HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1928-12-27, Page 5RSDAY,..DEGEM ,R.'g7,..3936. CHAIN & raw �r E STORES We thank you for the pleasant re- lations of the past and trust that in nineteen hundred and twenty-nine yoqr prosperity and our pleasant 'as- sociations may continue, Sincerely Yours,; W. Phone e 77 Mn Stewart Ph o ne Ross s J, Sproat P A MerryChristmas (� anda HappyNew Year ��y to All Seaforth Creamery Co Seaforth, Ont, C. A. BARBER, Prop. J� Walker &Sou . UNDERTAKING . -ande - EMBA�.MING Motor or'Horse Equipment Vet J: WALKER, Molder of-'Go- 'iernment dipioi a and license. ,Flowers Furnished. Night or day'' phone 67. D. H. Melones Chiropractor , Of;;Wingham, will be' at the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth ,,.• Monday, ' Wednesday and, Friday Afternoons Diseases of all 'kinds success- 'fully treated, Electricity' used, It Just Try When you feel tired and frowsy, slip around the earner and ,get a massage at SID'S SHOP You may come in with as grouch but. will go out 'with a smile— ./ Phone 125, Pianos Tuned Cleaned and Repaired' Chas. 'A. Howey Residence -James St. 'Bus Quality Sells It, -The fact that to many thousands. of intelligent pertle" continue to use 1)e. Thomas' iEtiteotric 'Oil 'speaks volumes for its 3eelThg efficiency. Even since it was tag introduced it • has grown steadily itntpu=blic favor, owing to its manifold aisditsipess in re'l'ieving and healing tsisSaness, As '.si • specific far cuts, "lbsin ., scalds, and various'inflantinat- :nT panus .its record ' is • beyond re - Teach. • t We Wish ]You ou All A Happy and Prosperous New Year A D. SUTHERLAND GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY Real Estate, Conveyancing, Bonds and Investments' Phone 152 Removed to New Office, opposite Daly Ford Garage Seaforth, Ontario. I Am So far -- and yet so` near! "I must call John by Long Distance and let him know I got here all right.. Then • neither' of us will be worry- ing. It's wonderful to be able to =visit you: like this;: and yet keep as close touch with home as if I were there. What must it have been like in the old days, before Long Dista ,. Distance made it possible? "I'll place the call for you while you are taking off your wraps." "That will be fine. Just, ask for our number, 124, so T 11 get . the cheajt y, Station -to - Station rate. i a couple of days I'll call up again, in the evening, so I can have a. few - worcls with the children, too. The Evening Rate after 8.30 is really very low." "Every Bell Telephone is n Long Distance Station?' MOKILLOP, he La lies' ALT, Duff'she uChurch, was hing of eld at the Marne of the President, Mrs, Jas, Barron, The meeting opened with a hymn, followed by the 'Scrip ture'reading by ,Mrs, Chester Hender- son •ancl • a prayer , by Airs, W. F. Smith,. iA reading was given by MisS. Esther Dorrance. The meeting'clos- etI with the'Lofct's prayer, Refresh- ments were see'tied by the hostess'and au enjopahle'Irall hour spent The Most obltiltate' corns' fail'tp.re_ TOWN TOPTO"S "Miss Dorothy 'Webster, of Grace Idoepital, Toronto, was a week -end guest et the home of her parents, Air, and Mrs. Wilbert Webster. Mr, 'and Airs, Henry Fowler and family, of •London, are spsndie . • the holidays with' Mrs,. Joseph fowler. Huron 'Road, 'k[rs. S,'Gudnlore and sons and, Mn, Peter Daley, of Usborne, spent Christ- mas at the hone Mr, and Mrs. Wil- bert Webster, WMt•s. John Shortreed, of }Walton, spent the week -end with her sister, Mrs. }Sarah McLeod, $ Mn. W. H. Little, principal of Nor- wood public school, is visiting his father, Mn, Andrew Little, Miss Grace Scarlett, of. Burgess- viile, is,speeding the holidays ' with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, 'Robert Scarlett, eeeMr. Fred Jackson, of Bobcaygeon, is holidaying with his parents, Mr, and Airs, L. C. Jackson. Mr, Percy Hoag, principal of