HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1928-09-20, Page 4PAQE kTQUIt TR lrn S AFQ Ttl NEWS TSPAY, SEPxi'3MBER 20, 1921{ TRE SEAPORTR NEWS. Snowdon Bros.; 'Publishers. W ALTQN, The regular monthly meeting • of the 'W. M, S. anti Ladies' Aid of W 1 • United CI -larch was held at the on e home of lire. Bruce ,on Wednesday afternoon, Sept, 10. Miss Simpson presided and conductedthe opening exercises. A. leaflet entitled "The Beginning 'God" was read by. -Mrs, Bry4tns, showing how God is the be- ginning of all things goodr Other articles were read by various mem- bers on our Indian mission work` • in 'Cen'ada=l. What W.M.S. is doing for the Indians;' 2. .'habits, of the In- dians; 3, The first calls for work ttncng the Indians: The first call was from Saskatchewan and the sec- ond one frotu Port Simpson in BIC, 4. How the children are taught in the' Indian .schools and 5bh, How the In- dustrial schools are conducted, tak- ing for ecannple.the one at Alberni in 11, C. Our Indian work cost us (in 1928) $117,613 and W. M. S. is re- sponsible for $46,723, while the Gov- ernment and local societies make up the remainder. Mrs, (Dr.) Wilford, fr„ut Blyth. leas very kindly consent- ed to address our next meeting ',which will be held at Mrs, John atson's), on her medical work in China. Mrs, Bryans closed the meet - .ng with prayer. The Ladies' Aid of tins church have arranged to hold a chicken -pie supper on the evening, of Oct, 1'S, Good entertainers are being procured, Mrs. William Scott returned to her home at Winnipeg on Monday after attending the summer months at the Dickson home, Mr. I t Dennis a Will D tt is and Miss Ethel Dennis were London visitors last n e ek, Mr. Will McCulla attended the funeral of Mrs, Skalitsky Sr. in Strat- ford on Sunday. Mrs. Albert McGavin and daugh- ter Della were Wingham visitors, 11r. and Mrs. George Brown anti Mr. and airs. Currie, of Wingham, were visitors at Mr. and Mrs. John Croziers on Sunday. Mrs, J. Barrows. who has been vis- iting the past two weeks with Brus sels friends, has returned to Walton, Mr. Routledge, of Grafton has been appointed agent at the C.P.R. station at Walton, succeeding Jr.lGeorge Badley, who has been agent the past six years and who has been transfer- -ed to Hanover. Mies Elsie Dodds, who is teaching a \ew .Hamburg, motored up to spend the week end at the parental borne in McKillop. )Jr, and Mrs. Alfred Johnston and lfa,te.r Mervin and Helen, of Varna. and .Hiss Edna Clark, of Listowel, spent Saturday at tae home of Mr. and Mrs, William Clark and visited anter Walton ,friends, Messrs, John and George Hill and Mr, Willard Laing and little daugh- ter Patsy and Mrs. George McCorm- ack, of Sundridge. Muskoka, accorn- • panted by Mr. David Hill, of Arthur, motored here to spend the week -end with their sister, Mrs. George Hend- erson, and their nephew, Mr. James Henderson, of McKillop. Mr, William Shortreed has purch- ased a new engine and separator from the Bell works in Seaforth. Mr. and Mfrs. Ed. Rowland spent a day in London last week. Club Store Closed.—At a meeting of the shareholders of the Walton T',F,O. store on Tuesday evening it aas decided to close the store for the present at Least. Mrs. Jepson. of Fergus, spent the week with Mr. and Mrs, AIex. Munn. Mrs. Davis, of Brussels, was a week -end guest of Mrs. R. H. Fer- guson. Mr,. Nesbitt and daughter Agnes, f L''.to,vel, spent the week -end with Mrs. Kinney, Will Mk Cull t Joe Ryan, John .Bal- four, Tiles. Archibald, Mr. and Mrs. John Crozier. Mr. and Mrs. George Brown, Ed. Davidson and Calvin Hill - en w•err among those who attended London Fair last week. Mr. William Hoy is laid up with the fln. Mr. Ritchie Drager has purchased a new car from Mr, Russell Marks and retuen- this week to Preston. BLYTH. Robertson -Brown. -- .1 very pretty t.edding took place Wednesday, Sep- tempber 12th at noon, at St. An- drew's Manse. Blyth, Rev. George 'Weir, B.A.. officiating, when Marg- aret Leona, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Brown, Blyth, be- came