HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1928-09-27, Page 8Mrs. John McKenzie is visiting rein- tivt s in leippen for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. George Hessvisited over the week -end with relatives in Detroit, I Mr. and Mrs. Joltp Reid and child, of ,Isceidoe, visited over the week -end with relative sherc. The dance held in the Town Hall on Friday evening last under the aus- pioe: of the Baseball 'Club was fairly well attended, Good music was Euro. , ishcd by the Boyce orehestr a,Brucefaeld, and all • reported a good rano, ' Miss •Ethel bit rdoclt visited in i London on Friday: Mr., Robert McLaren secured first prize for single sing roadster in harness and also for best outifit,;andlvlt.'Wel- - ter Hopkirk got second prize for roadster in harness at the fair at Ea- t eter on Wednesday, last. Mrs, Charles Nichel is, of London, Miss Rage and Mrs. William Dent, of Sarnia, visited relatives in town, Mr. Laird Joyn't, of Toronto, visit- ed over the week -end at his home here. Mr, and. Mrs. Norman Co le visited ' for a few days with relatives in To- Tonto. ' 'The manse friends ,of Mrs. Charles 1 Jinks will be sorry to learn that she is- confined 74tei her home through illness, 4 1 and Mr, A. Cahteron, of Mitchell, Mr. Carmichael, of the Lorne Fire Engine Co„ of Mitchell, were in town Thursday on business. Archie MeiCnllough and his troupe of high class entertainers will give a concert in the Town Hall on Thurs- , day evening, Oct. 4th, under the aus- pices of the Hensall Fire Department. This troupe comes highly recommend- ed; and no doubt the hall will be crowded. Bensall's Tax Rate to be Reduced This Year. -At a special meeting o f the Council held on Monday even- ing to consider the setting of the tax Atte for the year, a rate of 13% mills, or l a mill less than last year. The estimated receipts for the year are 18,000, and the expenditures about e#.00.00 less, The Council have done a great deal of work this year, andit is very gratifying to the board to b able to announce a reduction in taxa- tion for 1928. The next regular meet- ing of the Council will he held on Monday evening, October 1st. The County Roads Commission are unloading a car of tile to be used for draining in this district. Mr. Harry Cook and Mr. Harry Juyut left Monday for Toronto where they will attend University, Miss Lucille Pybus of Windsor is visiting relatives around Hensall. Mr, and Mrs. Neil Sparks of De- troit, visited for a few days with their father here, Mr. Milton Ortwein ,,f London vis- ; Red over the week end with his par- ents here. Mr. and Mrs. Israel Lindenfield of London visited over the week end with relatives in town, it California is : Mr. 'William Ross of visiting relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Ingram and Miss :Stella Ingram of Detroit visited over the week end with their parents. The services in all three churches on Sunday last were largely attended and n services were delivered. inspiring g ins r The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was administered in United Church in the morning.. A very pleasing event took place in Carmel Presbyterian -Church air Fri- day evening last when the Sunday i• school and the Welfare Youth's Club presented Miss Rena Hudson, bride - elect of this month, with a handsome walnut floor lamp. The presentation was tirade by Miss Helen Johnson while Mr, Peter Moir read the follow - Till SEAFORT1 NJIWS. AUCTION SALE', 'U h V ✓ ,:- A:4 i..I •f"Itarttz''ot:k and lntplententst ; Mr, John T; Rogerson will sell by public auction on Lot 9, Concession 1. I3ullett, oto Wednesday, Oet, 10th, at 1,00 o'clock sharp, the following; Cattle ---1 cow due first week In April, cow due 10th of April, 4 -spring calves Implements -•- Massey -Harris S ft. ctit mower, ,horse -rake, set iron har- rows, 2 -horse cultivator, 1 21 -Fleury single plow, gang plow, 10 -hoe Mas- sey-+Harris seed drill, cart, 'Clinton fanning mill with bagger, set stock stales 2,000 lbs., scuffler, Baia wag- gon with stock rack, hay rack, pair bob