HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1928-09-20, Page 8PA 1 IIENSALL, Mies' Mergaret Drumtnand, wilco spent the summer in Moncton, New Brunswicia has returned home. Mr. W. J. Johnson, of St, Louis; is visiting relatives in tuwn for a few days. Miss Beryl Ashton, of alorr'ie, vis- ited friends in kossaa. Mrs. W. N. Glenn visited for a few days with relatives in London, The many frienda of Mr. A. Bin la anon will be pleased to learn that he is improving timely after his recent operation in Seaforth. Mr. Thomas Murdoch is this week having the roof of his house . nicely reepamted, Mr. and Mrs. J. Swau and little son el Windsor, visited for tt few days with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Swan.` At the morning service in the Unit- ed Church on Snuday, Mrs, George; Hess and Mr. W. O. Goodwin sang a pleasing duet, and Mrs, A, 'MoDon- ald and Miss Margaret Johnston ren- dered a duet at the evenitrg service which was much enjoyed by the con- gregation. The Taster,. Rev.. A, Sin- clair preached inspiring sermons at both •services.. A communion service will be held in the United Church next Sunday morning and; the preparatory service will be held on Friday evening, Sept, 21st, Exeter fall fair was held on Wed- nesday of this week, •Miss Irina Higgins of • Kitchener visited over the week end with her parents here. Prof. Gladstone, mind reader, ac- companied by his popular vaudeville show, again presented his concerts in the town hall on Monday and Tues- day evenings of this week to large audiences, under the auspices of St. Pants' Anglican Chtuch, Mrs. T. Dougall and daughter, Mies Cassie•Daugall are visiting for a few weeks with relatives in Michigan. Mrs. 1'. Fisher and daughter, Miss . Eleanor, left Friday for Toronto to attend the wedding of Mrs. Fisher's son Allen, on Saturday, Sept, lath, at St. Ann's Anglican Church, Toronto. Miss Eleanor Fisher acted as organist at the wedding. The first dance of the season will he held in the town hall on Friday evening of this week under the aus- pices of the Hensail baseball club, The music will be furnished by the Boyce orchestra. A communion service was held in Carmel Presbyterian church on Sun- day last with a large congregation. The pastor, Rev. Mr, Mcllroy, deliv- ered interesting and inspiring ser- mons at both services. ;4liss Helen Swan has been visiting during the past week with friends in Seaforth. Mr. Fred Smallacombe of Guelph is spending a week visiting friends in town. The council on Monday had the road gravelled from the London road to the eastern limits of the town. The work was done by motor truck, 75 loads being brought in one day. The gravel was all run through the crush- er and a splendid job has been trade of the road. Mr, and Mrs. Tucker and family of Strathroy are this week moving into Mr, D. Germotti's house on Brock St. A very .pleasant event took place on Thursday, evening last in Carmel Presbyterian Church when the choir tendered Miss Rena Hudson, bride - elect of this month, a shower and presented her with 1 .handsome set of stainless knives and forks and a fruit bowel with candy jar. The following address was read by Mrs. James A. Bell: Dear Rena, --We, the members of Carmel Presbyterian Church choir, have gathered here to spend a happy evening with you, and we take this opportunity of expressing our appre- ciation of your whole -hearted interest in the choir. You have given freely and generously of your time and tal- ents with a loyalty and devotion which we can never forget. We have looked with love and admiration on your gift of service, an invisible flame which