HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1928-12-20, Page 8AGE A QRTU NEWS. HENSALL. Council Meeting, > Iia, c,,tt e:1 n 3 vitt l \ rdo4lx k Iix Clerk Once t evening last at • xd a, t S to a 0 u loft all . Y e t�t ' he e e t Weather!, present. The nail uredo t the hist meeting;•• ee readdaa d adopt- ed on motionPetty .Councillor Priest reported that the drain through the Wilson property to drain part of Oxford street was coni- p]etcd and Councillor Petty report ed the -stage ofthe town hall had had then d 'repaired, The Reeve add council for sante time on the afst s - elan of the county co as suggested it there fin t ed Henseli, It was Sugg considering the motion of Higgins and Kennedy askini efor a grant rant to- wards keeping up t Idsnsall, that the reeves of the two Municipalities get in touch with the Provincial high'Way, authorities as it was mostly Provincial highway trucks that weak over the roads. A motion was also passed toetitin,tthe ofgov ernment to pay, o o the casts of malntatningg the back streets of the villages and (owns the sameas they pay for township roads, and also that the Government and the county had agreed••to' the notion that atl least 75 per cent, of the money ed from each municipality be spent , the roads of that municipality. The e reeve explained that for a numbci years very little of the money that was sent to Goderich forhighway purposes was spent on Hensail roads, He stated he was in Goderich on Tuesday last and took up the natter with the county engineer and some. $413.00 is being returned to Henson this year. Some questions were ask- ed about the auditors report of 1927 and as to why the county rebate of the cement road was not mentioned in the audit, The reeve explained that to get the county grant each year we I had to send tip to the county treasur- er some $1527 and we received back "last ayearyonaave mount te rear onthewehad to send up,so the town treasurer did not issue a check for that amount, but re- ceived his usual amount of $3,055 from the county treasurer. Other years the treasurer in his report of receipts and expenditures would have re- ceivedin his fromreceipts the sum of $ thecounty treasurer, ,and - inhis expenditures he would have an item of $1527 sent to the county treas- urer. In 1927 he had no xpetditur e tee of that amount of stoney, but ts ethe gae artstatement usual.e as The reeve alsothe town finances. A number of accounts were presented and ordered paid on motion of Priest and Sangster. 13y - law No, 11 was given its final reading, appointing the officials for the elec- tion, A number of the windows in the community shed having been bro- ken, it was ordered that they be im- mediately repaired and $5.00 was granted to the firemen for the Christ- mas tree: Before the meeting closed uncil foreythe Higgins and co-operationked the during the year, which enabled the council to get through with a lot of work at very reasonable cost. He stated that he expected every depart- ment: the school, hydro board, the public library and the council to show a surplus of receipts over expendi- tures for the year and hoped that the ratepayers of the village would see their way clear to return the 1928 council again by acclamation. The council then adjourned to meet again ifnecessary at the call of the reeve. , Nominations will be held in the town hall on Monday evening, Dec. 31st, from 7 to 8 o'clock, and if an el- .- ection is necessary it will be held• on Monday, Jan. 7th. On Saturday evening last, three ,young men were passing Cases store, one of them happened to go through • the window, smashing one of the big panes. The Bible Class of the United Church held their annual wing social even- ednesda ingot Wednesday, op- ening exercises. The programme was as follows: vocal duet by Mrs. M. Drysdale and Mrs, A. Sinclair; male quartette, E. Rennie, R. Phile, E. Lindenfield and G. Follick; duet by Mr. and Mrs. H. Phile; short address- es were also given by Mr, J. W. Ort- weln and Mr. Geo..Follick The elec- tion of officers for the , coming year resulted as follows: President, Ed- gar McQueen; secretary treasurer, G. Brock; vice president, Owen Geiger; 'flower committee, Mrs. A. Joynt and Mrs, Geo. Brock; teacherf; John Rowcl'iffe and W, J, Jones; assistant