HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1928-09-13, Page 1Season of mists and mellow fruitful-" nets Close bosom -friend of the maturing aim; Conspiring with him how to load and bless WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 50, No. 3q SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEP"TEI.YIPER 13, 1928, DINNERS and SUPPERS Regularly DOT LUNCHES at all hours MADE HOME M E SPECIALTIES Prices Reasonable The Olvmnia Confectioner and Restaurant un unit S � y p frit CHURCH CARD, North Side United Church. -.Pastor, Rev. W, P. Lane, B, A. Sunday, Sept, 16th. -41 a.m,— Pub- lic Worship.. - Subject, "The Last Beatitude," 30 p in—S5 and Bible Classes' ''PfTe•ask the citizens of Seaforth `tie Worship. Subjects Ito -show their loyalty to and \ ak onS "Young Man who became ,encouragement of home in- dustry by buying Silverking Best •Manitoba, Pat- ent :Flour at $4.00 cwt. Keystone Best Pastry Flour .i4 Ib. " sack' $1.00 whetheryou buy from us or other dealers because these brands 'of dour are manufac- tured by the W OLVER 'ON FLOUR MILLS CO of Seaforth and . are -said to be equal acro; the best • brands made and the` prices you will notice are less. than the ;prices of other good` brands. • When •we (help our local hides - tries, does -tries, we.ihelp our town and in- directly exarsetves, 3�'ours trulgr F. D. HUTCHISON l' Phone Phor P ?Aod 166 • FALL M iltinery Opemiigs September .14 agli 15 JOHN:DODDS TO COMPLETE YEAR AS REEVE. Mr. John Dodd& is elected by ac- elamab oa as Reeve of McKillop Township or the balance,of the year, succeeding the late .Mr. F, J, Mc- Quaid; Nomination meeting was held at Winthrop on Monday, when Messrs, John Dodds and Wiltiatn Somerville were nominated for the position. In order to avoid an e'en- tion lecttion so late in the year, Mr, Somer- ville withdrew. The new Reeve has been a member of the 'Council since 1916,. Von are cordially ittiaiitecl to visit, my showrooms Gertrude Miller WALTON PRESENTATION. A happy event took place recently when the mem'bebs of St. James' 'Church Choir, gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Grattan Flannigan e and in a neatly -worded address pre- sented re-sented the newly -married couple with a beautiful silver cake basket. The address was read by the organist, e enY he s a andpresenta- tion t Deci P Mrs, F. v tion made by Mr.' Will Faulkner, to which the groom ht a few suitable words replied, thanking the members for their thoughtfulness. A pleasant evening was spent in music, followed by 'dainty r`efreshments served by the bride. Mrs. Flannigan has been •a •po:pular metnber: of the choir for some time, while Mr. Flannigan. is welcom- ed as a very valuabie addition to tilt choir. COAL QUALITY -SERVICE PHONE L. gcsX . '3 Anue 6 60venlock Teacher of Piano, Organ and Theory . ;Pupils prepared for Toronto Con- servatory examinations. Class work for beginners if de- sired. STUDIO NORTH MAW ST. Phone 103 ENGAGEMENT, Mr. and Mrs. W. J' Geddes, Bel - rave, announce the engagement of their.eldest daughter, Eugene Isabell, to Mr. Joseph P. Little, son of Mr. and Mrs, George Little, Seaforth, the marriage to take place quietly the last Part of September, LIONS `MEAT. Regular monthly meeting was held at Commercial Hotel last Monday evening with Lion lir. Mackay in the chair, This meeting was altogether a business one and the various head of committees reported on the different activities satisfactorily, The meet- ings from now on will follow the reg- ular schedule. TOWN COUNCIL, At the Council meeting, on Monday evening the following accounts Were Passed: W. G. Fee, $60; John A. Wilson $75; John Knight $65; Geo, A. Sills $c' Sons, $50,40; M. Barry, $15.90; Can, Nat. Rys.,-$6.1:8; Wilson Hawkins clic; Scarfe & Co., $4326;. N, Cliff & Sons, $26481 Bell Tel, cp. 2:30; P U Coin.,$156 510, R. Frost & .Son, .'7.20• grant, cairn, $40; Wilson Hawkins $40; Sol. Williams $19.50; jas, V. Ryan $85.50; The Beacon Herald $56; Seaforth- Highlanders Band $100; W. H, Golding $3.30; Alex, Lamont, $30; C. Sills, $25. BROWNLEE-MIZON. -The marriage took place at Lin- coln Road United Church, Waiker- ville, of Miss Gladys E. Ninon, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. William. Mizon of Walkerville, and Mr. Edgar Brown- lee, elder son of Mr. and Mrs, George Brownlee of Seaforth. The bride was prettily dressed in white satin, 't'rhn- nted with silk lace and rhinestones, with bridal veil and orange blossoms. She carried a boughet of roses, and