HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1929-01-31, Page 4r:rt.:1 t nce in Londesboro COMMUNITY HALL ' on Fri., Feb. 1 byHarlock Alert C A tub BLYTH ORCHESTRA IN ATTENDANCE Lunch Served, . Admission $1.00 • COUNTY COUNCIL, The:January meeting of the •Huron cotutty, conneil opened 0n ,Tuesday afternoon, January„22nd, with all the mentbete present, ',Mr, Thomas Ing- lis, reeve of Howiek, ,,was the lucky candidate for the position of warden, securing the backing of the majorit • of the'Liberal members of the coup cil and, according to tire-honored •-custom,.the nomination decided on is • caucus goes through the council with- • out any opposition. In council the notion for his appointment was made by the unsuccessful candidates, the motion being moved by J, W. !Beattie, Reeve of •Seaforth, and seconded b. Y Robert Turner, Reeve. of God ich, 'Reeve Beattie conducted the' der - e �'V elect to the chair and ex -Warden 'Heys administered the oath of office and offered his congratulations. A resolution of the county Council of Simcoe that the .Provincial Govern- ment be memorialized to amend the 'Highways Act to provide that the bylaw appointing a township road superintendent may be repealed or amended by a unanimous vote of the • township carmen without the neces- sity of the eonsetlt in writing of the Minister of Highways was referred to the Legislation committee. A communication from the City of Oshawa enclosing'• a resolution of the city council asking the co-operation of the county council in seeking, a larger proportion of maintenance grants towards the upkeep of jails was referred to the Legislation committee also. The resolution points out that the proportion of prisoners convicted of indictable offences was large and that the expense of jails was paid largely by the municipality whereas the Province should shoulder a larger proportion. A communication front the Nation- al Institute for the Blind at Toronto asking an increased grant this year Owing to the work of the Institute be- ing much larger, was sent to the ex- ecutive committee. The county last year gave a grant, of $50 and this year was asked .led ; blind $' 70. Twenty-one persons front Huron county 'were treated last year. A petition signed by Geo. Pauline, Q J. Wright, Charles Mine, Archie McMichael and John Gibson and sent in by David Robinson asked the county council. to appoint arbitrators to settle the boundaries of rural un- ion school section No. 14 of Turn - berry and Howick. •This was refer- red to the education committee. A communication from the Ontario Good Roads Association announced the convention for Feb. 27 and 28 and March 1 and asked the payment of fee and the sending of delegates. This was referred to the finance commit- tee. • The secretary of the Ontario Trus- tees' and Ratepayers Association wrote asking the opinion of the coun- cil on a proposal that at least one trustee of a high sclwoI should be ap- pointed outside of the high school area. This was in view of the fact that a Large number of pupils come from outside the centre in which a school is located. This was sent to the educatima committee. A letter froth the county clerk of (Bruce enclosing a resolution of that council relative to the question of the admission of indigent_ to hospitals tt•a sent ni iegislatiiia committee. The resolution is es follows: That. in no case shall the munici- pality be liable for the cost of any in- digent patient unless such patient is first admitted to the hospital with the knc,wledge and approval of the Reeve or other officer of the local munici- pality of which he is a resident and that in any ease .the hospital shall forthwith notify the Reeve '.,1 such admission. • That all iodigrttt+ ;halt .he sent ti, a i1 ottt. ,catlrtt the rutty where sueli n: - eil ., i'r fernisii rea- snnah r facilitiesend that the county and local municipality ,hail In n-, ease a,, exp 's / Fee -the account I1 1 - '.nt y tint td taut the local Comity lea.e ,are ref -el tike cart f , esteems The acet In- n n'. n 1 heligent, ekes's', in ere fro,: .'.