the bride of Harvey M., eldest son of Jr, and Mrs, William Rob- crtsan, of Illiterate. The bride wore a white georgette gown •with lace trimming. and carried a bouquet bf Ophelia rurce awl lily -of -the -valley. She was attended by her sister, Mis, Mary 13rgwrt, who wore a gown of ,rink georgette and carried pink and white asters. Mr. Saul Rothntel, of rarelph. attended the groom. After the ceremony the, young couple re- turned to the hone of the brides par- ents, where they were greeted with the strain, of \fendelssohn'• weddin match, played by the bride's yottngeat aster,' Miss Ella Brown, after which Misses Janet and Gertrude Rohert- ou, sisters of the groom, sang 'O Perfect Love." A wedding breakfast was then nerved in buffet fashion t., only iintnediate relatives. Jr,MPeter McArthur, of Brussels, gave the toast to the bride, responded to by the groom.- The happy couple then left for a wedding tour to Guelph. To ronto and Niagara Falls, the bride wearingat navy pniret twill carpe coat trimmed with black satin trimming .. and •asliee of roses georgette dress with Meek velvet drooped hat. Ott their return the newlyweds will take ap residence .'n -Ile groom., farm ttear 1'3lucvale. • The.W Ef S. tri the Queen Street t'nited• Church was held at the home of Mfiss Pearl 'Gidiey. Mars, G. Mf, Chambers presided and the meeting opened by singing the- Doxology, lowed by by the •LArd's prayer in uni- son, The 123rd.hyttun turas then sung. • Mrs, J. Maines, 1st Vice; President had charge of' the husittec,s part of. the • tweeting. 'Che.devotienal rea,Elet was tglcen by liars. Fawcett. A piano that by Mrs, Id, McElroy arid' Miss .Peart Gidiey was enjoyed by all, Giltldtlon work w'a's taken, by Mrs, William Jlowatt, Topic, Indian Work, led by Mrs. Qhambers, was taken by Mesdames Bainten, Maines, Bender, McElroy and Colclottgh. A very pleasing -sate, 'SGuide Boole Di - vole," by Mt's, N. Sanderson, was followed lay silent prayer, Mrs, Wightntan then led in prayer. After singing hy>utt 95, Mrs, Carr •closed the meeting with prayer, A very • fine luncheon was thea served by the ltos- tess-and a social half hour spent. A vote of appreciation was tendered Miss Gidiey far her kindness in the home we had spent so many pleas. mak hours in the years gone by. All went home' feeling they had spent e very profteble afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. C. 'L. Burnside, :of Grtms'by, visited the latter's` mother, MMrs. Cololough, on Sunday, Mrs. Austin Spafford and sol BO - by are visiting Mrs: C. Spafford this Week. Mr. and Mrs. Moses and son Ken- neth, of Elmira, and Mr. and Mrs, Ted Beeston, of Blenheim, visited Mrs. T. Metcalfe over the week -end. Rev, H. W. Snell, St. Paul's' Angli- can Church, Stratford, conducted spe- cial services at Auburn and Belgrave on Sunday while Rev. W. B. Haw- kins took the services in St. Paul% Church on Sunday. There was no service in Trinity Church here on Sund Missay, Alice Rogerson commenced this week taking up a business course at Clinton. Russell Garniss returned Friday from Clinton hospital but is still confined to 'bed. Mr. Dick Wallace„ tef Newark, N. l who has been visiting his brother, e Wallace,Mr. Irvine \'allace making short t nkin g a sho t visit in London, \Iiss Hazel Leslie is visiting Mr, and Mrs. \\', Z. Cade at St. Marys, The many friends of '_vaiss Mary Cole are pleased to know she is very ranch improved after her recent ill- ness. Mr, and Mfrs. Earl. McKnight, of Auburn, were week -end guests of her aieter, -firs, T. Snell. Bortz,—In Clinton Hospital, on Sat- urday, Sept. 15th, to Mr. and Mrs. El- mer Pollard, a daughter. Hiss Vivian McElroy left Tuesday for London, where she will attend Western University, Word has been received by Mr, Thomas Sloan that hopes for recovery were held for his brother, Mr. R, R. Sloan. well known apple grower of Goderich Township, though his con- dition would remain critical for 8 or ten days after the third operation_ on his head which he underwent Tast heck. Mr. McElroy, of Detroit, is visiting his parents. Mr, and Mrs, W. H. Mc- Elroy, Miss Mary Brown, of Brampton, is 'siting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Brown. Dr. John Laidlaw, of Chicago, visit- ed his sister, Miss Janet Laidlaw, for whose recovery little hope is held. Mrs. Edgar Dexter's many friends regret her serious illness. Mrs. A, Colclough. returned Sun- day after spending the past two weeks at the home of her daughter, Mrs, L. O. Miller, Goderich. Mr. and Mrs, Russel Bradshaw, of Jamestown, spent Sunday with John and Mrs. Grasby. Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Shoebottont Belgrave, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Johnston Sunday et -en- ing. • - Me. and Mrs. Nelson Nicholson and fancily visited Mrs, Florence Russel, :+r Brussels, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Grasby spent Sunday with lar, and Mrs, Alfred Nesbit, of Auburn, John and Mrs. Riley and two chit - 'wen, of Jamestown, were guests of Mir, and lairs. Clarence Johnston on 'unday. Messrs. John Craig and George t unningham, of Miitehell, visited at t"eir homes over the week -end, DUBLIN. Mrs. William McDermott has re- turned front Toronto after spending lee past week with her sister, Miss M. Ryan. Jrr. John McGrath shipped a car- : ad of horses on Saturday. Mr, Gerald Hale, of Windsor, spent she week -end with his parents here. Miss Veronica McConnell left on Monday for North Bay where she will attend Normal school. Mr. and Mrs. T. Griffin, of Kings- t••idge, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. T. \folyneaux. Mfr, M. Benninger had one of his •, st horses struck by lightning on Friday night. The animal had to be !astroyed. Miss Dess Holmes, of Stratford. is siting with friends in Dublin. • \lr. Jahn McGrath anal Mr. James } ,eery were seriously injured on Monday while leading a horse to be ':;erect. Mr, McGrath had several he broken and Mr. Feeney suffered `sadly bruised shoulder and arm. . The Ladies' Guild of St, Mary's church meet at Mrs. Archie Forbes. a Friday. - Ml-. and Mrs. Joseph Carpenter and ,nils• spent a clay in London last eel.. Miss Lettit• Sutherland, of Strata ,rd. visited her friend, Miss Anna t)elaney. Mise Rose Flanagan viaited her ;sunt, Mrs. Philip Kenny. Mr. and Mrs, Louis Bruxer spent 'tinday with Mr. and Mrs. John Dal- ti. ML. Sturks, Stratford, spent Sunday .visit .lir. and Mrs. Joseph O'Rourke, -lir. etid \frs. Martin Feeney spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs Tian, Costello. Mrs, '1', Maloney and Minnie Ma- l.ney left on Tuesday morning to ,pend a• week in buffalo. •Mr. Joseph Carpenter left on Saint-, •'ay to attend University int Landolt. Mfr. and Mrs. William Prendergast -anent Sunday at the home of -Mr. and aka. James Shea. \fr, Vern P,ritton .of Kitchener is. tisiting at the ttottte of.. his parents, Mr, ant Mrs. Jack Britton'. Miss Helen l<raugkopf left on \VOLVE T N FLOUR MILLS CO. LIMITED SE1I.FORTl4,, ONTARIO WE ARE PAYING FOR GRAIN Wheat, Standard $1,15 per bins, Oats, Standard of over' 450 per bus, Barley, Standard or over 800 per bus. Mixed Barley and Oats - $1.30 per 100. These prices are for sound, ,dry grain delivered at the mill, WE ARE SELLING • Silverkiug, .Best Manitoba Patent, $4,00 per bag Keystone, Bost Pastry Flour $3.75per bag Stone Ground Whole Wheat $3.70 per bag Bran $31.00 per ton • . Shorts $33.00 per ton Middlings $43,00 per ton Those Prices Are . CASH. No Delivery, R, W. DARR®011, Local Manager PHONE 51 Thursday for London where she is training for a nurse in St. Joseph'a hospital. Mr, and Mrs. Eddy McGrath and Vin McGrath of Kitchener spent Sup_ day with their mother, Mrs. Peter McGrath: of McKillop, AA large number from here attend- ed the "Sunshine Party" held in 5t. ColumbanA arish hall on Friday ev- ening, Sept, lath. Mr. and pMrs. Joseph Stapleton have returned Monte front their 'honeymoon trip, during which they visited Buf- falo, Detroit, Toledo and other points and are residing on the groom's fine farm west