baby's breath. They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Harry Watson. Fol- lowing the ceremony 'a'botrt forty guests sat down to a dainty wedding stepper served at. the home of the bride's parents. A - beatitiftil three- story wedding cake, was .'presented to the bride and groom by'his employers, The Canada Bread Company, .Limited. Ava;nut library table was presented nted to them by the employees .of the com- pany. HON. JOHN S. MARTIN COMING' The Hon.. John S. Martin, Minister of Agriculture, who was injured in an auto accident recently, has phoned Secretary Sutherland that he has suf- ficiently recovered to .S be here for Fair Day, Sept. 21st, and will open the program at 1.30 pan. -with a short address. After witnessing the school children's parade and drill, he will visit the live stock and -other depart- ments. This wil•1 be the -Minister's first visit to Seaiforth and the directors 'AiIticipa•te a bumper attendance. Monster zaar 'will be held in the (G. W. • V, A. Rooms an Friday, Sept. 28th 11115)5 Presbyterian Ladies' ?Aid is hold - ling a bazaar. Tea help the kirk, we hope the folk ,grill come free near sari': far. ipWeisse.:worked by day, an' :toiled by ,rtitthp, - Tee •mak' the gifts, we'll :treat ye right, Sae•come:an' .cheer us ,mile .Ae"ibu.y.ata'reebitegiit the while. Afternoon ,Cup of Tea—t.'Sc Supper :5.30 to 8 —.9.0e School Shoes Sel✓ool opening : is only a few days away and we have some splendid specials in School Shoes Youth's Shoes, Sizes 11 to 1312 $2.39 Boys' Shoes, Sizes 1 to 5% $3,19, Specials in Misses and Children's, High Shoes - W. �6 BOOTS AND 8110E8 'SEA °ORTH ' W,M.S. CONFERENCE. The W.M.S. Conference, ,Centre Section, Hurbn Presbyterial, of the United Church will be held in On— tario Street Church, Clinton, Thurs- day Sept, 27, at 10 a.m. and 2 ;p.m. All auxiliaries, circles, mission bands, etc. of this section are cordially in- vited to attend. Mrs. Childs of Lon doaf, and Mrs, J. McIntyre, of To- ronto; will be present and will speak. THE FAVL' AIR Director John M'&Intosh, who has charge of the improvements in the hall; particularly the • installation of glass' show cases for the exhibits of butter, etc„ proarrises to have every- thing completed by the end of the week. The horse 'shoe tourney will bring together the 'best •pitchers in the district and the 'winners are entitled to enter the special contpetion at the Royal Winter 'Fair. The running race, 5-8 mile has'been made open to horses from Seaforth as well as the four townships Arid with the relay horse race will provide plenty of ex- ctiement. The doll games and other sideshows will' be -provided with sites on the back tow -and not at the front where they obstruct the view of the spectators from.the more important features of the fair. Schools entering the parade will be in their places on the track in front of the grand stand at 1:15 p.m., the parade starting at L30 sham on the arrival of the band and the opening ,of the afternoon pro- gram by the Hon. John S. Martin, Minister of Agriculture. Owing to the immense program it will be nec- essary to start each event sharp on time. Alice Dunbar, funnier than ev- er, and her company will provide two hours of entertainment in Cardno's hall in the evening. The directors ap- preciate the action of the management of the dance in the GW.V.A. rooms in not starting the dance until after the concert is over at ten o'clock. To avoid delay and confusion on the first day of the fair exhibitors are request- ed to hand their entries to the Sec- retary now andget their entry tick- ets.- EGMONDVILLE. The Cheerful Ohums C,G.I.'j: of Egmondville met '• in the Sunday School on Sept. 11th. The meeting opened with a C,G.I.T. hymn. The election of officers then took place. Those elected were: President, Jean- ette Finnigan; vice-pres., Erma Broad - toot; secretary, Mildred S'jnnen; press secretary, Jean Ge•mmell; treasurer, Margaret Patrick; .pianist;,'Wnnnifred Kruse editors \s,rinnfred Kruse and Mildred Shiner The business part of the meeting was then carried on by the new president and it was decided to have a corn roast in the near future. The group will greatly' miss their for- mer leader, Mrs. Webster: The•meet- ing was adjourned by lean Webster. The Young' People's 'meeting open cd with Miss Sadie `Piowatt in the chair. Topic by ,Miss Sadie Howatt; Scripture by Miss Jeanette Finnigan; prayer by Rev, W. D. McDonald; green contest; Miss Billie Chesney gave a pleasing instrumental and