HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1928-12-20, Page 4ROM WALTON. W: 1VI, S. — The regular monthly meeting of the Woman's Missionary Society of Duff's iJnited Church stet on Wednesday afternoon, Dec. 12, in the eehoolrootu of the ehurch, Mrs. Sinew presided mud Mrs, Reid led in 'prayer, Afterthe .Bible reading of the Christmas story by Mrs. T. Leeming, the topic was presented by "Miss M. Smillie. It was based on the closing chapter of the study book, "New Paths for Old Purposes," A letter from Mrs. le, Campbell was .react thanking the ladles for the ;Bible presented to her on her removal to Brussels. Reports" from the various -secretaries were read showing a pro- fitable year's work. A report was •read of the Conference of Centre See- -tion of "Huron Presbyterial which was "held Sept. 27, and the meeting was -closed with prayer by Mrs. Neal. Mrs, Joseph Bennett had the mis- fortune to break her left arm while hanging curtains last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. William Woods spent Sunday with. Mr, and Mrs. Roy Bennett. The many friends of Mr. Joe Love •are glad to knew that he is somewhat •improved, ' Mr, and Mrs, Thos. Watson, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Davidson and son Mur- ray spent the week -:end visiting rela -tires in and around Walton, Mr. John Dere, of iAuburn, has been engaged butchering for Mr. R. .Barrows and Mr. Charles 3'lcGavin. 'Mr. Thomas Archibald, Mr, Wm. • Staples, Miss Jean Archibald, Mr. "Wm. R. Somerville motored to Strat- ford last week to shop. Mr. Fred' has been on the Miller -ick list this past few days. We wish hint a speedy recovery. -ler. Hugh Rinn purchased a fine black mare from 3. Galbraith, Mr, Russell Barrows and Mr. Ar- thur MMnGavin visited friends near Brussels Sunday evening. Mr, Hugh 'Rion and Mr. Albert Constable visited friends north of Brussels Sunday afternoon and even- ing. Thomas Williamson wears a smile these days—it's a girl, Congratula- tions, Tom, Christmas is drawing, near and it 'looks as though there night be some esleighing, It is rumored that Mr. R. Living- ston, ivingston, Grey Township, has purchased Mrs. R. Ferguson's house. Real es- ta•te is booming, in the village now. Mrs, W. Neal is laid up with a had cold. Many are complaining with a ..cold and `flu," The old time charity dance was well attended last "Wednesday evening. The first part of the evening was spent in progressive euchre, After lunch everybody enjoyed an old tini- er. The music was supplied by Messrs. Kirkby and Watt, assisted by Miss G. Shortreed on the piano. The .old fellows know how to dance yet. Mr, and Mrs. Geo: McTaggart have 'been under the weather for the past few days. The senior room of the public .school was closed last week on ac- -count of the illness of the teacher, Mr. Sellers. There will be an old and new time dance in the Orange hall Thursday 'evening, Dec. 27. Jackson's orchestra, "Mr, Jack Carter, of Waterdown, -spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Carter. There will be a dance in the Work- man's Hall on Mlondey. Dec. 31st. Blyth orchestra. :Mr. C. Sellers has resumed teach- ing after an attack of pleurisy. Miss Muriel Farquharson has re- turned home after -pending the last three weeks With Mrs. L. Cummings, Mrs. W. Clark and Miss Mowbray left Wednesday morning to visit re- latives in Detroit. Mir, W. Hoy, of Ethel, and Mr. W. Laing, of Brantford, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. Hoy. Mr J. H. Sellers, of Morris, spent the week -end in Walton. Miss Mary McDonald was in Lon- don last week. es x' BLYTH, Mrs, Edgar Dexter,—After an ill- ness that commenced last summer, Mrs. Edgar Dexter passed away at • `tier 'home on Diesley Street, Friday afternoon. Dec. 14, at 4;30 o'clock. Through fifteen weeks that she was bedfast, her strength steadily dimin- ':shed though every aid was given, Since 1910 Mrs. Dexter had been a zesident of Blyth and during that time _,he made many warm friends and en- joyed the respect of all. Her maiden name was Emma jane Trewin, aged 69 years. 