HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1928-12-20, Page 5RSDAY, DECEIvlB 20, 1928. AFOR' "H N>aWS. CHAIN RED &WHITE STORES WE WISH -YOU ALL, A VERIE MERRIE CHRISTMAS -Christmas Mixed Candy, finest varieties, 1 lb. 18c; 2 lbs. 35e; 6 lbs $1 Fan?), Jelly Beans, 1b 20c ,.,5 lbs. 90c Fancy Humbug Peppermint flavor, , lb, 20c .'S lbs. 90e s, Taffy Bulls Eyes . 1 lb. 20c,,5 lbs. 90c' Special Mixture„,, „ , ..n lb. 25c , .4 lbs, 90e (Includes Ohoeolates, Creams, Jellies, ' Butter Scotch, Etc, IJ hristmas Mixed Nuts,, fresh and sNttta .,,.,,. .,1 11), 23c,.3 lbs 65e Navel Oraltges,.;.,. ... 25io;.319 , 40e, 50c, 60c, 70e 90c per doz. Onawges are much nicer anxt cheaper now 'Novelties, Stockings, Apples, Grapes; Cigars, Tobaccos, Oysters, celery, Head Lettuce, Grape Fruit Grapes, Asst Wines, Ginger Ale, Orange Cttp, Lemon Cup, Lime Cqp, Grape Juice; Etc. SPECIAL.—Very Fancy Olives Asst, in 32 oz. bottle,.. na Reg. 0)50, for .7�7%i W. NIL Phone 77 Ross .J• Sproat Phone 8 A Merry Christmas and. a Happy New Year to All Seaforth Creamery Co Seaforth, Ont. C. A. BARBER, Prop. W. L Walker & Son -'UNDERTAKING —and— EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment W. J. WALKER, holder of 'Go- vernmentdiploma and license. Flowers Furnished. Night or day phone 67. D. Hi Melones Chiropractor Of Wingham, will be at the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons Diseases of all kinds success- fully treated. Eleotricity used. Just. Try It When you feel tired and 'drowsy, slip around the rorner and get a massage. at SID'S S1101? 1? You may � come in with. grouch but will go out with a smile.. Phone 125. Pianos Tuned Zieaned: and Repaired paired Chas. A. Howey Residence—James St Rod and Gun, 'The national sporting magazine, Rot and Gun and Canadian'Silver Sex News, commences another. year aystb its i3a!tuary, 11929, issue, contain- ing a splendid colleotion of outdoor, ' ' 2enating and fishing yarns. Notable Sit a very interesting; table of contents 9s an article from the pen of the well ,filth W1t naturalist, Jack Miner, strong - 5g eondenvring the wolf as a destroy - sr al deer. .iikmong the other features are a Tint western moose hunting story by any F. 'Hubei, a sound article on wane 'trapping by Raymond' Thorp 5015;,,a well' known trapping: guthority, Se audition to tnany other splendid 'stories and articles, on canoe trips, nlrsnting and fishing The- Sillier; 8i'ax: ,News• section contains among either things a full report of'the:silver Hers show at 'the.'Royal Wittter Fair. We Wish You All A Merry Christmas and A Happy and Prosperous New Year A D. SUTHERLAND GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY Real Estate, Conveyancing, Bond, and Investments Phone 152 Removed t4 New Office, opposite Daly Ford Garage . tafortb, Ontario. Sunday might after church Both the Henderson boys are far away from the old home. But Sunday is still a very special day for Father and Mother.o f rv e er Y Sunday n y ni h after g church the tele- phone bell rings and the old folks know that one of the boys is calling them from the distant city. Harry calls one week, and Fred the --next, Long Di.startce is wonderful for keeping family ties strong. It is so simple, so inexpensive, to call distant friends s f or a few minutes' ' chat. And how welcome is the sound of their voicesf Do you call friends by Long Distance? The Evening Rate alter 8.30 is very low. "Every Bell Telephone is a Long Distance Station.” mosimmanumminsmidigi, Fora quality and quantity the. Family Herald and 'Weekly Star, .Montreal, is the prudent farmer's- first choice, At $1 a year or three years for $2 it is a marvel of value, And all -members of the family, et a aid h 1 g' 'wealth of reading of marvellous in- terest, th r 1r o1 collectt n Dec.1 2.15 TOWN TOPICS Mrs, Frances Wise, of Clinton, cane on Tuesday to spend the winter with her sister, Mrs, D, 'Fell, Mr, J, 3, Crosier of Strafford, was a 'Sunday guest at 'the 'home of his brother,. Mr, W. W. Crosier, 'Messers Dr, flarbtirn, W. a;if. 