HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1928-10-04, Page 42AQE1 FOUR THE SEAFORTH NEWS Snowdon Bros„ Publishers. Jr, III:---McGt•:ath, Mary; Miles, !nom Lillian; ;Melady, 'Toxo; Bart, Albert; McQuaid, Irene; O'Sutllivau, Ella; l Cranui Jacks O'Stillivate Edward; Holland, i3eaceliet. Senior I,--�O1Reilly, josePht Hart, Glary; Roach, Isabel Roach, Edward; O'Reilly, Louts. Jr,L--Roach, Jack; Murphy, Ralph. Primary—McQuaid, Wilfred O'- Relly Francis; Holland, Cone Roach, Elizabeth; Mart, Joseph; Cleary, ?e't- riek;, McGrath; 'Patriek; O'Sullivan,, Patrick. Miss Dorothy Melady, of Stratford, spent Sunday at her home here, Miss Sadie Queenan spent Sunday visiting her friend, Miss Lucy Berke, Mrs. George Klein, Mrs. James Greeuing and Miss Hannah Downey. Of Saginaw, attended the funeral of the late John O"Byrtte ori Tuesday ntornin:g, Death of Old Resident,—An old resident of this community passed Peacefully away ori Sunday morning, Sept. 30th, in the person of John 0'- t3yrne, at the age of seventy-six years. Mr, 01Byrtle was born in the year 'll?!5:, on lot six, concession 3, M- Kiliop, where, with the exception of woods it few years in the liicluigan t and two in Manitoba, he had lived all his life. He wits a quiet mean and well liked in the community. His funeral W ALTON, Death 'of ,Nies. Davidson, — There Massed away shortly:'after 10 o'clock Thursday ,morning, Septetnber 27th,, .i3etsy <Auth Leve, relict of the late Thomas IDaVidsoa, int her •76th year. Mrs, Davidson hied been confined,to bed four weeks. .Born oe the Us- bnrne'aHibbert boundary, daughter of Wile- late Samuel and Mrs, Love, she ametteel with the family to Morris when a young. woman, She lived in McKtt- Eap far three years prior to her mar- eiriage to Mr. • Thomas Davidson 52 • _wears ago, and since then her home tad, been on the 12th concession of 3 eKillo.p,;an the farm an which she clied, Mr, Davidson predeceased her fifteen years ago 'last May. •0.1 a 'kindly nature, Mrs. Davidson possess rd those priceless qualities, which -anode her •beloved by her family, and a large circle of friends, In time of -'need she was ever ready to lend a 'helping hand. She leaves to mourn the loss of a loving mother five'daugh- ters and two sorts: Mrs, C. A. Hillen, - Walton; Mrs, J. D. Gorley. 'McTav- sh Man„ Mrs. A. Avery, Winnipeg, 'Mae.; Mrs. H. W. Allen, Saskatoon, .sale,; Miss Bessie Davidson and Ed- win, at home, and S, L, Davidson, Balmoral, Man. Another son, Nelson t)aviclson, was killed overseas on Sept. 7th, 1918, She leaves four broth- , ers and four sisters: George Love, of :Seattle, W'ash.; Samuel Love, Mile- . ;tone, Sask.; William Love, Ewart, 'Mane Joseph Love, Walton; Mrs. William Menary, Mount Vernon, Wash„ Mrs, William Dow, Crom- arty; Mrs, George Armstrong, Bel - greet,: Mrs. Thomas Kirkeonnell, eltiheppard, Miele The funeral took •,glace Sunday afternoon to Brussels cemetery, Rev. W. J. -Maines officiat- ed, assisted by Rev, W. F. Smith. The {tallbearers were four nephews, Ed- win and Allen 'Armstrong, Walter Davidson, Clifford Dow, and two nei- sebhors, William Leeming and Duncan 'McNichol. Among those Erdm a dis- • tance who attended the funeral were • Mrs, Avery, airs. Allen and Mrs. Kirkconncil, and Mr, S. Love, also Mr. and airs. Gowland, of Fergus, - 'The floral .tributes were many a.nd Beautiful and included Mr. and Mrs.