sleighs, straw cutter, wheel bur- row, dozen grain bags, set double harness, 3 good collars, pair of bridles nearly new, good 18 ft. ladder, set ditching. tools, 1 scoop shovel, 1 en silage fork and other forks, 1 block and tackle with clamps, saws and s and other m planes t s 1 articles too al iumeries to mention. Terms. --All sums of ten dollars and tinder, cash; over that amount nine months' 'credit on approved joint notes or four per cent. off for cash, T. Brown, suet.; John T. Roger- son, Proprietor. dress: "Dear Rena,-We,the mem- bers of the Sunbeam Misssion Band, have met 'tonlght together with the 'W.Y.C. and the S.'S. to spend our last evening with you before you leave ottr midst, We take this opportunity of showing you the high hopes we have for you, of assuring you of our best wishes and, finally of presenting yeti with this small token of our love and respect. 'We hope that this change which is taking place in your life will not remove you from our circle of friendship. May the future hold no- thing for you 'but happiness and joy, and in that happiness may this rem- embrance bring to mind those friends in whose hearts there is nothing for yell but love and kind thoughts and hearty good wishes. Signed on behalf of the Sunbeam M:B., Irene'H'oggarth (Secretary). Miss Hudson then made a fitting reply, after which the follow- ing program was given; Instrumental by Miss Janet White; solos by Miss Minnie Sangster, Mrs. Donald Mc- ileinnon and W. A, McLaren; readings by Miss Beryl !Pfaff. Mrs. J. A. Flem- ing, Irene Deters; a duet by Mrs. J. iSangster and Mrs. J. Patterson, after which an interesting feature took place being a representation of a brid- al party made by Mrs. Sangster act- ing as bride and Mrs. J. Patterson as groom,. At the close of the evening a dainty lunch was served. The base- ment was nicely decorated for the oc- casfon. The many friends of Mrs. Thomas afte rn ht `hesimproving pll v ne pleased nice• to her long revere illness, Miss M. L. Horney, R.N., of Chi- cago, and sister, Miss Esther Horley, f Exeter, visited over the week -end etch Mr. and Mrs. A. Spencer. Mrs. Thomas Oke, of London, is the guest of Mrs. John Murdoch this week. Mr. and Mrs, J. Wilson, of Strat- eird, visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Brown. Miss K, MoEwan, of Galt, visited i r a few days at the home of Mr. end Mrs. 'Hugh McEwan. The Misses McAllister have im- proved the appearance of their home by having it nicely re -painted. Mr, and Mrs. J. Case, of Toronto, visited for a few days with relatives !n town. Mrs. Lee Hedden has on display at the Post Office a very rare and beau- tiful dahlia which measures 106-nches in .height and the flower in bloom, 13 etches in diameter. The plant belong- ing to Mrs. Hedden was grown in the ing address: "Dear Rena, -1 should earden of Mr. G. J. Sutherland. »either voice the noshes of all assemb- led here iiie evening, nor be true to try own feelings, did I not make rey BAYFIELD, words at this time, words of personal tribute. There are times when ser- mons and exhortation are appropriate, but your life and work have already preached the sermon; therefore you exhort us with a persuasiveness that words would not strengthen, and at the parting of the ways you are still in very vital relation to us. And be- cause this is so. I may he allowed to speak of you by the familiar loved name as I try to state briefly what you have been to us all. As we think of you we find many things that en- deared ••ou to us. The church has nothing in itself of which to boast. Its power, its fruitage, is of God. And yet any church may he grateful, may take heart and go forward with good enrage, that has been instrumental in shaping such a life as yours, freely you have received from the "spiritual strength of the church, and freely you. gave to it everything that you could 'for its richest upbnilding. One thing 'eves this: You were among us as one who ministered, your spirit was the spirit of service. You were not think- ing of being ministered unto, but of ministering. We knew what you were given to do would be faithfully and •'rheerhally done always, and we know "-khat it would he done upon principle also. Then in these years when you have been most active among us, your life has been a growing character. It was a character sweetened and streng- thened by a personal loyalty and love to the Saviour himself. It was a char- acter that was built upon eternal foun- dations of truth and .righteousness and because of this it abides forever. 