'Gold- hig, 'John Thompson, and Ed. Mole attended the special meeting of Dist- rict No, 8, I,O:O,F„ at Goderich on Manns Wednesday I•Iam !ton ht, iast G, gave a very able address on the workings of Odd feilwshtp. (t'~ nine social time was spent, 'every lodge in the district being represented, Mrs, Rebecca Kelly left on Monday to spend W.t eh1, winter �Trethewey,,..tnof Windsor. Sound, and formerly of Seaforth, has just retuned from an extended visit to friends in Battle Creek and rela- tives in Chicago. Mr. Trethewey is in his eightieth year and 'his many friends will be glad to know he is keeping fairly well, Rey. Capt. Edwards, of Tavistock; called' on friends' in town on Monday. Mr. W, W, Crosier was at Delhi on 'Monday aftencling the•funeral of his 'sister Mrs, Wm, Arthur. Mr,D 'Fell was a Clinton visitor on Tuesday. Miss Margaret MdNay, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs, John Nay, 'of McKillop, was •operated on for appendicitis in Seaforth hospital on Monday and is doing nicely. Lan soClareoMoose Jaw and Mr.Roland end guests of Mr. andMrs,R. H, Sproat. The Scott Memorial Hospital board arranged 'Friday evening to have the hot-water heating system installed, the work to be done on a time basis b3' Mr. Sylvester Allen, ivha is also installing a heating system in Mr. Alex, McLennan's house on High st. Miss Ethel Jackson has sufficiently recovered to be taken tto her horse in .Tuckersmitla, Afr. .aid Mrs. Louis Eberhart and family Move on Dec, 31 to. Stratford. Mr, Eberhart has been employed in the .McDonald Thresher Co. factory' and. has received the promotion to Superintendent, commencing with the New Year, Jun- ior Inshe tituteve at t$e1tl ettves of the Conferencettin London last Friday ware: Miss Mae Wallace, Miss Mary Papple and Messrs. Jas, Scott, 13411 Hart and Ed- win Chesney. The latter- as Presid-' ent of the Seaforth'branch gave an address. • Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Neelin returned. Monday from Bayfield and intend to leave shortly for Jacksonville; Florida. Mr. Hugh Wright of Detroit is spedding the holidays at his home. Mr. James Kerr, who has had the' International Harvester agency in Seaforth for ten. years, is retiring at the end of this month. Mr. Vincent Lane of Mdl(illophas purchased the business, Mrs, Richard Thompson and Mrs, J. Pullman spent Several days in Stratford' this week, returning Thurs. day. Mr. Archie Ferguson returned on Tuesday after a week's visit at Sar- nia. ,Mrs. R. J. Wright of Kippen spent same time in Seaforth nursing her' son- Gordon who has been ill with pneumonia. They returned home on Saturday and Gordon's many friends will be glad to know he is improving nicely. Mr. George Bethune returns home Friday to spend the winter with his sister, Miss Jessie Bethune. Mr. Russell Hays, of Detroit, is spending a week with relatives here and in 'Stratford. Mr. Clifford Lowery has taken a position in Geo. D. Ferguson's hard- ware store. lMr. and Mrs. Gallagher have mov- ed to Harnilton where Mr. Gallagher has a position with the Canada Car and Foundry Co. Mr. Ed. Smith has taken their house in town, Miss Mary Jackson,' of Toronto University, is spending the holidays with her parents, Mr, and Mrs', -L. C. Jackson. Miss Gwen Snowdon, of Toronto University, is spending file holidays with her mother, Mrs. J. F. Snobvdon, Mr, Jim. Chesney, of Toronto Uni- versity, returned Wednesday to spend the holidays at the home of his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs.' P. M. Chesney, Tucicersmith. Mr. Arthur Ament, of