- ,ta. L. Davidson, broken wreath; Moth - ere and sisters, pillow family. pillgw; Leeming family, • pillow: Walter and and Margaret Davidson, spray; - Mrs. Gowland, 'spray; Mrs. William Davidson and Clara, spray, and many - beautiful bouquets. _ airs. James Baillie and children • spent Sunday visiting friend.' in the v ?tlsvge. Mr. and Mrs. C. Snelling, of Mitch- • ll, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Will Humphries, Miss K. Coulter, who has been vie - ;Meg her sister. Mrs, C. Case, has re- turned to her position in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs, C. Gowland, of Fer- gus, visited at the home of Mrs. esowland s father, Mr. 5. W. Forbes, over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. P. Taylor and daugh- -er, who have been visiting friends up 'tt Cochrane; have' returned to • their :"tome. They travelled by motor. We are sorry to hear that Mr. Id. Rowland has been confined to his bed :itarMg the past week owing to an at - rack of the flu. Mr, and Mrs. David Sholdice spent Sunday at the home of Leonard Shot- - •.lice, Seaforth. • NMr, and Mrs. S. Love left Wednes- day morning For their home in the 'West. There was a large crowd gathered Walton Saturday morning to share the reduced prices of the :ate W. d. Nears stock. I; was a busy place -wont early morning till night. Messrs. Bernie ec McLeod, of Listowel, have • taken over the store. Mr. ass lire. P. McDonald, of Hul-' etc, returned home after a two weeks' visit with lir. and Mrs. Sidon, of New L+:,keard, Laura Hay has returned home after a l:?n visit with her aunt and uncle, lir ,-_d Mrs. H Skinn, of New Lisk- eerie S'h,' mat red home with Mr. and Mee. McDonald last Friday. t.. and Mrs F. A. Hambtev. Miss Vera and Mr. Harvey spent Sunday afternoon at x. N. Campbell's. Miss Isabel Eaten, Winthrop. spent the week -end with Miss Mary Ennis. Mrs. Beatrice Perdue visited eher item. \fes. Cook, in Toronto, this week The.\nglican Ladies' Aid met at Mrs. William Stewart's .,r. Tuesday. The Endeavor meeting, on Sunday , `vetdttg was !n charge 1f- the exe- cutive. -firs. Ge. age Kelly liens the mis- fortune- to break her arta One day last ;week Miss Helen C han,l:er. of -F ,r lw.elt. formerly .,f Walter: fettered \ et ria i-ollege Terme-, Vitieersity. last . week. tiir. ate Mrs, George e Hudie anti ia.n,lt. f Goierich Ta wn ship, vited with Mr and Mrs. Tiseras is St ey. of it K iiop. tt, ?eget beim: their Slau- ghter: .ilee ;he; nephews. Messrs 1l,erv,' ant is trenct H7 die• Mr. and Mrs. Harvey- FIudie atittel- ..„3 the Harves'. Thanksgiving .er, ce- helsi in the Anglican Church, S, of .rth. conducted be Rev, L C. Hair.- Clu :n on Sunday eveniab Mrs. F Ni .hol and family. - ef \t- ,v(„7d, tis ite:i their a .t h,.. 1M. etre ' %fr.. Themes Clark. ST. COLUMBAN. lite fallowing is the report of tea. No. 3. Hibbert and \IcKtltnp. far the month •,f September. The names are tt order of merit. 'Fenn 11 ---Meylati Prank: t7 C t.- inr. lfary: Shea, Jelly: \ k n .:. Tante:. F .•n: I. .awease T't .abet ., Delete l3r.deet. li„lianrl J,htt: 1)elavey. :17 t t Erkert, Vincot t; Eckert, fele!: : Mf lady. Rose: McQuaid; John: Senior TV.-•F1'anuery Alice; Flan- nery. Cather:1w; Reiland. Kale: Ftart, Mary. Junior lae. tee -mite Alphonse: Hol- land, Loretto; Delaney, Agte•d; Miles, Mary; 'Tart, Edward; Cronin. 