HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1929-01-03, Page 8PA GE riw FORTH N S. NSALL, Mr, and Is1rs, Pry Wiggins and family left on Satnrday for London, where they will make thOir home in A very pleasant evening was spent at the home of Ur. and Mrs, Robert Higgins. on 'Thursday evening leek when a 003nber of friends of Mrs, Bertrant North, (formerly Miss Flora Higgins), a bride of last week, met and held a miscellaneous shower in het honor, The first part of the evening was devoted to contests and games, ' the prize winners being Misses Marie Spencer, Grace Stone, Alma Scruton, Elva Shaddock and Ruby 1VIeLaren, Misses Ruby Mee Laren and Louise Drummond rend- ered very delightful solos, A pleas, ing event of the evening was the ap- pearance of Mies Gladys Luker win) Made a very charming groom and Miss Bertha Corbett as bride, who very pleasantly entertained the corn - after which Mr. and Mrs, North, accompanied by the - gaests, prOceeded to the dining room where a number of beautiful gifts were on display. The bride and groom very ablY expressed their appreciatiort for the lovely gifts with which they had been presented. At the close of the evening a dainty lunch was served, Mrs. Munroe and clarighter have been visiting over the holidays in Ta- ronto ra'', and Mrs, jantes Priest Jr., of Windsor, are apending the holidays in town visiting Mt. Priest's father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. James Priest. • Miss Margaret Ellerington, cif Ex- eter, visited with Miss Mavis Spen- cer on Sunday and Monday. • Mr. and Mrs. Israel Lindenfield spent the holidays with friends in town, Miss Mattie Ellis spent the holi- days with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smalle- eomb, of Guelph, • Misses Mavis Spencer and Flor- ence 'McDonald visited with friends in Exeter this week. Owing to the great amount of sick- ness itt the village the Public School and the Continuation School will not reopen until the 7th of January, Nomination Meeting.—The nomina- tion meeting was held in the Town Hall on Monday evening from 7 to 8 o'clock, •with the Village Clerk, James k'attereon, as returning officer, Those 'nominated for Reeve were Robert Higgins, the present Reeve; Owen Geiger, and Alex. Smith: For Council, George C. Petty, Jas. Priest, Robert Cameron, James Sang- ster. J. W. Ortwein, William Con - sits and William Sangster. • For school trustees: Thomas Welsh, Henry Soldan and William A. Mc- Laren. These were returned by ac- clamation, For Hydro Commissioner, Charles Moore was returned again by ac- clamation. At the close of the nomination Clerk Patterson was asked to take the chair for the after meeting, and after a few words called art Mr. Robert Higgins, the present Reeve, to address the meeting, Reeve Higgins, who was in splendid form, gave a review of the rk of the County Coencil, our local Council and the Hydro and other de- partments and claimed a surplus in nearly all departments, His review cf County affairs and town finances was a subject of pleased comment from his audience. The Reeve also reviewed the work of the school and althougfi this year the school only received 7 mills from the Council, they have a surplus of $728. Before the Continuation School was built it took 12 mills to run the schocil and the Reeve claimed it was certainly good business for the town to have built the Continuation school and give the children a chance for a better education at a reduction in taxation cf 5 mills. and the Secretary,Treasu jr- er of the School Board is just asking for a 6 mill rate for 1929. The Reeve was followed by Councillor Petty who gave a short. practical address, followed by Councillors Sangster and Cameron. 