HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1928-10-04, Page 5THURSDAY, OCT0237'IL 4, 1928.
Our Prices Lowest, Quality Highest
Star Ammonia, 1 plus,
Toilet paper, 7 rolls
Assorted Clweolates, 2 1,, boa
Assorted Chocolate }3aa's, 7 for
Redicat Macaroni, 3 lbs for
Fresh Dates, ' 3 lbs. for
We set the pace, these prices are for one week from today
Ross J. Sproat at.
Rf<one g
o Rhone 'i7
W. M...Ste t
Over 1000 stores in Canada.
Seven. Deliveries each Day
eR B1 -\M
We pay the highest prices for good cream. .
Our services to our patrons are the best that can be given.
Do not send your cream to other Creameries; we want
it here.
To operate a Creamery we need your co-operation.
In return for you co-operation we will give you of our
•best in service and prices.
W e are agent for the Meliotte. Cream Separators; Come
in incl see the new Models.
•Seadorth creamery Co. Seaforth, Ont.
C. A. BARBER, Prop.
W, Walker &, Son
=‘,t -
Motor or Horse Equipment
W. J
vernfnent diploma license.
Flowers Furnished.
Night or day phone 67.
Hi Melones
Of Wingham, will be at the
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth
Monday, Wednesday and
Friday Afternoons
Diseases of all kinds success-
fully treated.
Eleatricity used.
Beware of an Itchy Spot
Keep your Bair and scalp
clean, also free from dan-
druff by having your next
shampoo at
Just around the Corner in
•the Dominion Bank Build-
Phone 125.
Pianos Tuned
leaned and
Chas. A. Howey
Residence—.James, St.
The Y."P. S. C. 3. held their regular
meeting on Monclay everting, Oct. 1,.
ander, the vice+presidency of Mr.
Kenneth Jackson. After singing hymn
t09, the president Leif in prayer. Mise
Vera Hudson favored the society with
two numberl, which were very mttcji
enjoyed, The Scripture lesson was
read by Miss Gladys Way. Miss Grace
Casientieni then gave a solo, "This is
:sty task." Rev,' Mr, I ane then gave,.
an address on "Phe New Citizenship,.
A flower contest was held during in.,
•erm.issiott. The minutes were read by
the secretary, After the business
part of the meeting hymn' 31`2' was
sting, The aneoting closed with the
Mizp'ah benediction.
Real Estate, Conveyancing, Bonds
and investments
Phone 152
Removed to New- Office, opposite
Daly Ford Garage
Seaforth, Ontario.
Friday, October 5th
Music by
of Blyth,
Admission 95c and tax
Lunch Served.
Quite a number have returned from
the West last week and report the
weather prelfty snappy when they left,
il in
forget the dance to be held Dont
the hall this Friday night. Blyth or-
chestra in 'attendance.
The wedding of Mr. Joseph. Little
and .Miss Eugenie Geddes, of Bel -
grave, took place. at Wingham Manse
last Saturday, Sept. 29. They left on
a motor trip to Niagara Falls and on
their return will reside on the groom's
fine farm cast of the village. We
welcome Mrs. Little to our neighbor-
hood and wish tidnn
manynY happy
prosperous years of wedded lie.
1 -,fns. D. Holmes visited her sister,
arias 13etts, this week,
\Ue are sorry to hear o'f so many
being on the sick list with the "flu:"
\Ve wish them all a speedy recovery.
1We were sorry to learn of the
death of Mrs. Davidson last week. We
extend our deepest sympathy to those
that are left to mourn the loss of a
loving mother.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Wade and Mrs.
Netherhy, of-Belarave, spent Sunday
with .lir. and Mrs. F. Bullard.
Mr. acid -Mrs. John Brennan and
Mr. and Mrs. WilIdant Jordan visited
at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Joe
Coolie, of Kirkton.
Mr. and Mrs, John Meagher and
Mrs, William Feeney visited friends
in Thorold over the'week-end.
Mrs. Leo Holland and family re-
turned to Windsor on Friday after a
month's visit 'with her mother, Mrs.
