HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1928-10-04, Page 3Will donor Premier
Work of, Canada's Political
Leader to be Appreciated
in His Return from
Pt, Hon, W. L. MacKenzie King,
Prime Minister. of Canada, will be
the guest of honor of the Ottawa
Branch of the League of Nations
Society in Canada on his return from
Europe; Commentlug editorially
Interesting Indian
Relies : Found
Near Midland
Farmer Unearths Reminders
Indian and French Occup
ation of Our Province
Which Cover a Wide
Range of Occupa-
upon the Premier's' acceptance of
the levitation, the Ottawa Citizen Implements of Peace and War
commends the initiative of the see- Valmtble and interesting relics of
lety, and continues: "There is little Indian tribes have been. unearthed re-
doubt that it will be a very success- oontly by .Archibald Edwards, while
ful public welcome since the League ploughing on his farm on the Pane
of ,Nations Society Is -entirely non- tang Post Road, five miles south of the
Partisan, including Members of al- town of Midland,
moist every shade of political opinion. Mr, Edwards was born on the. farm
The dinner will doubtless be endorsed immediately behind and discoveries he
by Conservatives and independents, made here as a boy show that it was
as well ae by Liberals. also the site of an Indian village and
"The prime minister took the view of one of their potteries. One sandy
the spokesman of the people of Can- Yellen, as it was burnt by the fires in
himself that he went to Geneva as field always been of no use for matt-
' ada This is to be seen in a letter which, the Indians baked their earth-
which he wrote to Colonel C P. Mede- enware vessels. Many steel toma-
ditb, general secretary of the League hawks bearing the mark of the ger-
of Nations Scl.tety in Canada, from ernment of France wore found. They
reneva at the beginning of this had bean traded for furs and other
month valuables. Old coins bearing various
"The executive committee of the dates of bygone centuries and one of
society unanimously passed a resolu- 1213 A.D, were found in or around
tion, moved by Sir Robert Borden the Edwards house, which in early
and seconded by Mr. Tom Moore, ex day's was a tavern.
Pressing approval of the primo minis- Fine Stone Hatchet
's decision to •re resent Canada at T to r c fit find inclndas the head of
ter p i iecent
the ninth assembly of the League of an Indian tomahawk carved from a
Nations and to attend the meeting in kind of ironstone, rounded at one end
Paris far the purpose of signing the and flattened at the other. In the
treaty for the renunciation of war as centre at each side is a small groove.
an instrument of government policy. The handle was formed by splitting
The resolution spoke of 'the unanim- a sturdy `stick for a short distance
•ous desire of the Canadian people to and binding the stone head between
seek by all possible means the es- the forks with thongs.
tablishinent of an ordered and peace- Another article was a perfect specs-
ful world society, and the substitution ment of an Inidian bone sewing needle
for war of arbitration, conciliation and portions of two other needle of
and conference.' more substantial make. The needle is
"After attending the opening meet- about eight inches long and tapers
ing of the assembly at Geneva, from the point which is exceedingly
Premier Mackenzie King said in the sharp to about half an inch at the
communication to Colonel Meredith: top. This was used for sawing cloth -
"'In giving expression to Canadian ing and wigwams made of strips of
opinions I have been pleased indeed skin sewn with leather 'thongs. The Paris,—Maurice Rostand's new play
Ai:iantic Air Travel Will Not Be Long NOW
The British government'is building ttyvo dirigibles, one for a weekly service to Australia and the other to ply ready in the diplomatic mail pouch o£
etween London and New York, The picture shows a view of the outer side of the passenger saloon of one of the the Preach Embassy, and should be
'ratans and pact of the stain promenade deck, looking forward from the port side, received here shortly,
The details of the means by which
achnation shall join in the pact have
Pact Against War
Lists 51 Nations
Three Nations Adhere and 33
Announce intention—
Mexico is Latest
Washington,—A total of 51 nations.
have now adhered to the Pact of Paris
renouncing war or"else have signified
their intention to adhere, Prank B.
