HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1929-01-24, Page 7Pioneers!
is just Twenty-five Years
Last Del;ernber Since the
First Aeroplane Flight
Was Made by
Orville Wright
On fl Old, raw, Deeember morning
a llttleigroupp of people faeod a sharp
and biting Wind et Kill Devil Hill,
Kitty Hawk, New Carolina; They
were gathered round e strange -loop-
ing machine, which presently rose in
the air, carrying a man, and flew,
under its own power for twelve -'sec-
Twelve seeondsl How tame that
Seems today, when aeroplanes can
wing their way across eolith -lents and
oceans! But it was the first power -
driven flight that had ever been made
in the world. Three more flights
were made the same morning, the last
of fifty-nine seconds' duration. Dur-
ing that time the,, aeroplane travelled
862 feet.
When, while the machine was on
the ground,, a gust of wind over-
turned and wrecked it, making fur-
ther experiments impossible for the
It is twenty-five years sinoe that
historic morning - (December 17th),
from which we now date man's con-
quest of the air; the anniversary was
celebrated by a dinner of the Royal
Aeronautical Society at South Ken-
nington Muserun, London. The tables
were arranged under. the -machine in
which e famous flight was made.
Yet in 1903 not a single -newspaper
ratan had thought it worth whileto
sake the journey to Kitty Hawk to
see what night come .of the Wrights'
daring experiment. And though a
general invitation had been extended
to the people who lived-in the district
to be present, only five of 'them had
troubled to turn out.
It was Orville Wright. who made
the first flight, and in 1903 he and his
brother, had already been making
'aeronautical experiments'.for seven
years. Theyy continued their work,
and in 1908 set the seal upon their
trininph by . flight of sixty-one miles
in France, .when Wilbur remained in
the air for over one hour and a 'half.
Europe .'now- woke up,aid from
that point the progress of the aero-
plane has gone forward without a
Check. Among the first to realize the
importance_ of the new •invention was
Lord Northcliffe. who played a big
part in the development of aviation
in England.
'Since those days aviation has taken
giant strides. The Atlantic hal been
crossed by air on several occasions;
Mr. Hinkley has flown to Australia
(11,000 miles) in light aeroplane;
Sir Philip Sassoon recently returnee.
to England after flying 17,000 utiles
in about a•month; and commercial,, as
distinct from military, flying is now
Tecagnized as one of the safest forms
.of transport.
Left ViTealc, MVrfserable and a Prey
to Disease in Many Forms,
one of the most trea0lterous Hifi•
eases aflicting the people•ot Canada
tiering the winter months is lnfinenisa,
It almost invariably ends with a Com-
plication of troubles. Its victims suf-
fer with alternate fevers and chills,
headaches' end backaches. It leaves
them an easy Prey t0 brouohitis and
.pneumonia. 'Indeed, the deadly after.
effects of influenzamay leave the
victim a' chronic invalid,' You can
avoid iuliuenza entirely by keeping
the blood rich and red by the use of
Dr,. -Williams' Pink Pills. If you have
not done this and the disease attacks
you, you can banish its deadly after
ei'feots 'through the use of this great
blood -building nerve -restoring tonic.
Here is proof of the power of Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills over this trouble.
Mr. P. 13. McMullen, Belleville, Ont.,
says: -"Some years' ago, following a
severe attack of influenza, I was Ian(
in such a weak condition that my
friends thought I would not get better.
I.developed nervous indigestion, and
my blood got thin and watery. In this
weakened condition'I began' the use of
Dr, Williams' Pink Pills, and these did
what other medicine had failed to do --
brought me back to health and
strength, I can honestly say I think
them the best blood builder and nerve
tonic known, and I shall always praise
You can get Afrom your
druggist, or by mail at 50 cents a box
front The Dr, Williams Medicine Co„
Brockville, Ont.
Why? is the Quest
ri All Europe Asks.