1Tr. Geiger was then call- ed on and Stated that he would be a candidate for the Reeveship. He claimed first that there w,as a sum of $3.052 that should be'to the credit of the County road but when brought to task by the Reeve, admitted that the Exeter grant was just $1,500 which he claims is missing. He really doesn't know, apparently, Whether town ever received it or not. He condemned the action of the County Council in in- creasing the salary of Mr. Young, county treasurer, to the sanie amount as received by Mr. Lane, minus the bonus, although admitting that Mr. Young was doing far superior work. He spoke on the appeal on his own assessment and condemned the action of the council in taking over the Street light in front of Miss Jessie Bell's, Mr, Smith was then called on and roundly condemned Mr. Geiger for some of his actions and statements that he made in the press some time ago. Mr. Smith was much dissatis- fied with the Geiger assessment, Mr. Ortwein was then called o,n and gave a short address after which Mr. Gei- ger asked to give a reply to Mr. Smith. After Mr. Geiger got through Mr. Smith replied, The Reeve then wound up the debate. The Reeve took Mr, Geiger severely to task for trying to create a false impression throughout the village, that there should be more money in the treasury that wasn't accounted for, He stated that every dollar that was sent down to Hensall in grants in 1927 was used in 1927 to pay general expenditure and that according to the auditors' re- port and the treasorer's statements and that all the council of 1928 had to stall with was $59 in cash and a small amount of outstanding taxes and that every dollar of the amount was used in paying unpaid 1927 'accounts. The Reeve (answered the arguments of the other speakers. He gave a short re- view of the Old Age fle116i0115 Bill • which *ill be passed at the January session of the Ontario Legislature and slated that he was working on the rase and that he had sent in to the Government a liat of natnes that he thonght woalti be eligible for Pensions in Hensall, 4.n closing, the Reeve stated he would again be h candidate for the Reeveabip and asked to be re - 'kneed to the Reeve's chair, if only throngh a spirit of fair play. The • nucil of this year nave a Ve orable record. They have re need the tax - rate, unproved the lighting end Hydro tel of tIte built tip the roads to possibly the best in the 1Province,'paid,off 86,000 of alie town debt and broke practically even and AS the school can do with a mill less next year and the roads will only need very little expenditure, 3 mille should again be knocked off the tax rate for 1929. Funeral of Mr, Geo. Thompson,-, The faneral of the late Geo. Thomp- son, who died from pneumonia on Wednesday last in Toronto took place from the Undertaking Parlors of Bon - thrall sCa Drysdale on, Saturday last to IIensall Union cemetery, Mr,, Thomp- son was a well known resident of Hensel], but owing to the death of Mrs, Thompson, which took place a year ago, he went to Toronto to re- side with his daughter, (He has been in poor health for some time which developed into pneumonia, causing his death, He is survived by one son Will Thompson, of Chicago, and one daughter, Mrs. • jos Barnett of Tor onto. Mr. and Mrs. Barnett accom- panied his remains to Hensel', New Years Day passed very quietly in the village, a number of family ga- therings taking place, Narrow .Escape. --As Mr. and Mrs. Bertram North were going to their home in Woodstock on Tuesday af- ternoon, on the highway a couple of miles 'this side of :Mitchell, they were run into by a large car which passed them and then cut them off an the road and throwing their car into the ditch, The car then careened across the road miming into the ditch on the opposite side, Mr. North's car was a total wreck and nothing saved the oc- cupants from severe injuries, or worse, other than the fact that the car was heavily loaded as the young people were returning from- their recent wed- ding at Henan, Mr. :Giffs of Seaforth was on the highway and was soon on the scene of the accident and drove Mr. and Mrs. North to Mitchell to a doctor who attended their injuries. The speed cop was also soon on the scene and the driver of the other car acknowledged that it was his fault the accident occurred, The young people returned the same evening to the home of Mrs. .North's parents, Mr and Mrs. Robert. Higgins, where their injuriea were being attended to, HAYFIELD. Nominations for school trustees and Police Village trustees were held Monday evening at the Town Hall. Not a large attendance of electors present. Two school trus- tees were to be appointed in place of Thomas Elliott who had moved to a farm near Goderich and E. A. Fea- therstone whose term had expired and who signified unwillingness to continue on account . of business. Those proposed were Chris Parker by