HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1928-11-29, Page 7trrauge People Siberian Tribe, Possibly of AmericanOrigkrl Dying Out from Hardships 1 •and Lack of Game IIa]1Qreysk, Pat Eastern nepllhlic Tho t-Y.dohe;q, ;,,lou a o-owerfui hunt - Ing tribe, inhabltlug the shores 02 rivers running through the Usenet forests, lire gradually dying mute Their origin, which some attribute to American Indians and others to the OOroehons, a Mougolian tribe inhabit- ing the same region, remains unasoor- talned. The tribe to -day ,numbers only about 1,330 men and women. The Udeheys pees their entire life in the forests hunting Siberian sables and other precious fur animals. Ac- cess to their settlements is difficult. Tiie husband is the absolute ruler of the fancily, Ile hunts and fishes and procures a. means of living for "tile whole family, As a reward he re- ceives the best dishes,When he, has had his fill, his wite must bo content to eat what is left, Children are inured from babyhood to the hardships of forest life. A child of 4 usually can manage a canoe made of bark, puff his father's big pipe, fish and assist his father in tracking wild animals, At the age of 6 his parents look for a bride for him, A .peculiarity of the tribesmen is their remarkable honesty, Whenever the family starts on a hunting trip, tents are always left open with food supplies, furniture and ammunition unguarded, A birch branch is stuck In the earth in front of the home to indicate to strangers that the family Is away, "Shamans," or priests, rule over the community. The remedy for ill- nesses, bad luck and other hardships of life is dancing by the "shamans," with the whole population joining in Once a comparatively wealthy tribe, the Uileheye to -day are gradually growing poorer and poorer, which is chiefly due •to a ruthless extermina- tion by neighboring hunters of sables, practically the sole source of income of the tribe. Several years ago every Udehey hunter used to kill more than thirty sables every season. Lately the kill has fallen to foul or five.. Another reason for the decline of the tribe is the scarcity of women. There are only 70 women to every 110 men. This disproportion forces the 'Udeheys to look for brides else- where. Once gone, the Udehey sel- dom returns to his primitive forest life. Morning Problems Will be Discussed League of Nations Committee Will Investigate Traffic Syste: A simpler system of international regulations governing automobile tour- ists in foreign countries is the goal of the Road Traffic Committee of the League of Nations at present meeting in Paris, states a nitem in "Interde- pendence;" a monthly review of the League of Nations Society, published in Ottawa. Although little difficulty is encountered by the motorist on this a0ntinent where the international boundary is no barrier to travel In Europe many more formalities must be attended to, and a tryptic, a spe- cial document, must be produced and stamped. The Committee will also go into theue ' q stnon s of road and night' signals, traffic taxes, speed limits and the international regulation of cosn- mercia.l motor traffic. Sir Philip Sassoon I Back From Air Trip London—A tour of 17,000 snipes in a flying boat has jest been complet- ed by Sir Philip Sassoon, Under- secretary of Air, who has returned to London after visiting 26 British air stations in Malta, Egypt, the Su- dan, Irak and India. The boat used in hte flight was the latest Black- burn Iris with three Roils -Royce Condor engines, Sir Philip left England on Sept. 29. The only mishap in seven weeks of tour was engine trouble at Jask on the Persian Gulf, causing a week's delay while a new engine was ship- ped from _India. Interviewee] on his return, Sir Philip said the flight was "a great success." Total flying time of the trip was about 130 hours. • Selfishness Selflehness is the chief spring of injustice, for from hence it is that often-times men regard not what courses they take, what means they. use, how unjust, bow base soeVer they be, toward the compassing their designs; they trample . upon right, violate all laws of eoneeieuce; they falsify their .trust, betray their friends, supplant their neighbor, de- tract -from the virtue and worth of any men, forge and vent odious slan- ders, aid commit any sort of wrong ?lpi] outrage; without regard or re- 1]itsi•sg, the; do anything ' seemeth L to iUltlrar MIS tfoslgn.— Barrow. In Texas thereIs $campaign for municipal ownership of electric pew- er-plauts, We offer the campaign elogau: "OWn your own ohm:" -Life, 'Charlie -"So you married your em- ployer! Hoer -long did you work for 4im7" Myrtle --'Till I got him." I.,r+!k c.4 Hoarseness" A C i 4E --t R7tA M"4i r ■ 4ai4i~"a.m `• Milli .ethers silt ect a Arvatlrria brit /1 n/ wrUfit:dgrati fq(retie/liv'111,: V �.