HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1929-01-17, Page 5TR SIM JANUAR' 7, 29.- CRAIN RED&WHITE FAWN TOPICS. STORES OUR SPECIALS FOR ONE WEEK FROM DATE, Clams, in 'Bouillon, per tit, 25c,. •Nllakes delicious clans ;chows lel,:,.,,. Bird Gravel, large package, 15c, 'Texas S 1 Skinless Figs, s 30c 'ar Ti, 0 Tin 2 c. g , J .Serve them whit cream—Swell, Pure Plem Jam,, 40 oz, jar,, 39e Pure Tomato Catsup,'Snider�'s, per bottle 19c. Three only to customer Crabapple Jelly, pure;' 16 oz, jars, 18e "' Sliced Pineaptle, Circle iBrand,'tin 18c.- 3 for 50c . THE OWNER SERVES THE BUYER SAVES' VV. MJ . Stewart Rhone ' 7 Ross J Sproat oLLrr �4 p Phone We a the pay highest Aloes b lesfr 0good r ce cream. Our services' to our patrons are the best that can be given, Do not send your cream to other Creameries; it here,, we want To operate' a Creamery we need your co-operation:. .. In- return for you co-operation we will' best in service and rices: give- you of our P ;We are agent for, the Mellotte Cream ,in and see the new Models; Separators. Come Se c1fort h Creamer y. Co. Seaforth Ont� C. A. BARBER, Prep. W J. Walker & Soe. UNDERTAKING and - EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment W. J. WALKER, holder, of Go- vernment diploma and license, Flowers Furnished. Night or'day phone 67. McInnes es C:hiropraetor Of Wingham, will be at'the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons Diseases of all kinds success fully treated. Electricity used. When you feel tired drowsy, slim r p a ound corner and get a mac at PI'S SX Y`�,J11` and the •' age Tou may comp in with a grouch but will go out -with a smile. Phone" 12 5. Pianos Tuned Cleaned:. and Repaired Chas. A, llowey Residence—James St. Corns are painful' growth, 'Hol- loway's Corn .Remover will renfeve then, 1 WANTED $5000 For Investment in Two First Farm Mortgages OF $2,500,00 EACH C. 400 Acres n each Farm. Good Buildings, improved land, ample insurance. A D. SUTHERLAND GENERAL INSURANCE Real Estate, A oENCY and investmentsg'' Bonds ' Phone 152 Removed to New Office, o Daly Ford Garage- opposite Seafortb, Ontario. LIVE STOCK MARKETS: Toronto Live Stock. Toronto, J'an, 7 14.—Cattle—Receipts 3,082, Heavy beef.steers, $10 to 1075; ,butcher steers, good to choice $9150 to $1050; butcher steers . fair $9 to '$9:50; bn'tcher steers, com- mon -to fati^; ,$8 to S9; butcher heifers, good good to choice, $9.50 to $10.25; 'but- cher heifers,'fair to goad, $8,75 to 9.50; butcher' -heifers, common, $$ to 8,75; butcher cows, good to.choice, ,50•to, 8.50 butcher utchep cows, fair to good; *6 to $7.50; canners and cut- ters, $4 to $5,50; butcher bulls; good, $7 50 to $8; •butcher bulls, fair, $7 to $7,50; feeding steers, good, '$9 to .$9; 50; feeding steers, fair, $8.50 to $9, Calves — Receipts, 225; good to choice; $15 •to $17; medium and heavy, $9 to $14, , Milch •cows, choice, $100 to $110; springers, choice, $110 to $120. Ho s—: R 724; eeen ' is Pselect • bacon ,102 t . si � to $10.75; thick smooths, $9,7� to $10,25; lights, $8.75 to $9.25; heav- ies, $8,75 to $9.95; Saws, $6.25 to $7,75, Buffalo Live 'Stock, ,Buffalo, Jan, 14. —'Hogs, 12,000; holdovers, 800; bulli at 9.75. Cattle--••JRecaipts 160; good . yearl- ings, $13.50; heifers. $13; good cows,. $9.50 to $10. L. H. cls B. NEW TIMETABLE , Beginning January S, a new time- table is in effect on the London, Hur- on and Brttce. The morning traits for London leaves about ,fifteen tnintttes earlier e encs connects at Lucan Cross Mg g vvtit the Toronto � Bain and at T.