Kellogg, Secretary of State, has an-
nouneed, following the receipt of a
note from Mexico expressing its In-
tention to sign the treaty,
Since the membership of the League
of Nations totals only 54 members,
this means that most of the important
nations of the world have now an-
nounced themselves in favor of the
anti -war treaty, In addition three im-
portant nations not members of the
League—Russia, Turkey, and the Un-
ited States—have adhered or signified'
their intention to adhere.
The most important nations which
have not fallen into line behind the
treaty i:e-renounce war are Argentina,
Brazil and Chile. In addition, Colom-
bia, Ecuador, Aflghanistan, Persia,
Norway and Paraguay have failed to
communicate, either for or against the
Mr. Kellogg understands that a
copy of the Russian adherence is al -
ed painting to the highest degree of
the Indian world, These tribes were
mostly those of the Algonquin and
Athabascan nations and for the most
part their art was confined to paint-
ing theli•"wigwams. The designs were
Intricate to a degree and the rhythm
and coloring were of au exceptional
Play Causes Fuss
Rostand's New Play Napo-
leon IV Causes Offence
to England Critics
to do so in the words of the resolu- .keavy needles, were for sewing "Napoleon IV has raised such a
tion of the League of Nations Society heavier material. storm of international criticism that
In Canada quoted in- your letter'. Two interesting pipe bowls were the author has begun to modify lines
"However sharply Canadian opirr- found, one a very clever carving of blaming England and Queen Victoria
ion may be divided over political a fox's head, from a very hard stone. for the death of the only son of Na-
• questions, including the relative This piece represents the era In which, poleon III.
merits of rival party leaders, 11 the American aborigines had attained French papers were so bitterly crit' -I
should be possible to joie in cor- the height of their artistic achieve- cal of the play that English authori-
dially welcoming Mr. Mackenzie King meats. One pipe, smaller, was made ties are reported to be satisfied that
as prime minister of Canada when he at a sandy material, baked in a fire. protests from them are not needed.
returns from Geneva, wild of hear- It is extremely crude in shape and do- Rostand's version that the Prince
ing an interesting account of the
great work for peace in which Can-
ada is participating."
Zogu, photographed on the steps of
tie royal palace, in Tirana, on the
day of his coronation, -which was a
Militant affair,
sign and perhaps was the work of a
boy making his first pipe.
One other object that excited much
interest was a tooth about three inches
in, o length. The root is tee) and one-
half inches long. This has been iden-
tified at the Royal Ontario Museum as
the•lower incisor tooth of a bear, pos-
sibly of a species now extinct.
Other .objects found by Mr. Ed-
wards were two fragments of pottery
decorated in conventional Indian style
with dots, scratches and circles.
These discoveries call to mind fan-
tastic• and other theories on Indian
origin, art and habits which engaged
Europe and North 'America near the
end of the last century and the open-
ing of the present century.
Oldest and most widely known
theory is that the American aborigines
Were descendants r the Lost Tribes
of Israel. It was originated by the
late Lord Kingsborough, one of the
foremost students of mankind, after a
prolonged study. He based his claim
upon the similarity he found in many
customs and words of the Redman
with those of the Israelites. One of
the most, outstanding arguments he
brought orward was that Indian
priests. wore breast plates of beads
and circles of swan's feathers around
their necks and had used these articles
of dress for centuries before the white
man discovered them, Lard Kingebor-
ough claimed that these were the sur-
vivals of the breast plg,tes and mitresworn by the priesos of the Israelites.
Ole also found that at harvest time
the Indians he a great religious
feast, including a dance around a fire
and the shouting of the two words
Ilaleumaleu-Haleimai and Yo-He-Wah.
These were interpreted to mean Halle-
MUMand Jehovah, Tho latter boar-
ing a close relationship to the original
Hebrew word, Ye yah, which meant
"Combines" in the West
Manitoba Free Prose: After two
or three years of cautious experi-
ment, what seems like a first -close
revolution In western harvesting
Methods appears to be taking place
this year, This is in the greatly in-
creased use of "combines in the
grain fields of the prairie provinces.