burns in you as a lamp lighted by the hand of God. Your association with us has gladdened our hearts, en- riched our lives and leaves with us an abiding memory at once gracious and Happy. We wish you to accept this gift from us, and heartiest wishes for a future, bright and happy. Signed on behalf of the choir." The presenta- tion was made by Mr. W. McLaren. The evening was spent in games, and music, after which a dainty lunch was served. Miss Hudson, although taken by surprise, made a fitting re- ply, aid thanked the choir for the beautifni gifts. Harvest Thanksgiving services will be held in Grace Church, Staffa, on Sunday, September 23rd. Rev, J. Geoghegan of Millbank, will be the speaker. Mr. and Mrs. M. Drysdale were vis- ited by a number of their relatives over the week end. The harvest home services held in St Paul's Anglican Church on. Sun- day last were vary largely attended, the church beingnicely decorated for the occasion. Rev. J. W. Schaffter of Wingha'm delivered earnest sermons at bath services. The special music by the choir was .greatly enjoyed. Miss Aiken of Park Head visited over the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J, W. White. Mrs, Jack Bradbury of Detroit and Mr. and Mrs. Lizzard and family of 5arma visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Lee Hedden. Mr, and Mrs, D. McMartin are vis- iting relatives in Gait this week. Miss Helen Heffernan of .Seaforth is visiting for a few days in town. Cheapest of all 011s, ---•Considering the qualities of Dr, Thomas' Eclectric Oil it is the cheapest of alt prepare tions offered . to the public, It is to be found in every drug store in •Can- eda from coast to coast and all coun- try merchants keep, it for sale. So, being easily procurable and extreme - 1 1y moderate 1t price, ice no one should eae p , bewithout a 'bottle of it. Want , id For Sale '..ds, 1 time 28e TIDE SEI Z'OR H NEWS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER, 20, 19 AUCTION' SALE Of l+'ariais and 74 I•Iead of Cattle, cousistfng pi cows, stock steers and heifersl at 'feet 92, Goderlch township, 254 Hiles west of Hollnesville, 00 liighlvay, on Monday, September 24, at 1,30 sharp. Sixty head .of steers end heifers, one and two yr. old; 5 cows, 5 part bred Jersey heifers, At same tune and place, iota 92426- 27, consisting of 210 acres, more or less, of choice land with good farm buildings, will be offered for sale, 'This is a desirable property centrally located on Highway between Clinton and Goderieh, Terms. --The farms will be sold on reasonable terms which will be made knownon day of sale, Terris on Cat- tle,-sSix-months' credit will be given on furnishing bankable . paper, with 3 per cent, straight added, A. E. Townshend; Proprietor; George H. Elliott, Auctioneer, AUCTION SALE Of .Furniture, --There will be sold by public auction at the residence of Mr. Peter Daley, •Goderich Street, Seaforth, on `Wednesday, September 26th, et 2 parte !Rotund extension table, parlor iurni ture, two sideboard, davenport and chairs, hall rack, one writing desk, one sewing machine, bedsteads, springs and mattresses, two dressers and stands, two 'bureaus, mirrors, sofa, glass Cttpboar'd, tables, rocking chair, kitchen chairs, Perfection oil stove 3 burner, coal oil heater, lawn mower and other household articles. Terms, cash, T,'Brown, acct„ Peter Daley, proprietor.. AUCTION SALE, Of 22 1-Iead of Iiorses.