'Hamm: McQuaid, Mary; O'Sullivan, Florence. Senor IfLeatalurphy, Mary; (t'Snl, livisit, Mere' ,.a[elegy, ?argue. was held on 'Tuesday, Oct, and, from the residence of Mr, Owen Hart. Re- gniem Mass was_ celebrated at St. Columba', Clutrtih by Father Dantzer, after which the remains were laid to rest in St. Coluntban cemetery. Ile is inrvived by two sisters, Mrs, •George Klein and Mee jetties Greening, bout of Saginaw, Mich.. Both sisters at- tended the funeral. The pallbearers wire six old neighbors, Thomas Feeney. Peter O'Sullivan, Michael Matthews, Edward Krauskopf, Terry 1 htnttery and Jdhn Walsh, Certain morbid conditions must exist in the stomach and the in- testines to encourage worms, and they will exist as long as these morbid condibiotis permit them to. To be rid of them and spare the child -suffering, use Millers Worm Powd- ers. They will correct the digestive irregularities by destroying the worms, conditions favorable to worms will disappear, and the childwillhave no more suffering from that -cause. BLYTH. Miss Janet Laidlaw,- Suuiday even- ing, Sept. 30, Miss Janet Laidlaw passed away. at her 'tome on Dinsley Street, terminating en illness eevhich had confined her to bed since the sec- ond week df August. Until this sum- mer Miss Laidlaw enjoyed the best of health. An ardent worker in St. An- drew's United Church, and formerly Presbyterian Church, Iter loss is deeply felt and especially in the ” W.• M.S. and Ladies' Aid of that church. Born 48 years ago, daughter of the hate Mr. and Mrs. Robert Laidlaw, of 8th concession, Morris Township, she spent the noose of Iter life in this vi- cinity. - -C _t=ear ago she and her brother, Mr. James Laidlaw•, moved into the house in which -her death ccurred. Four brothers survive, Messrs. James, David and Tltontas Laidlaw, of this vicinity, and Dr. John Laidlaw, of Toronto, .One sister, Eliz- abeth, predeceased her 20 years ago. The funeral, held on Tuesday at 2:30 pen.. from her late residence. was at- tended by a wide circle of friends and relatives in thie district. Rev. George Weir and Rev. T. \W. Goodwill con- ducted the services. A duet was sung by Messrs, John -McArthur and Dud- ley Leith and also a solo by Mr. Harvey McGee. There were many beautiful tributes. Flower - bearers were Cleta 'Watson. Jean Laidlaw, Effie Laidlaw and Stella Richmond. The pallbearers were: Dr. Perdue William Watson, San:. Poplestona, Reber; Powell, 'ret iia. Kelly. Bob- er: Watt. :Among those- from a dis- tance who attended the funeral were Miss Margaret Moore, Georgetown; Mr. Willie -[pore, Milton; Mrs, William Richmond, Toronto, and Dr. initn Laidlaw. Toronto. Mrs. Harwood of Stratford. who t.,ts making calls in conneetien with the Lord's Day Alliance work, Bret anti 11 good success. Queen St. W.M.S.--The monthly tweeting en Tuesday afterne. t :,..7e- 2, w'as welt attendee. ,.nes with \Vatcitwori. Hymn 176 eae sung. The r.levotsettat pereed as taken by alre Colctcdgl- .e tjc•ct being '`(lad's Po e len M (lambs- lea In prayer, galowed ee me Leal s eiwyee in a..: , 1)e,' Wilford seafees interesting lettere•'n. m._ - i ' na :es :v tvere t:pp:ring in Dr, Wile -wee, statien r,.na luring a ebe t ah - :ter. The lettere gave 0 th. k that wag bearer dere Mre. Wgttna't gave ; reaitng.m "New teerelitime."'i:,w 'i icy hymn 224, ['raver fferee by Mrs, Hesk pt bale ;yas pae e•[ and sent Canter; -, ipply werk. Anteater will -k: 1 betere T a g' ng The gseeutive are erraeging fer the pen - \t MIS. C afereitce Au - ' n. the date o: •rhteh has twa yet ',••en set Representativethe con- eece were app•tin _d: Mrs. Carr. )t- \FzalMan •end Mfr,. ("V .eale etreweenwew far1,:' Thank,tler::,g • n„sent te be e'a tit.: mentli sere . i. Tire .?',-,Mg hymn was 714. •titer which M e. Carr closed tit e...eting with prayer. Shower. --On Wednesday evening, -.•rep; «f Mit- Sar.fferti 1, aleit misce'.laneees ehr,w- :-r at iter i,.,nw prior :o her wedding t c.1 takes place. quietly thie Satur- te v The neete usefralwastly ,..,: • es s i --ed vt n,, ststal' htca'nr< •,ptit itv in Myth Presentation. •-On Fridayevening. Myth, t t , n , elgr ti a.t l 1t;i,urr en gti- eke s err, its assembled ie Item. ria Hall and presented Rey. W. B. ITastk:ra with ,. pure of scar a+ t ra"ewell token Hf their apprecia t „n of hie cervices while then pester. Vise Wilma Watson presented Mrs. 