HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1928-10-04, Page 7Portugal Tries
'Keep to Right'
Amid Confusion
Sudden Reversal of Old Traf-
fic Custom Gives Officials
any Period
Beasts Resist Change
Huge Banners Proclaim Alter-
ed Rule of Travel
There has been a drastic change
` made in one of the long-standing cus-
toms. of the people of Portugal, writes
the Lisbon corresondentef "The Chris-
tian Science Monitor." Up to the,
present England and Portugal were
almost the only European countries
whose rule of the road was to the left.
New a new decision has been taken,
chiefly for the convenience of tourists
motoring to enable them to • continue
to fellow the rules- adopted in the
neighboring countries, France and
Spain, and now the password through-
out all Portugal is "Keep to the
dot the time of the change Lisbon
presented an unusual appearance, for
during the night many hundreds of
banners with these words printed in
huge black letters had been swung up
at every available place, and all traf-
fiee, which commenced at 5 axe, was
running in a contrary direction. Dur-
ing the night in Lisbon and Oporto
the electric company :nen worked bard
at changing the points. As this was
too great a task for one night, the day
was marked by a number of derail-
ments, none of thein important, as the
trams were running at reduced speed.
The morning witnessed scenes of
great confusion, especially at the hour
when people were going to business, as
no one knew exactly where to take his
tram or even how to board it owning
to the necessary change of hand in
gripping the rail.
Fun at Street Corner
'According to a statement made by
the engineer of the electric tram com-
pany, the expense incurred by changJ
ing all the points amounts to 700 con-
tos (about $30,000).
Great help was afforded the auth-
orities by the Lisbon 'branch of tb.e
American Vacuum Oil Co., who, with
the newspaper "Dario Noticias," offer-
ed to make hundreds of huge banners
indicating the new orders, have then
hung and affixed in all the towns ancl
all the main roads of Portugal, shar-
ing the expense between then. The
Portuguese siva s are readyto get a
g Y
bit of fun out of anything that turns
up, and so in Lisbon groups of face-
tious idlers gathered from the first
hours of the morning areend the prin-
cipal stopping places, bearing strips
of white canvas on their breasts and
hats with the words "To the Right"
inscribed on them. These greeted mis-
takes, fines and confusions with clap-
ping and laughter. The police, whose
service was excellent, Allowed these
jovial people to amuse themselves, as
their humor had at the same time the
good effect of reminding people and
vehicles of the new order of things.
Four -Footed Resistance
Thechief effects were felt at the
town offices and banks, where all the
staff arrived about an hour later than
usual, and in the markets, where
everything was in confusion. For al-
though the two -legged population do-
cilely obeyed superior orders, there
was an obstinate four -footed resist-
ance to be faced. Horses, mules, don-
keys and oxen, bearing their daily
supplies of vegetables, fruit, flowers
and other marketable articles to the
markets, having got into a habit of
years to keep to the left, proved as in-
sensible to their drivers' efforts to lead
them to the right as they were to the
orders of the printed banners and of
the police. Fines were showered on
the unfortunate drivers and women
with their donkeys, and the markets
rang with profuse viteperation and
laments when, very late in the day, the
country people, their beasts acrd their
wares tardily arrived there.
But the real aim of this alteration
has been achieved. The confusion
eaused to motorists from the Contin-
ent by an unexpected change in the
rule of the road is a thing of the past.
And the way is prepared for the in-
rush of visitors expected for the Ibero-
American Exhibition.
Col. Fitzmaurice Promotes
— 1928- EDITION-
We have been fortunate in securing a few extra copies of the 1028
Mining kiendbook, Those interested In Canadian Alines and Mining
Markets sliould not be without We booklet, which -WW1 02 valuable
Write or phone for Your copy immediately. There is no obligation..
304 Bay Street, Toronto
City Dairy Named as Party to
Important New Affiliations
The Financial News Bureau uncle,;-
stands that new affiliations lo the
dairy industry in Canada are ii elm
making,' and that if, as and when ee
news breaks it will be important frum
a stook market standpoint.
