HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1928-09-13, Page 4AQ O
Snowdon Bros., Publishers,
William G, Neal,---.Tlte funeral of
'.he late William G, Neal was very
largely attended on Sunday afternoon,
Septetrtber• abh, by relatives, and
friends from far and ,near, showing
,the great sympathy fur the bereaved
mather, brother .and nephew, also the
eeteem in which Mr. Neal. was held,
William Neal was horn in Brussels in
3878 and came to Walton with his
diarents when a child of twoyears of
age, where he resided ever since. He
received his education in the sellools
in this vicinity and later in Seafarth
':Collegiate Institute, and .then entered
.an a commercial career at the age
,of 17 •as a clerk •sin his father's gen-
•eral store, (Here the ethies'of trade
and the principles of successful busi-
ness were impressed upon him. About
twenty years ago Mr. .N'eal took over
his father's business of general store
-and postoffiee, Devoting all: his en-
ergies to the mastery of general store
.business, he earned for himself the
'esteem of his associates for his faith -
'fulness, punctuality and unfailing
c:nrtesy. Mt. Neal took a keen in-
er est in affairs of Walton .and com-
frunity, including church and state,
Marty this spring Mr. Neal decided to
• take a trip to Europe, partly for bps&
_less and partly for health, thinking
the change would prove very benefic-
ial. Mr, Neal was fond of travel and
snjoyed all out-of-door stature, es-
•,sceially birds and flowers, Will was
• only 'privileged to enjoy about half of
his trip through Europe. Finally he
collapsed and was taken back to Eng-
land to a rest home where he remain.
ed until the .time cat e
n to sail for
'home with the party; Dr. F. C. and
Mrs. Neal and Mr. Allen Neal. They
arrived in Peterboro the middle of
.ttgnet. He was taken to the ltospi-
sal in Peterboro where everything
was done to help him to regain his
usual good health. He remained
there until Tuesday of last week,
'.hen was removed to the Private
Pavilion, General Hospital, Toronto,
where he underwent an operation for
e growth in his head, which was the
:ally chance for his recovery, but all
proved so futile. The entire commun-
ty is plunged into mourning over the
.oss of one whom to know and as-
sociate with was a pleasure. Mr.
Neal was past master of St. John's
Lodge, 284, A.F & A.M., Brussels.
The funeral service was conducted by
hie pastor, Rev. W. J. Maines, B,A„
assisted by Rev. E. L. Lewin and
r{er, A. W. Barker, B.D., of Brussels,
also the Masonic brethren of Brussels
and visiting brethren from London,
Hamilton, Witigham, Seaforth, Clin-
ton. Goderich, Mitchell, Monkton,
Ethel, Blyth, Londesboro. During
the service Lorne Eckmier, of :Br -in: -
eels, sang in splendid voice, "It is well
wfkh my soul. The pallbearers were:
Messrs, John McDonald, John Watt.
Peter B. Gardiner, John Logan, Arch -
•ie McDonald, George Badley, The
'beautiful floral tributes bore a silent
testimony to the high esteem in which
Mr. Neal was held,
Death of Mr. Driscoll, -The coni-
•cnunity was saddened on Sunday by
the death .that morning of Mr. Wit-
ham John Driscoll, after an illness
since June, Afr. Driscoll was still in
the prime of life, being in his fifty-
fifth year. He was born on the farm
,on which he died, son of the late Mr.
.and Mrs, Edward Driscoll, and had
lived here all his life and was highly
respected by all with whom he came
in contact, being a man of high idetels,
and square in alt his dealings. He
:eaves to mourn a loving husband and
father, his widow. formerly Miss
Mary Ross, of Leadbury, to whom he
sea married eighteen years ago; two
sons, Ross and Boyd, and one Baugh -
ter Dorothy. He also leaves seven sis-
let's,, )urs. Barrows, Mrs, John Croz-
.er, orf McKillop; Mrs. E. Boyle, of
Toronto; Misses Susan, Margaret,
:Sarah and Ida, at home. The funeral,
which (vas largely attended, was held
Tuesday afternoon to the place of
:interment in Brussels cemetery. Rev.
W. F. Smith conducted the services
assi,ted by Rev. Mr. Lewin, of Brus-
sels. The pallbearers were Messrs.
Harvey Hudie, Isaac McGavin. John
McGavin, William i4IcCuiia, John
Balfour and Thomas Kinney. Mrs.
Boyle and daughter, of Toronto, and
Mr. George Ross, of Mitchell, were
ramong those from a distance present
'or the funeral. The beautiful At rat
Tributes included Gates Ajar, .from the
family; pillow, from his sisters; spray-,
from Mr. and Mrs. John Marshall.
