HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1929-01-31, Page 7r ada Analysed By South African Delegate 'to Empire Par1ia� mentary Unian IVieeting Reports Findings -NO RACIAL STRIFE A South Afr!c:an oorrespondent writes on Nov, Gt Three of the South African Union -dolegates, to the Em- pire Parliamentary Association's meetings in Canada returned to Cape- town recently. The trio are G. Heaton Nicholls, M,L,A., for Zululand; A. E. B. Payn, IvLL.A., for Tembul- laud; alta G. A. Ilay, M.L,A., for Pre- toria West. Tlie returned members had much tosiay of the liosiitalitY •esa tended to theta In Canecla, but a great deal more regarding the wonderful" agrieultural development- of the Do- minionand of its mining and other' industries, • Mr,'Nicltoll's account was exceed ingly interesting, the outstanding tea - twee of Itis 'observations being those. 'comparing the Canadian and South A rican systems of.governmeht, and the attitude of the French Canadians M regard to the British connection and any nearer relationship with the iUnited States, • "One.. tour of Canada," he told a Natal M^"cury correspondent, "has been extraordinarily interesting. We travelled thousands of Miles, over Takes' and roads and railways, held conferences in. every Provincial capi- tal, and inspected all forms of Can- ada's industries and economic activi- ties, We were snowed under with documentary information of all kinds, .and I' have a trunk full of booklets and pamphletsdealing with Caandian life from every angle, C lsh0tlkl ho sealed fi.th putty and paint nee Q its Giving Quo for piaster of Paris. Twins w Fair Giand Photo Filling In the Cracks The slu'filees of the outward walls Rome--'i'7^lplets nude twills have also act 115 eoolere in frigid weather; driven 8iuesoIIO1 into taciturnity.. because wind and ` frost work into /eneerto 7t Las beeit the 1)ueo's cue-. thve's 'rills slionld be prevented as 10'1 i1 , to send au autographed pletureof. nlue!s as possible by filling the ("refute 1;old leeee. with putty and Paint 'and himself to parents who present Italy' Chew You need save only five (5) seta of "Poker Hands!' to have this attractive Alarm Cldck ticking away in your home, keeping the right"time, all the time. A "Poker Hand" is attached to every plug of Big Ben Chewing Tobacco. Ali the time you are saving for the Alarm Clock, you are enjoying a tobacco of exceptional quality, richness of flavour; and lasting satisfactions This Alam Clock is one, of many presents procurable iri'ex- change for "Poker Hands". ' Dealers everywhere have Big Ben by theplug andby the t Vacuum (air -tight) tin. and Save 'Poker Hands" easeemeaseseassness Everything Good In Canada "When you quarreled to -day, you "1 drink, Mr, Nioholis went on, let your husband have the last word. "that the chief impressions we all That is not usual." "No, but I wad: have of Canada'is its bigness -bigness ed to give him a little pleasure, as it of. territory, bigness of accomplish- is his birthday." meat, bigness et outlook, There is nothing petty or mean about Cal:Leda. Everything is done in a big way. They have n time forno ri l l 1 t e lines either in politics or business. They have no dim P ossari ti • p tt les. They ask for bust• II ass results from tliei' t leliderse The political' parties — Conservative and Liberal—there being -practically no Labor Party—are•divided solely upon programs for development. "There is no sign of racialism in their polities, Tedeed, orange as it may seen, the strongest, almost vehe- ment, supporters of the Empire and all that it stands for are the Fl•ecnh• Canadians, because they realize more than anybody else that under the Brit- ish Constitution their language and religion are safeguarded, Consequent - Is, with the existing system they re- fuse to abate' one jot of the protection afforded them by a Privy Council ap- peal, and In Quebec, alone of all the provinces, the ce Fr n e ch have e refused to abol' lsh the Senate. Similarly the alien immigrants from Europe, who by their past experience of 'autocracy are able to appreciate the value of British Parliamentary institutions are at one with the French, Comparison With the United States "This at first sight appears alt the more extraordinary because of the constant pull of the 130,000,00 peoplai of the United States, with so much capital invested in -Canada, and with such an extensive anti-British propa- ganada carried on by the American press. But the truth is that ianada enjoys under the British parliamen- tary system a solidity, a freedom and a security from lawlessness which is clearly apparent, and which is entire- ly absent in the U. S. "The worsting of the rival systema can be seen side by side and