'lankies with e large and beautiful lv,uquet of flowers. A pleasant rven- inC Was :pent in the Hall end 'omit- es,tt was Served at the close. t.' TI 1 t, r• t. t z• (,,,,wet Mr, Hawkins wits m ids, the recipient of a hanlemne eifr 114 the ministers T l Sl!�AFORTI NEWS 11OLVERTON FLOUR MILLS CO. .1�1MITED SE'iFORTH, ONTARIO WE ARE PAYING FOR GRAIN Wheat, Standard $1.15 per bus, Oats, Standard or over 45c per bus. Barley, Standard or over 65o per bus, Mixed Barley and Oats $1,30 per 100 These prices are, for sound, dry grain delivered at the trill, nw WE ARE SJLLIN6 Silverkiltg, Best Manitoba Patent, $4.00 per bag Keystone, Best Pastry Flour $3,75 per bag Stone Ground Whole Wheat $3,70 per bag Bran $32.00 per ton Shorts .$34.00 per ton 111iadlings $44.00 per ton These Prices Are CASH, No Delivery. F. W. DARReeII, Local Manager PHONE 51 of this Deanery, of which he has been Rural Dean, Rev. and Mrs, Ilawkins and family left on,.Tuesday for their new home in Forest, There will be no service in Trinity Clinch next Sunday as no appoint- ment has been ntaclt: as yet by the Bishop, though Rev. Mr, Shore, of Merton, has been mentioned to fill the vacancy. • Mrs. A. Colclougit spent a few days with her Sister -int -law, Mrs, J. P. Sheppard, Clinton, Mr, and Mrs. L. 0. Miller and •son Clarence, Mr. and Mrs. C. Le Bunn - side, of Goderich, were visitors with airs. A. Co'lclough on Sunday. Kelly-Kirkconnell. -- A quiet but very pretty wedding was performed in Plytit Roman Catholic Church on Tuesday morning, Oct: 2, at o'clock, when Annie Louisa, daughter of the late Jottn Kirkcomtell, and Mrs, Kirkcounell, Walton, became the bride of ,lit. William Earl Kelly, son of the late Michael Kelly, 7th conces- sion, Monis, and Mas, K'etly, Blyth. Mr. and Mrs, James l'Inrkim of Lu - can attended the beide and groom. Rev,' Father Gaffney of Clinton, offi- ciated. The wedding nitric was play- ed b'y Mrs. James Kelly. The bride was prettily gowned in sand crepe de chine,' with hat, hose ails shoes to Match, ' The gilt to the bridesmaid was a barpin, and to the groom, a pair of cuff links, Following the•cerenony a wedding breakfast was held at the house of th'e groomts brother, Mr. Mi- chael Kelly, 7th concession, Morris. Mr. and Mrs. Kelly will reside on the groom's fartn adjoining that of his 'brother. A host of friends extend best wishes for w'edd'ed happiness. Mr, and Mrs. Richard Sargeant of Cuba arevisiting iter mother, Mrs. C. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bowen of Hen salt visited his parents, air. and Mrs, Barry Bowen, , Rally Day services in Queen street church will be observed both morn- ing and evening next Sunday. Rev. Eric Anderson of Monkton will con- duct the services. Rev. •Dr, 'Barnby will take the services in MMonkton. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hanlon and son,. Garfield and Mrs. Hanlon of Detroit, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Dueling, with w-hdm they are visiting, motored to Owen Sound on Tuesday. air. William Taylor's many friends are pleased to know he is improving. Long Standing Asthma. 'Many have suffered so long from asthma and have tris l . , many so-called remedies. they think that there is no real help fru' them. They should real theletters received by the manufacturers of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy from hundreds of cases once as desperate ae their own. Even in long -neglected cases this famous preparation 'firings prompt relief, ..pa or . CONSTANCE. Watson -Rogerson.