Mr. Hugh Alexander, of McKillop.
'nos purchased the fifty -acre Donald
Calder farm an the gravel road, north
,1 Winthrop.
Mr. and Mrs. John Bennett and
Poster of Alma, visited Mr. and Mrs.
(oseph Bennett. on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs, Frank Tustin and
Misses Edith and Silora. of Steffe,
epent Sunday at i N• Campbell's.
Mr, and \I+•, Hugh \: a,tn ler vi--
ited last Creek with Mr and Mr.
Thoma. Maynard. in Owen S.nnn
and also with friends at lfeaforri
Mr. Robert Patre, eon many
friends are s,ir•'t kn„w he r- ran as
,vell as usual.
;\fr. and Mrs, Peet Mel) nand kovi
t uehte Vera 'eft Tuesday by moor
for N a I i kea,d %here they anti
visit 'Arne. Skutn.
Mrs. Naylor and lass. l e I,•si re-
turned :Vendee- to New York after
spending the pant month with her
mother, Mrs. Hackwell and sister,
Mrs P. Gardiner and Mrs. Ruehanan.
Barn Burned, ,.-. Saturday mnrning
Mr. Jack McDonald lost his barn on
rhe 16th of Grey when a spark from
the threshing engine set it on lire,
Everything was lost, including the
epthe s•
atnr. Atu t Cher
same e time another
fire was narrowly averted in Walton.
\Vhilc Mr. Russell ;Marks was nt, his
may a. the fire, someone discovered
a fire starting in theback of Mr.
Marks recently erected garage, It is
upposed the blaze started fro m the
blacksmith ,hop which i5 also in the
Iruftdinee Not very much damage
Was dont, but if the Ire had rine been
discovered when it wee, nothing cnuld
have saved the rest of the huiidings
And mores on that side of the street.
'Mica Croce irV'iieon end tilt•, fl rol•f
natter ,sI•aneM i` a•t'1 Aft. P :i.l Wil-
sten of Clevctancl, ,were Sunday visit•
ors with Mr. and l4lre. Fred Ennis.
Mr, and Mrs. Seebaeh and son Gor-
don, of iiaidgebnrg,• and Mrs C
Relit., of Stratford,. vtsited for few
days last week with their cousin,
Mrs. George Clark,
',Mr. R. W. Hoy was at Galt on Fri-
day receiving attention to the. diS-
abied foot which is getting along
Mr, and Mrs Charles ,MeKa)S, of
T uckersritlt , spent Sunday w:ith
George and Mrs, Clark,
At the regular meowing of L.TjB,
407 an Monday a 'number of visitors
were present from Maitland Lodge,
Belgrave. After the meeting then
were entertained at the home of Mr.
Hoy, who gave an address on the
Grand :Lodge meeting held in Remit.
ton on August 2641.
Mss Beatrice Turnbull, of Grand
Bend, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Hir-
am Blanchard,
Miss • Jean Alexander has accepted
a postilion with the Beacon -Herald in
Stratford, her duties to commence 011
October 1'f
Misses Jean and Eileen Farrel, of
Filmer, Sask„ visited their cousin,
M'rs. H. Blanchard, on Monday, They
are returning from a' trip to the Old
Air, and Mrs, Charles Dolniage,
Mr. Jack Dodds and • Mr, Hirant
Blanchard spent several days in To-
ronto last week,
Mr, and Mrs, Robert J. Clark, ac-
companied by M•r. and Mrs. W, Fitz-
•inemons, of •London locality, and
bliss Alma and Edward attended the
Blyth Anglican Church Golden jubi-
lee service at which Archbishop Wil-
liams of London preached on Sunday
morningm and clsso the consecration of
Trinity Church cemetery at 3 .p,m, by
.the Archbishop also.
hb o
Mr. and Mrs.Lorne and
I aWilson
babe returned to their home near
Bruce(ield after spending the Labor
:Day holiday at. Owen Sound. They
were ancon anied Miss Ethel
tp by the leas been"spending the past week
with her cousin, Mr, McClure, of Me-
Rev, Dr. Marsh, of Jarvis, accom-
panied by his daughter, Miss Ina
Marsh, of Buffalo, N.Y., and Mr• and
Mrs. Mesnard, of Hamburg, and
Master Harold Junior ('Buddy) visit-
ed at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Wil-
liam Clark, • McKillop, during the
.Spring 'Wheat, gtfart-Aslan Love
(S:S, 7), Walter Hohner (S,S, 4),
Oliver Steckle (SS. 4). Spring
Wheat, sheaf - Allan Love, Asa
Steekle (S.S. 4), '4\ralter Hohner
(SJS. 4).
