HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1928-09-13, Page 8Ji
Mr. William ]lender is nursing a
btt1 a7<of blood ,poisoning 1tt his
hand and will he laid off work for
some time,
MtAlvin'Wurnt, while opening
gent of fruit,: broke the glass and cut
his baud'badly. Several stitches were
required to close the wound,
'Mrs. Garnet Case, who has been in
Sea'fortb Hospital for several weeks,
was 'brought to her home here on
lvlonday, and is slowly recovering.
Col. Loathe, of Clinton, was in
town Friday on business,
'M« James Sangster was in ;Strat-
ford on :vicarial
Mr, and :Nits '.Karl Palmer, of
Windsor, are visiting with Mr, and
Mrs, Thomas 'Palmer.
'Miss Jean :Elder, London,has been
'holidaying for the .past week at her
h nee here.
Mr. Donald Hoggarth,' of London,
visited over the weekend at his home
Mr. and vIrs, Allen Webber, of
London, visited ut town on Thursday.
Ivtr, mid 'Mrs. William 'Moore and
son `Billy, of London, visited on Sun-
day with 'Mrs Thomas Simpson.
Mr. Mauley Jinks, who went to De-
troit last Week, was home' for the
week=end, and returned to. Detroit
Sunday 'night. Manley has secured a
good position in that city.
Mrs. William Davis is having her
'house shingled this week, and other-
wise improved;
The roads commission of the Coun-
ty are having the Zurich road gravel-
led. A number of trucks are doing
the work, running through here daily.
Professor Gladstone and his trotap
of artists gave a concert in the Town
Hall on Friday and Saturday even-
ings to good crowds.
Miss Thelma 'Hudson, who spent
the summer at Grand 'Bend, arrived
home Sunday evening, and is 'leaving
Thursday for 'Seaforth where she will
spend the winter.
Miss Gillespie, of Elkhart, Ind., vis-
ited for a few days with Miss H.
,Mrs. S. Merrier, who Inas been vis-
iting for some weeks with relatives in
ltfichigan, has returned home.
Harvest :Horne services will be held
in St. Paul's Anglican church on the
coming' Sunday. Rev. F. W. Shatter,
of 'W Ingham, will preach special ser-
mons for the occasion.
Mrs. A. J. Switzer and little daugh-
ter, of Detroit, are visiting for aweeek
a• the home of Mr, and Mrs.
Mr, jack MoDhnell spent a few
clays last week in Oshawa.
Mr. John Passmore last week: sold
two new cars, one Messrs. John and
William Craig, of Hensel!, and one to
Mr, McLachlan, of Cromarty.
The W.M,S, of the United Church
held their monthly meeting on
Thursday afternoon last with the
President, Mrs. C. McDonell presid-
ing. The meeting was opened with a
hymn, followed by the Lord's prayer
in uttiaoa. The roll was then called
answered 'ire 30. members, The
minutes of the last meeting were then
read and adopted, followed by' the
offering, which amounted to $14.13. A
letter was read from bfrs. John Coul-
ter expressing her grateful thanks _e
The floral gifts sent from the 'W.M.S.
during .her sed bereavement, also a
`card of thanks was received from
Mrs. Mollard for flowers sent to her
during her recent illness. It was de-
cided to send a donation of fruit ,to
the Deaconess' Home in Toronto.
Mrs. Alex. Munn and Mrs. George
Ho'bkirk were appointed to visit the
sick and shut-ins. Following this
Wirt of the meeting a very interesting
Beading was given by Mrs. V. Doug-
all. The next part of the meeting
was given over ea leaflets on the work
among the Indians of today, and
were ably taken' by Mrs. M. Drysdale,
Mrs. E. McQueen and Miss A.
Moore; Mrs. Hess told of the different
places the W. M. S. are working am-
ong the Indians.
