HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1928-09-20, Page 3Brought Hole Politician's Discovery at Home Shr)tws Revival of Di ga e Traffic The greatest menace to agriculture Lonflon,--A revival in the cocaine le, tee bingo „mbel• of inseat posts traffic is causing the London police which, with very little encouragement, authorities -grave concern, Matters spread at all 'alar•Inieg rate, Theeo have been brought to a head by the are particularly Prevalent and persist - discovery made by an- eminent Politi- cian that Ilia own son had become victim to the habit. He caused inquir- ies as to the source of supply to be made and a report sent to the Home oince, Increased vigilance on the part of the police at the ports Will, it is hoped, cheek the renewed infiltration of supplies of cocaine into this coun- try, Scotland Yard officers are en= deavoring to trace the new centres of Its distribution in London, While no very' considerable amounts of "snow" are coming in in bulk there is a steady importation of small pack- ets, which are eagerly sought for by drug addicts. It is believed that the principal mar- ket for the circulation of cocaine exists at Cannes; and that it is being brought to this country by first-class passengers, who conceal it in belts worn under -the clothing. ; In London both men and women are engaged in distributing supplies, and it is • believed that the selling and handing over take place., secretly in some of the bettor -class night clubs, Certain dancing instructresses are sus- pected of acting as go-betweens, One aspect df the traffic is the rick of blackmail by the unscrupulous ven- dors of cocaine' to whichthe addicts expose themselves. Several cases have recently been brought to the no. tice of the police. ` Traffickers do not hesitate to pass off diluted cocaine upon their custom- ers. The latter, therefore, contract the habit of increasing the doses to furnish the requisite degree of stiniu- open to the danger of overdosing when lation. Thus they lay themselves an undiluted supply is received. Some of the mixture oifered.as real cocaine Is a compound of boracic acid and sugar -milk. Side by side with the increase in cocaine imports there is a growing trade in opium. Scotland Yard deter; tines who were keeping observation upon a suspected sus dump in the East End a few nights ago saw an un- expected incident—the arrival of an expensive car at the house of a Chinese near by and the cautious de- livery in the .darkness of a small par- 'eel. ar'cel. It was done rapidly in a few sec- onds, and before the officers could close upon the house the car had de- parted; nor 'could any trace be found of the package, Which is believed to bave contained ,opium. Chinese Smugglers. Small quantities of this drug are being smuggled through by Chinese seamen, who, knowing that special at- tention is paid to them, persuade ship- mates of other nationalities to carry the dope past the police at he dock. gates. Two important seizures of cocaine have already been made in London this year. In one case the drug was of Japanese manufacture and had been smuggled into England by a Lascar in a vessel arriving from the Far East. In the other, the ..cocaine was export- ed from Germany to Lithuania and smuggled 1$y a Lithuanian residing in London: These facts were made known re- cently in the British Government's an- nual report to the League of Nations on the subject of opium and danger- ous drugs. The report also mentions the seizure of 33 packets containing a email quantity of opium wrapped up' like chewing gum. Except where the owner could :not be traced, all the 6muggled opium was traced to Chin - Bee. Of the 60 persons against whom - proceedings were taken for the unlaw- ful possession of drugs, 49 were males, Including four doctors. -In all the 11 cases against-fe}nales the charge re- Iated to the possession of morphine. One doctor, one nurse, and two hos- pital matrons were involved. The report points out that no infor- mation has been received that any firm in Great Britain : has been en- gaged in smuggling drugs abroad, nor bave any seizlrres of, drugs of British manufacture been reported during the year. The import of raw opium dur- ing the twelve months under survey. was 17,042 lbs.,of morphine 663 lbs., and cocaine 1,282 lbs. More Maple Sugar Ottawa.