teachers, Harry Horton, J. W. Ort - vein ,and Geo. Follick, Mr. Harry Horton very ably acted as chairman. Messrs. W. 0: Goodwin, G. C. Petty, Chas Jinks, Lloyd Hudson were in Gpderch on Wednesday evening last attending tiie district pieeting of the The Christmas entertainment of the United Church will be held in the town hall on Friday evening of this week. Mr. Milton Ortvaenn of London vis- ited 111 town on Monday. The public and cont nu ,tin scnoo'ts close Friday till afte-r the Christmas holidays. The Welfare Youth Club of Carmel Presbyterian Church held a very in- teresting meeting in the basement of the church on Monday evening and was 10 charge of Miss Ruby, McLar- en. After devotional exercises the following program was given: solo by Minnie Sangster, instrumental by Ir- ene Deters, reading by Mrs. Farquhar entitled, "The Pauper's Christmas Eve," reading by William Craig; in- strumental by Janet White; solo by Ruby McLaren. Mr. and Mrs. W. Wood, Richard Blatchford, George Brown,. of Hen- sel], and Frank Blatchford of 'Exeter, were in Lambeth on Saturday attend- ing the funeral of Richard Blotch - ford's brother, Rev. Thomas Blatch- ford. UV., Mr, Foote of Exeter preached inspiring sermons in Carmel Presby- rs. M Sunday last. Church on Su Y ,ter tan C hur W L. McLaren and Mrs.. A. Dougall sapg a very pleasing duet, ,Mr. John Blatchford visited in Lon - dorm for a few weeks, Mrs, Lou Simpson is assisting in the post office here for the Christmas rush. The'C'hiselborst United Church are holding a Christmas concert and tree ofin this w'eekc„ Ah n good prrogram swig be given, The A•Y•,P,A '' of St, Patii's Angli- Batt Church held their meeting' uat :Monday evenpaig in• char�,e ok Mrs. E Drummond and Miss Grace Stone,. c. .n tl r e` :i4rV ttutt,al e After the devu business part of the meeting Christ -- mac carols Here ung by \alas Grace Stone, Mrs, P. Simpson, .\Ir• Drum- mond, T. Simpson and Louise mogul, after which bliss Louise Drummond gave e very • icieredttby readintg. The meeting was the singing• of the :National Anthem, followed by prayer. A pretty wedding was solemnized at Thames Round manse on Wednes- day, 1)oe, 12, when Rev. Mr, Anthony united an marriage Flossie ii, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Wellington oth •Nell, to Mr, Charles Waghorn, of Kirkton, The council have placed'a light at the post' office corner which will bea great help as this was e slippery, dan- gerous corner. The firemen have erected their Christmas tree in front of the town hall' and it is beautifully decorated with colored lights and has a very l us Santa C a • c, handsome appearance, will arrive in the village on Monday afternoon and will have something for every child in attendance, The merchants of the, village have their windows beautifully decorated for Christmas, in fact it would they hard to tell which is the best as are all so attractive. The decorations in the hydro shop being particularly fine. Mr, and _Mrs. Tucker are moving this week out on the farm of 1,ir, Wm, Blackwell, where they will* be em - Played, The scholar's of the United Church Sunday School are busy preparing for the entertainment to be held in the town hall Friday evening. Special Christmas services will be held in our local churches on Sunday next and special nntsic will be given by the choirs. PAY CASH BUY IN EGMONDV.ILLE 10 as P Bars. White Na tha ' Snap , ... -39c 39c 5 -pigs, Ivory Soap Flakes . ••l...29c 3'kms. Kellog 's Corn Flakes , ,29c P g .,,„ ,,,, ,,,,34a Finest Old Cheese. •.,,.. pounds Rolled Oats •.• ,.•• ,43.99 90 P ' 98 pounds North Star Flour $3,79 S GaedBraOm9, ,.,,.,,,... .................. .......,.,.40c BRING YOUR EGGS TO i FARM FOR SALE. Lot 32; con, 12, aucl WO lot 31, An the same concession, containing 180 acres, There are on the promises a good 7 -roomed brick hoose with o • t h frame kitchen, goad:cellar tt t star t whole house, €ttrnaee and cistern; bank barn 70x50 horse stable 34X48 raised, and on the 50 acres a barn '54x36. The faros is all tile drained and well fenced, all under cultivation, but '15 acres; 15 acres .good hardwood bush, staple, beech and elm, plenty iof water, drilled well between house bars with windmill and water in barn. Three and three-quarter miles from Walton, 9 miles from Seaforth, 