HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1928-12-27, Page 4vouR
.x.-towcton Bros„ Publishers,
Purchases Parm.—Kr. Joehua Den-
nison, of Seafortli, purehaeed last
.- week -end the fine 150 aere Nein, lot
• 32., aenaession 12, McKillop, ;front
G, or and will get pos-
seeeton in April. Price, including
equipment is over $10,000, Mr, Den-
nison will operate the farm, assisted
by his son, John. Mr, Barron and his
mother expect to move to Toeonto
before Spring,
Mr, end Mrs. A, Ross are spend-
. ing Chrietteas with MI'S John Deis-
Mr. and lvIrs. John Marsha11 and
family and the Misses Driscoll vent
Christmas with Mr. and Mrs, C. Bar-
Mr, Will 1V16011a is spending Christ-
mas with his sister, Mrs, Albert Me -
Miss Mills, teacher of Leadbury
school, had a, very. successful Christ-
mas tree on Friday afternoon. Rev. Ir-
- wing Kahle, bf Seaforth, was chair-
Miss Hall is visiting her sister, Mrs.
Miss Effie Balfour is home for
the Christmas season.
"Mr. Arthur McGavin is going to
Toronto to take a position,
Mrs. Thomas Archibald is on the
• sick list. Her many friends wish her
a speedy recovery.
We are sorry to hear fhat Mr. El-
. :ter Rinn has been on the sick list the
:past few days. We wish to hear of
•his speedy recovery.
Mr, and Mrs. Joe Holmes are con-
fined to their home with a severe at-
tack of the flu.
A few of our neighbor boys motor-
ed to Stratford one day last week.
There will be a dance and euchre
party held in Dublin Parish Hall ort
Friday evening, Dec, 28th. Come and
bring your friends.
Miss Vonnie McConnell, who was
teaching in North Bay, is holiday-
-lag here with her father, Mr. Frank
Mr, John Rowland returned home
from Winnipeg to attend the funeral
of his father, on Wednesday, Dec.
Miss Helen Krauskopl, nurse -in-
-training at St. Joseph's hospital, spent
Christmas with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. James Krauskopf.
Mr. and Mrs. James Cronin enter-
tained a number of friends to a euchre
Darty on Christmas eight.
Me Patrick Rowland passed away
on Christmas eve, following an attack
of pneumonia. Mr. Rowland was 54
years old, and was oaretaker of St.
Patrick's Church. Htis wife and a fam-
ily of seven children survive, some of
whom are quite young. The funeral
was held on 'Wednesday morning.
Miss Kathleen Mulligan, Robert
;Byrne, Joseph Nagle, of Detroit;
Teter Dill, of Pontiac, Miss Margaret
:Jordan, of the Ursuline College, Cita-
:them, Miss Anne MeGrath, of Chath-
am, are among those home for Christ-
Mr. Malachi Burns passed away on
-Monday morning, aged over 80 years.
'His sister, Mrs. James Feeney, is the
last member of the Burns family. The
funeral was 'held on Wednesday.
Miss Bridget Maloney passed away
.suddenly in Toronto. Many friends
land relatives from Dublin attended,
:the funeral, the •body being interred in
aSt. Columban cemetery.
John WaYniouth.—The community
twits shocked to hear of the death of
:Mr, Jack Waymmith on Saturday
:noon, Dec. 22, in London hospital.
:Mr, Weymouth had been out and a-
round on 'Monday though rrot in the
best of health. Tuesday the seri-
ansii ess of his condition was discov-
ered and he was taken to London
where three Xarays were made. On
Saturday an operation to remove
• cancer was performed but the at-
tempt was futile. Foe 25 years he
had been a resident of Blyth and op-
•• !rated a dairy, In 1924 he was elect-
' ed to the Coencil and held that of-
• nee for one term, lie was born in
1.171-ti11ett Townshija Concession 8, a
son of the late William and Ann Wey-
mouth, on October 10th, 1865. The
former preteceased film only last
May. Had Mr. Weymouth lived till
• ifhie week, he and Mrs. Wayiriouth,
'formerly Miss Ida Hill, wonid have
observed their 315t wedding •anniver-
sexy. Besides his widow, he leaves a
daughter Bessie and a son Harry,
raoth of Blyth. He is survived by two
'brothers, Charles and Albert. Hullett;
and two sisters, Mrs. Mary Peters,
Mich., who was present at the
:funeral; and Mrs. Thomas Hender-
son. Herschel, Sask. One brother,
William, predeceased him 40 years
-ago. The funeral, which was held on
'Wednesday from St. Andrews United
Church, was largely attended. Rev.