-Iyde Park with the Windsor train, There is no .change in time' of the morsil\g train „from' London, The evening trains are �a few minutes earlier, Brucafietd Going South Kippers 7 05 4,36 7Tensall • 8.13 4.43 8,13 4.43 Going 'North. Exeter ..... , 10,49 5,44 PIensall •11.03 6.08 Is;ippen 11,08 6.13 Brieee'ficid , 11,17 622 internal parasites in the shape of, warms in the stomach and bowele of children sap their' vitality and retard physical cdevelopment, They - keep P the child in a constant state'.oF unrest and, if not attetic[ed to, endanger life; The •ell' 11€I•.: can I .)e 5 a t • n ecl much tch • sift :, e ar,d the mother much anricty by the best wontt remedy that can be got, Miller's 'Worn; Powdej•s,' which are all death to. worms in any shape. I Mr: Robert Armstrong, of Detroit, is spending a few weeks visiting rela- tives" in this vicinity. Mr, Arm- strong is a Herein Old' Boy, hay- iteg left 'Ilullett'I'ownship some thirty years ago. 'Over the week -end Seafoeth dis- trict was visited by a severe blizzard, accompanied by zero weather, IServi ce will be held l as isms in E o m n ' g dv [ tie United Church on Sust•• day, Jan, 20th at 11 am, and 7 n,nl, However, all meeting's are witftarawn for this week, (Rev, W. D. l%fdDonald was in ,Bruce County last week attending the fune- ral of an uncle, Mr. A. J. Campbell of Riversdale, Mrs, Graham Of Hamilton is here owing to the illness of her husband, Mr, Graham, miler in the Wolverton Flour Mill here, Ho underwent an operation for appendicitis on Seem day night and is doing well. •Mr, and Alt's, Win, Shade and Miss Evelyn have "returned from Cleve- land where e the Y' spent nt We are pleased several weeks; Bill • P e d to ante that Master Billy Smith is recovering nicely frons his recent illness, •Mrs. Harry Stewart and 'three chil- dren have returned to their house at. New Ramberg after spending the va- cation with airs, Stewart's parents, Mr. Ir, and `Mrs, Robert McKay, Miss L, Morley of Milverton, re- turned:to her duties as school teacher in Egmondville, Miss Mae Sn;ith, Winthrop, visitor was s ttorN a last week with th Mr. . and d Ed Mrs. ti s. Edwin Case. Miss Margaret Case has rettirned after r 5 tw 0 weeks' s vc a afit t of with tlth outT - 00 friends, 'We are sorry to report that Mr, John J Go ven loc 1 < Sr., ila g n notdvi !le It 1 E , is the best of health Balt h at C eser .S present. ,Seaforth friends extend sympathy to. Mr. and lbs. John G. Sproat of Stratford and formerly of Seaforth in the loss of their grandchild anis ser - ins illness of their son's, Chesney Sproa`t's, family at the same time. :Miss ,Jennie MdBride is visiting friends n Stratford. Air, and Mrs. Sam Chesney To- ronto, formerly of Seaforth, ere iting MTs. -Chesney's sister, a vis. Sproat in. Tuckersmi'th, and, also ca ll - ed ot• friends. in town,. Master Sterling • Hebkirk, son, of Mr, and Mrs, Thos. H•abkirk, George St, who -has` been seriously i11 since Christmas, is note able 56 be out, Aiiss Ethel Jackson. who has been Evisiting her..aunt Miss Jackson, in gmond bne, easr J'goee to Toronto to Miss Margaret Jackson and her niece, Miss Ethel Jackson, intend to take an'apartment in Toronto for the .balance of the winter. Mr. Jack Arnold of Toronto spent a week with his aunt, Miss M. Robi- son, returning Tuesday, Miss Elizabeth Pet leyblank' of Grace Hospital, Detroit, was here a few days owing to the. critical condi- tion of Mrs. John McP•herson dt last Wednesday. since 'Mrs, Willoughby of 'Winnipeg is v'. tsitit n relatives tat' t e s h et e and ' i n, fo Str rd. at 'Airs, R. E. Coates and Mrs, Wsm AldMichael'have been ill with the flu at their home. ine: BLYTH,Misses Hazel nd Mary visited' their friends M•ss Jean- and Effie Laidlaw over the week end, Miss Annie Richmond spent .' a' couple of days last week at her home. Mr. W, MdGotvan was a Toronto visitor over the week end, Mrs. E. 