T. M.aIon ey.
Mrs, James Feeney, Sr., is'visiting
with her son, Ali. John Feeney, of
Mr. Teddy Hickey, of Chicago, is
visiting with his mother, Mrs.- Walter
Mr, and Mrs. P. Mcl;aughtie aid
ivir, and Mrs. W, Manley'spent Sun -
clay at the home of Mr. Peter and
Miss untie Godley, Logan,
Miss Ellie Duffy had 'a successful
bee to haul in her harvest last Satur-
day. •
'Mr. Frank-iDempsey net with• a
1'a1416.0 accident when somehow he
canoe in contact, with some glass, cut-
ting an artery in -his arta,' It was dif-
ficult to stop the flow of blond from
Want and For Sale ads, 3 tittles Sec
Maaat a. Leslie M gay and .Moss
McGonigle, of Katcheuer, spent Sun-
day at their respective homes,
Mr. S nnutet J'acksou spent the Week
end at Kitchener,
Mr. and Mrs. 'Phomas Cole, of To-
ronto, were visitors at the home of
Mr. Geoege Hills this week.
Mr. Fred Robinson, we are sorry to
say, is not enjoying. his usual good
health at present.
Miss Dorothy Robinson, of London,
Vs the guest this week at the home of
her -grandparents, Me, and Mrs, Fred
,Mr. \1Ftllliam Charlesworth, of To,
ionto, was a guest at the home of his
sister, Mos. Will. Govenlock, one day
this week
Messrs. Alex, MacNeill and ,Stanley
Hayes, accompanied by Misses Janet
Sinith, Louise Hunter, Isabel' and
Marion Symington, of Sarnia, motor-
ect to Sealforfh and were Sunday Visit-
ors with Miss Margaret Smith, form-
erly of Sarnia,
Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Dodds, of
Oak Park, have just returned home
after a visit with relatives and friends
in Hullett and MdKillop and ,were ac-
companied home by their uncle and
aunt, Mr, and Mrs. Adam Dodds, of
Seaforth, who will spend so.tne time
visiting Mr. and Mrs, Dodds and
other relatives,
Mr, and Mrs, Samuel Hanna and
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kerslake attended
the anniversary services at Cromarty
on Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs,Heb. Cai f To-
ro tto were guests of -Mr. anod Mrs.
Bert Williams, Crombie Street, for n
Mr, Melvin Twiss, of .Regina, paid a
short yisit to his mother and called on
several old friends here. It is 10 years
since 'Melvin left and 'his old friends
v. ere very pleased to see him.
Mc, and Mrs. Joseph- Eckert and
Messrs. F. Limit), Ted Scott and
Harry Fuller, of Midland, spent Sun-
day with friends in this vicinity.
The ladies of St, Thomas' Angli-
can Church will hold their bazaar and
supper as usual the last week in No-
Mr. Andrew McLellan, of Staffa,
who hes .been employed in the flour
mill, was badly lacerated about one
arm by a .heavy belt on Saturday
morning Mr; McLellan is at present
in the. hospital:
Mr. and Mrs. George Fitzgerald
and ,lean, rd. Hamilton,; and Mr, and
i4lrs. '1•Iarry Norris, Gronarty, and
Mr. Hugh Wright, Detroit, spent the
week -end with Mrs., Wright.
Messrs, Arnold Jeffry and Ralph
Mnir, of Detroit, visited in town aver
the week -end.
Commandant Ritchie, of the Immi-
gration Dept., was a 'visitor in town
during the week and was the guest of
Mr. and MOs. John McLennan.
Mr. and Ma's. Peter Gook, Lttcknow,
and Mr, ant, Mrs. Geo. Hackett, of N.
Ontario, visited Mr, and Mrs, John
Mrs. C. W. Hollingsworth is visit-
ing her mother in Brockville.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Teck and
and Mrs.
. {en
chen of Saginaw,
Mich. visited Mayor and Mrs. Gold-
ing this
--Mr. and Mrs. Salm. Deem and Miss
E' fy Deem and Mr, Art. Deem, of
Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
liam Deem, over the week -end.
