The Seaforth News, 1928-09-13, Page 5CHAIN RED &WHITE STORES
V DAY, SEPT. 13, 1928,
k'AGI F1'
u ' Prices, They Set The, Race
Keen's Mustard, ;} ib. 24e, * lb, 48c
Redpath Sugar, 100 lb. bags $(3,[0
(Spot oasb only)
Pure Extracted Honey, 5s and 108 ib 10c
Kellogg's Corn Flakes 3 pkgs for 20c
To arrive about Sept,' 18th
Highest Quality-Lbweat Prices
Leave your orders now—every basket gnarantfa ed
oss J. Sproat Phones
�A, Stewart Phone 77
Over 1000 stores in Canada
'We pay the highest prices for good cream.
Our services to our patrons are the best that can be given.
Do not send your cream to other Creameries; we want
it here.
To operate a Creamery we need your co-operation.
Jin return for you co-operation we will give you: of out
best in service and prices.
We are agent for the Mellotte Cream.- Separators. Come
in and see the new Models.
Seaforth]Creamery Lo. Seaforth, Ont.
11,1,. Walker 8 t Sion
Motor or Horse Equipment
-spy', J. 'WALKER, holder of 'Go-
aernment diploma and license.
Flowers Furnished;
Night or day phone 67.
Q` Ho:, Melones
Of Wingham, still be at the
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth
Monday, Wednesday and
, Friday Afternoons
Diseases of ' all kinds success-
fully treated.
Electricity used,
loware of an Itchy: Spot
eep your hair and scalp.
oltean, also free from dein-
riftruff by having your next
shampoo at
Iust around the Corner in
sifne Dominion Bank Build-
Phone 125.
Pianos Tuned
Cleaned and
Chas. A. limey
Residence -James St. .
'Want and For Sale ads, 3 times 50c
calls are
Mrs. Allen wonders why
calls to her home coat 40e,
while 'Mrs. Brown's cost
only 130e.
The reason lies in the post-
crlpt of Mr. Brown's letter.
"Call me regularly
Station -to -Station Calls are
So Mrs. Brown gives the
distant telephone number .
and tells the operator,
"Anyone there will do."
That' makes it a Station -to -
Station call
The low evening rates
(after 8.90 p.m.) and still
lower night -rates (after
midnight) apply on such
calls; and, usually, connec-
tion is made while pots re-
main at the telep hone '
Do as Mrs. Brown does.
Remember the postscript. -
Amy 13. Woad, beloved wife of Mr,
John ,McCulloch,' -passed'-away on
Tuesday after being ill for three
months, She had been taken to a
hospital in London to see if something
•cduld be done, but it was all of no
avail. Mrs, MeiCull'och had been' born
in the township of 'Logan, and was a
daughter of the late In,: and Mrs. Ab-
raham Wood, but she had resisted for
many years at Cromarty, and Was an.
active. member of the 'Presbyterian
Church at Cromarty,' and tools a gredt
interest in all the societies connected
with the church, Her neighbors all
held her in the highest r•espeet ansi
kindness and thottglutfulness made
many friends for her, Her bereaved
husband survives, together with a son
Roy at home, and Lila, who is the
teacher at Chiselhurst. The funeral
is to take place et 2:30 o'clock ,p,m,
an Thursday afternoon, and the re-
mains will be laid to rest itt the cem-
etery at Mitchell,
It Will Prevent Ulcerated Throat,—
At, the first symptoms of sore throat,
which presages ulcenatiom and iuiianl-
ntatios, take a spot:411 l of Dr,, Tho-
mas' Eclectric Oil, Add a little sugar
to it to'meke. it palatable. It will al-
lay the -irritation and prevent the eel -
aeration and swelling that are so
painful, 'Tliose who were peededically' e
themselves l'inntune to atto,1:. -
Mr, and Mrs. Wesley Free, hie
mother and sister, 'Mrs, Free and
Miss Alma Free, of iD1ngannon, were
at London on Wednesday,
Mr. and Mrs, Deeham, ofReedCity, Mich., are visiting Mrs, Ivvat'y
Mr. and M. J. 1. Russell and
little daughters, of 'Poria, Ill„ are
guests; ofe Mr. and Mrs, J, R. Scott,
and :Miss Scott, of Hanpurhey,
Mr, and Mrs, F. N. 'Faulkner and
little sort, of Detroit, are holidaying
at the home of his mother, Mrs. F.