8 months and 14 days, and a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. 1\'iiliam Trewin. She was born in Usborne Township and attended school there. When she was about 10 years of age the family carne to the llth concession, Hullett. In 1882, Feb. 28, she was united in marriage • to MIr, Dexter, who predeceased her n 1910, Oct. 14. After their mar- riage, they lived on the 9th con., Hul- lett, on the farm now owned by Mr. Austin Dexter. Some years later -hey took the farm on the 11th con- cession where Mr. \Neuf. Leiper now is. In 1901 they moved 'to the present Stalker farm in E. \Vawan,,sh. There .Mr. Dexter's death :,ccurred and Mr 'Dexter and family came to Blyth. One daughter, Miaa, Harriet Dexter. at home, and two sons, fierbert, Hul- lett bdy, and Harold, 'Myth, survive. Two sons predeceased her: William am Francis and George Cedric Mill - son: also. three brothers, of a family .- of thirteen: Mr, Albert Trewin, Hui- , lett, Mr. Samuel Trewin, Kalamazoo. Mich., and Mr, Thomas Trewin, Ce- dar Springs.. The funeral held 10 t Queen St. Ltnited Church Monday afternoon was largely attended Rev, Dr. Barnby conducted tate services, assisted by Rev. Geo. Weir and Rev. A. Shore. A solo, "In the Garden" was sung by Mr, Stanley Sibthorpe, ' Interment was made in the Con-. stance cemetery, The pallbearers were six nephews, Chas. am Austin Dextera Wnt, Trewin, Charles Ste- wart, rhos.' Mame, Fred Toll jr„ The flower bearer< were Messrs John Watson and Earl ',rcGee. Flowers .were received from the Qtrecn' St. W. M. S, of which she had been'an hon- orary member; the Family; Austin and Charles Dexter; Mat .1rla+ns and Laura Toll; Golden- Ole S.S. class;' .'R'oyal Trite Blue Lodge; Mr. and .bebi's. Charles Stewart, NOLVLtTON ELOIJR MILLS CO.. wpm) S.J F# RTN,•O1 T;Rip. WE TIRE RAYING. Wheat, Standard Oats, Standard or over Barley, Standard or over Mixed Barley and Oats Buckwheat, Standard and ove For Grain $1,25 per bele oOc per bus Oc per bus $1,45 per 100 lbs. 80c per bus • WE FIRE 'SELLING Silvex'king, Best Manitoba Patent. Keystone, Best Pastry Flour Whole Wheat, (Stone Ground) Bran in bags Shorts ,t et Middlings " " Chopped Mill -run Screenings " Mixed Chop $4.00 per bag„ 53.75 per bag $3.70 per bag $36,00 per ton $38.00 per ton $41.00 per ton $30.00 per ton $36.00 per ton PHONE 51 Mr. Jack Heffron has purchased the Poplestone store building and lot adjoining it, Mr. Pop lesto ne w i ll re- main in the building. Though Mr, Heffron has not made definite plans he intends in the Spring to build a flour and feed store on the vacant part lot between the Poplestone store and the White butcher shop which latter building he also owns.' This. part lot has been vacant since the, burning of the front part of the Thos. McElroy grocery store some years ago. The young friends of Duncan Mon- roe were pleased to know he had safe- ly passed the danger point Monday night of the attack of pneumonia, Friday and Saturday little hope was held for his recovery. Twice last summer, Duncan was unfortunate in breaking his arm. Winona Hesk, who has been ill the past week with scarlet fever, is now improving. Mrs, Ellen Wallace, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Frank Bell, for a couple of weeks, has re- turned to town, Miss Hazel Leslie and Miss Gould, of St. Marys, visited over the week- end with the former's mother, Mrs. S. J. Leslie. Friends are sorry to hear of the ill- ness of Mrs, Chas. Bell who has been confined to her bed for several weeks, Y.P.S.