Toronto, is spending the holidays with. his par- i r errs, aIr. .an f• d ills. n ' R t. Ament. e t. Mr. . Robert Willis, of W is Toronto Uni- versity, is spending the holidays_ with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Willis. The many friends of Mrs. W. G Willis are pleased to know she is im- proving. It is expected an operation will be necessary in the near future. HIS MAJESTY THE KING. The prolonged illness of King George is calling forth a tremendous flow of affectionate loyalty from ev- ery section of our world -wide Empire. Presidents and Premier all 11 over the globe are sending sympathetic greet- ings, The Press of Britain, United States and Canada are anxiously wat- ching the bulletins issued from Buck- ingham_Palace by the king's physi- cians. From beyond its far -extending bounds, from practically every coun- try of importance caste messages de- claring the sympathy of all the na- tions, coupled with expressions of ad- miration for the personality of the Ding-IEtnperor. Happy indeed are the people who bare had such rulers as Victoria the Good, Edward the Peace- maker, and George V, to knit to- gether,Crown and people in one pros- perous band;of mutual loyalty and appreciative affection 'Goll save our gracious King, !Long live, our noble King, Send him victorious, happy and glorious, :'• Long to reign 'beer us;' God save `the• King. —3. M, R. NORTH McKILLOP, Mrs, Joseph Thornton lias returned home after nursingMrs, Harvey Racho of Dublinr 1 S.S. No, 9, McKillop, are holding ei sc o ' o ec, at Bargains Insures You a Merryehristm. Spocial Christrnas Sorvices SUNDAY, DECEMBER 23rd, 1928 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV. IRVING B. KAINE will deliver specially prepared Christmas 'Sermons at both Morning and Evening Services CHRISTMAS MI7STC.--,The Choir are putting forth an extra effort in the preparation of beautiful and appropriate Christmas Music MORNING SERVICE, 11 A,M. Organ Prelude—Offertory for Christmas 'Season (Barrett) Holy, Holy, Holy, Invocation Psalm Selection 72 Scripture, Old Testament Les - WIT,. Isaiah, 9:14 Choir Anthers, 'Christians A- wake, Salute the Happy Morn Scripture, New Testament Les- son, 11 Cor.9 Prayer Offertory—'Canzonetta (Jodas- sohn) Solo -:Star of the East -Mr. !James Stewart Drawing and Story for the -Chil- dren Children's Hymn 171 Sermon—Subject: "God's 'Un- speakable Gift." Hymn W4 Benediction Organ Postlude — Christmas March °Gustav Merkel) EVENING SERVICE, 7 P.M. Organ Prelude at 6,45 P.M.— Fantasia on Old Christmas Carols. Call to Worship Invocation Hymn 17.7—'As with Gladness Men of Old, Scripture Lesson—, Matt, 2:112 Hymn 172—;Silent Night Prayer Offertory Pastoral Symphony (Handel) Choir Anthem — Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne—Soloists, .hiss F. Beattie, Messrs, J. Stewart, F. Willis, Subject. "The Other Wise Man" Part 1.iTrio, "Star of Love" Miss F. Beattie, Messrs. J. 'Stewart, M. R. Rennie. Part 2—Male Quartette, "From the Eastern Mountains," Messrs, J. Stewart, J. Beattie, M. R. Rennie, E. L, Box. Part 3— 'Choir—"O Little Town of •Bethlehem" Part 4—"Where Cross the Crowded VsTays of Life" Mixed Quartette, .Misses E. McKay, H, Murray, Messrs F. Willis, D. F. McGregor. Prayer Hymn 192 -.When I Survey the Wondrous "Cross. Benediction Organ Postlude, Chant, Trium- phare CGaut) This is Your Invitation to Come Mrs. M. R. RENN1TE, Organist Mr. M. R. RENN'IE, Choir Leader R'EV. S. B..R1A'bIvTE, Pastor p.m. Bethel- Church are also holding a concert on Dec. 21 at 8 p.m. Don't forget the date, as a good programme will be given by the young people, BRUCEFIELD, The Women's Missionary Society held their annual .meeting in the school room of the United Church on De- cember 12th with Mrs. Bremner pre- siding. The meeting opened by sing- ing a hymn