A Russian Soviet army afflcial teaching men and women of one of the
larger towns how to put on gas masks In the event of another war.
Australia's Navy
The Week (Brisbane): (H.M,A.S.,
Australia, stands for the principled of
independence,' interdependence, and
loyal attachment to the great Com
monivealth of Nations of which Aus-
tralia is a unit). For the existence of
,an Australian Navy is evidence of a.
determination not to shelter behitul
the forces of the British Government,
and to recognize that the Empire can
only stand by the united strength of
all parts of it, So much for inclepen-
dence. AS to loyalty to the Mother
Country, tete readiness with which the
Ciomsnonwealth Government plaeed its
naval resources completely at the
command of the Imperial Naval auth-
orities at the outbreak of the Great I
War is testimony . enough of the in- i
tention to place Empire before every-
'Treaty Disturbs British.
The recently negotiated commercial
treaty between Germany and the Un-
ion of South Africa has several times
been the weed of comment in the
British Parliament, where it is charg-
ed that it will work to the disadvan-
tage of the mother country. Accord-
ing to the London press there is a
strong movement on foot to prevent
its ratification.
In the light of the Government's
reply to one of the interpellations
r -rade the other day by Mr. Ormcby-
Gore, Under Secretary of State for
the Colonies, the new treaty does not
deet existing South African .prefer-
ences to British products, but other-
wise it does two things: first, prevents
the .extension of existing preferences
without the grant of the same privi-
leges to Germany; second, it prohibits,
the grant of new preferences unless.
they are also granted to Germany.
The Opposition press charges Mr.
Ormsby -Gore with being obscure, for.
he said nothing about the declared
policy of South Africa to conclude
most -favored -nation agreements with
as many foreign governments as pos-
sible, and that the preference given
Germany' by the treaty must also be
iven to the others; this is likewise
obected to in London,
lie •r--
The prize "howler" must Surely be
attributed to the boy who suggests
that "the i,"iodais is the Bible of the
h-Iere are other's:—
"A fissure is a men who sells fish,"
"The dome of St, Pa:WS is supported
by eight peers, who are unfortunate-
ly cracked."
"A blizzard is the inside 0f ti' dick" w
"Equinoxes are the inhabitants" Df'
Greenland." -
"Bacoliul filet ' taught the Greeks to
get Brunk."
,. ( "Alipoid was the king of table wainc
"Shakespeare lived at Windsor
with Iris: merry wives,"
There is one thing to be said in
Lai/reg. the, tower trust. It dem'
debaie with #(self for slit years when
ever it considers lindertalrieg a ilei
power project. Ii
"The Muaker Pose"
James Truslow Adanis in Harper's
(New York) : (The article answers
the question "Why is it that a gentle-'
man in America„ nowadays seems
afraid to appear as such?" An int-
poverished aristocrat may sell his title
in marriage for one generation to re-
habilitate his house, but Americans
who sell their culture, and their breed-
ing to truckle to the unbred in btfsi-
ness, who shed these things of the
spirit for motor. cars and all the rest
of the things of the body, are taking
refuge in a yet more ignominious sur-
render. They may thus pick up some
of the golden drippings from the
ssuic'kers' tables, but they do notgain;
the respect of the sneakers whom they,
imitate. and may yet awake to the
fact that they have properly forfeited
even their own.
'And then he married the coast
%nerd's daughter so they. eonld do
lighthouse keeping.
Peter Was :playing at Johnny's
house. When it was tissie to go home
it started to rain Mrs. White, how-
ever, gave Peter Johnny's raincoat
and galoshes.
"Don't take so nmeh trouble, Mrs.
White," said' Peter, politely.
"I'm sure your mother would do as
ranch for Johnny," she replied.
"My mother would do more," said
Peter, "She'd asic Jobnny to stay for
May "So you had a letter from the
'college boyT'
Tess: "Yes, he wrote an' ast me
slid I get home all right from the
deuce be took Inc to,"
A friend is one -rho pretends not to
have beard your old and tiresome
story before. 1 •
A. hick town is place where a nude
seems naked.