Mr. Gracie, Clinton, and Rev. T. W.
Goodwill conducted the services
which were under the auspices of the
Odd Fellows and 'Pride of the West"
• Lodge, Londesboro. Canadian Order
of Foresters. Interment wag made in
Union Cemetery.
Mr, Stewart Young of Toronto, is
eeenilinit the Christmas holidays with
his mother, 'Mrs. Young.
Mr, Harvey Mason. of Detroit,
spent a few days with his parents, 'Mr.
and Mrs. Ben. Mason.
Mrs, Harry Armstrong spent a
few days at the home of her parents.
Mr. and Mrs, Wells, Hullett.
Duncan 'Munroe, who has been
cjuite ill with pneumonia, is improving
Me and Mrs. Charlie Murray and
eon Billie, of Beeton, spent the
• Christmas holidays with the latter's
• - mother, Mrs. H• . Young,
Mrs. Colin Tringland, of Walton.
• sang a much appreciated solo in St.
• Andrew's United Church, Sunday se-
• ening. •
Miss Springford,of Stirnia. is-
spen d ng the' holiday's with, her grand -
:father, Me, John Potter, ' •
Miss Ethel Taylor, of •London,, is
holidaying with her parents, Mr. and
Mre. Alb, Taylor, •,
Ada Cecile, of Liston -el, was a
holiday visitor, at -the home of •hex
,Oarents, Mr. and Iv.frs, Robert Craig,
SEAFORTR, oNiramtn
Wheat, Standard 31,25 per bus
Oats, Standard or over 50c per bus
Barley, Standard or over ,Oc per bus
Mixed Barley and Oats 1.45$per 100 lbs,
Buckwheat, Standard and over 800 per bus
Silverking, Best Manitoba Patent,
Keystone, Best Pastry Flour
Whole Wheat, (Stone Ground)
Bran in bags
Shorts 44
ChOPPed 1Viill-run Screenings "
*Mixed Chop
$4.00 per bag
83,75 per bag
$3,70 per bag
$35.00 per ton
$35,00 per ton
$38.00 INT ten
$30.00 per ton
$30.00 per ton
Mr. Reginald Argent, of Port Ar-
thur, is spending the holidays with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Feed Ar-
Miss Annie Maines, of Toronto, is
5pending the holidays with. her pair -
eats, Mn. and Mrs. Jim. Maines,
Mrs. WilliamJackson, who has
been visiting relatives at Flint, IVIich„
returned home accompanied by Miss
Eleanor, who will spend the holidays
Mrs. 'George Garniss and son Les-
lie and Harvey spent Christmas at
the home of Miss Lottie Jenkins.
Miss- Meida MeElroy, of 'Western
University, and Miss Vivian McEl-
roy, also of London, are spending the
holidays at their home,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wallace, of
Detroit. are visiting at the home of
her brother, Rr. Leslie Hilborn and
other relatives.
Miss Dorothy Robinson, of Lis-
towel, was a Chrisemas guest at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R.
H. Robinson.
Mr, Culp, manager of the Bank,
spent Christlenas with Mrs. Culp in
tRev. and Mrs. Geo. Weir spent
Christmas with their daughter and
son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Faris, in
Toronto. •
Mr, 'Robert Craig, of Guelph, was a
holiday visitor at his home.
Misses Irene and Muriel Hoover, of
Michigan State University, Lansing,
are spending the holidays with their
parents, lair. and Mrs. Henry Hoover.
Mn. and Mrs. Norman, Wightman,
of Timmins, are holidaying at the
home of her parents, Mr, and Mrs.
Henry Hoover,
Miss Mildred Hilborn, who has
been visiting for some time in De-
troit, has returned.
Mr. Walter Cowan, of Detroit, is
visiting with his patents, Mr. and
Mrs. Dave Cowan. —
• Mr. Arthur Wells, of Toronto, was
a Christmas guest of his grandmother,
Mrs. Knox.
Mrs, George Leith returned with
her son, Mr. Will Leith, and grand-
son Clifton, to Stratford, on Sunday,
and will spend a week there.
Mn. and Mrs. Austin Spafford, of
Guelph; Mr, and Mrs. Bent Webb, of
Woodstock; Mn. and Mrs. Fox of
Beachville, visited their mother, 'Mrs.