-ata. I1 tit , Ttt eb't' stead he tile C"1.1117:: local r, kill 3 t C .m ,.a', JY. the e t O t • :Il p n tent. w"Ica the revers his A tort. -t trek. tthree t iltcn r tr r) t a io 11, pita ,t l .,n 1 • Jr t. he lie a C'-ttnfv F'I n acs received. the patients being re- ttlrned the helm t n. of the week. -The patien anethe fermeriy irtma'es ,f the Ii h:e of Retttge or n,t, are trans-• ferrel a :linOve when their nearest of kin ,, immediately notified of such transfer. when they w•iri have the ,- 9trtu 1 t the Rause Refu oet . •i - Filed. ,\ 1e t ",1 Citatitant to idle rc t passed by- the count: -ha re- g. -lasting the t .tate t: •,f hntarlo tr' in ga ^ the a ,",tem caring frr teatai e i,: e vitt the view making ',grate p. ,. ,.t for the a ' rant a until Sled t rr- :,:s t to p ,eone .l tiherat- ' ed. --•Rt.. "rt;f the 'egi la;'we cr to • lite it Lt :i t e :;,t the ?'uh' t ..ter at Osg!oode Ha:,: wee that a btultte $200 had been ;nate t, the Ht n bri,nch r the 0 trdren' Aid Society for the use of the sheltera Grit est Referrer! ,o the shelter committee., A request. frees. the S.,lvy i li ..\ my fora grant to theRenee Homme at London was referred to the executive committee, and a request from the 'hospital for Sick Children -was filed, Clerk. of 'Hestiltgs county .wrote en- closing resolntien of the council of that caturty es follows; That the hospital and Charitable Institutions Act contains no interpre- tation o;f the word "indigent" and Mose in charge of some hospitals ap- parently believe that the word in- cludes all who are not disposed .to pay h i their o e s a P t l accounts. That the Government be r•eelttested to designate what the ward ;`indigent„ is intended to convey .and to amend the act is such a way that hospitals shall be required to make consistent elt?ol'ts to collect their accounts from relatives, who under other circum- stances would be liable before the me- t icipality ie approached for' payment. The procedure which makes a county a collecting agency for any institution s, re- ttee, sub - that, Jana- , they -Car- under Alex, And e that Keys e the 1929. ntyne G. W. oard alker luted col= mittee. Tru eb of. y re- efer- Ila n- !l.-'er, the and - for ses- Ken- int- late fiott that en- xe- tha t the reed hat on ate hat on a r- le - ted ate. ee. ort ng vas ta, n, b- • e- 5, r- d e is very objectionable. This wa ferred to the 'legislation comms The following motions were trotted: Sy Messrs. Beattie aucl Hill as the auditors appdittted last ary did not have any work to do be re -appointed for the year. vied, The auditors appointed the above notion are Messrs. Portenfelci, of' East Wawanosh, A, E. Erwin, of Bayfield. By Messrs, Wright and Beatti Messrs. Hill, Ballantyne and Gf the Township of Grey) b Good Roads Commission for. Carried. 13y Messrs. 'Turner and Balla that Messrs, J, W, Beattie and Holman•,be appointed ori the B of Criminal Audit. --Carried. By ,Messrs. McKlb•bon and St that Mr, A. J, Irwin be reappo as trustee of Wingham high sch Referred to the education con. By Messrs. Mci[Cibbon and wartha that we grant $1,000 to ea the several hospitals in the count cognized by the Governntent,-R red to' the executive committee, 'By Messrs. Henderson and Ba tyne that Messrs.. Adana, Sia Turner, Anderson and :Higgins be striking committee to name the st stag committees of the council 1929 and report at the tnornittg sion.-.Carried. Moved by Messrs. Beattie and. nedy that Col. R. S. Hays be appo ed 'trustee for the Seaforth Colleg Institute. -:Referred to the educe committee. .By Messrs, Higgins and Rader a grant of $25 be made to the H satl seed show -Referred to the e cutive committee. Sy Messrs, Snell and Baker Mr. Win. May be reappointed on Exeter Educational Board, -Refer to educational committee. 1By Messrs, Craigie and Hill t Mr. J. J Robertson be appointed the Goderich Collegiate Instit Board. --Referred to educational n o al co unittee. By Messrs. Hill and Turner t Mr. J. W. Craigie be appointed the Goderich Hospital Board: C ried. .By Messrs. Trewartha and Midd ton that Mr. A. B. Client, be appoin trustee of Clinton Collegiate Instit -Referred to educational committ The striking committee's rep fixed the membership of the standi committees as follows. This adopted: Executive -- Messrs. Trewartl Snell, Dodds, Stalker and Wright. 