HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1928-09-27, Page 4- lir Ix OUR WALTON, ltss151 Balfour.1i visiting gudher sister, Mrs E. R. Fawcett, of Louden. • A chicken dinner atilt supper wilt be 'Served on. October ard at "Mr, Dave Boy' d s, by the Ladies Aid if 'Bethel tailed Clue:Cii Mrs, J, J. McGavin received a tele- gram last meek lnferinittg her of the death of her tarather-la-law, J. C. Buttehart, at his hone in Castor, AI- berta, Although not enjoying the best of health his cgnclition was not considered serious until She hist few days, and. on .Friday, ,Sept. '14th, he ,collapsed; and passed away at two o cioelc, heart trouble being the cause Of deabh. Mr. Butchart was a School Inspector in Alberta for many years and his death comes as a shock to his many 'friends. .Sincere sympathy is extended to his wife, who was the third daughter of the late John Berry and Mrs, Berry of Waltop. Mrs. Berry, who is on a visit to the West, arrived. at Castor just a few days be- fore the death of !4Ir..Butchart, Miss Annie McTaggart is visiting with Mrs. Leo Watt, Mrs. J. Johnston, Blyth, is visiting her daughter, Mr,, C. Fingland, this week, Mr. G. Badiey expects to leave for Hanover on Wednesday of this week. Mr. 'Gordon Rowland is confined to bed with the "fin." Mrs, Hoerle visited with Mr. and Mrs. C. Sellers on Sosiday. •F,lyth Fair was cancelled for this year. The weather was very wet, which was a great dit ppointment to Mr. Miehaet Iaarling_sppent Sunday at his home in town. Miehael looks well and all were delighted to see Mrs, Pat. Matthews, of Detroitt the guest of her sister, Mrs. P, Stapler ton, of the village.' Miss Heten,Cronin has returned to Detroit, after visaing at her, home. Hiss Gerty Dov'rensteyn has taken up work at Mrs. Cronin's of tate vil-, loge, We are gladto see Clarence 'I:ooby' Able to be around again. Mr, Louis Matthews motored from Detroit and spent Sunday the -guest : of his 'cousin, Mrs. Michael Nagle. A large number from here attended the funeral of Mr. Alex, Kennedy at Seaforth, on Monday morning. 'We are sorry that Miss Annie Brennan is at present on the sick list. 'M'isses Ruth and Evelyn 'Dillon, of Clinton, spent Sunday at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dillon, • Miss Margaret McCoiauell has re - .turned to Detrpit to'secure a position' as stenographer, Mr. Sadler and family, of Mildmay, visited old friends in the village 'on Sunday. We are very sorry to report that Rev. Father White, former pastor at Dublin, who has undergone an opera- tion in New York the past week, is seriously ill. DIED. KAI'S'lER.--In Balboa, 'California, on September 13, 1928, 'William Kaiser, e number of people concerned, formerly of Brttcefteld, aged 76 Thanksgiving Aservice will be held years. in St. George's Church on Sunday af- ternoon, Sept. 30th, at 3 o'clock. tRev. STAFFA, Mr, Oldham, of Gorrie, will take the Miss Pearl Treffry, London, visited service. with Mr, and Mrs, F. O'Brien last Business is quite brisk at our ntillin- week shop, Gertie knows haw to suit Mr. and Mrs, C. Templet -tau, De- ers, •roit, spent the week -end with Mr, and the ladles with nice hats for the cam- Mrs. W. H. Templeman. ing season, Mr. prank Gill ant! Miss jean Mies Cooper, Seaforth is visiting Clark, accompanied by two friends with her sister, Mrs, F. A. Rambles,. from Vtonleton, motored to Niagara Rev. and Mrs, E. J. Mattison and Falls and Hamilton, returning the children, of Arlcona, called on Mr. and Mrs. F. O'Brien on Tuesday. Miss Dorothy t"hessen, Mitchell, spent the week -end with her sister, Mrs. L. Elliott. Mr. Arnold Jeffry, Detroit, is spend- ing his holidays under the parcels.' roof, The School Fair which was held on Monday was well attended in spite of the disagreeable weather. The ex- hibits were of