The Seaforth News, 1928-10-25, Page 7eppellh 1 ue1 a'Familiar Gay its. Purer Form h Has High Compressibility And a -Ow Specific Cravit That Make It a Con�'enient Load. to Carry Reports of the transatlautle voy- 1.,800 Britten Thermal Unite Stet+•,eu! Ie age of the new airship Grafi Oct'. Zeppelin; with Captellt I7elcenet' at Hydrocarbon id toe technical name the helm, -have stated brat the' fuel for the by proiiuc s of pe tro1eum such as kg kerosene and gasoline: After• the she carried on tbe trip to New Yoi4c petroleum is cut for the fourth time, is a mysterious ''blue" gas; Experts a gas oil is obtained; This Blau used ,say that the gas is neither mysterious as a base: Ile used retorts similar nor blue; This same gas la a form in moat respects to ulnen employed in the Ordinary plant which converts :less Duro hoz been used to light rail: coal tato gas; exeePt that they con - Toad oacl cars in tills and other, countries ,tamed iron pipes called vaporizers to for at least a decade, and when used keep the oil from coenlug tato contact for that purpose has always been re, (erred to as Piutseh gas, :It ltaa also leen used by farmers in Europe 'and' America as a fuel for eoolcing aad with the inlay retort during the "creek Mg" prOeesa Muhl' loss heat Is lined tinder the retorts when hydrocarbons' are • the lighting+ baeo thau when opal le, Blau used Herinan 'Blah of • Augsburg, Got lees in his process than Pintsch 'did many, considered one of thea most corn in ills—employing ell ae a base—be- 'potent gee engineers of the clay, was cause eaten wanted to make a gas that .associa.ted with, Julius Pintsch Pot` could he liquified under pressure In a some time:' Pintsch succeeded in proper temperature, 11e passed the `'manufacturing a hydrocarbon gas gas from the retorts through suitable which was' so compressible that sev, tar •,extractors, scrubbers, coolers and ,enteeu valumes of it could be •squeesed into one, Pintsch, proud of this, achievement, though not as ant• bltious. as Blau, named it foreh1mseli', Railroads immediately saw the value :of the gas as 0 fuel for lighting eoaeh Interiors, since it could be carried iu ra relatively email coutaiuer and was .as good, if not better, for righting pur- poses than any gas discovered up to that time. Manufacturers of harbor buoys also were quick to seize upon the possibilities and the gee was used -extensively', in lighting them. Search for Fuel Gas. Blau tried in vain to persuade his -friend,P&ntsch to pursue his research,. lout Pintsch either thought he had reached .ultimate success with hydro- carbon gas or was totally indifferent. Blau then made a hydrocarbon gas that, under about 1,800 pounds pres- sure, with a temperature of minus 50 degrees Fahrenheit, would liquify, and the -gave the product his name. He of 'Blau gas was erected in 1908 in othougglitr that a much greater :quantity Blau's native ally of Augsburg; ,and -could' be squeezed into 'a container others ..were later built in various. :than had: beeit possible with the pro- European, cities.. Rights. to operate cess used by Pintsch. He therefore under Blauts patents were obtained .set out to Inane some of the lighter by a group 00 men in this country. 7iydrpQ"carbons absorb some of the Recently a factoryhas been set upin leeavier'hydrocarbons. He succeeded Friedrichshafen, where the Graff Zep- •and produced a gas containing about pelin was tested. purifier boxes, and after these pro- cessee had a flue quality 'of oll gas which he passed through' a compres- sor and a cooling device, where it was reduced to a liquid state and put into heavy steel. cylinders. Blau Gas Blau gas contains a good many hydrocarbons unsaturated, and be- cause of this 'fact is asuperior fuel for internal combustion engines. It has a specific gravity of 1,04 to, 1.08 that is one of the main reasons why it appeared to the German Zeppelin Corporation. One of the main diffi- culties in carrying ' liquid fuel in a dirigible is that as the tanks are. emptied one after the other during the voyage weight must constantly be shifted. Blau has recently made claims that he has got his product downtothe specific gravity of 1. The first plant for the manufacture Rhodes Scholars Are 'Affected by Oxford Decisions Age Limit Is Fixed for Those Tatting Part in Athletic Contests London,—The decision by Oxford "University not to allow students over :28 to represent the university in interuniversity athletic contests has raised an international question af- 'fecting some 200- Rhodes scholars, students from the ,States and the British overseas dominions. The rea- son for this is becouse these students 'usually proceed to Oxford after tak- ing university degrees in their own -homeland and are consequently on an average; three or four years older than the British youths who ordinar- ily go direct from secondary schools. The decision, it is alleged, discrimi- nates against the oversease as com- pared with the • students from the