'Legislation - 'Messrs. Henderso Rader, Anderson, Craigie and Mole. Finance ---,Messrs. Higgins, McKi bon, Beattie, Switzer and .McKenzie Education-t:Dr, Milne. Messrs, Ba ker. Neeb, Keys (Stanley) and Co tins. County Property --!Messrs. Craigi Kennedy, Hubbard, ifcICibbon an Dr. Milne. House of Refuge -.Messrs. Adam Stalker, Turner, Higgins and Anile son. Children's Shelter -.Messrs. Turn er. Baeker, and the Warden. - 4gricuitural Advisory Committee lfessrs. Wright, Henderson, Neeb Adapts and Trewartha. W'arden's Committee -Messrs. Mid dleten, Dodds. Hubbard, Snell an Beattie, At the same session Chairman Dr 'Bine of the House of Refuge cont mittee, ex. -Warden Hays and th clerk reported with reference to the installation of the frigidaire at the House of Refuge. This had been car- ried mit and the outfit was a very creditable addition to the House of Refuge equipment. Dr. Milne spoke of the matter of rebate: to turban 'municipalities oil the levy raiser! for highway work in such municipalities. His municipality ,t t leeking for a return ,f a certain t,1 p cion rte lett tar wok im ' t leading e the connecting link r.1 had been informed - that these ,t1,,111,:: -t eti hr ret l.nr1 to form a m f Moire pavement. The (lector 1.trtu•t t , take the matter e;, s 1 i (lend Reads C, omission and I c r: to explanation, 11 11,w1ng m,tiens were pre- -11,1:• 1 Messrs. Hill and Dodds that the aaesrt true striking committee he l and that the cards be printed with the telephone number and ad- dressof each member. -Carried, Pr lfessrs. Beattie and Kennedy that a grant of $100 be made each ag- ricultural Society holding a fall fair. Referred t , executive committee. P,y -lfessrs. 'turner and Henderson that the members of the Good Road; C•onintissk.n and the Chanty Engin- eer at'end the Geed Roads Conven- ts•• t be held in Toronto, -Carried. P Messrs. Wright attrl Beattie, •,ar a grant t $100 he given to each \ rr1e l;ttral Society holding a sprint; fair. Sent t executive: enmmittee. • f v Me- r s. Ballantyne and Switzer I:. a grant of $100 be paid the South !Non PI ,win n s l-eciati;,n--Sent ctutivr committee. E D,. Milne and Mr. Hill that a" dee 7 county by ntltin i 7- c pa n u t he paid on or before Dec. writ year, otherwise 5 e -I he ha er r per g 1 n thn toe t 1, 1020 taxes and a.t'r. Ca - i : 'i r. flu:1 :till Dr M[i:ne that the ," e i� , ttyi t ' a enabling the oe c ' t' ba k t ee die ear .oes t-, a .text preceding thre; - WOLVERTON ri1,1.46(1y,R ,. SEAF TH, o T afI � o 4RE PRYING For Grain Wheat, Standard '1.25 per bus Oats, Standard or over o0c per bus Barley, Standard or over .0c per -bus Mixed Barley and Oats s 1161,45 per 100 lbs. . .: . Buckwheat, Standard and over ' 80c per bus WE ARE SFLLeINC� Silverking, Best Manitoba Patent Keystone, Best Pastry Flour Whole e h W eat' (Stone Ground) Bras sn 1 'in bags Shorts „ ,t Middlingsis u Chopped Mill -run pp Screenings Mixed Chop $4,00 "per bag $3.75 per bag $3,70 per bag $33.00 per ton $33;00 per ton $38,00 per ton $30.00 per ton $36.00per ton PHONE 51 years.-Carriecl, By 'Messrs..Mackenzie' . and 'Mole Chet the county grant. $100 to the" Trustees' and Ratepayers' Associa- tion. 'Sent to executive committee, Sy Messrs. Mole and Anderson that $2'5 be granted to each public library pit h 1 brary in the county. ---Sent to executive committee. The clerk was instructed to enforce the order that all` Agricultural Soc- ieties must. make the returns ordered by the council before the county council grant is paid, Wednesday Afternoon, At the Wednesday afternoon sex- 81011 two petitions were presented to' the council ih opposition to the one presented Tuesday re change in, Wroxeter school section. These were signed by 29 interested ratepayers. The petitions mere sent to the educa- tion committee to be considered with one presented the previous clay. The first report of the executive committee was presented on -Wednes- day afternoon. The following grants were recommended: '$100 to each ag- ricultural society holding a fall fair, $100 to each spring fair in the county; $100 to the South Huron Plo ' when s Association; $100 to the North Huron Plowmen's Association; $2$ to each public library in the county, $7150 to each hospital in the county approved of by the Government, $25 to Hensall seed show and $100 to the