HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1928-12-27, Page 1nudnight's holy hour, ---and sir-, CIAce nary Is hrooctiug like a gentle Spirit o'er The still and pulseless world. Hark ! on the winds • ,`li, bell's deep tones, are swelling, 'Tis the knell of the departed year, WHOLE SERIES, VOL, So, No, 52, Christmas Candy FAR THE KIDDIES, FOR YOUNG AND OLD, AND FOR SWEETHEARTS' Fancy Boxes ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,•.40c up to $6,00 Christmas Mixture 19c per Ib, Royal Mixture 25c per lb, Olympia Special Mixture 30c per ib. SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY !For every 50e purchase of Candies, one chance on 10 ib. box of Candy free. The Olympia bnfectionery' andRestaurant $EAI'ORTH, ONTARIO, 'THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2.7i. 1928. Phone 84. The year has gone, and wit{ • h it many a glorious throng. Of happy dreams. Its mark son eai,h brow, Its shadow in each heart. IMits swift course It leaved its sceptre o'er the beautiful,' And they are not, appg. War ST. JAMES' SEPARATE SCHOOL Following is, the Christmas report of St. James Separate School, Names are in order of standing. 'SENIOR ROOM Class L, above 75 per cent:; Class II„ above 60 p.c.; Class NI., below 60 p.c. Sr, 1V. -Class I., Alice Devereaux. Class 14,, Jim Hughes, Bessie Eck- ert, Fred O'Leary, 'Margaret Fink- . ROOMVI. Total 200, Aana Dennis 192, Clara Dulinage 190, Carolyn Holmes 1.89, Marion Ib- botson 1.89, Bruce Wright 184, Marg- aret Barlow X1'82 Alfr d Siegrist 179, Betty McLeod'. 16, Helen Swan 172, Clete Dickson 169, Grace 'Gillespie 169, Tommy Wilbee 168, Helen Preis-, er 1'66, Clayton Dennis 163, Richard Box 162, Alma Elliot 145, Mary 'Wood 142bEveln einer, ;Loretto Purcell; Olass III„ Venusf ar1.0, LenoraaretcE'dlerher3125, -Ruth John Flannery, John Hartman, Fraiser 121, June Siegrist 87, Leo Jr, IV, Class I5„ Albert Hilde Oke 64, Mary Geddes 53, Dorothy brand, Jim Flannigan, Toni Sills, Ar- Howes 44,-FredldylReeyes 0. thur Devereaux. Class III., John R. S. Thompson, Teacher. Mero, Sr III, -Class I., Clare Eckert, An- POP WORKS BURNED. geld Johnson, Joan Devereaux, Stella The Seaforth Pop Works, building .Hildebrand, Class LI., Madeleine and contents owned by Mr, George R i Williams,. Mary Fortune, Jack John- W. Hilt were completely destroyed son,Cyril Flannery, Margaret Lane, by fire in the early hours of Friday Roy Dixon, moring About 30 a m, a young rnan Jr PIT, -Class I„ Prank' Sills, ' Clan- Lt hosenreaane was2 not obtained, going ence Nolan. Class II., Orvel Hilde- from Seaforth to Clinton, noticed the brand, Jean Stewart, Edmund Mat- fire and woke Mr. A, Wankel and fa thews. Absent, ,Ed'ward Carton, Tsa- miry and the alarm was given. The bel Flannigan. Christmas groceries OF GOOD QUALITY AT MOD- • ERATE PRICES,- If you need them, we have them. • CURRANTS -Shade dried Vostizzas, these are best' quality pro- curable :". .. .. .. ........25c CURRANTS from Greece, ' good quality ., ...,,.,,20c CANDIED CHERRIES - Superior. • quality, per lb 50c LEMON &• ORANGE FEELS - Whole caps (drained) or cut and mixed,. per ib .25c • CITRON PEEL, per ih . .40c EXTRACTS, assorted -flavors, • 3 for .. ...25c VALENCIA RAISINS, selects 15c MINCEMEAT 1254c to 19%c, BAKING MOLASSES 6c lb BAKING SYRUP, best procar- FANCY BISCUITS in one _pound Christmas' .packages of assorted cakes, per ib 35c besides over 25 other varieties' from I5c to 50c, B,R,O;KEN-WNCY ,BISCUITS • 2 lbs •r,,., ...25c BROKEN SODA BIDSCUITS- CAMPBELL'S SPAGHETTI, 1754 oz. cans, special .. usually 20c, 15 C FREE GOODS. Bring your coupons and get from the free goods in connection with IVORY FLAKES' and OXYD05.. Butter, eggs, feathers, dried apples, etc. taken in exchange for goods. E r P. D. H T U C �iS Phone Phor.Phooci 166 Stop the Cough. -Coughing is caus- ed by irritation Y in the respiratory passages and is to dislodge obstruct- ions that come from inflammation of the mucous -membrane. Treat- ment with Dr, Thomas', Eclectric Oil' will allay the inflammation and fn consequence the cough will usually. stop.: Try it, and you will be sati'ssfied,. CHURCH CARD. North Side. United Chureh.