'Wallace visited Mrs. N'Joh C.I tois'on dicing the week end. Front the Fredericton eder' lcton Nlail: "A pleasant surprise :betel Rev. George and Mrs; Telford of St, Paul's Unit- ed Church this'Clirisltnias season, On Friday evening they were paid 'a sur- prise visit at the l+hatrse by several representatives of the men of the congregation who made them the re- cipients, of a beautiful , grandfath,et' clock, Air. H. S. Campbell who made 'the presentation, referred to the grati- fication felt by the people of St. Paul's at the past year's work by Mr. and M'rs, Tel•foril, In replying Mr. Telford expressed deep appreciation of the splendid gift, which had cone as a complete surprise. He further expressed his satisfaction at the spirit of harmony evident in the congrega lion and' especially for the fine re- sponse of the then of St. Paul's .to the claims of the ebul•ch, "The grandfather. clock is a beauti- ful cart. se.' n el me n of t, he c lock In - al. ." el s T art. The clock itself has brass and sliver dial with, -gun meta) hands and fitted with polished brass weights. A cath- edral gong strikes the hours and a set of Westminster chimes marks the quarter latus. .The movement is housed in a case of solid walnut in chaste Colonial design with plate glass front," • The Christmas Concert:, which was postponed on account of illness was held in S. S. No. 1 Morris on Friday eveningrJan: 11 and although the weather was very unfavorable there was a v er Yo0 g d crowd, wd.- Mr. Phalen acted as Chairman in a very 1•.U l 'r. Ladies' and caste 's, TAILORS Give us a call C I L TAILORING Co, 108 Downie St. STRATFORD T SEAFQRT NESS pleasing Manner, The fust half Of athelly lewell girtgtlty inofappn was exception - Children.' "The Seilor's Hornpipe,' °Wand Drill," r"Wltches,+Satrg an'd'. March' " and "Christmas Star Dr111" required a great deal of thought and preparation and were well given. Both pupils and teacher, Miss Morrison deserve credit, The last part of the pregram which was put on by the section was opOlds Grey with ` tl The Daon rrkie,"Or- chestra caused ed n ntc dialogue, "rlvjerried in 1 Ha see --laughter, ugh somewhat severe taught the lesson thavoided, Then courtships Predicament" was a wonderful dlalogite acted by those taking part. Mr, Cloyd John- stop, as Mr, Sykes, did his part ex- ceedingly well and caused peals of laughter through the dialogue, Mr. Sykes, due to shortsightedness and he dark parlor "of the Miss Simpsons' tome, foupd it very difficult to choose "Tom's J.ro. a The last'dialoeue was posal,' Tom's courage in proposing ,to the one he loved was roused se d bythe entrance of a ,neigh- orboy, Mr. Bob Watt,, A recitation y Mrs. Jim Scott 'brough't the idea f 'work on the 'farm vied more people will be farming after this. Two duets, Ceep Your Face to the 'Sunshine," ng by Millan' and Jessie Richmond,d"Never 'Marry an Old Man," by mes Ie11y and Jim Robb,. were icea e Bapkrecdated. `The Bulldog on oio — Messrs. by the, Ebenezer essrs . Jchi , Brown, ut , E r He and T�eslie Fear, was enjoyed all. Lively musical numbers were dered tJsroughout the course of the grant by Miss Ella Brown and sr5 s. Earl al Healy and Y Charles rI e5 o Nich- u After left for. enjoyable o te,leha in t they may have the pleasure• o ()yin concert t a• t S. S. 1: a b 0 se an Ja ill th Tr H ren pro Me of s ing aha el ' t J No The follotvHIBBERT..' S. No. 7, Hibbert, forcthe port of months of f November and 'December: Sr, IV.