--Thomas Brown has been instructed to sell by public auction on Lot 8, Concession 6, McKillop, 1,1miles north and Ye mile east of Beechwood, on 'Tuesday, Sep- tember 25111, at 1 o'clock p.m., sharp, the following: One team of Clydes- dale geldings, 4 years old; one team of 4 year old Percherpns, mare and gelding; .one team of draft geldings, 6 years old; one draft mare 5 years old; 2 general 'purpose 3 years old, 3 Clydesdale colts ming 2 years old, two Percheron colts rising 2 years old, one Percheron mare 5 years old with colt at side, three drivers 8 years old; wilt work double or single, 2 good drivers 5 years old, 2 aged drivers, quiet and' reliable. These horses are all guaranteed sound. Terms. -'Six tuontats' credit on bankable paper. Six per cent. per annum off for cash on credit amounts. GEO. E. ROL- LA1tD, Proprietor, nublin P.0.; f. Brown. Auctioneer, 38 AUCTION SALE Oi Farm Stock and Implements, - Mr. John T. Rogerson will sell by public auction on Lot 9, Concession 9, Hullett, on Wednesday, Oct. 10th, at 1.00 o'clock sharp, the following: Cattle --1 cow due first week in ;Sprit, cow due 10th of April, 4 spring calves. Implements - Massey -Harris 5 ft. cut mower, horse -rake, set iron har- rows, 2 -horse cultivator, 1 21=Fleury single plow, gang plow, 10 -hoe Mas- sey -(Harris seed drill, cart, Clinton fanning mill with bagger, set stock scales 2,000 lbs., scuffler, Bain wag- gon with stock rack, hay rack, pair bob sleighs, straw cutter, wheel bar- row, dozen grain bags, set double harness, 3 good collars, pair of bridles nearly new, good 18 ft. ladder, set ditching tools, 1 scoop shovel, 1 en- silage fork and other forks, 1 block and tackle with clamps, saws and planes and other small articles too numerous to mention. Terms, -All sums of ten dollars and under, cash; over that amount nine months' credit on approved joint notes or four per cent, off for cash. T. Brown, auct.; John T. Roger- son,Proprietor. STANLEY. Mr, and Mrs. Cleve Cochrane and daughter Audry and bit. and Mrs. Stanley Love motored to Kettle Point Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Cochrane and daughter Audry, Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Jones and family and Mr. and Mrs. John Murdoch and family motor- ed to London. Mr. and Mrs, James Barrie, of Dunnville, were the guests of 12r. and Mrs. George Campbell the latter part of last week. Mrs. Brooks of The.dford has been visiting at the home of Mr. John Holmes of the Bronson line. Messrs. H, D. Steckle & Sons are busy threshing on the Goshen line and expect to complete the season's grain threshing within a week or so. Mr. and Mrs, F, W. Hess of Hen - sell visited friends on the Bronson on Monday and Tuesday. Mr, James Carnie is at present hav- ing his house sided with asbestos shingles. Mrs. W. Stevens, of Brucefield, who has been sojourning at the home of her brother, W. 5, Tough, of the Bronson Line, returned home Tues- day. Mr, and Mrs. W. Turner, of Wind- sor, spent a few days the latter part of last week with Mr, and Mrs, am George Campbell, P Mr. and Mrs, J. A, Carrie visited at the home of the latter's brother, Mrs, Jas. Allan, of Zurich, last Tuesday, Mr. Paul 'Cleave, of bhe'Salable Line, has been treatinghimself to a fine new Essex car. Mr, and Mrs, Will Carnie visited airs, 5. M, Tough at Bayfield on Fri- day last. Varna School Fair which was held last week, was quite largely attended by the. scholars of the Meer re -rat schools,. STA1'FA. The W.M.S, of the United Ohureh tact Tuesday at Mrs, t avery's, Two carloads of young ,people are sittending the Young People's Con- ference at St, Thomas this week, We have BOW'S and SHOES at Low Prices Buy your Shoes nEgaiondvilie We are ' Paying 44e in Trade For New Laid Extras Manitoba Floor qtr at $3,84 W. J. ,� ISI I CLEARING AUCTION SALE :Farm