Mrs. Colin Campbell and daughter
1Tangaret, of Perth, visited with the
tformer's aunt, Mrs. J. H. Broadfcot,
and cousins, Misses 'Brine.
Mr. Graham Kerr, of Northern On-
tario, is Visiting his parents, Mr. and'
Mrs. J. L. Kerr.
-lir. and Mrs. J. H. Smith, Edha,
Earl and Wilfrid. of Toronto, spent
several days this week on town
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Bateman and
famiiy are moving to :Hamilton this
Miss Grace Casent-ieri, nurse-in
training at Seaforth hospital, spent
Friday with Miss Ethel Jackson.
Mrs. George Elgie, of Egmottdville,
is visiting thin Week at the home of
Mr. Robert Elgie..
Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Murray and
fancily, of Woodham, spent Sunday
with 1-1n0 and Mrs. Cecil Murray.
• Hanna and fam-
r. and Mrs. Alex.
Mr. • Mrs. Fred.
'Mitchell, ill. and s
ply, of'li ,
litathwell and family, Mrs. Johnson
and Olive, of Brueeield, spent Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs. John Elgie.
Quite a number from here attended
Ole reopening services at Cromarty
on Sunday, also the supper on Mon-
day night.
Miss Alice Thompton, of Stratford,
Spent' the week -end at the home of
her father, ,lir; 4\T. Thompson.
The 'farmers are starting to harvest
their corn,
ivfiss M. V' Martin has been under
the doctor's care this week. Hope she
will soon be better.
Mr. and Mrs, T. Coleman have gone
to Toronto for a visit.
,Mr. and Mrs. John Gerber, of In-
diana, USA., are the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. V Gerber of the Bronson
Mrs. W. J, Tough is ' sojourning
with friends at Blyth,
On Sunday last, Mn.- Sant. Hohner
had the misfortune to lose a valuable
young horse. Mr. 1•Io'lner had com-
pleted threshing on the previous fore-
noon,—and, it appears, some wheat
had leaked from the granary above
into the anintals.'feed boxwith the
result that it got an overfeed and died
in Spite of all that "vetediinary skill
could do,
Mr, and Mrs. Charles t,indehfield
and family, of Pat•ldnill, were Senday
visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Attie Keys,
of the Babylon Line, Mrs. Linden -
field (formerly \fisc Gertrude Gra'
ham) taught Babylon Line school
some y'ear's ago and matte her home
with Mr. and Mrs. Keys.
]•terns. of news always welcome.
The date of the Fowl Dinner in
Seaforth United. Church
Monday, October 29th
Everybody Come,
St. Andrew's United Church, •Kip -
pen, will hold their anniversary on
Sunday, October 7th, Tltis would
have been the Sixtieth anniversary of
-the former Methodist Church, Klip-
pen. For this occasion, ,Rev. G, N.
Hazen, B.A., of Centennial Church,
London,, Ontario, has 'been secured as
the special speaker for the day. Ser-
vices Il a.m, and 7.30 p.m.
:4In•s. George ,Squires and Miss Mary
Dayman, of Granton, visited at the
home of lir. and Mrs, James McCly-
rnont one day duping the past week.
Mr. and Nirs, Wankel, of Seaforth,
visited at the home of Mr, and Mrs.
1\res, French.
Miss Helen Dinsdate, of Stratford,
visited at the li'onte of her parents
over the weelc-end.
Mr. and Mrs, 'Phomas Churchill,
Mr. and Mrs, Sant, Kastle, Miss S.
Livermore, of Clinton, visited at the
hone of lir. and Mrs, Clifford Wat-
son on Sunday.
Mr, and ,MrsJ B. McLean and Mr,
anti Mrs, J. W. \ioLean spent a very
pleasant visit with friends in Ripley
one day recently.
Farmers are finding it difficult to
save their bean crop on account of -the
continued wet Heather, -
ltr, W. 1[. Doig k making exten-
sive improvements to his barn and
outbuildings, which adds much to the
appearance of them.
Miss Rosa M'dLean, rsf Parkhilh
spent the week -end with her parents
it: the village.
Mr, William McDonald spent a
pleasant visit with friends in Windsor
and Essex county recently.