Professor Gladstone, who gave two
splendid entertainments in the Town
Hall on Friday and Saturday even-
ings last, will again be in Hensall on
Monday and Tuesday g ,
17 and 18 givingina a concert each
evening in the Town? tie hd'aer the
augelees of the Anglican church
Born,—At Los Angeles, Calif., on
August 1st, to Mr. and Mrs. Morley
Chellew (nee Miss Ola Cook, of
Hensall), a son, Donald Chellew.
A large quantity of fowl is being
marketed here at Hensall, Our -local
shipper, Mr.'Robert'Hi•ggins- mak-
in are shipmen*0 4.daily.
ruuam Hildebrandt and dau-
ghter Viola are visiting in London
this week.
Oa Sunday evening last in the
United Church. Rev. Mr, Storey, a re-
turned missionary from South Amer-
ica, preached to a good audience on
evening he Y
lecture in the United Church and
showed a 100 views of the Indians and
other pictures of mission life in the
Argentine, Paraguay and southern
Brazii, Mr. Story's description of
Indian life in South America was very
interesting and was listened to with
rapt attention,
Mrs. John Murdoch visited for a
few days with relatives in Goderich.
'Mrs. Peter Fisher and Miss Elean-
or Fisher, are visiting this week with
Mr. and `Mrs, Moffatt at Brucefield.
Mrs. James Bonthron visited for a
few days with friends in Clinton.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Spencer visited in
Goderich on Sunday. •
Mrs. Charles ]:'latter and babe, who
have been visiting her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J; McLeod, returned to
etroitlatt Friday. Miss Annie Mc -
Lend returned with them,
Miss Jessie Ivfotcalf, who has been
holidaying at her horse, returned. to
Detroit no Saturday.
Rev. E. L. Williams, ;who was a
guest with Mrs, J. a McLeod, for
two weeks, returned to Cleveland on
Thursday last.
Mr. and Mrs, Spry acid family, Mr,
and Mrs. Clark end family, Mr, and
Mrs, W. W. Robinson and family,
Mr. and Mr's. C. Will, Agnes and Bob
Will, of Landon spent the week end
tit their cottages,
Mr.. and Mrs. OlSullivan of Lott-
don, are holidaying at Dr. Tillman's
Mrs. Brigs and her daughter, Mrs,
MtiLennan, who have been guests at
Miss N. Ferguson's rettu•ned to Tor-
onto on Tuesday.
Miss Dorothy Stratton of Toronto
was a week end guest with Miss •K.
Orr at their cottage.
Mr. and Mrs. Rowse and Mr. and
Mfrs. Burroughs of Cleveland, spent a
few days as guests of Mr, and Mr's,.
S, J. Cleave,
'Rev, and Mrs, F. H. Paull returned
home from Galt on Saturday. They
were accompanied by Mr, and Mrs,
J. L. Dixon and Miss Carrie Dixon,
who returned on Sunday.
Miss Jean Woods left on Saturday
for Galt, where she accepted a posi-
tion on the teaching staff of the ,pub-
lic school,
Mrs. H. King, and Master Harold
Attwood, who have spent the past
week with the former's parents, Mr,
and Mrs. Charles Parker, returned to
Sarnia on Sanday.
Miss S. Barr and her brother, of
Londeshoro, spent Sunday with their
,inter, Mrs. G. King.
Mr. and Mrs. Geay of Detroit spent
the week end with Miss Cameron.
Mr. and .Mrs. Frank Cameron return-
ee! on Tuesday.
Mrs. Hodgins of Toronto and three
sons, Prof. Lloyd Hodgins, Toronto;
Ceei1, Los Angeles, and Reg. Hodgins
New York, are holidaying at their
Mrs. II, A. Stott and Mr. 3, 0,
Goldthorpe, have returned after,spend-
ing a few clays in Detroit last week.
Mr, William Metcalf returned to
Badm, N.C., on Tuesday, having vis-
ited his parents, Dr. and Mrs. W. F.