One company naned'in merger pro-
ceedings is City Dairy Company and
the other the `Canadian 'interests of
Borden Company which is one of the
largest operators in dairy products
in the United States and has lately
inereased in ramifications in the- Do-
minion. If the amalgamation is con-
summated, the Canadian interests of
Borden Co, will come under the wing
of City Dairy company. It is under-
stood that two other large dairies
operating in Canada maybe involved.
Rumor has linked up Farmers Dairy
and City Dairy, but the Financial
News Bureau is Informed that other
plans are involved for this success-
ful organization and that it may form
the principal unit in another affilia-
The advance that has taken place
in City Dairy shares, without any of-
ficial explanation, probably is clue to
the fact that negotiations have not
reached a stage where a definite an-
nouncement can be made.
County of Middlesex Rejects all
Tenders •
All tenders for the debentures of
the County of Middlesex have been
rejected. Bids were called tip till
an of 10th on a issue Wednesday, $ ,
748, 6% 15 -year debentures, and
Thursday it was announced that tend-
ers were unsatisfactory and were
therefore turned down, The offering
will doubtless be repeated at a later
date when more favorable conditions
prevail in the bond market.
Many of Canada's leading
social and sporting clubs use
Red Rose Orange Pekoe Tea
exclusively. Theadded
strength and inimitable
flavor of Red Rose Orange
Pekoe make it last , logaager,
go farther and taste better.
Packed in damp-proof alumi•
num. Pew
What Will
hen your
Chi" ht +-.
f r It
Two New Compressors installed by
International Nickel
Latest Sudbury advices are bo the
effect that 950 mon are now employed
on construction work at International
Nielees Frood property, All steel
work has been done on the new head-
frame, Two 3,000 cubic feet air
compressors have been installed in the
newly completedair-compressor house,
which has capacity for three more
similar machines,
A despatch from the north states
that Barry Hollinger is in $40 ore on
the 1,250 -foot level, When last heard
from the drift was said to be in about
0 feet, Rumors were heard on the
street to the effect that there was a
rich strike made on Barry, and this
report, while unofficial, contains the
only details available.
There is hardly a household that
Civil Aviation in Ireland hasn't heard oe Castor.ial At leash five
Dublin—Colonel Fitzmaurice, Ieish million homes ave never without it. If
member of. the Bremen's crew en its there are children in your family,
there's almost daily need of its coin -
trans -Atlantic flight, has actively fort. And any night may find you
identified himself with the promotion very thankful there's a bottle in the
of civil aviaton in the Free State, house. Just a few drops, and that
He took a prominent part in the'es- colic 01 constipation isrelieved; or
tablishment of the Irish Aero Club. diarrhoea checked, A vegetable pro-
The Irish Free State, he holds, ]las duct; a baby, remedy meant for young
folks. Castoria is about the only thing
lost her shipping ports and must not you have over heard doctors advise
let the same thing happen to her air giving to infants. Stronger medicines
Ports. I•4o ' believes that Ireland's are dangerous to a tiny baby, however
geographical position. gives her an ex- iia?•,i�les they silly be to ggrnown-ups,
deptional opportunity to benefit by the Good ad Castoriitl Remember the
development of trans-Atlantic air panel and remember to buy it, It may
travel, spare you a. sleepless, anxious night,
It re always ready, always safe to
use; in emergencies, or for everyday.
Toront , Ontael The Provincial ailments. Any hour of the day or
Government has passed a law that no night that Baby becomes fretful„ o;
hnaskrata are to be trapped for . per- restless. Castoria was never more
popular with mothers than it is today,
Incl of at least one Year in Ontario, Every druggist has it.