Rally Day services in St, Andrew's
on Sunday last were well attended and
a good success. The scholars had
their work up well and deserve great
It will Relieve a Cold.—Cold's are
the commonest ailments of mankind
and if neglected may: lead to serious
conditions. Dr.. Thomas' Eciectric
Oil will relieve the bronchial pass-
ages of inflammation speedily and
thoroughly and will strengthen them
against subsequent attack. And as it
ratios the inflammation it will visually
stop the cough because it allays the
irritation in the throat. -Try it and
prove it.
Prize -winners at ,Staffa school fair
held on September 24th.
Poultry—JW..Leghorns — Cockerel,
Beatrice Drover, Harry Dinnin; pal-
lett, Beatrice 'Drover, Albert Diinnin;
pair, ,Laura Dinnin, Morley Davis.
Barred Plymouth Rocks — Cockerel,
Malcolm; I ar
Daltont Ia co m Dora t bars a
Willie Norman, titre Butson, Clifford Mary
Hamilton pullet Doris Sararas, Dal-
ton Malcolm, Robert :Hamilton, Nor-
man Dow, ]Flossie Butson. Pair of
Geese—Robert .Carbert, Flossie But-
son. Pair of Ducks—Helen Norris,
Clifford Normae, Jean Seale, Carman
McPherson, Clifford Fawcett,
Live Stock-1}Ieavy Colt under one
year, Leslie Fawcett; trained and
groomed colt, Leslie Fawcett. Calf,
under one year, Lyle Docking, Jim
Scott, Robert iCanbert. Pair pigs un-
der 3 mos.—Mary Hamilton, Clifford
Norman, Harold McPherson, Robert
Carted, ,Hazel Colquhoun. Special,
best pet—Zeo Trevitte, Maurice Ryan,
Robert Carhert, Iva Leary, Hugh
Roots -- Marigolds — iLeta McCart-
ney, Ross 'McPherson, Cannan Mc-
Pherson, Frank 'Scott, Harold 'Mc-
Pherson. Turnips—Lela McCartney,
Arthur Barbour, Eldon 'Barbour. Mar-
rf Frank 'Scott.
Potatoes - Irish Cobblers—Lorne
Kay, Norval ,Norris, ff-Iarold McPher-
son, Carman McPherson, Janet Chap-
pel Dooleys—Kenneth Burns, 'Ross
McPherson, Carman McPherson,
Lorne Kay, 1ltno'ld McPherson.
Green Mountain Potatoes—Beatrice
Drover, Beatrice 'Harburn, Willie
Butson, jean Smale, Flossie Butson,
Grain. -- Spring wheat, Beatrice
P b" w e
Harburn, Eldon Allen. e Fall wheat,
sheaf, Dalton Malcolm, John Chappel,
Willie Harburn. Oats, sheaf, Dalton
Malcolm, Beatrice Drover. Barley,
sheaf, Anthony Allen, Wilfrid Anns,
John Chappel, Milton Lavery. Mar-
quis wheat, 1 pt.. Willie Harburn, El-
don Allen. 'Oats, 0.rA.C, 72, 1 pt.,
Willie Harburn, Fred ,Harburn, Sarah
Harburn, Beatrice, Drover, Ernest
Rayburn. 'Barley, O.A.C. 21, 1 pt.,
Anthony Allen, Dalton Malcolm, Bea-
trice Drover, John Chappel. Corn for
ensilage, llar•jorie. Hannon, \Wilfrid
Annis, Iva Leary, Norval Norris,
Harry Drake,
Vegetables Carrots — Isabel
Drake, Gladys Miller. Harry Drake,
Norman Dow, Norval Norris. Onions
-.[nlnrence Malcolm, Leslie Miller,
Beatrice Drover. Thomas ' Bingham,
Dnnalda Gray. Beets --,John Chappel,
Dalton Malcolm, Lorne Nay, Florence
Malcolm, Dorothy Dow. Parsnips --
Florence Malcolm, Isabel Drake. Will
Harbtu•n, Ernest Harburn, Freda
Harburn. Tomatoes—Isabel Drake,
Clarence Coleman, Sarah Harburn,
Barry Dnatce., Norval Norris, Green
Cucumbers -- Wilfrid Annis, Norval
Norris, Isabel Templeman, Dalton
'Malcolm, Doris Sararas Sweet Corn
—Norval Norris, Wilfrid Annis, Jean
Smale, Flossie Butson, Beatrice Drov.