of Dublin. Misses Evelyn and Rutlt Dillon, of Clinton, spent Sunday with their par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. Josephof Di Mr, Patrick Maloney,McKillop. left for Detroit this week. BRUCEFIELD. The Septetuber meeting of the W. M.S. was held in the basement of the church on Wednesday, September 12, with the president, Mrs. (Rev.) W. A. Bremner, occupying the chair. The nteefng was opened in the usual man- ner, Mrs, James McQueen read the devotional leaflet, "In the Beginning, God," and Miss E. Bowey led in prayer. Rvll call ,showed a fair at- tendance. Delegates were appointed. to the W.M.S. sectional meeting, The topic for the month was, "Our In- dian Neighbors," andwasably taken by Mrs, Bremner, Mrs, 'Brock, Mrs. W. Stackhouse, Mrs. 'R. P. Watson and Mrs. T. Chapman, A very in- teresting letter from Miss Gretta Mus- tard, Ethelbert, Man., was read by Mrs. Bremner. Mrs. Rattentbury closed the meeting with prayer. Arrangements are being made for th anniversary services in Brumfield United Church. The date chosen is the last Sunday in October, viz., Oct, 28th. The Rev. J. R. Hall, M.A., of St. Paul's Church, Sarnia, into be the special preacher for the day. Mr. Elwood Stackhmtse aeaves this week to tat-. ..L,irse at O.A.C., in Guelph:" Miss Mary Stewart has been en- gaged to teach in S.S. No. 6, Stephen. Miss Jessie Tough is the guest of Iter sister, Mrs. M. Stevens. Mrs. J. Addison has returned from a visit to Orillia. Mir. Lance Norris is spending a few holidays with his parents. Mr. and airs. John Norris Mr. and \L Alex. Mustard Jr. vis- ited friends in Stratford on Sunday. Mr. and Mire. Tiug't t,u tttuur and ;amity called on friends around Bruce - field on Sunday. Miss Olive Harrison has taken a po- sition in Hensel!, Mrs. M. Tulley and son Donald 'fare returned to their home at Young's Point, Wilfred Aikenheatl returned with them for a short visit, Stan Reid has gone to London to cake a business course in the Wester- velt college. Janet _\ileenhead and Mary Stewart -pent Friday in Crediton, Mr. anc,1 Mrs. George Swan spent •he week -end in Detroit. Mise Pearl Brock has taken a posi- tion in H. F. Berry's store. Mise Martha MacDonald has re- turned home after visiting the past three weeks in Jackson, lfieh,, and. Toledo, Ohio. 'Miss. Helen Davidson has gone to 1.ondon to attend Westervelt Col- lege. Mise Edith Starrburyleaves this week t, attend Normal in Stratford, :\ number from this vicinity took in 1, :n am Fair last week. A few of •bent were Mfr. and Mrs. Fred Nott, Mr. and hire, Wilbur Nott, Mrs. Wil- liam Falconer and Jean, Mr, and Mrs. Glen bfcKnight and Mr. and Mrs, IToward Snell. Mr. Lester Lealeau, of Windsor, tisited ,al the h'nte of his mother, Mrs N. Le'Beau, over the week -end. Mr. Ed. Miller, of Zurich, visited t: Mfr, .Harry Taylor's on Sunday, Mrs. Cole. of Detroit. was the acct of Mr. and Mrs. 'Henry last s vele, Mrs, George Elgie visited et the ',r,me of Mrs. C. Marks and other ;riends last week. Miss Helen Tough, of our village, underwent a serious operation int the Crnten hospital last week. Her many friends hope to hear of her speedy recovery. Miss Mary J. McCully returned to .'r home laet week after spending months visiting •friends in Strat- :rd, Shakespeare, Embro and Or- angeville. !Her many friends are glad t . ace her looking so well. alias Anna M, Haugh, who has been .vending the sunnier at the Lake o,f Pays. returned to her home last week, where she will spend a week before ¢sling to resume her work in the Uni- versity at Toronto. 