You can easily tell the modern
mother and her daughter apart. The
mother is the one who looks:so young.
Thirsty days hath September,
'April, June and November,
All the rest are thirsty, too
,Unless you matte your own home-brew.
He: "When is your birthday?"
She: "When will it be most con-
venient for. you"?"
rid of garrote, but it seems there are
always enough le.: over to get into
the soup.
A soft answer turneth away wrath
but it takes the hard cash to turn
away the'installment collector.
Everything was created for a pur-
pose. Rabbits do their best to get
.Scientists say the earth Is slsettle
up In its 'rottition, which slto Ila eel
soine comfort to those of be who are
•banging on by the slti;l of our teeth,
Raliwny Presldeet to Testify in
Hulce Suit -Heed -Sine, Al n;_ very ill -
formal. hearing, Ono imagines. r,i;--.
this winter
UNNY land of
fruit and flowers,'
where living is a joy
the whole year.
Milehigh mountains .
. Fr:
Wino—smooth beaches --
orange groves, pepper trees- and palms:
World cities—quiet retreats. Every sport
every day.
"California Mid -Winter Escorted' Tours -21 days -al/ ,
expense. On the way -Indian -detour, Grand Canyon,
Phoenix, California and Yosemite. Return through
Feather River Canyon, Royal Gorge, Colorado Springs
and Denver. Leave Chicago Saturdays, January 5.19,
February 2.16, March 2.16, 1929, Ask for details."
S. T. Hendry, Gen. Agent, Santa Fe By.
804' Transportation 131dg„ Detroit, Mich.
Phone: Randolph S748 • ,
A short story, entitled "The Genera-
tions," Grandfather had a farm.
Father hacl a garden, Son has a cau-
First Hobo: "When I lie clown for
a quiet think I realize how Tempus
fugit is *creep -In' 'On."
Second Bobo': "5 can't tell yult ole
foreign name, but dey're creepin' on
„me, too!"
"I'm a somnambulist"
"That's all right; I'll go to my
church after we're married and you
can go to .yours."
High School Boards and Boards of Education
Are authorized by law to establish
With the approval of the Minister of Education
may be conducted in accordance with the repgiations lathed by
the Department st Education.
la elven In various trades. Titd Bchoo(e A)GSeeo are uny18P 'tnq
dlreletlon of AN ADVISORY GQMNii�"r�.
Application for attendance should be made to kiln. Principal of the
for In tiro Courses of Study In Pub,;, Separate, Continuation and High
Schools, Colleg,eto'Institutes, 1SocatIonal Schools and Departments.
Copies of the Regulations legated by the Minister of Education may be
obtained from :the oo'pu'.y Minister, Parliament Buildings, Toronto.
Stwottieh Nationalism
Dot Allan in the Review of Reviews
(London); whether or not the Scot-
tish 'Nationalists
cot-tish'Nationttlists will,,'increase awl
thrive remains to be seen,. Certain it
is' that the party numbers among its
diniples vast numbers Of the younger
intelligentzia.' It is, indeed, so much
party: of youth that older people not
unnaturally regard it with 'suspicion,
believing its adherents in most cases
to be self-seekers, using it as a short
cut to political pager. Sir Robert
Horne dottbtless had., this • in mind
when he spoke of the triumph of Na-
tionalism ,as bringing "an inorease of
pride to the breasts of the parochial -
minded.' Herein, I think, lies the
crux of the whole question. Is na-
tional pride -a fine thing, .and in no
way related to parochialism -at the
baton-) of the Scottish Nationalist
mcvement, or has that movement its
roots in a baser soil?' Will the dissen-
sion caused by the propagation of the
Nationalist aims ire justified ultimate-
ly by an era of increased peace and
prosperity? These are the questions
perplexing the minds of thinking men
and women of Scottish blood all over
the world today.