.O.A.C. Oats, No. 144, quart -
ton Talbot (S:S. 4), Oliver Steckle
(S:S. 4), Annie Taylor QS.S. 7). Oats,
Sheaf Milton, Talbot, Annie Tay-
lor, Oliver Steckle, John Keys (S.S.
'Barley, quart -(Wilmer Turner (S.
S. 7). Barley, O:A.C. No. 21, sheaf -
Wilmer Turner.
Sweet Corn -Allan Keys GS,S. 13),
Willie McAsh S.S.Q6), Robert Tur-
ner (S,S. 4), Irene Turner (S,S. 7),
Anna Aikenhead QS.S, 10),
Potatoes, Irish Cobblers -George
Stephenson (SIS. 7), Keith Gemein-
harcl (S.S, 8), Bill Austin (SS. 6),
Era Sturgeon (S:S. 8), Gordon Hoh-
ner, Tom Castle (SSS. 8). Green
Mountain- Jack A{cClinchey (S.S. 6)
Jeannette McAllister (SS. 7), Kath-
leen Jones S.S.(14). Mary Whit-
combe (S.S. 8), Stanley Collins (S.S.
10); Roy Pepper QSiS, 10). Dooley -
Noble Hohner (S.S. 4), Randal Pep-
per (S.S. 10), Harry Collins (S.S. 10),
Kenneth McCowan (S:S. 10), Willie
MolCenzie (S.S. 14), Mary Aldrich
(S:S. 14), i .
Mangolds_ . \\ esley Jones (S.S. 14),
Helen Anderson (SS. 7), Melinda
Steckle QS.S. 4).
Turnips -Vera Steep (''S.S. 6), Wil -
.mer Jones, Alvin Reichert QS:S. 7).
'Beets --Andrew McKenzie (S.S. 14)
Louise McLeod (Bayfield), Aubrey
Farquhar QS,S. 14), Harry Snider
iS.S. 10), Gordon keys (S.S 13),
Annie Cathie (SS. 7).
Carrots. .Stewart Baird (S.S. 10),
Edith Merner (Bayfield), J. Carlyle
Cornish QS.S. 10). Syba Keys (S.S.
13), Entnta Sturgeon (S.S. 8), Mabel
Talbot (S,S, 14).
Parsnips -Mary St ivden (S.S. 4),
Bernice Steep '.S. 6). l) rr:.thy Far-
quhar (S'S. 14).
'On ono --Muriel Elliott 1S S. 6).
.VinOsmond 'Band+' 11. Isla Chu-
ng 15 S. -6), Irene Talbot (S.S. 4).
Asters -John Keys (S S. 13), Dor-
othy Peck, Audrey Cochrane (5.5.14)
Ilene Turner, Melinda Steckle.
Phlme-Dorothy Farquhar, Gurdon
Key, (5S. 13). Stewart Sturgeon,
Helen Anderson,
Zinnia -Sybil Keys, E. Gemein-
rvtrd.Asa Steckle.
African Marigolds ---Mary Snowden,
Geurge Stephenson.
Calendula--Dareen Reichert,
French Marigolds -Annie Taylor,
Robert Turner. Emma Sturgeon, D.
Verbenas --Eva Sturgeon. Ilene
Talbot. Allan Keys, Jeanette McAI-
Cosmos- Edith Merner, Harvey
Keys, Mattes Talbot, Billy Reid, Jas.
Punk r
i •h Bobby Peck
-Mary v Aldr ,. .
Margaret McKenzie, Mary Camp -
hell, Louise McLeod,
Cockerel -Elizabeth Snowden. Pul-
te: -Elizabeth Snowden. Pair of
Barred Rock Alan Keys, Gordon
floheer, Mary Aldrich, Wesley Jones,
Rohert Turner, Doreen Reichert.
White Le+hcu•ns Wilmer Jones,
Thompson Colclough, Gordon Roh-
ner. Ducks -Doreen Reichert, Rub(.
Turner, Herr Snowden, Elizabeth
Snowden, Violet Turner, Jeanette Mc-
Any pet (clogs and cats barred) -
arred)-r rnu Keys, 5' Alvin
Gerber, DikVinton, Elliot
Edith Sterner.