Stock, Implements and Household Furniture. Mr. Ohas. D. Cox will sell by public auction at his farm, Concession 6, Lot 19, Goderich Towns:hip, on Friday, September 28, commencing at 1 o'•elock sharp: Horses, Cattle, 'beep, Pigs, Poultry; Implements, Furniture, etc, -••1 heavy mare 13 yrs. pld; 1 heavy mare 12 yrs. old; 1 general purpose horse, 9 yrs: old, I Holstein cow I yrs., dice to fresh- en Dec. 115; 1 Holstein 'heifer calf, 9 'nos„ 1 Durham cow, 4 yrs., due to freshen Feb, 14; 1 Durham cow, 5 yrs, due to freshen March 5; 1 Dur- ham cow, 7 yrs., due to freshen April 25: 4 Durham calves, 7 months. 2a Leicester ewes; 5 Oxford ewes; 1 purebred Leicester ram. 2 pigs about 125 lbs.; 65 barred rock hens; '50 spring chickens; 9.Mus- covian ducks, :Deering walking plow, new; Mass ey-(Harris riding plow; set 4 -section harrows; 10 -hoe drill; Deering cultiv- ator; steel roller; Deering mower;• Deering rake 10 -sit, Deering corn 'bind- er; Frost & Wood hay loader; scuffl- er, wagon; sloop"sleighs; 2 sets of team harness; 1 set of light harness; hay rack; stock rack: gravel box; milk can truck; 214 h.p• engine; buzz san' outfit 30" blade; cutting box,,.fan- ning mill; Melotte cream separator. No. 2; Daisy churn No, 4, power; Daisy churn Ne, 2, hand; butterwork- er; power hoose and sheep shears; platform scales 240 lbs.; 2 ten-gallon anilk cans; 30 -ft, extension ladder; bay fork, slings, sling ropes, car and rope, turnip drill; 50 -gal. gas drum; Wheelbarrow; crosscut saw; 50 bus, Irish Cobbler potatoes, Kitchen range; extension table; 1 bedroom suite; kitchen chairs. re- frigerator; linoleum, pictures. Chains, forks, shovels and other articles too numerous to mention. Everything must be sold, as proprie- tor is moving to Northern Ontario. Tern's --A11 sums of $13.00 and un- der, cash; over that amount, 7 months' time will be allowed on furn- ishing 'approved joint notes. 4 per cent. straight will be allowed for cash on credit amounts. Geo. H. Elliott, auctioneer; Oltas. D. Cox, proprietor. AUCTION SALE Of Farm, Farm Stock and Imple- ments, -Mr. Robert Gibson witl sell by public auction at Lot I6, Con. '5, McKillop, on Thursday, October 4'1, at 1:30 p, m: sharp, bhe following: Horses -1 aged driver, quiet and re- liable. Cattle -1 thoroughbred cow 13 yrs. old, bred Aug. ''lath; 1, thoroughbred cow, 4 years old, bred Sept. 16th; 2 yearling heifers; 2 yearling steers; 2 heifer calves, .thoroughbred. Implements -1 Deering binder, 6 ft. cut; 1 mower; 1 sulky rake; 1 truck wagon; 1 wagon in good repair, dou- ble box; 1 set sleighs; 1 cultivator; 1 disc harrow; 1 rubber -tired buggy, good as new; 1 steel tired 'buggy; 1 McCormick fertilizer drill; 1• set light sleighs; 1 buggy -pole; 1 steel roller 9 It. long; 1 hay rack; 1 riding plough; 1 walking plough; 1 set harrows; 1 scuffler; 1 set double ,harness; 1 set single harness; 1 cream separator, used only 2 summons; 1 grain crusher; collar and 'halms; 1 crow bar; 1 cut• ting box; 1 post hole scoop; 1 pulper; 1 pick; 1 doe. grain bags; fanning mill; sling ropes: buffalo robe; scythe, rakes and forks and other articles too numerous to mention. Also a quantity of hay. Terms of Sale -All stems of $10 and under, cash; over that amount 10 months' credit will be allowed .on'fur- nishing approved joint notes. A dis- count of 4 p.c. will be allowed for cash on credit amounts. The Farm will be offered for sale at the same time and place. Terms on farm will be made known on day of sale, T. Brown, aueta Robert Glbsom, Proprietor, spring ea'ives; 4 calves about one mouth old, Pigs -2 so'w's with litter one month old; 2 sows d 1 saw due Oct 