If it hurts you to spend money you
can't go very far in business.
The best way to mako a commodity
sell is. to make prospective buyers
believe it's scarce. •
Women, so they tell us,
Must always look their best,
In spite of death and taxes,
Installments and the rest.
So I -contrive to make a trip
To the beauty shop each week
To put the wave into my hair
And the pink into' my cheek,
I gaze into the mirror
And Tike myself again;
And I know I'll win a twinkly smile
From my own clear Prince of men,
But I am scarcely in the ]rouse
When the youngsters come pelf well,
And in 0110 grand end glorious romp
Wreck my fine =reel!
Stomach troubles cause most of the
distress of babyhood and childhood,
and are the greatest problem that a
young mother has to solve, The treat-
ment digestive
i a a
for these t s e
that make baby cry continually and
disturb his , sleep must be quick and
effective, ancl, above all, perfectly
The absolutely safe treatment fir
disturbances of the stomach and
bowels is found its Baby's Own Tab -
More cups tb thei r•Itrld, more Cavor in. the sup, more
tang to the taste. That's what makes Rc,d Ros=e Tea:
so popular, lav'erypaekage guaranteed. 07
RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra good,
Pressure Reverses
Known Properties
Many Substances
Cambridge, Mass. - Tremendous
pressures have reversed almost cons-
pletely the- familiar properties • of
some well knows substances in ex-
periments at Harvard University.
Paraffin, under pressure ranging be-
tween 200,000 to 600,000 pounds a
square inch, became so bard that Pro.
fessor Percy W, Bridgman pronounced
It harder than machine steel. Rubber
became so hard that it was pronounc-
ed usable as a die to form steel.
Dr. Bridgman found that steel tend-
ed to flow, if not like water, at least
sufficientlyio spread, He noteded
different kinds of ice, each formed at
a different pressure. Oil became ase•
less as a lubricant because it turned
Tradition points to Julius Caesar a1
the founder of the Tower of London,
and remains of Roman fortifications
have been found beneath the present
.-'.d ofiTITAi
and Pneumonia
Neglected broachitil colds are dan-
gerous, Stop them inetantiv with
Buckley's Mixture. Its action in re-.
lieving the cough and clearing the
tubes 10 amazingly owifb-and sure.
All druggist, sell "Buckley'," under'
a positive guarantee, ''BBUy a bottle
today, and be safe.
W. R. Buckley, Limited,
142 Mutual Bt., Toronto 2
Acts V
1h¢a a4h-
a single ; proven II
nip P
75c and 40c
solid, Mercury, after a pressure of
60,000 pounds, began to escape, the
theory being that its atoms were fort- i
lets. Thousands of mothers have L'r.d
edbetweenthose composing the steel
their problem solved through them, I chamber in which ti was imprisoned.
The apparatus made by Dr.
They are guaranteed to be free frr r 00000
man attains a pressure of 600,000
all injurious drugs and cannot pose' pounds per square inch ,which is said
bly do harm to even the youngest to be the highest by far ever reached
babe -they a1 ways do good.
Baby's Own Tablets regulate the in laboratories. The tendency of
stomach and. bowels; banish constipa-
tion anti' simple fevers and *promote
that health -giving sleep which is so
necessary to the welfare ct the baby
or glowing child, The Tablets are
sold by all medicine dealers.. or by
mail at '25c a box from. The Dr. Wil-
liams' Medicine Co, Brockville, Ont.
The Capital of :the Empire
A. G. R. Hiekes in the National Re-
view (London): A thousand years
ago political and. economic causes 0p•
erated to transfer the capital from
Winchester to London, and one must
not assume that similar causes in the
future may not carry the Crown be-
yond the- seas. For . . . to adopt
theology, Ubi caput. tbi regalia. Win-
chester was the capital of the then
principal province in the realms where
the Anglo-Saxon kings were overlord.