M. Ross and Robert Elliott; Albert Dunn by E. R. Weston and George Castle; F.,. H. Johns by J. Pease and Wm. Weston. Mr. Parker objected as he plans going West in the Spring this leaving A. Dunn, member of school board for three years, E. H. Johns for two years. For Village Trustees, Dr. A. New- ton Brady, by Geo. Castle and Wm. Weston; E. H. Johns, by A. Dunn and Wilmer Blair; W. J. McLeod by E A. Featherstone and Samuel Blair; Lewis Thompson by M. Ross and A. McGregor; M. Ross by L. Thompson and A. McGregor; Harold Brandon by Geo. Castle and E. R. Weaton• John Parker by A. Dunn and Blair. A splendid concert was given in the Town Hall, Friday evening, under the auspices of the Badminton Club. Several selections were given by the orcheatra. Quartettes, by Misses Lucy Woods and Gladys Gale, Mr. Paull and Harold Scotchmer; violin selection, Arthur Peck and • Dr, A. Newton -Brady; solos,. Miss Lucy Woods and Mrs. Paull; readings, Miss Jean Woods; piano duetts, Mrs. Paull and Miss J. Woods; a comic skit, 11r. Paull and Arthur Peck; darky quartette by mein'bers of the orchestra. The accompanists were Mrs. Paull and Miss Floy Edwards. Dr. A. Newton Brady was chairman. A dance followed the concert. Music was furnished by the orchestra. Ow- ing to • so much illness there were not as many out. Mr. Sarn. Widcombe spent the week -end at Stratford. Mrs, J. Fraser left on Saturday to spend the winter at Goderich. TUCKERSMITH, The following was taken from a Vancouver paper sent to Mrs. J. MoGavin of Tuckersmith. The de- ceased was well known here. She was,the daughter of the late Robert T.,eatherland and residid here until 18 years ago when she, went to Van- couver to live: "Passed away in this city on November 25th, following an operation some three weeks previous, Catherine Mighton, in her 64th year, late residence 1601 -14th ave. E. There remains to mourn her loss besides her sorrowing husband, Mr. T. M. Mighton, two step-datiglters and two step -sons, Mrs. A. Heibein, of Vancouver; Mrs, W. L. Smith, of White Rock; Mr. T. A. Mighton, of Trail; Mr, J. C. Mighton, of Pernber- toe Meadows; also five sisters: Mrs. lef j, Jane a and Mrs. T. Heslip, of Vancouver; Mrs Govenlock of Win- nipeg, Manitoba; Mrs, J. McGavin ancl Mrs. Leatherland of Seaforth, Ont. 'Funeral services took glace TtlesdaY, Nov, 27th at three o'clock from (Herron Bros. arth VVilliamson's Parlors, 10tht eve E., IRev. J. D. 'Hob - den officiating, The pallbearers were her six nephews, William, Bert, Chas., Victor and Harold Janes and Niel Murray. interment family plot, Ocean View Burial Park. M. William Black of Stratford is home visiting at the home of his mo- ther, Mrs George Black, Miss Margaret Black of Mitchell is also a holiday visitor loader her par- ental roof. Mr. Bob MoNatighton of Thames - ford tont Christmas at the home of hie parents, Mr. and Mrs, Jno. Mc- Naughton. Mrs MeOlciya Mitees S. and P. MeCloy and Mr, John IvIcCloy, all of PAY CASI1 BUY IN EGMONDV/LIaE 10 Bars 'White Naptha Soap 39c 5 pkgs. Ivory Soap Flakes ... 29c 3 pkgs, Kellogg's Corn Flakes - • 29c Finest Old 'Cheese.. .„ ..... . . „.. ... . , ... 34c 90 potinds Rolled Oats .. ...... • .• A • • • • • • • • • ' • $3.99 98 pounds North Star Flour . . .. 83.79 Good Brooms,. .. . .. . . ......... . . . . • . .48c IRING YOUR EGGS TO W. J. FINNIGAN Eginondville, spent Christmas with Mrs. James McIntosh. Mr, and Mrs, Roy MeGeoch, Mr, Aild Mrs. Wm. Manson, Miss Mary Kling and Mr. and /airs. A. Nicholson and familyalso Mr. J. Nicholson, all spent Christtnas at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W, Allan, of Egmondville. Miss M. McKenzie spent Christmas, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. j. Allen. Mr. John McIntosh of Toronto University is home holidaying with his :mother, Mrs j. McIntosh. Mr, Lance Norris, of Toronto Uni- versity, is home visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. a. Norris. Misses Mary and Tena McNaught - ,on of Sault Ste. Marie are home holi- daying under their parental roof. Mr. William Black Sr. is very sick with heart trouble. All his friends hope to see him able to be around again soon, 'Miss Louise Allan of Hamilton is spending her vacation at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Allen, Miss Mary McMillan, of Brace - bridge, is spending the holidays at tlie home of her parents, Mr, and Mrs, H. McMillan. Miss Irene McKay is , visiting friends near Varna. . A very successful wood bee was held at the home of Mr.. Samuel Hottston on Friday and also la dance on Monday night. All report a fine time, ' Miss Ethel *Jackson is visiting with friends in Seaforth. Many are laid aap in this commun- ity with the "flu." Mr. and Mrs. John McLachlan and family spent Christmas at the home of the former's brother, Mr, and Mrs. John Elgie. Mr. Robert McGregor, Geace and Verna, spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Forsyth. Mr. William Strong has returned to Ottawa to resume his duties thefe as teacher. Miss Helen Hay spent New Year's visiting friends near (13rucefield. A large number of the residents here are laid up with severe colds. Mr. Neil Matheson, of Toronto Normal, spent the holidays at his home here. • Miss Colins, the West -End teacher, spent the holidays at her home near Kincardine. Mr. Allen Johns, of the :Wentworth Radio Co. of Toronto, spent 'Mist- mas at his home here. Mr, Harold Crich, of Forest, spent the holidays at his home here. • LONDES130RO. Mr. and Mrs. Will Tamblyn, and family, of Toronto, are spending a few days with the former's mother here, Mrs. John Tamblyn. Mrs. Richard Carter passed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Fred Shobbrook, of the 13th Concession, on Sunday last. Much sympathyis extended to the bereaved ones, having lost both father and mother in so short a while. Mr. H(arold Johnston spent New Year's at his home in the village. The many friends of Mr. Frank Little are pleased to hear of his re- covery after his recent illness. Mrs. H. I. Ruddell and Mrs. D. D. Roberton spent Monday in Clinton. Mi SS Margaret McCool spent the week -end with Clinton friends. 11r. and Mrs. Ivan Ross, of Vine- land. are visiting at th,e home of W. G Ross here. . Mr. :Jim Roberton, of Exeter, spent New Year's at his home here. NORTH McKILLOP. The programme at the school con- cert at S. S. No. 9 was: Chorus, "Song of Christmas"; recitations by Grace Dennis, Evelyn Dundas, Char- lie Munn, Mildred McNicholr chorus, "Christmas Belle, recitations by Dune, 11dNichol, Helen Dennis, Eve- lyn McPherson; Christmas repre- sented by nine girls; recitations by Lotus Hackwell, Agnes Dundas; speech by Mrs, Mahan; recitations by Marjorie Hackwell. jackstie McNichol; a pantomime by five girls, 'Little Town of Bethlehem"; recitations by Ralph McNichol; Ross McNicohl; Mary Munn; speech by Mrs. Harry Dennis; chorus, "The Land of Glad To-Moerow"•, recitations by Wilma McNichol; Elsie Dennis; speech by Mrs. P, Dennis; recitatioe by Hazel McPherson; dialogue, "Five Fifteen," recitations by Agnes Dundas Edith Hackwell; solo, Evelyn Dundas; drill by eight girls; recitations by George McNichol, Florence Dennis; motiologue, Elda McPherson; recite - does. Kenneth Thornton; chorus, "Christmas Time"; recitation, Mervin Leonliarcit. (Santa Claus was a wel- tome visitor at the close of the pro- gramme. Mises Anna and Vera. Kitner were visitors tinder the parental roof Inc Christmas, • Mrs, RAW( Thornton hag return- ed home after ringing ;vim Peter aloneY'' Mr. W. Rapien and Mr, A. Siemon were home froth Elmira for Chriat- roa 5, Mr, and Mrs. 3, Thornton were visitiug under the parental roof on Sunday last. a IIARLOCK. The annual meeting for , the ap- eeintment of school trustees wag held last 'Wednesday in the schoolhouse. The outgoing trustee, Mr. Daniel Stevens, was re-elected, which leaves the board the same as before: Wil- liam Leiper, Robt. Beattie and Daniel Stevens, for the coming year. The trustees when a:ppointed, remain for a three-year term; thus one trustee is due for election each year. - • WEST BRODHAGEN Mr. Charles Eggert and Mr. 