28th,; ing from 60 to 100 lbs,. Implemcnbs---Massey 2 each, , let; weigh- s - bind- er 7 ft, cut, in goad order Massey Harris hay loader; Deering mower, 6 ft. cut; Deering hay rake; cultivator; Massey Harris combined broadcaster seed drill; set 4 sec: harrows; Fleury walking plow; Oliver walking ;plow; Perrin plow; Adams wagon, nearly new; 2 farm wagons; hay, rack; gravel box; McCormick grain" 'box, nearly stew; robber tire buggy; steel tire buggy; Scotland cubter with doors, nearly new; Clinton •fanning trill; set sleighs; Man'i'baba bob, nearly new with 2 fiat racks, set bunks; •hay fork; cal; slings; rope and pulleys; scuffler, wheel -barrow; root=pulper,. About 1,000 bushels 'nixed grain; about 40 tons of mixed hay; set breeching harness nearly new;. set back band harness; set single harn- ess; good Collie dog; Melotte cream separator; 1r:Laval cream separator, washing maalrine; Moffat range; one robe; whiffletrees; neckyokes, forks, chains and numerous other article's: Everything advertised will be sold as proprietor has sold his farm,. Terms -All sums of . $10.00 and under, cash over that amount 7 months' credit will be given on Turn ishing bankable paper or a discount of 3 per cent. "straight - allowed for cash on credit aliments, 'G. H. Elliott, auet.: Harold D. Delo, proprietor. POTATOES. Gaverunlent inspected, dry, clean and good cook ng, 3 will snppiy you for winter at $1,00 per single bag or three bags and over, 90e e bag. Phone your orders alt -once .to 34 on 616, Clin- ton central, As my stock will move fast, orders will be filled in 'rotation aa received, JONATHAN E. ikiU- GTli;L as 'SONS, 38 PULLETS FOR SALE, IFor sale "a nutuber of bred4tesla .Y Barred Rook pullets, Apply to 5051(1 T. ELME, ICippen, rr., No, 2, or Phone 31 on 134, Seaforth. RANGE FOR SALE. Por sale, ,Happy Thought steel range, nearly new, at a bargain, Own- er using electric, Apply at The News Office, 38, fx'OUSEREEPE12 WANTED. housekeeper for ,fasni home, not over 35 years of age. For home with one child. Apply ` to The News Office: 38 APARTMENT TO RENT, 5 rooms, town water, flights etc: E. IL. BOXrtf UNRESERVED CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Thoroughbred S'hoethorn and Grade -Cattle, 'Registered' •Leicester Sheep and Draft. Horses, on Tuesday,: October 2nd, et 1 p.m. sharp, on the farm known as - the Charter's Farm, on the Mill 'Road, three, miles wcstof Seaforth. Shorthorn Cattle. -Lady Aberdeen -1167578--IRoan, 7 years, supposed sto be in calf; Saucy Lady -4974d - Roan, .6 years, due to calve Jan. 20th; Lady Aberdeen 2nd -1188234 -+Roan, 6 years, heifer calf at foot; Lady Ab- erdeen 4th -•'213942 --?White, 3 years bull •calf at foot; Lady Aberdeen 3rd -7210007-1White, 4 years, due to carve Mar; Lady Beulah 3rd -217428 -- Rom, 3 rd--217'42$--Roan,.3 years, due to calve Jan. lit; Waterloo Princess 44th -217427 - Red, 3 years, due to calve April; Queen of .Huron 20th225333--lRed, 2 years, hull calf- at foot; 'Waterloo Lady '199044 -(Roan, 5 years, due to calve Nov. dst Queen of Huron lStb -1,7822'5-+Red, 8 years, due to calve Oct. 1st; Queen of Huron '19th -•.210006--1Roan, 4 years, due to calve Jan, 1st; Rosebud 8th -+210005 ;Red, 4 years, due to calve Feb, 10th; Wa- terloo Princess 43rd -480040 -Red, 7 years, due to calve in April; Lady ,Ab- erdeen 5th-228.579--Roan,1 year; Red'bull calf, 8 mos,, eligibe for regis, Roan bull calf, 8 mos,, Red bull calf, 6 mos. " Red bull calf, 5 mos. " " , Heifer calf, red, 8 mos. 2 Heifer calves, red and roan, 6 Mae eligible or regis. Gracie Cattle --1( grade cow milkf 2 yearling grade heifers, 1 grade- h'eif er