British Isles. Harlan D. Logan, chairman of 25 newly arrived Ameri- can Rhodes scholars, complains in an interview in the Daily Telegraph that with the growing tendency to choose older men for these scholarships it is going to make it: almost impossible for a Rhodes scholar to represent his university and thus win th coveted "blue," the colored coat and cap awarded for athletic prowess. "We are faced," Mr. Logan said, "by the further disappointment of seeing our contemporaries from Am- erican . colleges come across as inde- pendents to Cambridge University and have a full chance, whatever their age may be" Francis J. Wylie, secretary of the Rhodes' Scholarship Fund at Oxford, 'said that the decision was in no way directed' against overseas students,) Allenby Sees Growing Tri. :.st Among Nations Beginning Also to Learn from Each Other, He Says at Pilgrims' Dinner. New York.—Continued friendship between people of the United States and Great Britain was urged. by Field Marshal Viscount Allenby at a dinner given in his honor by the Pilgrims of the United States here. He made a plea fora more extended study of contemporary history by peo- ple generally "as a means of encour- aging understanding of the problems of other nations and increasing inter- national friendship." English-speaking people should learn from each other and trust each other, he sand. "That is the important thing. and that, I believe, the nations are be- ginning to do," he continued. "Every country must solve its prob- lems in its own way. No doubt 11 1s true that what one country achieves is a stimulus to other' nations. The nations are beginning to study each other and to understand each other, and I believe that this understanding will deepen with the years." Dr, Nicholas Murray Butler, 'presi- deut of the Pilgrims of the United States, paid a warm tribute to Lord Allenby In a speech of welcome. "The Holy Land was rescued by you from disorder,' from rapine, from war's de• struction, ' and in their place came sound and just civil administration, the building of roads and railways, the develipment of agriculture, the provision ofwater supply and the institution of the attributes of n mod- ern and orderly civilized state," he said. Canada Still Breeds Equine Winners CANADIAN HORSE WON IN STRONG COMPETITION Sir Clifford Sifton's 'The Wizard" making the hurdles to win first prize in the class for hunters' jumpers at the Brockton, Mass., horse show. Lord Birkenhead Resigns From British Cabinet Secretary for India to Enter Finance Field to Recoup Fortunes, London Believes London.—The immediate resigna- tion of Lord Birkenhead, ' Secre- tary of State for India, was an- nounced in "The. London .Times". Reports' of his withdrawal from pub,.. lic life have been long current, but it had beeps generally undersbood that he would wait until the next general.' election to avoid embarrassing the Conservative party. After several conferences - with, Stanley Baldwin, Prime Minister, in London, it was agreed, according to "The Tidies," that the resignation be accepted at once. The plans of Lord Birkenhead are not known. One per- sistent report indicates that he is going to accept a lucrative position with a big financial firm in "the city," while another says that he has a contract with one, of the large Lon- don newspapers. His resignation is considered a blow to the Conservative party in that he was one 00 its most formid- able oontraversialists. RISE WAS RAPID AND STEADY. Frederick Edwin Smith's rise to fame was both rapid , and steady. Born July 12, 1872, he was educated at Birkenhead School and Wadham College, Oxford, where he was a classical scholar and president of the Oxford Union. After entering upon the practice of law and lecturing on legal subjects, he was made a privy councillor in 1911, was knighted in 1915 and became a baronet in 1918. He was created a baron in 1919, a viscount in 1921 and first Earl of Birkenhead in 1922. He served as lord chancellor from 1919 to 1922, and has been secretary of state for India since November, 1924. He is said to have referred to the Baldwin Cabinet in which he served as "this cabinet of second-class brains." Lord Birkenhead saw active service during the war, and was honored as Lord, Rector of Glasgow University in 1922, and as honorary Doctor of Civil Law and High Steward of Ox- ford University in the sante year. Be- sides works onthe law, he has pub- lished books on travel, essays, criti- cism and awry memoirs. though it affects them,. Its• object was to prevent iitunature 18 to 20- In Pleased leased. ith Royal Visit year-old youths, who form the bulk of the university students here, from having to compete with trained ath- letes several years their senior. It ap- plies indifferently to the British as well as to the overseas students. Cambridge was consulted '"when ,the new rule was under consideration, but it is not yet known what, if any, similar action is contemplated in that sister