In Saskatchewan alone, it is esti-
mated that 5,000 of these machines
will be used this season, ,compared
with less than six hundred in the
1927 crop year Everywhere imple-
ment dealers report that their trou-
ble is not in making sales but in sup-
plying orders already received.
Experiments in the use of the com-
bine in Western Canada began in
1922, which means that the advant-
ages claimed for ureal cannot yet be
considered as fully proved. Enough
data, however, appears to have been
collectedsto suggeet that, under cer-
tain conditions, which ' are not ex-
tremely ilititcult to Obtain, very great,
commodes in :harvesting costs can bo
A doctor of divinity has been sum
meted for playing the violin to the
annoyance of his neighbors. A clear
ease of "(hide, D. V.''
was killed in a Zulu ambush when
British officers purposely ran away be-
cause of a plot which is blamed on
Queen Victoria herself, is ridiculed by
critics. They consider it an insult to
Rostand, However, maintains that a
dramatist has a right to .utilize his-
tory, even legendary accounts, 'as they
were known at the tine of the play's
No diplomatic action is foreseen,
particularly as Rostand is changing
several lines and is considering cen-
soring a passage referring to Queen
Victoria as responsible for having
plotted the death of the Prince in or-
der to wipe out tate last of Napoleon's
One alteration was the change of a
phrase referring to the death plot from
"that is the English manner" to "that
is the common way,"
Montreal is now credited with being
the world's largest grain port. .Dur-
ing the last crop year ended July 31,
1928, 196,2447,014 bushels of grain
were shipped from Montreal. The
nearest rival as a grain port to Mont-
real is New York, which shipped 109,
551,000 bushels in the crop year 1027-
Indian Welshmen
A second theory supported by many
was advanced in.1634 by Sir Thomas
Herbert in his book, "Travois." It
was revived at the opening of the 19th
century and was one of the most
popular. This ancient sailor thought
the 'American aborigines were do-
scacendants of a colony of Welshmen
planted on American sail in 1110, by
Windomson of a Welsh prince, Owen'
Sir Thomas pointed out that many
Indian words were exactly the same
in pronunciationand meaning as many
Welsh words,
Modern Theory
It is now claimed that at one time
a' great Miocene bridge connected the
North American continedt with Asia.
Across this came various nosh from
the old world,. Subsequently, this
bridge disappeared, The whole theory
seems to, be supported by the disobv-
ery of Father GroliBn, a Jesuit mis-
stonary, of a Huron wornan of Tartary,
Her 'story was that site had been
traded from tribe 16 tribe north until
she Crossed . the bridge Into. Asia,
Tho ''People of the Plains" develop -
Clerenceau usy
On War History
Marshals Foch and Joffre also
Writing Accounts of
Published Stories of Marne
Battle Nothing But
Paris—The histories of the Great
War and the unprinted degends of
the conflict are "all wrong" and the
Principal French actors in the four
years' drama of the western front
are writing their versions of events
for posterity.
One outstanding characteristic in
the struggle is living in a little fish-
erman's hut in Vendee. Ile prefers
not to be molested and spends most
of his time walking in the garden or
locked in his study scratching away
with his pen. Only his valet lives
in the hut, Surrounded by his
books and his memories, "The Fath-
er of Victory" is touching ii his ac-
count of the war and Georges Clom-
enceau probably will leave the great-
est record for future generations.
i In another retreat—this time in
Brittany—Marshal Foch is poring
lover scraps of writing paper, his war
maps and notes. In time, he will
start writing and from the rugged
coast near Morlaix will come the im-
pressions and the revelations of the
Allied commander,
Marshal Joffre has just concluded
his life story which was written at
his pretty country home above the
Seine at Louveciennes. Embittered
by ten years of criticism and anger-
ed by the efforts of many war, authors
to shift the responsibility for the
war, to his shoulders, Joffre may
publish parts of his memoirs.