Salvation Army Rescue Home in London. In considering the report in committee the grants nts were all approved and that to the S.A. Rescue Home was increas- ed to $150 (the amount the request asked for). This was on motion of Messrs. Henderson and Turner. IA 'request from Countj' Treasurer /Gordon Young was. for a substantial increase in salary. Mr. Young poitated. out that in Bruce county, with a low- er assessment than Huron county, the treasurer's salary is $2,'700, against the $1,500 at present paid in Huron. The letter was laid on the table. When motions were called ,for lot of motions were put in, some of which are far-reaching in their importance. The following is the. list: By Messrs. Hubbard and Wright, that the petitions of the parties in- terested in the Tv roxeter school bowt- .daries be sent to the education com- mittee to bring in a 1' econuneridation. -Carried. By 'Messrs. Adams and ,Beattie that a grant of $200 be made he the Agri- cultural Representative for junior ex- tension work to'be held in trust by •hint for that purpose. ---Sent to exe- cutive committee. Ty Messrs. Craigie_and Turner that a grant of $25 be made for - the up- keep of flower beds around the court house. --Sent to executive committee. 'By :Messrs. Wright and McKibhon that \Wingham seed fair receive a grant of $25. -,Sent to executive. By :Messrs. Hill and MclCibbon that Bylaw No, 16, 1928, be amended by insetting in the Children's Shelter Committee, after the word "council," the wards, "of which the Warden shall be one." -'Carried. By Messrs, Wright and Collins`that each school fair receive a grant of $25 Sent to executive committee. By Messrs, Hill and Collins that owing to increased motor transporta- tinn.-causing greater destruction to all roads, the Provincial Government be requested through the Department of Highways to raise the gas tax cit all gas used by motor cars and trucks to 5 cents per gallon and that' the grants n all roar!, be increased to 50 per cent. when good road legislation is e upiaed with, and that the Province 1n1• en per cent of the cost 01 1' ,v uncial Highways, that a copy of h re,011105,n be sent t, the secretary of the Good Roarls Association, -Car- ried By. Messrs. Turner and ileitdelson that, whereas the rate charged by the i•Iydrn Power Commission of Ontar- io for electric power attd energy thr ugitout the County of Huron is s, excessive, compared with otbe:• r,unties nearer the source of supply and whereas the fact precludes the possibility of the farmers of the coun- ty being able tc avail themselves of this power in any large measure by reason of the great distance from Nia- gara Falls and the Consequent high. Cnst.i,f transit713aion, and whereas the towns and tillages of the county can- not offer inducentealts to mac tifactur- ing' industries for location . for the sante reason, and the whale cotmty therefore, suffering industrially and is •gene ally handicapped in providing wr,rk f,r out people, causing our young ;nett and mitt young w•omrn to :eek employntent elsewhere, and tt t z h ic't the er,nuni - rn has stead - f e tit set its face against a flat rate fee to whole Province, now, therefore bt resolved, that the County Conn- or ; Huron. assembled at this see - :V.111 strongly petition and urge the r its cion to pr=oceed with the rte; rcl o tt1ent of pntcer. nn the Maitland' River as w 1 promised and guaran- teeil by the !ale Sir Arlan) Reck as head of the Hydro Power' Commis- sion and thus place the county of Huron its a fair. and equitable way to hold its own front an agricultural,` commercial and industrial standpoint with all other sections of Ontario. -- Carried. Ty Messrs, Craigie and Beattie that in view of 'the fact that it is the in- tention' of the Town of Goderich, as soon as thesweather will permit•in the spring, to' construct concrete walks thrsittgh the court house square and a curbing around the outside of the same, and on the inside of the road- way, be - it reso'h�ed that the county construct around- the court house and its own property, a sidewalk or. pave mer to linkup with the town's work and else'that it construct a concrete drive C5,' 'froth the south v}a5 t and north to cot,,,ect with file county property, --Sent' to Good Roads Commission, ,By Messrs. Henderson and Stalker. that some improvement be • made to the narrow. bridge on the -county road north of'Belgrave so that the children. attending the school will not be forc- ed to cross the bridge as it is very dangerous: -Sent to Good Roads Gontmission. Messrs. 