HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1929-01-03, Page 6(t11ISF1R1ftG 5A6� B IIyv AssiNsr;AIR DRA000 A$ 0000'4 100:G COPYR! I T, MRS BY Nif•A. 3fav1f9• ?HC BEGIN HERE TODAY Dick A°klin, big boss of the Double A ranch eaUs on Jose Arascada, most powerful of .the Basque genie ft Par- adise Valley. Jose is owner of the Rancho Buena Vista and is father of Mer°edes,. Esteban and little blind Basilic. Buck Bodine, neweovmer of the old Webster place, is visiting Este- ban. He meets Acklin and later they plan tomb the Basques of their water supply. Acklin rides to Bodine's ranch for instructions, Cash Morrow is fore- man of the Double A ranch, NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY Blaze found the saloon filled. At a table six men played cards. They were the only ones present who seem- ed ,untouched by the general air of also ster. Blaze bought a clrinlc. Tlie pard-garno ended. Blaze'eatight tho reflection of the players in the fly -specked mirror over the back bar. "You boys are too'dod-gasted lucky for toe," the smallest of them cackled. "I been going for the case -card every time," In the mirror, Blaze could see that he had caught the little man's atten- tion, It was half dark in the saloon, but he sensed the alertness in the other's eyes. Blaze reached for his glass to finish his drink. "Well, if. it ain't old Timberline," the little man exclabned, Blaze set ho cir r` to scrutinize his neighbor. Recogni- tion came quickly. "Joe Kent!" he cried. "What are you doing way over been, Tuscarora?" "Why, I been over tl.is a -ways some time. What you dein' here?" "Side toeout of town n wavy and I'll let you guess. Butlay off that Timberline. It belongs in my wicked past, I`m headed for Webster Creek. That out of your way?" Benavide waved hint goodbye as he and Blaze left. Tuscarora was a fix- ture in the valley, "What's on, son?" he asked. when they lad crossed the little bridge north of town. "You acted hack there as if I had handed you a jolt." "You sure gave me a surprise." Blaze admitted. "You beard about the Kid, I suppose?" "Yel too bad! That ain't bringin' you over here, is it?" "It's taken mc a lot of places. I hired :out to the ouble A yesterday." "Now looks here, Blaze!" Joe ex- claimed as he pulled up his horse. "Yon don't belong in this fuss. And it's gonna be a fuss. There'lI be killin' before it's through. Acklin's over his head. As long as it don't mean any - thin' to you, why not get out of it?" "I'm playing a hunch; that's. ail! I've got to see it through. Anyway, Joe, I never was much of a hand at running away." They rode on for a mile or more before Blaze sp rte. "Why don't you take the thing to court? This is still the United States, isn't it? You've got the law." "Law?" Joe mocked. "The country is smeared with it, but it's all made for the other fellow. But don't you fret. We'll. get started, I'll have every man -jack in the valley down to the Rancho Buena Vista tomorrow night. I'll see to it, too, that we don't • make any small-town affair of this row. I been county commissioner twice. I know how Acklin's got things tied up around here. He's strong enough down in Carson, too. But I'll take a lot of beating before I'm dead. Election's coming on seen. Toni Brand is out for district attorney down in Winnemucca. Acklin and the Ana- conda. Cattle Co. may heat him. Still, h'a's got a following. Folks have had about enough of your San Francisco millionaires." CHAPTER VIII•, A NARROW ESCAPE. It was late twilight when Blaze walked his horse into Bodine's yard. Webster Creek cut across it between house and barn. Ahead of him the house bulked dark and silent. He sent My plan prancing through the water and was -about to cry out to see if he could arouse any one when a short, bandy-legged shadow detached itself from the blackness of the house and dashed madly for the barn. A voice boomed from the steps of the house asking what he wanted. Blaze recognized it for Bodine's. "I've got a letter for you," Blaze answered. "This is Kildare." Blaze sat on the porch while Bodine 'went inside to read Acklin's letter, He fanciedene saw some on staring at him from thenleekness of the barn door, "Yon tell' •acklin :my boys are in the Buttes none" Bodine stated when he came out. 