—The Young People's So- ciety met on Monday evening in Queen Street United Church, The topic and music were specially suited to the last meeting before Christmas and the 'meeting opened with Miss Gidley playing the Chimes. Mr. Geo. C y py Leith was in the chair and the Scrip- tural reading was taken by Miss Gladys Fawcett, front St. Matthew 2, 1-15. This was followed by four sen- tence prayers by members of the so- ciety. The topic was a Christmas tsory entitled "Why the Chimes Rang," which was ably taken by Miss Kathleen (McElroy. Five members then gate readings on Christmas cus- toms in other lands; Earl Caldwell, the customs of Denmark and Nor- way; Clare Brunsdon, the customs of Spain; Germany and Holland by Dor- othy Hollyman; Russia and Italy by Edna Bell; England and America by Gregory eLith. A very pleasing duet was contributed by Mrs. Burling and Mrs. Gibson. The meeting was clos- ed by prayer by Dr. Barnby and all repeating the Lord's ,prayer. Mr, Robert Craig was home from Guelph over the week -end. Mrs, R. H. Robinson was called to Listowel on Monday owing to the illness of her daughter. Miss Dorothy Robinson. ;Rev." George Weir left Tuesday to attend the funeral of a former elder of his church at Ripley. Mrs. A. H. Tierney is spending the winter with her daughter, Mrs, Jos- eph Arnstein, in Toronto. Mir. and 'Mrs, W. Z. Cade, :Baster W. 13. Cade and Miss Lucy Cade, of St, Marys, were week -enol guests at the parsonage. Mrs. Will Johnston is doing nicely after her operation in the General Hospital, Toronto, on FricTay, Mr. Johnston returned from Toronto on Monday but Mrs. Johnston will re- main there for three weeks, Mrs. Wnt. Thuell fs improving after an attack of .11u. Queen St. united Church eves com- pletely filled Sunday evening when the annual "White Gift" service was held. The church was appropriately decorated in white. Each Sunday achrnl class brought forward its gifts wrapped in white, and the destination 7" IRT NBWS' TUCKBRSNIITI'' . Ur. Ieraukpit, of leeentford, is here spendittl the winter with hie dethgh-1 ter, eefre. Robert Cgleman, Kiss Ethel Finnigan, of Dengan- non, is visiting her sister, Mrs Robert Elgte.' S S, No. 90 school are holding their Chrisuuas concert on Friday evening, Dec. 2L A good erograntnte is being prep:ared, , Mr, Angus Mtlrray,,of Exeter, but formerly of Tecicersmtth, is seriously 111. His many friends wish him a speedy recovery, The neighbors and friends of Miss Effie McKay held a very successful wood bee ak her home on+Friday fast. Mr-. Joe McEwen, of Ba3^fleld spent a few days at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Charles I.Ipshall. 'VVe are sorry to hear that Mr. Ed, ward Boyes, son of Mr, Robert .oyes' who went to Huntsville recently, un- derweet an operation for eppendi- oitis, Mrs, G. Strong:, who,has been sick for Some time is lmproving again. Ider many friends will be glad to hear this. ' tWe are sorry to heart that Mrs. Sandy Broadfoot,is very sick. ' The entertaintnent at S,S. No. 91 to have been held an Friday evening, has been postponed till after the holi- days as "a number of the pupils are laid tip a.ith the flu. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Oke and Miss Carrie and Mrs. Myrtle Oarnochan, all of London, spent Sunday at Thos, Coleman's of 2nd con. Mr. and Mrs. R. Lyon, of Detroit, spent Sunday at the tatter's grandpar- ents,Mr. and Mrs. 'Irs. Thos. Colenta n's, deland Modeland The cars of Mr, .Joliet o and Mr, Keith \Webster collided on the 2nd one day bast week, No one was hurt but the cars were damaged. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley FIndson and Thomas Hudson, of "Marlette, Mich,,. called on friends in the neighborhood last Sunday. Mr, and Mrs, Arthur Stewart, of Great Falls, Man., visited for a few days at the home of their sister, Mrs, Norris Siltery, and also their aunt, Mrs. James. Wright, of Kippen.. • UJRSDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1918. of each one was designated on an at- tached card, The gifts are for char- itable purposes and were sent this various Sick Children's hos- pitals, o k pitals, Deaconess Homes, This an- nual service has become one of the largest and most beautiful services held in ,this district. The order of servile was as follows; Instrumental, Miss Pearl Gidley, Canadian Hymnal 298, 303, 310; Roper's Chimes, Miss Pearl Gidley; Instrumental, Mrs, H. McElroy; Duet, Mrs. Burling and Mrs, J. 