-+Pastor, Rev, W. P, Lane, B.A.. 'Sunday, Dec. 30th, -11 .a,ni, Public Worship. Subject, "The Silver Lin- ing." 2:30 p.m.-S.S, and Bible 'Classes, 7 pan. -Public Worship. Subject, "'Hope Springs Eternal in the Hu- man Breast." NO RURAL MAIL ON NEW YEARS DAY• There will be no rural mail delivery on New Years Day; DIED IN TORONTO. The death occurred in Toronto '0n Tuesday, December 251h, of `Marian Leckie, widow of the late Edward Garrow, in her 78th year, after' an ill- ness of three months. Mrs. Garrow was born in Grey Township, and grew up there. being married at Cratzbrook fifty years ago.• Her hus band, who was a brother to -Mr, Ro- bert Garrow, of Seaforth, owned a sawmill. Later they moved to Webb - wood and then to Cobalt, where Mr. Garrow died eight years ago and since then Mrs. Garrow had lived in To- ronto with her daughter.- Three dau- ghters survive: Mrs. R. D. Devlin, Toronto; 'Miss Margaret Garrow, in the States, and Miss' Annie Garrow, of Belleville. She was the last sur- viving member of the Leckie family. The funeral takes place Thursday morning front the 11,3'3 train, to Mait- land 'Bank Cemetery. • WATT-PULLEN. A quiet wedding took place at Main -St. United 'Church. parsonage, Mitchell, when Miss Elsie •Pullen, of Seaforth, was united 'in' marriage to Mr. •James Watt, of �Hamilton,'form- erly of Edinburgh, Scotland,' by Rev. A. bfurray;Stuart-/33. A•, on Saturday, Dec. 15, at 4 p.m,- The young couple motored back. to_ Seaforth and a dainty hutch was served at the home of Mr. and Mrs. IR. Frost, After a short .motor trip to Toronto and other -points the bride and groom_will re- side in (Hamilton where.Mr. Watt his a position with the Canada Steel 'Co. The bride received many useful gifts, showing the esteem in which she is held by her many friends. SEAFORTH'S REEVE MEN- TIONED FOR WARDEN. The Goderich Signal says: "The Warden of Huron for the coming year will, according to time-honored custom, be chosen from among the. Liberal members of the county :coun- cil. Several names are mentioned in connection with the office, and it seems to be conceded that the honor wilL-go to one of the' following quar- tette_ (provided, of course, that. he is returned by his municipality in the 1929 council): Reeve Thos, Inglis of Howick; Reeve Robt, Turner, of God-. erich; Reeve J. W. Beattie, of "Sea - forth, and Reeve J. A. Manson, of Stanley. These have all been mem- bers for several yews, 'Reeve Kenne- dy, of Tuckersmith;''also has a num- ber of years to his 'audit in the' coun- cil. The election' of Warden will be the first bustihess of the council at its meeting in January." Christmas Suggestions - Hoche.: - Shoes oes for Men w Slippers er s pP for Ladies 90c -- • $1,00 $1.75 - $1,50 - $L75 li 5 r ppe s for Mein $1.• $1.50 $2.00 - $3.00 , F. BOOTS AND SHOES , SEAFORTH t g n. Seaforth fire brigade responded very. JUNIOR ,ROOM. • quickly but the fire had made such Second Class;=-james Ecket't, Friel headway when discovered, that no - Stewart, John Dixon, John 'Williams, thing could be saved. It is thought 'Charles Lane,. David Bolton, Rita that overheated pipes Caused the fire. Duncan, Helen Finkbeiner, Jean'. Dix_ as it spread from the south end of on Margaret Carron, Guss Jolnlsonthe building where the pipe went Sylvester Johnson, . ' through the roof. The bigchimney ,Senior 1st 'Class. - 1,91dire Eckert, which is still standing was connected Louis Lane, Mary Evans Frances with the boiler used inithe making of Matthews, IBernice O'Reilly, Joseph Pop. ;Ir, Hill, who had been work. O'Reilly. ing in the building during the after- Primer.