HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1928-12-27, Page 8, euta east ottha village, , . . Special 'Christmas servams were' held , AllAligglus.--A Ociiet hut PrettY ia t:LIQ i'll'Z.7.1 Cnarch nit sualay last , ivna ing Was solve-mint:a at hieh noon with a very large artendagee at hth I ,ae. ehristmas day at the 'Meuse wheit ,aernieen. The vaster, Rev, Mr Sin - Rev, Mr. Sinelair onited in marriage elair, delivered' very impressive ser - Miss Flora Grace Higgins, second , menta arta special male wa$ given by l• Mter of M. mid Mrs, Rob- I the eh,* at the evening F„.iee, Tile ' 1 erl Higgias to Mr,Berteam North, of WoodStock, son a M. itdMrs.' Wit; Jan a North, of Mortzton, N. B. The bride was 'gowned in a charming dress of peach georgette with radiara lace and hose and glomee to math and Satin slippers and wore a corsage of' roses and lily a the valley. After the eeremaey a wedding dinner was served at the home of the bride's ents. The bride's travielling dress was blaek satin Mee crepe, trimmed with brown satin pleating and she wore a coat of blue broadcloth with Tibeteen fin: collar and cuffs, and silver hat, The groorn's gift to the bride was a cabinet a silverware. After a short honeymoon trip, the young coeple will reside in Woodstock. Death of Mr, Alex. Murcloch-Hen- sail residents were sh'ocked to hear on .Christrifas morning that Mr, Alexand- er Murdoeh; Clerk of the village, end one of its best knownresidents, had Passed away suddenly at the Clinton Hospital, Mr, Murdoch had been • Mortar health far some time and dur- ing the last two weeks had failed ra- pidly, so he decided to go to Clinton hospital for treatment. He was taken there Christmas morning ; and while there only a few reinutes,,,took a weak • spell and failed to rally. He was born nt Mooreville, between Centralia and Clandeboye in the year 1854. The family moved from there shortly af- terwards to Lucan. When a young man be started hi busitress for him- self at Thamesville, moving from there to Goderich, then to Blyth, and finally to Hensall, were he had lived for the past thirty-lfive years. While in Thainesville he married Miss Mot- ile Norris, who predeeeased him some years ago. Two daughters were born to therm Miss Alexia, at home, and •Doreen, who died a few years ago. Besides his daughter, he leaves to noturn his loss three brothers and five sisters: Mr. Thompson Murdoch, of Hensall; Mr. Wm. Murdoch, of nay City, Mich., and Mr. Hugh Murdoch, of Woodstock, and Mrs. Alex. Mc - Falls, of Lucan, Mrs. T. AV . Hawk- shaw, of Llama, Mrs. R. j. Earcrett, of 1Voodstock, Mrs. J. B. Hoover, of Guelph, and Mrs. Alex. Athnisa, of Bay City, Mich; Mr. Murdoch Was 74 years of age and a kindly, genial man and one of the best knownmen fo the village. He was a Liberal in politics and a Unionist in religion. He always took an active part in the municipal life of our village, was tax collector for a number of years, and served as clerk of the village this last . 15 years, and was also identified with several lodges, To Miss Alexia the sympathy of the whole community goes, in this her sad hour of bereave- ment, The ftmeral, which will be private, will take place from the resi- dence of his hrother, Mr. Thompson Murdoch. on Thursday afternoon to the Hensall Union Cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. W. j. Statham and daughter Lois, of London, Mr. and Mrs. Davis and son Donald, of To- ronto, Mr. and Mrs. R. Harney, of London, Miss Annie Harney, of Val- praiso, Indiana, Miss Ella Harney, of Detroit, Miss Esther Horney, of Ex- eter, M. and Mrs. J. R. McDonald, Lendoa Road and son Lloyd. and Mr. , Harry West, of Exeter, were Christ- mas visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Al- bert Spencer. On Monday afternoon the Hensall fire brigade put on their annual com- munity Christmas tree, The tree was beautifully decorated and at night, with its colored lights, looks particul- arly attractive, Al 2 o'clock tbe bri- gade made a tour of the town with their fire engine and in a well decor- ated car behind, Santa Claus followed with baskets of presents for the chil- dren. Santa Liens acted as chairman and after a short address called on the Reeve of the village, Mr. Robert Higgins, for an address. After an eloquent address of ten minutes by the Reeve. Rev, Mr. Sinuclair was called on, and was followed by Rev. Mr. Jones of the Anglican Church, and by Rev. Mr. alcIlroy, of the Pres- byterian Church. The Mar or five hundred children present sang sev- • eral songs. after wihch the distribu- • tion of presents took place. Between 400 and 500 packages of candy were given out by Santa Claus. It was a lovely afternoon, and everyoneipres- ent enjoyed the occasion mmensely. The firemen are to be congratulated on the saccess of the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, of Stratford, were Christmas visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Brown. Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Pepper, of Sarnia, visited over the holiday with relatives east of the village. • Mr. Albert Smith. of London, visit- ed over the week -end with his par- ents here. Mr. and Mrs. P. Buchanan, of To- ronto, are visiting relatives in town. Mr. James Tapp, of London -Univ- versity, is spending the Christmas holidays at his home here. Mo and lire.Earj Palmer, of Windsor, are visit'ing for a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. • Palmer. Miss Amy Latninie, of Toronto, vis- ited over the week -end with her moth- • er and sister here. Mr. Laird Joynnt, of 'Toronto Univ- • ersity, is spending the Christmas holi- days at his home here. Miss E,dith McEwan, of Kitchener, is visiting this week with her sister and brother here. • Miss Helen Elder, of London, vis- ited over the week -end with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. 'John Elder. Miss Marie Foster, of Kitchener, spent over Christmas with her parents here.• , Mt. Alex, MeMurtrie, of Toronto, is visiting . his mother, Mrs. A. Mc- Murtie, Christntas visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Rabert Higgins \vete Mr. Bertram North. of Woodstock, M. and Mrs,.A. j. Sweitzer and den- ghter of Detroit, Miss Irma Higgins and Mr. L. Knight, of Kitchener, and • Miss Gertrude 1-ligginst;o1 Exeter, , Mr. Jack Carmichael; of Detroit, ,visited over Christmas with his math - et' and slater here. • Miss Hazel, Smillig; of Windsor, is • visitieg for a ;ay.:- 6575 with het liar - musical part of the settue o quartette by Mrs. Drysdale, 'SCSI P. Elder, Mrs, Ed. Lindenfield and Mrs. Sinelair, yiolin selection by Miss Greta Lanunie; quartette by Mr. H. Philo, Mrs. Joynt, Mrs. Phile, and j,'Passraorel solo by Mr. Gam. Ren- nie; am anthem by the choir, and a very pleasing number consisting of Mrs. Lee Hedden, Mr. W. D. Good- win, Mrs, A. Clark),IVIrs. Sinclair and Mr, Ed, Lindenfield. Mr, William and Mae Simpson,,of Detroit, visited ever Christmas wIth relatives in town. • ,Mr, Claude !Blowes is spending the holidays with his parents In Mitchell. Mr.LManley;Jinks, of Detroit, is vis- iting for a few days with his parents here, Mr. Wm. McMartin, of Michigan, is visiting over the • holiday at the home of Mr. and 'Mrs. Duncan Mc- Martin, , Miss Alice Dougall, of Sarnia, is visiting over Christmas with her par- ents,. adn Mrs, Win, Dottgall. Misses Laura aad, Giieta.Sararas, pi Taranto, are visiting their parents. east of the village. Miss Fanny Bissett, of Exeter, vis- ited for a few days with friends in town. . School Report -The, following is the report of Hensell Public School Ear November aad December. Names in ord'er o,f standmg, Those marked with an asterisk missed one or more examinations: Room L-G.r. Drum- mond 71, Mazy liaise 62, *May Ken- nings 60, *Wilmer Topham 60, *Vera Sauridereock 59. Jr. IV. -Harold Sherritt 78, Harold Foster 75, Roye Paterson 73, Eleanor. Bell 73; Bella Smale 72, Emma Warm 70, Mary Hemphill 70, Aldan Apple- ton 68, Roy Brock 66, Helen Glenn 66, Edith W.oft 66, *Lorne Elder 63, Mabel Fee 63, *Bob Passmore 60, *Viola Hildebrandt 60, 'Harvey Hud- son 59, John Farmthar 58, Lloyd Lin- denfield 54, 'Stewart Bell 49, *Harold Appleton 42. Sr. TIL_-alildned F,allick 82, Nor- man Sinclair 81, *Herbert Hedden 77, Dorothy Drummond 77 Irene Srnale 76, Minnie Sangster 75, '*Harold Hig- gins 67, *Isabel Saundercock 57. Number on roll 33, average attend- ance 30.66. C. II. Blowes, Principal. Intermediate Room. -Honors 75, Pass 60. *Missed exams. Sr. III. -Ruth Coles 78, Kathryn Drysdale 70, Ross McIllroy 70, Annie Huiser 65, Olive Brock 65, lsMargaret Henning 45. Jr, III. --Dorothy McQueen 87, Billy Glenn 80, Mary Little 73, Myr- na Hudson 71, Harold Bonthron 68, Kenneth Manns 67, *Orville Hedden 60, Edgar Warm 51, *Gladys S.attn- dercock 49. Sr, IIL-Ronald Peck 80, Grace Wurf 74, 'Dorothy Deters 73, Nellie Fee 73, Jean Foster 69, Loretta Bell 68, Dorothy 'Traquair 66, Alvin Inin- denfield 66, Robert