'Char- les Regele made a business tripto Seafonth on Saturday last. Mr. Peter Eckart and Mr. Wm. Hoegy went to Kitchener last Thurs- day to attend a sale el. Mr. Jos. Sim- monds, who formerly lived at Brod- hagen. The latter purchased a cow of a Swiss breed, There are a lot of people in this district ill with the flu. While Mrs, Fre'd Koehler was com- ing down the steps in the barn she missed her footing and the trap door which she was holding, came dowa faster than she expected and caught her little finger on the left hand, breaking a bone. Dr. -D. Schmidt, of Mitchell, bandaged it, and if no com- plication sets in, it will be all right in the course of a few weeks. The correspondent wishes you and your staff and all the readers of your valuable paper a Happy and Pros- perous New Year and magy of them, CONSTANCE. The following are the results of the Christmas examinations for S. S. No. 3, Hullett, The names of the pupils who' were absent for one or more eX- aininatioes are marked with an as- terisk. Honors 75 pc, Pass 60 p.c. Sr, IV.—Helen 'Britton 80.1; Gir- vin Anderson 79.1; Howard Marshall 66.6; Freddy Yungblut 65.4; Viola Clarke 59.2; John Standercock 57; Clifford Jamieson 56.9; Margaret Yungblut 45.8. Jr. IV. — Isobel Jamieson 74.5; *Hazel McMichael 55.4; Doreen Clarke 154.9. . Sr. M.—Hattie Armstrong 73.8; Doris Lawson 66,3; Bernard Riley 56.9; *Edith Britton 51.5. Jr. 312. — Hazel Jamieson 73.2; *Kelso Adams 62.8; *Ella Dexter 54r Charlie Sundercock 46.3; Ethel Dex- ter 45.4; Freddy Riley 35.4, Sr. IL—John Thompson 75; Edna Armstrong 67; Jean Wakefield 58; Alex. McMichael 50. First --Jean Anderson, Elva Sund- ercock, Alvin Riley, Grace McMich- ael, Olive Grimoldby, Reggie Law- son, Kathleen Yungblut, *Mary Thompson, a. Primer—Stella Armstrong, Marian Lawson, Violla Dexter, *Kenneth Thompson. (Number on roll, 37. Average at- tendance 33.7. Ida I. Medd Teacher. Mr. and Mrs. 'Wm, Logan, of Blyth, spent a few days with their daughter, Mrs, Leo Stephenson. Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Riley spent Christmas with ivErs. Riley's parents; Mr. and Mrs. George Cook, of God- erich Township. Mr. and :Mrs. Adam Glazier, of Clinton, spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Thomas Pollard. Mr. and Mrs, John Riley, Of Brus- sels, spent Christmas at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grimoldby. Quite a few from around here at- tended the nomination at Londesboro on Monday. Mr. aed Mrs. Thomas Riley, of Clinton, and Miss Edith Riley, of Brussels, spent Christmas with Mr. and 1VIrs. George Riley, in the vil- lage. Mr. and Mrs. George Dale and Mr. and Mrs. John Ferguson were Christ- mas visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Carter. Mr. and Mrs. C. Hoggart and Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Rogerson visited 'Mr. and Mrs, Dave 'Watson, of McKillop, on Friday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. 0, Anderson visited Mr. and Mrs. Dave Watson one etren- ing last weelc, (Mr, Lorne Lawson is at preterit laid up with the flu. Colclough Bros. have installed a radio. 11Csars. .Robert Lawson and Jack Freeman each delivered a horse to Brussels last week. Mr. and Mrs. 0. Anderson were calling on friends ie Exeter last week, Me, WIT1. Moore is able to be •a- round again after havieg the fie, Mr. Charles Riley is leaving on Tnesclay Inc Stratford, where he 'has secured a ithaition. Mr. W. 3, McCtilly and tam sone, of Stratford, spent Senclay with their uncle, Mr. William Rhin. fbit. and Mrs. Howard Armstrong ntertained. a few, of their , friends to a fra,VI supper New Year'a,,eve, Mr, Ed. 'i'r'e is in Toronto on bueiness this" week. " a'Air, and .Mrs. Charles MaeGieger, aod Ross spent New Year's With ,Mr, and Mrs, Hall .at LondesborO; ' ViqNTIIROP. - Mr. and Mrs. 1'Jel. Clarke and chil- dren spent New Year's Day with Mr, and Mrs. Epps, of Varna, Mr, Nelson Govenloek wears a smile these days. It's a baby gad. Mr. hnd Mrs, W. Dundas spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Jos- eph Little. There will be no election of Reeve and Councilmen AS they were put in by acclamation. Miss Velma Heist and Miss Isa- bel 'Betties had their tonsils removed in the Seaforth 1-lospital last week. . Mr, Saul Shannon and little daugh- ter Kathleen are confined to their bed with the l'flu," We wish.atjaem a speedy recovery, • HILLSGREEN. Mr. Keith Love left 'Wednesday for Toronto after spending Christmas holidays with his parents), Mr. and Mrs, William Love. Miss Muriel Carlile left on Wed- nesday for London (where she has a poeition, Mr. and Mrs. j, Cdchrane are spending a few • weeks with :their daughter, Mrs. Hopkins, of Chicago. Mr, Hugh Love has had a radio put in his home 'the past week. Quite a, ounther are laid up with the grippe aroued