11 was a Character that seemed to say, in every act, "T expect to pass ibis way but once, if therefore any kind- ness I can show, or any good thing 'I can do to 'my fellow beings, let me do it now, let me not defer it, for I shall not pass this way again." In every deed and truth we can say in the Mas- ter's own words; "You were among us es one who served." "Yost have done -what you could." And now we ask • you to accept thie gift, not because of its value, but in the sincere hope that it will cheer you on your way and re- mind you df happy bygone days which were spent amongst us• May God abtmdantly'bless you in your new .sphere of labour fox the Master, Yours n `n His service, Jas. 'b2oIlra Y, Paster. t This was followed by the Mission Band presenting her with a pearl and amber bedroom tamp, presented 'by Miss Trane Hoggarth and Miss Ma - 'bel Workman read the '£allowing ed - J3uyoz's Wheu They Buy in Egsuondville Get a °Lane° to Save SPOT CASH PRICES Vterity Flour, por' cwt. Red Path Sugar, per cwt.. 141en's. Heavy Rubbers, Women's Heavy Rubbers Child's Heavy Rubbers Lipton Tea. Reg• 75e Christie Socias, full pound Christie Fey Biscuits $0.19 $1.20 95e. 70c 0;)e 150 _. 30e In Trade we are Paying 44e for New Laid .Extras, W. .., J. I A AUCTION SALE Of'Fanm Farm Stock and Imple- ments, at tot 22, 'Con, 13, McKillop, an Wednesday, October d0, commenc- ing at 1:30 o'clock sharp, the follow- Mg: Horses -Team of agriculturaj; geldings, 1 aged driver, 'Cattle -4 Durham cows supposed to be in 'calf; 2 steers rising 2 years old; 4 spring calves, Hogs -5 store hogs 125 lbs. Implements --!Deering binder 7 !ft: cut, 'Massey !Harris mower, root pulper, horse rake, seed drill, hay loader, scuffler, cultivator, walking plow, .het. of ,harrows, wagon, gravel box, hay rack, cutter buggy, sleighs, fanning mill, hay fork, car, rope and pulleys, slings, King cream separator 600 lbs,, set of doable harness,set of single harness, forks, .hoes, chains and numerous other articles including grain bags. Terms.• -All sums ,of $10.00 and un- der, cash; over that amount 7 months' credit will be given at furnishing ap- proved joint notes. A discount of 3 per cent. per annum a'llowed for cash an credit amounts. The Farm will be offered for sale at the same' time and place, Terms on farm will' be made known day of sale. Farm consists of 75 acres. George Q3.,Elliott, Auctioneer; John Tyler, Proprietor, AUCTION SALE. Of Cows and Young Cattle. --At lot 34, Bayfield Road,. on Bisback's farm, ',i'mile west of.Clinton, on Iv1on- day, October 1st at 1.30 sharp, con- sisting of: 30 Hereford and Durham grade cows, supposed to freshen in December and Jan.; 2 Jersey heifers supposed to be in calf; Polled Angus bull, 10 months old; 6 calves; 2 sows due in Nov. and Dec. Terms -6 months' credit will be gi- ven on furnishing bankable, paper. with 3 per cent. straight added. A.. E, Townshend, Proprietor, Geo, H. El- tiott, Auctioneer. Mr. Mothersead, who spent three weeks with his daughter, Mrs. R. W. Bristol, returned home to Washing- ton, D.C., our Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Bristol left for their home at Summit, N.J., on Monday. Mrs. Bartlett, of Windsor, spent ;ast week with Mrs. W. Bong. Rev, \4r. Meltray of Hensall, c00- :ueted the service for the Presbyter - 'ens on Sunday afternoon. Mr. Percy Biggart of Toronto and Mrs. A. Welsh of Mimico, are visit- ing their mother, Mrs. A. Biggart. Captain Rogers of the Church Cru - ;viers who are now conducting a mts- .ion at Stratford, took charge of the ervice in the Anglican Church an Sunday