'll be over to the Bull's head tonne nen Blazo made no effotate leave. "I guess you won't hatn.eny trouble finding your way back hcanan Bodine insinuated to speed his gue-,t>., "Not on an empty stomach," said with a sour face, "It`s pr near time to eat, isn't it?" Their eyes met, and Bodine laughed. They went inside.' Blaze dreW out a chair that would leave bin facing the window. "Sit on the other side," Bodine cut "l'il be }randy to the stove here' so I can. hot up the coffee. I've got serine biscnits in the oven." .. Blaze had been carefid to note that the window had been closed when he sat down. Yet as 'he finished the last of the biscuits he felt the first touch of the cold night wind 'on the back of his neck. He knew the window was being slowly opened. The shining biscuitetin, acting as a mirror, reflected the troubled face of Bodine., Inspiration came to Blaze. Reaching; out, he took the pan and. stood it on end, as if to shake the crumbs from it; then quickly held it before hits and caught on the polish- ed surface the picture of a hat and the lower part of a face. With the barrel of a heavy gun the owner of the hat was pushing the window open. Bodine was quick to grasp the ac- tion. With an oath he kicked', his chair behind hint and made for the window. "That damned wind comes out of thecanon every night about this time. Cools your victuals off before you've got time to get then down," lie closed the window with a bang, Had Shorty.recognized an enemy in Kildare? When Buck turned he found Blaze was on his feet. "Going already?" he asked, torn be tween anger and fear. A break with the Double A now would be a calam- ity "Adios, then." Bodine waved his hand as Kildare gut into the saddle. He failed to note the tilt of Kildare's jaw.' Blaze forced My Man close to the porch. "Years ago, way up in Montana, Bodine," he warned, "I first heard of the Double A. And since then when- ever I've heard cow -nen speak of it, there is one thing they have always said: ''The Double A boys stick to- ze 1- e caught on the polished surface the picture of a hat and the lower part of a face. gether.' They have a habit of not forgetting. If one of them turns up missing and is discovered months later lying face down in some lonely little canon, plugged in the back by a rustler or gunman, they don't wait for the sheriff. They chased 'Soapy' Smith all the way into Utah; they got hint, too." Blaze paged. "That's just something to think about," he added sullenly and, giving My Man the bit, cantered away. CHAPTER IX. A FRIENDLY ACT Old Ironsides arose from his break- fast -table the following morning de- termined to see Acklin. Aeklin had foreseen this visit. It was certain to be a bad half-hour. Thought of its unpleasantness solely, and not a sense of shame for his du- plicity, caused him to arrange hur- riedly for an alleged trip to the Owyhee. Therefore it followed that about the slime time J050 left the Iiancho,lThe Conditions of A True Marriage Acklin departed from the Buil a Head By word of mouth from his Mesa,; the news of the old Basque's conning had been relayed to Cash. He had flashed beck to them not to molest Edllinent Writers Claim Happy the visitor. Marriages -Are Uncorn- "Buenos dtas, Senora' ho called, as the dignified old. Basque strolled up� inonly Rare the steps. Jose returned the salutation °ere- Parents Need Education More rnoniuusly. Than Their Children, "Is the Senor busy?" he inquired, They say "The boss isn't home,," Morrow an- Q swered, almost glad that he could The hoary fletlpn, of the „"happy speak the truth, "He left for the marriage" is beginning to wear thin. Owyhee early this morning. Don't ex- This is the opinion Of Dr, James. Car - pact hin?"back today, neither." rutlrers Young and John Middleton Jose stopped his forehead. Murray In their article "modern Mare "Anything I can do for you?" Cash riage," in the January "Forum." y "There are happy marriages, no !`i came todaytoask permission to "butmost people who are honest withsug'Ygeasete!d".Jose's tones were icycold. doubt;" reads the "Forum" article, J rin i dy Colic e � y,Q jj ' °r ss your fence. My neighbors have themselves and have insight enough sought to see beyond it, and they have to see beyond the familiar facade of been driven away. Both you and married 'bliss,' will admit that happy Aeklin' know ire. I lay no hand on marriages are unoomumnly rare. The what is not mine. Unless there has. devoted mother has a trick, on closer inspection, of appearing much loss de- voted as a wife; and the doting • hue band is only'too glad, in spite' of his formal protests; to be kept in an of- ficet, eight hours a day well out of reach of his wife's pretended enchant- Scholarships for Ontario for the ,year P Fine tea Is w ttin bangoff price @f c o er tees cel ois the rhoetrdesirelk t a i� c ' ht Ben+ the Ilea -lover fre its di sscrir�elhatiOg choke. ' or Something of a sensation was. caused four years ago when 0 then comparatively unknown man, Neville' Chamborlaoa, declined the (�.rancellpr- ship of tale Exehegtrrt', second highest post in the British Cabinet, iii favor v.. what is regarded as time far does lm- portant oleo of Health Minister., ' widely carries with It resljpnsibifity for municipal affairs. Mr,.' Chamber lain ,gave ad his •reason, that, as the; tentire system of legal government in Britain was in need of - reform, he thought he could do best' service to. the state by turning iris attention toy' the urgent questons pressing in this lattei• connection. Iris plans have taken some • Limo to, g g�� t� mature. A11 the great municipal con Setsl" �¢%!E Record ' porations In Bnglan„dand Wales liave. `.Faris —New 10 r •� bad to be consulted. A measure of • The Finest of F .e 'Te 'e ,•O4 been trickery on your part, you can- not refuse me," Cash hitched up, his trousers. 