Hag- ersville public school, is spending the holidays with his parents, Mn. and Mrs. W. D. Hoag, Mr.: Jack I3ittchley, of Brantford Collegiate staff, and Aire; Harry' Iain- chley, of Sharbot Lake, are visiting their mother, :Mrs. J. D. Hinchley, Miss Lillian Wankel,'of Toronto, is spending the Christmas vacation with her parents, 'Mr: and Mrs. A Wankel, Messrs, Frank Coates, principal of •Haveloclr continuation school, and Harold Coates, of Camp Borden, are visiting -their mother, Mrs. R. • E,. Coates. a -Mr. Clifford Trott, principal of Pickering continuation school, is visit- ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs, William Trott, --Mr, Gibson White, of Western Uni- versity, is spending the holidays with his mother, Mrs. Margaret.\1T'hite, H Nlis 'Gladys Gal c s Nfc Ph Y e e McPhee, fQueen's University, Kingston, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alt McPhee, Mr, Oliver H. Kirk, of the legal de- partment of the First National Bank, Detroit, is visiting his parents, Mn. and Airs, Andrew Kirk, for the Christ- mas holidays, Mrs. ,Partridge and Messrs.' How- ard and Leslie Kerr, of. Toronto, and Mr. 'Brenton Kerr, of Buffalo, are spending Christmas with their par- ents,. Mr, and Mrs. James Kerr, Centre Street, Messrs. Davis Moore, of Murillo, and Robert Moore, of Fort William, and Miss Annie Moore, of London, are spending Christmas with :their parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. Moore, Tuckersmith. e -Hiss Eta :Fee„of Garcon, Northern Ontario, is visiting her parents, Mn. and Airs, W. G. W. Fee. Miss :Dorothy Wilson, of Mitchell, s visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs, . A. Wilson, Mrs. William Corbett and daugh- er Mary, Edmonton, have returned o their hone after spending Christ- res with her sister, Mrs. A. D, Suth- rland. Mary MdBrien, of Essex,. is pending Christmas with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Mc`Brfen, Hullett. Miss_ Marjorie Bickell, of Harlock, spending the holidays with her parents,. Mn, and Mrs. W. J. Bickel(. 'Mn. and Mrs. Ivan Till, of Water ond, are spending Christmas with heir parents, Mr. and Mrs. James ill, Hibbert, and Mr. and Mrs, F. J. erslake, lSe'aforth; Miss Helen Dickson, of Toronto, is siting her mother, Mrs. Adam Dick- on, North Main Street. Mn. J. W. A. Greig, of Toronto Uni- rsity, is visiting his parents, Mn. id Mrs. J. C. Greig, •NIr. and Airs, Gerald McIntosh and r. .Frank Rankin, of Detroit, are hristmas . visitors' at the home of r. and Airs. J. J. Huggard. Dr. and Mrs. Glanfield, of Wallace wn, were. Christmas visitors 'at the route of., Mn. William Elcoat, John icer. Mr.” Earle Webster, • of Porcupine, nt., and Miss 'Gertrude. Webster, of elph, are spending the holidays th their parents, Mr, and Mrs. T. Webster, Miss Hazel Elooat, of Toronto, is ending the holidays with her father. r, Wm. Elcoat. ' Mn. Thomas Gillespie, of; Toronto. spending Christmas with ,his, par- s, Mr: and Mrs. Neil Gillespie, W. lliameStreat, Miss Mary Laing, of Milverton, and Will Laing, of- Queen's 'Univer- s, Kingston, and Mrs. Laing,' are ending the holidays with their. par- s, Mr. , and Mrs, til s, C. Laing. u. Ar g Mrs, e 'n s e Brown town n etu�rned wt dnesday after 'spending the past weeks in London, visiting • Mr. Mrs, Calvin Siuipsou, Miss Anna'Sutherland. of Toronto nt Chrisamas with her parents, and Mrs, A. D. Sutherland. lin A. R. G. A:ment of • Toronto nt'Christmas a'5• his.home' here. liss Marjorie Brower and Dr, and Livingstone of Toronto were }semen guests at the Rectory. r, Alvin Sillery. of London spent }semen with friends in town: Liss Thelma Johnstone of Mount ent, is a. holiday visitor with her nts, Mn, and Mrs. Thos. John- e. Miss Marion Scarlett of I{ippen ol, is..holidaying with hen parents, and Mrs, R. Scarlett,. r, and Mrs, Elmer Beattie of St. Mar .are visiting the fortner's par Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Beattie', r. Leslie McKay, Kitchener, spent stmas at his home here. e are pleased to see Miss Latera' till'an out again''sfter a recent at - of flit: is -Bessie Mru•die, who under - a serious operation lately, was to go' to spend. Christmas at her dh Lticknow,. ristnas motor traffic was heave ham usual as male roads are al- 'etrtireiy free of snow, Lester' Govenlock, of .Wllitb,y, Misses s s Edit i I Goe v slack; o,f To - and Beth Go'enlocl:, of De- ere Christmas visitors with their ts, Mr, and Airs, J, Ai, Goven- :.Don,; Kerslake and Miss :Kerslake,: Mors 1. +.e o.F 'revenue, and Miss A of Otteevit, Inc visitors .at the of -,Bits.: And yrs W..',E.:Iiers-, .J n is t H I{ vi s ve M Cl NI to St 0 Gt -5f sp M is ent Mr sit 8p enc We two and see Mn. see .firs Chr Chic :nN •Alb, pare Ston scho Mr. Ma encs, e..M. Chri W A9:cA tack Mi .went able home to Ch ier t Most Mr and. roma troit, paren iock. Mr othy,. S inti t home silt Hollotd'ay's Corn Remover, Try la me it. Thee and Mrs, F. G. Nulls; left on sday of this week for Jackson- ville, Florida, THE sgAVQ:13Tii N.ZW Me, Ranald Reinke of Toronto, ::e M r, Fl. Evans, of the .Gatlada sields t the holiday i th his parents, tore Mftrs„ spent Christsuas and Mts. John Reinke. home in Hann1ton. kei4liss',•C4ra 'Sherwood and Ale, C, Mr, and Mre, Archie Afield! Sherwood of Toronto are Christmas of Hamilton, spent Christnnas s visitors et their home here. ' home of Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Mrs, Charles Butler and children, stone, St, Catlterines, ane guests with Mra, Mr, Hector Chesney, se ey, of D Butler's parents, Mr. and Mrs, John visited his mother, Mrs, H. • Che Govenloek; Mr, Elroy Brownlee of Lo spent Christmas with his parents and Mrs: George Brownlee,. Mr, and Mrs. Neil Bethune; of edo, Ohio, are holiday guests Miss Jessie Bethune, -Miss Belie Ballaa•tytte, Harpu is speteding Christmas week with brother, Mr, John Ballantyne, Thomas, Mr, and Mrs. ,T.R. Archibald fancily left Thursay, this week, their new home in 'Listowel, Mr, John G' Grieve e ltd Mr. Grieve,of Detroit, were Christ visitors with Air. and Mrs. Ro Scarlett. Mrs, James McIntosh, John St is spending the week with her Mr, William Mclnash, Toronto, Mr. Will Brine, of Toronto, wa holiday guest this week of his sist the Misses Brine, and spent Chrmac with tt " it re sister, Airs . P Scott,in Brussels. ssets. Mir,' George D, Ferguson recei word of the death of his uncle, John Ferguson, drygoods merch of Brussels, on Wednesday aft noon, Mr. and Mrs, B. Williams, of Str ford, spent Ohrist'snas with the lett. mother, Mrs. S. Boyd, Mr. and Mrs. Ed; Williams, Brantford, were Christmas guests the hone of her sister, Mrs, Sylves Allen, Mrs, Clen Colbert, of \Windsor, ar- rived Wednesday to spend the week. with her parents, Aft. and Mrs. Are chie Barton, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Goveniock, of Chicago, retina ,Friday after Friday spending the tyeek with his parents, Air. and Mrs, J. R. Govenl'ock. Mr, and Mrs, Lorne Speir, of Har- riston, were holiday visitors with her parents, Mr, andeMrs. J Dennison, Mrs.• R. P. Belland Miss Mary Bell are spending the week with eke form- er's sister, Mrs, James F. ICeid, in London, The Misses Kennedy, W. William Street, were Christmas guests with their sister, Mrs. Reynolds, Strat- ford. Mr, Dave McPherson and Mr. Will McPherson, of l'onkton, were . holi- days visitors with Mr. and Mns, John McPherson. Mr, Max McGregor, of Chatham, spent the holiday with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. W.: L MdGregor, James Street. Mr. and Mrs. A. Cantelon, Mr. and Mrs. George Jenkins, Mrs. Paxman and Claire, and Mr, and Mrs. B. Kaiser, of Clinton, were Christmas guests of Mr. ' and Mrs, Thomas Sharpe. Mr. Alvin Sharpe,' of Stratford, spent several days