Mrs. Chas. Edwards, who has
spent the summer at Miss N. Fergu-
son's, returned home to Toronto on
Thursday last,
Mr. and Mrs. William Mustard, Is-
abel, Sandy and Jean Mustard, left by
motor on Sunday morning for Jensen,
Fla,, where they intend to spend the
Mr. Harold Pollock of Toronto is
the guest of Mrs. H. A. Stott.
Masses Ethel Hogg, Ruth Jackson
and Ruth Higghts are holidaying with
Mrs. T. A. Grigg at the Poplars.
Miss Mildred Cameron, who spent
several weeks with her father, Mr. A.
Cameron, attested to Detroit, on
Wednesday last. .
.Mrs; W. L. dement and Mrs. G.
Kennedy returned to Kitchener and
Toronto on Saturday.
Mrs. Barry, Martha and' Lorraine
Barry, who have spent the month of
August in Jowett's Grove, returned
home to Detroit on Sunday.
Miss E. Downing, who has been
supplying for Miss M. H. Gerrie, re-
turned to her hone at Ingersoll on
Tuesday afternoon, Miss Gerrie retur-
ning Tuesday morning.
Mr. Robert Turner and son Bert, of
Yale, Mich., and daughter, Mrs.
Forbes and three children of Detroit,
who have been guests with Miss Mary
Reid, returned home Saturday.
Mrs. John Pearson and son, who
have been visiting at Toronto, return-
ed home on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Smith left on
Tuesday to spend a few days at Lon -
Mrs. E. N. Hart, Dorothy Hart and
little Jeati, T,ucan, returned to London
on Monday lavIn spent
at e i th r Cottage,
Rev, V. A. and Mrs. Townsend,
Bervie, spent a few days last week
with 'Mr. atlurtitT. s. rsr„r•tors.
Mrs. J. Hamilton and Mrs. P, V.
Grainger left on Monday for their
home at London.
Mr. Thorntn" ;vlustard and son
Doua;; of Toronto, spent a few days
last week at their cottage.
Miss Makey and Mr. Haskell of
Detroit are the guests of Miss Mary
Mrs. J. Ferguson has gone to Wing -
ham on account of the illness of her
Mr. and Mrs. McDonald and Bobby
Vail are visiting her brother, Mr. Per-
cy Weston at Kitchener.
Mrs. R. W. Bristol of Summit, N.3.,
and her father, Mr, C. C. Mothersead,
of Washington. D.C., are holidaying
at Miss M. E. Garretts cottage. Her
many friends wilLbe pleased to know
that Miss Garrett is feeling very much
Mr. and Mrs. George Coleman and.
daughters Grace and Gladys, took in
the Toronto Fair last week.
Mr, end Mrs, Andrew Love are vis-
iting for a few days at the home of
their son, Mr. Hugh Love;
Miss Annie Taylor, who spent the
past week in Stratford, has returned
eiillsgreen United Church will held
their anniversary on Sunday, Sept:
23; Rev, James Anthony, M, A, of
Thames Road United Church, will be
the special speaker for the flay, Ser.
vices at 11 a.rtt, and 7.311 p.m.
Worms cause 'fretfulness . and rob
ant of sleep, the great nour-
the infant qqpp,
idler: Mother Gravee Worm Ex-
terminator will etear «tbe stomach and
intestines and restore healthftriness,
Mrs. M. McKenzie, Miss C. Mc-
Kenzie and Donald McKenzie, at-
tended the funeral of their cousin, An-
nie McKenzie, on Monday.
Mr. Sid Castle of Brockville, is
spending his vacation with his mother,
Mrs, M. Castle.
Mrs, William Pease returned to
London on Monday, having visited
with her son, Mr. J. Pease,
Spot .Cash.
21 oz, Bottle F y T0R
:3 k3ars Fe1s-Nttpelza Satsip
8 Bat's Caetile Sortp
1 Thi Chicken Haddizae
1 half pound. Fry's Cocoa
1 pound Bed Rose Tea
3 pound Salado Tea
It Will Pay You to Bring Your Oash to Egznozzdville
We• are Paying i9c�faz Strtutly Fresh Eggs in Trade
:Mr. Allan Noble of .Bay City; Mrs.