ee.Pcnit lciii.W-Calvin, Chnni,tic, Eldon
Allen, Flarold Davis, \VilMa Hamil-
ton, Sarah H,btu•n. Cabbage—lst,
No Nanm, Isabela Penipleint Beat
'les Drover, Dalton Malcolm, Lela.
McCartney. t'itroli--!Beatrice Drover,
Lorne Kay, Flossie Butson, Bob. Ha-
milton. Willie Butson. ]Squash ---Mary
Dow Ada Leslie, Morley Davis, Mor-
ena, Malcolm, lack.Malcolm.
,Fruits. —, Apples—..Spies, Beatrice
TTarbut n, Lorne Nay, Lloyd Craw-
ford, Marjorie 11aution, Janet Chap-
pel; lleid:vvins Ross Hoggarth, Beat-
rice Drover, Isabel Drake, Gordon
Scott, Muriel Drake; Russett, Lloyd
Crawford, Harry Drake, Ernest ITar-
bran, Lorne Kay,: Nelson Dow;
Snows, Beatrice Drover, Lorne Kay,
]Sari lDrover, Arnold Barbour, Willie I
Butson; Greenings, fteatriee llarbucti, i
Beatrice .Drover, Marian Kerslake,
Eat' Drover James Annis.; Kings,
John Chappel, :41arjorie Hannon,
saran Harburn, Russell Miller, Lloyd
Crawford, Alexander,—{Harry Dm -
ale; Tatman Sweets--4toss Hoggarth,
Arnold littrb,nr, Marjorie Hannon,
Beatrice ])rover, Albert Dinnin. Fall
Pears --Hazel Norris, Beryl Norris,
Thomas Bingham, Norval Norris,
Milton Lavery, Collection of 10 Ap-
ples—iBeatrice Drover, Mary L. Dow,
James Annis, John Chappel, Harry
Drake. Apple naming couteat-03eat-
rice Drover, Barry Drake, Dalton
Malcolm, Doris Sararas, Ethel Roney.
Elowcrs,--,Asters Plain bouquet,
Marjorie Hannon, Eldon Allen;
Thomas Bingham, Ross Hoggarth,
Hazel Colquhoun; mixed asters, Mar-
jorie Hannon, Isabelle Gray, Beatrice
Drover, Anthem), Allen Isabelle
Drake Zinnias, Anthony Alien, Lela
McCartney. Isabelle Templeman, Earl
Drover, Gladys Miller. Calendula
Beatrice Drover, Ross Hoggarth, El-
don Alen, Flossie Butson, Sarah Her -
burn. Fr. Marigolds --Beatrice Drov-
er, Ada Leslie, Dalton Malcolm, Lva
Leary, Marjorie Hannon. Coreopsis
--Beatrice Drover, Cosmos—John
Chappell, Iva Leary, Flossie Butson,
Willie Butson, Isabelle Drake. Afri-
can Marigolds --.Dorothy McLaren,
Marjorie Hannon, Hazel Colquhoun,
Florence Malcolm, Lela McCartney.
Phlox—Iva Leary, Muriel Drake, .Bea-
trice Drover, Aldean-Docking, Gladys
miller, Verbena—Oldean Docking,
Sweet Peas --Eldon Arlen, Erie Malcolm,Tref-
fry, Gladys Miller, Florence
Dorothy Gray. Dahlia --Margaret Al-
len, Jean Colquhoun, Harotcl McPher-
,ml, Clifford Docking, Hazel Colqu-
lmtm. Gladioli—Vera Allen, Ada Les-
lie, Carman McPherson, No name.