Fan, F, 1-1, i-lofland and Miss Dor-
othy 'Holland,. of Aurora, are guests
of Mrs. J. F. Snowdon, .
Miss Mabel 'Kruse has returned
from spending her vacation in Nia-
gara .Falls, IN.Y, Misses 'Clara and
Martha, and Mt, Edward Neubauer
returned with her and sent the week-
end here,'
Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Sparks and
family, of Southampton, ',spent Sunday
at the home of Mr. Ed, Mole.
Mr. and Mrs. William 'Elgie, Sea -
forth; Mr, .and Mrs, R. T. 'Elgie, of
Kippeu, 'Mr. and Mrs. Robert E.
Thaw, of Detroit, called on Mr. and
Mrs. Alex, Hanna, Mitchell.
Mr. and 'Mete. Norman ;Hearne,
A'Ir, and Mrs, Vinete and littl'e.dau-
gh,ter ,Jane; pf Northville,. Mich.,
visited' last week at the home of Mr,
and Mrs. William Strong, Tucker -
Mr. and Mrs, William Mole and
family, of Dungannon, were Sunday
visitorsw h tt Mr. Dd.
Mr, and Mrs, Harry Prktie and
fancily, of Detroit, are spending a
few weeks with her father, Mr, Alex,
McKay, Egmondvilie,
Dr. and Mrs, F. Harburn and Miss
Evelyn Ilarburn have been spending
the past week at Dresden with Mr.
I•Iarburn's uncle, Mr. Foster•, and also
at Chatham,
Mrs, F. D, Cockburn and daughter
Vera, of Winnipeg, are the guests of
Mrs. Reinke and Miss Toms,
Miss Ann ,MeDoneld, of Pontiac,
t'Iich., is visiting Mrs. Reinke and
Miss Torts in Egmondvilfe.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hanna and J.
M. and Miss Robertson were London
visitors this week.
Mrs. S. Elgie visited last week et
the hotne of Mr, and Mrs. J. Chesney,
Stratford, and also at the home of her
niece, Mrs. Alex, Hanna, Mitchell.
Mr's, Ed. Mole and Misses Laura
end Vera Mole and Donnie spent a
feve days with friends in Toronto this
Rev. and Mrs. T. H, Brawn are
holidaying in Toronto for two weeks.,
Services in St. Thomas' Church next
Sunday will .be conducted by Ven.
Archdeacon Jones -(Bateman, of Gode
The U. F. 0. have 'teased the store
formerly occupied by the Broderick
harness shop and will use it as head-
quarters for their business,
Mr. Joseph. Eckant lids pureh'ased a
new .Chrysler car,
Mr. J. J. iIolland, of St. Columban,
and Mr. Charles McCaffery, of Strat-
ford, were visitors at the hatne of
Mr, and Mrs. C. Ecl:art last Sunday.
:Nen and Mrs. John McLeod, of
Brantford, and daughter, 'Mrs. Hew-
lett, and Mr. Hewlett; .of Vancouver,
B.C., visited Mrs. 'McLeod's sister,
Mrs. Tesriie Beoevn, last week,
Miss Gladys Slay, of Sarnia, the
blind soprano soloist of the Sunbeam
Concert Trio, sang in St. James'
Church, Sunday evening,
Mr, and. Mrs. E. Brownlee, .of Walk-
ervil.le, and Mr. and Mrs. P. Renaud,
of Riverside, Ont„ spent- the week-
end at the home of Mr, and Mrs,
George Brownlee, Victoria street.
Mr. Jack Ellison is staying at the
house of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Mullen.
in writing his Honor Matriculation
this year, he won in scholarships, the
Cockburn in Greek, the second Ed-
warcl Blake in straight classics and
railed for the third Edward Blake
scholarship in classics proficiency. He
attended the University of Toronto
Schools.. The Cockburn in Greek rep-
resents the highest standing in Greek
in she Province of Ontario.