'Gibson; Star Exercise; Read- ing and duet, Miss R. Gibson and Mrs. H. 'MMcEtroy; Hyena 303, "Joy to the World"; Prayer, the Pastor; Bible Lesson; Christmas Story, Miss Ruth Barnby; Solo, Mr. S. Sibthorpe; Story of Cathay, Miss G. Fawcett; Duet, Mrs, Floody and Mrs, Lyon; Chorus, "On His Natal Day"; An- nouncements and Address, the Pastor, Rev, Dr, Barnby; Presentation of Gifts; Scripture Reading; Offering; Chorus Song after Offering; Benedic- tion. The Christmas tree entertainment of Queen St. Church will be held on Friday night. A Christmas service will be held at the evening service on Sunday. Arrangements for the "Week of Prayer" in January are being'made. Mrs. -John C. Yeo has returned from visiting her brother in Goderich. Miss A. Toll, of Guelph, spent the week -end' at her home here. Miss V, Morrison visited at the hone of Mr, J'as. Richmond during the week -end. Miss Hazel' Leslie, of St. Marys, visited at her home during the week- end. ST. COLUMBAN. Mir. Martin Melady ]las returned to Detroit... Mr. and Mrs. James McQuaid spent Sunday with Mrs. F. J. McQuaid in Stratford. , • Mr. Vincent Lane has taken over the agency for the International Har- vester Co, in Seaforth. Mr. and 'Mrs. Fergu3 Horan spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Edward Horan, Stratford. Mr, Win. Maloney has treated him- self to an Overland sedan. The Literary Society held a very successful organization meeting last week. Their first regular meeting will be held after the holidays. '3fr. Pat. Maloney has returned from Detroit. llr. Wm, McMillan is sporting a new Whippet car. Mrs, Owen Hart is recovering slowly after her recent serious opera- tion. We hope to see her up and around soon. Mfrs. P. J. McQuaid visited her son James McQuaid, this week, 'With nomination day just two weeks off it is rumored that there w,ll he several new aspirants for a seat at the Council board, Miller's Worm Powders will purge the stomach and intestines of worms -o effectively and so easily and pain- lessly that the most delicate stomach will not feel any inconvenience from their action. They recommend. them- selves to mothers as a preparation that will restore strength and vigor to their children and protect them from the debilitating effects which. result from the depredations of worms. Now for the Christmas Music We have Player Pianos and Regular Pianos, Electric Radios and Battery Radios and Orthophonic Phonographs. See me for unheard of prices, We can give terms to suit your de- sire, Twenty-four hour delivery, Jonathan E. Hugill !ting 616r34 Clinton Central, malbtitiivas �,t Eie tta. ACT1C CONSTANCE. The Sunday School will hold their entertainment and Christmas tree an Friday evening, the 21st; a pageant, entitled"Santa's Clinic," will be giv- en and drills and recitations. Chil- dren free, Come and give the child- ren a good time on their night of nights, Mrs. Peter Lindsay is spending the Christmas holidays with her sister, Mrs. McLean, of Buffalo. lees. Roy Lawson and: daughter Marion, spent a few days last week with her mother, Mrs. Stewart, of Seaforth. Mr. Bert Riley, of Tuckersmtih,. spent the week -end with friends and relatives in the village. _ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stephenson, of Brussels, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Riley, of. Constance. Mr. Charles Riley spent Tuesday in Stratford. Mr. Robert Grimoldby and family, also Me, Benj. Riley, are sick with the flu this week. Mrs. Thomas Riley, of