a high class. The con- cert in the evening was given by the Sunbeam Trio and was listened to with much pleasure. Mr, and Mrs. A. Newington and son, of Stratford, and Mr, and Mrs, residence of Mr. and MI's. R. J, Clara, S. Emmerson, Galt, spent the week - on Sunday. end with Mr. and Mrs. H. Leslie. To - Mr. John Clark and Miss Edna, of Mr, Fraser Oliver has gone to To- Listowelaspent Friday of lastweek at ionto to attend the University. the home of his daughter, Mrs, Mr, William McMillan, of Detroit, Charles MacKay. of Tuckersmith, =Pent a few days last week with his Mrs. T. Davidson is under the doe- Parents, Mr, and Mts. Miles Me- tor's care. Her many friends wish her Millan. a speedy recovery. CROMARTY. Miss Ella Rowland weekhas been on the Miss Mary Gorle, of Toronto, • is sick list the past wee vision friends in this vicinity. Mr, Will McCalla and Miss Hall B were visitors in Goderich over the lVfisses 'Ruth and Grace Allen, of Mount Pleasant; spent Snnday with their cousins here, Mr, Andrew McLellan Jr, has taken a position in the flour Mills in Sea - forth, The opening of the Cromarty Pres- byterian Church, which has been un- dergoing repairs, is to take place on Sunday, Sept. 30th. Rev. Mr. Elder will occupy the pulpit in the ;morning anal Rev. Mr. Rowland, of Knox Church, Stratford, will take charge of the evening service at 7.30• p.m. An old fashioned tea tweeting will be held on Monday evening, Oct. 1st. Conte and enjoy a hot supper and a good programme. THE SZAFORTI ,NgW same day. 1 r. Robert McClure's steel imple- mentshed and garage were completed thisweek and he has a modern and up-to-date building, A large number of people from this locality attended the Seaforth Fair on Friday and report it to be a big success. Mr. George Claris has exchanged. his Essex coach for a McLaughlin - Buick coach. which he is sporting now'. Mr. and Mrs, Alfred Johnston and family, and the farmer's mother, Mrs. A. Johnston of Varna visited at the week -end. Mr..and Mrs. John Barrows and Mr, Russell Barrows were Stretford visit- ors 00 Saturday. Miss Edna McCall, Brussels, spent the week -end with (Rends in this vic- inity. D'elegrates have been appointed from W.M.S. and Mission Bated to .at- tend Presbytery meeting at Clinton on - Thursday, Sept. 27. Mrs. Nesbitt, of Listowel, is visit- ing her mother, Mr's. Kenney, who is very poorly. Mrs. Mauch Clarke attended the funeral of her cousin, Mr. Charles Turvsy, who was killed an Friday about 4 psi. by a train 1?! miles from Biuevale. Mr, and Mrs. Will Gillespie. and son Earl, of Seaforth, visited friends here on Sunday, -Miss Ruth Manning, of Hallett, spent the week -end with Miss Edith Ennis. :VIr. Charles Sellers visited at his home in Morris over the week -end and attended she funeral of the late Chas. 'Curacy at Bluevale on Sunday. \l. William Hoy, of Grey Town- ship, visited his father, Mr, William Flay, over the week. -end. DUBLIN. •Miss Annie McGrath , f Stratford spent the week end with her brother. Mr. John McGrath. Minn e and \ T. Maloney -and It s. y FergusMaloney returned home from Buffalo on Sunday where the former has been visiting friends for the pas" - t eek, .hiss Dorothy Donnelly received a very nasty cut la her forehead last week when she fell down the stairs in the barn, striking her head on a pail, • requiring several stitches to close the wound. • Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Williams. • Mrs, William McIver, and Miss Annie Maloney visited friends in Stratfnr 1 on Saturday. Miss Verna Drake of Stratford spent Sunday at the home of her .par- • ents, Mr. and Mrs. jack Drake. - • Me. and Mrs. William Byrne spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Carpenter. •Vies, (Dr.i Mulligan, of (;rand iting with North T apo ti is visiting Forks,t friends