1/ miles from school. Rural mail and phone. For further particulars aPPIY on the premises or address R4, - Walton, 7. G. BiAIRRON. Percy Little leand Mr. FOR SALE Mr, arid Mrs. ott 'and two lots, North Main and Mrs. Nielson, Govenlock visited C a8 t eek friends in Stratford las tv Mr, Moody Holland and Mr.'W Roe spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Noble Holland on the Huron Road, The "Glee Club” met at the etle lastme of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Tuesday evening, Dee, 4th, The even- ing was spent in progressive euchre, Mrs. George Eaton winning first prize, a silver bon -bon dish; men's first, a silver Eversharp pencil, was won by Mr. Fergus ;Bullard. A dainty lunch was served by the hostess after which a few hours 'were spent in dancing. Mrs, John C. Maher, of Brooklyn, N,Y., is visiting at the Geo. ehomes o es Eaton of Mr. JJohn 'Bullard, Mrs. Harold 'Smaildon, of Walton, Quite a number around the vicin- ity are on the sick list. We wish them a speedy recovery. Mr, and Mrs. Joseph :D'olmage, Misses Velma and Vera Halst, Ivliss Margaret Eaton and Miss Jean Hol- land rnotored'to Stratford Saturday. Don't forget the Christmas sdance in Winthrop Hall Friday, Watch for ad. Mr, Foster ontoendo Benetand Rob- ert Hogg on Tuesday. The Stag Euchre held in the hall Tuesday evening of last week was well -attended. The prize for most games, a pearl and amber jack knife, was wan by Nelson Govenlock, and the prize for lone hands, a pack of cards, went to Clifford Smith. Sand- wiches and coffee were served. The many friends of Miss Mary Calder will be pleased to learn that she has passed her final examination held at St. Catherines and is now en- titled to use R.N, after her name. AUCTION SALE, Of Property, Household Effects, Etc., will be held on Friday, Dec. 28, at the residence of Mr. Louis Eber- hart, corner of Main and Goderich Streets, Seaforth. Household Effects. —Cooking -stove, wood heater, lass cupboard, pantry cupboard, tables, chairs, 2 couches, 1 bed and springs, about 16 yds. rag carpet, 1' domestic scale 240 lbs.; 1 oak pork bbl., 2 oak rain. bbls., 1 chemical closet. 12 pine plank 2x10x18, other lumb- er, assortment of galv. furnace pip- ing, 1 wheel barrow, 1 power rip saw, 2 ladders, 1 set steel truck wheels with axles, 1 portable blacksmith forge, anvil and vise, one 10-20 Titan tractor, one 3 h.p. gas engine, chains,. shovels, pulleys, belts, other things too numerous to mention. Terms, cash Also at the same time, the valuable, fully modern house will be offered for sale. Any person wishing to pur- chase can see through the house any tome before the sale. Terms.—Chattels will be cash, and terms on the house will be made known day of sale or on application: Thos, Brown, auct.; Louis Eberhart, Proprietor, 52. CROMARTY. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest iGraham and family spent a day last week at Carl- ingford with Mrs. Gr'aham's parents. Messrs. Thomas Scott, Ken. Mc- Kellar, den took theToni.Hay er Fair a,Guelph and Will rlast week. Mr. Archie Luxton has 'sold his farm to Mr. Hoist of Dashwood. Mr, and Mrs. Luxton intend moving to Staffa. There passed away in St, Marys on Thursday last, Mr. Neil, Currie, son of the late Mr. and Mrs, John Currie. Mr. Currie was in his 68th year and was born on Lot 7, Concession 11, Hibbert Township. The young people of Avonton and :Mothrches came oto ell y Presbyterian Wednesday Cromartyon evening last and spent a social time with the young people here in the basement of the church.. The annual meeting of the Marion Ritchie Auxiliary was held in the basement of the church, on Saturday evening. The following are the of- ficers for the coming year: President, Mrs. Duncan McKellar; 1st Vice Pres., Mrs. Elder; 2nd Vice Pres., Christina McKaig; Secretary, Grace McLachlan; ' Treasurer, Mary Allen. The Society has had a very successful year. They have a membership of thirteen and have raised over ninety dollars, St. Hardwood floors, 'modern bath- roost, furnace. First class condition. Two car garage. Beautiful grounds, flowers, shrubbery, etc., a most desir- able property. Inspection at any time., Possession given Jan. 1st, Price reas- onable. A. D. S'UTH+FJR'LJAN+D, Gen- oral Insurance, Real Estate, Invest- ments Etc. Phone 152. WINTHROP. "A Merry Christmas To All." Mr. and Mrs. Sol, Shannon and Kathleen spent Sunday in Stratford with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hudson. Mr. and Mrs. F. Bullard and Mrs, Jno. C Maher spent. Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. R. 1'Iurdie, .of Stratford. Mrs. Maher left on Friday for her home in Brooklyn, N.Y. The many friends of Mrs. Joseph Bennett were sorry to hear of her falling and fracturing her left wrist. - The "Glee Club" will meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sol. Shannon New Year's night. Don't forget the Christmas dance to be helsLin the hall this Friday even- ing, Dec, 21st. THURSDAY; McRILLQ7s NOMINATION. The annual nteetink, of theratepay- ers of the township of McKillop will be held at the Winthrop gall an Mon- day, D ec enber 31st, 1925, . w hen nomi- nation i- uatzot fora Reeve, and fouxCof efl- lora will be recefvedfrouthe hour of one till two o'clock m the afteruon. ,Should there be more persons do- tminated than are required to fill the several offiees an election will be held on Monday, January 711i, 1929: Polls Will be open between the hours of 9 aim, and o p,m„ at the- following places: Poll. No. 1,—Jas. F, Carlin's house, lot 10, con. a; James Evans, D R:0,; Thos. Moylan, ...C, +Poll No. 2r-n?i'cs. Hogg's house, 'lot 25, con. 4; John M C owell, DJR•O.; Mrs, Geo. Elaton, P, Poll No. 3, Jos. Smith''s house; lot 10, con, t19; John Leeming, D,IR:O.; John Murray, •'C, Poll No. 4,-4School House No• 7, lot 26, eon, 12; Sohn 'Balfour D.!R.O,, Willis Dundas, P.IC., JIOHN. M:oN;AY, Returning Officer. N+OTICE.. All overdue accounts must be paid to Mr• Thomas Sharp on or before December 311st, 1928. 52 PIGSFORSALE. Tivo Yorkshire brood sows with otters at foot and 8 c h unks e or see tient at once. J'O'NPhone, JONATHAN HUIGIITJL, phone 61'6 r 34, Clinton. 191 OUR CHRISTMAS' CARDS Are different and reasonably priced from 5c to 28c. We have also a few hand paintei cards, GRAVE' 1S WALLPAPER STOR E MOST INSWING GN TS witlr� t1ne dewy Ort&QpIonic victrda..modei403115 A.Wesicott = Seaforth 4 r¶rHIS YOUNG LADY is coming to -work. .1L She is an operator. She is always on the job whether it is stormy or not. And at what- ever hour you call her she is pleasant and efficient. The people in the telephone service make cour- tesy a habit. It is part of the efficiency with which they serve. - There are 15,000 men and women engaged in the telephone system of Ontario and Quebec. They handle over four million calls every day and, in spite of the constant cry for speed, thereis scarcely a case of conscious discour- tesy or neglect a@. t-- rlr HE COMPANY IS PROUD of these IL 15,000 men and women and has endeavor- ed to make their'work as agreeable, healthful and stable as possible. Several hundred present employees have been with the system for more than twenty-five years. This stability of staff maintains high standards of operation and is encouraged by the Em- ployees' Pension and Benefit. Fund, established in 1917, to protect -employees in illness or acci- dent, and to provide for their future and for ,their dependents. There is also a plan of Employees' Life Insur- ance, by which out of salary, employees' may carry without undue burden insurance to care for their dependents. This plan has been ar- ranged in co-operation with Canadian insur- ance companies at regular rates. JLN ADDITION to, this factor of stability an active interest in the telephone system is encouraged by the plan of employees' purchase of shares and by the plan of employee repre- sentation. Some years ago telephone employees were given opportunity to become shareholders in the company and 10,390 of them have subscribed for shares on instalment payments. For some years also, spokesmen selected by the staff have met with representatives of -the manse= tient to discuss sttcli mart erssas fades hhoiirs tools and worldng�•con`3cgnu Ti {'I? ??o, �r lv stimulated interest bu promoted effici- ency, rrr rt HESE THINGS are the basis of the alert- tiess and enterprise which have become a• tradition of telephone work. It is demonstrated among the 4,900 men in the plant: department. Over 3,500 of diem have qualified for St. John's Ambulance Corps first aid certificates