—Official statistics show an Increase of nearly 4,000,000 pounds in. the production of maple sugar in Can- ada in 1928 compared with 1927. The estimated production for 1928 was 13,- 798,000 pounds valued at $2,269,686. Quebec is tho.principal maple sugar producing province in Canada, al- though rivalled closely by Ontario in the production of maple syrup. There Is no better mora which culture can have than these words of Bishop Wilson: "To make reason and the will of God prevail."—Mat- thew Arnold. nn oto THE CONTROL .OF'PESTS soil is left In a ltlrnpy condition which' 1'l .'t�1 I�TI'1 tt liM RAl All th Boil ie �� cut belt utero is no oomllleto turnitg will not drift readily. s or inversion snub. as 0Ceurs wttla the; common plough. That is to 'say, in stubble land Lilo stubble is mixed WIth Symptoms That the Blood is ths- lumpy soil, A arty -acre glimmer l Thin Should Not beNegIe tela fallow that lead become covered with a strong growth of weede wee plough• Weak, run -dawn, lacking strength; ed to a . depth of tour inehos 11Y a energy anti ambition, nervous, sleep 7ea-foot machine in two days' time. ' less, poor appetite, digestion dlsturb•I The opinion is expressed by the ed—tlleee are the symptoms nameel. Mit in gartlene, and unless control 1'superintendent that whereeawflies by a great mejoritY Of people 'who measures are iustituted 000make;, are preemie ploughing down by this have been benefitted by the use 01 Dr.' . l 1. crops of vegetables and fiowOrs a total machine may bave, a tendency to Yl illiarns Pink Pills. These tonic loss,; I spread these insects, which, when pills correct the condition- deeeribed Injurious insects „lay be divided,1 turned down with the • ordinary and if you have any of these symp- 1,'oughly, into two classes, by the na- ! plough, are . largely destroyed. One i toms you , should giye these pills a tore of their mouth parte, "biting' i of its advantag9s is to reduce the time trial. Their great \value in Oases of insects wtrich bite and chew their and labor cost of preparation far sec- this kind is shown Ay the statement food, such, as cutworms, leaf- eafing l ond:yeer trope after summer fallow, of Airs, James A, Tibbetts, Halifax, beetles etc and "sucking" insects, By haetening the spring welt it is N.S,, who says.—"I was completely which suck upj their food by means possible to get at the summer fallow run down in health.' My blood was bad that 1 did not sleep well et night, My appetite was poor and the least exertion left me weak and trembling. When I went out I' would have a se- vere hadaelle, and would have to 110 down as soon es I got in the house. last year. This machine is operated .A friend advised me to try Dr. Wil - of their beaks, such as aphids, the earlier and maks a better job of the thin and eatery, and my nerves so tau"e' bugs, the scale insects, etc. For field,, the first a stomach poison is necessary and for the second a contact inseeti- A NEW TYPE OF POWER BINDER t tide, A power grain binder eutting a ten - "Insects of the Flower Garden and foot swath was given a trial at the Their Control" Is a new bulletin of Swift Current Experimental Station the Department of Agriculture, No, 99 -new series. This may be had on application to the Publications Branch, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, and in it will be found a very full treatise on the cultural,.practices for the '0011E1'01 of insects, also the formulae for insecticides and the way to apply them. Arthur Gibson, Do- minion Entomologist. has covered the control of destructive insects ,in a very full and complete' manner in this bulletin, and the work is fully illus- trated., FARM MACHINERY New types or 'farm machinery are tried out every year at the Experimen- tal over the ordinary horse-drawn binder Farms and Stations. At the Swift Current Station in Saskatchewan the .were not marked, although he points out it may be operdted for longer days in favorable weather. BUY CANADIAN GROWN BULBS out or Malign them entagonistie—not' her theology'' "1 am jnollned ie,„think that the Pope hit the nail on the head, I Real mere inclined to think BO since b have noted tbo covert or even open attricke on, the fundamental Christian Inol'a11ty found in many of the religi- ens booke tied, ertleles by our clever intellectuals, �. aPoreonally, when I find a man who begins telling me that he dons not have anYthinp to do With the churches because they repeat Mel Apostles' Creed, I am inclined to ask bite 