—:\ very pretty %%editing took place at the United Church. ;parsonage. Londesboro, - on Saruriay, September 29th, at 10.30 a.m., when Jessie Laving. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Rogerson of Hul- became the bride of Mr. David i\ s sen ofelfeKillop. son of the late aria air". Watson of ilitleett. Ret. 1. \\ jehnstan c,fficiat- Cite -ha-nting hride'scostume ,as bisque ra?in r. lace ,r t • silk and sae wore the gift . f the bridegroom. ing, • pearls. Her coat was press - .3 p ue. v ...xfer :eller and cuffs. The •brisie tat' -tas Miss Alberta newt. v +a;; ereeserl in green 1c g -e i3;13 she.es and hose to eatelt. Tee ar ntera t was Mr, ArmAt w,,tt a reception P'trr was .Jell t, ;lie home of ,.' t'- ;,arer.ts and afterwards Mr. see M \Wa t left on a hon- ' ta Gramore. Janis and Terarto, the bri4e a travelling dress egens slue -grey. The groom's gift to tet -•.: ma a ova- a bar pit: and to ,e sr«.am.ntan a lair :,f euff links [awn their return at the ettd of the eels the happy c„up:e will make o ee .n :he gro"on - farm in afcKillop. A hest rends join in wishes. Mr. and. Mre. Robert Rogerson .Dent Sunday at Staffa. the guests o Rev. anti Mee. Snell, at the Par tage. Mr-. f te, Stephenson attd baby son n .i' 1 returned home from Blyth on Tnerglay e.` thie week. The friend of Miss Mary Flynn e•d a miscellaneous shower in her eeto n, t Wednesday evening. Oct. . a: the home. of her parents on the ft't came:stioit. Maw. Clynn s Mar- riage takes place next Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs, Gardiner, Blyth, and ?ter, Miss Hali.. of Winnipeg, visit- ed” Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Stephenson rarer the week -end, Miss Bett air Scott return, next week tv the General Hospital, Toron- ±,. where she is in training. Mr, and airs. Alex, Leitch visited he- daughter, airs. Robert jentlesen, T5 • -•: TZ this weak. Mr. ,it•l MTrs. 1 TT. Stitt and Me. •err Leo Stephenson attended the funeral of Mrs. Stepheuason s .aunt, Miss Janet Laidlaw, Blyth, on Tuesday. Miss Dolores Lttithweite is visiting at tine (tome of Mr. and Airs. William Carter, Mrs. Jeck Ferguson entertained a number of friends on Monday after- noon, A number attended the W. M. S, Conference in Clinton on Thursday last, ,air. and Aire, Ecl, Britton attended the funeral of lairs. Britton's aunt, Mrs, Thomas 'Davidson, McKillop, on Sunday. Mr. and lets, Ernest • Adams and family 'visited Rev. and Mrs, B. Snell at Staffa on Sundae. Messrs, Dan and Will Nicholson, of Walton, visited the fornter's nephew, Mr. Adam Nicholson and family, on Sunday. - WEST BRODHAGEZ4. Mr. and Mrs. John Kiclnte and son Gordon, of Rostock, spent Sunday af- ternoon with Mr. and Mrs. • Cltai't3c Regele, and on their return trip took airs, Christian Regel'e to spend a' week at their home. - Mr. Shortreecl, of Walton, is 'busy in the neighborhood with his thresh- ing outfit. There is still a lot of grain in the fields and the farmers are anxious to save it, licit the weatherman is not favoring then. Nice sunshine is need- ed badly to dry the stooks and gratin. Mr. George Regele, who went west tvitlt the harvest excursion writes from near Moose Jaw that they have had nice weather and a good crop but there is a lot of work to do yet. Mr. Charles :Regele spent a -few days with Mr. J. Robinson and Mrs. George Stiff, Canada Co. commissioners, ,from Toronto, looking after some property in McKillop, also in