Clinton, mo- tored to Stratford on Tuesday last. The Ladies' Aid of the Kinburn Church are holding their annual meeting the 27th of this month in the church. ' • DEPENDABLE POCKET WATCHES $5.00 UP STRAP WATCHES $3.50 to $25.a0 . OLIF cto $8 00 LINKS 33 TIE PINS 75e to $15.00 BILL FOLDS $100 to 3,00 SMOKING SETS PEN SETS CIGARETTE CASES HOLDERS AND LIGHTERS WATERMAN FOUNTAIN PEN DESK SETS CLOCKS Rings DIAMOND, DINNER - SIGNETS OR BIRTHDAY WRIST WATCHES $7.50 UP BROOCH OR BAR PIN PEARLS IVORY VANITY CASES MESH OR BEADED BAGS BRACELETS SILVERWARE 12•+piece, 26 -piece, 34 -piece sels* ENTREE .DISHES r* as low as $12.00 All Standard patterns in COMMUNITY, ROGERS, Etc, J. A. Westcott SHOP EARLY ELIMVILLE, Miss Minnie Tabb visited at tete home of Rev. and Mrs; White over the week -end. Mr, aitd Mrs. Bruce Cooper ,and. family visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Hodgert, of Seaforth, last SuIdnday. sses Ruth Skinner and • Bessie Bell have 'gone to London where they have secured positions. A song service: washeld at last Sunday evening's meeting and was led by a men's choir. Two very interesting _pageants are being prepared for the TGhrietmas en- tailment next Friday evening, al, well as many raber numbers to snake •a very enjoyable program. Last Wednesday a very p'leasant evening was spent by the nteinbers of the W.M:S, and their husbands.' (quite a few of whom are members also) at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ' George Hunter. A meeting was held first. Splendid readings were given by Mrs. White, Mrs. Wes. Horne and. Mrs. Chas. Johns, in keeping with the Christmas season. Some business was also dealt with. Afterwards lunch was partaken from boxes sup- plied by the ladies and bought by the men. Then a bazaar was held. Many useful articles were donated and pur- chased by the members, realizing about $20 altogether from the even- ing's activities. McKILLOP. Mr. William Biernes .visited Brus- sels one day this week. ._ The "Merry Makers" had a very pleasant "tittle at Mr. Homer Hunt's on the 14th of December, Miss Helen and 'Mr. Robin McKee - cher, of Guelph, are visiting the ironte of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Finlay MlcKercher. The Midnight Revellers met at the home of Mr. Ephriam Clarke last Fri- day night. An excellent programme was provided and an enjoyable even- ing was spent. • Report of S.S. No. 4, elcKilIop, for November and December -('Christmas examinations). Tests were conducted fn all subjects. Olive 'Eberhart had perfect Spelling lessons each day. Sr, IV,--RBarbara 'Eberhart 81, Freda Webster 79, David Shannon S8'. Jr. IV,—Ruth Gordon 8d, Peter Watson 71, Linnes Krogman 70, Alec ICerr 66, 'Lloyd Yaittzie 59; Archie Smith and Donald 'Lamont 49; Lulu Web- ster 48. .Sr. III.—Olive Tberhart 86. Jr. ITL—Scott Kerr 63, Harvey La- mont 61. II Ciass.�Beth Shannon 86. Ross + Gordon and George McClure 79. Hector Lamont 65. Sr. I.—Mild- red Henderson (good), Primer ---Alma Lawrence (good). Number ote roll Is 20: average attendance is 18.7. Gladys R. "Way, Teacher. "The death occurred of Duncan McMillan, all old resident of Goderich, on Saturday. Nov 24th, at the hone- of hie son, "Mr. William J. McMillan, Goderich. with whom he had been living for some time. Mr. MMcMIillan was in his seventy=filth year. He was born in the township of Lochiei, Glen- garry'County, and when about thir- teen years of age moved with his par- ents, two brothers and two sisters to the Township of McKillop in this lived in Col- borneCounty. Afterwards he borne and \\-est Wawanosh Town- ships-and•twenty seven years ago he cane to Goderich. His wife died six .years ago -last spring and two sons survive: David D. and William J. both T' t of town. A brother 4 IIla it I resides at Cartwright, Man, Mr. McMillan was a member- for many years of Court Sherwood Forest, A O,F., Sea - forth, and •Lodge No. 3152 A O..1eW„ Auburn. He was a member of the. Presbyterian Church and the funeral services were conducted by Rev. R. C. MMcDerntid, minister of Knox Church.' The pallbearers •were four brothers-in- law, James, David, Edward and Wil- liam Hardy. The remains were laid a/rest in the Colborne cemetery."