C. Spafford.
Mr. Lyle Robinson, Iitemberson,
and Mr. Steuart Robinson, Fort Erie,
are holiday' visitors with their par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Robinson.
Mrs. Mabel Johnston and Murray
'are visiting her sister, Miss Luella
Campbell, in Windsor.
The Old Year service will be held in
Queen St. United Church Sunday
The Y.P.S. meeting was held this
Week. The Watch Night service will
be 'held Monday night and also a so-
cial evening.
The death occurred in Morris' on
Saturday of Thomas Malcolm Wolsh,
Mr. Woish is survived by his widow
and one son Norman. The funeral
was conducted on Monday by his pas-
tor, Rev. (Dr.) Barnby. Interment
was made in Brandon Cemetery, Bel -
The death occurred in Clinton last
week of Mn. John Hoare, an uncle of
Mrs. Ernest Bender, BlytB, and Mrs.
Wm, Howatt, Hellett. His sister,
Mrs. Harrison, predeceased him a lit-
tle over a year ago. One sister, Mrs.
Chapman, of British Columbia, sur-
Want and For Sale ads, 3 times 50c
The following is the report of S.
S. No. 8, •McKillop. IVIany pupils
were ill fee the Christmas tests; this
report gives their standing accord-
ing to their work accomplished 'from
September to December:—
Jr. TV.—Mary Murray, Pearl John-
son, Laura ,Beimewies, Verna Benne-
wies, Loretto Rapien,
Gr, and Jr. IN.—Elmer Koehler,
Olive Fischer, Mary Eckert, Ruby
Bennewies, Annie .Siemon, 'Fergus
McKay, Gertie Simon, Edgar Ellig-
son, Austin 1Cappler, Raymond Mur-
ray, James Eckert, Velma Scher -
berth, Joseph Manley, Marie Koehler,
Mildred Rapien.
Second Class.—Harry Regele, Edna
Leonhardt, Mervin Manley, Adeline
Siemon, Oscar Elligson, Clement Mc-
Kay, Mervin Kahle, Harvey Koehler,
Vincent Murray, Lornie Siemon.
'First Class,—Iris iKheber, Dan Man. -
ley, •Nelsoe Kahle, Mildred Benne-
wies, Harry Bennewies, Joseph Eck-
Pnllner.,Gerald McKay, Vera
Leonhardt, 'Mervin Deli; Bernise
Manley, Celestia Johnson, Aaron Xis-
tner, Raymond Kleber, Morley Koeh-
ler, Dominic Murray, Carl Sietrion,
Annie Eckert, Joseph Johnson.
,No.. on Toll, 48. Average attend-
ance 44.
Helen M. Delaney, Teacher.
Officers Elected—.The annual meet-
ing of the W.M.S. and Ladies' A•id So-
ciety of Duff's United Church, Mc-
Killop, was ,held in the church. The
meeting opened with devotional exer-
cises conducted by the President,
Miss Mae Campbell:- The Scripture
lesson was read by Mrs. Percy Smith:
Mrs. 'W. F. Smith took the reading
from the study -book. The folio:wing
officers for the 'W. M. S. for the com-
ing year were elected: President, 'Miss
Mae Campbell; lst Vice-president,
IVIiss Letitia 'Campbell; 2nd Vice-pre-
sident, Mrs. Joseph Hogg; Treasurer,
Miss 'Lizzie Henderson; ;Secretary,
Mrs. Chester Henderson; Strangers'
Secretary, Mrs, McKercher; Miss.
Monthly secretary, Mrs. Percy Smith;
Press and Literature Secy, Mrs.
(Rev.) W. F. Smith; auditors, Miss.
Mae Campbell and Vine 1,Iurdie.
The officers for the Ladies' 'Aid are
as follows: President, Mrs. Jas. Bar-
ron; Treasurer, Mrs. iRobt. Hogg;
Secretary, Miss Esther Dorrance.
The following is the Christmas re-
port of S.S. No. 7, MoKillve.
V. --,George Taylor ss, Grace Per-
due 56. •
Jr. IV. -- Melville Shannon 75,
Helen Tomlinson 60.
Sr, Ill.—Everett Perdue 74,,Welter
Somerville 60.
Jr. III.—Soyd Driscoll 75. •
Sr. Shannon 80. Jimmie
Balfour 73.
Sr. I.—,Kathleen Leeming 88, Harold
Hudie 76.
A, L. Mills, Teacher.