'I ain't'; got any complaint against your honesty," he stammered, "But you're askin' something I can't allow. I've got orders to let no one through: And for about 25 years I been aimin' the ealee cf appeAr•arrces. One of thein to see that •orders are carried out dies, and the remaining one is work- around here," ed into' an ecstasy. of regret whlch,.in "Your answer is what I shoundhave so far as it is real at all, is more pften expected," Old Ironsides said, unable regret for a lost habit than a lost per- to smother his anger. "I wanted Senor son. And another is' added to the Acklin to convict himself before . I long, list of happy marriages tlrat,will judged him. I have my answer! I not bear examination." see now, that he runs away; he is a The "Forum" writers set down coward, too." some of the conditions of a true mar Without another word he mounted riage. "First and foremost," they his horse and struck off down the write, is the necessity of biological valley, satisfaction on:bgth sides. Second,' Once he had arrived at the Rancho, there should be on both sides a con - Tose retired to the patio to lay his scions awareness of function, It is the plans for the meeting that evening. man't business to lead in married life, Esteban he sent to Paradise. 33y noon and It is the Woman's -business to the result of Jose's errand had spread know and to demand- that the man throughout the valley. en a should lead.. There are realities Esteban, however, didnot plan to which a man knows better than a wo- wait for the meeting. With about man, and there aro realltiecs which a half a dozen chosen companions he woman knows better than a than, The schemed to ride t.ronnd the Double A man is the adventurer in the world of wire and see for himself just what objects, the woman has the ltuow- had happened. ledge of the. inward world. Mau is He rightly figured that the men centrifugal, woman centripetal. Aware or. guard would be best caught un- nese of function thus passes into a means early in the evening. He knowledge of reciprocal indispensa- therefore planne.- to bane his friends bility, not merely in the economic but make a demonstration directly north in the spiritual order—which is the of town; as soon as the twilight faded third condition. A man should have and while they were engaging the at- learned that he cannot really be a tention of Acklin's men, he hoped to man unless he has a woman to renew steal unobserved through the foot hills. lrin, to give him courage, and to 10- below the Chimney, store his faith; and a. Nomas should The rat -tat -tat of firing came to his have learned that she cannot be a ears. As he listened, the shooting grew woman without a man to give dirge - in violence. It was far off. The re- tion to the abundance of her vitality, ports came muffled, and deadened. and to insert design iso her life. (To be continued,) ' "In so far, tJl,erefore, as a treu mar Supplies Three Out• of Six the mast, aomplicatel nature and af- fecting the widest changes, however, Rhodes Scholars from Ont. d” has received second reading In Par-, n now well on way i most and s e a s y iA iv �rs 1. Past Three ea During Y r \law.Tho. commnttos tewarcl becoming hill seeks to acaonrpliant .several• things. at is to reduce unemployment MARKED PROGRESS The award of one, of the lbhodos ®cc t `' . ; by readjueting a great burden of municipal .taxation which now prese- es inequitably upon productive indus- tries. It is to- widen the beads or the relief of poverty so that the spending authorities ;(Guardians of the. Poor) shall no longer bo ° divorced from the county and borough councils-•respons• role for: raising the necessary f:uule, '• It is to substitute grants, ac ordiug to need (block grants) for the present grants according to spending capacity . (percentage grants), where funds sup• plied by the National Treasury to help local nuances aro concerned One of its provisions is to free factories of throe-girartere Of their present local. taxatiau,tand agricultural land of the' whole of this impost. This last-men- tioned relief is to be at the cost of the central tai:payer. Railways are to be similarly lightened of 75 ,per•r cent. oe local taxation, but aro to pass on the benefit by reducing their transport charges for raw materials and goods for export. The British Weekly, not usually a supporter of the Conservative party, says: "In its main features this is a bill 13y which the poor will