—Bernice Harris 75.3, Orval Cooper 69 Doris Sararas 67.3, Beat- rice Drover 63,7." Sr. DIS.�oss.Hoggarth 66.6, Jr.II3,,ay\r1l.iJam Chambers 52. Merwood Nash -(absent), Sr, II.—Earl Drover 7$:7, Benson Stoneman , 76.3, John Chappel 57,5, Lorne Charr1ber5 48.2, iF' est• Class --Rae Chambers 63, Erna Dreflry 61, Promoted from Jn to Sr. Primer -- jean Veneer 85„ Percy Wright' 81, Wilmer. McDonald 75. 1H-ighest mark in all classes for Spelling_. 5511 on "Stoneman, 100; Ar- ithmetic—Orval Cooper, 85; History 'Bernice Harris, 91; nice Harris, 74; Literature: Bernice Harris,95; .Writing—Earl Drover, 85; Geography.. E+ar1 Drover, .25; Reading—Benson: Stoneman, 80; Art --1Bernbce Harris, 80. Number on roll, 16; attendance for November, 14,8; attendance for December, 12.7' Victoria Bolton, .Teacher, INFLUENZA—"THE FLU" This disease se i sr p evadent in Ontario -how and whale many are afflicted, it is not the severe type that was ob- served its 1918, +Influenza is highly communicable. The disease, though it may be sev- ere, is of The severity of ven rarely fthel mildcase is remarkably increased by respirat- ory or intestirtal complications, "How to Avoid Flu" (1) Avoid crowds, (2). Exercise its the open air. (3) Get sufficient sleep in a xel) ventilated room, (4) Wash your face and hands fre- quently, especially before eating, Cover er Yu o r nose ae f mouth with a clean handkerchief lubes sneering or coughing,. - (People near you are entitled to this protection, (6) Don't visit or conte in contact with those that have the infection un- less necessity demands it. (7) Don't worry about the "FJti." How to know Flu, abrupe tly tl disease usually starts rather p y with an out of sorts" feel- ing—indefinite pains and aches, cold inthe head or slight cough, fever, and sometimes * eglect of these symptoms dg ,or r mptoms of onset nsay lead to pneumonia and change a mild case into a severe one; How to fight "FIu." (1) Gb to bed .immediately, (2) Stay in bed .till you are abso- lutely wel. Remember the period of getting well is longer than the tilne actually 111, (3) Keep you room at a tempera- ture of 68F and web ventilated, (4) Call your physician and do exactly what he tells you, HURONNEWS. Brussels. - George Buchanan, 13.A„ eldest son of hark Buchanan of Brussels, , flied suddenly at the hone of his' father, on Dcc, 30th •front a heart attack; De- ceased had motored c i ton le for Christmasthe to 1 soh , where he was teaching,from Essex, father, he is survived' Besides his Mrs,- R, 'T, Strachan, f two sisters,'( Town- ship, and Miss Florence Bucha tan, at bore, and one brother, Dr, Har- vey Buchanan, of: Deloraine, Man. The late lir. Buchanan was born at Blyth nearly fifty years ago, and with his family came to Bros than 30 years ago: sets more Jack Cunningham, of kiatililton, was a visitor with his uncle, George Manning, Wyman and. ;Arts. Spading, of Landon, spent a few holidays tvitlt the former'• parents, F. and .11f I'S. Spatting, \Willians Itabkiric: of Kincardine, a former merchant of