calf. iS'heep. 20 Leicester breeding ewes, registered, 2 Leicester'shearling rams, registed; 12 Leicester ewe lambs, 8 Leices'ter ram lambs. Pigs. -.1 Yorkshire 'sow, 1 yr. old, bred. Sept. 1st, Horses. -1 bay mare 8 years old; 1 bay mare, 8 years old, foal atside, supposed to be in' foal; 1 bay gelding 4 years old, 1 brown dilly 3 years old, 1 bay filly 2 years old, '1 brown driv- ing mare 8 years old. Terms, -Seven months credit an furnishing joint bankable notes, and three per cent, straight will beallow- ed off for casb on credit amounts, (All sums of $20,00 and under, cash. Pos- itively no reserve as the farm has been rented. There will also be of- fered six acres of corm, if not dispose'd of before this sale, Geo. H. Elliott, Auct,; ARTHUR MASON, Prop. ' CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock and Implemetuts. Ur. Harold D. Daie has instructed the undersigned to sell by public auction r at Lot 9,n. 2,Hullett T 5 Coz Tp. / miles noth east f Clituton, on 'Wed- nesday, Oct, 3rd, :commencing at ,12 o'clock sharp consisting of the fel- lowing: Horses --Grey Percheron snare, 4 yrs, old; Grey Percheron mare, 5 yrs, old; Grey Percheron marc 4 yrs. old; driving colt 3 yes. old in •Oct„ driving eolt 2 yrs. old in Oct.; heavy draft. colt 1 yr, old. ,Cattle-•+Durhare grade cow, '5 yrs. old, due May. 1st; Durham grade cow 5 yrs. old, due Nov, let;: Dunham grade .cow, 5 yrs, old, due Jan, 5th; Durham grade cow, 6 yrs. old, due Mar. 211d; Durham grade Cow, 4 yrs. old, clue Apr, 3rd; Durham grade cow, 8 yrs. old, due Apr, aril; Hol- stein heifer, 3 re, due En Nov.; brin- dle Nv n Y ., due heifer, 3 yrs., Inc in Dar , Here- ford cow, 4 yrs, freshened 1 month; 13 two year old heifers, choice feed- ers; 2 two year old steers; 6 one year old ,steers; 7 one yeat old heifers 16 SALE OF H'O'MEMADE COOKING And vegetables on Fall Fair Day, Friday, 'Sept. 21st, in the vacant store, opposite the Commercial; 'formerly the Economy Shoe Store, under the auspices ,of bhe Neil gbew Auxiliary of Egmoudville Church, 38 HOUSE TO RENT. Apply to A, D, S'UTHEIILLANiD, General Insurairce & Real Estate, .Seaforth, FOR SALE. 'Cream separator: Been used four months. Also a churn, almost new and a set of 240 lb. platform ,scales, as good as new. Apply to :JOHN McISIEJLA'N,. Roxboro, Seaforth Phone 236 r 4. 371tf FOR SALE. Set oak dining room chairs, leather. seats, 1 walnut side board, 1 oak bed room suite. Miss L. Gaetzmeyer. En- quire R. DE'VFJREUX, Victoria St. 39 McKILLOP VOTERS' LIST. Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the per- sons mentioned in Section 9 of the Ontario Voters' List Act, the copies required by said section to he so transmitted or delivered of the list niade pursuant to said Act of all per sons appearing by the last revised As sessment Roll of the said Municipal- ity, to be entitled to vote in the said Municipality at elecbiolas for mem- bers of the Legislative Assembly and at Munici'pa•l electrons, and the list was first ,posted up in my office on the '8th day of September, 1928, and remains there for inspection. I here- by call upon all voters to examine the said list, and if any errors or omis slogs are found therein, to take im- mediate proceedings to have same corrected according to law. Dated at McKillop, this llth day of Septemher, AD. 1928. JOHN McNtA.Y, Clerk, CARD OF THANKS. . Mrs. Driscoll and family wish to thank their many friends and neigh- bors for the kindness and sympathy shown theta in (heir recent sad ber eavement '4*t se`�,who ,so kindly ;tae , t E I6&1t' the beauti- es] eauti- usI J,. SEAFORTH. MARIivETS. Wednesday Se,pt 19th. Potatoes, per bag.....