Errors Printed
"So many errors have been printed
in histories of the war," he said,
"The published stories of the first
Battle of the Marne are nothing first
than fiction, and many other phases
of the war have been erroneously re-
corded by historians,
"I wrote the story of my part in
the war as carefully as I could, des-
troying untruths with truths and us-
ing facts to replace fiction. I have
documents to .prove everything I as-
serted I hesitate toy publish my
memoirs bei ause there is no use in
starting a controversy, But I may
be obliged to publish chapters, now
and again, just to put historians
Gailieni, hero of the Cum, who
sent the Paris taxicab fleet out to
stem the enemy tide on the heights
of Meaux, died before his memoirs
were well started. He could have
told much about the feat of turning a
retreating army in its tracks to whip
an overconfident foe.
now been completed. An adhering
nation can either send a- plenipoten-
tiary to the State Department to sign
a note of adhesion or it may send such
a note direct. These notes are to be
filed with the treaty in the archives
of the State Department.
At the same time, certified copies
of the original treaty, with all its
signatures, will be sent to all of the
adhering countries.
The most recent countries signify-
ing their intention to join in the
treaty are Spain, China and Mexico.
Only three countries besides the orig-
inal 15 signatories have actually ad-
hered, namely Peru, Liberia and Ru-
Australia Sends
Another Worrian
to Geneva Assembly
From Adelaide on
Ardent Advocate of
Higher Education
London—Australia, so far, is the
only one of the 13ritisli overseas do-
minions to include a woman it ite
delegation to the assembly each year,
Since 1922, sixwarren have been ap-
pointed from Sydney and Melbourne,
so that this year's choice of a wom-
an representative from Adelaide hasbeen mtluls appreciated by the women
of South Australia,
Mrs. J. Cantle McDonnell is of Eng-
lish birth, though she and His hus-
band, a member of the staff of St,
Peter's College, Adelaide, have made
their home in Australia for the last
18 years. She was educated at the
House of Education, Ambleside, un -
dor the direction of Mies Charlatte
Mason, the educationist, who awarded
her a teacher's diploma. Site then
spent two years at school in Geneva,
where she gained that proficiency in
French which is so essential for a
delegate to the assembly, - Later she
' went to London, where she trained
for the nursing profession at the Lon-
don hospital, gaining a prize in th•e,
final examination.
Marriage and family ties succeed.
ed this work, and aftor the birth of
her first child, Mr. and 1i, a. McDon-
nell went to South Australia. Settl-
ing in Adelaide, she threw herself
with (characteristic energy into the
social and public affairs of the city
of her adoption. Mrs, McDonnell
was closely concerned with the es-
tablishment of Girton Parents' Prop-
rietary School, and was a member of
the committee which started it. She
is a firm believer in free secondary
schools, and in the right of all ohdl-
dren, without distinction of class, to
opportunities of wider Inhere, not
merely the training necessary to earn
a livelihood.
"I have always been an ardent sup-
porter of the League of Nations," said
Mrs. McDonnell. "I am a founda-
tion member of the League of Na-
tions' Union In Adelaide, and during,
its early stages acted as honorary
secretary. I am particulaely inter-
ested in the work of the tb4rd com-
mittee of the League, which deals
with disarmament"
Balkans' Advance
A Strange Looking Engine House
Great care has been taken to give the engineer free access to all parts
of the engine.
Prosperity Predicted
Quebec Soleil (Lib.): When farm-
ing prospers, it is like the motor which
starts and keeps revolving all the
wheels of the country's ecouomic ma-
chine. It is for this reason that the
predictions of prosperity which are
now being made appear to have the
greatest chani;es of realization, be-
cause the forecasts are based on a
solid foundation, namely the return
o/ better conditions for the agricul-
tnral community.
This Is our chief bane, that we live
not according to the light of reason,
but after the fashion of of5ers.—
New Kingdon' Holds Ceremony
Ceremonies at coronation of Zogu of Albania, at i : '7a, the capital o
the little Balkan 'country,
Britain to Raise
Emigration Issue
Presence of Canadian Premier'
in London to Be Utilized
to Discuss Plans
'Landon.—W. L. Mackenzie King, the
Canadian Prime Minister, who has
been attending the League Council
meeting at Geneva, is expected here
about Oct, 3 on a fortnight's visit, and
is to be entertained by the Canada
Club on Oct. 10.