-_Glenny Hildebrand, Helen noon, was in, about ten o'clock to at - O'Reilly, . Francis Phillips, Margaret tend to the stove for the night, and Williams, Mary E. Carron, Jimmy everything was 'all right at that time, Flannery. Some insurance was carried, but not sufficient to cover the 'loss, as the SEAFORTH PUBLIC SCHOOL ' building, which was frame, was built CHRISTMAS EXAMINATIONS of the very best of materials by the. late John Dodds about thirty years ROOM I. ago, The land is owned by Mr. Wan Sr. IV, --+Honors 488, Pass 390: Pel, whose fine residence was endang- Arthur Golding 5.12, Billie Flett ered, being only a few feet away. The 509, Iva Crowell 490, Billie Cudnzore south wind which was blowing at 487, Kenneth Beattie 465, Evan Ecu-' first, later shifted and carried the nie 420, Jack Stevens 407, Charlie sparks away from the house and other Pinder 405, Edith Ferguson 395, Cor -. buildings. Mr. Hill has not yet de - rine Hotham 360, Marion McGregor cl bud ilds, hatWhl, liwikely locate ut 11 he utown, -. 341, Jr. IV. -Honors 488, Pass- 390, as he had contemplated moving the 573'31Vi,*nnieJitnSmfeavauge5cott547560, 576450 ,, HaJrryackWShrigeffhter pop works at some time in the future; 445, Leo Joynt 444 and Ian McTavishPRESENTATION. 444 (equal); Ross -Rennie 420 Grace 'On Friday evening last at the Sun- Krauter 379, Lulu Hart 33'5; 'k*Irene day school entertaitunent . of St, E•berhart 316, Patsy Southgate 314, Thomas' Anglican Church, Airs, Joh;, Charles Cudmore 302, Max Hudson 298, Vera Mole 239, *Eleanor Ilender- leader for a number of years, was son 39, R Archibald, who has been -choir presented by the choir with a set of *(Pupils narked with star missed a dozen spoons and a cold meat fork, one or more examinations. and by the Woman's 'Auxiliary with E. R. Crawford; Principal, a prayer book and hymn book and ROOM H. an Auxiliary pin. Mr, and Mrs, Sr. III, -Total 500, Honors 375;' Archibald move shortly to Listowel. 60 ent. 300, Ross hlcNab• 439, Jack Hotham WANKEL-ELLISON. 415, Stewart Plant 412, Helen Rolph The following from the Loreburn, 394, Dorothy 'Drover. 381, Fred Bar- Sask., paper, ,refers to the marriage lore 376, 'Roydon Hawkins 375 acl' of a son of _\Ir, and Mrs. A. Wankel, Curry 364, *Keith Sharpe 3'62 'Frank of Seaforth: Grieve 358, Mary ;Flett 344 Labelle "'A very pretty wedding took place Hawkins 315, Coiirad Craw for.cl 31.1, at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, December Jean Pearson 310, Lila Wiltse 271, Jean o'th, at the home of Mr, and bfrs. A. Pinder 271, Helen Peterson 261 Don Ellison, when their third daughter, M. Stewart 260, Mildred Cudmore 259, Sarah Catherine, was united in_mar- Leona 'Box 257, Douglas Stewart 242, ridge to Mr, Manley Wankel, The Dorothy ��. 218, ;.Hudson -_I, jack •Dorrance ceremony was performed •by Rev. L. Gladys Holmes 209. *Stanley A. Muttitt under an. ardh in the par - Dorance 197, '4Florence Knight 182 for which was trimmed with red and *Howard Siegrist 161, *Jack 'Dun- whnte. The brute who was- given lop 140, away by her Bather, Leas charnnngly Those narked (*) missed one or gowned in white satin with lace .frills more examinations.and wore a veil caught up Lvith or - M. W. Mackay, Teacher, arse blossoms. Both bride and ROOM IIQ, groom were unattended. The march, Total 545, Honors 410, Pass 330. Wedding Bells," was played by Miss Claire 'Buck 