Mr. and Mrs. Elwood, of Goderich,
spent'the week -end with their aunt
and uncle, Mr, and Mrs. Sant Hanna.
ibrr. and 'Mrs. Robert :McKay, of
Detroit, are visiting Mr. and Mrs.
Robe be r. t Stewart.
Mr. Williatc'i' Fowler, of Port Rpw
vt spent several days with relatives
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Sage and Clar-
ence. of Stratford, were week -end
guests of lir. and Mrs. Robert Ste-
.Mrs, H. Hulley, of Monleton, who
recently underwent an operation for
appendicitis here, is the guest of Mt',
and Mrs. Charles Brodie,
Dr. and Mrs. Durham, of Reed
City, Mich,, and Dr. and Mrs. Fear,
of Aylmer, are visiting Miss Marg -
'net Tacksou,
Mr. and Mrs. A, Routledge, Mr.
end Mrs, W J. Finnigan, Mrs. Wil-
liam Hills and Misses Sadie Howatt
and Violet- Tyndall aetcnded London
Fair Wednesday,
Mr. Gordon McGonigle has taken a
position in Mr, W. J. Finnigan's
Ms Gertie Webster left Thursday
to take a course at Macdonald Hall,
;Mrs. W. J. Nott is spending a cou-
ple of weeks with her niece, Mrs.
Dougherty, at Hen'fryti.
IDir. and Mrs. Gemmell, of Stratford,
spent Sunday guests of his sisters; the
Misses Gemmell:
it'fr. and Mrs. John Beattie - visited
ticeir son, Mr, Douglas Beattie, in
Me. and Mee, Frank Plewes, of
Sault Ste, Marie, spent several days
with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Nott and re-
newed old acquaintances.
Mr, and Mrs, Charles Powell, .Miss
Case and Miss Elizabeth Pows 1, of
Ardmore, Pa„ called on friends in
town on Monday.
Mr, and Mts. Welter Grassey left
Tuesday for theie Nonce in Veecouvcr,
MC, after spending the past two The carload of hogs, owned by Mr.
weeks here.. , James Shea, of Dublin, which took
Me. William Knox, of Lonciesboro, first prize et Toronto, was purchased
•eceiee 1 tree Mimi t in the hospital for by the Davies Packing Co, for 16%
tis hand which, was severely lacerated cents a pound. The load shown by
viten caught in a wlndmili. W. A. McKenzie, of _Kitchen, 1, which
Mies Helen Swan, of-Housall, visit- won second prize, was ,purchased by
d friends itt town last week. the Schneider 'tacking Co., of Kitch-
Hee. Thorelen is visiting for a eller, :tot' the Satre ,price.
couple of weeks in F'liete Mich,
IMr, and Mrs. Tribute, of Handle
ton, are visiting )ifts, I. T. Del'eaeey,
Itev, and Mrs, W. P. Lane end dau-
ghter, Miss Helen Lane, returned
Monday after e month's holiday,
Mr, Alex. Kennedy, ofWindeor,
spent the week -end with friends in
Mr, Clarence Krattskopf, of Dublin,
"had a badly entahed finger of his left
stand amputated in the hospital,
Mrs, Garnet Case, of Hensall, who
has..:been seriously ill in town, has re-
covered and bees rakttrned to her
Mr. and Mrs. W, H. Green, of Cal-
gary, visited Mr, and Mrs. J, R. Gov-
cittoek this week.
Miss Margaret Ferguson, who spent
her vacation to St. Catharines, has re-
turned home,.
Mr. and Mrs, Harry Stewart and
family, New Hamburg, were week-
end guests with Mr, and Mrs. Robert
Mrs. Stanley Grey, Stratford, was a
visitor of lasheek
W with t heparents,
kh r
Mr. and Mrs. W. F, MoMilla
el:, and Mrs."Verne Walker,who
spent the past two weeks with Mrs,
Walker's 'parents, Mr, and Mrs: P. M.