and because of their outdoor dutie's they are frequently nearby when acci- dents occur. There have been many instances in ,which their voluntary response has saved life and relieved suffering. The smile spirit has become familiar in the enterprise and courage with which operators rise to an emergency. Ii1;THER IT BE the night operator on VV. the job at midnight or the lineman fight- ing a winter std, the men :and vi;ames'of the Telephone service give their best in contributing to Canadian progress and well t ha ever benefits. the deserve w company is able to offer. Published Is 71ta Bell 7'esoa Mono Comyaay of Caoiata to tea you aomeahiaa about t50 i4070410 Wakeful and 5510 peopto 511 it. 233 EC14Iv4BDR, 24 %ROFESSIQNAL CARDS, 1 edlcaf, DR. H. HUGH ROSS, Physic -nu and Surgeon. Late of London NI* pital, Lctdon, England. S A * attention to diseased of the eye,Ott nose and throat, Office and r- anee behind Dominion Bank, Offka Phone No, 5; • Residence Phone 1114 DR. F. 3, BURRQtWS, Seafeetfk: Office and residence, Goderich attdi east of the Methodist 'Church. Case oner for the County of Huron. Tel*' phone No, 40. DR, C, MAOKAY.—C, Ma#4-ff honor graduate of Trinity Uni.wsp ity and gold medallist of Trri Medical College; member of the lege of Physicians and Surgeons aft Ontario, 1 SIX COWS FOR SALE. I•,. a Guernsey eY cow just het ed a second Guernsey caw and a Durham grade expected by the New, Year; one in about six weeks and two -in the Spring. These cows are,good or they would not be mine. As I am giv- ing up farts work, I will dispose of them privately. AiB+RIAIH,AM HU - GILL, r.r, 2,'Seaforth, DR. F, J, R. FORSTER—Eye, Sot Nose and Throat. Graduate in lag& Gine, University of Toronto 1897, Las1ss Assistant New York Ophthalmic sat Aural Institute, Moorefield's Eye, and Golden Square uare throat hospitals,ita1 e , Lea - don, England. At Commercial isohL',, Seaforth, 3rd Monday in ea^,h- meads from 11 a.m, to 3 p.m. CH'RISTIVIAS ENTERTAINMENT.' At S.S. No. ec, McKillop illap8 (o'clock ') on Thursday; Dat sharp. Splendid program. Two large sheds at school Proceeds will be used to' replenish "School ]Library." Everybody welcome, , Admission 25c and 15c, BOARDERS WANTED. A couple of boarders, to start with the New Year. Apply to .the News ,. L DR. W. C. SPROAT,—Graduate; es, Faculty of 'Medicine, Univers* ;oil -Western Ontario, London. Meraluo of College. of Physicians and geons of Ontario. Office in Aberfoin a ,Drug Store, Main St,, Seaftse4. Phone 90. DINNER SET FOR SALE. Full dinner set of 90 pieces for sale. Apply to The ,News' Office. 51. WANTED A baby's second-hand high chair with table; and a commode. Applyto 51 The News Office. NOTICE All books must be returned to the Public Library on or before Saturday, December, 22nd. GRETA 'THOM.PSION, Librarian. DR. WM. ABERHA•' RT Graduate Faculty of, Medicine, 'University- ut Toronto. Member of College ell Physicians and Surgeons of Dwarfs, Licentiate of Medical Gonna of Canada. Late interne Toronto *Pm, tern Hospital, Office—Queen's ;RAE Building, North Main Street. ?Mesa 89. Night calls, phone 111. DELCO-LIGHT PLANT FOR SALE Delco -Light plant and threesmall; motors for Sale. Apply to JOHN L. McDO'WEL'L r.r. 2, Seaforth. Phone 236 r 12. 5'1 BARLEY FOR SALE • Quantity of Seed Barley for sale, also feed barley. Phone 23 on 235 Seaforth. FOR SALE. A good range and a rubber -tired buggy in good condition for sale. ANDREW MOORE, phone 3 on 137, Seaforth. Dental. DR, J. A. +MUMIf 'de Successor to Dr, R. R. `1ioss••gazerr ate of +Northwestern University, t cago, 111. Licentiate Royal 'College' al Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Ciff1c1 c ver Sills' hardware, ,Main saved. Seaforth. Phone 1'51. 