• �«1.9ws tm+ *aw A k- qq��++ LIGHTNING I V' gill UM OUGNSIMU om'Children Love VERQ'5Syrup.. MitY i5I P r FORTUNATE IF FREE OF BLADDER CAMPION Presence of this Weed in Any Clover Prevents Crop Grading Top Fortunate are those growers whose clover fields are free of bladder cant - pion: This weed was placed in the primary noxious class, at the recent meeting of the Seed Advisory Board at Ottawa, which means that any seed containing it cannot, grade No. 1 for sale in Canada. Although many of these weed seeds can 'be removed by modern cleaning machinery there is always a portion about the same size and •weight as the clover seed and this fact explains why buyers are not anx- ious to bid at all on seed from fields infested by this very serious weed, We have great feat' of the spread of bladder tampion," states W. J. W. Lennox of the Dominion Seed Branch, "as it is a perennial, very difficult to eradicate, and each plant produces thousands of seeds, it may be con- Assam on Assam teas are known by experts as thefinest teas grown—a fact which explains why Red Rose Orange Pekoe has become so deservedly popular in Canada. For Red Rose Orange Pekoe is chiefly composed of Assam teas, which accounts for its dis- tinctive quality–and value. Every package guaranteed.: a -E ASK vows 10051, DEALER POI, Canadian Artist's Series Christmas Cards Beautiful Hand -Coloured .Christmas Cards Twelve especially atractive Cards with charming and appropriate sentiments may be purchased at e considerable saving in boxed assort- ments at 50c, 11.0U, and $1.50. Published br ROUS •& MANN, LIMITED 172 SISsCOE ST., TORONTO sidered one of our most serious weeds, IC we are to maintain our high reputation in the production of clover seed it is essential that grow el•$ make a determined effort to com- bat this growing menace, In those favored avlover sections where this weed is as yet unknown, growers are for u ate d should o t n an hour find send grow- ing a profitable business, but they should be very careful in purchasing seed of any description that the same does not contain any seeds of this weed. Where 'there. are only a few plants of bladder campion individual treatment is recommended, .By this I do not mean simple- mowing the thing down as this is often worse than useless, causing the weeds to branch out and raise more seeds than would have been the case had it not been cut, but to thoroughly eradicate each specimen. The plants should be dug out and burned or cut off deep below the surface of the soil and some salt sprinkled over the portion of the roots remaining, This may seem like a big job, an (lit is a big job, but bladder oampion is a mighty serious weed." Less than one half of our domestic requirements of red clover seed, it is pointed out, are produced in Canada, principally in Ontario where bladder tampion has become widely distri- buted. With this weed considered primary noxious, and none allowed in grade No. 1, about 80 per cent. of the Ontario red clover seed will have to be graded No. 2 and No. 3, or desig- mated rejected and prohibited from sale in Canada. This means that a part of our northern-grwn red clover seed will be exported to other coun- tries whore it is much in demandbe- cause of its winter hardness. The de- mand. in Canada is principally for'i seed that will grade No. 1 and to meet this demand red clover seed will have to be imported from France, Poland, New Zealand and other countries. Much seed from these countries has ;been used in recent years and has proven adaptable, Golf and Webster are alike and not alike—both increase the vocabulary. MI 10 I FOR THE FARMER FARM BOYS — WHAT ARE YOUR PLANS FOR THE FUTURE 7 Do you intend to run your own farm; to practice the best farm methods; to raise better crops and better stock; to keep your farm in the highest state of fertility; to snake the farm pay? Unless you do, what satisfaction is there in fasyning7 Now is the time to lay the foundation: of your life's work; to learn something of solis; fertili- zers; drainage; plant and 08fimla1 diseases; insect pests; varieties of grains, moots, and fruits; breeds and types of animals; marketing of fanm produce; carpentry; biacksinithing; dairying, etc. Get an in- sight Into the innumerable problems that every farmer has to face and should knew about. By Taking Some of the Winter Courses at THE ONTARIO AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, ' GUELPH — — ONTARIO • These courses are designed to meet the requirements of boys who cannot spend a longer period at the College. REDUCED l9AILWAY RATES Send for the Short Course Calendar outlining the various courses. G. I. ,C'.HRISTIE, B.S.A., D,Sc,, A. M. PORTER, B.S.A., President. Registrar. AVOWER ILLS AND DISCOMFORTS SPEND. WINTER IN nig, . WARM CLIMATE OF OUT1I The Gulf Come Rich in legend and history. Lux- urious hotels, apartments and cottages. The Pan-r4mericats, all - Pullman; train, leaves Cincinnati' 10:20 A. M. daily and arrives at Gulf Coast points next morning. A'ew Oa•letrnts Every day is "holiday"—every night is "carnival" in New Orleans, All sports. Historic shrines. Ex- cellent hotels. WWgrtd famous resteurents. Reached tis lest than 24 houess ftonr Cincinnati on The �Yrl!!