Steve Noble • at>d'vfrs. Vern Bloom-
field, of Fairgrove, Mich., visited at
the homes of their cousins, Mr. and
Mrs, R. Allan and Mr. and Mrs, C,.
The Young People's Anniversary
service was held on Sunday, Sept.' 9th,
morning and evening. Rev, J M.
Coking conducted the mortiin:g ser-
vice and Rev. V1r. tA, Bremner the
evening service, Special ntttsic was
rendered by the Young People's choir
under ehe leadership of Miss Eleanor
Snider. Miss Marion Scarlett, of
Seaforth, was the soloist for the day.
In the morning she sang "Remember
thy Creator' and in the evening
An Evening Prayer."
Softball.-=Brucefield was sahedu'led
to play Sarnia• at Brucefield last
Saturday at 4 o'clock. As it was im-
possible for •them to come, Sea'foi'th.
and Chiselhurst combined came to
play at five o'clock. The score re-
sulted 11-9 in favor of Brucefield. On
September '15th Brucefield goes to
Mrs. fames Moodie visited friends
in Goderich last week.
Mr. and Mrs. George 'Swan and
family are Spending their holidays
Mr. William Rattenbury returned
home this week after spending last
week with friends in Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs. John•iRoss, of Brus-
sels, visited at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. James Moodie and other friends
in the village last ween.
Mrs. George Hill is visiting her
son, Mr. Janes Hill, of Stratford,
Miss Norma Hood, of Buffalo, visit-
ed at the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Hood. of Stanley,
over Labor Day.
Mr, and Mrs. Hugh McLachlan
visited friend's in Cromarty on Sun-
day, •
Miss Emma McDonald has return-
ed to her school et Palermo,
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Andrewes and
daughter Evelyn, of London, were
visitors at the home of Mrs. James
McDonald last week.
Alla. Jade Ross, of Detroit, called at
the Milne of Mrs. James McDonald
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Calwill and
family spent Sunday with Mrs, James
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Monteith, of
London, spent Thursday last week at
the home of her mother, Mrs. Janet
Ross. •
The annual flower show of 'Bruce -
field Horticultural Society was held
last Wednesday. Although there
were not as many flowers as last
year the exhibits were of a much sup-
erior quality, which shows the .benelfit
that is being derived from the society,
Display Gladiolus—Mrs. 'R. Allen,
Mrs.' j, Addison; six •Gladiolus—Mrs.
5. Addison, Mrs. R. Allen. six Roses
,.-Mrs, .B, Berry;;Annuele =1
, D
Notheringham Mrs. C. Haugh; Per
enatal =Mrs. R. Scott Mrs
J Me -
Queen;; potted planks -. Mrs. W.
sta'ckhotese, Mrs, b. Rouatt: Begonias
--Mrs. A. McQueen, Mrs. D. Rouatt;
display Dahlias, Mrs. R. Allen, Mrs,
D. Rouatt; six Dahli'as—Mte, Allen,
Mrs. Rouatt; display Asters—Mrs.
Allen. Mrs: Rouatt) six Asters—Mrs.
R. Allen. 1•Irs. 1). Fotheringham;
Sweet Peas—Mfrs, W. A. Bremner,
Mrs. 13. Fotheringham; 'Snapdragon
—Mrs. D. Fotheringham, Mrs. J.
Ross. Lunch was served during the
afternoon and evening. In the even-
ing an enjoyable program was given,
including chorus by five little girls,
"Swing Little Blossoms", a solo by
Miss Edna Bremner "Moonlight and
Roses", a piano duet .by Misses
Eleanor and Kate Snider and a violin
solo by Miss Eva Stackhouse.
Sept. 14 Colborne Twp,
le Ashfield Twp.