this burg. Mr. Wesley Richardson, Mr. Wil- liam Taylor arid Mr, Walker Carlile left on Wednesday Inc Windsor alter spending Christirms holidays at their respective homes here. CROMA.RTY. Misses Laura and Greta Sararas, of Toronto, spent Christmas with their parents. MiSs Hazel Hay, of Stratford, is visiting her want, who is ill. Mr. Filmer Chapple, of Moose Jaw, Sask., is visiting relatives in this vicinity. Mr, Dan. McKellar, of Detroit, is spending the New Year at his home heref lfr, Kerr, of Toronto, spent Christ- mas with Mr, and :Mrs. Elder. Mr. Donald McKellar, eldest son of the kite Mr. and Mrs. Neil Mc- Kellar, .passed away on Thursday, Dec. 27th, at the home of his son-in- law, Mr. Thomas Scott, Mr. Mc- Kellar was in his eightieth yeat, 'Be- sides his wife, he leaves to mourn his loss, four daughters and one son: Mrs. Thomas Scott, Mrs. Elmer Col- quhoun and Mrs. Horton McDougall, of Hibbert, and Mrs. George Wel, lace, of Carlingford; and Mr. Lind- say Meat:eller, of the village. "Marjorie" of the "Dumbells" To Be Seen Here The one and only "Marjorie", who for the past ten years has been the bright and shining magnet that has drawn 'the enormous business that the Canadian 'Soldiers Review, -the "Dumbells" have enjoyed, is an- nounced to appear in the opera house, •Seaforth, Tuesday night, Jan- uary 8th. Peer of all female imper- sonators on the stage today, "Mar- jorie", who in private life is iRoss Hamilton, since organizing his own company, has been an instant 'hit. He has appeared in all the larger Cana- dian cities Mclucling 'Toronto, Mon- treal, 'Ottawa, Hamilton, London, and nearly all the smaller ones. He has been greeted by large and enthusias- tic audiences, most of whom_reineen- ber him for his stellar work in the "Dumbells" Review. Never in the past has Mr, Hamilton possessed such marvelous and gor- geous gowns as he is displaying dur- ing the present season. The very latest in Parisian fashions will grace the -perfect "36" of the popular "Mar- jorie" and regarding the stunning hats, well it would take •a flapper with wonderful descriptive powers to give you the correct dope about them. They are all imported models from the fashion 'Salons of Paris. Mr. 1-lardillon has aurrounded him- self with a clever and versatile com- pany of fourteee persons, several of them foihner "Dumbell" stars, in- cluding such well known performers as Pat (Rafferty, Jack Challis, Eddie Devout, 'Norman Blume, Sid Jackson, Curley Nixon and others. They are presenting a high class musical re- view, one that is entirely different from anything beretore presented in this particular field of amusement; one of the cleverest, snappiest and cleanest ever offered Inc public ap- proval. 'The bargain day prices of admis- sion are: :Children 25c, general admis- sion 50c, reserved seats 75c plus tax. The latter are now on sale. It is ad- visable, to secure them now to avoid standing. AUCTION SALE There will be sold byapublic • auc- tion a't lot 30, con. 6, -Mill Road, Tuckersmith, between Brucefield and Seaforth, on Tuesday, January 8th, commencing at 1.230 p.msharp, the ,following: 'Horses -1 good mare 8 yeers 1 good work horse, 1 grey horse 10 yrs. 'old,1 bay horse,"8 yrs. old, 1 good driving horse, 1 good team of 4 year olds, will make 3,600 lbs. Cows -1 cow, Feb. 19; 1 cow, fresh 1 month; 1 cow, springing; 1 cow Marcia 16, 1 co* calved 3 months, 1 cow, Feb. 10; 1 cow, fresh 2 week5; 1 cow, calved 3 months; 1 cow, Feb. 20; 1 cow, Feb, 21; 1 Holstein cow, Inc in March; 1 cow, Feb. 11; 7 calves 5,Durham yearlings, 7 Polled Angus, 1 bull, two years old, • Hogs -1 sow with litter 5 weeka old; 1 sow with litter 2 weeks old, 1 sow with rtter 3 weeks ohl; 1 sow coming in Jan, 20; 1 sow coming in Fab, 13, 23 hogs 150 lbs. 2-Iees-50 pure bred Rock pullets, 75 Wyandottes. IIIMplerrients.— Massey -Harris bitt- er, IVIaSsepHarris manure spreader, neW; Massey Harria hay tedder, Mas- sey -Harris 2 -row seaffler; 11'14,4SeY' Harris hay rake; McCormick Deer. lag mower, new; Deering eultivator, Maaseyal-larris drill, 13ahoe; Bissell' roller; 16x16 Biasell disc; 4-Sectioe harrowe; 5 -section harrows, hay fork rope, 1$0 feet long, and polleys, 1 hay loadec, 2 No:. 