'Mks Jessie Tottgh is visiting at the 'tame of her ;ester, Mfrs. W, 'Stevens and other frieede in rhe village this BAYFIELD, Miss Editlt Harmer of Port Stanley i$ the guest of Miss Lucy Woods this week. Misses Jean Woods of Galt and Ethel Jowett of New Dundee motored home for the week, end. Mrs, W. J. Elliott, Blue Water Highway, Is visiting s friendi Lon- don,n Mr, and bus, E. Manuess, Armand and Billie Manness are spending a week at their cottage. Mrs. F, Baker is visiting her daugh- ters, Mrs. V. 1iurt at London, 'Do not forget the Bayfield fair, on fri Seendptems,ber ..Stir and 26Th, Tell your Mr. Will Cameron motored to De- troit last Thursday to spend a few days. Mr, and Mrs. F. G, Neelin returned last week having spent two weeks at Toronto, London and Dhamesville. Miss Nina Heard of Clinton spent the week end at her home. Mr. and Mrs. W. McDonald, who have been visiting ,the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Weston, returned to Detroit fast week. .firs. Widcoinbc is visiting for a week at St. Marys, with her husband who is etnployed with the, hydro con- struction Mr, Frank Erwin, of Kitchener, spent the week end with his aunt, Mrs F. A. Edwards, Mr. R. W. Bristol of Summit, N.J,, joined his wife on Friday when he will spend a holiday in the village. Rev. and Mrs. F. H, Paull left on Monday to spend a vacation at Tor- onto and Galt. The services on Sun- day throughout the parish will be conducted by one of the Crusaders, who worked in. the parish in June. Mr. N. Tilker, who. spent a two weeks' vacation at .Itis home in Harris- ton, returned on Saturday. Mr. J E. Graham, who was reliev- ing in the Stand ' Bank, left on Miss Campbell and Mr. A. Wright returned to London on Monday, hav- ing spent their vacation in the vil- lage. iProf. Lloyd Hodgins, Mrs. A. G. Hodgins of Toronto, and Messrs, Ce- cil and Reginald Hodgins left on Wednesday for Toronto after a ten stays' vacation in the former's cot- tage. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Day, Jean and Jim Day returned to Detroit on Tues- day after spending a few days in their cottage. A re -union of the Jowett fantily and relatives was held in Jowett's grove on Sunday. Those front Port Huron were: Mr. and Mrs. Turk and family, Mrs. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Jew- ett and daughter; Mr. and Mrs. Will Jowett, Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Jowett, Mr. and Mrs.;Herb Jowett and daugh- ter, Mrs, Edmonson and son Sarnia; Mfr. and Mrs. Thomas Dunbar and family; Miss Ethel Jowett, New Dun- dee; Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Jowett, Mrs. Lund:boltn and Mr. and Mrs, W. R. Jowett, Bayfield. The weather was perfect and a very enjoyable time was spent. All hope to hold another re- union next summer, HULLETT. Mir. Harold Dale, who has sold his fttrin to his brother, Mr. A. T. Dale, is holding a clearing auction sale on Wednesday, Oct, 3rd, Mr, Dale in - :olds moving to Seaforth. The Huron Count Girls' House - told Science Judging team which en- tered the competition at the Canadian National Exhibition, September 5, eihs composed of Miss Mary 'Wood, Miss Bertha 'Hoggart and Mrs. De \•Vett Strong. The Hatton County team won seventh place among the twenty-six teams -which entered, The points obtained by the first ten teams, out of 1,800, are— Middlesex. ,a1623 Waterloo ., 1586r% Wellington -160a Huron ,.,. 158554 Ontario X11580 Lanark1590/ IHaldfmand 1578 Brant -...159814, ;Bruce . 156754 Miss Bertha 'I-Ioggart entered the Girls' Household Science Judging Open Competition,held at the Wes- tern Fair Condon, September '1lth, Miss I4oggart won a prize in each class she entered, namely, first prize in House Furnishings and ninth in Nutrition. Astittna Brings Misery, but Dr. J, 1), Kellogg's Asthma Remedy will re- place the misery with 'wctcome re- lief, Inhaled as ,smoke or vapor it reaches the very innermost recesses the bronchial passages and soothes them, Restriction passes and easy hreathittg returns, 1f you knew as well how this remedy would help you •r. do thousands of grateful users, :!erre would be a package -'In . your tt.'me tonight, Try it. • • • T1TCI IIRSMITItT. Mt's. Wiiliatn Wright Jr. is sRend- tag the week with her, mother, Mrs. Hearn, of Hamilton, Mr, William Oleo called ort Mr. William Wright Sunday last, Mr, and Mrs, 'Rd. Allen end Mre, ,lames Allen tnotored to London Fri. clay last, Messrs. Wilson tend Robert Mc- Cartney and R, Cameron motored to London Thursday. It-ir, and