The eritertairament and boa: social
held at S.S. No, 2, on Wednesday ev-
ening of last week was a decided suc-
cess. The programme consisted of,
songs, dialogues, readings, etc., all
of which showed skill aiid persev-
erance on the part of the teacher and
Mr, W. G. Seaman is still busy in-
stalling water systems for the farm,.
ers in the surrounding vicinity.
Mr. and Mrs. John Murray Jr., Mr.
and Mrs. Fergus Horan and Mr. and
Mrs. Jas. McQuaid spent Christmas
at the home of Mr. Fred Eckert,
Now for the
We have Player Pianos and Regular Pianos, Electric Radios atid
Battery Radios and Orthophonic Phonographs.
See me for unheard of prices. We can give terms to suit your de-
sire, Twenty-four hour delivery.
Jonathan E. Flugill
, Ain g 616;3.4 nil ton Central,
Mr, Telly Siemon, 0„i Detroit, if
sending his vaeation ,the home cif
ills parents bele.
Misses Lizzie and Maria Meeray,
Who have beettsejourpieg in Wind.
Sot,are speeding their helideye with
their parents, Me. and Mee. John
Miss Helen Delaney, reir teacher,
had her closing exereises in the usual
manner but qnite a number of Pupils
were abseut en aceount of the flu,
which is prevalent,
Mr, Baechier, of Goderich, is again
trueking saw logs from our burg. The
frost has set in and the roads are in
good conditiert.
• Mr, Walker Carlile and Mr. Wm,
Taylor, of Wiecisor, are spending
the Christmae holidays at their homes
Mr,. Glen Love, Of Hatuitton, is
home spending ,Christmas at his bro-
ther's, Mr. Ross Love's.
Miss Eileen Turner, of London
Normal, is s•pending -fier • Christmas
hOlidays at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Webster 'Turner.
Mrs, Win. McAllister is in Mae -
tette, ,Mich,, attending the funeral of
the late Mr, William MoAllister.
Mn, Wesley Richardson, of Wind,
Coe, ie spending his holidays at his
:.ivres. John Richardson, who was
spending a, few days in St. Thomas,
'lei returned home,
MreJas. Janrott had the misfortune
to have two fingers taken off when
his hand was drawn into the gasoline
engine while oiling it, Although qttite
painful, he is getting along nicely.
Misses Bernice and Gladys Wren,
of Toronto, spent Christmas With
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. .George
-T. Wren and. sister Agnes,
Mr, Lorne Oke, of Whitby, Ont.,
who is operator on tile Government
Paretex ditching machine, visited with
his cousins, Cecil and Percy Harris,
over Sunday.
The S. S. 'Christmas entertainment
that was given in the Chisethurst Un-
ited Church on Thursday evening,
Dec. 20th, was a wonderful suteess.
'The programme consisted .of read-
ings, drills, dialogues; solos and a
Play that was the best in years entitled
"The Night before Christmas." The
scholars attending Sunday school the
most Sundays in the year were also
presented with special remembrances
as a token of their faithfulness, The
Christmas tree was adorned with a
beautiful assortment of presents: The
proceeds of evening were $26.•
Misses Blanche Wheatley, Thelma
Dale and Mildred Britton, of Toron-
to'are home for Christmas.
The ChriStmas entertainment held
at the school on Thursday afternoon
by the teacher aed pupils was well
Mr. and Mrs, J. E. Besby, of Cha-
tham, spent Christmas with Mn. and
Mrs. Robert Lalwson. •
Miss Ella Armstrong spent Sunday
with Miss Margaret Pethick.
The Christmas concert and tree
held here last Friday night was well
attended, A pantomime pageatit,
"The World's Redeemer," was given,
also choruses by the school children,
readings, and a play by the young
people. The last number was a pag-
eant. "Christmas Eve , in Storybook
Land," after which Santa Claus ap-
peared and distributed the gifts.
,Mr. Walter Johns is spending the
holidays at his home here. "
Everyone has been enjoying the
beautiful weather of the last few days.
Long May it continue.
The pupils of S.S. No. 4, North,
held a very successful entertainment
on Tuesday evening. They were as-
sisted by the Bayfield orchestra. •
On Wednesday evening, a large au-
dience attended the entertainment in
S.S. No. 4, South, Stanley. The
Moonlight Orchestna was in atten-
dance and gave several selections
which were well received,
Mr. and Mns. Fred Turner. end son
spent the week end at die home of
Mr. and Mrs, George Campbell.