Drysdale 59, *Ilea' Wolff 58, Ivan Kipfer 57. M. A. Ellis, Teacher. Primary Roonn-,4r. IIA.. -Herbert Drummond 277, 'Erma ICipfer 273, Margaret Shepherd 271, David Sang- ster 262, Edna Saundercock 259, Lloyd Brock 230. Jr. IIB. -Edith Wurm 264, Mona Glenn 258, •Kenneth Passmore 253, Keith 13tichanan 240. Wesley Bezzo 232, Max Hudson 223, Jack Simmons 190, Herman Wolf 129. First. -Douglas Sangster 224, Jack Coles 218, Boy Foster 196. Primer A. -Mary Clark 180, Elva McQueen 179, Barbara Sheph•erd 178, 1Vilrna Green 175, Shirley Twitchell 172, Alice Pfaff 171, Laird Hudson 164, Cameron Wiggins 161, George Sangtser 136, Primer B. -Russel Hedden 166, El- mer Bezzo 160, Howard Smale 138. Jessie Buchanan, Teacher. $EAFOR PAY CA BUY IN EGMONDVILLE • 10 Bars White Reath& Soap ...,..... ,,,, ...,....„39c 5 pkgs. Ivory Snap Flake$ .-...,. .. .. . .. . .... ....... ...29c 3 pkgs. Kellogg's Corn Flakes -. . -.29c Finest Old Cheese., .. ,. :. • 34'e 90 pounds Rolled Oats - -... 3.99 • 98 pounds North Star Flour. 83.79 , Good Brooms 48c ,13RING YOUR EGGS TO - W. J. FINNIGAN FOR Cettage and two lot$, North 'alain St. Hardwood floors, modern bath - 'furnace. First eless 'condition, Two car garage. Beautiful • grounds, il°werst. shrubbery, etc., a Most desir- elate property. Inspeetion at any time. Possession givenjam 1st: Price reas- onable. A. D. SUTHERLAND, Gen- eral Insurarmen Real Estate, lavesta' meats, Ete. Phone 152. AM. DaYiSOn,, Of London, spent Christmas 'Mrs, Cliff Holland's babY boy is at. lvith .Mrs. 'J. Davison, present very sick bat hope it will soon oat spent Christmas with her par- -11fr, and Mrs. Simon MeVittie and eats, 'Messrs. Gilbert Knight and Charlie Gernienhardt motored up for Christmas and all returned to the city on Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. McLeod, Har- old, Louise and Elsie McLeod Motor- ed to Detroit on Moeday to spend Christmas with their daughter, Mrs. Chas. Plater. Miss Lola Elliott, Of Detroit, was home over the 'week -end and Christ- mas. Miss E. Matheson, R. IV., spent Christmas at Goderich. - Mr. A. E, Erwin and brother, John Erwin, Goderich, left oit WednesdaY of last week to visit their brother, Robert, who is ill at Toledo, Ohio. A. E. Erwin retarned home on Sat- urday. William E. Parker, of Sarnia, and Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Smith and babe, of, London, are spending the Christ- mas vacation with their parents, Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Parker, , Mrs, W. J. Johnston and son Billy are visitiug at 'Clinton during the Christmas season. Misses jean M. Woods, of Galt, and Nina Heard, of Clinton, are holiday- ing at their homes. Messrs. Lawrence and Fred Fowlie, of London, spent Christmas at their home. Trinity Church Sunday, school soc- ial was held on Thursday tn the 'gown enin was spent in Miss Ethel Gemienhardt, of To- be better. games and an impromptu program given by the children. Lunch was Isabel and Master Watson Reid, Miss served, after which candy and or- Marjorie Bickell, Mr, A. W. -Beacom anges were distributed to the dol. atiel Mr. Robert Watson were gadsts family and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Wat and children visited at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Nelson Leer an Malt - day, Mr, and Mrs. Nelson Lear and fam- ily spent Christmas at the home of Mt and Mrs. Albert Taylor, ef Blyth. Mr, and Mrs, 'Norman Sheppard and family spent Christmas at the former's sister, Mrs Eddie Farquhar, of near Clinton. Mr. and Mrs, Simon McVittie sPent Christmas with Walton friends. ;Beacom Bros, helped Mr. Bert. Allen cut wood a few days last week. Mr. Robt. Watson returned home Friday after attending the assizes in Goderich a few days last week. Mr. Thos. Knox aand cousin Arth- ur Forman of near Atwood visited - the farmer's mother and sister in Clinton Tuesday of last Week. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Knox and cousin of near Atwood visited at the home of theit cousins Mr. and Mrs. David Laidlaw of Morris on Wednes- day. Choir practice was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Allen on Wed. nesday evening. 'Miss Marjorie Bickell spent the week -end with her friend, Miss Isabel Reid. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. MoBwing and family visited at the home of Mrs. McEwing's brother, • Mr. Joseph Campbell on Sunday. Mr and. Mrs. David Reid, Miss NOTICE, All overdue accounts •must be paid to Mr. Thomas Sharp on or before December 91st1 1928, 52 • PIQS,FOR SALE. Two Yorkshire brood sows with litters at foot and 8 ehealts. Phooe, or see them at once, JONATHAN HIPGIILL, phone 616 r Clinton, 01 OUR CHRISTMAS CARDS Are different and reasonably priced from 5c to 25e. We have Also a few hend-painted cards. ' AVE'S WALLIVOMER STORE, 51 dren. There were not as many c ni dren out on am:tent of the, stormy weather. BAYFIELD, Miss Alice Stinson, R. N., of New York, arrived on Tuesday of last week to spend the Christmas vacation with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Stinson. Miss Elva Dewar, of Toronto, and David Dewar, of Chalk River, arrived on Saturday to spend the Christmas season with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Dewar. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Carty and Junior, of Detroit, came on Saturday to spend a week with Mrs. Carty's mother, Mrs. M. Green. Mr. Thomas Clark and daughter Clara returned home an 1.Vednesday last from Flint, Mich., where they visited for the past two months. Mr. Sidney Castle, of St. Gather - Ines, spent Christmas at his home. It was with deep regret that the community learned last week of the resignation of the Principal of the Public School, Miss Gerrie has taught here for three years and en- deared herself to both pttpils and all those with whom she came in contact, She will be much missed in St. An- drew's United Church as she took an active part in all church work and also in the Young People's Society of the village, Miss Gerrie goes to Dur- ham High School to teach Methe- manes. She left on Saturday for her home near Ingersoll. At the school concert held on Friday her pupils pre- sented her with a chased brass vase. Miss Alma McKay, of Toronto, spent the week -end and Christmas with her parents. Miss Anne Elliott, of 'Toronto, is speeding the holiday with her aunt, Mrs. John Fraser. 'Mrs, G. W. Woods•am4 Miss Anna Woods left" Monday to spend Christ- mas with Rev. and Mrs, 51. G. E. Crosby, Otterville, Mrs. Wm, Sturgeon and babe left on 'Friday for Alvinston on account of the serioes illness of her mother. Mrs. D. T. Prentice returned to hen. home in Taranto an Wednesday, hav- ing spent Christmas with her parents, Mr, aed Mrs, W. J. SIRS -on. Miss. McTavish, of Clinton, is nurs- ingWS.. lillargaTat McLeod, who is seriously ill. at her home, IVIMS Thelma Ritz, el 'Toronto, is home for the holiday„ Mr, and Mrs, 11. Lord, Miss Gladys HARLOCK.' Miss Bickell held her Christmas tree for the, children of Se S. No. 6, on Friday afternoon of last week. There was a good attendanze and 'a splendid afternoon WAS, enjoyed by all present. aliss Mary Reid, of Parkhill, is spending the Christmas holidays with her friends here. Miss Florence Knox, of Toronto, arrived home Saturday night to end the week -end and Christmas was taken sick and rushed to the hos THURSDAY, DECEIVISKR AUCTION SiAtc. Of Property, liousehold Effeets, Ete., on Vralay, Dec. 28, at 2 P. M., at the residenee of Mr, Loais Eber- hart, corner of Main And Goderich Streets, Seaforth. Household Effects. --Cooking stove, visaed heater, glass nuphoard, pantry cupboard, tables, chairs, 2 couches, 1 bed and springs, about 16 yds, rag earpet, datnestic scale 240 lbs,r1 oak pork bbl., 2 oak ram Ibis., 1 ehemical eloset, 12 pine plank 2X10n18, other lumb- er, assortment of gait/. furnace pip- ing, 1 wheel barrow, 1 power ria saw, 2 ladders, 1 set steel truck wheels with axles, 1 portable blacksmith • forge, anvil arid vise, one 10-20 Titan tractor, one 3 h.p, gas eagine, chains, shovels, pulleys, belts, alter things too numerous to mention, Terms, cash Also'at the sante time, the valueble, fully modern house will be offered for sale. Any person wishing to Pur- chase can see threugh the house artY time before the sale. Terms, -Chattels will be cash, aod terms on the house 'will be made known day of sale or on application. Thos. Brown, auct.; Lotus Eberhart, Proprietor, 52, • 1VI0ICILI,0P NOMINATION, The annual meeting of the ratepay- ers of the township Of MaKillop wiU be held at the Winthrop- Htall on Mon- day, December 31st, 1928, when nomi- nation for a Reeve and faur Council- lors will be received from the hour of oae till two o'clock ia the alternon. • G:hould there be tnore persons no- minated thlaa are required to fill the several offices an election will be held on Monday, January 7th, 1929. Polls will be open between the hours' of 9 aon, and 5 p m at the following places: ^ Poll No. 1, -'Jas. IT, Carlin's house, lot 10, con. 5; James Evans, D.O.; Thos. Moylae, ;Poll No. 2.