This step bas been found necessary,
it is said, as a consequence of the
treniendours drain upon Die wild life of
.lie province -0l fm• -bearing animals,
'essi—due to the increasing: pope
of furs for both winter and
The entire Sudbury camp is said to
bo aroused over the results obtained in
Sudbury Basin's No, 23 drill hole. A
report from the camp states' that they
have cut 50 feet of high grade ore,
running 20 per cent. zinc, 5 per cent.
lead and 44e per cent. copper. The re-
sults are said to equal those obtained
in the No. 05 hole of the . Treadwell
Work underground at the Pawnee
Ontario Cavern
Termed Rival of
Maar i.oth Cave
Veteran Prospector Discovers
Natural Wonder and Skele-
tons of Two Traders
Toronto, Ont,•—Tuelted in the wilds
of Algoma a cavernhas been discov-
ered that may rival Kentucky's Mam-
moth Cave. T, B. Fraser, veteran
prospector, made this discovery and
at the same time unearthed tragedy
of the early trading days,
Within 20 yards of the entrance to
the great eastern' lee found the skele-
tons of two fur traders, lost, it is be-
lieved,fully ,a century ago. Along the
waits were their muskets and other
trading erects.
Exploration Planned
Fraser is now preparing to bead an
expedition back to the scene of his
discoveries, which, it is hoped, may
throw light on Algoma's pioneer his-
tory. It is just 300 years since
Etienne Brute, the first white man to
traverse Ontario and northern Michi-
gen, saw the great St. Mary's rapids,
but in the two centuries following
practically nothing is known of "the
district's Inhabitants.
Fraser claims great things for his
cavern and the hidden lake on which
it is located, He traced the vaulted
passages of his cavern 'back fully a
mile before huge bats, added to the
discovery of the skeleton, removed the
urge for further exploration. Gleam-
ing crystals of brilliant colors flashed
back the light of his torch, he says,
and made a gorgeous spectacle.
Death of Traders a Mystery
How the fur traders perished by the
lake remains a mystery. Fraser
thinks starvation ended their wander-
ings. There, was evidence, he said,
that they had lived for some time in
the cavern. Shelves had been out in
the stone by their abode and time had
failed to remove all the remnants of
their habitation within the rock.
The region in its animal life more
or less resembles a zoo, according to
Ieirkland on the 760 -foot level is reach- the prospector's description. Ile saw
huge turtles, he claims, caught giant
rug an interesting stage. It .els ex- speckled trout and found lizards at
petted that the crosscut will leach least three feet long.
the new vein found on surface and
which showed a width of over 6 feet,
with good values, within the next few
days. Recently a fault was encoun-
tered underground and the crosscut is
now all in a mineralizacl•' syenite
porphyry section which looks very..
promising. As semi as the crosscut
has reached the new . vein, lateral This New Brunswick Wonsan
work will be started on this, as well Restored by Dr. 'Williams'
Biggest Hydro -Airplane
Ready for Trial' Flight
Travemundo—The biggest hydro -
airplane ever made in Germany has
arrived at Trovomunde from the Rohr-
bitch works and wilt soon have its
trial Rights, preparatory to being put
into operation on the Lubeok-Trave-
mundo-Copenhagen-Oslo route,
The plane, a Rohrbaoh-Ilona, is
more than twenty-six feet high, and
cightyflve feet• long, and measures
more than 1241 feet from wing.tlp to
wing -tip. Three motors furnish 2,000
horsepower, and the radius action
will be about 2,509 miles, A great
Dornier Superwa1 (super -whale) al•
ready in service on this route, has
four 450 -horsepower Bristol -Jupiter
,as Another vein found ie the cross•
cutffuther south,
On the south side of the property
considerable work has been' done• on
a wide mineralized zone which shows
in a contact between sediments and
feldspar porphyry. Dianuoncl drilling
will commence immediately noel it is
expected that some important results
will be secured here as the zone shows
a width of over 20 feet.
The amalgamation of )Evangeline
Gold Mines and the Calumet Copper
Mines has been approved by the gov-
ernment of Nova Scotia and the new
company is now known as the Evange-
line Gold and Copper Mines, Ltd.
It was recently reported that the
property of the Lorrette Mines, Ltd.,
operating in the Harricanaw area was
temporarily inactive. It is now un-
derstood that the company has bought
the property of the Union Mines and
has transferred its attention here.