Colborne and 'Goderich Townships, along the -Mait- land River bank. Miss Della Wietersen, daughter .of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wietersen, was married on Saturday to Mr. Carl Eisler, of T.o'gan. They will reside in Logan. STAFFA. Mr, and Mrs. D. Ezerman and dau- ghter, of Mitchell. visited with Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Sadler on Sunday. Mr. T. Livingston and Miss Mabel, of Constance, visited wth Rev. and ars, B. Snell on Sunday. Aiessrs. Harold O'Brien anct How- ard Leary, of -London, spent the week end at their respective homes. AIr. and Mrs. F, Hamhley, Miss \'era and Harvey spent Sunday with 1Valton friends. Mr. and Mrs. R. Silrery spent the week -end with Fergus relatives, Mr. and :Mrs. H. Golding visited with their daughter in St. Marys over the week -end, air. Lyle 1Vordeu's many friends are pleased to see hint home again. Mr. and Mrs. J. SiacTavish and faintly, of Seaforth, visited with for- mer acquaintances on Sunday. Don't forget the big Shed Opening services nn Sunday 'and Monday in the United Church when Rev. J. E. )Hues, Hickson, will conduct services at 11 a.nt. and 7.30 p.m. Sunday. On 1R,nday night a hot fowl supper will be served from 5,30 to 8, followed by a fine entertainment. Come one and all fora good1pp s t er. Mr. Sterling Barbour has bought a new ]louse in Stratford and intends moving there at once. Visa Mildred Wallace, of Seaforth, visited at Geo. Vivian's nn Sunday. Mr. and "Mrs. Free, of • Seaforth, 'pent Sunday- at Mr. Andrew lte- Lellan's and attended the opening of Crotnarty Church. BRUCEFIELD. Mr. Melvin Snider• who was eper- a;ed on War appendicitis on Sunday, Sept. 23, in Seaforth hospital. was able to he removed to his home last Sunday and we arc glad to say he is improving. Ill•. Jack Souter was home for the leek-enf. He was accompanied back to Detr•,it with his mother; her manymetals hope the change will he bene- ficial for her health, The Young People's Society held a sr•cial in the schoolroom of the church on Monday night under the capable Leader hip of Miss Janet Aikenhead, Community singing was enjoyed by all. Readings were given by ,Hazel Haugh and George d(nught. A short t,1k was given by air, Brenuter on "In Memel -km" .\ ukulele selection by Ernest Thomas was enjoyed by all, After a few :games and contests, re- freshments were aerv'cd. ':Rev, R, A. Lundy. formerly of Kip - pen, but now of the Nile, will preach hi the United Church neat Sunday morning, Oct. 7tlt, Evening services will be withdrawn on account of the anniversary services at Kipper, The :Mission Band will hold their annual thankofferitug on Saturday, , October 6th, at ,2.30 p.ttt. There will be a special speaker for the day, A hg ht lunch w'll be served. A special 'invitation exteit,1ol to all the women au'd children of the eougregation. 'Quite a number, of the 'northers of the W,M,S. and Marian Oliver Circle anetided the Womert s Missionary 'C'onferelree in Otttttria Street Church, Clinton on Sept.27th. it was a most intefesbiug anprofitable meeting', and was enjoyed .by all, Nis. kir. Stevens is at present visit-. ing at the home of her daughter, Mrs, Thompson, of Sartx'ia. Mr, Cecil Simpson, who has been away for the past few ntoittdts, has now returned to his home in the vile' lege. Mrs, Ba'sid'O'IRout'ke has returned to. ,her home after spending a few weeks in a Itospitt't'l in ;Cleveland, wtteee site was operated on for goitre. Mies Alice Munro, of London, spent Sundae at the home of her parents, aft.. and Mrs, Dan. Munro, Mrs; Ross Scott and Mrs, William Rattetbm•y and Mrs. Nevins (of Ha- milton), visited friends in Goderich: this, week, Miss Hilda Robins spent the week- end with her friend Miss Ruby Alex- ander, near Hensalf, • Airs. 