and t 1 s n t relatives. around Dublin. r • Mr. and Mrs. Albert Krattskopf and 'family `pent Sunday at Bayfield. Mt. Fergus Kelly Itas treated :him- self to a Forel car. Messrs. Harold, Dennis and Patrick Maloney of Detroit motored to- their homes here. .Miss 'Kathleen -Mulligan of Detroit is visiting with her mathet•, Mrs. B. Mulligan. ` Mr, anri Mrs. Will Smith and son and Miss I)rittkwater of Dunnville, were the -gnests'of their brothers, F, and G. Smith, over Sunday. t\\ e ere very starry. to know that Mt s, Jahn Moore n f Ribber -I is not feeling very well. We hope to see • he r•nut so ,n ,fns, Ge.n • fI'nllaml entertained a. ;few of her friends nd.; to .l card party one evening, .Miss"Mary; 1Mrf}aid of Galt has re- turned after at week with .her sister, - .Mrs. G. Snaith who has been lit. • 'Mr. and MMrs Caordou Jeffery of .Stratford .,, t agt ..ail\ ay t,l4a L hest- of tc. Ow', ,V r ,Meir. Darling LONDESBORO. Mr. and Mrs. :Brawley, of Wing; ham, spent Sunday at the home. of Mr. Charles Manning. • .lir. Allen. of London, is demon- strating aluminum ware and seems tei he making a number of sales, Miss Rose Crawford is taking 'a arse -at Westervelt School, London. Mrs, Ainslie, of Leamington, is • the guest of hen sisters, Mrs. Tamblyn and Mrs, Elsley, . \Mr. and Mn,sRiley and boys spent Sunday with Mr. and. Mrs. Jack Free- man. Mn M. Bruce and Mr. J. Roberton hent Saturday at the home of Mr, T. iehertou, near Blyth. Mr. and Mrs, 'R. Gamier motored to Wingham Sunday, and Mrs. Gooier e .l ma utr We e are sorry to hear of the seri- u; ;;Ines e of Mrs. Warwick •at the home of Mrs. J. 1). Melville. Mrs. \\'arwick took a hemorrhage last Sat- 'trday and is in a very weak condition. Air. and Mrs. D. 0..Roberton have ;.one ou a three weeks'' visit to Win- itipeg, Hartney and Flint, 3,fich. -- ,fr. Henry is relieving here at the. \JR. station. • Messrs. Richard Louis and Will G aux and sister, 'Mrs. Archie Wet er. attended the funeral; of an uncle, \fr. Charles Burford, in Paris, on Tuesday. Mr. Burford died at itis pint• iu Wingham on Sunday, BLYTH. Mrs. Hawkins Presented. - At a meeting of the Maple Leaf Sewing Cirlce nn Tuesday afternoon at the f Miss Pearl Gidla home a s Y, Mrs. (Revs W. B. Hawkins -was presented with a t'ery pretty set of silver candle- sticks and the following address, which speaks for itself, was read: Dome M•irs. Hawkins:' --'We, your fellow members of the Maple Leaf Sewing, Club, could not allow you to sever your connection with us, with put- expressing in some way the love and esteem in which we hold you •-and 'he regret we feel at your leaving. us. During the years of your stay in 131yth you have won for yourself by the exercise of a bright and kind per- s•onality, a hast of appreciative friends. You have always. shown a cheerful e t adin•:s tri help- m rand cause, r t5 1 any 6 and your eaample has been an en ou'agement to others, We remota- her how nntiringly you worked through the Choral Society as well as in our own club, to pay off the debt .V the hall. We arc keenly sorry that you are leaving. us, but be assured nr 'his, that our heartiest wishes for +}tips ha p,ijteais in• the fttinoe, get with •.yctu. ••When,• in your lent -hey over all 4%VOL'V I TON,FLOUR MILLS CO. LIM1TE7) SE ,Fl RTR, ONTARIO' WE FIRE PAYING FOR GRIN Wheat, Standard $1.1.5 per bus. Oats, Standard or avec 45c per bus, Barley, Standard or over 65c per bus, Mixed Barley and Oats $1.30 per 100 These prices are for sound, dry grain delivered at the mill. WE TIRE SELLING Silverking, Best Manitoba Patent, $4.00 per bag Keystone, Best Pastry dour $3.75 per bag Stone Ground Whole Wheat $3,70 per bag Bran $32.00 per ton Shorts $34.00 per ton Middlings $49.00 per ton ';`hese Prices Are CASH. Na 'Delivery, F. W. DARRO(A, Local Manager PHONE) 51 .5111, G. Laithwaite; Cranberry Pippin, Thos, Ferguson; Tolman Sweet, F. J, Coleman.' Pears --4 var, winter pears, G, Laithwaite,' N, L. Carter; Duchess of Angotttine, G. Laithwaite; 'Beurre Clairgeau, G. Laithwaite;ithwai e Cl aP PS Fa- vorite, Ars: H, 'Lawrence, W. D. Hoag Be1le Lucrative,N L, Carter; Bonne de Jerse, N L. Carter G. Laitltwait'e; 'Bartlett, G. Laithwaite, A. L. Carter; Seckel, 10, Laithwaite, N"L, Carter; Beure d'Angou, G. Leith Waite N, L. Carter,' Plums—Imperial Gage, G, Lafithwaite; Duane's Purple, Jno. A. ;Murray; Lombards, Dr. Grieve, 3 -no. A. Murray; Abundance, Janes Malcolm, N. L. Carter; ,Brad - 'haw, Mrs, J. .B. Tyerman; Rene Claude, F. Barker; German -Prune, G. Laithwaite; a.o.v, plum, 'Mrs. J. 13. Tyerman, F. Barker. Grapes—+G. Laithwaite; Niagara, G. Laithwaite; Concord, G. Laithwaite; ,Delaware, G. Laithwaite; Wilder, G. 'La'ithwaite; Lindley, G. Laithwaite, !Salem, G, Laithwaite, a.ov. Grapes, Mrs, J, 13, Tyerman, Dr, Grieve; collection of Grapes, G. Laithwaite. Judge, John M. Cardno. Dairy Products—Butter, crock 25 lbs,,, Mrs. Dickson, N. L, Carter; but- ter, in prints, Mrs. Dickson, Mrs. Jas. Carter, Jean Scott; butter, pats, Mrs, Dickson, N. L. Carter; butter, 10 lbs., Hutchison special, Mrs. James Carter; Butter sweepstakes, Mrs, W. J. Dick- son. Honey in, comb, W, Hartry; honey, extracted, W,,,Hartry, W. D. Hoag; honey, display, W. Hartry; white shell eggs, C. H. Holland, Mrs. H. Lawrence; brown shell eggs, Mrs. H. MoGregor, N. L. Carter; dressed chicken, James M. Scott and 2nd, Loaf white bread, Mrs. H. McGregor, Mrs. J. W. Free, Mrs. \•V. J. Dicier son; pan homemade bread, Mrs. J. W. Free, Mrs. Porteous; loaf graham bread, N. L, Carter, Mrs. W. J, Dick - after spending his vacation with his son; loaf nut bread, Mrs. Porteous, P g firs. H. Lawrence; raised ;buns, Mrs. mother, Mrs. E, Wallace, and other H, McGregor,.M'rs. W. . 3. Dickson; relative,. 1 raised biscuits, bread 'Cleary; Mn.sW Mrs, E. Wallace; and Mr. Richard j, Dickson,. Mrs. P. Cleary; rolled oatmeal cookies, James Malcolm, N. L. Carter; rolled cookies, James Mal- colm, Velma Haist: dropped cookies, N. L. Carter; Mrs. Porteous; fried cakes, James Malcolm, Mrs. Porteous; angel cake, Jean Scott, Mrs. Tyer- man; Sponge cake. Jean Scott, Mrs. Tyerman; dark fruit cake, Mrs. Por- teous, Mrs. J. W. Free; light layer cake, Mrs. Free, Jean Scott; dark lay- er cake,- James Malcolm, Mrs. Tyer- man; apple yertitan;apple pie, Ethel Beattie, Mrs. J. W. Free; pumpkin pia. James Mal- colm, Mrs. Free; lemon pie, 'Mrs. J. Grumntett, Mrs. Free; meat loaf, N. L. Carter; maple cream candy, Velma FTaist, Florence Beattie; collection of homemade candy, jean Scott, Mrs. Porteous; jellied chicken. 3Mrs. Free. homemade soap, Mrs. Dickson, Dr, Grieve; best variety of baking from one batch of biscuit dough, N. L. Car- ter, Jean Scott. Judge, Mrs, Edna De - Lacey, ;Floral Exhibits --Pink asters, Chas. Routledge, Mrs. W. J. Dickson; ast- ers, white, W. ID. Hoag, Chas. Rout-' ledge; "mauve or purple asters, Mrs. Wes Nichol, Chas, Routledge; col- lection of asters, Jno, A. Murray, Eth- e: Beattie; cosmos, Chas. Routledge, Mrs. W. J. Dickson; dahlias, stand- ard E.Barker;ahli collection. W. dahlias, Hartri Mrs. \ j Creighton; dianthus Mlrs Tyerman,Mrs. Dickson; gladi- all, W. Hartry, Mrs. Dickson; gladioli collection. W. Hartry, Mrs. (Dickson; marigolds, W. Hartry, Mrs, Dickson; petunias, single, F.:Barker, Ethel Beat- tie; petunias, lou•ble, Mrs. Tyerman; Pansies, Jean Scott, Mrs. A. L. Por- teous; roses, collection, 0, Laithwaite, W. Hartry; Snapdeagmt, 4 colors, Mrs. Porteous, Evelyn Harburn; snap dragon display, Evelyn Harburn, Mrs. 'Porteous; stocks, Mrs. Dickson, P. Barker; sweet peas, Chas. Rout- ledge, Mrs. Dickson; sweet peas dis- play, Chas. Routledge, N. L. Carter; zinnias, collection. Jno. A. Murray, Mrs. 