Manual Work—Article with jack-
knife'—Roger Christie, Murray Chris-
tie, William Harburn, Earl Drover,
Harvey Dinnin, Knife Box—John
Chappa, Earl' Drover, Ernest Har-
burn, Grain bag—Earl Drover, Ross
McPherson, Carman 'McPherson, Er-
nest Harburn, John Chappel. Axe
Handle—Clarence Coleman, Harmful
Insects—John Chappel, Janet Chap-
pel. Wood Collection—Dalton Mal-
colm, Alex. Hackney, Roger Christie,
Janet Chappel, John Chappel. Leaf
Collection—Hazel Dow, Doris Hodge,
Dalton Malcolm, Florence Malcolm,
Gladys Miller,
,\\ ritung--Fourth Class—Mary Bur-
chill :Aldean Docking, Jean Smaie,
Ethel 'Elliott, Margaret Hamilton.
Third Class --Lela McCartney. Mur-
iel Drake, • Marion Drake, Beatrice
Drover, Norval Norris, Second Class
---Thomas Bingham, John Chappel,
Earl Drover, Beatrice Harburn,
Blanche Harrison. First Class --Gladys
Stacey, Norma Smale, Arthro• Seale,
Pearl Ross, Eldon Barbour. Primer
—Calvin Christie, Harold McPherson,
Donald Gray, Ernest Harburn. Isa-
belle Drake,
Art—Fourth Class—Doris Sararas,
Aiken Docking, Jean Smale, Hazel
Colquhoun, Clarence Coleman. Third
Class -- Arnold Barbour, Marion
Drake, Dorothy Gray, Norval Norris,
— a-
•ice H,r �
Harris.. Second Class—Bea-
Villie Butson, Benaburn l
son Stoneman, Eldon Allen, Hazel
Dom First Class—Erna Treffry, Har-
old McPherson, Pearl Ross, Ruby
afahaffy, Gladys Stacey.
Crocheting and Sewing—Knit Wash
Cloth—Jeanette Chappel, Sarah Har-
burn, Beatrice Drover. Patching a 3 -
cornered tear—Doris Sararas, Jean
Srnalc, Jeanette Scott, Beatrice Drov-
er, Jeanette Chappel. Dressed Doll—
Leura Dinnin, Hazel Coiquhoun, Dor-
Sararas, Beatrice Drover, Helen
Norris. Towel, embroidered --Doris
Sararas. Jeanette Chappel, Sarah Har-
burn, Beatrice Drover, Jean Senate.
FT.andkerchief--Agnes Mills, Mary A.
Hamilton, Frances :Annis, Wilma
Hamilton, Beatrice Drover.
Crocheting and Sewing.—Darning
with wool—;Beatrice Drover. Gladys
Miller, Sarah Harburn, Janet Chap-
pel. School apron --Jean Smale, Flos-
sie Butson, Doris Sararas, Janet Chap-
pel, Isabelle
Templeman.lemut. Handy
kit -
article—Sarah Harburn, Doris
Sararas, Janet. Chappel, Beatrice
Drover, 'Margaret Hamilton. Lace for
doiley—Sarah Harburn, Janet Chap-
pel, Beatrice Drover, Girls' house
dress --Ellett Chappel.
Cooking. --Fancy Cookies -- Muriel
Drake. Gladys Miller, Janet Chappel,
Doris Sararas, Beatrice Drover. Loaf
White Bread—Jean Colquhoun, Ellen
Chappel. Punt
liott, Ellen Chappel Dark Layer
Cake—Gladys Miller, Jean Smaie,
Dorothy Miller, Francis Annis, Dor-
othy Gray, Light Layer Cake—Mar-
ion Scott, Jean Smote, Flossie Btitson,
Dorothy Gray, Gladys Miller. Muf-
tins.--_iLela McCartney, Dorothy Gray,
Isabel Gray, Mary I. Dow, Flossie
Butson, Plain `Cookies. — Marion
Drake, Beatrice Drover, Jeanette
Scott, Gladys Miller, Sarah Harburn.