1f' It in not rather because they repeat the Ton Commandments." by a tractor that drives the machinery Hams Pink Pills. I soon found they from its own power, It proved par- were helping me' and by the time I ticuiarly useful in heavy erops that had taken the sixth box I felt like a were lodged and .tangled which would new woman, and bave enjoyed good have been slow and difficult to handle health ever since, For this reasonI with the ordinary binder driven b -a ground wheel, which, under a heavy load, would slip and stop the ma- chinery. This new typo of machine was capable of harvesting from 20 to 30 acme a day, depending on the con- dition of the crop. In the report of the station for last year; published by the Department of Agriculture, Ot- tawa, the superintendent remarks that with standing crops and dry wea- ther the advantages of this machine results of a test with a new type of disc plough are given in the report of thesuperintendent'of this station for the year 1027,: which is available at the Publications Branch, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa. This machine works like a disc harrow. It consists 01 a series of discs 20 to 24 inches in diameter attachodtto a frame carried on wheels. For ploughing the discs are set at an angle ,of about 30 de- green from the line' of travel, and throw the soil in one direction. The widths- of cut varies from 6 to 10 feet and the rate of travel depends on the power andspeed. of tho tractor and the depth of the cut. A ten-foo4 plough, it is shown, is capable of cov- ering 30 acres in a ten-hour day. The The Canadian apple''erop for 1928 is cep/tutted to yield 2,938,970 barrels, an increase of four per cent. Nearly half the total is produced in British Co t -"Havel l Suis ec Ti�'ea res- • j � b P Mon you i�oquhe7 R,. liotog5i'apher— "Perfectly na'Cn , sir." /"Then be quick; it hurt my fry „ ...:, e Wile ; , your Children ry for it Canadian bulbs are rapidly dis- placing Holland grown stock, and the reason for this is apparent, British Columbia grown bulbs have been test- ed in every province of the Dominion on the Experimental Farms, and in practically every ease the verdict w00 "as good" and in some cases "better" than imported bulbs. These results- are fully outlined in Bulletin No. 95, "Some Flowering Bulbs," which may be had on applica- tion to the Publications Branch, De- partment of Agriculture, Ottawa. Tulips, narcisses, hyacinth, crocus, etc„ are bulbs that are planted in the fall, and whether for the garden or the house orders should be placed im- mediately. The bulletin referred to gives suggestions and advice on soil, fertilizers, culture, etc„ and in addi- tion lists the best varieties by color. The results 'of experiments are` also given. A chapter on common bulb dis- ease completes, a very excellent bulle- tin, which also contains many illustra- tions, including a colored plate of Dar- win tulips.—Issued by the Director of Publicity, Domiion Department of Agriculture, Ottawa. A Glasgow man whose'business and private reputation would not have stood too much scrutiny ultimately found himself in the dock on a serious charge. But his lawyers played their parts so skillfully that the judge die - missed the case, telling the accused that he "left the dock without a stain on his character.' On leaving the building one of his cronies approached. him and remarked: "Mau, Jamie, did i you hoar what his lordship said about your character? Wasn't it a darned good job -you were arrested, you lucky clog?' • Young Barrister (concluding his case)—"If, gentlemen of the jury, the defendant's hogs are permitted -to roam at large over the fair fields oe my client with impunity, then—yes, then, indeed, have our forefathers taught and bled and died in vain!" If you take temptation into account, can highly recommend the pills to anyone run-down or troubled with their nerves." Not only do Dr. Williams' Pink pills help the nerves. Their main function is to enrich end increase the blood, end as the blood supplies the whole body, new life is given to the entire system. Better sleep, steady nerves, improved appetite, increased vigor—all these can be yours by tak- ing Dr. Williams' Plnk Pills. Begin then to -day. Sold by all medicine dealers, or by mail post paid, at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' 'Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, Poor Business