The shaft is being continued from the
100 -foot level, where 700 feet of drift-
ing was done on a vein, to greater
depths. It is said that four new ore
shoots were located running from 12
to 40 feet and carrying free gold.
Results obtained through the dia-
mond drilling campaign on the Ben-
nett Pacaud Mines property have been
moderately encouraging and as soon
as holo No. 6 has been completed it
is planned to diamond drill the east-
ern section of the property where a
gold showing was uncovered some
time ago.
Wainweil Oils are unable to operate
their newly acquired producer until
September 24th, when it is expected
an injunction against them will be
lifted. The company recently pur-
chased the. Interior Oil well and al-
most immediately brought it into pro-
duction. Interior shareholders now
sue their management and obtained
the injunction to prevent production
Until the 24th.
Argentine Iron Vessels
Built Before Monitor
Barracas, Argentina.—Iron vessels
were being .built in a local shipyard
even before the battle of the Merriinac
and Monitor on March 5, 1862, old
d'ocutnents hero reveal.
A Scotsman here started building
river craft from iron several years
before the oubbreak of the Civil War
in the United States,' and when the
famous battle at Hampton Roads was
Pink Pills.
Mrs, Zanies Bely ea, Brown's Flat,
N.B., says:—"I am writing to tell you
the great good I had through the time-
ly use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. My
health had failed and I was troubled
with great weakness. I hall no ap-
petite and frequently had dizzy spells.
The least exertion would make my
heart palpitate violently and I felt
tired at all times. I had doctored a
great deal without getting much relief,.
and was feeling greatly discouraged
when -I finally decided to try Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills, The happy results
following the use of this medicine can
be summed up by saying that I am
again perfectly well, able to de my
housework and enjoy life once mole.
I'feel it a duty to recommend Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills to all weak people."
If you have any, or all, of the
symptoms above noted, do not delay,
begin treatment at once with Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills, You will be sur-
prised to note the improvement in
your condition after a few weeks. You contrasting quaintly with more mod -
can get these pills through'any dealer ern -built craft of coasting vessels and
in medicine or by mail at 50 cents a fishing -smacks. , "
bot from the Dr. Williams' Medicine These old-fashioned boats are a link
Co., Brockville, Ont. If you will send between us and the remotest past of
your name and address a little book- Scandinavia, of the early period of
let, "Building Up the Blood," will be the rock carvings, and of the romantic
period of the Vikings, . •
Every peasant an¢ cotter has his
own boat or boats, and these may be
seen everywhere along the fjord,
For Either the Newborn Babe
or the Growing Child.
There is no other medicine to equal
Baby's Own Tablets for little ones—
whether it be for the newborn babe or
the growing child the Tablets always
do good. They are absolutely free
from opiates or other harmful drugs
and tete mother can always feel safe
in using them.
Concerning the .Tablets, Mrs. John
Armour, R.R. 1, South Monaghan,
Ont., says:—"Wo have three line,
healthy children, to whom, When a
medicine is needed, we have given
only Baby's Own Tablets, • The Tab-
lets are the beat medicine you can
keep in any home where there are
young children."
Baby's Own Tablets are a mild but
thorough laxative which regulate the
stomach and bowels; banish constipa- Bold Suitor: "Dearest, I love you!
tion and indigestion; break up colds What is more, I'm going to marry
and simple fever and make teething you.
easy. They are sold by medicine Movie Actress (registering ennui):
fie hers or direct by mail at 25 cents "You and who else?"
a �oa from The Dr. Williams Medi
cine Co., Brockville, Ont.•_
Red Rose Orange Pekoe is
the, best tea you can buy
In dean, aright Aluminum
"May I take your picture, said the
photographer tp the telephone oper-
ator who was out horseback-riding."Yes," said the voice with the smile,
while she tried to wheel her steed into
line, "But hold elle line a minute
while I adjust the plug,"
While man has seven ages,
A woman has but two,
Her real one, what her friends think,
And what she claimed to be.
—Boston Transcirpt.
Man may have seven ages,
, But yet he thinks with joy
That at each of these stages
He looks just like a boy.