• Miss Herbert and Miss Lucas arc
spending the holiday at their respec-
tive homes, Mitchell and Atwood.
Miss Margaret Tough of Moorfield
is home for the holidays.
the 'admission of indigents to hospitals
and the bille in comiection therewith,
and 'T eeett at the January' meeting,—
At the Thersday afternoon ees5ion
Mr. C. A. Roberson, M, L. A., was
present aild was invited by the War,
dee to address • the Council. He
said that the County.Council was the
right place for information, as eaeh
iedividual was expected to becoine
familiar with all the problems. He
said that a grea•t portien of our Edna
cation Act was pet there by High
Schools and their Interests, He
thought that at the next Legislature
there wonld be brought about lunch
ell'allge in the hospitals. He thought
it a mistake to ask for a reduction of
our payment on Highways when we
were continually asking for more
mileege. He considered the gasoline
tax was right and that the next thing
vvoghl be legislation for eompulsory
liability insuranee of automobiles, Mr.
Robertson answered some questions
as to tegielation subinitted and in
answer to Mr. Cox as to the keeping
of roads open in the winter he said it
was an hnpossibility in the north and
in the south it would in many cases be
injurious to roads, especially gravel
Dr. Emmerson, asked .as to pay-
ment of a bill for attendance on at
indigent and it was decided • to ask
the solicitor for a ruling as to such
cases as to the Cottnty's
Rev, J. E. Ford was present and
was informed of the reduction of the
Children's Shelter committee of man-
agement from ten to five.
Mr, T. R. Patterson, County Engin-
eer, presented his report for the year
up to dwte, going into the tnatter of
the operation of trucks in hauling
gravel, the figures beleg very much
in favor of the else of trucks in pre-
ference to teams.
Moved by Messrs. Johnston and
Langford that this ebtincil express its
sympathy with .the Old Age Pension
and would urge, the adoption of the
legislation by the Govereirient—Car-
Moved by Messrs. McKibbon and
Kennedy that 'those mentbers of the
elueon County Council unable to at-'
tend the special meeting re the advis-
ory board be placed cm the pay sheet
as useale—.Carried.
Moved by Messrs. Baelcer and In-
glis that the hilothers' Allowance
Committee be paid $145 to be divid-
ed as follows: :Chairman, $65; Secre-
tary, $35; three 'members, .each $15,
$45. --Carried. :
Moved by Mess•rs. • Beattie and
,Craigie that Dr. Emmerson's bill' for
medical a•ttendaitcc be returned.to the
Tewnship of Cabot:ie.—Carried. '
Moved by Messts. -Hubbard and
Anderson, that 'Messrs, Cox, Klopp,
Henderson and. the Warden and the,
Clerk he appointed a special commit-
tee to investigate the matters iefei-
red to by the Warden in his address
re' the stenograPhic service rendered
• in. the Court House, the Province as-
sutn beg • 0 share of the up -keep of
their offices in the County, and as to
Mr. Inglis brought up the case of
a woman stranded in Howick with a
familY of seven childreneand eves in-
formed that relief might be got'under
the Mothers' Allowance Act as •a
special ease that the Council might
give some assistance later.
•Mr. Baeker 'brought up the matter
of the High Constable being called
here and there and the easea changed
against the county and it was the
general opinion that there should be
better eontrol exereised regarding the
won -lc of our constables.
IW'hen the special ooinmittee's re-
port was taken Up there was consid-
erable discussion on clause 2 in which
the committee 'recommended no ac-
tion on the request for approval of
the idea of superannuation for jail
officials. Filially the following reso-
lution was adopted; Moved by Messrs,
MoKibbon and Baeker that the
resolutioe of approval be sent for-
ward with the 'proviso that the
scheme is made self sepporting, and
the repoet as thus amended was
adlolprt.eT(Lhornas Inglis, chairman of the
Roads Commission, gave a very
full and interesting report of the trip
to Michigan, where they went during
the summer to inspect the metleoci
employed in that State in highway
construction. Mr: Inglis was much
intptessed With their work and he
thought the cpnitnissipai athered
much useful information. Messrs.
Cox and Hill, the other members of
the Commission, and the Warden fol-
lowed, giving their impre•ssions re-
ceived from the visit.
,Mr. Co* took advantage of the op
portunity in his • talk to thank the
CountyCouncil for their kind consid-
eration and friendship during the past
three year,s. .