Miss Sadie Howatt sang a'solo .very accept- ably. Delegates appointed to London. Conference at St. Thomas were Misses Evalena Nott, Violet Tyndall, Billie Chesney. Mae Wallace. Miss Evalena Nott was .nominated secret- ary. succeeding Miss Glayds Way. The, next meeting will be in charge of Miss Jeanette Finnigan. Miss L. Morley will give an address of a lit- erary nature. A large attendance is requested. THE TIRED FARMERS MATCH. (The following poem was written many years ago about ,a football swatch between 'Egmondvllle and Seaforth.) McMichael vasa citizen Of credit and renown, was he football c • A Eoo captain eke v s Of famous 'Seaforth town. Now captain James says to his men, "Together we have . been For eight long tedioui years, yet we -No football match have seen." A. A. ELECTIONS. The S. C. I. Athletic Association el- ections' for the boys on Tuesday •brought forth a promising list of of- ficers who ,will have charge of sports throughout the year and -the two Sports Days this fall, the Scafonth day being Friday, September 38, and the County Field Day, Friday, ,Oct- ober 5, The officers are: President, Norman Jefferson.. Vice Presidentt.John McDonald. Secretary, Basil Duncan. Track Capt., George .Daly. Baseball Capt., George Parke, Softball Capt., 'Clarence Trott. Hockey Capt, Tom. Cluff, Tennis Capt„ Earl Gillespie, Shooting, Neil Tyndall, , The ladies fair, did deck the stand, (They always take the lead,) Kilburnie too and Geordie Trott, And W. Obstinate Reid. Reid's "Counter" -part was also there, And Banker Weir, 1 think, A "Weir"y time they had to wait .Before they got a drink, "hardware," are the words sweet Wm, used When 'Seaforth boys would 'fall, "Coal" chills ran down his manly spine, When they would miss the ball. • What's this throws darkness o'er the scene, Is it a gathering storm ? No, no, 'tis but a human cloud, MdGuffie's portly form, And limping Jitas from the north, -Came out to see them play, And the "Golden Lion" •b"azed in awe Upon that great array. And George Antagonistic Sills And 'John Secluded Steet, Were there on time to see the game, They never miss .a treat. Red was the color Seaforth chose, While blue the "drones" all wore, But bluer still were McMichael's men. 'When that fierce .fight was o'er. Now Carmine Jackson does his best Te .put the "drones" in place, And Crawford gets the Sea -forth men Alt ready for the race, Constable 'Bob, with his blackthorn stick, His duty does not shirk, While jocular Rose, with •his bold black eye, .Assists him in his work. Now honest Sandy starts the ball, With a kick from his 'No. '10 shoe, And Prendergast doth stand aghast, To see what''Sandy can do. CARD OF THANKS.. Mayor Golding and • the Committee for !Seaforth of the 'Huron Tract. Centennial and Official Opening of the 'Government Highway on Labor Day, wish -to extend their sincere thanks to all those who assisted in making the joint ceremony the suc- cess it proved to be, they wish par- ticularly to thank Mr. and Mrs. C. &I, Holland for opening the house and grounds to the public, Mr, E. 'J,' Box fur the use of his field for ipatking oars and . the iSeaforbh Highlanders Band for attending without charge. On behalf of the `Conunittee, y,E.'W:E1, 'BILn3C, 'EiYlBEATecretaryI''i.IE, fiilanrman Now, in the town of Egmondcille, A little south of here, Where "Egmondvil'lains" live and thrive, On Colbert's #anion beer. Lives Jake McGee, a farmer once, dint now front work retired, The Mayor of Egmondvillc's fair •town,. By young and old admired. He called his little band et: once, !Retired farmers all, With one accord they turned .out quick, Responsive ,to his call. But when the day appointed came, ' (And Cap Mc -Michael too,) Jake found that he was three men short, ;So what was he to do ? i''43 will not do to take old inen," Says sly old Captain Jake, "So 1Conley, McIntosh and Con VanEgmond I will take." And Captain Jimmy kicked the ball, `Not wisely, but too well, And a hole in the ground debt mark the spot Where that bold calptaiu fell. "Great was the fall thee' of," says Jake "Who'd think you'd sink so low," . But Jimmy only laughed "tee -bee," While 'Jacob laughed "Ke -hoe." The way that Tyerman missal the ball Was wonder el 'to see, But when the famous game was o'er A 'Tyre(d) man was he. And Billy Smith with his corset neat, ,From work he never flinches, Why, once I'm told he kicked the ball Almost a 'hundred inches, His blood was up -(so was hair) iHe'd bravely do his best, He'd give the air a vicious