'Mole. and Mackenzie that the road between.Ashfield and Wawanosh from the 9th to the 44th concessions be rebuilt during the coming year. --Sent to Good Roads Commission. Front Messrs. Craigie and Switzer that the le work . :fcutting o d i cwt and protecting the bend or torp its the road on Sal'tford hill as recommended by the commission three years ago be proceeded •with -Smit to Good Roads Commission. By Messrs. Adams and Beattie that a grant be made to assist in the tip - keep of street lights in the hamlet of Londesboro on account of the great benconn y road, t of such lights Goodc on the Roads. Commission. 'By Messrs. A. P. Keys and Middle- ton that the .cast of installation• and maintenance of two lights at Bayfield. bridge and of one light at each of the two intersections in the hill leading to the bridge from the south be paid for from the county road funds. -sent to Good Roads Commission. By Messrs. 1M.-eKib'bon and Hender- son that the work of improving the County Road from Wingham to Blue - vale be •completed as far as Biuevale and that the work be clone' as early -in. the year as possible. -Sent to Good Roads Commission.- 18,Bwli chtts tvasn takenaoffthat th coud nty road system leading from the boun- dary between Morris and Grey east 5% utiles to Ethel police village, join- ing road 2fo. 19 and also boundary between' Morris and Grey east on the 11th and 12th concessions of Grey 354 miles, be put back on the said sys- tem. --!Sent to Good Roads Comini,- sion. By Messrs. Turner and McKenzie that whereas the Blue Water High- way through the County of Huron and other countjes, such as Lambton, Brace, Grey and Sinitoe, is now a county gravel. road, and whereas it is rapidly becoming an internationally travelled highway between the United States and Northern Ontario along Lake Huron incl [Georgian Bay and the upkeep as a county gravel road is therefore exceedingly- high and out of all proportion to other' county roads, be.it resolved that we petition the Highways .Department to take it aver as a Provincial Highways and have it paved as scion as the finances of the Department will permit and in the mealtime that we ask to have Provin- cial road signs placed along the Highway and that the other cotut- ties and also to the Blue Water High- way Association at the City of Sarnia, -Sent- to Gond Roads Commission. Thursday Morning. . At the Thursday morning session the report of last year's Warden and the treasurer on the suggestion to transfer some of the county's bttal- Itess to the Royal Banlc in 'view of the amalgamation of the Standard and Commerce banks, was received. ft recommended -no action as the two branches were being continued and satisfactory' arrangements were ac- corded the Comity in carrying its.Pro- tinciai indebtedness. 'Moved by 'Messrs, Beattie and Wright That the chairmen of each nf' the different pay conliuittees-be asked to bring in a report at the December meeting of council, telling the num- ber of meetings held and the cont of same and also that the mileage for meth hers attending cemin t meet: - Inge . be based r 1 g rt o n the number of miles travelled by autrimehile' rather than by train, as dur=ing the sitttltner every- body travels by auto Carried. Moved Ivy Mesara Beattie and .ed - ante that we memorialize the Proviu- cial Government to increase the sub- sidy on counts' roasts from 50 to 60 per cent. and .that a copy, of the re,•,. Rulon be sent to the Good Roasts A.s- saciation.