Viking Ships
of T -.+-Day
Our corn -surplus problem has been
solved. Face powder can be made
from corn.
Pliny the elder tells us that in the
reign of Nero the Romans voyaged as
far north as the Baltic, and Tacitus
goes on to describe what lies beyond
—that they knew, at any rate, the
southern portion of the Scandinavian
peninsula, ,
There are *yet other proofs from it
far earlier ago in the rock -carvings or
reties called "helleristnin er " dating
away back to an age not less remote 1
than 500 years B.C.
These carvings represent ships,
some of them being quaint represen-
tations of sea -fights, the boats being ,
somewhat similar in appearance to
those used by the Vikings of the ninth
and tenth centuries -of our era. Rude
as these rock -carvings are, they give
us some idea of the kind of vessels
employed in that very remote age;
they represent long rowboats with
very high carved prows or sternposts,
and are steered not by a rudder be-
hind, but by an oar at the side, and
from this practice is derived our word
"starboard" or "steerboard," being the
right-hand side of the vessel.
The Vikings used also a square sail,
which could be hoisted when required,
This they learnt indirectly from the.
'The traveller among the fjords of
Norway may, to Vile day, see those
heavy boats with high prows and
square sails, which have an indescrib.
able air of antiquity about their build,
sent free.
Lyon Hopes to Become
Air Center of Europe either in use on the water, or pulled
Lyon—The world's finest flying up on the strand, and, where there is
field is planned Writhe city of Lyon. found a convenient landing -place, log -
"This should be the air travel jure- built boathouses are erected.—A. Hea-
tion point of Europe," says Louis ton Cooper, in "The Norwegian Fjords.
Veterinaries use Minced's Liniment.
"What clo you think of Brown's
airdrome. wife?" "She is as pretty as a fairy
To get ready for the passenger and tale." "Ah, you mean 'Once upon a
freight liners that are expected to ply time."'
the air lanes, the present Bron air
Pradel, president of the chamber of
commerce, which has a fifty-year con-
tract with the government to operate
field, three miles from the city, is to
be greatly enlarged and flanked with
buildings and hangars to handle a
trafee that is only anticipated, ' The
chamber of commerce, after spend-
ing $200,000 011 .the terminal, expects
to lose money for a few years,
A commission of experts traveled
Europe hunting for ideas, finding
much of value in Germany .anti Hol-
lahtL The members believe their
plan will be a model for the future,
"at least for Europe;'
Scene, a Glasgow railway station.
Old Lady (Tar the twentieth time):
Is this really the train for .Ayr?
Porter: ' Well, mum, the board of di-
reported to the outside world this pio-1 rectors, the stattlne driver she signal-
nveer, Thomas Harkness, offered to I man, the guard, Y
build a monitor like that of Ericsson think so, so I suppose it must bel
for the Argentine government. much „
His specialty at that time, however, glib Pro,; Have you played
was icon lighters fo •rho transport of golf?" Novice: "Well, a fairish bit,
cattle, One of these, christened Salud of course," Club Pro.: "erns, Let's
Senora, was 66 feet long, 22 feet wide
and 5 feet deep, with a carrying ea
parity of 180 head of live cattle,
see how you shape. 'J'ake bout
stance" "Novice: "Which club is
"How is my form?" "M^"^ suitable
MI d' Liniment for aching joints for the beach Miss than
"Why on earth couldn't you jump
out of the way of that tractor?"
"I'd just come out of a movie where
they were showing some of those slow-
motion pictures."
A flapper who was out boat -riding
the other evening said the young chap
who handled the boat didn't have
nerve enough to even hug the shore.
Health may be purchased
But not from a shelf;
The price is prevention ---
Take care of yourself.
Restaurants should be prohibited
from serving spinach save on a doc-
tor's prescription.
Figures don't lie, but oh you fig-
"Look here, Smith," said the boss,
"you and Jones both started diggin'
at the same 'time, an' he's now got
a bigger pile of dirt than you have."