Chesney, left Sunday morning for
their home in .Pennsylvania,
Messrs, Robert Tyndall and Edwin.
Chesney were Toronto visitors last
week., •
Miss Margaret Brawn is in Toron-
to, the guest of Mr. and Mrs, Bert
Irwin, •
Miss Catherine Flannery attended
the wedding of her cousin in Dublin
on M.on
Mr, and Mrs. s. E. L, Box return
home this week' after spending three
weeks in Totanto.
Mrs, George Brownlee is spending
the latter part of the weekwith
friends in London.
A great shock passed over the vil-
lage when word carne of .the death of
William Neal,, of \\ altott. He will be
missed by a .argeire's if friends.
His funeral was held Sun,lay ,lird was
largely attendee We ex; owl our
sympathy to ins i s ucn w Itt is. left
to mourn the leas tt t, loving sen.
We were sorry to learn of the death
of John Driscoll, who passed away
early Sunday morniittg'after a linger-
ingillness at his home at Lcad'bury.
The funeral was held Tuesday after-
noon and was largely attended. Our
steepest sympathy goes out to this
widow and•young• family that are left
to mourn the loss 'of a loving husband
and father.
Rlre are glad to hear that Mrs. Har-
vey Hulley was able to conte home.
this week after her serious operation
Seaforth hospital.
A dance will be held in Winthrop
Hall this Friday night, Sept. 1'dth,
Ludwig ,Serenaders of T,':fyth will fur-
nish the music. Come with the crowd
and have a good,tinte,
.Mrs. W. C. Bennett spent a few
days with Mrs. L. tWestby, of Lon-
don, this week: •
Mrs, John Arntstr'eng, of London,
spent the week -end with her slaugh-
ter, Mrs, 5, Bititard,•.
little Rennie Bennetit .spent a few
days with his grandmother, Mrs. Jos-
eph Bennett, of Watton,
The . Ladies' meeting held at the
home of leers. A. A. Cuthill last week
was well attended. It was decided to
have a chicken supper and etctereain-
ment the latter part of October.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Sheirs, Cro-
marty, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs, R. McGill,
:Rev. and Mrs. B': Snell are holiday-
ing with relatives. in Port Huron.
Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Sadler and Mr.
Archie Jeffry motored to Buffalo over
the week -end. •Mrs. Sadler will re-
main for a week,
The Anglicans held a most enjoy-
able Sunday School picnic to Strat-
ford on Saturday last.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Reed have re-
turned from their trip to Mackinac.
Mrs, R. Pinder has gone to Parry
Sound where she will remain for
some time, '
Mr. and Mrs. William Campbell,
London, called on friends in the vil-
lage on Sunday.
The United Church Anniversay is
being held qn Sunday, Sept. 16. Rev.
Mr. Bell, of Kirkton, is to be the
minister at 11 and 730: The opening
of the church shed will be held on
October 7 .and 8. Rev. J. E. Jones,
Hickson, wile conduct services on
Sunday and a fowl supper is being
held on Monday evening,
Mr. and Mrs, N. Mitchell, Cen-
tralia. spent Stifiday with the ladies'
Mother, Mrs. Joseph Norris.
.lir. Cecil Bowman spent Sunday at
Mr. and Mrs. F. Tuffin and Misses
Edith and Sylvia visited in Walton on
Sunday, .-.
Mr. and Mrs, F. O'Brien spent the
week -end in Ridgetown with Mr. and
Mrs, C.O'tBrien,
Mr. and Mrs, Leslie and family
have returned from a trip to Hunts-
hfr. and Mrs. Albert Striate and
Miss Jean attended the Smale-!Sharpe
wedding in Midland on Saturday.
,All Night with Asthma. Everyone
knows how attacks of asthma often
kelp their victims awake the whole
night long. Morning finds him whol-
ly unfitted for a day of 'business, and
yet, business must still be carried
through. 'All this night suffering and
lack of rest can be avoided by the
prompt use of Dr. J. ID. Kellogg's As-
thma IRemedy, which positively sloes
drive away the attacks.