Mr. Hill paid a "well deserved cone;
pliment," as he termed it, to the
many patrolmen and others entrusted
with carrying- on the work in this
County, and .said it was owing a great
deal to their faithfulness that we can
boast of such excellent •roads in our
country, when compared with roads
in many other countries.
MOved by Mr. McKiirbon and DT.
Milne that this couniCil memorialize
the Provincial Giaverninerit to take
over the rbad from. Clinton to 'Wing -
ham as a Provincial Highway, thus
making the complete London Road a
Provincial HighWay.--Carried.
;Moved by Messrs. Hubbard and In-
glis, that this Council agrees to assist
the Township of I-lowick to the ex-
tent of half the amount of the aid
they are required to give Mrs. Heber-
ly until the time she and her family
become one` year's residents • of the
county, not to exceed $27.50 per
month, to begin Dec. 1st --.2Carried..
Moved by Me.ssrs. Inglis and Hub-
bard that the ,case of Mrs. lieberly
and family of seven children ender
14 ye,ars of age, of the • Township of
Ho wick, be recommended to the
County Board of Mothers' Allowance
to have thein recommend Mrs, Heber-
ly as a "specie -1 case" for Mother's
Allowance, as we, the members of
Huron County Councicl, consider this
a very deserving case,Carried,
Moved by Messrs. •Kennedy and
Goetz that Mr. Thomas Gundry Sr,
be appointed Constable under the Li-
quor Control Act under Section 1i21,
to act in and for the County of Huron
in the enforcement of said Act, and
that a bylaw he passed confirming this
appoilitinent.--iLeft over to the Janu-
ary meeting of the Council,
Moved by Messrs. Beattie and
Dodds that the Road, Commissioners
have snow fences erected on the
County road north of Seaforth at the
different places where it is needed, es-
timated amount needed 120 rods"—
Ca tried.
Moved by Messrs, ,Baeker and Keys
that the County supply some snow
fences for Rod No. 12 the coming
eiter.--Sent to the Road Commis-
Moved by Messrs. Henderson aral
Dodds that a grant be •made to assist
in the upkeep of street lights in the
hamlet of Walton on account of the
great benefit of these lights to the
traffic on the County roads.—Sent to
the Roads Cominissiori.
• Moved by Messrs, Hill and Beattie
that no action be taken regarding
the request made at a previous meet-
ing by the • University of • Western
Messrs. McKibben and 11111 gave
notice of motion to rearrange the
committees of the Council,
At the Wednesday afternoon ses-
sion Me. G. R. Paterson waspresent
and addressed the Council, •chiefly re-
garding the destruction of weeds, the
keeping of more sheep etehich is high-
ly tecommendeci, and the spraying of
freit trees ie ordet to get the best re-
sults. The school fairs and speaking
contests were of a high order aed the
judging competition turned,out splen-
didly and, nany of the County . of
liurott.boys and girls had aequitted
themselves admirably.
'rhe Warden and Mesers, McKib-
ben, Johnetom Cox and Hill all spoke
very highly of Mr, Patersoo's wotic
in the Cottnity.,
The coeinty.Treeserer, eeer„Goedon
?Meng, gave a 'hal .report of the que
eines of the f.:ottneY, both as to high -
URSDAY, DER 27, 19
We wish our num Patrons A
Happy and Prosperous
New Year
J. 'Ft. Westcott
way and general accounts and many
of the Council' and the Warden ex-
pressed their satisfaction and art-
peddiation of the full report.
earay,,oe provincial Highway
Inspector for the district, was present
aed addressed the Cc:uncle regarding
the County, highways and the work
being done, and said the day for team
hauling was about past and that
trucks were fast taking the place of
Med by Messrs. lienneberg and
Wright, that, as Wroxeter will have
Hydro by the first of the new year,
and as there are two dangerous cor-
ners in the village on the County high-
ways, it would be advisable to have
one light placed at each corner, one
at White's corner and one alt Pope's,
—Sent to Roads Commission. ,
Moved by . Mesh's. • Higgins and
Kennedy that this Council grent to the
Village of Hensel!. and the Township
of Tuckeremith a reasonable sum to
help maintain the road east of Hen-
son through the Township of Tuck-
ersmith, a distance of five iniles—Sent
to Roads Commission. •' •
Moved by Messrs. Hill and Hender-
son that the 'County Council petition
the Government to supply free of
charge • the necessary innoculation
serum forthepreventioa of coma-
giems abortion, and that, a copy of
this resolution be sent to each County
Clerk in the Province.