institution. The statutory age of Rhodes scholars when appointed is 19 to .25 and the majority has hither- to been between 21 and 22, which is well below bbs 0105 1100 for "blues." The question has been considered of :lowering the 25 -year maximummaximumbut this was negatived Because, al- though 'the British Universities are primarily intended, for the training of youths, nevertheless they also de- sire to welcome a limited number of exceptionally brilliant men for post- graduate courses. He: "If T bad known how sarcastic you were, I would never have married you." She: "Yon had an opportunity Of noticing it. Didn'tI say 'This is so; sudden' when you proposed to me af- ter a three Yeats' courtship?" Canadian Labor Ruling Opposed by Department Immigration Officers . Think Law is Jeopardized by Decision of Court Washington—Immigration officials of the Department of Labor feel that London.—Great, appreciation of the visit of the Prince of Wales to native chiefs at Mete camp at Nairobi, where hepresented phptogrophs of himself to the leading Africans, is expressed M a -letter to the Nairobi press signed by fire paramount chiefs. They say that, above all, they • were greatly surprised by the fact that the Prince addressed them in Kidwahili, their native :tongue, which he" studied while on his voyage to Africa. The Prince visited the Site of the Duke of Gloucester's first camp, which is situ aced 15 ,miles from Nairobi. TIMET A case cause before the police ;court involving the 'ownership of an eight- day, ,clock. ,After listenibg to Cboth sides, ,the magistrate turned to the plaintiff. • . "You get the clock," he said grave- ly. "And what do I get?" asked the accused. "You get ,the eight clays," replied the magistrate, the issue between :the United States and Canada over the admission of commuting Canadian workers is not settled by the decision just made by the Supreme Court. - It can be .said on: the highest au- thority that the chiefs of the immi- gration service feel that the court's ruling was on a technical point and that the efficacy of the immigration l law would be jeopardized if the issue were to be held in abeyance. A new, test of the law is expected shortly in a case that will clear up the matter or else congressional action that will. accomplish the same purpose. The Supreme Court refused to re- view decisions of a lower court in- volving the passage of Canadian citi- zens for business purposes over the international boundary. The lower court held that the Canadians con -1 cerned, who were employed in the United States, and crossed the bor der daily, were "nonimmigrants" un- der Section 8 of the Immigration Act; of 1924, and that under the Say; Treaty of 1794 they were privileged to cross and recross the border for tate purpose of business and com-1 merce. The contention of tare Department of Labor is that Europeans who have; come to Canada and taken out na-' turalization papers are not "Cana diens," in the intc_pretatioa of the United Staes immigration law, but come under the quota provisions of their country of origin. The' department makes no denial of the right of nativeborn Canadians to unrestricted passage back and forth across the border. At the back of their strong opposition to the present ambiguous condition, is the apprehen- sion that increasing numbers of Euro- peans will settle along the border and work in the United States, under their asserted -Canadian status. "Bridegrooms are usually shy," says a woman M.P.—They realize they've said too much. Radio Operator `ins Honor for Valor at Sea J. E. Croney Presented With Medal and $100 for Sav- ing Crew of 'Indiana Harbor Honors have been paid Joseph 10 Crony for heroic service as radio operaor aboard the ill-fated steamer) Indiana Harbor,which was :wrecked. dustry so that there bay be a proper off the Humboit coast 185 miles north regulation of output to, closer meet Iuthe famous 'author to visit him of San Francisco, onllay-18,..1927. .1 demand." Unregulated competition, here at Balmoral Castle, is, in effect, In reeoPnition of his, loyalty, and, lie went ou, leads . to ruinous price beones. valor, .Crone1 was':pre5ented. with a cuttingcthcn production is at the ex agreeing to let bygones medal toeethsr with a cheque for $1.00 pense of- plant; capital fails to come{ When Queen Victoria. , King and a copy of resolutions passed byforth to remedy the situation and in- George's grandmother was on the ord Melchett Traces British Trade Policies. Defends Business Mergers as Effective Adjuncts to Economical System Great Britain, is following the en* ample of American industry to *mei. gamation of companion in ' the bamo general lino in order to 'curb Unrogll' Iated production and hneconomto man* agoment, Lord 1YIelohett (Sir Alfred Mond), ono of the outstanding figuros in the British industrial world, told members of the Boston" Chamber of Commerce in an address, Britain ie not out - for economic war, he said, in referring to the