"He's diggin' a bigger hple," said
It is said a woman can do most
everything with a man except do with-
out him,
Reading in the news dispatches that
the milliners in convention have de-
creed that "a woman must have a hat
for every occasion," Old Bill Beezer
triumphantly exclaimed: "My wife
has had that kind of a hat for the last
three years, and it's a good hat yet."
Classified Advertisements
T,II NTS,1. oocl butldings, 'WOod-
stock District, Edey, 455 Uing St
38,, Iiamilton,
HILL PI -I10 Movllit—PIONI;D'R 1aI9-
1lJL TANCi; movere of Canada: Largest
speedy padded vans, New 1 ,,(71ment,
luteal methods. Two experienced men
every tele, All leads Insured. Beyond
compare i'or slyiti and cavo. Before you
,nose write us or wire ant1 .e se the
charges, Bead office Hamilton, -Ontario,,
Canada, 1-1111 the Mover.
table manners; you're a regular little
pig at the table."
Deep silence on Jimmy'spart. so
father, in order to impress him more,
added,, "I say, Jimmy, do you knew
what a pig is?"
"Yes, sir," replied Jimmy meekly,
„it's a hog's little boy."
The man who does not worry very
probably has soma creditors who do.
The man who works like a horse
usually has a stable business.
"Are you a special friend of the .
groom's?" inquired an usher, who had
come out of town to help at his
friend's church wedding not long ago,
of a cold and dignified lady who en-
tered the church with an air of author-
ity to sit in a front pew.
"Certainly not," replied the lady
with steady eyes, "I am the bride's
She reminds me of a girt on a maga-
zine cover because I only see her
once a month,
`Late,.eigures prove that cancra
economize an clothes."
Old Lady: Why are you so worried
my little man? Youngster: 'Cos I
can't have a 'outlay, 01d Lady Why?
Youngster: 'Cost I don't go to school
Mutt: "Everything comes to him
who waits." Jeff: "That's how I got
a fine for parking my car to -day!"
The thrill that comes once in a life-
time: A child's first day at school,
Sent on Request,
Tells cause of cancer and what .to do
for pain, bleeding. odor, eta Write
for 1t to -day, mentioning this paper.
Address Indianapolis Cancer Ilospitat,,
Indianapolis, Ind.
Foot Comfort
For aching feet use Minard's.
Soothes and relieves pain•
KEG OF ri,Z0
"Is he really dishonest?" M .
"Why, if he'd been born with a sil-
ver spoon in his mouth, it would have MR
P r^ l
had somebody else's initials on it," 4 E
"Jimmy, I wish you'd learn batter 4i S
r,ENU1 Nc -",
.eF MAG,yts
For Troubles
due to Ao.7d
Many people, two hours after eating,
suffer indigestion as they call it. It is
usually excess acid, Correct it with an
alkali. The best way, the quick, harm-
lose and efficient way, le Phillips' Milk
of Magnesia. It has remained for 50
years the standard with physicians,
Ono spoonful in water 'neutralizes
many times its volume In stomach
acids, and at once, The symptoms die
appear 1n five minutes..
You will never use crude methods
when you know this better method.
And you will never suffer from excess
acid when you .prove out this easy
relief, Please do that --for your own
Be sure to get the genuine Phillips'
Milk et Magneela prescribed by physi-
cians for 50 years in correcting excess
secede. Each bottle contains fel dire°'
tions—drugstore, ._ '-
By Taking Lydia.E. Pink- ,
ham's Vegetable
Wilton, Ont.—"f ant taking Lydia!
E. Pinkhatn's Vegetable Compound.
throughthe Change
of Life. It helps me -
and 8 cannot praise
it too highly 8 was'
troubled with heat'
flashes and my l
Thisbe were heavy'
so I could hardly
walk to do my
farm work. 8 saw
in the newspapers
your ad about the
Vegetable Coin-
" pound and thought
to give it a trial. The first battle gave
me relief and I have told others what
it does for Ire. I am willing for yott to
use my letter if yott ehooso.u--Illas.J
D. 13. Pi.rr;,us, Wilton, Ontario.
Ask Tout Neighbor