483, -Dorothy Golding Jeanette Ellison, sister of the bride, 463, Mary JohnstonedSo453, Blanche After the ceremony a four -course Wiltse 444, Ted Southgate 442; Gar- wedding dinner was served, the dining don McKellar 435, Garnet Free 434, room being prettily decorated in Jack Cheoros 426, :Jessie Archibald green and red, while in the centre -of 398' lariory . Gordon Welch 395igg 412, Ross'Allen Jack Ran- the table reposed afour-storey wed- ,' kin' 352, Craig Buck'3'8b Van Bell ding cake. The brides going away was of blue canton crepe with 372, Stewart Geddes 368; George midnight blue coat trimmed with fur Pinder 367; Jim Chuff 365, Billie Box and 'hat to match, The groom's 336, 'Glen Pinkney 310, Helen Crich gift to the bride was a beautiful string 301, Lillian Reeves 286, Martha Stor °f Pearls; to the pianist a tortoise ey 272, clock, while the brills presented the groom with a set of ebony military tha Missed part of examination -Mar - Storey. brushes. In addition the young Mande 31, Hartry, Teacher, couple were the recipients of many ROOM IV. useful and valuable gifts, lvir, and Total 450, Honors 340, Pass 270. Mrs. Wankel took the 2.15 train at *Indicates examination missed. Loreburn for Vancouver and Victor- elch a Peterson 387 and Dora fa where they will spend a month or Welch 387. (equal);` Merle Keating more, The young couple are very pn- 377, Mary Dornase 359, ]viae South- pular in the at themita and many gate 354 and Keitlt'Buck 354 (equal); friends were at the station to give I0ghie Oke 352, 'Howard 'Carroll them a hearty send off and to wish 350, Edna :Plant. 333, Alice Hudson them a long and happy life. On their 331, Barry 1Spencer 316, Nellie' Reeves return they will reside west of town 313, Fern Dunlop -311, Roy,.. Oke 310, where the groom opeiates a section Jimmie '�. Elli f oft 1 atyn," 301. Muriel Hud 285, Rollie.soil � Stewart 283, Donna ivf1� 282 Mole 8 and Janet KILLE l tat Baker 282 (equal); D IN'MOTOR ACCIDENT, Helen HothamLeone Edler281, Mary Howes o73, "Mrs. Harold kN Bo Srjaraged 21, 26l*** , 264, Mar, Holmes formerly Miss Florence 'Curtin of Otis .McGregor 253, Geraldine Saskatoon, met instant deafly and her Utley 252, Carl Knight 240* I{en- neth Adams 194,Ruth Chuff 156***, hus'band; a sou of IG. H, Boyd, 617 Missed; examiations, Jean bale and Th'ird Avenue, North, was seriously Jadk :Drover, not ranked. mjiired ala motor accident at Pass - d na Marye Oalbrief M. Bel(, Teacher, , a, Stnday, December 1 h 6t ROOMA brief b e message telling ng of the Total 400, Honors 3 0, (Pass 1900. fatal accident was received here today 384, 'Harold Free 390, Helen C eoros ('ba jyr, are yrepd's o! ted t to have farm d 373, 'Bailie 1Grialmsl74' iSobby Barlow hear Harris lately,Mr, eY 391, Alastairearl Mrs. Wigg 371,'Oonal'd'A4acTavfsh'363 Do- Thedyounge coupleresided eft' ,for California rothy Peterson 359,'Dorothy Fraiser 358, Jean Dtwgey 355, Mae Hodgson five years ago, l the Se has since 349, Oban ack M wish '347, David 'Ste- been eipploher andNewsSears Roebuck wart a # 342, JackCompany iVtthere. J Nae e, o MeNab 337,P Yf the tra- Doi - ma mage 330,Allangec1 a received Dwas ee ived in 1 omaY Saskatoon from vfeve ge 327, 'Gene.o0 out Hawkins1V . 