•POc Eggs, per doz........ , , .75c, 32c, 38c 8c Butter, per lb. Broilers, 314, 21,a, under 2; lbs, 23c -21c -15t Hens, live,:5lbs, under 5 lbs. -18c-15cRoosters, 61b, 5 lb., per lb 14c -13e Hlogs, per owt .. .. $12.25-12.75' Simple andSure.--Dt. Thomas' Es - Metric Oil is so simple in application that a child can understand the in- structions. Used as a liniment the only direction is to tub, and when. used as a dressingto ripply. The dir- ections are so plain and unmistakable that they are readily understood 'by young or old. !ARNING We have the goods that make your land produce. Everlasting Clay Drain Tile, Niagara Agricultural Lithe, Empire Smith's or Armour's Fertilizers. If your field Is wet, drain it. Call ria if yet# want a machine to dig. If you can not grow clover, lime it; Niagara Lime does the trick. If you grow wheat fertilize it. But to get best results from your Fertilize ,r it first, less fertilizer will do and you can then grow , clover. When you can grow clover, you can grow almost anything. Call us or any of our Agents, Information cheer.. fully given. Goods always on hand. Do not be called from your work when the car arrives, We deliver at small cost, Quality goode and service, WILLIAM . M. SPROAT Clay Drain Gerieral AgentorNi Niagara Limed andr Empire, Seaforth, t Smith's th'sor Armour's Fertilizers for Perth and Huron FOR RENT GiB S'431. Frame Mouse ort Tast William Street for. rent or sale, 3 bedrooarts, living roam, kitob'ep and parlar. lat• under house, Hard and soft water inside. Electric ligh¢s, Garage ar hen house. One block front Collcg iat'e Institute. Apply AiDA'M NAYsS, EXPERT FINISHING. Expert Kodak finishing; Develop- Ing $o a roll, prints 3c each, any size. JACKSON STUDIO, Seaforth. 41 FARM FOR SALE, Choice 50 -acre farm, in good condi- tion. Nil lot 16, gen, 5, Mclaillop, all cleared and all seeded down, Two storey cement house, frame kitchen, all in good repair, Barn 30'x46' on a cement wall, cement stabling and water in the .barn, 'Cementdriving house 24'x36', France hog pen 16'x24,, Never failing well of ohoice water. Well fencdd and underdrained with file drain. Will 'be.sold on easy terms to suit purchaser, with or without crop. Failure of health is reason for selling. For further particulars apply an the ,premises or write to Seaforth R.R. 5, ROBERT GIBSON, tf27 VEGETABLES FOR SATJE. You can have both quality and freshness throu'g'hout the coming sea- son. The best varieties of vegetaibles grown. Prices right. Write or call, and leave your ord'er at the Maitland Bank Garden, Roxboro, EDMUND STAFFORD, Prop, 38' PROPERTY FOR SALE. On West William Street, one block from Public School, churches and Main Street, of Seaforth, nine -room- ed house, electric light, hard and soft water' inside; furnace in good condi- tion. There is on this property a gar- den, garage, and stable and a -,good hen house, This property is in first class .condition, Apply . to MRS. ROZELTJA MARTIN. a 46 HOUSE FOR SALE. Corner James and Ann Streets, Sea- forth, seven roomed house, . electric Light, hard and -`soft •Water inside. Garden and stable on property. Apply MRS. WM. I41cMD01•PA'EL, John et., or Phone 197. 