A young couple, allotted a telephone number that formerly belonged to a Turkish bath place, were frequently rung up by mistake. One night a man rang up and asked for one of the company's cars to be sent for him, and, although he was told politely he had the wrong num- ber, he rang again --and still again, After midnight Ole tang up a fourth time. The irate husband went Into a long and embittered explanation of the whole situation, explaining that he was a private resident, that ea certaincertain rights, that he had no cars, and that he gave u0 Turkish bathe,1 He rang off, congratulating himself that he had at last put the man Off, A minute or two later, however, the „ran rang up again. "Lemma tell you one thing," he said., "You'll never, never get any custom -1 ars that way!"—Helpful. The Peace Pact Wickham Steed in the Review of Reviews (London): It cannot be said that the British Government hes dis- tinguished itself by enthusiasm for the Peace Pact. Its tardiness in an- nouncing its final acceptance of the last American note may be explicable, and Sir Austin Chamberlain's explana- tions of it may be perfectly sound. But there has been a woeful absence of undisguised goodwill on the part of British Ministers. Castoria 18 a comfort when Baby le' fretful. No sooner taken than the lit' tle one is at ease. ;f restless, a feW. drops soon bring contentment. No harm done, fon Castoria is a baby remedy, meant or babies. Perfectly who is to gay that he is -better than savetthgive doctorthe s ouugest fonfant;thatyou his neighbor? W. M. Thackeray. It is -a vegetable product and you e0uld use, it every day. But it's in ap emergency that Castoria means most. Some night when constipation must be relieved—or, colic pains—or. other Buttering, Never be without it; some mothers, keep an extra bottle, un- opened, to make sure there will al- ways be Castoria in the house: It is effective for older children, toe; read the book that comes with it. 'Clothes will turn a woman's head every time if they're on the other wo- man she's just passed. In the days of Cromwell fine quality tea cost as much as thirty dollars a pound. To -day, you only pay a few cents more for Red Rose Orange Pekoe than for ordi- nary tea, but you get the highest quality and greatest value. Put . up in clean,. bright aluminum packages. High School Boards and Boards of Education Are authorized bylaw to,establleh INDUSTRIAL, TECHNICAL AND ART SCHOOLS With the approval of the Minister et Education. DAY AND EVENING, CLASSES a be con noted' In aosealanoe with the regulatloes Issued by m Y "u`ar1m"itnt of Eil`ucatio`s �' „M;t« Life dap t -~•-z,. G �4nwo».... THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL INSTRUCTION "erni"ihaad�`+'•.av is given In various trades. the schools and claeeee are under the direction of AN ADVISORY, CO emMITTEE. e, 'Should " Application for attendanchould be inattie to the Principal of the cahoot. MANUAL 7 RAINING, HOUSEHOLD COMf'^;K�gii(c•"��gUbJECTB, :,Cik`4CGt AND AGRICULTURE AND HORTICULTURE are provided for In the Coureee of Study In Public, Separate, Continuation and High,: School°, Collegiate Inetltutes, Vocational Schools and Departments. Copies of the Regulations leaued by the Minister of Education may be obtained from the Deputy'Minister, Parliament Bul!dinge, Toronto. CAST ASIDE HER VEiL Mme. Mahon„ya Same Pasha, beautiful young Egyptian, 0110 bi 5.11-8 first to discard the veil in 1923, is wife of the envoy of King Fuad in MANY MOTHERS RECOMMEND BEM dr 9! uit e If y: i want the very hest, ask for Red Rose Orange Pekoe In dean, bright Aluminum No Stockings Since its inception the League of Nations has been brought up against many Peculiar problems, but recently ft faced a new one that absolutely staggered the members, Three ladies appeared with credentials for en- trance from one of the most influen- tial members of the League. They wore no stockings, but the usher who tried to bar their entrance found him- self powerless, in view of their creden- tials, to do so. They remained throughout the session, and It is re- ported by cable'that the Council was plainly upset and that the members seemed abstracted. This will never do, If .the deliberte Dons of the League are to be brought to such a pass through the absence of stockings, then it would seem only proper to draft a protocol requiring all and sundry feminine visitors to wear stockings in