Mrs, William Cameron and little son Elmer were London visitors, Mr, and Mrs, Bert C•lark and little Betty and Bobby, of Flint, Mictt„ vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Armstrong Thursday last, Mr, and Mrs, G, Camereit and fam- ily called on her father, Mr. Sandy. MdKay, of Egntondville, Sunday lest, Mr, and Mrs. Alex, Wright and sons Arthur and Gordon and Mrs,' Alex..Broadfoat and son John, all me- tered to London Wednesday 'last,' la'Ir, Lloyd Stewart' has returned to Flint after spending a week with his mother, Mts. Alfred, Ross, Mr, and Mrs. Henry` Forsyth and Vera spent Sunday with Mr, and tMrs, William Cameron, - Mr, Charles Topp, Mr. George Kalle, of Buffalo spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, John Elgie, They were accompanied back by Mrs, Topp and Alice, who have spent the week,'vis- iting here, Mrs. William Traquair, of Tilbury, visited last week with her niece, Mrs. John McLachlan. Mr. John Love, ' of Egmondville, spent Tuesday with 'their son, Mr, James 'Love, The farmers are bttsy doing their fall plowing;' Many are busy with thecrop. bean c p. I� Agnes Miss atrick of Parkhill s spent Sunday with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Wrliiam Patrick. Mr, and Mrs. Russell Coleman and Miss Dorothy spent Sunday with re- latives at Thor,tdale, • Mr. Harry Taylor wears a broad smite these days. His wife presented` hint with a fine baby boy. Mr. J. Troyer and son, Rev. H. Troyer, of Toronto, visited at the home of Mr. C. Oke one day last w eek. The farmers are finding it difficult to save the bean crop owing to the wet weather. Mr. George Ortwein, of Winnipeg, and the Misses Grace and Gladys Coleman, of Hillsgreen, visited at the home of their uncle, Mr , Thomas Coleman, last 'week. Mr. J. Troyer and son, Rev. H. Troyer, of Toronto, who have been visiting at Mr, T. Coleman's, returned to their home on Saturday. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Thomas 'Coleman, Mr. and Mrs, William Landsbor- ough visited at the . home of their daughter, Mrs, Secord McBrien, of Hullett, one day last week. Mr. Louis Tebbutt spent Thursday at London, IV Just What You Have Been Waiting For 34 piece set at n price any one can Word $20. 26 piece set as low .as $12. Other Sets $18, $21.75 and up.,. KNIFE` and FORK SE75 Stainless Steel, French blade, silver bandies Stainless Steel, French blade. Zylo handles $5.50, $6 '50, $7.50 Stainless Steel Knives $3.7$ and tip Forks $10,50 $2.50 and op Spoons, per ., dozen $1.25, $2.50 cup Lovely 3 piece set in beautiful lined box, ' Consists of Tomato Server, Cold. Meat Fork and Berry Spoon at $7.00 ' We invite you to look over our stock J. A. WESTCOTT Repairing ja . Specialty PRONES -Stores 04W ---House 64J .._ gym HURON COUNTY SCHOOL FAIR DATES. Sept.14 SColborne T wp, 1 16Ashfield Twp. 10 ,,,,,....,. Ashfield Twp. 20 Wroxeter 21 ...... . .... 'Blyth 72 Howicic Twp. 24 ,,,,..... • Belgrave 25 St. Helens 26 , Usborne Twp. 27 .., .,,Crediton 28 Grand Bend Oct. 1. Dashwood FALL FAIR DATES. Palmerston Oct. 2 and 3 St. Mary's .,.,....... Oct. 4and S SEAFORTH Sept. 20 and 21 Stratford 'Atwood Teeswater Wingham Bayfield. Brussels Dungannon .. , Oct. 5 Exeter Sept. 18 and 19 Fordwich Oct. 6 Mitchell Sept. 25 and 26 Milverton , . , , Sept. 27 and 28 i.ucknow ... Sept. 27 and 28 Kincardine .. .,.. Sept 19 and.20 Sept. 17-18-19 Sept. 21 and 22 Oct, 2 and 3 Oct, 9 and 10 Sept. 25 and 26 Oct. 4 and 5 Mr. and Mrs. John L. Devereaux �. Kirkton A Oct. 172 and 8 11 were visitors in London last week. Goderich Sept.1 9 Zurich Sept. 24 and 25 KIPPEN. i Mr. Earl Sproat is in Toronto ktilk Ip our best all-round food. It this week and while there will at -1 most perfect food we have a of his brother, Dr.i D d e for tend the marriage human diet. Milk tastes good, it is W. C. Sproat. easily digested and is very nourlsh- St. Andrew's United Chur-dt, Kip- big. It makes bone, brawn and blood. pen, nvi11 hold their anniversary on i The vigor and success of the people Sunday, October 7th. This