-- Goderich Signal. Mr, and Mrs. Edw. F. Steueruagel,' who moved to Dolgeville N.'4;,' last June,; have, rented a faros at Little Eel}s; N,T,, where tbey,are now living, STAFPA. Mrs. Fraser Seaforth, spent a few days last weeie with her" sister, Mrs, MOC1oy. - The stork called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. McGill on Tuesday and "eft a young son, A great many are suffering from a very bad cold. The annual Christmas entertain- ment will be held in the church on Christmas night. A good program. is being prepared • by the Sunday. school scholars. The young people will hold' their meeting in the church on Sunday evening .at 8 o'clock. Arnangements are being made to •hold interesting meetings during the winter. - `Built on the confidence of its sub- scribers, tete 'Family "Herald acrd Weekly Star, Montreal, stands su- preme today among farm 'papers,. while its Magazine Section iseasily at the head of the list, ' • Phones: Res, 64J.' BORN. BUTT.. In Victoria Hospital, Flint, Mich,, on 'Sunday Dec, 8, 1928, to Mr. and Mrs. John Butt, a daugh- ter (iLelabell Joy). Dec,W'PLUILAIMISOIN In Walton, on 1ld'th,11928, to' Mr. and Mrs. Thomas 3d. Williamson, a daughter. HULLETT. (Several of our people are suffering at present with the flu, iatr, and 'Mrs. Geo. Carter visited in Waltoe on S»,ai ay,, - The aanttal Christinas Tree and entertainment was held on Wednes- day at S. S. No. 4. The recent fine weather started some of our fainters plowing, Messrs. Eph. Snele and Wm:Carter lv'ere 'success'ful exhibitors at the Guelph 'Winter Fair. The latter was also engaged as judge. The Hullett Council held their dos- ing meeting on Saturday. They have had a successful year attd in all prob- ability will be re-elected by acclama- tion for 1929. Mr. and Mrs, John Fisher and little baby Kenneth, • of Cranbrook,v Mr, and Mrs. Roy Thuell, of Brussels,, and Mrs. A. Colclough motored" to Galt and Kitchener over the week -end. and called ott friends. HIBBER'F. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Melady, of Sea forth, and Miss Reta 'O'Rourke, of ''MoKillop, were guests on Sunday last at the home of Mr. and Mrs. August Ducharme, Hibbert: Mr, and Mrs. James Doyle, of Hib- bert, were guests on Sunday last at the home of the former's brother, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Doyle, Hibbert.. Mrs, -Luke Nigh returned to her; i:tonte in Tuckersmitit on Satnnday last after spending a week nursing Mrs. Leo Murray and little babe, of. MIi'bbtet, Reeve R. Kennedy and Mrs. Ken- nedy 'and family, of Tuckersmith, spent Friday evening at the home of the former's daughter, Mr. and Mrs. August Dncharyne, of Hibbert. Sweet and ,palatable, 'Mother Graves' Worm .Exterminator is ac- cePtable to children, and it does its work surely and promptly. Want. and For Sale ads, 3 tunes 50e': Announcement Invitation to all to visit Furniture Store IWe have a'wonderfui line of all kinds of Furniture. Chesterfields, Dining Suites and Bedroom Outfits. All our staple lines are complete, - Along with the best selection of smaller lines suitable for Gifts, such as OCCASIONAL CHAIRS AND TABLES. DINNER WAGONS CABINETS SET SK- TELEPHONE S SEWING CA D E S CEDAR CHESTS SMOKERS MAGAZINE RACKS Lamps a Specialty at Very Low Prices ROCKERS CARD TABLES " FANCY COVERS .. • AND NOVELTIES' OF ALL KINDS ' Please call and look things over early and let us hold your choice for Christmas Delivery. At least call slid see what we can show you. Our window' display is only an indication of what is throughout the Store WE INVITE YOU Store 641W