benefit and struggling inclustrios'wll be releved:" No Conservative voted aganst its sec- ond reading, while seven Liberals voted for it. The Britfsh. Government hopes to pass it into law before the general election, which is to,., take ' place' next year. -Editorial in Chris- tian Science Monitor. meats. They rub along aomelrow, for 1029 to Mr Geo•se Stevenson Cart - t f d' Y 0 f Y s Second Class and 25 in the Third mora„ femhune by attache d lab wright, a student inthe Fourth , Year ' in Arts in Trinity College in the Una voi•sity of Toronto, has been . an nounced. This is the third consecu tivo . year in which one +of the two Rhodes Scholar•sh.ips open : to the stn " dents of all Universities in Ontario lras been awarded to a student o Trinity, College. In December, 1920 Min Escott Meredith Reid was award- ed a Rhodes Scholarship; Again in 1927 the Candidate from Trinity, Col- , lege was successful ;in the person o Mr. William Lyndon Smith, B.A. The late Mr. Cecil Rhodes in estab- lishing this scholarship wished`, that in the choice of scholars regar should be had to (a) Force of character, devotion t0 • duty,: courage;- sympathy, capacity for leadership. (b) Ability and scholastic attain . meats. (c) Physical vigour, as shown b participation in games or • in other � ways. It is particularly gratifying . t' friends of Trinity College ,that it num- bers amongst its. students men pos sassing these qualifications In a con- spicuous degree. The standing of Trinity College stu- dents at the Annual. Examinations o the University of Toronto last Ma. "is regarded as the best since Trinity College federated with the University of Toronnto in 1903. Five student obtained the highest standing in 'the whole University '• in their Honour riage relation can be achieved, with Membership Drive for League ue its progressive mutual enrichment of man.and wife, tho problem of the en - of Nations suing generation is simplified. By the Ottawa —The weekly and daily honesty which men and women to -day newspapers of Canada art warn sup- bring to the marriage relation, theft porters of. the League, it was stated children will profit, 'with advantages.' at the regular monthly meeting of the They will havefewer difficulties to League of Nations Society held here when arrangements were discussed for the membership drive to take place next April. Throughout the length and breadh of the Dominion, it was said, editors bave shown an in- terest in the. activities of the League of Nations and in the efforts of the Society to promote it in this country. The support of the press win} prove a great asset in the annual "Coast to Coast" Membership Drive due to take place on April 16th, 1929, which will be known as "League of Nations Day." I count the best investment of my career to. have been the money and time I spent as a young man in hearing such things as Beethoven's Fifth Symphony and seeing such things as Botticelli's "Primavera."— Otto H. • Kalr$. Mavis—"What's the name of that new lipstick you're using?" Ethel— 'It's right on my lips, but I can't re- member." Minard's Liniment for Chapped Hands. contend with whentheir i'me comes to choose their mates. In s0 far as their fathees and mothers were com- plete and creative in themselves, they will be -spared the extremes forms of psychological disability. For it is not on th sex education of children by which reformers of the rationalistic sort set so much store, that their fu- ture happiness depends; but on the sex education of their parents." Courses. In all, 17 obtained Fir Class Honours, 33 being placed in the ori In athletics many students of the rills. The circular flare of skirt Coilese secured places on University show}ng pointed treatment at front is teams, four playing on the. Intercol- cut very low at back to give tight .legiate Rugby team and two on the hipline and dipping back movement. O.R.F.U. team. The College was also The shirred shoulders are decorative. well representee on the.Soceei team, ' the Intercollegiate Harriers team, and youthful. a It's economical, too, for it the Universitg of Toronto Golf team, can be made with 81/2 yards of 40- which won the Intercollegiate Cham- inch material with Sea yards of edg- ' pionship. ing or piping for jabot frills for the It is hoped In the near future to pro- • 86 -inch' size. Style No. 835 is de- signed . in sizee 16, 18, 20 years, 36, 38, 40 and- 42 inches bust. It adapts itself beautifully to the season's new fabrics in rich printed rayon velvet, plain sheer velvet, lustrous crepe sae tin, : supple woolens in new feather- -weight, and the lovely sillc crepes in tweed, modernistic and novelty weaves. Pattern price 20c-in:stamps or coin (coin is preferred). Wrap coin carefully. DISTINCTLY UNUSUAL A charinitrg-.new silhouette made It is definitely different and decidedly residences for