Brussels, aatend- ed the funeral of the late ,Toho Fer- ssuS0n: _. Mother Graves' Norm'Extermina- tor ailIdr'- worms stem without injuryo the child, be -cause its action, while fully effect' is mild, effective, Send ds the names se your visitors; The Dippers Y' SE are holcliug their birthday Party on Friday evening, January 18th at 8,15 in the school room. We hope everyone will come and enjoy, a social evening with the young peop1c. deet, the araonuale:fseverity e tin_ g oof the Cippen Horticultural Society has been post- poned until Monday afternoon, Jan. 21st at 2 o'clock. It is to. be held At the tonne of Mr, and Mrs, Robert Di n sial e and large br t a attendance e' to Banc ` Cersre- quested, . WINTHROP. The severe storm which has lasted. this past two weeks, has blocked the roads for cars, 'We are sorry to learn that sir,. Reuben Hart is very low at the house- of his daughter, Mrs. A. Carmichael, of Grey, \ire are glad to hear that Miss Cora Campbell is able to be around again after a severe attack of the "flu," Miss Margaret Eaton spent the we elr eu d with ith Miss Jean Holl Mrs, Nelson Goveulocic and Rolland. have returned to their home from Sea - forth. We are sorry to !sear that Sv#r. Theodore Holland's brother is in very poor `health at time of writing. A number from 'LOJL, 813 attended the district meeting held in Seaford) Tuesday night, C RO MAR TY to ree covery he flu patients are all on the. road overy again, 'ilse people of this community are so •tr Y to hear of the ser to us illness of fames s Ritchie,l cid Rev. and Mrs. Ritchie of Pt. Edward, for- mer pastor of the Presbyter an curch. here. Walker, \'I r \3 Ott. allcer, eldest son of i4la•, and Mrs, Oswald Walker, was united en marriage to Hiss ',este Davis of Exeter in the Exeter Anglican church on Wednesday last. The annual meeting of, the Horti- cultural Society will be held at th home of Mrs, Jos. Warden on.'Satur- stay afternoon, Jan, 19th, McBorn—'Oi Thursday, Jan, 10th, to , and _Mrs, 'Russel Scott, a son. VAR/V.A. ,'We are pleased to say the flu epi- • del m' e is the x%aneand those who were -confined to the house for same days are able to be about again. Alrs,. Masson has been in Goderich spending a few days with her. sister, Bessie Watson, who recently under- went an operation in Goderich. hospi- tal Mies Mary Chatter has returned to London after spending a few weeks with her parents here, The council met on Monday with Mr. I{eys as Reeve and Messrs, Eaue, Graham,Stewart and Hanley , as councillors and as a result there were no new applicants for clerk or treas- urer, the oldofficials retaining their Jobs, HI LL S REE N. Quite a number.,from• around here are laid up with the flu Miss Grace Coleman, who was laid tr . wi n h the flu ' rs'abfe to be out and around again. Mr, and Mrs, .Roy Consitt and soli Jack, of 'Tuckersnljth, spent Thurs., day at the 'home of sir, and Mrs. W. Carlile's, -- Mr, and Mrs, Harvey Coleman spent Sunday at Mr. Lloyd Keyes, Varna, Air. and Mrs, 'William Stephenson and children are laid up with the flit, but we hope they will soon be around again. Owing to g the tin epidemic tell' n tic and so many sick with it, the young people's meeting and W. AL S. meeting will be postponed for another. week. Mrs. 