'Porteous; collection annuals, Ethel Beattie, Mrs. Dickson t collec- tion olastion perennials, Ethel Beattie, Mrs. Tyerman; table basket mixed blooms, T \V Beattie, Mrs. Dickson; table souret Mn-.sPorteous,W. Heavy; winter bouquet, natural, Mrs. Ter- nlatl Dr. Grieve; pot plants, W, Har - try; Begonias, W. Hartry; Rex +Be= gonias, Mrs. Jos. Grummett, Mrs. FT. Lawrence; Gloxinia, F. Barker, Wtn, Ilartry; Geraniums, • single, Jean Scott; Asparagus Fern, Mrs, H, Law- rence Sword Tern, Thos, Ferguson, Mrs Jos, ,iGn utnmett; Single house plant in flower, Dr, Grieve, Mrs. Jos. Gruntinett; best novelty in cut flower, Florente,13eattie, A. Tyerman, judges, A..F, Cluff, IW. J, Duncan, iLadies' Work and Needle Craft,— Down Cotn'forter, Mrs J. Creighton, Geo. A. Kerslake; wool comforter, N. L. Carter; c stilt cotton, Evelyn Har- burn, Mrs, J. Dickson; bedspread, Jean Scott, MIs, \'\(M, Deem; apr'ott, Mrs. Porteous, 'Mrs, J, Creighton; fancy 'apron, `Mrs, Tyerman, Evelyn Harburn; housedress, Mrs. Tyerman, Evelyn Harburn; men's sleeping gar- 1 the ups and downs of life, Your heart turns to Blyth, please remember that here are neatly who are .Proud to call. you friend, and we hope that this small gift will help you sometimes to and that it will brim think of us 1at bring you y the happiest of memories. Signed on f Maple Leaf Sewing o Tap Club, Mary Milne, Sec'y. Blyth, Sept. 25th. On Wednesday afternbon a meeting of the Guild and W,A. of Trinity Church at the house of Mrs. Roger- son was held at which Mrs, Hawkins was presented with a Life Member- ship. 'Rev, and Mrs. Hawkins and fam- ily intend leaving next Tuesday for their new home in Forest, Miss Melds McElroy returned this week ,to London University. . ,6truck by Car.—Mir. George Char- tres, who is employed by Mr, Walter McGowan, of East Wawanosh, was knocked down by a car driven by Mr. Walter Mason, of Westfield, on Sat- urday everting about 9 o'clock while walking into town. Mr. Mason was' meeting another car with glaring lights and slid not see the young man there. Dr, J. C. Ross, of Blyth, was called and it was found that no bones were broken but he had received pain- ful head ,Injuries, He u=as taken to the home of his sister, Mrs. Thomas Laidlaw, where he is on the mend. The date for the annual fowl supper of tite Women Institute has been get for Nov. 7th. A meeting of the executive of the W.I. was held 00 Tuesday night at the home of Mrs. \Vightmau. Pro- gramme arrangements were made. Fall bulbs were' received this week by the Secretary of ' the Horticultural Society, Miss Steitihelff, but they will not be -distributed till the remainder arrive. ,Mr, Richard Wallace returned last week to his Thome in Newark, N. J., Wallace spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bell, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Sillib, of Brant- ford, visited her mother, Mrs. George Collinson, over the week -end. Mr. Herb, McElroy made the first fall delivery of barrels this week to Messrs. Scholtz and Raithby. Both have splendid quality apples and ex- pect about 100 barrels or more from their orchards. Mrs. McGowan Sr, met with a pain- ful accident on Tuesday morning, breaking her ankle when she fell on the stairs. The Conthtaatien School held their wiener roast in Forresters' Hall on Tuesday uttermost owing to bad weather. Mrs, Frank Kershaw, of l.onrlmt, is visiting Miss Mary Milne. Miss Henry, of Kincardine, visited Mrs. George Chambers this week. Miss Jean Babb, Teeswater, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. R. 1M. ,l cKay. Miss Edna Finlayson, of Toronto, \ r an l Mrs. W. H. McElro 11'sited .I .. t 'Vf s. Y this week. Mr. Alex, Smith left on Thursday for Tacoma, and other places along the Pacific coast where he expects to remain enrai t sa veral months, N. - Mr, G A, Yen, \\ allaca:liu,^r, visited Blyth friends last week. He returned on Friday, accompanied by Mr. Geo Potter. \Irs. .1. Britton and sun Vern, of Mitchell and lfrs. Baker, of Calgary, Alta., visited at the •home of Mr, and Mrs. J. Yeo Thursday. The Orangemen and True Blues of Myth held a special service in Trinity Anglican Church on Sunday evening. 