'DR. F. J. BEOHELY,, .grafi Royal College, of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Office over W. R. ,Ssmrd& Grocery, Main -street,''Seafiariia k. Phones, office 185W, residence It5;f. Auctioneer. GAS ENGINE FOR SALE Gas engine for sale cheap. Apply' 52to The News. FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS. Do you want it ? By buying this eighty acres of rich and productive loam with good natural and artificial drainage, also picturesque location— one of the best in the vicinity, you will be profiting this amount. Said farm is about two miles from :Clinton on Baseline. Buildinas consist of good house, large barn, driving shed, also windmill and reservoir. . Consid- erable bush. Residence in States rea- son for sacrifice; For terms: W. Bry- done, Clinton. Owner, 322 South Main Street, Romeo, Michigan. ,5 :GEORGE' ELLIOTT, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Hamot Arrangements can be made for Sade Date at The, Seaforth News. Charon moderate and satisfaction guaranteed.. WATSON -AND REED'S REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY (Successors to James 'Watson) MAIN ST, SEAFORTH, ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates in First -Mat Companies. FOR RENT OR SALE. Frame house on East William Street for rent or sale. 3 bedrooms, living room, kitchen and parlor, Cel- lar under' house. Hard and soft water inside. Electric lights. Garage or hen house. One block from Colleg- iate Institute, Apply ADAM HAYS. SPECIAL OFFERINGS CHRISTMAS . starting THIS WEEK -END, "America's Sweetheart" Mary Pickford "My Best Girl" THE MCKILLOt Mutual Fire insurance CIL FARM AND ISOLATED .TOWN PROPERTY ONLY,. INSURED Officers—James Connolly, Gs'0se- ich; Alex. James Evans,:.Beechw Vice President; D. F. McGregor. Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer. Directors—Wm. Rion, No. 2 • forth, John ,Bennewies, Brodhassesss. James Evans, Beechwood; M. Was - Ewen, Clinton; James Connolly, erich; Alex. Broadfoot, No. 3, )est,•• forth; J. M. Sholdice, No. 4, Waltimas Robert Ferris, Harlock; George li ' Cartney, No. 3, Seaforth; tdttrrs>ft . Gibson, Brucefield." Agents—Alex. Leitch, r.r. 1, ass. tont'. E. Hinchley, Seaforth; 3 A, Murray, r.r. No. 3, Seaforth; ji, V. Yeo, Holmesville; R. G. Jarrasess5Ii+, Bornholm. James Kerr and ,l'obm Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors. Parties desirous to effect insurance or tram - .act other business will he promptly" attended to by application to .any cd the above named officers addre'sse - to their respective postofficest Her latest and Laughingest Her lnv andLavin est ' olfestLoving est Luckiest Romance of All, SEE IT -.at least once By all odds—the greatest picture our_ Mary has ever made. Matinees Friday, and Saturday Mon. - XMAS".:Wed. HAROLD BELL WRIGHT'S " Novel of Novels The Shepherd of the Hills FARM FOR SALE , 100 acres located in Huron Calmly., 134 miles from school, church au& town. About 60 acres in cultivitisel 25 acres pasture; 10 acres timber; aafi one acre in good bearing fruit ascii aid. -Soil is clay loam, growing alb kinds of grain and other , adaptable crops. Drilled well and winding! aa' place, •Improyennents include 7 monk 2 story house, brick front, and kitchme in back; '`L" shaped.barn; hog, house.. cement silo, other buildings all in goat condition. Straw shed with water s tent in it, good shape. Price with possession within one mcrtu&. alter sale. For further details see an write ANDREW SLOAN, r. ;.. Brussels, Ont, SE SEAFORTH MARKETS, Wednesday, Dec. 19f& - Chickens, per lb nollto Hens, per Ib Is 18c -Il e +Roosters, per lb , , , . , , , , 12e tan. Young ducks, per lb� Geese, per ib. _.. Tur'key5,`per lb . 901 Potatoes; per bag ., Hogs, per cwt. $8.5114910 30 Eggs, per dozen • 3i Butter, per 1b. iWSAPi Hogs, per cwt. .. •.• $9.00 49(548 FARM FOR• SALE.• Choice 50 -acre farm, in good condom tion. N/ lot 16, con. 5, McKillop, alis cleared and all -seeded down. Tarn storey cement house, frame kitchen. all in good repair. Barn 50'x46' ani, cement wall, cement stabling mot ' water in the barn. Cement driving, g, ' Neuse 24'x36'. -Franc hog pen 161/4241, Never failing well of choice Water. Well fenced and underdrained tivaatir tile drain. Will the sold on easy tertian • to suit purchaser, with or without crop. Failure of health is reasoc for selling. For further particulars apptw' on the premises or write to Seafeutfi,, AIL '5, ROBERT GIBSON. e122' Out of the pages that have thrilled millions, comes the famous characters —living—moving—enacting that won- derful story of the Ozark Hills Matinees Monday and Christmas Day Thurs., Fri., Sat. (Dec. 27-28-29). RAMONA as i s con- sted for fourteen en week ltlnuea otlsly at the Tivoli Theatre, Toronto Adntlssion far Christmas Specials: Matinees '10 and 15 cents. Evenings 15 and 25 cents. sr Princess