16 Ashfield Twp.
20 Wroxeter
21 Blyth
22 Bowick Twp.
24 Belgrave
25 St. Helens
26 Usborne Twp.
27 Crediton
28 . , , . 'Grand Bend
Oct, 1 . , , . . „ Dashwood
No surgical operation is necessary
in removing corns if 'Holloway's
Corn Remover be used,
Mr, and Mrs. William Cameron
and son Elmer visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Talbot, of Bayfield, Sunday last,
1h(iss Mabel Cameron and her fath-
er, Mr. J, Cameron, are visiting rela-
tives in Flint Mich,
Mr: and Mrs. S. MiclBurney and
Hazel and Edward were Sunday visit-
ors at the 'home of Mr, and 'Mrs, A,
Mr. and Mrs, Bert Hick visited her
sister, Miss J, Nicholson, of 'Bayfield,
Sunday last.
Rev, William Bell, of Carthage,
spent a week holidaying with his sis-
ter, Mrs. James Allan, of Egmond-
Mr, Roy leleGeoch, who has been
visiting his 'father-in-law, Mr, J.
Taman, of, Cochrane, has returned
Mr. and hits. Wihl;..ni Sproat spent
Monday in. London.
Mr, and Mrs. E. Walters and fam-
ily visited at !Grand Bend Sunday last:"
«Harvest is now finished and the
farmers are busy sowing fall wheat.
Mrs. W. Crich; who has beenvisit-
ing relatives at Harrow, returned
home last week.'
Miss Hilda Robbins &pent the week
end with friends in Ingersoll.
airs. 3. Snaith is visiting her son at
Mr. and Mrs. R. Coleman and Mr.
and Mrs. T. Coleman spent Sunday
at Mitchell.
Mr. David Pa'pple and Gordon and
Robert Dapple were in London Wed-
A. Nicholson and son Master
lack, were London visitors.
A court of playing area shottld be
level ground at least ten feet in
width and fifty feet in length, and
shall consist of two pitcher's boxes
vith a stake in the centre of each.
The pitchers' box shall extend
tree feet on either side of the rear
and to the front of the stake,' outside
r teasurements,
The stakes shall be set in centre
of each pitcher's box, shall incline
wo inches toward each other and
project ten 'inches above the ground
c r 'box level.
The stakes shall be forty feet
apart, measured from the 'front at
the point where the stakes enter the
The regulation distance for women
and boys under 'sixteen years of
age shall be thirty feet.
Ali contestants shall pitch both
shoes from the pitcher's box into
the opposite pitcher's box or forfeit
the 'value of one point to his oppon-
The outer edges of the pitchers'
box shall be known as foul lines.
In getting a "toe hold" on the
front of the pitchers' box the player
must be careful that no part of his
foot extends over the 'foul line,
At the beginning of successive
games between the same
players er
s the
of the pr cedt
8game shall
have the first pitch,
A shoe placed while the player is
standing outside the ;foul line is foul.
Ii' a shoes strikes outside the 'foul
I nes before entering the pitchers' box
it is a foul. A foul shoe shall not be
scored or credited.
A ringer shall be a shoe that en-
circles the stake far enough to permit
a straight edge to touch both heel
calks simultaneously.
Whenever a player knocks off his
own opponent's ringer, such knocked.
off ringers lose their scoring value
and the player making the ringer is
not credited with a ringer.
If a player •knocks one of his own
or his opponent's shoes from a non -
ringer position to a ringer position,
he changed shoe has scoring value
and credit for ringer 'for his own.
When 'a thrown shoe moves a shoe
already at the stake, all shoes are
counted in their new position.
In ordinary playing 21 points con-
stitute a game.
All shoes shall be within six inches
of the shake to scare..