London succeeded as the national
centre of united England. London is
the capital of the present chief Do -
million acknowledging the Anglo-
Saxon kings' successors.- It does not
follow it must always be the national
centre of a united Empire. History is
a. ,conservative science and lives by
repeating itaelf. True that with the
development of transport and com-
munication London may so continue,
but it is prudent to consider that the
same causes which operated in the
past and now translated into modern
terms of the enormous potentialities
of the Overseas Empire will result in
the political (always regat•ded from
the sentimental) decline of the Moth-
erland as compared with her children,
and perhaps of Europe generally as
, gainst the new worlds abroad. Con-
venience may then demand the re-
moval of the regalia to Wellington, or
Ottawa, or Canberra, or Capetown, or
Delhi, or elsewhither.
Baby's tiny system rebels against
castor oil and strong purgatives; but
here's a medicine that just suits him.
And it does the work quickly and so
gently that Baby doesn't feel it.
Fletcher's Castoria is soothing cross,
fretful babies and children to sleep
and making the feverish, constipated,
upset ones well and happy, in millions
of homes today. Castoria is purely -
vegetable, harmless and endorsed by
the medical profession. Avoid imita-
tions, The Chae. I•I. Fletcher signa-
ture marks genuine Castoria.
Human Nature •
Dame Madge Kendall in John
O'London's Keekly: Has the race
thrown overboard the capacity fop
quiet enjoyment that made the Vic-
toria period the basically sound era
that it was? For it was sound, and
it produced' many great thinkers,
many of whom are still with us. No;
beneath the veneer of modern condi-
tions, with its hectic race after hap-
piness, there is in reality no change.
It is a phase just as duelling was a
phase, and It will become asunfashion-
able as duelling. Human nature does
not change, and Youth of to -day is no
-wiser, no nearer perfection, than
Youth of 5, 500 or 50,000years ago,
I•f, M
. 1st Stenog: Ada practices
touch system.
and Stenog; Yes, practices it on
me about twine a' weep.
steel to flow under pressure mattes
possible the success of his apparatus,
which is a plunger forced into a hole
in a solid block of steel. Tile reaction
of the steel is -used to phlg up escape
along the sides of the plunger by she
substance it is pressing.
A wire inserted in the steel cham-
ber as an aid in measuring the Pres-
sure has been shot out with ewe:
force as to dent a half-inch armor
plate set up to catch it Dr. Bridg-
itlg-man Said that once the timost Wee
steel chamber l,rcke. in sneb an ex-
plosive manner that its frrgmeLls
penetrated six rrs.. ea of i e 1 g-
ing. He tet imat se 're
pressure as eq rivsienr to that at ti.E
bottom of en (Again 25e miles deep.
Minard's Liniment for Cougns, Cads.
When U.S. Prohibitionists tell es
the country has become preset -Inns
under the Eighteenth Amer c.n:eat, we
suppose they mean that in a tiro • cun-
tr'y it is easier to sere for a :ter.)*
Minister (meeti11g matt about ei en-
ter public -'toe €) "Do you keen-. my
man, that thet (hear will ely ia::e
you to bell." That deret seattsr. rois-
s -
ter," replied the n an "They trio
us all out agate at ten o sles's. •
Modern. Values
Edith Sitwell 3n the Spectator (Lon-
don): Money has no relation to life
at present; it eras no relation to ane -
thing real; it has no true relation to
the things which it buys. It has got
outside human control altogether; it
is a Frankenstein monster dominating
the unhappy world which created it,
Where Charity once spread a oloa]i
whish was permitted to cover venial
fdelts, this Frankenstein mepster pow
offers the 011e garment whlei.iaat, ;:''
.04d ,
• 1101 'only, t,e 'u0VV6r, 'bat to glorify,
Alt.. mad of mortal Ain. Nothing mat-
the let's if yo)t carr spend more money!
than your neighbor; and if you can
epend it in such a way that noone&
who really needs it benefits by it,
then so 'much the better.