morning. bir. and Mrs. James Robinson and Miss Margaret Rubinson of Sandwich ,hent the week end as guests at the Albion hotel. Miss Grace Jowett of London spent the week end with her pa'ents, Mr. and Mrs W. R Jowett. Miss E. Sangster spent the past week with Miss Agnes Will at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Will and Bob Will spent the week end, all returning to London on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Mac WiR113ss,HMrs. Frank Henry, Master of Whitechurch, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Robertson of Hamilton, were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs, W, J. Fos- ter. Mrs. L. B. Smith and babe of Lon- don are guests with Mr, and Mrs. Charles Parker. Miss Edith Harmer, who spent the Lucy Woods, week with Miss Lu y cods , left on Saturday to spend the week end at London before going to her home at Port Stanley. Mrs. B. Mullen, who has been a guest at Miss N. Fergtson's, returned to Detroit on Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. William Pease of Lon- don are visiting their son, Mr. J. Pease, Mrs, J. Beatty and daughter from Wingham, are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Erwin. Mr, and Mrs, C. F. Coon of Detroit are guests at Miss N,.Fergusorl's. Mrs. G. Weir of Seaforth is visiting Mr. and Mrs, F. Keegan, Mrs F. W. Baker, who has spent a week at London with her daughter, hter , Mrs V. Tiurt, returned• home on Tues- day, Mr. and Mrs, W, A. Jowett of Port Huron, are visiting with Mr, and Mrs. W, R, Jowett. AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects will be held at the residence, corner Mill and Jar- vis Streets, one block west of .flax mill, Seaforth, on Saturday, October 6th, at 1,30 p.m, Terms cash. Mrs. L. E Shiels, Prop.; Harold Jackson, auct AUCTION SALE , Of Farm; Farm Stock and Imple- ments. -Mr. Robert Gibson will sell by public auction at Lot 16, Con. 5, MoKillop, on Thursday, October 11, a 130t the following: MEMORIAM, .1' NETT, -•--Int Iovmg memory or otir little sou; Kenneth Murray, who died three years ago, 'Septerh- ber 26th, -Mother and Daddy. • IN MEMO•R'IAM. in ever loving memory of little Kenneth Bennett, son of Mr, and Mrs• W. C. il3ennett, who passed away Sept, 26, 1925 "No one heard the footsteps; , Of the angels,drewing near Who took froth you to heaven The one yon loved so dear." -(Ever remembered by Isabel Eaton PULLETS FOR SALE. S or sale, a number of bred -to -lay 13tirred Rock pullets.,Apply'to JOHN T. ELGIE,' Kippen, r,r, No, 2,' or Phone 31 on 134, Seaforth, spring calves; 4 calves about one month old. ; Pigs -2 sows with litter of 12 each, one month old; 2 sows due Nava 1st; 1 sow due Oct. 28th.; 46 pigs weigh- ing from 60 to 100 lbs. each. Implements -Massey Harris bind- er 7 ft. cut, in good order; Massey. Harris hay loader; Deering mower '6 ft. cut; Deering hay rake; cultivator; Massey Harris eom'bined broadcaster seed drill; set 4' sec. harrows; Fleury walking plow; Oliver walking ,plow; Perrin plow; Adams wagon, nearly new; 2 farm wagons; hay rack; gravel box; McCormick grain box, nearly new; rubber tire. buggy; steel tire buggy; Scotland cutter with doors, nearly new; Clinton fanning mill; 'set sleighs; Manitoba bob, nearly new with 2 flat racks, set bunks; -hay fork; ear; slings; rope and .pulleys; scuffler; weed -harrow; root-puiper. About 1,000 bushels Mixed grain; about 40 tons of mixed hay; set breeching harness nearly new; set back band 'harness; set single harn- ess; good Collie dog; Melotte cream separator; LeL'aval cream separator,. washing ma;hine; .Moffat range; one robe; whiffletrees; neckyokes, forks, chains and nu...erous other articles, Everything advertised will be sold as proprietor has sold his farm. Terms -.All sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount 7 months' credit will be given on furn- ishing bankable paper or a discount of 3 per cent. straight allowed for cash on credit aa,ounts. G. H. Elliott, auct.; Harold ,D. Dale, proprietor. ,. RENT ENT TO ART APARTMENT s, etc, 5 rooms, town water,`,- light , E. L. BOX, tf UNRESERVFiD CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Thoroughbred' Shorthorn and Grade Cattle, Registered" Leicester Sheep and Draft gorses, on Tuesday, October 2nd,. et 1 p m:' sharp, on the farm known as the Charter's Farm, on the Mill Road, three miles west of Seaforth. Shorthorn Cattle.