The opportunity of Mr. King's pres-
ence is likely to bo taken by the
British Government to discuss plans
Lor unemployment workers desirous of
prooeeding to Canada, but nothing is
known in informed circles regarding,
the stories in circulation to the effect
that definite proposals will be placed
before him for mass emigration to the
overseas dominion through the agency
of a nonparty commission under Lord
(Levet which was authorized to raise
Medieval Ox -Drawn Plows in
Bulgaria to Give Place
to Up -to -Date Imple-
Sofia—Far more than half of the
900,000 plows used in Bulgaria are
nothing but steel tipped wooden
hooks on the end of poles pulled by
oxen. The poor work produced by
this instrument results in insufficient
crops and has caused tremendous
material losses to Bulagria yearly.
Tho Minister of Agriculture is now
dlstributinga large number al mod-
ern farm tools to the peasants every
year through the Agricultural Co-
operative Societies and the Agricul-
tural State Bank.
Last year the department sold 13,-
000 iron plows, harrows, drills and
l'ultivators, 20 per cent cheaper
than the market price. This year it
will, distribute 32,000 such imple-
ments on the same liberal terms, giv-
ing the villagers three years in
which to pay for them.
It is interesting to nate that this
work of the Government has so
popularized better tools that in spite
of the low prices given by the state
institutions Private dealers in farm
implements have sold more thea ever
Nation and Athenaeum (London)
The future of prohibition in America
has an interest for the outside world,
such as domestic issues rarely have.
Never before in modern history on
aay comparable scale, has so flagrant
a challenge been thrown down to the
£ 00,000,000 to finance such a move- principle of liberty In matters of per-
ment, sonal conduct as that embodied in the
Speaking at ,Merthyr, George Lane- Eighteenth Amendment.... The clan-
bury, ono of the Left Wing Labor lead- gess• associated with drinking are suf-
ors, advocated another proposal, un- Relent to justify the special reguiation
der which the British Government, in- of the drink trade, and opinions will
stead of endeavoring to place the
British unemployed overseas, should
raise £ 100,000 to provide for then' at
home upon the land.
French and English
Winnipeg Liberte (Ind.): (Bilingual
schools have been instituted in New
Brunswick.) During the last ton years
a Canadian mentality has been born
and is being developed among our
English -Canadian compatriots. Dur-
ing the last three years we have seen
in all the English provinces, where
French-Canadians are resident in any
numbers, sincere and honest attempts
to bring about a rapprochement be-
tween the two races, and in every
province, except one, serious efforts
to settle the bilingual proem,
b1 It ls
differ as to how far tate State may go,
consistently with respect for personal
liberty, insuch directions as early
closing hours and the deterrent taxa-
tion of alcohol. But if the principle of
personal liberty is not flouted out-
rageously by the attempt, at ono blow,'
by legal prohibition, to make drinking
altogether impossible, wo do not know
what meaning can be attached to it.
Patriotism and Peace
Sir Herbert Samuel in the Contem-
porary Review (London) : Nationalism
and internationalism, the fatherland',
and the world, patriotism and peace
those are not antagonistic; they are
tot opposites; they are complemen-'
tary to one another. The true word
was said long ago by Seneca, "Every
a lessor and a cousa for hope. We re -man is born into two consmbnittae—
joice in the progress which is being the Cosmopolis and his native city."
ruacio by the real bonne outage, Wo To harmonize the claims of the two is,
hope that some day, In Manitoba, we our daily task.shall see the same manifestations of __ l
good will as our brothers the Medians Maud Muller an an August day
have so recently experienced, Went out to help them harvest' hay,
z• "This heat," quoth Mand, cis not so
The chief 'fieult of man is that he rico,
lies so many small Duos. I .ichtor, rd ratlror hole Meth :harlot ice,"