Table Bouquet --Allan Love, Mer -
vie Johnston. ytargaret McKenzie,
Wesley J .:'e-. \ iele:, Turner, 'Willie
Bouquet of Dahlias-Julene Steph-
cn„in• Jack Peck, Mary Farquhar,
nermley- Collins, Edith Merner, Don-
ee.. Reichert,
;Beef Calf-Raht. Peck, Hnrvey
Retie John Keys; Allan Keys,
Marl Lamb (about 85. lb,.)--
F.'r,t Jshiietan, Walter Jahn;ten, 1l -
user Phaeton, Alvin Elliott. •
Ratstn Tarts--•+1)'oreeu Reichert, Au -
rile Taylor; Gertrude McClinehey,
Gladys Coleman, Irene Tin'ner, Mar-
garet McKenzie,
Dark Cake ---Dorothy Pack, Annie
Payton, Geo. Stephenson, 'Vera' SteeP,
Margaret McKenzie, Muriel Elliott.
Nat Laafe.iD'oreen Reiehert.
'Bran Meffius--Annte Carlile, 1?Uil-
neer. Turner, Jaek MdCUs-whey, Mar-
garet Reichert.
Ginger .Snaps -•- Dorothy Peck,
Gladys Coleman, Irene Turner, Dor-
ecn Reiehert,
Tea Biscuits - Gladys Coleman,
Doreen Reichert, Gertrude Me'Clin-
ehey, Stanley Collins.
Apple Pie -'Doreen Reichert, Mar-
garet MeKenzie, Thompson Col-
clough, Gladys Coleman,
Candy -+Dorothy Peck, Lillian El -
Halt, Lloyd Johnston, Robert Turner,
Annie Taylor, Doreen Reichert,
School aitch- Doreen 'Reichert,
Margaret Reiehert, Annie Carlile, El-
izabeth Snowden; •
Buttonholes -Annie Carlile, Louise
MoLeod, Olive Johnson.,
Darning -(Doreen' Reichert, Isobel
Osmond, Louise'MdLeol, Annie Car-
Arlel Elliott,
LillianLil1ian Elliott,Elli t o t, htu r
Print Apron -(Doreen Elliott, Vera
Steep, Gladys Coleman.
•Initialled Guest Towel -Irene Tur-
ner, Gladys Colenran, Muriel Elliott,
H4n Anderson..
Knitting --;Doreen Reichert, Mary
C. Aldrich, Hand Sewn Quilt Patch
-Julene Stephenson.
Three seams -Irene Turner, D'er-
eon Reichert, Isobel Osmond, Marga-
ret McKenzie, Helen Anderson,
Louise McLeod.
Nail Box ---.Keith Gemeinhard, Al-
c its Reichert, Article made front
.paper -Mervin Johnston, Allan Love.
Patch on In e• - Inner T ubH r
a rY A.
Collins, Elliottlot Ctote( Harry
Austin, Thompson Colclough
Alvin Reichert,
Mash Hopper -Alvin Reichert.
Six named knots on 54" rope--
Thompson Colclough, Bill Austin, El-
liott Cluter, Doreen Re`
1 tt tchert Fred
'Injurious insects -Jeanette McAllis-
ter, Ilelen Anderson,
Noxious Weeds -Thompson Col-
ciouglt, Lillian Elliott, Margaret Mc-
Kenzie, Wilmer Turner, Irene Turn-
Native Woods -Doreen Reichert,
Thompson Colclough:
Matp of Huron -,Allan Love, Stew-
art Turner, Billie Reid.
Map of Stanley --Jean Dunn, Clara
Parker, Jeanette McAllister, .R'o'bert
Carnie, Kenneth Etue, Wilmer Turn-
Map of North America --Elliott
•Chuter, Genevieve Etue, Helen And-
erson, Lillian E'lliatt, Audrey Swan,
Jean Carnie,
Map of England -Thompson Col-
clough, John Armstrong, Berthena
Sturgeon, Melinda Steckle, Harvey
Tayi'or,, Anna Aikenhead.
.Writing, "Little Things" - Siarry
Brandon, Mervin Gerber, Mae Mur-
ray, Pearl Lind"say, Irene Leitc(t,
Vera Wild. "Indian Summer", Aud-
rey Swan, Andrew McKenzie, Jean-
eanette McAllister, Doris Featherstone,
Robert Carnie, George Steithenson,
"In Flander's Fiera," Helen Ander-
son, Genevieve Etue, Margaret Mc-
Kenzie, Mery Campbell, Anna Cleave,
Louise McLeod.
Picture of 'school 'in color --Elliott
Chimer. Helen Anderson, Irene Tur-
ner. Doreen Reichert. Edith Merner.