easily studied, In the United States there it an elected parliament which has no power, no executive' authority, and an executive which is not elected and has no responsibility. Once the President IS chosen by the wire -pullers who se- cure his party nomination, the people of the -United States have completely lost control over the eecutive govern- ment, which is in no way answerable to parliament. The man who con- ducts the foreign affairs of the United States is not elected by the people, and has no seat in parliament, and consequently foreign nations have no real represetative of the American people to deal with; they have no means of knowing whether any parts- cular proposal, when agreed to by the. Foreign Secretary, will be accepted by the Senate. The historic case of Wil- son, even as a President, concluding a piece treaty which the Senate would not ratify, is ,a case which illustrates the daily troubles of an nnrepresenta • tive executive system, Caanda Has •Better Way "The Primo. Minister of Canada, an- . swering daily to parliament, must chane his policies in accordance with the wishes of the people, and when he finally aelees to any lino of action, ire lialnit that 1t0 1108 the support of parliament 'behind him. Ilene, de- spite ail the 800001011. pull of the 1',Ttlitnd States, a11t1 despite intensive propaganda, Canadians grow prouder and proutls. of their own country and institutions, mild their patriotism has lioinethillt; r f a deep seatioue faith al'fq'iat it, 1 Coale t.'heteel Od .catio]i :makes one. bt1'.. t'J hei3if..---Lord Hugel Cecil. pee:, 1e at born with a terra Sotleeb e i Yule desire to be laughed at: this has 'prevented time from becoming a great alieltsr, t ac;ge. Iletnerd Shaw. i � � FF Ill a m .l 14 ZA, a. b. jQ i r m ae f. ra The above amount of money has been givers away by us in CASH PRIZES. $500.00 more will be given away as follows,- "1rt prize 51100, 5th prize 540. god " $ 75, 6th " S$0. Sri " S so. 7th " 525. dibe " $ 50. 18 " 8th '820. 5 pride of 810. each in cash 10 prize of 5 5, each in cash 0014 ! • ,/ 1 .sem' 4' E,:; e i,, -4 J ' `- lii li !.,.. pCi, . +_ �.__ �- r ��� I fl !i �'c ' \A.,,/V. .v w Solve thispuzde and win a CASI4 PRIZE There are 7 faces in the picture beside, the Canadian Beaver. Can you find therm llsc mark each one with un X. cutout the picture, end write on a separate pieceofp° erthesewords. I have found all the faces and marked them' and mail same to ns with your mune and ad- dress. In case of ties handwriting and neatness will be considered. factors.. If correct we will advise you by return mail of a simple condi- tion to fulfill. bon't send any money. You can be a prize winner without spending one cent of your money. Semi your reply to GOOD HOPE MANUFACTURING CO. 455 Crain Street wen. MONT^EAI., Canada Maki; i g the Most Of Furnace Heat The greatest loss .of heat units often talcee place at the heating plant itself, exclusive of the pipe system. There is no heating manufactured t g planta t which is 100 per cent efficient in. de- livering he c f e r the at it solutes n .rho. g P places where it is wanted. The plant in the average home, is very seldom more than 50 per taut efficient, and this means, of course, that one-half or More of the heat generated by the fuel goes up the chimney or is lost in other ways directly from the plant. The heat which escapes into the basement obviously does some good, but what ascends the chimney is a total waste. These losses cannot be helped, but the other 50 per cent of heat units can be prevented, it one knows how, from es- caping out of the house until they have delivered their' maximum .of Some heat is lost by the piping from the furnace to the radiators, therefore attention must beegiven g these pipes, Where the are long and 1 p e Y >; exposed to much cold they should be covered with abestos, eveu if they are steam or hot water conveyers. All pipes in a hot-air system must be care, by nailing down tight all the loose with a pair or three of a kind. In one sittings, When new i10tldillgs fire (11011111, however, Rome reported two: ale 301 tare should be takers to make sets of triplets, while Brescia, I'iok ;the wane wind and .frost proof le e every modern mothocl, leo and I'oggia auueuueed one each. Old roofs with ireeayed shingles also. Twins bave become so toluenes s that adniit cold air, and so do cracked veli;1na further score is kept of thein, Ings. It pays well to le-s!tingle the Premier Mussolini ordered a general roof or the residence when it becomes circular sent to all prbvincoe setting dilapidated, and the crack's In the cell - tugs can he°sal!ed with Putty or piaster lforth that requests for his pltotograpll of Parts