'Robert Cvarttoelian of Seaforth spent the tveek,e'us at Mr. C, Oke''s. Mr. Earl Mills and Miss E. Mills, Blyth, visited at Mr. C Oke.'s, one day last week. Mr.' Ray Carnociha'u of Detroit call- ed on quite a few of his old neighbors this week: Mr, Will Hill has been laid up with blood poinsoning in his hand. We hope he will soon recover. • Miss Recta Taylor spent, Sanday with Mis% Jean Campbell. 'Mrs, George 'hill has returned to her home in the village after spending, several weeks with her sou James' of Stratford. Miss Mary Stewart is driving' a new Ford coupe. The fall order of bulbs for the hor- ticultural society has been sorted. Any who ordered .bulbs may. get them r at the home of the secretary. • lir. M. S. Anse -ahead and daughter Lillian and Miss llangaret'Aikenhead of London spent Sunday at the home of Mr, Hugh Aikenhead, Miss D. Fargiutar of London spent the weekend at her home here. !Stan Reid of London wet Lorne for the week end. 'The following- is the monthly report of S.S. No. 3, Tuckersntith, for the month of September, The names are arranged in order of merit: Sr. IV. 'Janet Watson, Elizabeth Broad'foot, Carrie Oke. Billy Calwht, Evelyn Wilson alts. Bob' MoCarthev (equal), Gordon Wright, .Mildred Ro- bins, Jr. IV.—Jean 'Watson, Willie Pape pie, Bruce A•rntstrong, Nelson For- rest. • Jr. I'I'I—W D. Wilson, Bobby Dal- rymple, Arthur Wright, Howard Wal- ter, Earl ?apple, Beatrice Aran'tsrong. IL—Gertrude Walter Annie Papp'le. Alice Wnight, Delbert Taylor. I.—Mayme Watson and Mac Wil- son (even), Donald MedDonald, Grace D'alnymple, .Isabel Armstrong (abs.) tPrinter.—Elsie Robins, Ervin Sill- ery, Ruth Walter, Myrtle Papple, Morley Wright, Ivan Taylor, Milton Taylor, Muriel Wright, - Teacher, L. Boyce. McKILLOP. The following is report of S.S. No, 4, VPdI'illop, for the month of Sep- tember. Names are in order of merit. Olive Eberhart had perfect spelling lesson each clay for the month. Sr. IV.-1Barbara Eberhart 81 per cent., Freda Webster 78, David Shannon 67. Jr. IV. 'Ruth Gordon 80, Peter Watson 77, Alec Kerr 76, Linnes Krogman 74, Lloyd Yatrtzie 68. Ar- chie Smith 55, Lulu Webster 40, ?Sr. Iff.L—Olive Eberhart 79. Jr. IIL—Scott Kerr 61. Jr. I.I -tJjetlt Shannon 89, Ross Gordon 80, George McClure 72. Kg. Pr.—Alma Lawrence (excellent work for a beginner). Number on. roll is 16, average at- tendance 15.5. 'Gladys R. Way, Teacher. Eisler-Wietersen. — A,very pretty wedding was solemnized at tic home of Mr, and Mrs. Henry Wietersen, of McKillop, on Saturday, !Sept.29'th, 1928, when their daughter, Delta Marie, was united in marriage to. Carl G, 'Gisler, son of Mr, and Mrs. Fred Eisler of Logan. At high noon to the etrains of Lohengrin's wedding march, played by Mrs, Rosie, sister of the groom, the wedding party took their places in the parlor iii'front of a w bank of floers, the bride being given away by her father. .Rev. G. IL. Gross of Auburn performed the ceremony in the presence of' about twentyefive im-' mediate relatives and •friends. The bride was beautifully :attired in white georgette,:and wore a veil nicely trimmed with orange blossoms and carried a bouquet of pink roses, Miss Adelia Hillebrecht, of Brodhagen, cousin of the groom, acted as brides- maid and Mr, •Leslie Wietersen, bro- ther of the bride, was groomsman• The groom's gift t0 the bride was .a chest of silver; to the ,bridesmaid, a coin parse; to the groomsman, a pair ui gold cull links; to the