Elirabetir Snowden,
'Writing "Crossing the Bar" -;Ber-
nice Seeds, jean Campbell, Ross
Grainger, Eva Sturgeon, Annie Tay-
lor, 'Ella McKay.
(Drawing of Apple, Banana and a
'Pear - Mary Whitecombe, Lindsay
iBrown, John Carsatt, Thompson Col-
clough, Irene Scotchmer, Elizabeth
Illustration of "Little Red Riding
Hood"-IHarrev 'Chuter, Doris Featlt-
ertson, \\':;r'. 3fcAsh, Annie Carlile,
Charles Parker, Jeanete McAllister.
Public Sneal rtg-Gladye 'Coleman..
Judging Competition (beef calves)
boys -Thorson Colclough, Robert
Peck, Harvey Keyes. John Keyes,
Allan Keyes, Lloyd Johnston.
judging Competition ((poultry) girls
-Eva Sturgeon. Gladys 'Coleman,
Muriel - Elliott. Berthina Sturgeon,
Lillian Elliott, Margaret Elliott.
School Parade -S. S. No, 6; S. S.
No. 14; S. S. No. 7; S. S. Nn. '10;
S.:S. No, 8.
.Hitching Competition, girls or boys
• -John McClinchey, Kenneth Merner,
Thomson Colclough. Alvin Elliott,
Special prizes for champion pupils
(The T. Eaton Co. •Special) -Doreen
Reichert, 76'noiats, (trophy); Thomp-
son Colclough 46 points (2 books);
Gladys Cn tetnan 37 points. (2 'books).
Wheat, Standard ,$1,15 per bus.
Oats, Standard or over 45o pan' bhs,
Barley, Standard or over 03e per bus,
Mixed Barley and Oats $1,30 per 100
These prices are for sound, dry grain delivered at the mill
Silverking, Best Manitoba Patent, $4.00 per bag
Keystone, Best Pastry Flour $3.75 per bag
Stone Ground Whole Wheat $3.70 per bag
Bran $31.00 per ton
Shorts $33.00 per ton
Middlings $43.00- per ton
These Prices Are CASH. No Delivery.
F. A H Local Manager
days' with' her mother, Mrs, T. Mal- Mrs, Hardisity, Gala; Mr. anti Mrs,
oney, of Hibbert. Lratllc Biggin, Mr. and Mrs. P. Fish -
Mr. Joseph Feeney has returned to en, Bentnilier; Mn. and Mrs, William
London to resume his studies at `Wes- Entigh and son Jim, Grand Valley;
tern University. Mn.sA, E. Bradman, Clifford; Mrs,
A 'pretty autumn wedding was sol- Sillib, Brantford. •
emnized at' St.'Patrick's_Church, The church, both morning and ca-
n't., v
leu, at nine o'clock, Monday Septem- ening; st*as filled to capacity, With
ber 10th, when Geraldine, eldest dao- so litany metibers of early congrega-
Meagher, was f
Mrs. Margaret sons. of t te:
•iter of MSrg 1 church r
gt the ubilee
p J
r art
••ia a ho M wa• ice
i ed in matt C J s a s ess '
un t g m ver
� Y way, Several
Stapleton, youngest son of Mr, and photos were taken of former, Sunday
Mrs,' Jereania'h Stapleton, of St. Col- School classes, including one of the
um'ban. The bride looked• charming, first classes: Mr, Will Emigh, Mr,
gowned in a beige georgette and lace John .Potter, Mrs. R. S. Hays, Mrs.
dress with hat and shoes to match and James Cumming.
t f butterfly r lou tie a Ti
carried a large q Y to doubles tournament held at the
roses, Miss Camila Meagher, of De- local howling green resulted in a win
troit, sister of the bride, abended in a for Blyth: James d)enh'ohn and Ed,
powder 'blue chiffon and lace dress, Taman capturing first :prize, reading
and carried Co4unibia roses, Mr. lamp's. Second prize went to ' Scott CONSTANCE.