1811 T- HEcKi M I.LOP- Mutual Fire Insurance Co FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN. PROPERTY 0 N Y, INSURED Officers James Connolly, Goder- ich; Alex. James Evans, Beechwood, Vice President; D. F, McGregor, Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer, Directors-4Wm. Rinn, No. 2 Sea- forth, John 'Bennewies, Rrodhagen; James Evans, (Beechwood; M. Mc- Ewen, Clinton James' Connolly, ;God- erich; Alex: 'Braadfoot, No. 3, . Sea - forth; J. M. Sholdice, ,No. 4, Walton; Robert Ferris, Harlock; George Mc- Cartney, No. 3, Seaforth; Murray Gibson, Brucefield. Agents -Alex. Leitch, r.r. 1, Clin- ton; E. Hinchley, Seaforth; J. A. Murray, r.r. No. 3, Seaforth; J. V. Yeo, Bolmesville; R. G. Jarmouth, Bornhohn. James Kerr and John. Govenlocic, Seaforth, auditors. Parties desirous to effect'insuttance or trans- act other business will be promptly attended -to by application to any of the above named officers addressed 4o their respective postoffices. PROPESSIOIVAL CARPS. Medical, DR, II, HTTG3T ROSS, l'hyaiefea and Surgeon. Late of, London Hos- pital, London, England, Special attention to diseases of the eye, east e nose and t"hrtoat,. Office and resld- once behind Dominion Bank, Office Phone No, 5; Re'sidenoe Phone d1t: Da. F, J. SURROWLS, Seaforrik Office and residence, Gpderfch street, east of the Methodist 'Church. 'Cor- oner for 'the' County of Huron, Tela phone No, 40. • 1aR, C, M'ACKAY,-C, Mackay, honor graduate , of Trinity Univers- ity and gold medallist of Trtarl (Medical College; member of the ')al- lege of Physicians and Surgeons of Ont tad*. DR. F. J. R. FORSTER-eye, lar Nose and Throat. Graduate in -]Tedd- eine, University of Toronto 1897. Late Assistant New York Opl►iiitkaic and Aural Institute, Moorefieldii Eye, and Golden Square throat hospitals, Lon. don, England, • At Commercial betel,0,1 Seaforth 3rd 'Monday onday fn each movt?<. from 11 a,m,, to 3 p.m, DR, W. C. SPTOAT,-Gratdp;tc al Faculty of 'Medicine, Univers* of Western Ontario, London, 'Member of College of Physicians and Sr- geons of Ontario, Office in AberLesi's Drug .Store, ;Main St., Seaforffe Phone 90. DR. WM.ABERIEART Graduate af' Faculty of Medicine,. University of Toronto. Member. of •.College of Physicians and Surgeons of Outwit*, Licentiate of Medical Council of - Canada. Late interne Toronto 'Weer tern Hospital. Office -Queen's Rota' Building, North Main Street. Photo* 89. Night calls, phone 111. Dental. DR. J. A. ,MUNN Successor to Dr. R. R, Ross, grade• ate of Northwestern University, ,Girl• cago; Ill, Licentiate ,Roya'1'-College et} Dental Surgeons, Toronto, Of8ota- r ver Sills hardware, Main street, Seaforth: Phone 151. 1Yf, F. J, B'EOH'ELY, gradients " Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Office over W. R. Smith's Grocery, Main street, Seaforth Phones,. offibe 185W, residence 185) Auctioneer. GEORGE. ELLIOTT, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Halon Arrangements can be made for :Sale Date at The Seaforth News, .,Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed WATSON AND REID'S• REAL . ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY (Successors to James 'Watson) MAIN ST., SEA+FORTH, ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates in First -ICUs, Companies. ' Havey our next Suit or Overcoat rcoat made by W. BATEM.AN l - Practica Tailor MAIN ST., SEAFORTH . Prices from $25.00 up. YOUR OWN MATERIALS MADE UP AT REASONABLE RATES • Try us for Prompt Service Style and Satisfaction' FAIR DAY SPECIAL' Thursday, Friday and Saturday Official Motion Pictures of them WORLD'S CHAMPIONSHIP HEAVYWEIGHT BOUT Gene TunneYTom Heen eY e . Also a Tiffany Production - The Beauty- Shoppers A Comedy Drama of 'Up-to-date Femininity Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday e 'lileAG A Satire on .the home town of Big Bill Thompson Supervised by Cecil De Mille with an all star cast headed by PHYLLIS HAVER from the famous stage success: COMING BERCI Y� STE Iw Gold Medal 'Winner as the best picture ofits year of production PRINeEss