VARNA. Mrs. Jas, Stephenson of the Goshen line spent the week end with friends and relatives in Varna. Several from thisvicinity, attended 'the bazaar' held at the; rectory, Bay- field, ayfield, last Wednesday. . A few of our hockey 'sports took in the hockey match at London last week, STANLEY NEWS. Mr. ,and Mrs, James Allan of Zur- ich spent Wednesday visiting friends on the Bronson line. - Mr. Clifford, electrician of London, spent Sabbath last at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Talbot. Mrs. Robert' Scotchme'r of Bayfield visited at the home oe Mr. John Scatchmer of the Bronson line on Thursday last. The Many Purpose Oil.-IBoth in the house and stable there are scores of uses for Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil. Use it for cuts, bruises, taunts, scalds, the pains of rheumatism; and sciatica, sore throat and chest. ;'Horses are liable very largely to sirhilar ailments and mishaps as afflict Mankind, and are equally amenable',' t8 the healing influence- of this fine,_ old remedy which has made ' thousands of firm friends during the past fifty years. HILLSGREEN. The W.M.S. and Mission Band held their last meeting of the year in the. basement of the church on Saturday afternoon, ,After the meeting the el- ection of officers took place fed the coming new year. At the close of,the meeting lunch was served. The elec- tion of officers •resulted, as follows: Honorary' presidents, Mrs. Carlile, Mrs, Turner; president, Mrs. J. Coch- rane;. 1st ochrane;.lst vicpresident,` Mrs. Robert Stephenson; 2nd vice president, Mrs. H. Turner; secre'ary, Mrs. Robin Mc- Allister; treasurer, .Mrs.:William 'Jar rott; supply sec., Mrs. Chas. Stephen - s0n•-Messet et sec: Mrs. W. 'Turner; sec„ Mrs. 'R. McAllister press sec., Miss Annie Jarrott; Home: Helpers sec., Miss Rena, Stephenson. {Officers of Mission Band, President, I.G'ladys Stephenson; 1st;"vice pres., Annie Jarrott; 2nd vice pres., Vera 1'Smith; secretary, Nellie Taylor; treas. W. Cantle; supply sec., `Eileen Tur- ner; press sec„ Muriel Carlile; organ- ist, Martha Carlile. Miss Vera Smith spent a few days in. .London this week visiting friends. A reception was held :on Monday evening of this week at the home of Mr. John Jarrott in honor of the bride. Miss Emma Love,' who was married on -Saturday to Mr. Percival 1 Campbell of I$ay. Wingham, , It is rumored that a Canadiati'salt syndicate have leased the salt well and will erect a salt block. Thirty or forty men may be:employed. On Nov. 22nd, Mae_ Winuifred, youhgest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J f Moffatt was united in marriage to Alvin Cameron Edgar, son of'iddr:� and \Mrs. `times Edgar, Wiegham. Rev, Sidney 3arniesoti officiated. They will'reside in 'London J. A. Wilson was elected president ,and T. H. Gibson, secretary -treasurer of the 'Wi ighalit • curling club last week, Zurich. Rev. Father A. ivl. Strbeder, who. has been the beloved . pastor of St. Boniface Roman Catholic Church, 1 Zurich,since 1904,has been transfer- red to Maidstone, Ont Rel Father Leo Power, o'f Sarnia, who is a young man, taking his first 'charge, comes to Zurich. dr, Emanuel Koehler, of Detroit, n Mrs, lit . ' ted his sister, Johnsto visited The 50Th anniversary of the dedica- tion of St Peter's Lutheran Church was held on Monday last. Alexander Rennie died on. Novem- ber 21st, aged 84 years. He is surviv- ed by six sons and three daughters: William, Slake; J'ames on the- home- stead; Arthro; Leonard and Frank, at Frobisher, SaSki Jack, in Tennessee, U,IS.A.; Mrs, Edgar Broderick, near Hensel!, Mrs. Anna Rose, on the homestead; and Mrs, 'Hitel Boyd, in Georgia. Twosistersalso survive:. Mrs. Stinan laird, Detroit. and Mrs. Iblizabeti Gibson,, Oakville, Ont, In- tctntent was made in thc,B'nblyon,Hite Union cemetery, , Mr, John L. Gerber'died on Nove'nt-. bee 24111, aged 63 years. His wife survives,. 1/