and then coverers, "according ; could no longer be honored. to taste,. with 01I paint or muresc0.1 , The warns air in a room. always, [t ascends to the ceiling, and if any out• A IJTO lACil R ST1��Ii/Plb lets exist there, some of the heat is sure to escape through them. . The FIi'st Floor ' In many a home, the first -story floor is a regular cooling radiator during the winter. The cracked and shatter- ed foundation gives the icy winds free play udder the floor, and this must be called heartburn, aro common symp- veryatight e it e not going toIbe toms of dyspepsia, It is a condition drafty, Where there are stoles in it, often- neglected until it has done pee - or where the boards` do not fit closely, rnanent harm, yet the treatment i the air isccontinually pumped into simple The great contributing cause the house. almostTss dory can be rem- to this trouble is thin blood. Good died in every home. If thebest blood and. plenty of It is required by tto p I in a bad coi110 b, it pays fothe stomach to fanction•• properly. If w put in a new one cleaning.for the blood is thin the stomach becomes dewarmth. and for easyacleaning. All sluggish, food lies undigested, gas peirets aon l be foundation must be re- forms causing pains, often around the paires; and banking ll with earth or heart. Instead of getting nourishment. flax straw in the fall economize, also waifrom the blood the system gets poison; fleet's hoe wishes to bouin The proper' treatment is to enrich the fuel, Shoveling some snow about the foundation will sometime suffice, blood, and there is no ether meflicine The amount of fuel required for eau do this as promptly or as effec- heating a home depends partly on the tively as Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, person who attend to the furnace. The sole mission of these pills is to There are different ways of tiring, and make new, rich, red blood, which a man who has no experience with reaches every organ and nerve in the the kind of heating system he 1s using body, and thus not only banishes in- will burn more coal and obtain less digestion and dyspepsia, but also all heat than'will an experienced Person, other troubles having their 'origin in The manufacturers of the various weak, watery blood. heattns systems on the market pre- The splendid results following the pare instructions which show how to use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Is Mrs. Luc A. n bythe ca of I showtl case Y m most etfi lent] and econom- fire the st c y 1 eco ser Cushing, a former resident of Kempt. shouicallld , and the first thing aa enliisti' er S., but now living with her son at studytheme 1 shout do is totie a ibstruc• d Mous intelligently -d then follow Westst Bethel Me,Mrs, Cushing say's: them until he has learned how to pro- "I have no hesitation in strongly re- duce the maximum of fuel. When one commending Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, knows how to handle the furnace so For years I was a great sufferer from the lire does not go out but ecnistantly indigestion. Always after eating I g;.erates intense heat, the home can suffered from pains in my stomach more easily b' kept comfortably and other distressing symptoms that warm. accompany this ailment. I tried (lif- t ferent doctors while residing at my MOTHERS , old home and also at West Bethel, but THOUSANDS OF p ERS 9YlO1J@@'Jii�@TT�D11��1 1 OI'ID, 19j11�JI1A7��TT��1 without getting relief. I was advised a 1 t�0 OTHER, 9&,DioNr by a friend to try Dr. Williams' Pink i i t t ( Pills. I did so and I must say that I Good Advice Froin One Who Had Suffered' Much. ' Discomfort after eating, gas palms in the intestinal tract, pains around the heart, sour rising in the throat and feeling very gratefulever since to ad - Baby' Own Tablets Are the the good friend who gave me the ad- vice. I soon found the pills helping Ideal Remedy for Babies and me and by the time I had taken nine Young Children or ten boxes awes completely restored amh I now in health. Then to good g g Canadian mothers are noted for the my 70th year I ani feeling as well and care they give their little ones—the smart as Idid at �6 and am enjoyingYin g health of the baby is most jealously life once more," guarded and the mother is- always on you can get these pills through any the lookout for a remedy which is of l- dealer in medicine, or by mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. folly covered with asbestos paper,t dent and at the same time absolutely safe. Thousands of mothers have found such a remedy In Baby's Own Tablets and many of them use noth- ing else for the ailments of their little ones. Among them is Mrs. Howard SCing, -of Truro, N.S., who says:—"I can