addition to their or- dinary attire, at least while in the League chamhber or in the purlieus of the League offices. The fashion oP, going stockingless in the summertime was introduced in New York some years ago, and has gained somewhat in favor, though it is not likely ever to become evidespread,or popular, Af- ter all, it is merely a harking back to the practice of two thousand years ago and more. But since we have got used to stockings, whether sheer or otherwise, it appears . unwise to dis- turb our most responsible legislators of peace plans by distracting their at- tention from abstract problems by such practicul charms as the absence of stockings may reveal. -Montreal Star. Baby's Own Tablets Are Fb.ie for Nervous, Sleepless Children. From Canada the fano of Baby's' Own Tablets is spreading over the world. Mothers recommend them to other mothers and wherever they are tried nothing but words of praise Taking Lyda E. are heard for these pleasant tasting about it all that would appeal to the- little tablets that promptly relieve friend's of Job,' it is the reflection that; ye. • ' lg the minor ailments of young children. the next war will be suddenly and de -1. "Baby's Own Tablets are one of the vaetatingly destructive of civilian fife 1 best remedies for children's ailments that It cannot go on long. And even I have ever used," says Mrs. Arthur this consolation is precarious; for the Port': i..>L;;^. of Auburn, Me. "My little result might be not pence, bet anarelri- 1 an opera, girl was neri.:_?,'ipd could not Bleep. cal confusion. London Bombed Kappa in the Nation and Athenaeum (Loudon): (London was "devastated" and its population gassed wholesale in the air manoeuvres last month.) In another war any city that is attacked from the air will very quickly be made uninhabitable. If there is any thought Woman Strengthened by Classified Advertisements OL ICE ' I'IIPS—REGISTI:III7D males and females. Chip anywhere. . Gorman, Cobourg, Ont,. 7 IL4'rIfi.IO MOVER—FIONERtiIE D1S- 11 TANCE movers of -Canada. Largest speedy padded vans. New 105010meet• latest methods. Two experienced men every trip. All loads insured.Beyonp compare fpr drill and care. Before you/ „love, write 'ns or wire and reverse the charges. Head office Hamilton. Gantries Caned„.' Hill the Mover. Who made the first radio? Answers Adam; he took one of hie spare parts and made a loud speaker. Father—Madge, is that young man ever going home? Daughter—We've been talking that over and wd've de- cided it all depends upon you. CANCER 1' REE BOOKn Se to n Rue n t 5 Tells cause of cancer and what to do for pain, bleeding, odor, etc. Write for it to -day, mentioning this paper. Address Indianapolis Cancer Hospital, Indianapolis, Ind. A. Rubdown . Exercise will not cause stiff-. nese if you'll massage your body with Minard's. "PED ME HOER! Kr I tried the Tablets anu she was re - Washington. lieved at once. She was also with constipation and nothing seemed Why Some Hate to help her. I had used the Tablets troubled but a short time before her bowels were regular. All mothers should the Church keep Baby's Own Tablets In the house, for they are a valuable remedy." shores; Dislike of the Ten Commandments Baby's Own Tablets are sold by all rather than opposition to theology is druggists or will be mailed on receipt And thus I thank the he. what explains the indifference of the orprice, 25 cents per box, by The Dr. see,— so-called intelletctuals to the Church, Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, believes Dr. Frederick Lynch, who is ,Ont. Unlivoried page of currer himself a writer of some note and = ---Alexander Louis eminent among the leaders of religi•gieetj gil( fyot' ous thought. Dr. Lynch, writing in "The Christian Herald" (New York), Song Birds, Haven Minaro's Liniment for aching Joints. And while we breakfast in the morn- ing light, We hear the waves beating ou o"' says he is acquainted with most of the novels which deal with the strug- gle between faith and doubt,' ortho- doxy and modernism, and he regards the treatment of the problem as an indication that the public has not lost its interest In religion. These books, he says, are full of the difficulties which, the thoughtful Man experiences in accepting the confessions and the i d it the as - Hilo Chamber of Commerce' - Asks Permit to Import Songsters for Island Hilo, T.H.