• menican, Mad This Coupon 1-H Florida Splendid through train service from Detroit, Cleveland, Indian- apolis, Cincinnati and Louisville daily on The Fksringe and The Southland, Diverse route includes Gulf Coast one way. Same cost. California The most fascinating way to go "abroad at home" is to follow the sun to the Pacific COAST. The Tao- vlmericag connects with 9hest western trains at New Orleans, Liberal stop -overs allowed. No extra fates, HUM INPO.RMATION AND SbI&VICE 10. B. Porter, 21P, d., L & N. 11.12., OF25,214 805Transportation Bdld , Detroit, Michigan. Send me illustratedliteratureshoot. lor iia; b Gulf Coot:ONew Orltans; CCalifonia. Also quotovlatet fares, Namr Address .. LOUISVILLE & NASHVILLE R. R. Says Britain Not Asking fol° A.dv" Lork Birkenheady .Sher Critical of Coolidge's Speech Lcndan.-'7'he 'Rail of birlrouhe uiltll recently secretary of State India, was sharply critical of the A tette° 10ay speech of President C Idge in an address at a regent c piimentary dinner tendered him, "I, thought there underlay in -t speech a spirit of patronage and capacity for giving to Europe a:nd Pngland;" the Earl safd, eAs far England is concerned, I am not s that we specially require 1t, Wo 11 not asked the 'United States, as far I am aware, to do anything for us Asserting that the United Sta entered the war not from any des to assist the Allies, but solely bean American nationals wore being - derod by German submarines, he sa "MY answer to the President of United. States would be that we nothing front them except good w When we demise questions of n construction, we do not specially vite lectures as to whether we Pacific or not i nom. purpose." i`"Placating the Ianplaaahle" Britannia (Irouclvxi) ,, The ,Borth ice African Iluioai has always had n dit forent relation vis-a-vis the rest of 1 the Empire from any other Porr.in• P y ion. Canada might eoitrcivedly leave the Empire without bringing down the rest of the fab;io. The act,' seeession et South Africa would out in half our only assured lino of cora- for mastication with India, Australasla on1- and the i1ar East, South Africa is the "clasp of the Imperial girdle." 0m- England acquired it by every con - hat celyeble title -conquest, cession and purchase. So long aa 'she is respell. a Bible for India and has to keep touch to with the .usti•alasian Dominions, so as long will she resist every moans in ore her power, any attempt 01 South ass Africa to secede from the Empire. Learning Red Rose Orange Pekoe is the best tea you can buy in clean, bright Aluminum tee BABY'S OWN TABLETS ire use 4 mnr- ALWAYS AST.DL IN HOME ids! the Once a mother' has used Baby's ask Own Tablets for her little ones she always keeps a supply on hand, for oval the first trial convinces her there is in- nothing to equal then in keeping are children well. The Tablets are a mild but thorough laxative which regulate the bowels and sweeten the stomach, thus driving out constipa- tion and indigestion, colds and simple Levers and making teething easier. Concerning them, Mrs, Saluste Pelle- tier, St, Dumas, Que., writes:—"Ihave used Baby's Own Tablets for the past Shot ten Years and am never without them in the house. They have always given the greatest satisfaction and I can gladly recommend them to all mothers of 'little ones:" The Tablets are sold WHEN YOUNG -•,. GIRLS GROW PALE AND THI Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Shot be Taken to Enrich the Blood When girls grow weak, pale a thin, parents should not neglect the symptoms; to do so means dang The girl in her teens cannot devel into robust womanhood without abundant supply of rich, red blood her veins. It le the lack of this th is the great trouble with nine gi out of ten, Dr, Williams' Pink Pi have achieved world-wide fame for their remarkable blood -making prop- erties. In these pills there is vigor- ous health, With glowing cheeks and sparkling eyes for every weak, pale girl. The value of the pills in cases of this kind is sbown by the state- ment 