would depend largely upas the'emount of have been the sixtieth anniversary of milk used, In Ontario we use about the former Methodist Church, Kip -1 2,000,000 quarts per annum, enough pen. For this occasion, Rev. G. N. to float a fleet of battleships, Only Hazen, B.A., of Centennial Church,labout one-quarter of this is used as London, Ontario, has been secured as - raw milk, the rest as butter and the special speaker for the day. Ser-+ehaeee. vices 11 a.m, and 7.30 p.m. A glass of milk contains a mixture Hillsgreen United Church will hold i of all the important things that make their anniversary on Sunday. and 7.30 p.m.Sept. € 23. Rev. James Anthony. lis A., of ' up a' mixed and complete meal, as ob- Thames Road United Church. will be ` rained from meat, eggs, sugar, ce- the specialspeaker for the day. Ser - milk, oils and fat. Children .muaep havers vices at 11"a.m,milk, adults ought to, as, it repairs Mfr. Harvey licCi3ynont .e waste, builds flesh' and bene, helps r e + - - . _s,�. grovrth;. and keeps the body warm. Milk contains alt the vitamines ' essential to life. These promote growth and favor uttlizattlon of food. Fitt sellable A is found In milk -fat as ft prevents rickets in young ani- mals and children. Water aoluable B S'w• clays with friends in and around fs found in milk; it 1s essential in the village. Mrs. R. J. D'aysnan- who preventing neuritic diseases. Water has 'been visiting with friends in Soluble 0- is also found in milk; it is the antiscorbutic vitamin which is interesting because it prevents scurvy, a common ailment among children. Milkcontains a great deal of lime. Children need lime and plenty of iti. especially for growing bones and teeth. This liquid food contains all the necessary elements of a good mix- ed diet, and which at' the same time can be used without special prepar- ation and is available to all Ontario people at a price that should stimu- late more extensive use. Milk is the most difficult of all ou foodstuffs to collect, handle an transport. It P requires es the 4 realest care front the green pasture to the pail and from the pail to the table, It spoils quicker than any other food.' Keep it clean and cold. Pure raw niilk is better than purl-, fled milk, but It is so difficult to get Pure ' milk that safety lies in pasteur- ization and low temperatures,—L,' Stevenson, Dept. of Extenaion, 0. A. College. Separate Cockerels and Pullets, • Remove the young cockerels from the Sock as soon as the sexes can be determined. The male birds' being heavier and stronger crowd the pul- lets away from the feed and Water -1 and thereby delay the development of the' pillet bock, Young male birds should be marketed as soon an they, reach the broiler stage. Any young male birds saved for breeding :pur- poses should' be reared on the range by themselves, :timed home ate. g n+ of friends for a few days in London. Mr. l\'illiatu Moore has returned after .visiting for a few days in In- gersoll. \Ir. James M. McClymant and Mrs. H. J. Hubbard, of Detroit, spent a De- troit. returned home with them_ Theservice and Sunday School will he withdrawn on Sunday, Sept. 23rd en account of the anniversary at Hillsgreen, Anniversary services at Hillsgreen at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Services con- ducted by Rev. James Anthony, M.A., of Thatnes Road United Church. Mr. William Ivison and Mr. D. F. Anderson have been appointed from Kippen charge to attend the Laymen's Convention in Massey Hall, Toronto. Mr. Lance Norris has returned from Toronto and is holidaying at the home of his parents, :lir. and Mrs. Jolie Norris, Miss Jennie Chesney. who has been in Toronto visiting friends, returned home last week. Threshitig is the order of the day. Many of the farmers have their threshing finished for the "Year. Mfrs. Thomas Dayman and daugh- ter Esther. spent the week end in London, Me Peter McKenzie delivered a fine horse in Sea•forth on Saturday last, for which he received a good fi- gure. Mr, James Dallas also sold a good hr,e to Mr, James Norris, of Mlitchell. It pays to raise good horses. •Many in this section are suffering frombad o colds. Mr. and Mtrs, Warren Schilbe spent a diy`is London recently. 