'W. Carlile is spending a few clays in Hensall with her mother and sister, Mrs. Logan, who are laid up with the flu. HURON NEWS, Zurich, Miss Dolores Uttley, of Seaforth, t is[ted with her parents, Air, and Mrs, Herbert U4'tley. Mr. Barnum Mittetholz: of Saskat- chewan is spending a few week's vis- iting with friends.Mr. Scott tvho has been in charge Of the barber shop at the Dominion' Hotel, has returned to. Blyth; Mr._ Precious is returning from Goderich to take charge of the business: \Ir. Earl \+ireido spent a few clays tvlth friends at Gdderich, The Heraid says: "Mr, Ted Haber- er, one of our local Apo rtsmen, has received r ed breeder of Quebec wild , Tebirds from a large of an excepttiionallj, fine qualitand cost lir. Haberer a handsome stun of '110tley. We are advised that he will hac'e Mr. the tmd.e t .; kaig of establirles Fritz as shing taat bird sanctuary on part of .his lot where there is a small swamp, -\'i•, Fritz has had considerable experience along this line, as he has already five.. wild ducks to contribute to this noble cause, We are' lo o kin g forward •va t c ' ithe tear future `g things frott this venture,and vt.e cannotselp hit✓coat: thawithin the ner fut re Ted will be known far and-wideuas the "Jack Miner" of Zurich, and tourists and naturalist will conte for hundreds of miles to see and get ae- iii'rainted with h•ite, Want and For Sale: ads; 1 week 25c, BRUCEFIELD, There passed away on Saturday January .12th, -Margaret \Moodie, in her 76th year, second daughter of the late Air, and"2Trs, Janie, "Ali -odic, ,if. Brucefield and wife of Air. ,\lex, Gray, tri Egniondvilte. Over two leftyears ago site suffered a strike which' her speechless n dJ a helpless she has been confined to her •bed ever since. Besides her huebend she leaves to mourn her loss three daugh- ters, Mrs, Thomas Craddock, of Birders -B.C, and the 'isses Ina and Marion at !tome, evho certainly de- serve great credit for their faitlfitd nursing of 1lieir mother; also one PAG j� We 1jave ! l ll r , . Western Wheat and American. Corn on band for Feed SUGARED Also A R ED SC HUM AC H R E F QUAKER 18 e, D RET for Hogs n• AIRY RATIONSH OILCAKE, H'OMINYF ED OTTO MASH 3 COTTON SEED, MIDDLINGS BRAN, SHORTS and FLOUR We are wanting . n ing BEANS andGRAIN Geo. T. Mj �• ckle c� Sons Elevatorstiensa 1, Ont, at HENSALL, KIPPEN &.BRUCEFIELD brother survives, Mr. trues, James Moodic of B Aikenhead rttcefield. For many years s was a consistee5 member of'Uni Church, Bruce'tieid; latterly a ✓nem of, the Presbyterian Church, Seafor The funeral was held oil Tpesday; terment in :Maitland Bank Cemeter "She rests from her labors .and h. works do follow her," The Mill Road public school an Bayyfield road school which we closed during the past week- on a count of the flu, were reopened t week, Ile directors, Mrs, Baird, Mrs. Add( Me--,`" Me - on Gregor, Mrs. Stacicho,use, s G. Me her Intosh, Eleanor Snider Jim Me- er pian, Mary Gibson Mr's. N. sse Fees, u- Mrs, H, D• les N. Keys y, L•anl• aymail, Airs. D, Fotiltet•Itn .. Auditors, Ross Scott, 13111 Mc er lntosh. Members securing the largest ^ d number of members to receive choice re of c shrubs. Wallace. Haugh was all- h[s pointed delegate to Toronto. Owing to the storm and sickness there was a small attendance at a ntwcl itnh tic iha Sx nillda Y D ten tl t gser service was 'Mr. and MrsC Kraft Swift Cur- e rent, Sas1.,, Air, and Mrs, D,. Haugh, s• Mrs. Geiser andJack ' Donald of 1 and D anI Da U Dashwood d F wo od �' tls' tt e d at the eehome of C. ,i Ha' n Haugh last st week, 1 Mrs, Woe McMillen of E •m ville spent several days last g k1tat the house of Mr, and Mrs, week at helping to care for her mother, Watson