--Iiady Aberdeen --;167878-(Roan, 7. years, supposed to be in calf;. Saucy Lady -1197450 -- Roan, 6 years, due t0 calve Jan. 20th; Lady Aberdeen 2nd -1'88234 -,Roan, 6 years, •heifer calf at foot; Lady Ab- erdeen 4th -2'13942 -White, 3 years, bull •calf at foot; Lady Aberdeen 3rd -210007-White, , 4 years, due to calve Mar; 'Lady :Beulah 3rd -217428 - Roan, 3 years, due to calve Jan. '1st; Waterloo tPrincess 44th -2174'27 - Red, 3 years, due to calve April; Queen of ,Huron 20th -225383 --!Red, r p, m. sdadri - 2 years, bull calf at foot; Waterloo :Horses -I. aged driver, quiet and re- Laity=19904'4'--Moan, 5' years, due to. b1 calve Nov. 1st; Queen of 'Huron 48th -1788225—Red, 8 years, due to calve Oct. 1st; Queen of .-'Huron '19th -210006-Roan, 4 years, due to calve Jan. 1st; Rosebud 8th -210005 -Red, 4 years, due to calve Feb. 10,th; Wa- terloo Princess 43rd :180040 -!Red 7 years, due to carve in April; Lady Ab- erdeen 5th--228579---Roan, 1 year; Red' buil calf, 8 mos., eligible for regis. Roan bull calf, 8 mos. Red bull calf, 6 mos. II II Red bull calf, 5 mos. Heifer calf, red, 8 mos. 2 Heifer calves, red and roan, 6 mos., eligible for.regis. Grade Cattle -1 grade cow milking, 2 yearling grade heifers, 3 grade heif- er calf. Sheep. -20 Leicester breeding ewes, registered, 2 Leicester shearling rams, registed; 12 Leicester ewe Iambs, 8 Leicester ram lambs. Pigs. -1 Yorkshire saw, 1 yr; old, bred. Sept. 1st. Horses. -1 bay mare 8 years old; 1 bay mare, 8 years old, foal at side, supposed to be in foal; 1 bay gelding 4 years old, 1 brown filly 3 years old, 1 bay filly 2 years old, 1 brown driv- ing mare 8 years old. Terms. -Seven months credit on furnishing joint bankable notes, and three per cent. straight will be allow- ed off for cash oncredit amounts -All sums of $20.00 and under, cash. Pos- itively no reserve as the farm has been rented. There will also be of- fered six acres of corn, if not disposed of before this sale. •Geo. H. Elliott, Auct,; A'RTHUJ3. MASON, Prop. HOUSE TO RENT, ,Apply to A. D, SUTHERLAND, General Insurance & Real Estate, Seaforth., PULLETS FOR SALE. For sate, a number of bret'l-to-lay Burred- Rock pullets. Phone 14 on 234-, Seaforth.'41. FOR SALE. Set oak dining room chairs, leather seats, 1 walnut side board, 1 oak bed. room suite. Miss L, Gaetzmeyer. En- quire R. DE'VERREUX, Victoria St. 39 THURSDAY, SEP'TEMBI9R 27, 1928 BAaLOCK, ,l?aesed Away,•tMiss -Kele '•Webster - passed away shurtiyy after eleven o'- clock Tuesday night, September 25th, after liogerrngillness of three years duration. Miss Webster had ttiade het' home. with her eouelu, Mr, A. W. lleaeont, for the past 35 years, Close COL -What might have been •i very serious accident occurred at the home of Mr, William Murphy one day last. week, 'While threshing the dome of the engine toe* fire and1 A r, \lurphyswhile'goitag' up to attend it, eaught his trousers on 0 set screw that Was revolving; which caused him t„ fall•on the engine; and in the fall the governor belt was 'thrown - off, which let the engine rue at full speed, 43efore Mr. Murphy got free, his trousers and suspenders were tont off, but he had enough -presence of mind to jump as soon'as he was free. Al- though Mr, Murphy hail a very nar- row escape die got off with a severe shaking Up and a sore' arm, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Martin and two sons Ed -win and George, of Sunshine, visited at 'the home o£' Mrs. Martin's brother on !Sunday last and attended the morning service in !Burns .Church. Air. Robert Watt,' with the assist- ante of his brother,,Mr, James 'Watt. .and several of the men in'the vicinity,.. is gelling along nicely with 'the shingl- ing of Burns' Church. The anniversary services in con- nection with Burns 'Church, are ex- peeted to be held on Stiuciay, Oct ober 17th. Mr, Thomas Colsotr and Marjorie returned home last' week alter 'hav- ing spenta short visit with friends at Lracebridge, Mrs. Blake and sister, Mrs. Ritchie, and Mips Grace Blake, of near Dun- gannon, and Misses Mary and Garda- critic Shepperd, of the Nile, visited at the home of their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. `Beacom, on Sunday last. We- are sorry to hear. that Mr.. George Breevn is not very well at present. 