21 Fleury walking plovas, 1 Perrin ,2 -furrow plow, 1 fudhope Anclersoa single Plow; 1 Bain wagon, 1 -Millner Walker wee gon, I set Brown 84 Clark sleighs, iiew; 2 hay rack, 1.6 -foot; 1 gravel box, 1 flat rack for sleighs, 1 g bug- gy; I sanitary King cream separatOr, 1 wheel barrow; la root pulper, 3 sets doable harness, 2 sets single harness. Hay—$0 tons mixed hay, 400 hue, mangels and turnips, quantity of himber aod oak tongues, (1 cook stove 1 heater, 1 set of 2,000 lb. scales, 1 Clinton fanning mill, 30 grain bags, Terms -4A11 sums of $10 and under, cash; over that amnent nine months' credit will be given 00 furnishiog hp- provedbankable paper. 6 per cent. ger anntun allowed off for cash on credit amounts, . G. H. Elliott and T. Brown, Auct. George Cameron, Prop. TENDERS WANTED. The management of Caven Chinch, Winthrop; will receive tenders ad- dressed to the secretary, Wm. Som- erville, R.R. 4, Walton, until. 3 o'clock p.m., Jan. 17th. let. For 15 cords 16 -inch body hardwood piled in the shed, 2nd. For the caretaking of the Church Inc one Year, starting Febru- ary 1st., , Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted, ' ROOM'. Mac FARLAN R, 02 Chairman of the 'Board. a FARM FOR SALE. .. Lot 11, Con. 3, McKillop Tp." 100 acres of good .farming land. Good barn, 50'x50'; cement stables through- out and water inside. Good frame house (115 ares good , orchard. STA milea from church and. school. 5 linnet 'from Seaforth and. 334 miles from Dublin. 114 miles from High- way. JOSEPH McQUAID, R. R. 5, Seaforth. ' CATTLE WANTED. To tramp a straw -stack. Lots of good feed and good attention. Also seed oats for sale, 0,A,C. 144, grown front registered seed. Lot 28, • Con- cession 4, McKillop: W. H. PALIN, Phone 15 on 244. 03 ,CUTTER FOR SALE. A Portland cutter and good robe; also rubber tired buggy. All almost new. Apply to CON, EOKART, FOR SALE Cottage .and two lots, North Main St. Hardwood floors, modern bath- room, furnace. First c ass condition. Two car garage. Beautiful grounds, flowers, shrubbery, etc., a most desir- able property, Inspection at aimstime. Possession given Jan. 1st. Price reas- onable. A. D. SLITHERLAND, Gen- eral Insurance, Real Estate, • Invest- ments, Etc. Phone 152. • • -PIGS FOR SALE. Two Yorkshire brood sows -with litters at focit and 8 chunks. Phone, br see them at once. JONATHAN HUGEL, phone 616 r 34, Clinton. - 01 • ANNUAL MEETING. ' ' The annual meeting of the Seaforth Agricultural Society willabe held In the Carnegie Library, Seaforth, on Fridayafternoon,january llth,1929, at 2 o, clock. Business: Financial re- port for 1928, election of officers and directors for 1929 and other business THOS. E. LIMENGSTOIN, Pres. A. D. SUTHERLAND Secy -Trees EXPERT VIOLIN • REPAIR WORK DONE. Charges reasonable. Call 236 r 21, -Seaforth • Central. j 0 SE P H T. HUGEL • 03 BOARDERS WANTED. A couple of boarders, to start with the New Year. '.Apply toaThe News, BARLEY FOR SALE Quantify of Seed Barley for sale, also feed barley. Phone 23 on 233, Seaforth, 52 FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS. Do you want it ? By buying this eighty acres of rich and productive loam with good natural and artificial drainage, also picturesque location— one of the best in the vicinity, you 0111 be profiting this amount, Said farm is about two miles from Clinton on Baseline. Buildinas consist of goqd house,. large barn, driving shed, alatmwindmill and reservoir. Consid- erable bush. Residence in States rea- son for sacrifice. For terms: W. Bry- done, Clinton. • Owne ,r 322 South Main Street, Romeo, Michigan. 5 THURS., FRI. and SAT. Hangman's House Donn Byrnes Famous Novel with , VICTOR lVfacI,AGLEIN JUNE' COLLYER LARRY KENT Ould Ireland, Pre‘ty Colleens, ,Racing Horses, Stalwart Lads and a romance of darieg deeds, . ready Wit and abiding love. , The Princess will be closed Mon,a Tues. aith Wed. until March 1st, Princess HURSDAY, JANUARY a, •1. • PROFESSIONAL CARDS, Medical, DR, IL IIUGH ROSS, Phyrkfm,„ and Surgeon, Late of London pital, London, England. Special attention to diseases of the eye, ea nese 'and throat. Office and r ence behind Dominion Batu, Phone No, 5; Residence ''Phone 4Wi DR. F. J. BuoRq s, S eatwt Office and residence, flioderich streak east of the Methodist Church. Cite. oner for the County,of Huron, Trio - phone No. 40. ' DR. C. MiACKA,Y,—C, honor graduate of Trinity Univerrek ity and gold medallist of IV Medical College; member of the ant", lege of Physicians and Surgeons 90 Ontario. IDIR, F, j. FORSTER,—Eye,, Eat Nose and Throat, Graduate in ¥4 - cine, University of Toronto 1897. Ling Assistant New York Ophthalmic end Aural Institute, Moorefield's Eye, end Golden Square throat hospitals, Lia don, England. AC Commercial WA Seaforth, 3rd Monday in ea"%h MOM*- from la a.m. to 3 p.m. DR. W. C, SPROAT.