-gos, ,Hogg's house, ilot 25, 'ton. 4; John MdDowell, DJR.O.; Mrs. -Geo . Eaton, P.C. ,Poll No. 3. -Jos, Smith's house, lot 10, con. 12; John Leeming, John Murray, P.C. 'Poll No. 4. -School 'Molise No. 7, lot 26, con. 12; john 'Balfour D.R.O., Willis Dundas, P.IC, JOHN MoNAY, Returning Officer. ptial and had a serious operation per- formed. lie is improving, but far from himself yet. , The Lawrence family are the latest victims of the flu. Messrs, Robert Leiper and Keith Hamilton, Miss Agnes Leiper and others, of Toronto, are home for the holiday, at the home of Mr: and Mrs. Isaac Rapson on Sunday, Miss Helen alcEwingreturned hotne Sunday evening after spending a week at the home of her uncle and aunt! Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Campbell, Miss Marjorie MeEtving was home :Monday as she had a bad cold but re- turned to school again .on Tuesday. The following is the Christmas re- port for S.S. No. 6, Httllett: V. -Olive Knox 75 p.c., Sr. W. -Gladys Leiner 81, Jean Wegg 78, John .Papson 73, Alvin Ste- vens 7234. IIIA. -Helen McGhegor 88, Jack holiday at the home of her parents, McEwing,82Ya. 111 B. -Margaret Beattie 8134, III C. -May Lyddiatt 69, Harry Rapson 62. IL -Willie Taylor 8234, Ida Leiner 80. L-tWatson Reid 76, Jinamy Mc - Ewing 67, V Pr. -Roy Holland 92, Gordon Mc- Gregor 69. • Marjorie Bickell, Teacher. Mr, and Mrs. W. IL Kam, Miss Agnes Leiper and her brother Robert Leiper, of Toronto, are spend- ing the week -end and Christmas holi- days at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Leipet. We are sorry that Mr. James Lein- er has been sick again, but hope he will soon be better. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bell and family have been sick with the flu,, but we are pleased to know they are better again. Mr. Fred Shobbrook and family, and Mrs. Shobbrook's mother, Mrs, Carter, have been very poorly with the fiu-but we are glad that they are improving. Friends and neighbors were very sorry to hear of the death of Mr. Car- ter which took place last week at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Fred Shobbrook. Sincere sympathy is ex-. tended to Mr. and ;Mrs. Shobbrook, and to his widow. Mr. Willie Knox visited his cousin, Mr. Leslie Knox, over the week -end. Miss Edythe Beacom, Master Aud- rey Knox. and Master Willie Leiper, who are attending the Continuation School in Blyth, are home for the Christmas holidays. Mr. Isaac Reason visited Mr. Larne Toll on Sunday. The Misses Amy and Ens. Parsons, Marjorie lvIcEwing and Marie Rap- son, who are attending school ha Clia- ton, are spending the Christmas holi- days at their home. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Reid and Mt. Edward Reid and Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Sheppard and family spent Mon- day at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Frank Marshall in Wawanosh. Mr, Wesley Beacom visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Robert Ferris on Sunday. Miss Kathleen Ileacotu visited her friend, Miss Marie Rapson on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. David Reid and Wat- son, also the former's sister, Miss Mary Reid, visited at the home of Mr, anti Mrs. Frank 'Martin, of Sunshioe, on Monday. Mr. and Ms, Chas. Parsons and Miss Amy and Eno spent Christmas at the bowie of Mr.,and Urs, William Ross. Mr. and Mts. Angus Reid and Lydia, Mr. and 1VIrs. David Reid and family, Miss Vary Reid, Mr, and Mrs. Alex. McEvving and family spent Christmas at the home of Mr. mid Mrs. George Watt. Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Bewley and family-, of Morris, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm, 13e11 and family speat Christmas at the home of Ur. and Mrs, Robert Ferris. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Rapson artd 'Marie Bacot Christmas in Clintott at the halm of the former's mother and sister, Miss Lavine %rime, of Toronto, was home for Christmas clay. Miss Lydia Reid visited over the week -end at the home of her sister Mrs, Geo, Watt, • We are very sorry that Mr. and IIIB13ERT. Miss Dorothy Melady, of St. Col- umban, spent a couple of days last week at the home ,of her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. August Ducharrne. Mr. and Mrs. William Nigh and son jack, and Mr. Denais Barry, of Tuckersmith, spent 'Christmas at the home of the former's daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John Walsh, McKillop. Miss Margaret Cleary, R.N., of Ro- chester, N.Y., i's spending,the, Christ- mas holidays at the home of her PROFESSIONAL CARD& mother, Mrs. Margaret Cleary, Sea - forth. Miss Mary Doyle RN., of Detroit, is spending the holidays at the home of her parehts, Mr. and Mrs. James Doyle, Hibbert. Miss Eileen Flannery, school teach- er of Toronto, is spending the holi- days at the home of her parents, Mr. and IS/Irs. 