Burdge, who, pother, sirs. we are .5o1ry to Say, is still poorly, . \\'e are glad Anna Watson is ab to he up after her ton !e Mr: Jack Souter returned of flu. De- troit on Tuesday accompanies[' his brother by his James and Ross Broac[foot. Mr. Clifford' Broadfoot' went , Flint. last Saturdayent o t remain for where he [mends some. time. Miss Enema McDonald return the latter part of last week to resume. her duties as teacher at Piresutue- 14iss Helen 'Davidson returned London on alonday.after the college being closed the past week: Air, and Mrs. Thomas Calwil[ and Mr. Duncatn and suss Martha Mac- Donald and Mn, John Swan attended the funeral of a relative 'at St, Marys Ln Friday, Special Optical Notice: Have your eyes examined by weir known and painstaking our Mr. Hughson, with 29 yers') specialist, 19 years comingto fofti1 You are assured of te best optical[ work to be obtained tam ed and ateaat bi ..son- e r' p ices,. Our frames and mount- igs are the best mance of the best in and our prices arefrom9• Tuesday, Wednesday, a nary a „ 30. Close Wednesday atJ4nuary,• Come early. Beattie's Fair, Seafo phi' 05 The Stanley school has .. engage€l r telt t tea ch r ' e i 11 ill e ers on p of 12 1�e el er o ' , f V[ I tell ell The Public Library' 1ioard hay Purchased $40,00 worth of new book whit[ 1 are now r cad • fr y o ch r' st l butt , t o 0 th e Isle mbeis There zs novr a fin collection of books ill' the Library. . The regular meeting of the Y,.P,S was held on Monday evening, Mr. Leonard' Bo3'ce, the president, open- ed the meeting and conducted the de:_ votional exercises. Janet Aikenhe5.d was appointed secretary for the ev- ening and . Leonard Boyce acted as chairman. boliowieg are the officers for 1929: Hon, Pees., Rev. W, A, Bremner; president, Eleanor 'Snider; vice president, Janet Aikenhead; de- votional convenor, Charlie Halstead; Missionary, Jesse Freeman; Citizen- shi n, George Knigh�t;� Literary'anci Recreation, Hazel Haugh; recording secretary, IKee Snider; Press secret- ary, Alex. Addison; treasurer, Har- old Armstrong; pianist, Leila .Stack- house; assistant pianist, Viola Wheel- er, The next meeting is Citizenship and will be conducted by George Knight. Mrs, W. Douglas is visiting with friends in Hensel'. The W.M,S, held their regular meeting on Wednesday • afternoon at. 2.30 p.m, r e ' h Marign O�1Jver Aiissiou Circle will hold their regular - meeting on Friday evening at'7,30. All the girls are urged to be present. The annual meeting of the Horti- cultural Society was held on Tees- day evening, Jan, 15 wit h \ W all ac H .e au � h i t n g tl 1 e i , 1 al 1. `Phe and treasurer's. report were radii and • u adopted. The officers for 1929 are: 2 Pres., Mrs. A. McQueen; vice pees„ Wallace Haugh; g sec. to ra s. , Janet ! A Good Portion of beef served to yon for the evening meal, roasted about medium, with the blood gravy oozing through, gives one a toundatfon. It jest makes one's: mouth water to think of it: Hoa was that last piece of meat we sent you? \Vasu't it fine. GEO. CAMERON Your Butcher, Phone 58 Seaforth. The Milverton Elmer We have it --Give it a Trial, Also Grain Screenings C. G TH GRAIN DEALER Chop of All Kinds MSIN l?tIO25 YOUR. AUTO NEEDS Goodyear Tires and Tubes Battery Sales and Service Charging and Repairing all makes ;of Batteries. - 1,A good line of new and used parts' 01 different makes of .Cars, I1 your ear is in need of rewire, give Ua a Call. Studebaker SalesService a Realer s d PHONE 16'I\lV aracke