326, Zetta Dunlop 313, Tr. and Mrs, Douglas Holtby, anoth- Eileen Utley '306, Floyd .Pinkney 294, el. Saskatoon Couple, Mrs, Holtby Alex (Baker 291, May Siegrist 288, was Mrs, Boyd'a sister, and Mr; Holt - Roy Kerr 387, Timmie Welch ' 261, ' by was formerly connected with the Charlie Woods 259, Royal Bank here, Mrs, Boyd was II . i1-0, Elder, Teacher, Widely known in Saskatoon, especially among the younger peopt'e, having at- $I A YEAR. EXPIESSING TO YOU OUR SINCERE THANKS FOR THE MANY KIND' WORDS OF THE PAST YEAR, AND ALSO OUR APPRECIA- TION OF YOUR 'GENEROUS PATRONAGE WE WISH YOU MOST HEARTILY A HAPPY AND PROSd'BROUS NEW YEAR FRED. S.SAVAUGE Jeweler. and Optometrist Opposite Post Office :: Seaforth Phone 194 Res. 10 tended school and collegiate institute here.' The telegram from Pasadena gave few details and did not state the nature of Mr. Boyd's injuries. He was stated to have been taken to a hospital and that no visitors were al- lowed after the accident, Mrs. Boyd will be buried at Pasadena." Harold N. Boyd is a grandson 'of. Mrs, • S. Boyd, High street, Seaforth,. and visited here six years, ago. It is 14 years since the family went to Sas- katoon from Seaforth. Their . home stood on the now vacant lot between St. Thomas' Anglican m s un a c Sunday y s hoof and Mr, R. Parke's residence. Har- old Boyd went overseas on his 18th birthday with the 143rd battalion and was gassed. Two Christmas gifts. that the late Mrs• Boyd sent to her grandmother, Mrs. Boyd, and aunt, Mrs. H. J. Gibson, the day before the accident, arrived here shortly before word of the tragic happening, Their many friends in town extend deepest sympathy to the bereaved. MOTHER DIES. 'Following a brief illness, Mrs. Wil- liam Stevens died at the home of her daughter, Mrs, James McGill, Hol mesiille, on Tuesday, December 25th. Mrs. Stevens, who was formerly Maria Daley, was the mother of Mr, W. H. Stevens, James Street, and a sister of iel;r, Peter Daley. Mrs. Stev- ens was in her 93rd year. She was barn. in Devonshire, England and liv- ed there till after her marriage to Mr, Stevens, who survives her. They came `o Canada, settling at Clinton and later on the 9th Concession of HuI- lett. Twenty-four years ago they re- tired into Clinton and until two mon- ths ago resided there. Three daugh- ters and one son survive: Mrs, Pen- Billy, North Dakota; Mrs. Clarke, Al- berta; Mrs, Watson, Whitby; and Mr. W. H, Stevens, 'Seaforth, Two brothers also remain: Mr. Peter Dal- ey, Usborne, formerly of Seaforth, and Mr. Edward a d Daley,in England, and. g One g Mrs. s H od ms, of Sas- katchewan, Predeceased her, The fun- eral will be held on Friday from Mrs. James McGiil's• Interment ie •Clinton cemetery. GRIEVE-HARRI$, Westminster Presbyterian Church, Buffalo, was the scene of a very pret- ty wedding, Monday, Dec, 24th,when Miss Laura Harris Bffao, ecame the bride of 41r, William Pearson Grieve Buffalo son of Dr. and Mrs t J. G. 'Grieve, Seaforth, Rev. John D. Campbell officiated, Miss Ethel e Grieve, Toronto, sister to the groom, e was bridesmaid, and the groom was supported by Mr, Stapleton, Buffalo. After the ceremony the bride and P groom left for Hamilton ando nTues-, day came to the groom's hone ib Seaforth, where they are spending a n few days, On their return Mr. and f Mrs. Grieve will reside at 273 Wel- lington Road, Buffalo. Mr, Grieve is sales manager with the Packard Mo- L tors in Buffai T many friends S Buffalo TUCI{ERSMITH, Mr, John McMillan, of Detroit, is spending the. holidays with.his par- ents here, Mr. and Mrs. H. McMillan, Mr. William Strong, of Ottawa, is spending his Christmas holidays with his parents, .Mr, and Mrs, 'G. Strang, Many are laid up in this district with the "flu." Miss Cora Sherwood, of Toronto, is visiting her parents, Mr. and. Mrs, M. Sherwood, during the holidays. Mr. Oliver McKay held a very suc- cessful wood bee at his home last Thursday. The many y friends of �Irs. Robert Dalrymple are sorry to hear she is not well -.at present in the Seaforth' Memorial Hospital, Miss Margaret Elgie, of London, is spending her holidays at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Elgie, near Kippen. WINTHROP. "9HaPPy New Year To Alt" Mrs. F. Bullard and