strongly recommend Baby's Own Tablets to mothers of young children as I know of nothing to equal them which should be renewed as soon as the old material cracks or loosens from the metal. This kind of heating system, to be most effective, also re- quires a' free air circulation, so that the cold air in every room can rapidly descend to the furnace. Of course, a considerable amount of heat escapes at the windows and doors by conduction tiuough the glass and 'for little ones." the wood, while some leaks out through cracks and Ill-fitting sashes. Much of the heat lost through conduc- tion can be retained by using well - fitting storm windows and heavy storm doors. Openings between the window and door -casings and the walls For children's bronchial and chest ailments --nm finer relief than Veno's (Lightning Cough Syrup--' Children love it.v. 0 OCNU'AF ppllLUPS ♦^`yig ttoN�aG Flue {10u 5 fNOIGsSTION ACID STOMACH. HEARTBURN HEADACHE OASEE•t4AUSEA AVM, moot people 11' 1 indigestionis lltiiliilly excess 8.:i1 11 the atolilaell. Tbe'food has soured The instant remedy in an alkali wl ic11 neutralizes acids. But don't use .ereee heists, Use what your doctor would arivise.. The best help is Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. For' the 50 years since its invention' it has remained standard with pliysiciah„' You will find nothing else so quick in its effet,t, ee harmless, so ern clout. One tastesless :,pc,+„tut 111 ..water neutralizes. many Histoe its Volume in acid. The results are immediate, with no bad after effects. Once you learn. this fact you will never deal with excess acid in the crude ways. Go learn--now—why this method is S11131'01110. ' 13e sure to get the genuine Phillips' Milk of Magnesia prescribed by pilysi. drilla fol,' 50 years in correcting excess acids. Eacil bottle contains tall direr• tions—any drugiitore, Baby's Own Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Spying on Limpets Man's 17 -Year -Job Gale Wrecked. Raft Just When Success Seemed Assured London.—It is revealed in the Jouz- nal of the Marine Biological Associa- tion just published, that for 17 years scientists have been prying into the private life of the Common Llmget, on the bottom 01 ships. Really interesting Common Limpets were marked with files and decorated with antifouling paint. In one case this was done on a wharf. The other limpet"world was observ- ed on a wooden raft: Just when the scientists were hoping to determine tile sex of the limpets attached to it the raft was destroyed in 'a gale, with a total loss of all Common Limpets. "impossible to Dogmatize” The watch on wharf • limpets, how- ever, is still providing interesting iu--_ forination about the lives of these "in- dividuals," as 11183 are described 1n the report. It is impossible to dogmatise on the age of any limpet to within. a fete months," but: In Scottish limpets Russell floc. crit. 1500) estimates the lengths at one Year old' as 20 to 25 ram.- at two years 38 tam.; abort 4$ ilfrn. in the third, and 45.48 nun, at the end of the fourth year; whereas it has been shown above that at Plymentli a length of 58 non. was attained at an age certainly not more than two years, Overcrowding among !linnets is a11- Palling. "It WAS 50011 found that many . . attained mai.lu•ity at Ibe age of only a few months, so that Me v gpnerafions 50011 began deo overlap the earlier ones." Minard's. Liniment for .Grippe and Flu. Every package of Red Rose Tea s prepared wit the sarne care~ ---as if our reputation were to ;land an,d sir^ fall upon that single package is good tea 4 . sig RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra good And the Pooh" Also! j• Classified Advertisements Rlr!iti1-• 0L) AND uutu1Sutteit. Poverty Only Key to New'daequt., Mlle. Club Opened hi Slums of London • London—Poverty Is the only re- quirement for membership in the city's nearest club. In contradistinc tion to the 'famous clubs of Piccadilly a.id Pall Mall Kingsley Hall, situated g Y amici the noise and squalor of the streets of Bow in the Best End slums, asks for neither initiation fees nor pedigrees. It :las come into being as the result of a long -cherished desire of Miss Mu- Teil Lester, a London welfare worker, to establish a oiub for poor people where they might find entertainment and opportunity for Improvement at seminal coat. So that its members Shall not feel exploited or pauperized,' she and seine of her friends who are nterested in her 'Voluntary Poverty Movement, undertake to lead a life of almost monastic 'simplicity during their term of service as workers at' Kingsley Hall. In conformity with her belief in voluntary poverty, Miss Lester last year refused a legacy of 52,000 a year left by her father. "We felt that It was up to us one day to open a public house• for the Poor which would not smeil of beer—,a 'dry' pub whose attraction would be i fellowship and frankness,".said Miss want Lester. "Our memberso react t study, debate, write, play games, practice arts and crafts, act and sing. Kingsley Hall will give them an op- portunity to do these things. It win be an educational as well as a social center." Use Minaro's Liniment fcr the Fla: for France Ibanez Monument Menton, France.