The Seaforth News, 1928-09-06, Page 43I FOUR
Snowdon Bros., Publishers,
;A. car containing Dr, Janiieson's
flouter, sisters and cousin overturned
on the loose „ravel on the eneve
south of Walton. They were return-
. °ing to, Brantford after visiting the
.doctor ht Brussels: Dr. Jamieson was
called to the scene, the occupants of
.the car suffering ;from shock and
cuts, Mr. Jamieson Sr. returned to
Mr, Wesley Clark of Stratford,
-spent the .holiday with hisparents,
. 11'r. and Mrs, Thomas 'Clark,.
-Mies Maude Ferguson: is visiting.
Iricncls in• Peterborough.
Mrs, R. Hoy and Miss 'Alice Hoy
have arrived safely at Koderre in
,-southern Saskatchewan, They report
• abut the crop, is good and. threshing
should begin in about a week.
Mr. and Mrs. George Clark speut
, 'Sunday m 'Stratford,. •
Mr. ami Kars, E. 13. Branson and,
eon James and Miss: Jane ;Bronson, of
'Blue Island, and Mfrs. Brack, of Chi
eego visited. last week with their
f:ousun, Mrs. E. Clark, They left
-Thursday for Niagara Falls and wilt
also visit with friends in New York.
They made .the trip by motor, calling
on friends in Dutton en route.
Ma, and Mrs. James Bishop and
R. W. Hoy speut Sunday with T.
Clark, near Britssels,
Mr. and Mrs, H. Shannon spent the
Lveek-end visiting friends in Walker-
ille and Detroit.
Mr, Joseph Bolton and Miss
Dickson,f Rochester N.Y„ spent
e'en week -end visiting the formers
sister, ears, W. J. Humphries.
Quite a number from here took in
Mr. Savage's address in the Preeby-
eerian Church, (Seaforth, and report a
Mr. and Mrs. Earl 'McQueen stsd
family have returned to Detroit after
visiting Mr. and Mrs, J. T. Me -
Ca ughey.
Mrs,' I', kieely and Miss Loretto
have returned home after spending
two weeks visiting friends in the
United States.
Mr, tend Mrs. Jollies Kelly spent
the week-end.•witit.' Mr. and Mrs. Will
Devereaux, at Seaforth,
Mr. and Mrs, Joint McNichol and
son .Aubrey and Mr. and Mrs, P. J•
Kelly spent Monday visiting Mrs.
Thomas McQuaid, Seaforth.
Mr, and Mrs, Robert Wallace, of
Detroit, are visiting, friends here,
Mr, and Mrs, Duncan Laidlaw via-
ited Seaforth friends Monday,
School reopened on Tuesday, Miss.
13arn'by and Miss, McNair,. of: last
year's staff, and' Mr, Norman Gar-
rett, Mr, Ross Robinson and Miss
Mary Stewart, of Clinton, comprise
the teaching staff.
Miss Irene Gtothers has returned
to her school at Kirkland. Lake.
Mr, and Mrs. Boole, of London,
were Labor Day visitors with -Mr,
aid Mrs, Robert MoKay,
Mr. and Mrs. Volker and sons El-
win and Karl, of London, visited Mr.
Volker's sister, Mrs, J. D, Moody, on
Mr, and Mrs, Alfred Collinson, of
London, spent Labor Day with his
mother, Mrs. Collinson.
On Saturday morning Mr. John
Collinson met with a nasty accident
when the trip rope broke and he fell
backwards from the load striking 'the
side of his head on the ground and
severely straining the ligaments of his
neck, it was the 'jfrst load in the
morning anti as a couple of bundles
had already been removed tate fall was
not from the top of the load, which
saved hint front touch more serious
wmnderfnl treat. injury. The blow was partly eased
Mrs. W. A,Cunningham and son by his hat receivhtg the hill force
e'ear, from Auburn, motored to To- when the side of his head struck the
onto on Sunday. They intend spend-
. ,ng a few days at the Exhibition.
Quite a number from here took in
the Labor Day celebration at Sea-
• 'urth in connection with opening up
the new highway for traffic. This
.nmpletes the last link in concrete be-
• tween Toronto and Goderich.
Mrs. George Dickson and family
and Miss Mary Mowbray visited Mrs.
George Graham in Hensel) on Mon-
School re -opened on ` Tuesday
Mir. Robert Young and son Ivan, of
Port Huron, visitedover the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Camp-
Mr. Joseph Ryan has rented Mr.
James McLaughlin's farm for a terns
of. five years.
Miss Mae Skelton. Brussels, spenr
part of last week with Mr. and Mrs.
David Sholdice,
Mrs. Barrows, who ha beer:
M s a outs s
spending thepastfew months with
Mrs. Heist. at Winthrop, t at re -
s P S P
•nt•tttth friends at Walton.
Mir and Mrs. George Butson, of
ataffa Mrs. R. Pinder, of Mitchell,
and Miss 'Legg, of Stratford, spent
.bust Thursday afternoon at J. N.