kick, And then lie down and rest. Aud Tail.' Jim Beattie kicked the ball:,:. tWith.all his might and main, Tho' badly beaten still he smiled, aIIN110rir vii • peAemEs We expect a carload of peaches in from two to three weeks, time, in bushel hampers. Call your orders to phone 234r2 W. 0. BENNETT, WINTHROP of .TAS. CLEARY, SEAPORTH Phone 117 TERMS --Cash off the car... S"bone 84. With fruit the vines that round the thatch -eaves run; And fill ail fruits with ripeness to the core; To swell the gourd, and ,plump the thvol shells with a sweet kernel. $1 A YEAR. School Opening and Fountain Pens are synonymous. And . where ever fountain pens are mentioned we immediately think "Waterinan's", So you will find us well prepared with a full line of Waterman Fountain Pens in the Blue, Rose, Red and Olive Ripple colors. (These colors are the newest production of Waterman's) and also the standard black pen and priced at $2.50 up Special The Marxton 14k gold pen with a pocket diction- ary at $1.50 complete Fred S. Savauge Jeweler and Optometrist '0,3?)3;te Past O":Pica Seaforth Pontiac Motor Car Dealer. Phone 194 Res. 10 oismaztarg.ei Tho' -sore against his 'grain." And Conley swore "he'd mind the ga'p," Says Jake "You moind the .ball An I'll tind to the gap mysilf, 01 don't nade you at all." Killoran too, did noble work, ; A rum chap he, 'tis said, "Conte maltogether," cries bold ?olein, A. "rye" face then he made. But Willis 'waxed' indignant, When Conley knocked him o'er, "But' :leather' go he cried at 'last,! P11 'peg' away, some more." And old Jim Ryan, he's the stuff, Why almost without trying, He kicked the .ball full ,fifty feet,. lie :must -have had some Rye -in. At last the game came to an end, As everything must do, And when the time was up 'twas said The •score stood naught to two. I won't tell now who won the game, And all I have to say, It, in twenty years they meet, May the same old boys all glay. G. 'RA'STUS. PS --;Regarding that great tug of war, (Which Hgmondville did win, The Seaforth boys can't -pull the "drones," With Tuckersmith thrown Chesterfields Chesterfields ,STANLEY. Mr, Robert Turner and son Bert, of Yale, Mich., :and his daughter, Mrs. Forbes, of Detroit, motored over on Thursday last. and has been visiting relatives and former friends in Stan- ley Township ,and Seaforth. They left for home on :Saturday taking Mr. Henry Erratt with them for a short visit. Mr, Erra•tt returned the follow- ing Tuesday. Mr. Artie Keys and son Bernard and John, were in London an Tues- day, Mr. Willie Logan and sister Phemia• and Mr. and Mrs. John McAsh and sons Willie and Lloyd of Varna were Sunday visitors with Mrs, Annie Reid in Seaforth. MANLEY. ". Mr, W. Rapien has finished his con- tract of building cement floors in Mr. John Murray's henhouse. Mr, and Mrs. W. Manley were visi- tors at the home of IsIr. C Eckart, Seaforth, last Sunday. Mr. Thomas Purcell, who has been running the cement mixer for the King Construction Co. the past two years, is moving to Midland where their next contract starts next week. STE 'FIELOS Please Notice We handle only The Highest Class, Better Grade Kroeidire 1Viade''. Goods. Also the better grades bf 'se'veral other High Class Firstib' for Liv- ing Rooms. We spaciaiise in: .l ,4/ 4) Gibbard Solid Walnut, and the McLagatx Made Dining Room and Bedroom Outfits, and Furniture of the Highest Quality/ for every room in the home, at very moderate prices. - We invite inspection ,and comparison in all our lines. Cali and See What We Have before Buying Walker's Furniture Stora SEAFORTH Fi Y Fill ]RSDAY and FRIDAY Sept. 20th and 21st Live Stock, Poultry, Roots and Vegetables, Fruit and Flowers, Ladies' Work, Fine Arts, School Children's Exhibit, Etc. ADDRESS BY Hon. John S. Martin, Minister of Agriculture who will open the afternoon program. Special Attractions Horse Races, Foot and Bicycle Races, Relay Horse Race, Running Horse:Races, Horse Shoe Pitching Tournament, Etc. SCHOOL CHILDREN'S PARADE AND DRILL Music by Seaforth Highlanders Band ADMISSION -- Adults 25c Children 15c Autos 25c Grand Stand 25c All School Children admitted free FAIR NIGHT eARDNe'S OPERA HALE, Alice Dunbar and her Company of Singers, Dancers and Entertainer* Two hours solid fun to wind up .a good day MUSIC. SONG. COMEDY ADMISSION --All Seas. 55c — Children 25c '. SEAFORTH AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. Thos. E. Livingston, A. D. Sutherland, Presidents See, Treagr, Prize Lists may be had from the Secretary.