Closest shoe to stake scores one
point. Two shoes closer than op-
ponents, two points. One ringer
scores three points. Two ringers
Worms. by the irritation that they
cause in the stomach and intestines,
deprive infants of the nourishment
that •they should derive from food,
and mal -nutrition is the result. Mill-
er's Worm Powders destroy worms
and correct the morbid conditions in
the stomach and .bowels that are fav-
orable to worms, so that the full nu-
triment of the child is assured and de-
velopment in every way encouraged,
I'rattie house no East
Street for rent of sale 3 bedrooms,ioous
living roost, kitchen and parlor, Cel-
iar'under hoose, Ilard and soft water
inside, Electric lights. Garage or
hen house, Otte block from Colleg-
iate latstititte, Apply ADAM HAYS,
Yearling steer calf weighing around
600 lbs. Owner may have same by
proving prarerty and paying ex-
penses, T-IU'GIH RIICNN, Walton. 37
A Happy Thought Range, Apply
phone 2 on 160, Ttgkers'mith, 36
The best, variety 'of preserving
plums, the •smttll 'Tine Damson" at
50e a fame basket at ICINECHTEIL'S,
Egg:nandville. 'Phone 13 ort 160, 37.
(Government inspected, dry, : clean
and good cooking. S will sup'p'ly you
for winter alt $1,00 per single bag or
three bags and over, 90c a bag. Phone
your orders alt once to 34 on 616, Olin -
ton central, As my 'stock •will move
fast, orders will be filled in rotation
a$ :received, JOINATIEIAN E. HU-
.Light brown dog with white breast.
Short tail. Tag No. 30. Dis'alppeared
about a week ago. TI-EO,MAS STOR-
EY, McKillop, Phone _231 r 25, Sea -
forth, • 37
.Create separator. Been used four
months. :Also a churn, almost new
and a set of 240 lb. platform scales,
as "good as new. Apply to 'JOHN
MclthIlI1IJA'N, Roxboro, Seaforth r,r.1
Phone 236 r 4. 37tf
Set oak diming noon chairs, leather
seats, 1 walnut side board, 1 oak .bed
room suite. Miss L. Gaotznteyer. En-
quire R, D'EV•ER'EUX,'Victoria St.
Palmerston Oct. 2 and' 3
St. Mary's Oct. 4 and $.
SEAFORTH Sept. 20 and 21
Stratford .............Sept, 1%-18-69
Atwood Sept. 21 and 22
13aytfteid Sept. 25 and 26
Brussels Oct, 4 and 5
Dungannon , . Oet. 5
Exeter e. , Sept. 18 and 19
Fardwich Oct, 6 rulre<
Goderich Sept. 1i-•18-19' se
Kincandine ,••,•• ,••. Sept 19 and 20 A [� ROA
Kirktou Oct 2 and 3 WILLIAM 41. Sl R,OAT
I,ucknety Sept, 27 and 28
Milverton .,,...,,,. Sept. 27 and 28
Mitchell Sept. 25 and 26 Clay Drain Tilt 1Vianufacturer, Seaforth, dna,
t nd3"s
Oc . aArmour's
ror rr►o
T es to ttTi e A
e wa General Agent for Niagara Lime and 3;'mpire, Sm
Winglam Oct, 9 and 10 Fertilizers for Berth and llttron
Zuricl 'Sept, 24 and 2S
Watch for auction sale of House-
hold Furniture at an early date at tate
residence of Mr. Peter Daley, Goder-
ich St., Seaforth.
.N , ' is hereby given that I have
;�ohoe y
transmitted or delivered to theper-
sons mentioned in Section 9 of the
Ontario Voters' List Act, the copies
required. by said section to be so
transmitted or delivered of the list
made pursuant to said Act of all per-
sons appearing.be the last revised As
sessment Roll of the said Municipal-
ity, to be entitled to vote in the said
Municipality at elections for mem-
bers of the Legis'l'ative Assembly and
at Municipal elections, and the list
waS first ,poste'd up in my office on
the 8th day of September, 1928, and
remains there for inspection. I here-
by call upon all voters to examine the
said list, and if any errors or.omis-
sions are found therein, to take im-
mediate proceedings to have same
corrected according to law. Dated at
Malfillop, this 1lth .day of September,
A.D. 1928.
J'OHN McNAY, Clerk.