'Mr..and Mrs, Thomas Knox visited at the hone of Mr. Peter Taylor on Sunday. Choir practice. was held Sunday evening at the home df Mr. Charles Parsons. Mr. A. W. McEwing and' family attended ;Seaforth-I Fair on Friday. A good many 10 slim neighborhood got their , etches again this year from Mr• A. -'W. Me,Ewing. We are sorry to know that Master Douglas (Holland had the , misfortune to have the point of his finger cut so badly in the lawn mower that it had to 'amputated, but glad ,to know that the wound is healing nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Angus Reid and Miss Isabel and 'Watson Reid 'attended • the Seaforth Fair on Friday: Mr.Bert iBeecom and Mr, William •Hamilton moved the stone crusher to Mr. Robert Watson's gate on Mon- day. 1,700 BAGS OF' POTATOES. Sold already, If you figure on get- ting good 'stock for winter you will have to step on the gas, as orders are coming in fast and our stock will be- come exhausted. ' Any Seaforth cus- tomer' can get free connection to my phone by calling 341-'61'6, Clinton., JONATHAN E. HQJIGIILL & SONS. P.S.-We have 3 good used pianos for sale, which should' demand your inspection before buying elsewhere. 40 uta e, Cattle -1 thoroughbred cow 13 yrs. old, bred Aug. 90th; 1 thoroughbred cow, 4 years old, bred Sept. 16th; 2 yearling heifers; 2 yearling steers; 2 heifer calves, thoroughbred. Implements -1 Deering binder, 6 ft, cut; '1 mower; 1 sulky rake; 1 truck wagon; 1 wagon in good repair, dou- ble box; 1 set sleighs; 1 cultivator; 1 disc harrow; 1 rubber -tired buggy, good as new; 1 steel tired buggy; 1 McCormick fertilizer drill; 1 set light sleighs; 1 buggy pole; 1 steel roller 9 ft. long: 1 hay rack; 1 riding plough; 1 walking plough; 1 set harrows; 1 scuffler; 1 set double .harness; 1 set single harness; 1 cream separator, rued only 2 summers; 1 grain crusher; collar and homes; 1 crow bar; 1 cut- ting box; 1 post hole scoop; 1 pulper; 1 pick; 1 doz. grain bags; fanning mill; sling ropes; buffalo robe; scythe, rakes and forks and other articles too numerous to mention. Also a quantity of hay. Terms of Sate -All sums of $10 and under, cash; over that amount 10 months' credit will be allowed on •fur- nishing approved joint notes. A dis- count of 4 p,c, will *he allowed for cash on credit amounts. The Farm will be offered for sale at the same time and place, Terms on farm will be made known on day of sale. T. Brown, suet,; Robert Gibson, Proprietor. ROOMS TO LET. 'Rooms to let in the 'Beattie Block. BEA'TTIiE IB:R'OS. 41 BLANKETS, YARN AND RUGS. Pure 'W'ool Homespun Blankets, Yarn and !Rugs. IIJocal business so- licited. Orders and ingsiries by mail receive careful attention. BAINTON EROS. WOOLEN' MILLS, BLYTH, 'ONT. 45 ROOMS FOR RENT. • .Rooms to rent for housekeeping, in- cluding parlor, kitchen and bed- rooms, if desired• MISS IiSON, Sparihw Street (near Goderich4 Street). CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock and Implements. Mr, Harold D. Dale has instructed the undersigned to sell by public auction r ]lett T 5: 2,Hu / Lot 9,Con,p•, at miles north cast of Clinton, an Wed- nesday, Oct. 3rd, commencing at 12 o'clock sharp consisting of the fol- lowing: Horses - Grey Percheron mare, 4 yrs, old; Grey Percheron mare, 5 yrs. old; Grey Percheron mare 4 yrs. old; driving colt 3 yrs. old in Oct.; driving colt 2 yrs. old in. Oct.; heavy draft colt 1 yr. old. Carttle-Durham grade cow, 5 yrs:' old, due May 1st; Durham grade cow 1 yrs, old, due Nov: 1st; Durham. grade cow, 5 yre. old, due Jan, 5th; Durham grade cow, 5 yrs, old, due Mar, 2nd; Durham grade cow, 4 yrs. old, due Apr, 3rd; Durham grade cow, 8 yrs. old, due Apr. 8th; Hol- stein due in Nov.; brin- dle heifer. 