and was followed by pray- er by Mrs. Bremner. Mrs. T. Day - man read the Scripture lesson. The minutes and roll call were read._ Tl treasurer reported .the thankoflerin $141.05, but as we have not reache our allocation, it was decided to as for a free will offering on 'Christina Sunday, Rev. W. A. Byemner gab an interesting address on Africa take from the Study Book, "Drums in th e g, Lawson of Lawson, Sask., spent Sat - d urday with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey k Taylor. n ;Miss Irene Snider and Miss Mar- garet Aikenhead of 'London spent Sunday at their respective homes, Miss Mary Anderson of Clinton spent the week end with Miss Jean Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Taylor spent Sunday with her ,pother, Mrs: Robt. Pollock, of Grand Bend. Mr. S. Gilmore of Clare, Mich., is spending a few days with his sister, Mr's. John Taylor, Quite a number from Brucefield spent Thursday- evening at the dance at Zurich, Mr. and Mrs. John Graham spent Saturday in Seaforth. Mr. Clare Caldwell and Mr• Roland Darkness," Rev, W. A. Bremner took the chair during ,the election of offi- cers which are as follows: Honorary president, Mrs, J. McQueen; presi- dent, Mrs. W. A. Bremner; 1st vice - resident, Mrs Jas. Thompson; 2nd vice president 'Mrs.' Hazelwood; 3rd vice president, Miss M, 'J. McCully; reasurer, Mrs. G. Brock; rec. secre- ary, Miss E. M. B.owey; corr. sec, rs. Ross Scott; Christian Steward - hip sec., Mars R. P. Watson;R treas. xpense Fund,Mrs. -A McQueen; °teen• trangers' sec Mrs. T. Chapman; upply sec., Mrs, Zapfe; 'Associate elpers sec., Mrs, H. Aikenhead; fissionary Monthly see„ Mrs. Tough, terature see., Mrs. T. B. Baird; press c., Mrs, McGregor; assist. press M rs. +nor es p 4 5 E S s H se sec., fI L. t r t; Mission Band sarpts., Misses Eleanor and Kathleen Snider and Janet Aikenhead. Organ- ist, Miss Jean Murdoch. assist. organ- ist, Mrs. Ross Scott; Supt, Marion Oliver Circle, Mrs. J. Addison; assist. Supt., E. 1T. Bowey. owe•. Mr Bremner P , 3 closedh t e meetingwith ra ,er The many friends of 1'Cr. James Moodie are glad to see him able to be out again after his recent illness. 'Mr. 'ban Munro is having his house wired for electric lights this week. Tailoring Ladies' and Gentlemen's s TAILORS Give us a calf COGHILL KIPPE N. TAILORING CO ' The Y.P.S. held their meeting Sun-' 108 Downie St. ST.RA T'FORD ' "!fay evening, • Miss Olga Bell`§ grout' were in charge of the meeting, . he MANLEY. Married.—At the home of Mr, Fred Koehler on Saturday,' Dec, 15th, the wedding took place of Miss Freda Mosserschntidt to Mr. Jerry Doerr, of Stratford, the ceremony being per- for•nted by Rev. Mr, Gross, of Ben - miller, in the presence of immediate friends. Their many friends here wish them a smooth journey through life. Tlae will 11 reside in Stratford, where , e e Mr. Doerr has a good position. iMr. George Steuernagel had, a most successful sale last Tuesday, Mr. Philip Enright has purchased the northwest corner of lot 5, con. 8 consisting of three acres, from DIr. George Steuernegel, Mr. James. Sloan has purchased the 50 acre farm of Mr. Ed. S:teuernagcl, of Little Falis, N.Y. and gets • pos- session at an early ,date, The many friends of Mr. and Airs John Beuernran are sorry to learn they are laid u with w the flu, and we all hope e for their tl en s Ppeedv recovery. Mr. C. Eckert 'had the misfortune to break the axle of his car while on his way from the sale on Tuesday night, on account of the rough roads. Mr. T3echler•, front Goderich, has been trucking logs from Mr, H. Ben - newels' bush lately. The damage to the roads has been heavy. Address and Presentation. — On Monday evening a number of friends and neighbors gathered at the home of Mr, Henry Beaerman to give a shower of kitchen utensils and purse