Wednesday, 'September 12th.`
Potatoes, bag $1.00
Eggs, per dozen 37c -32c-25
Butter, per lb.
u er
Broilers, r r
• i 3 2 a under 2% 16s,
23c -21c -15c
Hens, live Sibs, under 5 lbs.
Roosters. 61b, 5 lb., per 1b. -1c
Hogs, per cwt $.13.00-c 3
Expert Kodak fn idltingt Develop»
ing 5c a toll, prints 3c each, any size,
• House and two lots in Egntonditille.
House. stable and hen house;:. house
with electric lights; gond location
corner lot, near cl tu'ch, stores and
good school Nice home for a retired
farmer or for chicken raising, For
particulars apply at The News Office.
Choice 50 -acre farm, in good come -
tion, NYaa lot 16, con. 5, McKillop, all
cleared and all seeded down. Two
storey cement house, frame kitchen,
all in good repair.. Baru 50'x46' on a
cement wall, cement stabling and
water ins the barn. iCetnent driving
house 24x36'. France hog pen 16x24.
Never failing well of choice water.
Well feneed and uederdrained with
tile drain. Will be sold on easy terms
to suit purchaser, with or without
crop. Failure of health is reason for
selling. .For further'perticulat's apply
on the promises or . write to Seaforth;
You can have both quality and
freshness throughout the canning sea-
son. The best varieties of vegetables
grown. Prices right. Write or call,
and leave your order at the Maitland
Bank Garden, Roxboro. EDMUND
S'TA lleORID, Prop; 38
On West William Street, one block
from Public School, churches and
Main. Street, of Seaforth, nine -room-
ed house, electric light, hard and soft
water inside; furnacein good condi-
tion, There is on this property a gar-
den, garage, and stable and . a good
hen house. This property is in first
class condition, Apply to MRS.
Corner James and Ann Streets, Sea -
forth, seven roosted house, electric
light, hard and soft water inside.
Garden and stable on property, Apply
MRS. WM,-McMPOMA'EL, John st.,
or Phone 197. 18tf
Mutual Fire insuraante Co
Officers James Connolly, Goder-
ich Alex. James Evans, Beechwood,
Vice President; D. F. McGregor,
Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer.
Directors --Wm, Rinn, No. -2 Sea -
forth, John «Bennewies, Brodhagen;
James Evans, Beechwood; M. Mc-
Ewen, Clinton; James Connolly, 'God-
erich; Alex. Broadfoot, No. 3, Sea -
forth; J. M. Sholdice, No. 4, Walton;
Robert Ferris, Harlock; George Mc-
Cartney, No. 3, Seaforth; Murray
Gibson, B.rneefield. .
Agents—Alex. Leitch, r.r. 1, Clin-
ton; E. Hinchley, 'Seaforth; 3. A.
Murray. r.r. No. 3, Seaforth; J. V.
Yea, Holmesville; R. G. Jarrnouth,
Bornholm. James Kerr and John
Govenlock, Seaforth, auditor& •Parties
desirous to effect insurance or trans-
act other business will he promptly
attended to by applination to any of
the above named officers addressed
to their respective postoffiees.
DE, IftJGI ROSS, Pliyei,e4a
and Surgeon, Late of London Mae
pital, London, England, 'polyp;•.
attention to diseases of the eye, nee
nose and thdQat, Office apd indite
epee behind Dominion Bank, Mien
Phone No. 5; Residence Phone Mit
DR. F. 3, IBUREOWIS, 'Seaitnt&;
Office and residence, Goderich PfAZOCI
east of the Methodist (Church. batt
otter for 'the County of Hutton. 'Fete-.
phone No. 40.
aR, C« MA OIiA Y. - C. Mach,
honor graduate of Trinity Ung-
icy and gold medal'lis't of Wag
Medical College; member of tee Diste
lege of Physicians and 'Surgeon* aft
DR, F. J, R. P'ORS1TER--"
Nose and Throat. Graduate is Iter
eine, University of Toronto 1897.