'of Mrs. Winnifred Rutty, Bar- ton street west, Hamilton, Ont„ who says:—"About . two years ago MY eldest girl got /into very bad health. I took her to a doctor who advise having her tonsils removed, sayin this was the seat of the trouble. W had them removed, but it did not hel her, and she seemed to have absorbe so much poison from the trouble th she did not pick up at all. She coul neither eat nor sleep, and what Poo she did take did not digest, Then s developed a cough that kept he awake at night, and went down i weight to a5 pounds. A neighb said to me, 'You have tried so man things why not dry Or, Williams' Pin Pillp?' I got some and before 5h dnished the second box she began t show :improvement. :She continue the use of t:1Le pills Loa, some time an is 110;W in L1aa pink- sof condition, abl to work and play, ,and eat and sleep with all her old -tile vigor. Thes can an be verified by neigh bogs who watched her restored from ill health to perfect health," et .your medicine dealer does not .c keep these pills you an get them by mail at 50c a box from The Dr. Wil - flame' Medicine O0., Brockville, Ont, se by medicine dealers or dh'eeet by mail at 26 cents a box from The Dr. Wil- aD Hams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Out, an 111 at r1s' lis d g p d at d d he r n or y k o Empire Preference Rockhampton Bulletin (Queene- d land): Empire preference,- to bo e anything more than a mere sound- ing board for windy orators, has to e effectively protect the markets of the I - Dominions in Britain for raw prod- ucts and foodstuffs, as well as the markets in the Dominions for Brit- ish ritish manufactured goods. Nothing' short of that will count. An old maid went to confession and told the priest that she had been ar- 1 dently kissed. "When did it happen?" said the priest gently. `Twenty years o " the 1 ago," old d maid told him. "Have you ever confessed this before?" "Many times, father," sighed the pent - tent, "but I just love to talk about it." "So much crust was never associ- ated with anything half-baked." White Moose in Alaska Called Trappers' Hoodoo A snow white moose with hoofs like a male has been seen an the lower liaskewite River by natives who de- clare it is possessed of the devil. Un - 111 the moose is driven away or killed they will not begin trapping. Several attempts to trail it have failed, and they are now waiting for heavy snowfall when it will be run down and killed before the Indian or Eskimo trappers are stampeded. Par buyers will pay a bonus for the des- truction of the freak animal, Canadian Gold production If gold production in the United States continues to decline in the fairly steady way it has done since 1916, Canada with its yearly increas- ing production will in a very few Years be the second largest gold -pro- ducing country 1n the world. Abrasive Practically the whole of the Cana- dian abrasive garnet output up to the present has been obtained from a de- posit situated some 18 miles east of Bancrof t, Ontario, -so cn LONG SLEEP MAKES BABY HAPPY AGAIN "Our baby kept waking us several times a night, until we started giving him a little Castoria after hie last nurs- ing," says an Iowa mother, "Ile slept soundly from the first night and it made him look and feel worlds better." Baby specialists endorse Pletcher's Castoria; and millions of mothers know . how this purely -vegetable, harmless preparation Helps babies and children, with colic, constipation, colds diarrhea, t a1- a, a c. The Pletcher signature 1s always on the wrapper of genuine Castoria. Avoid imitations. • Client; "My neighbor has a big dog that we are all afraid of, What do you advise?" Solicitor: "Get a big - , ser one." _. Minard's Liniment for Backache. What the great , American home needs right now is a can -opener- a wo- man can operate.—Council Bluffs Nonpareil. The "talkies," we are told, have come to stay. So much for the hope tbat they had just popped in for a chat.—Punch. Even though you get in the public eye, you may be just a little squirt. Look at the grapefruit.—Corvallis (Ore.) Gazette -Times. "They say a man is known by the company he keeps." "Yes, and a wo- man by tho company she keeps away from." 9 `��pv MAGty� For?ioublea due to Acid INDIGESTION Acro STOMACH MENDE EADAUAN II H00.NA HE GASES -NAUSEA Classified Advertisements AZTYBTs' StinnS.M.S,. Horrors of War Depicted by �1TIST .iintiest 8, 00Loiis; 1'A- !'LRS canvas. r catalogue lino artist st' materials.' Writs For oatat5guo Christ.' nias tarda for ,rand ooloring• Q. R. Crcwiey blmliad, 1085, 9t, Cathsrtns.',, llViresr, Montreal, _ Q+y j 5 P1811'1'OUND U1'. 