Harold Pierce, of Detroit, cousin of .and Muldoon, Brussels, cut glass; 3rd
the groom ablyassisted the groom. to. Cowan and McManus Mee. Phillips and son, IvtisMrWean
g anus ofd Robert
Phillips and daughter, Muss Jean
After the ceremony a dainty wedding and 4th to Robert Somers and Robert Phillips, of daughter,
returned this
breakfast was solved at the home of `Watt, BIytfh, clocks. Winbhare ,whole after' visiting thein. aunts, the
the bride's mother, the immediate rel -
Clinton and Seaforth were 1\iisses Willison.
atives being present, Prior to her ansa represented.
marriage the bride was entertained at
.Airs. Archie Ben, Mrs, Gerdes and
l4fr, and the' W. H. Gruen, of Ciel
a shower and trousseau tea. Many Miss Jenkins' attended gary, and 'the latter's sister, Miss
'l giftswere received ? i d Loudon Fair Edna Carder, of Toronto, are visiting
costly and useful on Tuesday.,
showing; the high esteem in which the Mr, and Mies. Geo. ?vleT art and 11t' and Mrs. William Thompson.
young couple are held. The happy
Martha and Dorothy Ani and 14frs, Blake Fawcett, of
couple left on a 'honeymoon trip to si ate , Art. Mrs, Sarnia, Spent the week -end at the
Y James
Tierney and Airs, Art. Ttet•-
Niagara Falls, Buffalo and other nay, home of Mr. Thomas Livingston.
points." On their return they will re -
Michigan. .George.Poilter ds laid upwith a Miss Kathleen Livingston is'honae
side et Marden, near Guelph,. Ont. broken left rm, the result of fallon again after 'a few weeks' holiday in,
On Wednesday of last week, Mr. Friday morning. ago ns. A
e a farmer of Hibberd Mrs, Adam Glazier; of Clinton, is
John Moor , Miss Betty Hollinger from S•trat-
Tinvnshi!p; while hitching his ,team of ford, is spending a few days under visiting her sister, Mrs. Thomas Pol-
horsesto a riding plow, was kicked in the parental roof. fared.
the lower part of the abdomen, A$tee Mr, and Mrs Lloyd Allswoth o Mr, and Mrs, William Britton and
:he of m on to" Y t ' are Mr, and Mrs, Ed. Britton attended -the
this had happened g PI Kitchener, ,and their young son, are funeral.of the late William Neal at
the seat of the plow and plowed for spending this week with Air. Alls- on Sunday. an hour or so before he started to worth's sister, Mrs.. Leslie Biernes. Waltony
suffer -pain, and it was then with dif- Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Nicholson vis- Mr. Jaynes Moore, of Toronto, is
ficulty that he reached the house. He iter :Mr, and Mrs. George Stevens, of at present v eorgg.his another here,
kept gradually growing weaker atm Clinton' on Sunday, Mr. and George Riley spent Sunday
despite every medical aid, he passed Mn, and Mrs. Will Nesbit, of at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Thomas
away on Saturday evening at five o'- Brucesield, Mr, and Mrs. Alfred Nes- Riley, of Clinton.
clock. The late Mr. Moore was born bit, 'of Auburn, and Mr. John Nesbit
Mr, .and Mrs.. Main Niclralson, Mr.
in Milken Township 66 years ago, were guests of Thos, and Mrs. Gras'by Benj: `R.iley and Mr, Robert €he lie
and has worked 100 acres, of land. He : Sunday' afternoon. by attended the funeral of the late,
s •a member of She Anglican Church' l William Neal, of Walton on; Sunday.
wa Mr. • `Harold Cunninghatu and
at Dublin. Of a quiet and kindly dis- Misses Rozella and Isobel were Mr.' Richard Barwick; of Stratford,
position, he was well liked •by all .guests of Airs. Frank Nichol, of Brue- paid a short visit to the • village on
who knew hien. He leaves to mourn sets, on Sunday. Sunday,^
Mrs. Jahn McNichol spent a couple
of days lash week with her brother,
Mr. Samuei Storey.
Mr. and •Mrs, Wesley Jeranyn, of
Jamestown, were guests of Charles
and Mrs. Nicholson on Sunday.-
Mr, and Mrs: Nelson Nicholson
spent -Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. S.
Barwick, of Jamestown.
2vIr, and Airs. 'William -8torey spent
Thursday with -the foriner's sister,;'
Mrs. John McNichol,
Mr, and Mrs. Alfred Nesbit, of Au-
burn, were guests of Mr, and Mrs.
Clarence Johnston on Friday evening,`
:Me, and •Mrs, John Riicy and eht1- pi e
drew enent'lSunday •'eith the , letter's ei aN hn j
parents, John and Mrs. Graeber.
or Se 001
.Mee, Joseph Johnston, Mrs, Clar-
ence Johnston and Iona were guests
of ivlt', George Manners, of 'Brussels,
ou Monday afternoons.
Mrs. Fred Near And two children,
Of .Detroit, after spending a fortnight
with her. sister, Mrs. Christopher.