at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sharpe. Mr, and Mrs, E. R. Crawford are spending the .holidays with her.rnoth- er,•Mrs, Ross at Dresden. Air, Wm. Ross, of Toronto, spent the holiday with his sisters, Miss Somerville and Mrs. Whittaker, Airs. Somerville Is at present on a visit to Tennessee. Miss Powell, of Clinton, Mrs. Mc- Nair, Miss McNair and Mr. Arnold. McNair, of Brussels, were holiday vis-: itors with Mr. and Mrs. M. McPhee. e Airs. Pauli and children,' of Strat` ford, are spending the week with her. mother,: Mrs. D. M. Ross. 'Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gibson are spending the week in Sarnia. 'Mr. Lloyd ••Workman, of Oihawa, visited his uncle and aunt, Mir. and Mrs. Wnt. Butt. Mr. and Mrs. A. E Erwin, of Bay- field, were Christmas guests of her aunt, Miss M. Robison. Airs, Charles Glew is attending her mother-in-law, Mrs. Grew, of Clinton, who has been seriously ill the past week, Miss Alta Atkinson, of Ann Arbor, Mich, and Miss Alma Free, of Dun- gannon, were Christmas guests with Mr, and Mrs, Wes, Free, Miss At- kinson is a daughter of Hon.. Wen. Atkinson, Minister of Agriculture of the Toll -tele' Government in British Columbia, and granddaughter of Me. William Atkinson Sr., Egmondi'ille, Mrs, C. Elliott, Mr. W, H. Elliott and Mr. John Holliday, Tuckersmith, attended the funeral of Mrs, Elliott's cousin, - a r M , Young, at Goderich, on Wednesday afternoon: Mrs. Sidney Johns is visiting her. niece at Georgetown. Mr. and Mrs. Hector Hays, of Stratford, Miss Mary Hays and. George, Toronto, were holiday visit- ors with Col; and Mrs. Hays. Mr.' and Mrs, 1• V, H. Elliott and Airs, C. Elliott were Christmas visit- ors with Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Elliott, Stratford. Air. :Nelson Keys and son Mr. Wil- bur Keys, of the Babylon Line, Stan- ley Township, have purchased the Nicholson farm, Mill Read, Tucker - smith, Mr. and Mrs.Wilbur Kees. will reside on the 'farm. Mr, E Utn'hach and Miss Jean Ste- wart, of Toronto; and Miss Erie Ste- wart, of Kitchener, were Christmas visitors with, Mr. and Mrs, D. H. Ste- star,.. brr. Will Pollard, of Murillo; spent Christmas with his parents. Mr, and Mrs, J. Pollard. Miss Eerily. Deana and Mr, Arthur Deein,, of Toronto, were Christmas guests with Mfr. •and 'Mrs. lWilliam' Deem, Miss Jean Brodie, of Golitenburg, and Miss Anne Brodie, of Grey, are holiday guests at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs, Charles Brodie, Dr.' J. 0, Grieve, who has been con- fined to the house the past four weeks with a broken tendon at the knee, s'. mproving The accident occurred then Dr. Grieve slipped on. the ice. Mr. 4V. C IV, :Barber, of London, is spending the holidays with his par- ents Air, and Mrs. C. A. Barber, Mn, Jack'Archibald, of Toronto, is a holiday visitor with' his parents, N'lr,' and Mrs. Won, R. Archibald, T uckere smith. The weather has continued` mild, and spring-1lkeall weelc, Fined - at hie Most, t the John- etroft, sney. radon, , Mr,. Tole with rbey, her 1 St,. and for Will man bert reet, son, sa ens, iiet- ete r vel Mr. ant, er- a t- er's of at ter }lir, and Mrs. J. Hunt of Erie Beech, spent Christmas with Mr, and •Mrs, J, E. Keating. Mr. Arnnold Turnbull and Miss Mildred Turnbull of Toronto and Miss Mabel Turhbeli of Huntsville, are spending the holidays with their .mother, Mrs, Geo, T. Turnbull, Misses Ida and Eva Love and Miss Gladys Shillinglaw, of Toronto, Miss Ria Ifills of Oshawa, Miss Rena' Simpson, of 'Chiselhurst, Miss Gladys Way of SS, No, 4, MoKillop, Miss Mar • r et Grieve ri a g e e ofH.o I l menu} l e Noss Bertha Beattie, of Sproat's school, all Egmondville girls, are spending 'their vacation at their respective homes, Miss Morley of Egmonclville school is spending the holidaysat her hone at Milverton. Miss Rena McKenzie of Stratford is spending her eaciation at her me - titer's, South Main street, Mrs, Thot nes Grieve, James J t s Street, was called' to Strafford Monday wing,to the illness of her daughter, Airs Baxter, and fancily, Mr, Alfred Johnston and little son of. Varna were operated on for ade- noids and .tonsils in the hospital on Friday last. Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Mason and daughter motored from Detroit on Friday to spend Christmas with Mrs. Mason's mother, Mrs.. Hugh Mac- Kay, Mr, Ronald MacKay of Queens University is home for the holidays, aim Miss Ethel MacKay of Thedford, Messrs. Leslie and Cecil Knight of Kitchener and Frank Knight of Buf- falo, are home t for days, the .Christmas holi- Mr, George Brownlee, who has been confined to the house through illness is now able to be around, •Miss Monica Hughes of Detroit is visiting at her home here with her mother, Mrs. Janes Hughes, Mr, Dick Barry. of St, Columban is staying with Mrs, -Ryan in Egniond- vil1e for the winter: (School No. 6, MdKillop was closed for a week owing to the illness of the teacher, Miss Anona. Dale and pupils. Mr. and Airs. P, C Calder, St, Ca- therines, Miss Mary--I-lays,Toronto, Mr. Russell Hays, Detroit, and Mr, and Mrs. Reg, Reid of Stratford; were guests at the home of Mn,'and Airs, Adam n Hasfor 'Mr, William Hartry land Miss .Maud Hartry are spending, Christmas with Mr. Howard Hartry and family, Lon- don, Dr. Russell Hill of'le* w York is spending the Yuletide season with his sister, Mrs. Lawrence and brother, Mr. William Hill Centre street. • lir. and Mrs, Jos. Eckert and Mr. Ted Scott from Oakville spent Christ- mas at .their respective homes: Mr, D. F. Buck of Toronto was a Christmas visitor in town. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Robinson, of London, Mr. and Mrs, J. R,` Davis of Detroit and Mr.,and Mrs.- Guy Rich - ands of De'teroispent Christmas at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Fred Ro- binson, Miss Beatrice Seip of London is spending two weeks vacation with her parents,. Mr. and Mrs, G. Seip. Mr. and Mrs. Teamerson and fam- ily of Waterloo were visitors with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Strong, Miss Evelyn Cudntore, of Toronto,. was a Christmas visitor with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William emi- uiot•e, Market Street. Miss Mae McClinchey, of Toronto, is visiting her.parents..Mr, and Mrs Joseph M0Clinchev. Mr. "Dave" Reid, of Kirkland Lake, Ont., is visiting at the home of his mother, Mrs. J. F. Reid. Mr. Carl Jones, of Port Colborne, was here. Mr. Leslie 'Watson,' of Toronto, spent the holiday with his father, Mn, J. Watson._ Miss Florence Laidlaw, of Toronto, is spending the holiday with her mother, Mas, Laidlaw, Gaderich St. Miss Agnes Smith, of Toronto,is visiting at the home of her father, Air. John L. Smith, Mr, Don. McKay. of Stratford, is visiting his father, Mr. Adam Mc- Kay. •;Hiss E, Sparks spent the holiday in Stratford, Mr. 'Bert. Archibald, of Oakville, is visiting s g hi s parents, Mr. and ilius. Jam Archibald. James Achtbald: 'Mr. Jack Adams, of Dayton, Ohio, is visiting his father and mother, 'Air. and Mrs, William Adams, Misses Kate and 'Nellie Laverty, of Stratford, were holiday guests at the home of Air. and Mrs. W. J. Duncan, Miss Rose Dorsey, of Detroit, is visiting at the hone of her brother and sisters, Miss Ruth Pinkney, of Stratford, is visiting Mrs, R. Clarke, • Mr, and Mrs. .11r, G. Spencer and fancily are spending the holidays at Port Colborne Mr, Alex. Powell, of Goderich, spen t Christmas with 'his mother, Mrs. Powell, Egiuondville, Mr; and Airs. Ale}. Muir, of Osh- awa, were town visitors, Tailoring Ladies' and Ge nilern►en4 s TAILORS W Give us a call COG .SIL. L .Tp1t,QpiNC 108 Downie St, STRATFORD A was as It d a the s held t e !i' of Mn, and Mrs. John Jarrett home fantidy, au D'epember l7th, in honor of Mr.: and bars, Percival G. Camubell (formerly