ohem- Seal combine of four great companies known as the British Imperial Chemi- cal Industries, Ltd,, of which he is frgm persons interviewed in the world-wide and ant he said,m cause oonrso of an' investigation of a creme; world-wide comment at the time, es to report whether such powers and pointed out that the United Stares Steel Company produces more steel duties and are properly exercioed and than the total productionofEngland, France, Germany and Belgium com- bined, Mass production is an American in- vention, lee said, possible in the United bisham,. formerly Sir Rowland. States because of the magnitude of Blades, Sir Howard Frank, Dante its population, groat consuming oa- Merlel Talbot, Sir . Reginald Lane panty and proeperlty. "Your prosper• P•ocle, F, T. Brownlee, Miss Margaret ity le largely due to free trade, but Beavon, -Lord Mayer of . Liverpool, you Americans don't know it,he said,.. pointing to unity of the states from coast to coast, with no tariff barriers, one language and one currency. Trend Toward Diversity "English production is necessarily' on a smaller scale, and the aim is for quality rather than quantity," he said. The 'United States makes goods for millions, he stated. Lord Melchett said that the trend to -day is toward new and diverged industries. He pointed to the New England textile depression as a parallel ot what is going on in England. The capacity of the mills -is too great; unemployment is considerable and profits are too lean: This le lead- ing . toward a rationalization of in - English Police Inquiry Begins Powers, Duties and Practices of Force to Be Investi-t gated by Commission London,—Tho public proceedin of the Royal Comtnissien on k'olico Pow"' ere and Procedure, whish opened at Westmineter, begins as inquiry which in exerted to extend over a year. It ire an outgrowth of alleged third de-. gd'oo methods employed by pcothxnd 'Yard in connection with the now fa- mous 14Ionay-Savidge ease, The Gemnrnkealon has been appointed to conekder the general powers and duties of the police of England and. Wales In the Investigation of crimes and offences, and the funationl.6$ the director of public prosecution; to in- quire into the practice followed in interrogating or ` taking statements discharged; and to makeany recons mendations necessary. Load Leo of Farnham is chairman, and the othermembers are Lord lqb- and Frank Pick. It is expected' that among the early witnesses will be Sir 'Wireiam Hor- wood, Commissioner of the Metro- politan Police, and Sir Wyndham Childs, asslsbant commissioner, bout of whom are retiring next month. King Entertains •Rudyard Kipling Return to Royal Favor Pres - 'ages Honor, Friends Believe Balmoral, Scotland: Rudyard Kip ling is basking once more in the light of royal favor. King George, in ask- the sk the board of directors of the Radio Corporation of America, Crony, who is thirty-three years old and was a wireless operator in the dustries go down, throne Kipling wrote a poem about Industry is migrating, following the "Widow of Windsor" to' which her natural sources, he continued, and in majesty took offense. After that Great Britain, tht industrial RudyardKipling e grea did not travel. in the , merchant marine during the World north of England is working to the royal circle, Queen Vicoria's son, War, was the hero of the wreck of the south, which once••was not industrial, King Edward VII, did not lift this ban Indiana Harbor, The ship was in such but is now becoming highly Indus- from high society: a position that it was impossible for a trialized. The coal industry is going Same think that the "Widow of relief boat to reach it. and rescue was through a transformation, with east i Windsor" poem kept Kipling from be- a matter of waiting until the storm coast of England fields producing coal 'coming poet laureate of England, a subsided sufficiently to make it pos- $1 per ton less than the older mines post to which many critics think he is sible and safe to get a breeches buoy on the west coast. Amalgamation and. more eminently suited than any living abroad. He remained at his wireless combination in the coal fields to regn- I British poet. Observers, foresee lie his visit to Balmoral Castle the prelude to honors to which Kipling, as one: of England's greatest men of letters, is widely believed to be entitled. key for seventy-two hours. During the greater part ot the time heavy seas were hacking at the vessel and here was danger of its going to pieces at any moment. The ship's power was dead and he had to depend on storage batteries. Instead of tax- men than ever before. Three factors ing these by sending useless signals in modern industry, he said, are work - during the daytime, he used the wig- men, capitalists, and management. wag system to communicate with the All are interdependent upon the other vessels standing by. During the night and Lord Melchett visualized a trinity he sent only vital messages, and even of the three "that must be recog- these, instead of wasttng his power nized,"—not antagonism but a co- partnership. Explains "Episode of 1778" late production to consumption w recommended by Lord Melchett, More modern ideas In business or- ganization and industry was advo- cated by the speaker. In England more trust is being reposed in young on long distance, he sent to near -by ships and asked them to relay. Australian Labor Difficulties Lloyd's List (London): The posi- tion has become serious not only for shipowners but for Australian export- erstoo, fpr in the present competi- tive state of the world's markets it is essential that costs should be down to this "minimum. If Australia is to become a factor in international trade and maintain the position she has al - I ready established these facts will have to be faced and faced at once. "It was Adam who put 'mar' into marriage," says a -woman writer. But who was responsible for the rage. Fighting the Dope Carriers in the U. S. �s�.,+s r3 Yee F .. 'x'• r ZOMegiks - Ter •--- MAKING SEIZURE OF $1,500,000 WORTH OF OPIUM at Jerse Cit searching four Chinese members of the crew 00 the steamship Presidettt Hare Custom's officersy y g Aeon. The largest seizure of narcotics op record: was made. Greeted at the luncheon by Gov. Alvan T. Fuller of Massachusetts and Frank S. Deland, Boston corporation counsel, Lord Melchett was reminded by Governor Fuller of the amity of many years' standing between Eng- land and the United : States, and the "ties that bind," which "make the world safer for democracy,' than the attention once paid to colonial his- torical events. Lord Melchett responded with an interpretation of the "disastrous epi- sode of 1770," He described the Revo- lutionary War as ono resulting from "Englishmen in America, failing to agree with a German king in Eng - laud," and continued that there was no doubt that if there had been a British sovereign in power to hear the compiaiuts of his countrymen in Am- erica, the conflict would never have taken place. The years have healed the breach between the nations, he said, and now the feeling in England is one of apology and regret when notice is taken of this country's con- tribution on the fields of France in the World War. Empire Flying Boat Uses Seapl;:;ale Dock Women Set Out On 1-1 , sband Hunt Matrimonial Caravan Will Be London.—A test was made at Southampton by the Imperial -Airways of the value for commercial purposes of the Royal Air Force seaplane dock. An empire flying boat was docked. and certain routine work of overhaul- ing was parried out The seaplane dock lent for the purpose is normally with the fleet at Portland. Tho speed with which aircraft can be docked and the time required for normal maintenance operations, as compared with that needed in a shore base, were considered. Further taste will be made to determine whether there would be any financial advan• tage in using a floating dock on the England, India,, and Australia route, which will be operated by flying boats, N0 farm relief like burning the old 'mortgage,—Boston Herald. Joined , By Lonely Spinsters Washington.—America's first matri- monial caravan plans to -leave here on a nation-wide hunt for ideal mates. Headed by blonde Helen Davis, the caravan—consisting of one sedan and three women—starts a husband hunt. Thehusband hunters expect their ranks to grow as they make the trans- continental trip, for any lonely, single woman with good references can join the expedition, The novel crusade was conceived by Miss Davis. She le leader of the caravan and looking for a husband to meet her own ideals. Mies Davis said her ideal mustbe at least 40 years old, and men over 55 are not eligible. He can be fat or thin, provided he is good-natured and a bald head makes no difference 10 her. "En route we are going to hold re - captions and look over the candidates. Whenever we stop all lonely single people will be invited to attend the parties. They may make matches for themselves or the women may loin our caravan. "We expect to have several auto- mobile loads of eligible women in our party before we reach California." Conditions Better In Mills of Bombay„ Bombay—The advance in the pro- vision of improved working , condi- tions in textile factories in the Bom- bay Presidency is referred to in the annual factory report for last /year. The Deport dwells onthe general int- provemont•in sanitation and state% that the volume of welfare worlc eine dlertaken by factories has shown lit- tle, if any, diminution, I The numberr .of operatives employed in all industries in bite Bombay Prost' dency was nearly 400,000. Weinen formed 20 per cent of .the facierf population, their number being $0.. 000. The total number of children employed in factories was 6,000, In Bombay the chief development lir' re- cent years has been the induatrio.1, housing scheme inaugurated by the Government, Two latedred and •seven chalets (Sinuses) With 10,500 roolnd have been built,