Mr. John Lamb is improving nicely
after an operation in Toronto hos-
• pital.
'George Ramsay and Bert Ander-
'eon were in Toronto for a couple of
'says last week.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Fingland are visit-
ing friends near Toronto.
Miss Gertie Miller is in Toronto for
..a few days attending the millinery
Tames .Simpson figured in an auto
accident in front of the hotel on Sat -
=day morning when a new Pontiac
•,car was damaged. No One was hurt.
12r. and Mrs. J. Watt were To-
ronto visitors last week.
Mr. G. Badley, station agent. has
'leen transferred to Hanover and will
-trove there •
t shorny •.
Mr. John Driscoll is not enjoying
good health at present but at time of
,writing he is slightly improved.
/Labor Day passed very quietly in
-She village. \ number drove to God-
• erfct tt fee the baseball game in the
Mfr, William Patterson is visiting
'Ids parents, 31r. and Mrs. George Pat-
Mfr, and Airs. Radford visited
friend. in Clinton over the holiday.
Mrs. J. MacDonald was in Toronto
,' a few days last week.
Miss Mary McDonald, who under-
: went an operation for goitre in a To-
ronto hospital, is getting along nicely.
Miss Elsie ,Dodds returned on
Tuesday to teach in her forme,-
ormerschool near New Hamburg.
Mr, and Mrs. William Beattie and
aughter. of Erie, Penn., were visitors
with Mr. Thomas Beattie and fancily.
of McKillop, during the past week. t
Mr. and Mrs. -Robert McClure and
children spent the holiday with the
'att€r's sitter, Mr. and Mee. Durant,
,1 Owen Sound district.
Master Tohn Hahkirk etarted
to the Collegiate a Seaforth for the
incoming terns. We '. i „nit every
The funeral of Char e 1\?l r
relict of the Cate John Duuies, took
place. on Saturday afternoon from the
residence of Mr, David Boyd tr. Brus-
sels cemetery. Rev. SIr. Smith of-
'Stciated, a sisied by Rev. W. D. Me -
Donald, of Egtnondvilh :\ large
concourse of old friends teas present
to pay last respects to one who was
highly esteemed in the community.
The pallbearers were )Iessrs, Willis
'Dundas, Torrence Dundas, W. Dun-
das, Charles Boyd. Robert Dundas
.and Frank 'Willis, Among those pre-
-sett from a distance for the funeral
were Mr. and afr. Frank Willis.
Fort Albert; Rev. and Mfrs. 5, Mc-
Lean, St. Catherines, Nits, Mercer,
Mr. anri Mfrs. Robert Dundas, of To-
rotto:lfiss Tillie Dundee, New York.
Mre. Dundas passed away on Thurs-
lay, ,\ugu,t M ttlt, in her Seth year af-
ter an illness of two Months. She
leaves to mourn her loss one son and
four daughters: Mr. George Dundas.
McKillop, • Mrs William .Ifneehtel,
Rgmontiville; Mts. David Boyd,, Me
Kiilap; Mrs, Mclean, St. •Catherines
anti Mrs. Mercer, Toronto. Iier hus-
band predeceased her six years.
nrl tw the sanies of your visitors.
The Blyth Community Ilorticultur-
al Society held their annual Flower
Show on August 290 under -the very
able leadership of the President, Mrs.
A. Taylor and her assistants, The
display proved to be one of the best
shown. The blooms in each section
were superior in quality to other
years as members are growing bet-
ter varietieseachyear, The gladioli
section was large and a nunfber of
very fine varieties shown, A table
that attracted ntnch attention was one
of rases where there were about fifty
different varieties.. Ip the Dahlias
were shown some very fine decorat-
ive, hybrid cactus and pour poms.
Several blooms were produced from
premium bulbs seat out this spring:
Seldom has there been shown as large
and fine a collection of sweet peas.
The members have very evidently
rollttd it more profitable to sow sep-
arate varieties instead of the generally mix-
tures most neral! • so vn, Small
tables were artistically arranged
through the hall where a sumptuous
supper was served by the ladies. The
receipts were very satisfactory and
the show is considered to be the best
we have held,
1[r. George Duddon, of Detroit, de-
lighted the congregation of the Queen-
ueenSt. United Church with a very fine
solo on Sunday evening.
Miss Pearl Gidley entertained the
W. 11. 5, and Ladies' Aid of Queen
Street Church on Tuesday of this
week at their regular meeting.
Miss E. Steinhoff returned from
visiting in Guelph and Georgetown on
Master Russell Garniss, little son
of Mr, and Mrs, J. Garniss, was taken
to 1Wingham hospital and operated on
for appendicitis on Sunday. His con-
dition is still serious.
Rev. I)r. and Mrs. Barnby left on
Saturday by boat from Sarnia for
, Winnipeg. where Dr. Barnby will at-
tend the Genera: Council of the Unit-
ed Church. \Miss
Dorothy Barnby
accompanied themafaras Fort Wil-
am where she will enter the Cu11cg-
. to as teacher.