son Jackie spent Christmas Day with Mr, and Mrs, John 'Armstrong, of London, Mr, Eddy Pryce, Misses Annie and Nellie and iyMr. Pryce, of Seaforth, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Bolton, rs. hn and Velma spent st and Christn, tsses with 3,51. and Mrs, Geo. Jackson, of Walton. Mr. and Mrs, Saul Shannon and Kathleen spent Christmas with Mrs. Hudson, of Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs, Nelson Govenlock and little daughter Lois, spent Christ- tnas with Mr. and Mrs. ,Wm, Sproat, of Tuckersmith,. Mr. John Bullard and his little granddaughter Betty, are both ron- fined to their bed with bronchitis. Miss Edna Campbell and Miss Minnie Wheatley are spending their Christmas holidays under tke par- ental roof. Mr. and Mrs. M. Clark spent Christ- mas with friends im Varna. Mrs, Davidson, son of a Sefrt o h sets. A t Christmas mos with , 1Ir. and d Mrs, Percy The pupils and teacher of S. S. No. 10, McKillop held the Christmas con- cert on Thursday afternoon, Rev, Mr. Smith was chairman. The programme. Consistent of songs, recitations, dia- logues, etc, after which Santa Claus arrived on the scene and unloaded oadeg the Christmas tree. ' Mr, Neil Montgom- ery acted as Santa Claus' and filled he position splendidly. 6Ar. 011 friends inC. theviof aWalton, Chi stmas 1 ening. We are sorry to hear that Mrs, W. C. Bennett is confined to her bed with tenrisy, We wish her a speedy re- overy, Y I � r. and Mrs. Theron eth and Isabel, spent Chriistmna"s with riends ,ht Gnderic h 'Township Are you thinking about building? et the Family "Herald and Weekly tar, Montreal. help. you, 'Write to he Farm Buildings Department, heir m this district join in extending best BRUCEFIELD. The many friends of Miss E, Mun:.- ro regret to hear that she is not im- proving as fast as they would like to see her. Mr. William Baird of Toronto is ,. spending the Christmas holidays with, his mother, Mrs. Baird, and brother and family of 2nd concession of Stan ley. Quite a number attended the Christ- mas concert at the school S.S. No, 10. Stanley, on Wednesday afternoon, The children had a very interesting program, after which they presented Miss McLean, who is leaving rus, with a lovely gift. Mr, and Mrs. James McDonald and baby, of Brucefield and Mr. . and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. A, Batt of Stouffville. spent Christmas with the latter's pa- - rents, Mr. and Mrs. J. McCbwan. Mrs. George Hill is spending a' month with her son, James Hill of Stratford. Dr, McEwan of Detroit is spending, the Christmas holidays with his bro- ther Jack .and sister, Miss Anna Me - Ewan, of Bayfield road, Christmas visitors: Miss Laura Swan, Miss Anna M. Haugh, Mr. Carman Haugh, Mr, Lance Norris,. 111.. John McIntosh, Miss Adah Reid, all of Toronto, Miss Irene` Snider, of London, Rev, W. A. and Mrs. Bremner spent" Christmas with friends in Woodstock.. Miss Grace Ross, of WIndsor, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ross, for the holidays, DIED. HOLMES-Entered into rest after lingering illness, at her hone, Win- chester, Ontario, an December 21, 1928, Mary Johnston, wife of the late James L. Holmes, daughter of the late George Johnston and Mar- garet Arnott, formerly of Dumfries- shire, Scotland, and beloved mother of Margaret r Holmes es U. of T, Vic- toria, Vc tori a 1913), sister of Mrs, W. J Fraser, ser Winchester, nchester Ont. and of: W. A. Johnston, Vancouver, B.C. Christmas NCE THURSDAY EVE,, '.DEC. 27th G,W.V.A. HALL The officers and members: of the LionsClub invite you a ud' our friends riends to a dance on the above date, Magic by Winter GardenOrchestta- DIArNCrNG 9,30 P.M, Admission, $1.00 •Eanh This is Your Invitation to Come.