Mrs. VV. Fairbairn and Miss Grace
Fa r i>airat attended Toronto Exhibi-
tion; also SVer. and Mrs. Arthur An.
Mr. and :Mrs, 1Tttgh McMurtrie and
son Alex, visited in Clifford. Sunday.
Miss Mildred Johnston is spending
tt few days with her sister, Mrs.
Cienrgc ingrant, of the 'London Road.
Mrs. R. Dinsdate and Miss Helen
l)insdale and Mrs. fl', MiMurtrie and
Master Pulex, MciMurtrie spent Tues-
day in London.
St. Andrew's United Church, Kip -
pen, will hold their anniversary on
Sunday, October 7th. This would
have been the sixtieth anniversary of
the former Methodist Church, Kip -
Pen. For this occasion, ,Rev, G. N.
Hazen, 13.A., of Centeenial' Church,
London, Ontario, has been secured as
the special' speaker for the day. Ser -
viers 11 a.m, and 7.30 pen.
Nurse Frasltet, of Edmonton, is vis -1
rtt b her cousin, )rs. George McCall,
of the village.
Several from .here attended the full-
era' of the late lir. Nal, of Walton, I
on Sunday last,
Mr's, James Campbell attd Miss E.
Lyon returned on Friday last froth
London where they spent a few days.
Mr. Jim. Roberton, of Hensel',
spent Sunday at his home here.
Mrs. Anderson, of Beigrave, spent
Wednesday at the home of Mr. Rob-
ert McCrea.
Rev. James and Mrs. Abery haveve
returned to the Manse after spending
the summer months at Bayfield.
Mr, and Mrs, Elsley and Mrs. Tatg-
bll'it visited Westfield friends on Sun-
Mrs, Wheeler of Belgrave, returned
to her home on Sunday last after a
pleasant week's visit with her sister,
elrs. McCrea. -
Mr, Johnston, painter for the C. N.
JL, spent the week -end at his home
stere. -
The Ladies' Aid of Knox Church
held their monthly meeting at the
home of Mrs. John Scott on Tuesday
Miss Margaret Caldwell entertain-
ed a number of her .lady friends ort
Friday' afternoon in honor of her sis-
ter, Mrs. Herman, of 'Clinton.
Miss Bernice Ernmerton, of Ripley,
is attending business college at Clin-
ton and will stay with her sister, Mrs.
D. D. Roberton, of the village.
Miss- Rose Crawford returned to
her home here after spending a month
with her sister at Niagara Falls.
'Mrs, E. Lear, of Blyth, spent a •few
days in the village this week.
Mr. Thomas :Henning, of London,
called on friends here an Tuesday,
while on his way to Auburn to attend
the Mogridge and Thompson wed-
Miss Sadie McCool', of Ottawa, is
home for the week,
Mrs. Straut and family, of Dundee,
spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs.
1Villiam F'al'rservicc.
Quite a number attended the dec-
oration service at Clinton cemetery.
Mr. and 'Mrs. James Merid motored
to Toronto last week.
'Air. Thomas Colson and Miss Mar-
jorie deft by motor on Tuesday for a
few days' visit with relatives at
Mr, and Mrs. Albert Brigham and
daughter Isabelle spent a few days
last week in Toronto.
Mrs. Moon, of Stephenville, is at
present visiting at the hone of iter
sister, Mrs. Simon Mr. 'ittie, atad is
also visiting -.other friends.
Miss Isabel Reid visited her friend,
Miss Marie Rapson on .Sunday after-
Quite .a number front the neighbor-
hood attended the Funeral of the 'late
Mr. William Neal, of Walton on Sun-
day afternoon. Much sympathy is ex-
tended to the aged mother and to the
other friends.
Mr: and Mrs, Peter McDonald and
Miss Vera left on Tuesday by motor
to visit for a time at New Liskeard.
Mr. and leers, James Watt, of Blyth,
are taking charge of the farm till
they return.