—Graduate et Fiaculty of Medicine, University oi Western Ontarib, London. • Member of College • of P.hysicians and S. geons of Ontario. Office in Aberheste Drug Store, Main St., Seeforife. Phone 90. OR. WM. ABERHART, Gradtutie .1 Faculty of Medicine, Univereiv et Toronto, • Member of Caere of Phyaicians and Surgeons of 001010g. Licentiate of Medical Coon& -et Canada. Late interne Toronto- Wes- tern Hospital. Office --Queen's Motet Building, North Main Street Mut 89. Night calls, phone Dental. • DR. J. A. IMUNN Successor to Dr. R. R. Ros' s grado ate of Northwestern University, cago, Ill. Licentiate Royal College af. Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Office r ver Sills' hardware, Alain street, Seaforth. Phone 151. •• DR. F. J. BECHELY, grads/US Royal College of Dental Surgeona, Toronto. Office over W. R. Smitlife Grocery, • Main street, Seaforth Phones, .office 185W, residence MI Auctioneer. GEORGE ELLIOTT, Licesseel Atiotioneer for the County of Raman News. Incc fueSaiesem ADraren.agtelliTehnctsS ecaafnorbthe moderate and satisfaction guaranteed WATSON AND RED'S REAL ESTATE -AND INSURANCE AGENCr 'cSitccessors to Janes Watscinif MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, Olfra • All kinds of Insurance risks effect, ed aft, lowest rates in First-Clauto a . Consumes. THE ivicKii,Lop Mutual Fire Insurance Cue FARM AND ISOLATED TONYN PROPERTY ONLY, INSURED Officers ---James Connolly, Goder- ich; Alex. James Evans, Beechterracf, Vice President; D. F. McGregor, Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer. iDirectors—Wm. Rhin, No. 2 Sea. - forth, John Sennewies, Brodhagesti James Evans, Beechwood; M. Ma - Ewen, Clinton; James Connolly, God- - erich; Alex. Broadfoot, No. 3, Sear forth; J. M. Sholdice, No. 4, Wattling - Robert Ferris, Harlock; George Mc- Cartney, No. 3, Seaforth; Murray' Gibson, Brucefielcl. Agents—Alex, Leitch r r I Cilia - ton; E. Hinchley, Seaforth;7. A - Murray, rat, No. 3, Seaforth; .3. V.. Yeo, Holinesvilte; R. G. Jarman*, Bornholm. James Kerr and ,Jaoht Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors. Parties desirous to effect insuaance or tr act other business will 'be pronatt attended to by applieation to ;aat 01 the above named officers „addressed to their respectiv'e postoffieet f• `. FARIVI FOR SALE 100 acres located in Huron Comm lg miles from school, church am& town. About 60 acres in cultivatiogg 25 acres pasture; 10 acres thither; ame one acre in good bearing fruit orch- ard. Soil is clay loam, growing a kinds of grain and other adaptable crops. Drilled well and windmill ors place, Improvements include 7 room, 2 story house, brick front and kitchen in_back; "L" shaped barn; hog:house, cement silo, other buildings all in good condition. Straw shed with water sys- tem in it, good shape. Price VAG with possession within • one mon* after sale. For further details see or write ANDREW SfLOAN, r. r. Z Brussels, Ont. 512 • SEA:FORTH MARKETS. Wednesday, Jan. 2nd. Chickens, per lb. .... . ... -02c-7.4g Hens, per lb 18c49e /' Roosters, per lb . . .... 12c -110c - Yu ong ducks, per lb 17i Geese, per lb. 1St Turkeys, per lb. 32e. Potatoes, per bag 90c Butter, per lb. 313c -40c Eggs, per doz. ..... ....,,.. 30c-4a2c. Hogs, per cwt. .... ..,,$9.50410.08 'FARM FOR SALE. Choice 50 -acre farm in good condi- tion. Nyz' lot 16, con, '5, McKillop, all cleared and all seeded down. Two Storey cement house, frame kitchen; all in good repair. Barn 50'x46' on a cement Wall, cement stabling and water in the barn, Cement driving house 24/x36'. Frame hog pen 16'sr24% Never 'failihg welt of choice water. Well fenced and tinclerdralheal oink tile drain. Will be told on easy iterate to puit purchaser, with or without crop. Failure of health is reason Inc selling, For further partiettlars apply on the premisea or write to Seaford's, RIZ, 5, ROBERT GIBSON, tf27 'NJ