-Carried, • Moved byMesere: .4c. Qi Wright lit ' dA 5 dler tvarthe that the council of eachttown ship of Rayon be asked to trate their• assessors get the Itutnlaer. of .Pure- bred aiid grade bulls. --Carried, Moved by Messrs. J3ailantyue and Switzer drat the bridge across, the Suable River on Oott ty Rond No. 8 in the township of Usborne be re- bullt-Seat to Good Roade Conmafe- sion. Moved by l'tessxs, Snell.and Ilig- giirs that, owing to the approaches to the bridge at Exeter being very nar- row and a danger to the Public, we recommend that these be widened, al- so the face of the road repaired, Moved by Messrs. H,'A, Keyes and Collins that the 'county, maintain one of the street lights in the village of Ethel as it is a dangerous' cornet in the county roads. --Sent to Good Roads 'Commission, Mored by Messrs, Higgins and Neeb that the revises,' bylaw re hawk- ers and peddlers be again introduced for cou•stde'ration and action by this council,--Oarrled. Moved by Messrs, Neeb and Switz- er that a bylaw be passed by the council at the present session giving effect to' a resolution passed by the council of the township of Stephen and dated Jan. 14th, 1929, declaring that sub. sec. 1 of sec, 196, chapter 238, R.S.O, 11927, shall apply and ex- tend to the Township of Stephen the powers given to cities and towns, es per 'sec, 195 of some statute's for the purpose of sale of land for.: arrears of taxes, the sante to take ,.effect on the passing of the county bylaw. On Thursday afternoon Mr, Ginn took up the working of the Corn Bor- ers' Act in the counties of Ontario and showed that'll most cases there had been a decrease in .tthe proportion of crop 'affected in 1928 from 1927. In Huron '17.2 per cent, was affected. in 1927 and 12 per cent, in 1928. Hur- on was only half under the act and the decrease was 5.2 per cent. Mr, Gino asked the 'council to 'fix' the hours constituting a day's work and what wages he should pay assis-. tants, Mr, Edwards brought up the mat- ter of an increase its the salary and help for Mrs. Elliott at the Shelter, Mr. Henderson brought up the mat- ter of Me payment of .the county soli- citor regarding attendance et the House of Refuge. It was pointed out that the retaining fee did not 'include work of this sont. 'Mr. Higgins discussed the financial position of the county and the. matter'. was further dismissed . by Messrs. Beattie, Wlright, Hill, Trewartha and he Warden. en.. The following were appointed ,as he arbitrators in the matter of S.S. 14, Turrrberry and Howick; Dr. field; inspector, Goderich, chairman; C. Ross, -Brussels; and -N. W. Tre-' aetha, Clinton, Children's Shelter; The Cnfldr ens Shelter co mtnittee eported finding everything in first lass condition excepting the kitchen:. here were at present nine' children - I No D w -0 T 1 VARIETY e(! Under the auspices qf, the Ladies'' Guild, of 'St, •Jonas' Church, Verna Qieen by the Lakeside Entertainers of Bayfield IN THE TOWN HALL, VARNA -on-- TUESDAY, 1eEB. 12th, 1929 at 8,15 p,nl, These en'terta'iners are well and fa- votira'bly known in this cotmmunity and should draw a' lenge crowd. Conte ,One' Come Alit Adimssioi: Adults 35c. Children 25c boys and two girls. Theyall seemed td be in good health with seven ,going to school at the present time, The matron, Mrs. Elliott, ,.was keeping the hone in frrstocl'ass ,condition and keeping the children nice and clean; but they were' sorry, to say that Mrs. Elliott, had handed in her resignation. They recommended that the walls of the kitchen be painted and the, floor covered with some kind of floor cover- ing. Executive Committee The second report of the executive committee recommended further grants as,foliows: $50 to• the- Trus- tees' • and Ratepayers' Association ($100 was -the ot'igin•al lotion); $50 to the National Institute for the Blind ($3'7'5 w'as asked for). The exe- cutive also reported recommending the acceptance of the tender Of- The Signal for county printing; E. U. Cleveland for bread for the jail, C, .M.' Robertson foe groceries. The follow- ing salaries and allowances were re contnrendecli Warden .