A few front the neighborhood at-
tended the. Decoration service in the
Clinton cemetery on Sunday,
Mr. Bert Beacom Itad a very
thrilling experience Friday afternoon
of last week, when he enjoyed a 7 -
minute ride in an aeroplane. Bert
says a ride tip in the air is just fine.
Mrs, Sinton McVittic Sr. called nn
her granddaughter, Mrs. Leo Watt
and baby, who is a great-grandson.
We are pleased to know Mrs. Watt is
getting along nicely.
Mr, and Mrs. Charles Parsons and
family entertained the foriner's uncle,
Mr. James Parsons and cousins, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Parsons and family.
of Waterloo, and Charlie's attttt, Mrs.
Bellamy, of Abby, Sack„ over the
week -end,
Mrs. Annie Elliott, of Blyth, is at
present visiting her daughter. Mrs.
Bert Allen and Mrs, H. W. Allen.
We are sorry to know that Mrs. H.
W. Allen is not enjoying gond health
Mi.: summer,
1)r. George and Vrs, Beacom. of
Mount Forest. spent Sunday at the
bone of the former's brother, Mr. A.
W. Beacom.
Deputy Grand Master A, W. Bea-
con will visit the Masonic Lodge in
Palmerston on Friday.
Miss Bertha. Hoggart visited To-
ronto Exhibition itt the capacity of a
,fudge for the Blyth Short Course
part of last week. Miss Hoggarth re-
ceive(' honors at Seaforth in the win-
ter and was awarded Lite trip. Miss
H'oggart itas not heard the results at
the Fair.
Mr, and Mee Andrew Roggen vis-
ited in 1'.nndnn on Tuesday.
S'i'+iePHENiSON,--In Clinton hospi-.
tat, on Saturday, Sept. 8, 1928, to
Mr. and Mrs. I eo S'tcpheuson, of
(Constance, a sort.'
FOWILEIR. ..Ila McKillop, on Sun-
day, Sept, 9,, 1.929, to Mr. and Mrs.
$±nater Fowler, a daughter.
about Your Water Suppl9
LRE you hesitating to install a
modern automatic water sys-
tem because of some uncertainty,
such as cost, size, capacity, etc.
We will study your problem and
make definite recommendations
based on. your individual require-
We will guarantee you completely
satisfactory ry water
on a
money back basis—no matter where
you live or what your source o8
water- supply.
Duro makes an Automatic Water
System for every possible use —
deep wells, shallow wells, cisterns,
springs --capacities ranging from 15,11
to 1200 gallons per hour.
Come in and we'll demon-
strate Duro features to you
and quote prices. No obli-
The Empire Brass Manufacturing
Company Lint
Loudon 't'oroute WInuipag vnucouvtr
l,o rsite Geo. A. Sills & Sone
Duro Advisory Service is
free. Ask Duro about your
water supply before baying a
water system, Why fake a
Pressure Water Systems
ui`v l airsees�gaatisfactoryWater-Service
Requisite on the 'Faris.—Every
farmer and stock -raiser should keep
a supply of Dr, Thomas' Eclectric Oil
on hand, not only as a ready remedy
for ills in the fancily, but because it is
a horse and cattle medicine of great
.potency. As a substitute for sweet
oil for horses and cattle affected by
colic it far surpasses anything that
can be administered,
Real Estate, Conveyancing, Bonds
and Investments
Phone 152
Removed to New Office, opposite
Daly Ford Garage
Seaforth, Ontario.
A Good Portion
of beet served to you for the evening
meal, roasted about medium, with the
blood gravy oozing through, given
one a foundation. It just stakes one's
mouth water to think of it. How
was that last piece of meat we sent
you? Wasn't it line.
Your Butcher.
Phone 58 Seaforth,
The Special Milverton
We have it --Give it a Trial, Also
Grain Screenings Chop of Ali Kinds
91110 1111111.
Goodyear Tires and Tube*:r.
.Battery fettles and Servioe.
Charging ansi Repairing all snakes of Batteries.
A good line of new and used parte of different makee of
If y gr car is in need of repairs, give us a mil.
Studebakert:Saies acid Service
'fir araue