'r wX:NTY- one samples 1-1-05. Stocking & 1 r u,a Mille, Dept, 1, Qri01a, 001. Memorial in Germany 1. war memorial that is not a glori notion but a scathing denunciation o war and martial deeds has been erect ed at Ratingen, Baden. In the Town Hall tower, surmount ell by a baroque helmet, one side of the wall is adorned with a hoot relief depicting all the gruesome horrors and destructiveness of war. Symbol- ized death riding a blacit horse is seen swinging a blood -dripping scythe as his animal tramples on a mass of human beings and on soldiers en- gaged in fierce combat. The base of the relief, symbolizing human discord, pictures two men desperately clutch- ing each other's hair, both enlaced in the coils of the serpent of paradise with the apple, Break Colds with Mlnard's Liniment. A theatrical troupe arrived in a New England town late one evening to find that no accommodation was to be had in the only hotel that the place afforded. The landlord did not seem a bit affected by the sad plight of the tourists but after much per- suasion the old fellow said they could sleep in an abandoned church across the street. Por want of any other shelter they accepted and retired for the night. About two o'clock in the morning the landlord heard the' church bell ringing vigorously, and sent his son over to see what was the matter. Jake brough back the report: "There isn't. -. anything the matter, Pop, but the gent in pew twelve wants a couple of gin fizzes sent right over. Pamela had been so troublesome that her mother put her to bed a full hour earlier than usual. As she left the child, she murmured gently: "God bless you, darling, till the morn- ing." "Dod bless you, too, mummy, till you bring me my supper," answer- ed Pamela, Flashing Eyes Laughing Eyes Downcast Eyes Eyes tell Your Character The prettiest of dimples—or lisp or a sigh, Neer can compete with the charts of the eyes Brown eyes for strength—Shue for generosity—Gray eyes for jealousy—Sparkling eyes indi- cate beauty, yes, and good health, toot Do your eyes sparkle? Are the whites clear or are they tinged with yellow —indicating an out -of -sorts. condition—due to constipa- tion? If so, you need aEMove.YELLOW TINGE WIrN BEEcliAkty- PILLS. Try a regular daily ecu,,, fora short period. Your eye, will loon tell the story of improved health. Read about Character Iron the Eyes in Awe Beechen, Advert.rc, ts. a-tl .4 Vegetable Product "So you had trouble locating ole," said the stranger to the old derky, as he alighted at the country station, "Didn't "Did your 1- a s i Y master give you a do,' seription of me?" "Yes, mama, but thar's so many gemmen wit red noses coming on that der train," The overhead in the bootlegging business is, we suppose, paid to the • "higher-ups": Norfolk Virginian -Pilot, C .,025 CEAN FARE TO CANADA for the Wives and Families of British Subjects Children u n d e r 17 years—FREE Apply at once to .: CANADIAN SERVICE Cunard and Anchor - Donaldson Lines Cor. Bay and Wellington Sts,, Toronto. —or nearest agent ,J CAN LA LII FREE BOOK' Sent on Request Tells cause of cancer and what to do. for pain, bleeding, odor, etc: Write for it to -day, mentioning this paper. Address Indianapolis Cancer Hospital, Indianapolis, Ind. And there are 40 doses in a 7i -cent bottle! Pleasant to take and instant in action in every kind of Cold. Relieves Bronchitis, Croup and Whooning Cough. Prevents "Flu" and Pneumonia. Eases irri- tatedthroats. Buy "Buckley's". Sold by all druggists and guaranteed. W. K. Buckley, Limited, 142 Mutual St., Toronto 2 UC1xrunK�,�Y M a single sip proves it 517 like a flasl,— For Every Pain For cuts, bruises, sprains, Stiff joints, and other pains, use M!nerd's. Relieves, soothes. oa1.1r,e } What most people call indigestion is usually excess acid In the stomach. The food has soured. The instant remedy is a : alkali which neutralizes acids. But don't use crude helps. Ilse What your doctor would advise, The beet help Is Phillips' Milk of Magnesia, Por the 60 years since its invention it has remained standard with physicians. You will find nothing else so quick in its effect, so harmless, to efficient, One tasteless spoonful in water neu- tralizes many times its volume in acid. The results are immediate, with no am /]lis ba after.effects. r you le d a e ts. 01 co s fact, YOU will never deal with excess acid in the crude ways. Go learn— now—why this -method is supreme, Be surd to get the genuine Phillips' Milk of Magnesia prescribed by phYsl- cians for 50 years in correcting ex - mess acids. Bach bottle contains full directions—any drugstore, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable omnU n d LYDIA E. PINEHAM MEDICINE CO. Lynn, Masa., U.S.A. and Col+ourg, Ont., Canada. ISSUL No. 47—'28