men and for women in Queen's ,Park. There are at present 100 mon in residence in Trinity House and 70 at St. Hilda's—the Trinity Col- lege residence for women. Bolivia and Paraguay Washington Post: War is not a con- trolable duel between two combat- ants. It is a fire that would consume HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS. a oontenent if not stamped out. If an Write your name and address plain - intrigue is on foot, seeking to bring , ly giving number and size of such about war between Bolivia and Para-Il,atterns as you want. Enclose 20c in N- - �'- quay for ulterior ends, 'it is a con- stamps ox coin (coin preferred; wrap ed Fly: that's all boloney about ice spracy against all Latin America and it carefully) for each number and cream coming in bricks. I've look- against the world, which, if perpetp- address your order to 1'Vinson Pattern ated, could not fail to bring down up. Service, f!8 West Adelaide St.; Toronto, at every one of these and can't on its participants a succession .of find a bit. Patterns sent 'by an early mail. calamities now t}nforesoen and bo- yond credence. L t the broken and! "Was your late mistress surprised scattered, remnant of recent empires' at your leaving?" "Oh, no mum. She , in Europe give testimony to the retri- port1Ti11s - English Town Prefers Tennis. Courts to Roman Tem- ple Ruins Colchester, England:—This ancient town is in the throes of a controversy between age and youth, archinology and sprouting tennis stars, 'Roman ruins and English boys and girls. On one side the local antiquarians, hacked by the inspector general of ancient monuments in Great Britain, the national committee of distinguish- ed archmologists and other high- sounding names and organizations. 00 the other side is the Town Coun-' cil. Between the two are seven acres of 'disputed land upon which are the re- mains of a .Roman temple that stood in the middle of a market place when Colchester was a thriving Roman city knew about it before did." 1 bution that follows deliberae war, \,4 The Cotteetri O'er Hill and Pale le With Pack in Full Cry AN UNUSUAL PICTURE OF meet at Coles Lodge near Lou NN.. "THE HUNT" WITH A TYPICAL ENGLISH LANDSCAPE cls, Leicestershire, showing the nature- of the country that delights i ,e English 'huntsmen. , is op Fights For eland Wo'i la English• Clergyman in Melane- sia Boards French Vessel With Husband to Take Her Of London.—A fight between the Eng- lish Assistant Bishop of • Melanesia and the skipper of a French ship has created a sensation' in the. New He- brides in the Southern Pacific, says -- The Daily Express. Diplomatic corn- osmication between the Dominions Orifice and the French Government are expected to follow a report of the in- cident which is. being made by British officials of the islands. • It appears that Dr. R. Merivale Molyneapx learned that a young mar- ried native woman was aboard a French rr•ecruiting vessel. The chief of her village and her husband had been to the vessel and asked for her• release, which had been refused. Dr.. Molyneaux thereupon took then. with him in a boat to the vessel, end, he says modestly, in a letter• describing the affair, "to cut a long story short, I get the woman off." Another account, irowevee, shows that the assistant bishop had to 'put up a fight. The The Frenchman flatly refused to surrender the woman, whereupon,the bishop, who 'was edu- cated at Oxford and mentioned in dispatches for his services. as chap- lain in the World War, decided to take the law into his own hands, When he announced that he was going aboard anyway, the Frenchman threatened himwith a rifle. The Bishop replied, "Shoot; me and take the consequences," and then stepped aboard and seized the Frenchman's rifle. The Frenchman .called on his crew .of a dozen. Wien to attack the Bishop and the burl; man belabored the clergyman on the arms and legs with a Iog., In the meantime Dr. Molyneaux had seen that the woman had escaped into the boat with her husband, so he let go of the rifle and followed here leaving the •Frenchman raving Puri- ousiy and making threats. Dominions Office officials intimate that the British Government would not make any stove unless French authorities take tip the matter.„ . about two thousand' years ago. The archa elegists insist .on excavating the ruins, which they claim are as valu- able as any in Britain: The Town. Council wants the seven acres for tennis courts, and wants them soon. "We have had enough Roman re- mains," declared one alderman, "The town is full of them. The health of, our young peop}e le far, more import- ant than a lot of old bricks and stones, no matter to what ancient period they: belong," • Minard's Liniment for Asthma. ISSUE No, 52-128 FIT PUNISHMENT "What aro you, going to de to the fellow who stole your -wife" "Going to try to maize }rim keep her."