Moved by 'Messrs. McKibbon and
Hill that •the committees of the
Comsty Council beginning 1929 be as
follows: Executive 5, Legislation 5,
Finance 5, House of Refuge 5, War-
den's Commiteee 5; Advisory Agricule
tural committee 5; Children's Shelter
3, the Warden to be one; Roads Com-
mission; 3. — Carried, We also rec-
onuneed that :whenever possible at
least one of the previous year's mem-
bers of the agricultural advisory com-
mittee, •the Children's Shelter comi•mit-
tee and the ,Roads Commission be a-
mong those chosen. --Carried,
Inepeceor Beacom uras present and
was asked to address the Council,
At the Thursday morning session, -
Mr. 0. Ginn, Inspector under the
Corn Borer Act, said that from re-
ports it was evident that the eorit
borer was getting under control and
there was a generol•increase in corn
growing. He said the Miff:lotion in
Huron av-
eraged 'about 20 ,per cent. but
that there were still some aggravated
cases: The results were good in Wes-
tern Onitario but not so favotable in
Eastern Ontario.
Moved by Mesers. Hill and Cox that
the ‘Government be requested to
change the Act apportioning the fines
from informationlaid on County
roads to the County instead of the
local municipality in which the cpm -
plaint is laid. ---Carried.
'Moved by Messrs. Inglis artd Hen -
of that it is with feelings of the
deepest .regret that this Council
learns of the continued serious illness
of our beloved sovereign., and that
we extend, our sincerek sympathy
and do earnestly hope and pray that
he may be restored ,to health and live
many years to reign over us. This
mo•tion was carried iinanimously, the
Council standing and singing God
Save the- King.
On Thursday evening the closing
session was held.
The Clerk read an application. for
the. position of motor cycle opera/tor
from Me. 'Norman Lever, of Fruit-
land, Ont., and this was referred to
the Roads Commission,
Mr. Young, County Treasurer, ad-
dressed the Council with reference to
a bonus for the year as the Work of
the office harl increased and was much
heavier than in former years and- after
much discussion, on motion of Messis.
McKibbon and Anders•on be was
granted, a bonus of $150.
iBylaws, where necessary to give
effect to the action of the . Council„
were ,passed, and then die 'Warden
was asked to vacate the •chair. Mr.
Beattie was appointed chairman and
th.e Wardell and Councillors Hill and
Cox were asked., to come. forivard,
and Councillor Hill react the following
address and Colit,n4Hlot Cox presented
the Warden with; a gold headed cane.
The executive committee reported
on the application of the Township of
Usborne for the closing a certain road
allowance, that the application be
granted and that the council pass a
bylaw confirming the same.
4' Committee Reports.
The education committee recom-
mended, the payment of the following
High School 'levies t Clinton.
regular levy, $9,736.29: per sec-
tion 35 02)RS,0. 1927, chap.326, $671.
75; total, 410:408.05, 'Seaforth 'Colle-
giate, regular levy, $9,110289; per stat-
ute as above, $760,16; total, $9,879.05.
Exeter High 'School, regular levy,
$7,397.79; as per statute, $630.39: total,
118,028.18, Win gh a m High School,
regular leVy, $7;1115.24'; at per statute,
$777.71; total, $7,892.0. The follow -
154 sums WerC reported as having
been paid to outside schools during
the year: I-Iarriston High School,
seee,38; st. Marys Collegiate, $480.98;
Stratford Collegiate, 151415.08; Parkhill
High .School, $360,435; London Colle-
giate, 14.36, The foll'oi,ving grants to
outside continuation classes were 15 -
commended, whee properly verified;
Lucknow, $1,463.60; and to coenty
continnation school e when verified:
Wroxeter, Hensel], Illyter, arid Bevies -
els.' .The committee alto retommend-
• ed th a t the deb en titre' ',tide], tedn C85 in-
curred yeatly be remittedto the Vill-
age treasurer ostood .o.f to the sehool
board. This t,vas deferred' until the
county finds out its authority.
motion of Messrs, McKibben and.
Merner, re grants to Wingham and
Goderich public schools, the com-
mittee recommended that no 'further
action be taken by this council until
the department complete their invest- •
igation as per leiter of March .14th,,
1928, front the Department. This
was amended to tete effect that. the
motion 'be carried out. •
The county property:committee re-
ported as followsWeelnieve exainin-
ed the jail and found everything
ginc:odworedearis,Wvitihsiltleicinetiplerisroengei rs st r yoff-
and Sound everything in order.