1'hry wtiee addressed by Bro. Rev. V\ , L'. Hawkins, His address was on the traditions and aims of the order and emphasized that the Orange Or- der is a religious organization and not political as is reputed, "Jesus Saviour Pilot Me," was sung by Ml's. Haw- kins and Miss A. ,Rogerson, Krethren were present from Winghant, Bel- grave; Walton, 'Winthrop, Londes- boro and WestMonktot. Miss i Al'b rta Richmond has ' gone to Ki, e attend Strafford 1 raft rd Normal: We wish her much success, Misses Mildred'Hilbora and Min- nie Yeo are spending a while with friends at Freelton. ,Rally Day services will be held in the different churches next Sunday morning, • Mr, Anson and sister, Miss Mary MoGowaal, of Pentland, Oregon, are visiting cousins here. It is about rt.rty years since they left these 'parts and they see great changes. SEAFORTH PALL FAIR. (C'ontietted from Page 1.) lin; Cayuga Red Streak, Joseph Car- itt1; Snow, Mrs A. 'T.. Porteous, Jos, Carlin; Cofvert, N, L. Carter, Joseph r:ariin; Mama, John Scott, Joseph Car- lin; Maiden Blush, Joseph Catlin, N, I' Carter; red crabapples, N. L. 'Car- Ment Mrs, Tyerman; ladies' slip, A, tet; yellow crabapples, Jos, Carlin; R. Tyerinan; knitted sox, Mrs. Dickson, tttpteenin,q,: G. Laithwaite; Ribstot,•1sr,,Gticve: tilit.ts, Mrs l .C.,reie`}ttnn. Picptn, G. Laititv.atte; P,Icnheiotf'1p• i • Mrs, .Elowrie; 'braided floor stat, Dr. Grieve, Mrs, G. T. Turnbull; hooked Boar teat, A. Tyerman V. 'rerryberry. lash et'oeltet lace, Mts, J. Creighton, Miss Livingston;. filet, cotton, rale, Mrs, Howrie, Miss Livingston; knit- ted lace; .cotton, Dr. Grieve,' Miss ;Lav- tugston; tatting display, Mlss Living- ston, Mrs, Howrie; drawn wink dia- Pla Mrs, Creighton, Miss Livingston; Italian drawn work, Mrs, Creighton, Mrs. Howrie; cross stitch enibroid- ery, Mrs. J. Creighton, J. W. Beattie; tnodern cony, embroidery, -'Mrs. J. Creighton,; Miss Livingston; embroi- dery display, Mrs,'Creighton, Miss. Livingston; fancy workbag, Miss Li- t'utgston, Florence Beattie; curtains, Miss ,Livingston, Mrs, Wm. Deem; Dining Roont Furmsh•ings—Lunch-. eon set, 1'Irs, J. Creighton, Evelyn. Harburn; tea cloth, Mrs, Y. Creigh ton, Mrs: 1Vm. Deem; table mats, Mrs J Creighton, Miss Livingston; table doilies, Mrs, Howrie, Miss Livingston, tray .cloth, Mrs. J, Creighton, Miss Li- vingston;. centre piece, 2nd, Mrs. Howrie; centre' piece embroidered in cotton,,•'Mrs, Creighton, Evelyn Har- bern; colored centre piece, Alex. Wal- lace bridge set, Mrs. Creighton, Mrs, Howrie; table napkins, Mrs. Tyerman, Miss Livingston; buffet set, Mrs, Creighton, ILizz•ie Taylor; table cloth and 2 napkins,,M;iss.Liyingston, 'Bedroom Fnrnishiugs--Day' slips, 2nd, Mrs. Howrie; emb. pillow slips, Mrs Creighton, Miss Livingston; Pillow slips, other, Evelyn Harburn, Alex. Wallace; mils. towels, Mrs; J. Creighton, Mrs. Howrie; towels, oth- er, Miss Livingston; guest towels, Mrs meron'Jr,Mrs. J. Creigh- ton; Ca J. Jg el Evelyn Ha'burn ton bath1 1t towels, , Miss Livingston single fancy towel, Tia M, Johnson, Alex,. Wallace; •fatucy sheet and pillow slips, Miss .Living- ston, Mrs, W. J. Dickson; vanity set, Lizzie Taylor, Mrs. W. Cameron Jr.; dresser runner, Evelyn Harburn, Miss Livingston, 'Ladles' Wear—Night robe, Miss Li- vingston, Mrs, J. Creighton; step -itis, Mrs, J. Creighton, Florence Beattie;' fancy tiandkerchiefs,,Miss ;Livingston, Mrs. Dickson; bedroom slippers, Miss Livingston, Dr. Grieve; lady's scarf, Adda Tyerman, Mrs. Porteous. 