-If present plans ma- terialize, Hawaii may become a para- dise for song birds. To -flay there are very few song birds on the islands, but the. Chamber creeds, and they all en with t of Commerce of Hilo ie, sponsoring ef- smi antignt "Let the Church drip its forts to obtain permission from the antiquated theologies,' rewrite its territorial Board of Forestry and Ag - creeds, or abolish them entirely; let ricuiture to import the birds. • it preach simply the fatherhood of The downey woodpecker, flicker, God and .the brotherhood of man; above all, let it make service the only test of membership, and the thought- ful people and the students will flock brunt -tit, cliff swallow, American gold- te it again." All this sounds con- finch. and nwouin- vincing, but it is not true, says Dr. eluded in tho theroadrugroup.ner These bildrdsbe, it Lynch. "Tho country is full of is pointed out, bave no destructive. churches which have done just this habits that would make them undesir-' thing, and those who neglect the able in the islands. Church /because of its antiquated Moo- Already the Board of Forestry and, trines do not go near them." In sups Agriculture has approved the iimpor-, port of his assertion, Dr. Lynch , re - red -faced warbler, chickadee, brown. creeper, house wren, breasted nut- hatch, purple martin, nighthawk cites: "In the summer of 1928 I happen- ed to be in Rome. It was Holy Year, and thousands of pilgrims from all over the world were docking into the city. Every day at noon the rope met hundreds of these pilgrims In a ball in the Veteran and preached a Ave sermon to them. I happened to be Present one day, and I was very curious to know what the Pope would say to that dense throng. What he said in substance was tide: 'Y 1�n111 steer e lind 11i -i' b1J 'MIND 66-daY zroups, of men who hate the Christian Church, and are attacking it. They will tell you they are opposed to it or indifferent to it because of its doe- tribe, Do not let them deceive you. It 1e not the Chnroh's, doctrines or ter m • Iti s e cho a disturbs 1 th t, h o 0 e Y t g morality that they hate. It Is her 110- mautte of the pure, unselfish, sacra- + halal, sinless life that keep them tation of such birds as the Chinese thrush, Pekin nightingale, yamagara,l meadow lark, Willie wagtail, pewee lark, chacalaca, currasow and guar. Since the meadow lark. is already o nthe approved list an attempt is to be „rade t9 import a number of these birds Immediately. Veterinaries use Minard's Liniment. They had both Spent an,amusing evening, and as they livedTn the' same street E S,,i� sQ, ai able lira 'i ' ul "collide „'l each Other iioulcl cola on the way home. Sala the first re yeller: "Jovver see me before?" "No, answred the second. "You know who I am, then?" "Not" "Then you don't know who: I am?" "No, I don't" "Then how do' you know its me?" — "Honeymoon Salad — "Let us" alone. IUE 9S o28 II 87— Excess acid is the common cause of indigestion. It results in pain and 1 sourness about two hours after eating. The quick,corrective is an alkali which neutralizes acid. The best corrective is Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. It lute remained standard with physicians in the 50 years since its invention. Ona spoonful of Phillips' Milk of Magnesia neutralizes instantly 'many times its volume in acid. It is harm- it have nisere voug' less and tasteless and its action is quick. You will never rely on -crude methods, never continue to suffer, when you learn how quickly, how Pleasantly this prettier method amts. Please let it show you—now. Be sure to get the genuine Phillips' Mille of Magnesiaprescribedby physi- cians for 50 years in correcting ex- cess acids. Each bottle contains full directions—any drugstore. APPLICATIONS Are Filled As Far As Possible In the Order In Which They Are Received ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE APPLICATIONS Offering .Annual Work Are Invariably Given the Preference . Farm lielp Supplied The Colonization and Immigration Branch of the Department of Agriculture for Ontario will have available a number of Experienced Married Men With Their Wives and Familles—Marrled Couples Without Children- Alco Single Men. reamersrestating holy will be well advised to make early application t0 Geo. A. Elliot Dlreotor of 'Colenizntlon Pnrtloment awn., Toronto, 00, File Your Application at Onoe HON: JOHN All Men Placed SubJeet to Thai Period S. MARTIN, Minister of A>;ricultu:•e