Miss Eutina Peart Love, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Love, of Stanley), The house was tilos beautifully decorated with pink an white streamaere, evergreen and holly. The evening was spent in cards am dancing, the first dance being reserv- ed for .the bride .and groom, the brides father' and • mother, the groom's father and mother and the groom's only 'brother and his wife, The music was furnished by the bride's grandfather, Mr, James Jarrott;' ,and the dance was called by an uncle of the bride,'Mn, Will 'Jarrett, The' rest of the music was furnished by' a cousin of the bride, Mr: Cleve. Coch- rane, Mr, Will Collins and the- call- ing b the rest of the evening was Y A essrs. Will Hayter and Will Homey, The first, dance after lunch was reserved For the four brides, all being 055105 0f the pres- ent bride and gnooru; Mn, and Mrs. Stanley Love; Mr, and Mrs. John' Me - Ewan; Mn, and Mrs, Ross Love; Mr. ansa Mr. } Percival 'Campbell, 11 they he . having been married in. this order. The bride and groom received eon- gratulatious and ,best wishes and many costly pnesen't,'among which were several cheques. About 175 were present. Mn. and Mrs. Jarrett received many compliments. for the pleasant evening provided, Mrs. Fowler and son Gordon of Toronto are spending their Christmas vacation with their friends in the vil- lage, Mn. and Airs, J. T,'Rbid of London spent Christmas with .lir,,/�attdGMrs, James McDonald, t Miss Olive Cooper, of : Lan 'ng, Michigan, is visiting her :pat"ills•f .,a. few days. Mr, B' nl l Kyle has Purchased •a beautful new Ring radio of the latest type and is enjoying. 11 very much, Mr. J. E. Sproat and Miss Mary Udell were happily united in marriage at the manse, Hensen, by Rev. Mn. McElroy o,t•Thursday evening last, Mn. Isaac Jarrett was confined to his room for a few days bttt is some better at present. Mn. \lrat5ois is putting .on areal old time dance on l l•iday ,night of this week, which promises to be the event of the season, 1'lse school' Christmas concert held in S.S. No. 14, Hay, was s. decided t success. Much credit is doe the teaon- d er, Miss Oral Finnigan. tMiss. Helen Dittsdale of ;Stratfor' hospital spent Christmas at her home here, Lr V1rlaiteruail and Miss Uebr j'. Whiteman are visiting lir, and Mrs. Robert D'insdale, Miss Jean Ninon has been on the •Persistent Asthma, most die- tressing`characteristic of this dcbitit•.• ating disease is the persistence with which recurring attacks come to sap_ awe y strength and leave the sufferer in a state of almost continual exhaus- tion. No wiser precaution can be taken than that of keeping at hand a supply of Dr. J,. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy, famous ase potent remedy for eradicating the disease from the tender air passages, WISHING EVERYONE A Merry Christmas and a Ha New w � r ear Sid Dungey DRY CLEANING AND PRESSING "THE MOST UP-TO-DATE CAFE IN TOWN" Seaforth Cafe Serves Special Dinners and Suppers for your convenience, at all hours Refreshments, Candies, Cigars, and 'Cigarettes, Etc. We specially give attention to private parties and banquets. PHONE 222 SING WONG, Prop, A Good Portion of beef served to you for the evening, meal, roasted about medium, with the blood gravy oozing through, gives one a foundation. It just makes one's mouth water to think of it. Haw was that last piece of meat we sent you? Wasn't it fine. GEO. CAMERON Your Butcher, Phone 58 Seaforth, BN=i-IIJR The Si'ecial Milverton Flour ‘Ve have it ---Give it a Trial, Also Grain Screenings Chopof Al! Kinds C G. THOMSON ■ GRAIN DEALER PHONE 25 YOUR AUTO NEEDS. Goodyear; Tires and Tubes. Battery Sales and Service. Charging and Repairing all makes of Batteries. A good line of new and used parts of different makes of cars, If your car is in need of repairs, give us a call. 11 Studebaker Sales and Service 11 i ealer' 16�Wpara isf101�E