School htch--Beatrice Drover, Flos-
sie Butson, Jeanette Scott, Isabelle
Gray. Mariun Drake,
Canning. ---Tumbler of jelly—Beat-
rice Drover, Helen Norris, Sarah
Harburn, Dorothy MacLaren, Jean
Smaie. Pickled Cucumbers ---,Doris
Sararas. Flossie Butson, Beatrice
Drover, Dorothy Gray, Gladys Miller,
Canned corn, Erla Trefiry, Gladys
:\fillet', Doris Sararas, 4111 No Name,
Beatrice Drover, Canned beets.--
Bet•tie Britton Flossie Butson, Rhea
Ross, Dorothy Maclsrean, Marion
St•athcona Physical Exercises ---
Hibbert No. 3, Hilbert No. 2, :Rib-
bon No. 5.
Best dressed School--iHibbert No.
d. TTilnbert anti Logan U. 1, -Hilbert
No, 2,
Public Speaking—Jean Smale. Al-
l -
bet Din nin, Clarence Co'emau, .Ethel
Roney, Charlie Roney.
:+:ports.--iRaees--Girls tinder 8, Ada
Leslie, Ellen Srnalc• ;lean Tuffin; boys
tinder 8, Harold McPhc'rsnn, Gordon
Aikens, hen Buina: girls under 10,
Dorothy Stacey, Beatrice Drover,
Norma Smale; boys under 10, Wilfrid
Annis, Wilfrid Scott, Clarence Tuffin;
ems under 12, Dorothy Sararas, jean
,h,ntnle, Marion Drake; boys under 12,
Frank Scott, Ross McPherson Char-
lie Roney: girls under 15, Helen Nor-
ris, Dorothy Sararas, Jean Smale;
hogs tinder 15 Frank Scott,.Roas Mc-
Pherson, Roger Christie, Girls' three-
legged race--M,argar•et 1Iatutltoe and
P 3CaE P1!V
UMPTNG and carrying
water is not just herr&
wort; ft's tlrudgery,--•
sIavery i
Who could be happy and iiealtby ptrmp-
fog and carrying tons of water each year?
Why tolerate such drudgery when a Duro
Water System will deliver fresh running
water under pressure to your kitchen, bath-
room and grounds dor 10 cents per 1000
The low first cosi of a Duro Water Sys-
tem will surprise you. Duro gives satisfac-
tory water service at lowest cost. And now
you can have fresh running water under
pressure at less cost than ever before.
See us for complete details.
No obligation.
The Empire Brass Mfg, Co.. Limited,
London, 'Toronto, Winnipeg, Vancoa ter
Style No. 400.
400 gals. per
�n�-�`�"Oj Svsterns
Velma McLaren;J can Seale and
Helen Norris; Rhea Ross and Doro-
thy Sararas. Boys' three-legged race
—Frank Scott and Roger Christie;
Arthur Senate and Roy Ross: Wilfrid
Allen and Ross. Girls' sack race --
Helen Norris, Rhea Ross, Dorothy
Sararas. Boys' sack race - Roger
Christie, Roy Ross, Arthur Smale.
Teachers' race—Peart Thompson, Al-
vin Dodds, 3, Gilfill:n. Wheelbarrow
race—,John Drown and John Miller;
Clarence Coleman and C.Rone
Roney; Cc
Tuffin and William Fawcett
_A trophy about right inches high
and suitably engraved, will be present-
ed by the T. Eaton Ltd., to the pupil
winning the highest number of points.
Hiss Beatrice Drover has icon the
trophy. Two other prizes were don-
ated by the T. Eaton Co.<Ltd. to the
second and third highest. The winners
of these two prizes has not yet been
A Good Portion
of beet served to you for the evening
meal, roasted about medium, with the
blood gravy oozing through, gives
one a foundation. It just makes one's
mouth water to think of it. How
-was that last piece of meat we gent -
you? Wasn't it fine.
Your Butcher.
Phone 58 Seaforth.
The St,eci 1 Milverton
We have it --Give it a Trial, Also
Grain Screenings - Chop of All Kinds
Goodyear Tires and Tubes.
flattery Sales and Service.
Charging and Repairing all makes of Batteries.
A good line o1 new and used'part,+ of different makes of Dare,
11 your ear is in need of repairs, give us
Studebaker Sales and Service
e r (tilaracge
PHONE 167irti7