3 s, sue yrs., Here- ford in Dcc, heifer, 3 yrs.,d ford cow, 4 yrse freshened 1 month; 13 two year old heifers, choice feed- ers; 2 two year old steers; 6 one year old steers; pone year old heifers; 16 FOR SALE. (House and two lots in Egmondvitle. House, :stable and hen . house; house •with electric lights; ,good location, corner lot, near church, stores and good school. Nice home for a retired farmer or for chicken raising. For particulars apply at The News Office. e PIANO FOR :SALE. !Square piano in good condition. Cheap. Apply MPS. 'A. 'DON'Y, Eg ntondville. 'Phone '131r2S. 39 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Medical. M:a 7,7 DR. I3, HUGH. ROSS, 1'hysicias and Surgeon. Late of Landon Hos. pital, , London, England, SPecia attention to diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat. Office and resid• vice behind. Dominion Bank. Office !hone No. 5; Residence Phone 106 CLERK'S NOTICE Of First Posting of Voters' List. ('Section 10). Voters' List, 1928, Municipality of the Town of Seaforth, Country of Huron.' INOTtI•CE is hereby given that I have complied with Section 7 of The Ontario Voters' List Act and that I have posted up at my office at Sea- forth on the '111th day of September, 1928, the list of ale persons entitled.to vote in the said Municipality at Mu- nicipal Elections, and that such list remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon'all vaters'to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected ac- cording to low. The last day for ap- peal being the 9th day of October, A. D. 1928. iDated this 24th day of September, 1928, - JO'HN A. W1TIJSO:N, Clerk. 39. 1 R. F, 3. (BURROWS, Seaforth Office and residence, Goderich street,." east of the Methodist Church, Cor- oner for the 'Coupty of Huron, Tele-• phone No. 40. rag, C, MACKAY,-C, Mackay honor graduate of Trinity Univers ity and gold medallist of Trinity. Medical College; member of the 'OW - lege of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. DIR. F, J. 'R. FORSTER-Eye, Ear Nose and Throat. Throat, G raduate'nMedi. i cine, University of Toronto 1897. 'Lats. Assistant New York Ophldlalmfc geld' Aural Institute, Moorefield'8 Eye, and Golden Square throat hospitals, Len. don, England. At, Commerciai hotel Seaforth, ard Monday yr es.:h monta. from 11 a.m. to 3 ta.m, ' DR; W. C. SPROAT.-Graduate, 01 Faculty' of 'Medicine, University 01 Western Ontario, London, Member of College of Physicians and Sur- geons of Ontario. Office in Aiberkarts Drug Store, Main St,, Seaforels. Phone 90, DR. WM. AB'E'RiHART Graduate of Faculty of Medicine, University of 0 o to. Member of College- or Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Licentiate' of Medical ''Council of Canada. Late interne Toronto Wes- tern Hospital, Office --Queen% Hotel Building, North Main Street. Phone 89. Night calls, phone 111. DentaL, EXPERT FINISHING. Expert Kodak finishing: Develop- ing Sc a roll, prints 3c each, any size. JACKSON STUDIO, Seaforth 41 FARM FOR SALE: Choice 50 -acre •farm, in good condi tion. N% lot 16, con, 5, McKillop, -ail cleared and all seeded down. Two storey cement house, frame kitchen, all in good repair. Barn 50'x46' on a cement wall, .cement stabling and, Crater in the barn. Cement driving house 24'x36' Frame .hog pen 16'x24. Never failing well of choice water. Well fenced and underdrained with tile drain. Will be sold on easy terms to suit purchaser, with or without. crop. Failure of health is reason for. selling. For further particulars apply on the premises or write to Seaforth, RR, 5, ',ROBERT GIBSON. tf27 FOR RENT OR SALE. Frame' house on East William' Street for rent or safe, 3 bedrooms, living room, kitchen and parlor, Cel- lar under house. Hard and soft water inside. Electric lights. Garage or hen house. One block from Colleg- iate Institute. Apply ADAM HAYS. FOR SALE. 