Free Book About Cancer
The I,sd1sl tq c .. r c }0('j't ' . -
dianancl„ na, has r 3tl s t
booklet which -ace i i -
e t ,..€. i I.,
abbot the'Anse of +'tan 1. ,..sc. 1
what o. do fu lath, bleeding, <dtr
A Vahlekr' paint- r- Vitt lartn45cro,h1
any mar. pyrite Int :t ,r t.}, Mti, ....
ing thl;K paper.
Keep Your Health
-'O-1 ci—et' TR''
Minard's Liniment
for that colds and tired feeithg,
Get Well -Keep Went.
by using the (ILD RELIABLE!
9Pi;.r.ssrei'd. LSnamm' Ctn.
Tarxrtr.:d..: ..
F'l.a.shh hg Eyes
Laughing Elves
Eyes fell
•Yc co atoa ac .cir
Brews:, esus fcc: er.cxigth-Flus
for generesin•-Gary eyes for
.waioury-Spark ing ryes ',ra-
d/este bcaur'.. ,.es, arid .good
health, .cc Ito yoax eyes
spaI'It'ie ' P.sr :he V4hrtes Clear'
er are they r.rged with yellow
-inclacataras ora •out -of -setts
rcadittcra - duo tc ronstipa-
•tirr.F If so. ..,on need e
,rt a reFuia d ,!h,
1002,•e i , E sheet
p, nod. 'Vow 1• a Wali ;� v're,•mblc
xda'thc story. I1nr/,u1 ms
Read ehold Nora—tel' jour z&.. T'yrs is .
stn I"u:hasr. Ad (r7tar vu;aL9.
rens:, Harald F tint ,u.: & 1 ....
rn -teda morn, �-
�ll t
r ii t
For Troubles
due to Acid
Many people, two•hours after eating,
suffer indigestion as they call it. I1: is
usually excess acid. Correct it with
an entail. The best way, the quick,
harmless and effielent way, is Phillips'
Milk of Magneela. It has remained
for 50 years th.e standard with physi-
cians. One spoonful in water neu-
tralizes many times its volume in
stomach acids, and at once. The
symptoms disappear In five minutee.
Cigar -lighters 11,0w have "built-in"
watches .,so you can' tell just heel
long it takes to get a iig,11t tient one.
of them,
Business success fails to the "ad".
venturous. .119
Minted's Liniment prevents Flu,
About tate only thing a man gets
free h0 this world Is criticism.
ISSUE No. 3—'29
Ton wtll 00101 tlae (,rude, ,oescstha
when you know this better method.
And you will never Suiten Prom *moose
acid when you prove out this case;
relief. Please do that-1'or your own
sake -new, • .
Be gore to got the genuine Phillipa'•
Mille of Magnesia prescriber' by physi,
clans for 50 lotus in eorr0rtizilf exactas
acids. Bach bottle couta.itts tun-111re0 '
tions -any drugstore.
Aro F '1
d, ed
As Far
As Possible In the DEPARTMENT
9rder In Which OF AGR!CULT11RE
They Arlis
Received ram Help Supplii
Offering Annual
jse , Work Aro
,s invariably
Given the
Tlie Colonization and Immigration Braneh of the
Department of Agrieult r for Ontario will here availal�:lo tt
number of Experltnceq Meer -led Men With Thole Wives
and Families -Married Couples Without Cirllciron-
Also Single Men.
ramose requiring hob will bo wOn
okv58c 1 to make early app3Acatlerr 00
Geo. A. Elliot
plrootor of Coloni,ntloa
Parilaatnnt slaw,
Toronto, oat,
File Your
at Once
Ali Men
Piacee Subject
to Trite Period.
co-' HON, JOHN 8. MARTIN, Mlnisl,er,oi