'Children's Wear—Taney dress, Miss Livingston, Geo. A. Kerslake; dress and bloomers, 'Mrs. Tyerman; bonnet, Miss Livingston, Mrs. Howrie; wool Jacket, Mrs. Howrie, Ds, Grieve, knitted bonnet, jacket, booties, Miss Livingston, Mrs. Howrie, Living Room Furnishings Mrs,' J. B. Tyerman, Miss Livingston; centre piece, Ila M. Johnson, Lizzie Taylor; sofa pillow, Evelyn Harburn, Mrs. \W, Cameron Jr., sofa pillow, quilted, Mrs. J, B. Tyerman, Miss Livingston; lamp shade, Mrs. Tyerman and 2nd. Miscellaneous- Single piece fancy work, Mrs. Creighton, Mrs„Wm. Wm.. Deent, oath fancy needlework, Mrs. J. .Creighton, Miss Livingston; best five articles, suitable for Christmas presents, Velma Haist, Adda Tyer- man. Judge. Mrs, C, Tv.. Bluett, Lon- don. Fine and Decorative Arts ---01.1 Paintings—ILari'dscaec front nature, Julia Brown, D'r, Grieve; marine view, copy, Miss M. Livingston, Jtrlia Brown; animals, copse Miss Living- ston, Julia Brown; stili life,, object, Miss Livingston, Julia Braises Water Colors -Dr. Grieve, Miss Livingston; 11Marinc•view, nature,: Miss Livingston, Mrs, J, S. Howrie; animals or figure work, Miss 'Livingston, Mrs. Howrie; vegetables, Miss Livingston; Bowers from object, Miss Livingston; inani- mate object, Miss Livingston, Mrs. Howrie;' miscellaneous, crayon draw- ing, Miss Livingston; pastel, original study, Mrs. Howrie, Miss Livingston; sepia, Miss Livingston, Dr. Grieve; pencil drawing, local scene, Miss Li- vingston; amateur photography, Mns Howrie; single piece art work not list- ed. F. Barker, Miss Livingston. Hand painted china—Vase or orna- ment, Julia 'Brown, Miss Livingston, salad bowl, Julia Brown. Dr. Grieve; cake plate, Dr. Grieve, Julia Brown; cups and saucers, Dr. Grieve, Miss Livingston; candlestick, Miss Living- ston; coltectiou, Julia Brown; any ar- ticle not listed, Julia Brown 'Miss Livingston; best exhibit new craft, not listed, F. Barker, Adda Tyerman. IIRSDAY, ST'aPTEMBEii 27, 19, 1 IL , Just W t"Yll ; Oeen ;tin bg 4� �,�rf!� ;tt�C� � 191 34 oleos se , idt .a prieta any one can afford $20. 26 piece set as low se $12, Other Sets $18, $21,75 and u p KNIFE and FORK SE7S Stainless Steel French blade ailvarhandles 10.50 t t $ Stainless Steel, French blade, Zylo handles $5.50, $6 50, $ 7.50 Stainless Steel1Cdive: • • $3.75' and up Forks $2.50 and up Spoons,per • doze's $1.25, $2.50 up 1 i Lovely 3 piece set in beautiful lined box, Consists of rliosnato Server, ()old Meat Fork and Berry Spoon at $7.00 We invite you .to look over our stocit J. A. WESTCOTT Repairing `a Specialty PHONES --Store 64W --House 643 Reed Work—Tray, Eyelyn Harburn, Mrs. Tyertnan; sandwich basket, E v - el n Harburn,Vel ta Haist; Ianp and shade, Dr. Grieve' Bower ,ftilder, Velma Heist, Evelyn .T-Ia1'bunt; fern- ery', •Evelyn Harburn; collection of 3 articles, Evelyn Harburn, \'4111111 Heist. Judge, Mrs. S. W. Archibald. School .Children's Department -- Vegetables--Swede Veii•etables-Swede Turnips, Gordon Wright, Margaret Lane; garden car- rots, Edith' Ferguson, 'Clarissa Dale; parsnips, David J. Grieve, Margaret Lane; garden beets, Helen Upshall, Margaret Lane; ,onions, Lorne Carter, Clarissa Dale; ripe tomatoes, Ken. Carter, Harold 'Httgltl; citrons, Gor- don Wright, Margaret Lane; cab- bages, Margaret Broad•foot, Frances Coleman; potatoes, Edith Ferguson, Margaret Lane; collection garden vegetables, Jack Carter, Ken. Betties. Flowers — Nasturtium, Dorothy Drover, Glen Houston; pansies, Mar- ion Wallace; asters, Warren Whit- more, David J. Grieve; best bouquet of any variety, Jim Cluff, Mary Case_ Cooking—Tea biscuits, Isabel Bet- ties, Angela Johnson; buns, Margaret Lane; layer cake, Marion Thompson, Luella Montgomery; apple pie, Eve- lyn •Nott, Edna .Bateman; rolled cookies, Angela Johnson, Edna Bate- man; dropped cookies, Helen Broad - foot, Isabel Betties. Art Work -1st class, Louis Lane, Margaret Nigh; 2nd class, .Dorothy Getnmelin Ethel Chesney; 3 -rd class, Roy Dickson,' Don. Lamont; 4th class, Winnie Savauge, Winnie Nott, Writing — 1st book, ,John Bell, Frances Matthews, .2n'd..'book, Mar- jorie McMichael, Jean. Dale; 3rd book, Margaret'Freeinan, Aileen Mann; 4tb class, Winnie Nott, Winnie Savauge. Jno. MacTavish special, land, air or water .craft, Ian MacTavisb, Tom• Collection noxious 'weeds, Margaret Freeman; collection injurious insects, Oliver Wright, 'Billie Flett; collection leaves, Margaret Freeman, Charles Dale; collection native woods, Evan Rennie, Toni Sills: bird house, Har- old Hugill; model. of gate, Gordon• Wright, Albert Hildebrandt; other article made of wood, Ken. Betties, Fred Barlow. ;Button holes jn cotton, Leola Nott, Margaret Lane; handmade apron, Isa- bel Betties. Margaret Lane: darning (woolen),. Winnie Savauge, Margaitet Lane; handkerchief, plain hemmed. liarion Wallace. ;Best dressed fowl, Jack Carter, Jessie Wallace; barred rock cockerel, Grace Kramer.Edw. Carron; barred rock pullet. Edw. Carron, Grace Krauter. Sweepstake for largest number of prizes for exhibits, Seaforth Public NCE WINTHROP HALL Friday, October Music by LUDWIG SERENADERS • of Blyth Admission 95e and tax Lunch Served. School, !Sunflower, J, Hartman; pumpkin, Edmund Matthews; • vegetable mar- row, Howard Siegrist. Judges—Wm. Elcoat, A. F. Cluff, W. J.. Duncan, Mrs. DeLacey, Mrs. Archibald, Mrs, Bluets. • Sports and Races—Best appearing school in parade, S.S. 'No, 4, MvKil- lop; drill, urban schools, S4. James' School; Seaforth Public School; drill, rural school, No. 6 McKillop; No. 8, Tuickcrsmith. Judges --1R. J Beattie, R. N. Bissonnette, C. H, Flatland.. Boys' Races' -8 years and under, K. Buck, Harald Rice; 10 years, Stewart Plant, Oliver Wright; 1.2 years, Har- old Pethick, Evan Rennie; 14 years, - John Cardno, Reg. Little; 16 years, Reg, Little, Rob. Eberhart, 'Girls Race -4 .years and under, Edna Platit, Alice Hudson; 10 years, Leona Nigh, Agnes Dodds; 12 years, Evelyn Nott, Madeline Williams; 14 years, Jean Frost, Lillian Reeves. .Boys' Bicycle Race -12 years and Lindero ,S. Rennie W,. Pled; 15 years, F. Reynolds, M. Hudson. 'Baby Show, babied 6 'monits and under, Margaret Joyce Wilibee; Ra- mona Barlow; over 6 months and un- der 12 months, Leona Webster, Mar- ian Green. Judges—Miss Wilson, R. N„ Miss Lawrence, R.N. 2:15 Trot or Pace—Patch McGreg- or 1,1;' Ward`Brisac 3,3;' Forest Ridge Bill 2,4: Oliver Pete 4,2. (Called off at end of 2nd ,heat and stoney divided) 2:25 Trot or Pace—Battle Grace 1,3; Dotty Varden, 3;1; Sister. Rose 2,2; Tack Paschen 4,4. ('Called off at end of 2nd heat and money divided)) Half mile runningrace, A. Finlay- son, Y son, W. Coleman.. Starter, G. R. McCartney: judges, Oscar Neil, R.. j. Beatty, J. Wes. Beattie. ' Hearse shoe pitching tourney—Har- burn and Bow (Henrnsall) 1; Bow and Bow enso(Hen) 3.nsati) ;2; Bell and Snell ire t�ii� HlIDSOII�II A. persona/ever/me will prove ratil ifs e li/'1 leadership__ We invite you as our guest to a personal demon- stration of the Hudson Super -Six. We want you to learn how Hudson can do easily many things which you would not expect any other car to do at ail. Scores of motorists, fresh from examining anti riding in the latest cars offered by the in. ta st1"y ,i..Clar e this Hudson the.. supreme per, former of their experience, Buyers can pay for caro out of income' at lowest available charge for interest, handling and insurance .t: 1,. e BR 1�•'-!R+' lit' igk or STRI TFeRD, @NT. In Buying a Hudso.ua. Yeti Save up to Several .Hundred Dollars a Car! $1600 And Uri Ali Prices 1. a, b. Wirulsar,ta,.es vet