'Cream separator. Been used four months. .Also a churn, almost new and a set of 240 Ib. platform scales, as good as new. Apply, to JOHN McMZL'LAN Reneboro, Seaforth r.r.1 Phone 236 r 4. tf7tf PROPERTY FOR SALE. On West William Street, one block from Public School, -churches and Main Street, of Seaforth, nineer'oom- ed' house,;electric"light, hard and soft water inside;• furnace in good condi- tion. There is on this property a- gat: - den, garage, and stable and a good hen house. This property is in first class conr}dition. Apply to MRS. ROZ'ELLA MARTIN. 46 SEAFORTH MARKETS. Wednesday, Sept, 26th. Potatoes; per bag 35c90c Butter, per ib., Eggs, per doz. 25c -34c -38c Young chickens 4r/z lbs. and over 26c per 1b. Hens, 4 t 5 lbs, ..,.per Ib. 15c to 20c Roosters, 4 to 5 lbs.,per lb. 13 to 14c Young dtieks, white per lb. 16e' Hogs, per ctvt $11.7'5-1225 WARNING We have the goods that make your land produce: Everlasting Clay Drain Tile, Niagara Agricultural Limo, Empire, Smith's or Armour's Fertilizers. If your field is wet, drain it. Call us if you want a madhine to dig. If you can not grow clover, lime it; Niagara Lime does the trick. If you grow wheat, fertilize it. But to get beat results from your Fertilizer, lime it first, less fertilizer will do and you :. can then grow clover. When you can grow clover, you can grow almost anything. Call us or any of our ,Agents. Information cheer- fully given. Goods always on hand, Do not be called from your work when the car arrives. We deliver at small cost. Quality goods and service: WILLIAM M. SPROAT Clay Drain Tile Manufacturer, Seaforth, Ont. General Agent for Niagara Lime and Empire, Smith's' or Armour's Fertilizers for Perth and Huron DR. J. A. ;MUNN Successor to Dr. R. R. Roes, grade ate of Northwestern University, Chi- cago, Ill. Licentiate Royal College. ♦1 Dental Surgeons, Toronto. 'Office ver Sills' hardware, -Main street. Seaforth: Phone 1'81. DR. F. J, BEOHELY, gradual. Royal College of Dental Surgeons Toronto. Office over W. R. 'Stuit'h'i Grocery, Main street, Seaforth Phones, office 186W, residence 185j Auctioneer. HOUSE FOR SALE. Corner James and Ann Streets, Sea- forth, seven roomed' house, electric light, hard and soft water inside. Garden and stable on property. Apply MRS. WM. McMIRCHAEL, John 18t, or Phone 197. GEORGE ELLIOTT, Licensee Auctioneer for the County of Huron Arrangements can be made for Said Date at The Seaforth News. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed WATSON AND REID'S REAL ESTATE -AND INSURANCE AGENCY Successors to James 'Watson) MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks effect: ed at lowest rates in First -Class Companies. THE McKILLOP Mutual FireCo, Insurance ra e FARM AND I'SOLATED TOWN PROPERTY O N'LY, INSURED Officers -James Connolly, Godes- ich; Alex. Jaines Evans, Beechwood, Vice President; D. F. McGregor, Seaforth, Sec.-Tearsurer. Directors -'Wm. Rinn, No. 2 Sea- forth, John Bennewies, Brodhagen; James Evans, Beechwood; M. Mc- Ewen, Clinton;' James 'Connolly, God- erich; Alex. Broadfoot, No. 3, Sea - forth; J. M. Sholdice, ,No. 4, Walton; Robert Ferris, Harlock; George Mc- Cartney, No. 3 Seaforth; Murray Gibson, 'Brucefield. Agents -Alex, Leitch, r.r. 1, Clin- ton; E, Hinchley, Seaforth; J. A. Murray, r,e. No: 3, Seaforth; . J. V. Yeo, Holmesville; R. G. Jarnwuth, Bornholm. James Kerr and John Goveniock, Seaforth, auditors. Parties desirous to effect "'insurance or trans- act other business will 'be promptly attended to by application to any of the a'bpve named officers addressed to their respective postoffices. sPE I1- L The Gold Medal Winn,;r as the Best Picture of its year of Production • EAU GESTE with l - •Ronald �eo man NEIL HAMILTON RALPH PORBES NOAH BEERY ALICE -JOYCE C MARY BRIAN VICTOR MacLEGLAN NORMAN TREVOR featured players of an immense cast, directed by HERBERT BRL+'NON Percival C. Wren's of the French Foreign from Si). story gn Legion THIS WEEK -x-- THURSDAY — FRIDAY i SATURDAY First Sat. Eve. Show 7.30 p; in, on account of extra time required --Other ' Evenings 8,15 p. m. • ADMISSION -15c and 25e PRINeESS