$100, 'clerk •$1,700; treasurer $16'50, crown attor- ney $1100, county- engineer -for r des- ignated roads and ear upkeep $3400, for county roads $200; jailer, with fuel and light $1000; matron of jail $225; physician of jail $120; turnkey (no extras for fuel and light), $900; mane ager of House of Refuge $700, and $100 for .upkeep of > car; matron of House of Refuge $700; assistant ma- tron $400; inspector of House of Refuge $300; physician of House of Refuge $400; school -inspectors for expenses; each, $525; auditors of', in the Shelter ranging in age from ADMISSION $1 seven months to thirteen years, seven .. DANCE Foresters Nall Kin burn Fr oday Feb. .8th BLYTH ORCHESTRA THURSDAY ,TA ft141W 31, X1929. criminal justice itecounte, each, (,Ci day $5 (and 10c Per, toile one Nay travelled); auditors' county aceauuts,. each $50;-csre'talcet• of Com•t: Meuse' and Registry affico $900; 'eannty councillors per day $Sand 10' cents a: mile one wee' travelled. Re the ren quest of the county treasurer for a substantial increase in salary, that $11650 be paid for the present year.,: without au• bonus,• 1 that a the salary of the inspector of he Ii'ouse of Re-. fuge be $300; that $200 be paid to the agrteulturai repl•eselftative to be held in trust by him for that purpose; that $25 be paid to the Wingleatn aeed fair, that $25 be paid for.the uplceep of the flower beds sepund the court house and that $25 be paid to each school fair, that the eounty engineer',s salary be $3600 and his name omitted frosxt,, the sesGe onitl pay .slteets. Good Roads Commission, The Good Roads • Commission , 4.. commended that consideration be giv- en when preparing the program :of work for the year to the motion of Messrs,, Henderson and Stalker re bridge at Belgrave, to the motion of Messrs, Mole and McKenzie to re- build the road north of Dungannon; to the notion of Messrs, McKibbon -and Henderson to continue the cone struction of the road easterly froth Wingham to Bluevale, to•the motion of Messrs. 'Craigie and "Switzer for the improvement of the road to Salt - ford, to the Motion of Messrs, Ballan- tyne and .Switzer to rebuild the bridge on the Thames Road, and to' the nto- tion of Messrs. Snell and Higgins for intprovemen'ts. on Exeter bridge' ap- proaches. Re motion of Messrs, Col- lins and Keys asking for certain ad- ditions to the county road system, that iso action be taken until further report is heard from the ' Highways Advisory 13'oard; re notion of 'Messrs, Turner and 'McdlCenzie asking- the_ Province to assume the '4Blue Water as a (Provincial highway, the t' action on this matter be deferred as the council' of 1927 entered' a similar request and the matter was laid be- fore the ;Highways Advisor in 1928 and advice from t y Board Ment is 'being',he Depart- ment awaited; ' re: motions of 'Messrs. Ii;Ceys and Collins, Adams and Beattie, Keys and Middleton, re certain lights on ,county roads, that onsideration'be given these matters Eter the commission has had an op- ortunity to examine ,.'the situations; hat a contptunicatioti be sent: to the dvisory (Board of the.Department of Highways requesting a report on the' natters placed before them in'.Sep- enrber last. The following: clause as not concurred in: "It - is the nteniion of the commission to try tit a new system for the payment of acounts whereby Miss Tye will be ppointed 'treasurer for the 'County oad Comtndssion and the County reasurer-�will pay'over '• to the Com- issio. n the funds in tum sum, as the ccounts are passed. This procedure ill eliminate a great deal of unne-ces ry work and permit the • accounts, to e paid at an earlier:date. Your cone-• fission desire to have the approval '$f is council 'before making the change. a A em t w. 0 A tT a w sa b m th Cochrane S opine Exeter, Wedo Feb, You are living in an age of power farming. it's up to you to, "Know your power farming machinery!" Come andget a wonderful short course in the oper- ating, adjusting, repairing, design and construction of• •cry. Miles of pow et farming machin - thrilling, interesting movie film,, synchronized with lectures dearly explain to you every inside workingpart; ; tell p you how to diagnose, trouble and correct it; how to eliminate delays, avoid costly mistakes and produce bigger and better crops at less cost. Ihteresting locant willg movies; taken in your Y, tell theirown story. Conte and see how your neighbors farm with power, Sponsored by Rumely at huge cost,'yet corning of this community, these schools eevent, to Nfational in. Y, will prove'a memorable National in scope. Eleventh successful year. We are indeed fortunate in securing this treat. Bring the boys and hired help, too, Come early ; staylate! e_, Three sessions: Morning, afternoon and evening. entn g, N Admission• Ch _ ax ��-Seat s For �'All Dealea�=�`�'hp sL Scott . eromarty