Assistant New. York Ophthalmic
A•ut a'l Itts'titute, Moorefield's Emend
Golden Square throat hospitals, Eat -
don, England, At Comnterciai iota,
Seaforth, 3rd Monday in ea,;h nems.
from 111 a.m, to 3 p,m.
DR, W. C,SPR •of
OAT.--�Gradt• ofFaculty of Medicine, University oC
Western Ontario, London. ilgtraigse
of College of Physicians and Sue
geons of Ontario. Office in Acbcsitszttre
Drug Store, «Main St., Seaietrek.
Phone 90.
DR. WM. ABERHART, Gradttitt
Faculty of Medicine, University or;:
Toronto. Member of College al;
Physicians and Surgeons of °atria'..
Licentiate of Medical Oouna l a i
Canada. Late interne Toronto Woe
tern Hospital, Office—Queen's Ebbe
Building, North Main Street. Sic
89. Night calls, phone 111.
Successor to Dr. R. R. Ross, taxa*
ate of ,Northwestern University, ti .f=
cago, I11. Licentiate Royal COI -lege. at
Dental Surgeons, 'Toronto. Mtn
c ver Sills' hardware, Main aunt.
Seaforth, Phone 131.
DR, F. J. BRAMBLY, grace
Royal -College of Dental Sur ea e,
Toronto. Office over. W. R. Stet "e
Grocery, Main street, Seam
Phones, 'office 1135W, residence FSS
Auctioneer for the County of If =II
Arrangements can be made for fielit
Date at The Seaforth News, Cfecgw
fmoderate and satisfaction guarxteeee•6i.
Auctioneer for Huron Count, At
rangements can be made for smite sit
The Seaforth News. Charges melee
rate. Guaranteed satisfaction. • ens
134r5, Seaforth.
(Successors to James 1Wateerde
All kinds of Insurance risks ace*,
ed at lowest 'rates in First-C€aw
score six points. One ringer and
closest shoe of seine player scores 4
points. If a contestiant shall have
two ringers and his opponent one, the
player having two ringers shall score
three points. All equal's count as ti.'s
and no points are scored. _In case
each contestant has a ringer the next
clnsest shoe, if within six ieches of
stake, shall score. Pf each contestant
has a double ringer, both double ring-
ers are cancelled and no points scored.
In case there is a' tie of all four
shoes—as four ringers nr all four
shoes are equal distance from the
stake no, scores shall be recorded and
he contestant who pitched last is en-
titled to pitch first on the next throw.
Any shoe leaning against the :stake
in a tilted ,position shall have no ad-
vantage aver a shoe lying flat on the
ground and against the stake. All such
snoes are ties. If a contestant has a
shoe leaning against the stake it shall
count only as a "closest shoe."
We have the goods that make your land produce. Everlasting
Clay Drain Tile Niagara Agricultural Lime, Empire, Smith's or
Armour's Fertilizers, If your field is wet,drain it. .Call us if you
want a machine to dig. If you can not groclover, lime it; Niagara
Lime does the trick. If you grow wheat, fertilize it. But to get 'best
results from your Fertilizerver. , lime it first, less fertilizer will do and you
can ou cau grow
amosten grow anything,cmCall:ue oren aany of our AAgents.ou can grow loinformation cheer-
fully given. Goods always on hand. Do not be called from your work
when the ear arrives, We deliver at small cost. Quality goods and
Have your next
Suit or Overcoat
1!Imade by
Practical Tailor
Prices: from ,$25.00 up.
Try; us for Prompt Service
Style and -Satisfaction'
Thursday, 11 iday and Saturday
and "The. Won
der Horse"
.. 1
The Ace of the Western 'Stars .in . a•story of the Tem
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
A Mystery Drama • of• Continental' Oircus 'Life
FUR DRY special, -
(Next ' Wook-end)
Official Motion•Pictures of
World's Championship Heavy Weight Bout
at the Yankee Stadium, ;July 26th