pianist, a bracelet of rhinestones. immediately after the ceremmty all enjoyed a eumptuone wedding dinner which was screed in the dining room, the' tables being appropriately decorated. The happy couple left in the afternoon amid showers of confetti to spend their honey moon at Niagara Falls, Buffalo and Detroit, The bride •tea- yelled in a gown of peach crinkled vel- vet. Upon their return they will re - Side an the groom'sfarm near Mit- chell. Their many, friends extend congratulatir'ns and hearty good wishes, ?R14th,ev. lir. Parr, of ' Goderich, wilt conduct anniversary services at Duff's Church, McKillop, on Sunday, Oct, Mr, =lime Storey and Miss Annie Pcy ce, of 'Elullett, spent Sunday at the hruue of Mr. and Mrs. Scott Bolton: lir, and Mrs, Allan Lamont spent Sunday with air. Sant. Storey Sr. 'Vise Isabel Leitch, of Morris, visit- e.t with Mee Tiren f;irrnes this past w•rc k. SI LV THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1928, Just Wbat You• Have Been Waiting !For 34 piece set at a price any one oat's al)'ord $20. 26 piece set as low as ; $12. 8 $21,75and U Other Sets - $18, P ' KNIFE and FORK SRS' S Stainless Steel, French blade, silver handles $10,50 Stainless Steel, French blade. Zylo handles $5,50, $6 50, $7.50 Stainless Steel Knives .. $3.75 and up I+'orks $2.50 and up per , S oons,t dozen $1.25, $2.50 up P Lovely 3 piece set in beautiful lined box. Consists of Tomato Server, Cold Meat Fork and Berry Spoon at $7.00 We invite you to look over our stock a. WESTCOTT A. Repairing la Specialty PHONES—Store 64W-FIouse 643 • 1111111111►,. THAT little bit of self discipline which betweene makes the difference on who saves money regularly and one who does not ... is actually worth more to the saver than his cash in hand. For while he is practising money manage- ment he is also 'developing the quality of self management ... And self manage- ment is the cornerstone of character. So that whichever way you figure it, a savings account pays. Do You want capital in funds . . '. capital in moral worth? An account with the Province of Ontario Savings Office puts them both within your reach. Dividends in. character and cash are wait- ing` for you. Get both. Start your account to -day. Nearby there's a branch that is open extra. hoursfor your ec-o n v e n i e n c e. The Government guarantees the safety of your savings and all monies may be withdrawn. at any time without notice. A dollar. will do to start, TORONTO BRANCHES:. Cor. Bey & Adelaide Sts.; Cor. Danforth & Fenwick AV..; Car. University & Dundas St. OTHER BRANCHES AT: Aylmer, Brantford, Hamilton, Newmarket, Ottawa, Owen Sound; Pembroke, Seaforth, St, Catharines, St. Mary's, Walkerton, Woodstock. Seaforth Bianch, J. M. McMillan, Manager. Hours 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday 7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m, 9:30 a,m. to 5 p.m. AVINGS OFFICE NTARIoOOM,OYMrNT PARLAMENT SUtLOtNCa ttij 41 �tnouunuw tmnnnu�. %iitmmuteenmmtuai ELIMV%LLE. , , ,:,"e � � • �� �, , ,t s, ala•, and airs. John Allison and ihurtre. , of Loudob. vtsncal sE tif., '[I. Ford's n','er the week -esti, • : - hohda ting at het home here. ev- i a s Y siert d.it this cls the fast Thursday 1Tr. l\al.el lHltn, iia, ,rtttrned to The sunbeam Trio Mtss nee f � , Gladys. en4ng, ,I•t was their first ap•peata n n, i t in Lo do It ers, tl tr. . t e y c l fr a' tvt t. a at t Se'li s std `1 efr h Ge' th Y, r to I t• not tt .a d' ' t tE td a ho e to t ers ton a w 1 V P o-' ` , t Y , T t . s n. b t ttf iter to t5 ,.ten h . Alts. I a J ) , 7 ore gave an exceptionally good coat- list, •