 1107 salary, t.• iras-
cible Employer—"Cen`ound its Don't
� I put , in ten . hours here :every day
raising it?"
Medical researches in Eurore have
been hindered and In French Africa
yellow fever work stopred beca;tse of
the advance in the price of monkeys
since they have been used for grafts.
and experiment.
Judge—"Look here; you're no
preacher, are you?" Rastus—"No,
sub, jedge, no suh. Alt ain't no
preachah I" Judge—"Then what did
you mean by telling these people you
could marry them?" Rastas—"Yhy,
jedge; didn't Ah pay you two bucks
fo' a' marriage license last -week?"
S _
Mlnard's Liniment for Coughs,. Colds.
We have found that prosperity is
not the product of charity, but of in-
dustry., not of receiving, but of pro-
dhcing.—Henry. Ford. -
, I would rather fly any day than ride
the King, b cause 1 on Alfonso
Government has spent $86,000,000 on much
highways and roads in the province. ot Spain.
Sick stomachs, sour stomachs and
indigestion usually mean excess acid.
The stomach nerves are over•stimis-
tated. Too much acid makes the stem-
; acts and intestines sour,
1 Alkali trills acid instantly. The best
form Is Phillips' Milk of Magnesia, be'
' cause one harmless, tasteless„ dose
l neut•att2es nnanY Gimes its volar a 'inrs
' acid. Since its invention, 50 lea
ago, it has remained the standard
with physicians everywhere.
Nothing Like
It to Relieve Colds
lIn formula and notion, Buckley's
Mixture is different, from all other
'remedies, Itliterallycoughts s and
healing the inflamed parts. The in-
stant relief that follows .the first
dose iB multiplied 40 times in 70
cent bottle 1 "Buckley's' should ba
in every home. Your druggist sella
it under a money -back guarantee.
W. L. Buckley, Limited,
192 Mutual St., Toronto 2
Acts like a flash-,
n single 810 proves i
75c and 40c
Claims Many Victims in ("n01110
and should be guarded age est.
inard's Liniment
Is a Great Precef:tative being 111e of the
oldest remedies used -liinaui '.Liniment
has relieved thou.n ids of cases 09
Grippe, Bronchitis, tier, Throat. Asthma
and similar disease,. It iw an Enemy to
Germs. "rhos a d.= „0 being need
every day, For sale by all drugghsta
and funeral dealers.
Minrxd s Lialai t en 0. Ltd.
Yu171i0ttta, N.. ,
Take a spoonful in water and your
condition will p
unhappyllrobably end
in five nftlUtes.. Then you will el -
ways know what to do, Crude end 1
harmful methods .will never appeal
to you, Go prove this for your own'
sake. It may save a great many dis-
agreeable 1101115.
Be sure to get the geeelne Phillips'
Milk of Magnesia prescribed by p1y:sl'
clads for 50 years in correcting excess
acids. Each bottle contains fun
tions• any drugstore:
Women. are saying: "P'nkham's
Compound keeps tee fit to do my
work."I was nervous and all run
down. Now I eat better and sleep
better-". "It helped my thirteen
year oldelaiighter,"—"I tools it be-
fore and alter my baby was born."
-"I am gaining every day."
roc- ISSUE No. 5—'2')