Air, and Mrs, Charles Nicholson
and 'Gorciou and Mr, and Mrs. P. J,
Kelly spent Wednesday afternoon at
Stratford visiting Mr. and ,Mrs. Jo's-
eph Murphy
'Mr, M, Blake add Miss Mary, of
Detroit, visited Blyth friends Sunday,
\tr. Fergus Kelly left Friday morn-
ing for Sudbury where ire intends
teaching sohool,
Mr, and Airs.. Joseph Keenhan and
Miss Nora, of St, Augustine, spent
Sunday at the home of P. J. Kelly,
'Mr. and Mrs. Will Storey (nee Mae
Mason) visited witlt the latter's aunt,
Mrs. Janes H. Richmond,
'We are glad to report that Miss
Janet Laidlaw, who has been quite
sick, is somewhat improved,
Mr, and Aire, James Potter and Mr.
and Mr Robert Millar, of Flint,
a s.R r
Micli,, who visited at' the home of Mr.
James I-1, Richmond over the week-
end, have returned. Miss Dorothy
Miller, who has spent thepast two
weeks here, accompanied them,
A very pleasant and enjoyable time
was spent at .Bay;fleld recently when
about a dozen families of the eighth
line of Morris "let a smile be theft
unebrella," and in spite of threatening
showers made the day one to be re-
Ain and. Mrs, Albert Brigham and
daughter Isabel were in Toronto last
Air. r Robert Powell,
W. CAnd Ms. . Laidlaw, Mrs. Alex. PMrs.
field motored to Owen Sound and
Collingtuood for the holiday.
Crab apple bloss'o'ms in September
are out of order butsuch can be seen
in one of the 8th line of Morris or-
his loss a widow, three sons, and one
daughter: Franklin, Leslie, Joseph
and Mrs, Alex, Roney, all of Hi'b'bert,
The •late Mr. Moore is also survived
by one brother and two sisters. Wil-
liam Moore, of Stratford: Mrs, Rob-
ert 'Mutton, Mitchell and Mrs. Rob-
ert ,Barnett, of Hibbert The funeral
held on Monday to Mitchell cemetery
was largely attended.
Mr. incl Mrs. Pat. Woods attended'
the funeral of the latter's sister, Mrs
Ambrose Zetler, of VVingh'am.
Miss Iiannah Downey visited
friends and relatives in Dublin.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael McCarthy
spent Monday at Niagara Fails,
Miss Marie Krauskopf is visiting
friends in Detroit.
Mr. Irvine 5. Wallace, who has
been visiting for a couple of weeks
in Newark, N.J.. returned home on
\Ve are pleased to report that Rus-
sell Garniss, son of Mr, and Sirs. J.
Garniss, who underwent an operation
for appendicitis in Wingham hospital,
is improving nicely.
.Miss Anne White of Woodstock is
visiting her sister, Yrs. C. !Spafford.
lair. and Mrs. William Routledge
Canning Factory for Dublin. -- A and daughter Dorothy of Sault S•te,
charter has been procured for a can- Marie, Can., returned home after vi's-
ning factory in Dublin. It is the in- it ttg with the latter's. sister, Mrs. In-
tention of the Directors to have a tin S..Wallace.
etisable building erected this fall, to Mr. Richard W. Wallace -of Newark
insure the farmers that -if they put in N.J., is visiting his mother, Mrs. E.,
a crop of peas,'corn and tomatoes, Wallace -and other relatives,
they can market their product at the Mrs. Earl McKnight of Auburn
factory in Dublin. We think this will visited her sister, Sirs. Isaac Snell,.
be a boon to the farmers of Dublin last week.
and immediate vicinity. and they will Jubilee Visitors. - Among those
be approached some time soon as to from a distance who attended the
t n-
i ' 'ration
of Tri
what amount they must subscribe in Diamond jubilee Caleb
stock to enable the building of a face ity Anglican Church, were; Mr. and
tory this fall. Competent sten have Mrs R, J. M. Barr, of Los Angeles,
been appointed to take subscriptions: Cal.: Mr, and Mrs W.' H. Green, Cal-
ncntely Mr. M. McCarthy for Logan; gary; Mr. J. G. Emigh, Grand Valley, 1
Mr. McCartney foe Hibbert east and w•ho is 88 years of age arid was only
Euilarton; Ain -E. D. Tyers for Dub- person present who attended the lay-
lin and Hilbert: Mr, John Bruxer for rug of the corner stone fifty years ago;
McKillop. Misses Annie and 'Edna Hamilton;
Mr, Thomas Pierce, of Detroit, is Mr. and airs, John' Hamiaton,. Mr,
Malting with friends in Dublin and and Airs. Harvey Barr, Miss Moore,'
vicinity. Miss Edna Cartier, all of Toronto;
Mr. John McConnellJr, has :left Mrs, W. J. Felker,. Goderich; Mn, and
for NePolk to finish his studies for Mrs. Fitzsimmons and daughter, of
the priesthood, after which he will do Thornelale; Mr. and Mrs. Blom and
missionary work in Ciente. two slaughters, Mount Forest; 12r.