to Mrs, Rync Kelley on the eve of her departure for her new horse on lot 31, con, 8, Logan, Mrs. Palley re- plied. feelingly an parting with her many friends. After this, all enjoyed themselves in games and dancing titttil the wee sma' hours in the morning, all when leaving and wish- ing Mr, and '14rs, Kalley prosperity in their new home,' Mrs. Geo. Beuerruan can boast of shipping More dressed geese from our burg than acty other farmer's wife in the county, .tire number being 70. special . feature was the talk, "The lroreign 1?rald �1 Feld for Serxl,:e,' ONEJSTMS by Mr. Win, McNay, of Egmondville, one of the winners in the recent ara- torical contest held in Huron lues byte,. .con - The Sunday School concert will by held on Thursday .evening, . The :con- cert will be corttposed of drills, Ole, , i aiid lantern slides on , ,"The. Othe;• Frtock / Wi;;e Matt," ✓ ? vccelliber >;e Clare lar•e 'Caldwell , of L awson, WINTHROP HALL Sask., is spending a month with rela- Blyth Orchestra 1 elves in this vicinity, — - --- heldlsectsecond eco day allethet ineaSon was s ��^ new hall and was a grand suceess, en couple of weekksXwith mn fr ens dsndingDe- troi t. Mr, Win. MaDmtalti and and Ur, Earl Sproat have both purchased new radios and are enjoying them very much Mrs. Foster, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs, Tax, McDonald, left for' her home in 1 Cidsor on Saturday last, Mrs, Jarrott was called to Ailsa Crher son, recently ferrate,, whoto his confis of ned d to his ands!. � Mr. and alis J, Exeter McLean. visited p with friends +n Exeter over the. wee!.- `►irJf cud, Mrs. Roy Consitt is confined to her roost with a severe attack of quinsy. Mr. Duncan Cooper, 'wlio had his arm broken last week, is doing as well �hr�Sli�%a as can be expected, Merry BabylonrtLine,St Mrs, Russel sited I t' °, and Mrs. Warren Schilbe on Sunday and a • last. While Mrs, John McCallum, of Happy New Year Michigan, was spending the week -end 1' j YW with her aunt, Mrs. Jas, Chesney, of the 3rd con,, Tucicersmith, she took seriously ill on Sunday night and hadSidto be removed,to Seaforth hospital on Monday morning and operated on for 1)11 appendicitis. At present she is doing as well as can be expected: We wish DRY CLEANING AND her a speedy recovery. PRESSING children,ctof Stratford, bvisitedierat the home of Mr, and Mrs, T. W. Butt "SAon Sunday, le' 14r•: rind Mrs. Jno, Whitconibe, Ihome soll, of her father, Afre1. week-end the village, Mr, Roy Butt, Mr. and Mrs, V4 Butt, of Seaforth, spent Sunday the village, Mrs. Jas, MoClymont spent 1 week -end with relatives in London. Mr trot',WatsonClifford t1 is s h cid 1 old and. new kinie dance in the hall , Friday, Dec, 21. Seeper's orchestra l5ringhain, will provide the mus along with the champion old tin fiddler. WISHING EVERYONE A "THE MOST'UP-TO-DATE CAPE IN TOWN Seaforth Cafe Serves Special Dinners and Suppers for your convenience. at all hours Refreshments, Candies, Cigars, and Cigarettes, Etc. We specially give attention to private parties and banquets. PHONE 222 SING WONG, Prop, A Good Portion of beef served to you for the evening meal, roasted about medium, with the blood gravy oozing through, give's,' one a foundation. It just makes one's'; mouth water to think of it. Hoe;.: was that last piece of meat we sent you? wasn't it fine, GEO. CAMERON Your Butcher, Phone 58 Seaforth, BEN=I4UR The Snecial Milverton Flour We have it—Give it a Trial, Also Grain Screenings Chop of All Kinds C. TIIOMSON GRAIN DEALER PHONE 25 YOUR AUTO NEEDS Goodyear; Tires and Tubes Battery Sales and Service. Charging and Repairing all makes of Batteries, A good line of new and used parts of different makes: 61 ears. If your car is in need of repairs, give US call., Studebaker Sales and Service Realer's a lei° s`' Garage PHONE 167W