'William Flannery, Tucker - smith. Miss Annie Strong, school teacher at Winthrop, and her sister, Miss Cora Strong, of Stratford Normal, re holidaying et the _home of ; their par- ents, Mr. and AIrs. William Strong, Tuckersmith. lvIr. -and Mrs. Jos, Cronin, • one daughter and two sons, of Ilibbert, were guests on Christmas evening at the. home of the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs.. James Cronin, Dublin, Mr. and Mrs, Cleary and son Fran- cis, of Tuckersmith, spent Christmas at the home of her sister, Mr. ,d Mr John Quinlan, Egmondville. Miss 'Catherine Murray, of Strat-." ford, spent Christmas with her grand- HPai rb eb netr st ,. Mr. and Mrs. Peter McCann, Mr. and Mrs. Peter De La Franier and her brother, Mr. John Murray, of Stratford, spent Christtnas at the home of the la.tter's sister, Mr. and Mrs, JOS. Connolly, McKillop. Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Lynch,, and his :sister, Miss Kate Lynch, of Mc:Killop, spent Christmas at the home of their sister, Mr. and MTS. Henry .McIver, Tuckersrnith, Mr. and Mrs. Peter DeCoursey, of Egmendville, spent Christmas at the h,ome of their niece, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mtirray, 'Tuckersmith. Reeve R. Kennedy and Mrs. Ken- nedy and family, of Tuckersmith, spent Christmas et the hothe of the formeOs daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Au- gust Ducharme, • DR, IL HUGH ROSS, Phy and Sargeon. Late of Louden Efstf; Pitel, London, England. GPM* attention to diseases of the'eYe) nose and theoat. Office. and nor14- men behind Dominion Benin. Phone No, 5; Residence Pho4 DR, F. J. BURROWS), Seal**, Office and residence, Godermh WOW ea $t of the Methodist :Church,. . Chan- oner for the County of Huron. Min phoge N. 44, • HULLETT. Richard Carter. -Within two weeks of his 80th birthday, Mr. Richard Car- ter, a highly esteemed resident of this township, passed away Thursday, December 20th, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Fred Shobibrook, 13th Concession, For practically the first time in his life, Mr. Carter was taken seriously ill a month ago and the trouble rapidly overcarne him. He was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Carter and was born on the Huron Road, Tuckersmith, on the Sons now owned by his nephew, Mr. Norman Carter. For a few years he and his brother had a farm of their own adjoining the home place. Fif- ty-three years ago this March he was united in marriage to MISS Elizabeth Eedy, Biddttlph Township, near Granton, and moved to the 9th Con- cession, 14 miles south of Landes - bora. Here they lived until coming a year ago to live with their daugh- ter, Mrs, Shobbrook. He is survived by his widow-, and two daughters and two sons: Mrs. Fred Sbobbrook, Mul- lett; Mrs. Herb. Oakes, Goderich Township; J. Stanley, of Mullett; and Derwin, on the home farm. Two brothers also, survive: Albert, af Ed- monton, and James, of Walton, Mr. Carter was a member of Londesboro United Church, formerly Methodist, and for over 40 yeart was a member of the Quarterly Board. In 1926 Mr. and Mrs. Carter celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary. Much sympathy is extended to the family and especially to Mrs. Carter, who is in very poor health. The funeral on Sunday from the home of Mr. Fred Shobbrook was attended by a large number of friends and relatives in this district, Rev. J, Johnston, of Londes- boro, conducted the services. The pall -bearers were Messrs. George Thompson, Albert Morrell, John Hutton. Albert Weymouth, William Brawn and Simon McVittie, Inter- ment was made in Clinton Cemetery. Among those present from a distance were: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carter, Wingham; Messrs. johe 13eatson and William Bryart, Granton; Mr. Ben. Remington, Lucan; Mr, John Nott, Egmoncivillc; Mr, Noonan Carter, Tuekersinith; Messrs. William and Sohn jamiesom Hullett; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Jenkitia, Clinton