Mr. Dan. Costello is wearing a and Mrs, Shanley Buchanan, Mount
broad smile. A baby girl arrived on i''orest; Mrs, John Armstrong,
Sunday night.. don: Mr, anis ]Mrs. Norman Racey
Me, Gerald Jordan and Mr. Michael and daughter, London: Mr,. Morris
McCarthy left on Wednesday for De- Racey, Parkhill; Mrs, (Rev.) Recce',uoit. the only former minister's family
Airs, Janie; Shea and kngela visit- family present: Mrs. Nation, To'onto;
ed friends in Stratford on Saturday, Mrs. (Col.) R. S. Hays, Seaforth;
Miss T,izzie 'Ryas), of Seafontis, 'Mr. and Mrs. 'Bell. Southampton:
spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Mrs, Fergus Bullard, 'Winthrop; Mr.
Patrick Ryan Sr. of Hibbert, and Mrs, Rdht. J. Clarke, Walton;
Mise 'Minnie Maloney, trained nurse Mr. and Mrs, Alex. Portenlleld,
'Bufl'L\ln, N '., i., vending he- hull- arrive; Mr. George Collinson; Kintail;
Messrs. Thomas 'McMichael, John
Carter, Will Livingston, Thomas
Dale and family and John Freeman
attended London Fair this week.
An Oil that is 'Famous.- Though
Canada was not the bintlipfaceof"Dr.
Thomas' .Eclectric Oil, it is the home
of that famous compound. !From here
its good name was spread. to Central
and South America, :the Weil: Indies,
Australia and New Zealand, That is.
far afield enough to' attest its excel-
lence, for in
xcellence,'forin all these countries it is on
sale and in demand.
Wntet'naan's Pett And Pencil
(Sets $5,50 up.
Waterrnan's Pens $2,75
Watei'man's Pencils $1.00 up
,A, real . good line of pens a
50 each uh and with each of
these we are giving FREE a,.
880 page Webster's Dictionary
loather bound,
Do not miss this. ofFer
Good Reliable Wrist Watches
for School $8.50 up
Diamonds -Wedding . Rings
PHONES - Store 61W -
Res. 64,J
it •
Friday,September e
f@111 ber l d
Admission 95e and tax
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Storey Jr. and
Mr. Samuel Storey ;Sr. visited Mr.
and Mes. John McNichol, of Morris,
en Sunday.
.Mr. and Mrs. 'William McClure and
family visited With Mr. and Mrs.
Conley. of Walton, on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. • William' Beirnes;
Ileen and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hogg
spent Sunday with friends in Grey.
Mrs. Joseph Broome, of McKillop
is visiting friends' near Toronto.
Mr, Ed. Price, of Hallett, was in
Toronto on business east week.
Mrs. Somers, of Stratford, visited
with Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Brown this
Mr, Charles VtTakefield, of Con-
stance, is assisting Mr. Edward Dor-
ranee to finish the harvest.
Miss Margaret: Campbell and Miss
Mae attended the funeral of the late
Air. W. G. Neal, of Welton,
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday,
September 17; 18 and 19, are the dates
of Goderich's fall fair. Besides the
usual displays of the products of the
c(fstrict, there will be a good program
before the big new grandstand.
Speed events -2:20, 2.30 and freeJfor
all trot or pace, and relay running
race. Special musical and variety
features. Horseshoe -(pitching contest.
Big Midway, etc,, etc. Something do-
ing alt ,the time. Don't miss it.
somethiny new and better in
In Buying a Hudson
You Save up to
Several then fired Dol..
tars a Cart
and up
Ail priors f. o. b. Witeciser,
taxes extra(
f' near peifomanc.
Scores of motorists fresh from examining and riding
in the latest and best cars of the day declare Hudson
the supreme performer of their experience.
You will find. this Hudson smooth, fast, reliable, bril-
liant. Its fuel economy is unequalled in cars of its
weight and power.
But for the story of what Hudson will do that you
would not ask other cars to do -will you please take
the wheel for any test you desire?
Buyers can pay for cars out of income at lowest available charge
for interest, handling and insurance.