—A monument to the memory of Blasco Ibanez, the Spanish writer who passed the last six years of his 1ife here, will be erect- ed in the city's public square despite the municipality's refusal to defray the cost. The writer's widow is pay- ing the bill. .. - ,1�R bre,dm are b d (n Nrh .ni produ,,I,. White. Brown at. Buff 7. Radom,, Barred Pod (VORod.,R«, A 1. a Amen, Mink Mlnb.u., n080,pl.,,cm, Whl . d ar. 1005 ilr, 0,10 ,000 0,, 100E 081Oa EOO1, SQH_wS1,t Errs HATQNERY Buffalo, N.Y. 8175, BRiDGEBURG, ONT., CAN. Boa lrlavo tolerate Pimples 73LackI0eacads a.nad. PB[ aeado rsfl P Ciit cera S th'alp 1151d1 Cuticula ointment ,rill quickty unit coonuriticuily purify and prcecrvo your etdn and hair l� e`Btacicley's" or Throat Health A alp night and morning relieves soreness and hoarseness, and pre- vents more serious developments. A. bottle of Bucldey's-40 doaea for '15 cents—is an economical guar- antee ofhealthy throats for tho whole family. Pleasant to take— Blatant in action—positive in re- lief, All druggists sell ft. W. IC. Buckley, Limited, sea 142 Mutual et., Toronto 2 14M L R9 934'Y"U➢3F.. Acis like a flaslt- a single sip proves it 75c and 40c A Health Saving Reminder Don't Wait until you get the lb'Alue:aza USE Or ° Heard s Liniment 13- Llst- 04 "Wanted` Inventions" and Full information Sentirres on Request, TUE EEAMS4I4 CC„ Hot. ' w, 273 ,Bank et.. Cttawih Oat. Wild Hogs Devastate British Guiana Farms Bartica, British Guiana —Gieat droves of wild hogs have been devast- ating this region, destroying crops and attacking the natives. d'oseph Robey fought a band of forty hogs with a shovel and, aided by his two dogs, drove the animals back into the bush. A drove of 600 tried to swim the Essequibo River and, being discov- ered by the natives, boats were sent out end more than sixty hogs were killed with all sorts of weapons and. their Carcasses brought ashore. E T . At the first sign of it. Ike Heating kduelitles are Amaaibg. THE OLD RELIABLE. ISSUE No. 4—'29 i Belgian Heir to Study Rule in Dutch Indies Brussels—Prince Leopold, heir to the Belgian throne,' will shortly visit the Netherlands Indies, to study the economic and social problems of this rich D utchp ossession. He is interested in colonial affairs and dealt with the welfare of colored populations in his first speech in the Belgian Senate. The date of his trip to the Indies has not been fixed, nor has it been decided whether Princess Astrid will accompany him. SAW it with as S MOODS SAW Stags shorts longer Cuts easier. Saws faster SIMONDS CANADA SAW CO. LTO, MONTREAL VANCOUVER, ST. JOHN, N,e., TORONTO D Free Book About Cancer The Indianapolis Cancer Hospital, In- dianapolis. Judie0a, has published a booklet which gives interesting (anti about the cause of Cancer, also tells what to to for p tn, bleeding, ales, err. A valuable gide In 11;5 111:11 ,44; .:1-1,t cf any case. Write t„1 It ing this pt.3er. • `"tee When yo1: r Children Cry for It '' Casto_rba is a comfort when Baby is fretful. No scones taken than the If e I Testier aieav l tie one 's at ease. s .t r e drops soon brings contentnest. No harm done, for Cascorle, is a • baby remedy, meant for babes.. Perfectly safe to give the youngest infant yogi. have the doctors' word for that! It is a vegetable product and you could use it every day. But it's in an emer- gency that Castoria means most. Some night when constipation must be re- lieved—or colic paint—or other suf- fering. Never be without it; some mothers keep :In extra bottle, on. opened, to make sure there will always be Castoria in the house. It is effec- tive for elder children. tot.; read the book that comes with 400,000 Women Report Benefit . by actual record 'Have you 7GCC41G•d bcnrii fIr'°sri raking Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable: Cc ,r ripoit.l-4d?" A questionnaire enclosed with every bottle of medicine has brought, to date, over 400,000 replies. 'The overwhelming ma- jority—in fact, ninety-eight out of a hundred—says, `° er ' 7f this dependable medicine Jip ,helped so rrlariy worne ?, :SI1't it .reasonable to suppose that 'a2 will help you too? Get til bottle from your LI:'uggi ... today. ,lac gc ! kaki L4 ria iY0' ta 1.Ff..1.., t