1'0 anivett1rd the child from ilatn- itre that worm,cause, use Miller's Worm Powders, tine medicine par ex- cellence for children, These powders will clear the system entirely of regulate and stimulate the organs tpluriottsly affected by tine worms and will ettcotirage healthful operation of the digestive processes, As a vermifuge it cannot he sttrptts- serl in effectiveness, Vitamines, Growth and devclopulent to ani- mals are dependent upon a diet cone talning vitaminea and bat,' ,' anted chemically. Vitttminee are wide,: spread, aril sudlelatit quantities' of therm ocrur in animal olio, green feeds, and yellow corn to 'properly develop young unfruate. DANCE WINTHROP HALL Friday.tJOctober' rr 5th Music by LUDWIG SERENADERS of Blyth Admission 950 and tax hunch Served. MoKILLOP. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Coleman and family, of Roxboro, motored to Clin- ton on Sunday and spent the day with friends. Mr. and ;ivies, James Aitcheson vis- ited his sister, Mns. 'Lyle Norden, in London, this week. Threshing peas is in 'full -swing and a bumper crop is reported. Mr. and Mrs. James Scott and`fam- ily returned to their home in Wind- sor on Sunday, Our market gardener, Mr. Stafford, of 'Roxboro, is very busy these days, keeping up with a rush of orders. Mrs. F. D. Cockburn and daughter, .Miss Vera Cockburn, of Winnipeg, spent the week -end with Mr: and Mrs. Joseph Scott. ST. OOLUMBAN. Miss Alice O'Reilly, of Detroit, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James 'O'Reilly, of Hibbert. bir, and Mrs. James Cletman and son James, of Detroit, visited at the home of Mrs, F, J. McQuaid. Miss Gertrude Downey spent the the week -end visiting friends in Lon- don. Mr. and Mfrs, James Morris, of Hibbert, spent Sunday in London, vis- iting their daughter, Mrs. Thomas McQuaid, of Seaforth and daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) Mulligan, of North Dakota, and Miss Annie Hart, of Seaforth, spent Sunday evening at the home of Mrs. F. J. McQuaid. Miss Bridget Curtin spent Sunday in 'London, Mr, and Mrs, Owen Hart and fam- ily were London visitors one- day last week, Mrs. James O'Reilly has returned after a visit in Detroit, HENSALL, Fisher-Emmett,—A pretty wedding took place at Si.- George's Church, Toronto, 'on Saturday, September lsth, tvlten Lill:tan Alice, youngest daughter ref Mt'. and Mrs. -W, R. Emmett, Duplex Avenue, became the bride of Hugh Allen Fisher, of To- ronto, younger son of Mrs. Fisher and the late Peter Fisher, of Hensali, Rev. 3. F. Dykes, erector of St George's Church, conducted. tate ceremony, as- sisted by Rev. Canon A. I3, 'Allman, of Graven,hurst, Miss Eleanor 'Flish- er, sister of the bridegroom, played the wedding tnarcli. The bride, who was given in :marriage by her father, looked charming '' in a white crepe dress, with veil and orange blossoms. She carried a shower bouquet of sweetheart roses ,and lily -of -the - valley' and was attended by her sister, Mrs. Ernest Fritseihi, of Buffalo, N.Y. Mr, Alex, Mciurtrie, cousin of the bridegroom, was best man. After a buffet lunch .served' at the home of the bride's parents, 13r._and Mrs. Fisher left ora trip t to Western Ontario and on their return they will resic�le.in Toronto. Exeter,. While threshing was in progress on the far. molt Mr. Hugh Berry, of Us - borne a number o'f cultivator feet were found in the sheaves. For sev- eral years ttow 0 similar dastardly at- tempt has been made to wreck the machine .of Mr, Chester Gorvett. Mr. Berry had intended using Mr, Gof- vett s machine ,but at the last rnotnetttt :Maimed for Mr, •Creery's. Worms iced upon the vitality of children and endanger :their lives, A simple and effective remedy is Moth- er Gravies'' Worm l' Extsefuinat'ar., There !' c is no poisonous ingredient in Holloway's Corn ,Remover, and it tan he used without danger or ittjtu'y,