As the registrar needs more space for
filing papers we would recommend
that .he get plans for same and sub-
mit them to the , January meeting.
We 'inspected the Court House and
found everything in order. We re-
commend that new valVes be put in
the eactistors where needed and the
windows and 'blinds in the court room
be rire ari reed.
Ti a 1 committee reported as
follows: Re communication o 1 St,
John's 'Industrial School re Smith, we
recommend that this rase and other
similar eases be referred to the- Gov-
ernment for reindial legislation, that
the county will not be under any ob-
ligation for m'aintenence if the Parent
or others in control have removed
from the county, or when that class
are re-adthitted to these institutions
that, when these cases are put on pa-
role and readmited, it should be on
another charge. Re communication
of Jail Governors' Association in re-
spect to superannuation for jail offic-
ials we recommend "no action. Re re-
solution of the eenited 'Counties a
Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry that
the assessment act of the Province be'
amended so as to provide that lands
and premises exempt from taxatiem
by local municipities eleall not • be
exempt form county rates, we concur
in this resolution and we further re-
commend that a copy of this resol-
ution be foewaded to the Hon. ',the
AttorneyeGeneral ,of the Province and
the Hon. the Minister of Public
Works and Tighways of the Province
and the members elect of the Legi-
slative Assembly. In regard to By-
law No. he passed in 1906 and refer-
red to us, we -submitted the bylaw to
our comity solicitor' foe considdraeion
and concur in hisreport and submit
it to the council for consideration.
The finance committee reported on
a large number of accounts and re-
ported as follows: -Re R. Paty, 'ac-
count of Bowmanrille school. we re-
fer this matter to our solicitor. Re
communication from the goyal Bank,
Goderich, asking for a ,portion of the
county business, we recommend that
the warden a.nd treasurer interview
the manager arid report to the county
council at their first session in 1929.
Regarding the payment of hospital
accounts re indigehts, we recommend
that the county pay these as in the
The House of Refuge committee
reported as follows; The four regu-
lar meetings were held at times eixed
and quarterly' accounts- were audited
and orders issued as follows: March,
$3,311,33, Tune, $2414.89; September
$5,000,150; December, $1,981,64; total,
• $12,798.36, Since our June meeting
we have had new flooring put in the
men's dormitory at h cost of $375 and
have had the pump • repaired which
made the -water -system satisfeetory.
The report of the Government inspec-
tor was very favorable and highly
creditable and complimentary to the
management: Re the changes in bath
rooms recommended by the inspector
we, recommend that this ' be referred
tothe january meeting. The deaths
daring the year have been more num-
erous than any other year in the, hist-
ory of the house. There. have been
25 deaths;average age 75:6. At the
last meeting. in December it was
found that the refrigeration plant was
worn out; and we recommended the
purchase of a Frigiclair Plant accord-
ing to the specification attached, at a
cost of $1,072.50. We inspected the
other buildings and plants in connec-
tion with the county home and found
everything in fitst„class shape. The
products of the were first-class
with the exception of onionswhich
lac the
overs almost a total failure. We—eteere
only enabled to eealize le97 from sale
of tobacco and recommend discOn-
tinuance of this crop. We have
found the -inspector and all other of-
, ficials in connection with the .Hoine
efficient in every way and attentive
to all details. •
Mr,Alsx Voisin has purchased a
fa; 111 near Kitchener. He is offering
the Dominion Hotel, with its furni-
ture and fixtures, for sale,, by auctiom
next Month,
13ruce J, Klopp has resigned
his school at iGore B'ay owing to ill -
health, Mr. Klopp will spend soms.
time at his home in Zurich „before
taking up another position. '
leer, and Mrs, Chris. Aycette See
moving from Kinde, Micli„ into the
house recently vacated by 'Mr. Lloyd
O house owned by Mr, Chas Weber.
0,Brien. 'Afr„CoBrien is moving Into
The 8 -year-old dattghte or Me, mid
141e, Alex' . Atihm, of the !Bele Water
aPcsrlicitis 111 Ls ,o°ittc5leorna.teciT10ien
little g°'l
also suffered an attack of pneumonia.
:eft and, •Mrs. Theo. IVicAdate at-
tended bIos funeral of Mee Robert Mc-
Adams iot Thamesville. •
'Miss 1)onella Ruby has • retUrned
from Kitchener fot the holidays.