Miss Irene Carter of Toronto spent time holiday at her home here. Mr, James Rudclell arrived home from the West op Friday. He went reit there for a ViSit. With friends but -fa DR. C. MA OKAY. -C. Mitsfiar. honor graduate of Trinity Uttigesta , itY .and .gold medallist of T e\tedieal College; member of the -f. of Physicians and Surgeons Ontario. J.R. FORSTBIR-Eye, Nose ,and Throat. Graduate ' pine, lJniversity of Toronto 1897- UM AssiN stant eW .York Opirthalinkaissii Aural Institiste,Moorefield's Emma& , Golden -Square throat hospitals, Dna- don,,England. -At Commercia/ &Mk p • . Seaforth, 3r4 :Monclay in each from. bl.a.m. to 3 ,m. meralik* 0,( DR. W. C, SPROAT-Gradellin,nt Faculty of 'Medicine, Univers* Western, Ontario, London. .Measkte of ;Pollege of Physicians ..and 881r,' geons of Ontario. Office ‘Aberinsaft Drug Stare, Main St., . ,S,eetterak. , Phone 90. • • ANNUAL MEETING. The annual meeting of the Seaforth Agricultural Society will be held .in the Carnegie Library, Seaforth, on Fridayafternoon, January llth, 1929; at 2 o'clock, Business: Financial re- pdrt for 1928, election of officers and directors for 1929 and other business THOS. E. LIMINGSTOIN, Pres. A. D. SUT.HtEIRLAND, Secy,-Treas. • • . The 'Family Herald and Week& Star 'have just announced a special offer of three years' subscription for $2. ,Gplendid value at the former price, this radical reduction should now ,place the Family Herald on ..e.v_ery library table in Canada. EXPERT FILING AND RE - ,PAIR WORE DONE. Cbarges reasonable. Call 236 r21, Seaforth Central, J OS PH T. ITUGILL. • 02 DR„ WM, ASERHART, Gradastanse Freulty of -Medicine, Universiw :Toronto. Member of College Physicians and Surgeons of Oaltente. Licentiate of Medical Counice Canada. Late interne Toronto Wm - tern I-Iospital, Office -Queen's lion* Building, North -Main ;Street. Minis 89. Night calls, phone 111..4 • STANLEY. School Report.The following are the results of the Christmas examina- tions for S.S. No, 14, Stanley. Tests were condueMd in all subjects': Sr. IV -Audrey Murdoch 70,08 p.c., Orville Workman 67.7. Sr. HL_ -Margaret 'McKenzie 81.7, Laura Belle Wright 73, Mabel Tal- bot 59,3, Mary Aldrich 38.6. Jr. III. -Andrew McKenzie 82.9, Wilmer Jones 64.1, Margaret Jones 63.9, Elmer Hayter 60.8, 'Wesley Jones 60.4, Alex McBeath 60.1. Sr. II. - Audrey Cochrane 80.9, Harvey Hayter 71.3, Harold Jones 65.1, Aubrey Farquhar 59.5. 'Sr, I. -George Clifton 77.2. Primer -Mary Farquhar 90, Kath- leen Jones and Eric Switzer 75, Ken- neth McKenzie 55. , The hest spellers foe the month of December • were: Sr, IV. --Audrey Murdoch. Sr. III, -Laura Ilene Wright. Jr. III.--Marganet Jones. Si. IL -Audrey Cochrane. Margaret Jorms had perfect spelling for the month. Number on roll, 21; average attendance, 18.7. , Jean 5, McKenzie, Teacher. Mrs. Charles Swizter and children, of Startley, are visiting her parents, Mn, and Mrs, Currie, of Clinton. Mrs. John MoICenzie, of Hensall, is visiting for a few days at the home of her son, Mr. William McKenzie, of Stanley. Miss Cilga Knight, who has been attending Liontion Normal School, is speeding the holiclays at her parental home. Mr. William Taylor, of Windsor, is visiting at his parental home for the holidays. Miss Doreen Farquhar, of Loaden, is spending the holidays it die home of her parents, Mr. arn1 Mrs. Charles Farquhar, of Stanley. • ESTRAY DOG, Large dog; bob -tailed, browu, white ring around ,neck, Owner may have by paying expenses, WM. BOYD, Con. 11, McKillop, Phone 248 r41, Seaforth. 52 • suc cows FOR SALE. • 1 Guernsey cow just freshened; a second Guernsey cow and a Durham grade expected by the New Year; one in about six weeks and two in the Spring. These cows are good or they would tidt be mine. As I am giv- ing up farm work, I will dispose of them privately. ABRAHAM • HU- GIILL, r.r. 2, Seaforth. • Dental, 5 3)5. 3. A..IMUNN ' 'Successor to-.Dri a. a. 'Ross, to*, ate of Northwestern University, eiS" cago, III. Licentiate Royal Collume.e$ Dental -Surgeons, Toronto.• lankixt ver Sills' hardware, ..Main Meet • Seaforth, Phone 151. •• BOARDERS WANTED. A couple of boarders, to start with the New Year. Apply to The News, BARLEY FOR SALE Q:Tantity of Seed Barley for sale, also feed. barley. Phone 23 on 233, Seatforth. 52 ' DR. F. 5. BECHELY, gram* Royal College of Dental Simmons, Toronto. Office over W. R., Si Grocery, Win street, Seoul& Phones, office 185W, residence' /101 • FOR SALE. A good range and a rubber -tired buggy in good condition_ for sale. ANDREW MOORE, phone 3 on 137, Seaforth. • 52. GAS ENGINE FOR SALE Gas engine for sale-sheap. Apply to The News. 52 Auctioneer. • GEORGE ELLIOTT, , Auctioneer for the County of Mama Arrangements can be made fne.gabs Date at The, Seaforth News. Mews moderate and satisfaction Viral:v=4 WATsOIN -AND 'REM% • REAL' ESTATE AND INSURANCE ACrENCE' ('Successors to James Waticsa MAIN ST., SEAFORTWOME. All ,kinds of Insurante risks effect- ed at lowest rates in First se Companies. FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS. Do you want it? By buying this eighty acres uf rich and productive loam with good natural and artificial drainage, also picturesque location - one of the best in the vicinity, you will be profiting this amount. Said farm is about two miles from Clinton on Baseline. Buildinva consist of good house, large barn, driving shed, also windmill and reservoir. Consid- erable bush. Residence in States rea- son for sacrifice. For terms: W. Bry- done, Clinton. Owner, 322 South Main Street, Romeo, Michigan. 5 All mothers can put away their anxiety regarding their seffering chit - ren when they have Mothev Graves' VV:orrn Exterminator to give relief. Its effect§ are sure and lasting, FOR RENT OR SALE. Frame house on East William Street for rent or sale. 3 bedrooms, living room, kitchen and parlor. Cel- lar under house. Hard and soft water inside, Electric lights. Garage or hen house. One block from Colleg- iate Institute. Apply ADAM HAYS. THE ericruncoP Mutual Fire Insuraucek FARM AND ISOLATED : ,TOWNE PROPERTY ONLY, -INSURED Officers -James Connolly,. Godes- ich; Alex, James Evans, Beecluaater. Vice President; D. F. McGregor, Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer. Directors -Wm. Rinn, No: 2 Sue. forth, John Bennewies, Br^o'disaMunt James Evans, Beechwood; Ewen, Clinton; James Connolly; Getli- erich; Alex. Broadfoot, No`.'3,„ Sists- forth; J. M. Sholdice, No. 4, Wa3tene4 Robert Ferris, Harlock; George No- Cartney, No. 3, Seaforth; Many Gibson, Brucefielct Agents -Alex. Leitch, r.r. 1, Clin- ton; E. Hinchley, Seaforth; 3.if. Murray, r.r. No. 3, Seaforth; V. Yeo, Holtnesville; R. G. farniten* Bornholm. James Kerr and Atm Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors. Paceks desirous to effect insurance ontrairm- act other business will 'be .prompitty attended to by application to .anY nff the above named officers addre.sae& to their respective postoffices. amona DOLORES DEL RIO and Warner Baxter as presented at the Tivoli Theatre, Toroitto, for the record-breaking run of fourteen weeks continuously, dur- ing which it played to more people than any other motion picture ever shown in that city oh a single engage- ment. Starting with THURSDAY MATINEE showing THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATUR, ALSO SATURDAY MATINEE Afternoons 3 p.m., 10e and 15c Evenings, 15e and 25c Princess 1 'FARM FOR SALE 100 acres .located in Huron Comatfyi. lt% miles from school, clnitcla ants town. About 60 acres in cultivartibm 25 acres pasture; 10 acres timbeg ant one acre in good bearing fruit arca-'- ard, Soil is clay loam, growing ari, kinds of grain and other adage& crops. Drilled well and winctrain etas place. Improvements include 7 MOM. 2 story house, brick front and latches in back; "L" shaped barn; hog hoose„. cement silo, other buildiugs all in gond condition. Straw shed with watex sys- tem in it,. good shape. Price WO with possession within one monde, • after sale. For further details see az write ANDREJW SLOAN, r. s. Brussels, Ont. SEAFORTH MARKT- Wednesday, Dec. 26, Inat fiV,erer lb ' per lb. 'Roosters, per lb.. 12o-tffes: Young ducks, per lb ' Geese, per lb, Turkey's, per lb. .. . • . Potatoes, per bag ...,. .. , . Hogs, per cwt. ..... ..... ,S83041900 tggs, per dozen •-46t-Mt Btitter, per lb, Hogs, per cwt. .... . . '89:1104r4116 FARM FOR SALE Choice 50 -acre farm in good none - ion. Nf% lot 16, con. '5, MPKIllau, cleared and all seeded down. Two storey cement house, frame 'kitettear,, all in good repair: Barn 50',C40 cement wall, cement' stabling anadt water 10 the barn. 'Cement driving house 24'566', Frame hog pen 11Vii2e„ )''ever failing well of choice 1 *elm Well feoceld and underdrained tile drain. Will be sold on easy tertian to suit purchaser, with or Witkolut crop. Failure of 'health is ream tar selling. For further particulars aunty on the premises or write to Seateitli,„ RAZ. 5, R015112T GIBSON. trAt