Mlisse, Vera end Jean Barnby . re-
turned to their school at Tottenham
.,n Monday.
Miss Carie Sinr, returned to To -
'110 on Monday to resunw her
teaching in Norway school.
Miss -Annie Ma -nes, of Toronto,
'- ent :he holiday with her parents.
Mr. and Mrs, I. Maines.
Miss Hattie Spafford. • of Toronto,
eoent the holiday with iter mother.
Mrs. M. Spafford
Mr. and Mrs. White, .,i Guelph, vis-
cera the f firmer s eleter. Mirs. M. Spaf-
.'•rd. over the holiday.
• Mr. and Mre. T. Jackson and son,
Pott Dover, called our Blyth friends
n Monday,
Miss Eleamsr Jackson returned to
Flint .,n Thursday where she ,will re-
sume her studies.
Mui:; Janet Laidlaw is not Bmprov-
t; a. her friend= would wish to see
Mr. and Mrs. George MeNall and
\Ir. and afre. Pert Craig, of Detroit.
-ateor the Sriiday s with Mr. and Mfr:.
W. Hamra and other ttatives.
Mr. Basil Wallace, who spent tate
'aat c.rtti1c• of months visiting rela
v.•s he e returned by motor to his
'tense in Newark, N.1., last week. He
tee accompanied by his brother, afr.
1:•tine S. Wallace., who will spend a
omple of weeks in Newark.
Miss Mae Taylor. biles Bendy. Mr.
Mitetw„ and lar. Duddon. of De-
troit, spent the holiday at the home of
Mr. and• Mrs. A. Taylor.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wallace and
Mr. Arthur Olney and son. Robert
m ,tored from Detroit and spent the
holidays at the homes or Messrs.
Lecke Hilheirtt, Irvine Wallace sod
frank Bell
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Garniss, of
Detroit, spent the holiday with Mr,
and Mrs. -John Garniss.
Mks Ruby Gibson returned on Sat-
urday :,,ftcr spending the week in To-
The Oil for the harmer. --A bottle
if Dr. Thomas l cleetric Oft in the
farm house will save many a journey
for the doctor. It is not only good
for tate children when 'taken with
colds and creep, and for the mature
who suffer from pains and aches, hut
there are directions for its use on sick
rattle. There should always he a
bottle of it in the hoose.
IIIR$DAY, SE;?TEMRF,.R 3, 1425,
Mr, Wilfrid Fitzltatriek and his
mother and Mrs, 11' J Stillivan, of Al-
bion, n ie them
u i, O t visited d at home of the
former''s brother, Mr, and Mrs. Peter
Fitzpatrick, of Hibbert:
Misses Mary unci Margaret Fitz=
itatriei:, who had been visiting their
grandmother for a couple ,of weeks,
returned home with thein,
'Mr, and Mrs. John Maloney and
Fergus Maloney, of Buffalo, returnedto their,home there afterspending a'
few days with their mother, Mrs. T.
Maloney, of Hibbert.
Miss Annie McLeer and brother Al -
best, 'of Detroit, returned to. their
home after spending n few weeks
with their sister, Mfrs, Patrick Ryan.
Mise Annie McGrath returned to.
her school near Chatham on Monday
after spending- her holidays with her'
parents, Mr, and Mrs. John McGrath,
Mr, and Mrs. Dan. Williams and
two sons Lewis and Don., have re-
turned to their home in Chicago after
spending a few days visiting fns.
Mr, Lyall Jordan and Mary Jor-
dan motored to Detroit an Monday.
Miss Marie' Benninger returned to
her school in Milclmay after- spending
the sunnier months at her home.
Mr. and Mins. William 7irauslcopf,
of Detroit, spent the week -end with
friends in Dublin.
Mir. Joseph •Klinkh•annner and fam-
ily and -lir. Walter Kiinkhantmer and
family, of Detroit, spent Labor Day
with their parents, Mir, and Mrs. M,
J. Klinkhamtner.
Mr: Ed. Molyneaux, of Chicago, is
spending holidays with his grand-
mother, Mrs. C. Molytteaux,
Miss Margaret Dillon has returned
from a visit in Detroit.
Mir, Gerald Jordan, of Toronto,
spent Labor Day with his father, Mr,
James Jordan..
Miss Anna Molyneaux and Miss
Monica Hinstberger, of Kitchener,
spent Labor Day with Mr. and Mrs.
"le J. Molyneaux.
1fr. and Mrs. Ed. Horan, of Strat-
ford, :pent the week -end with their
daughter, Mrs, William Curtin.
Mr. and Mrs. John Maloney, of
Buffalo, spent the week -end with Mrs.
T. Maloney.
A large gathering of citizens of
Dublin and vicinity assembled at the
Highway to watch the centennial
procession on Monday.
School opened on Tuesday with a
.larger attendattce than. in former
Miss Flora Hills, of Toronto, spent
Labor Day with her parents here.
Mfr, James Shea carried off first.
prize for a carload of hogs la Toron-
to last week. We congratulate Mr,
Shea• as the competition was very
strong. First prize was $250 cash.
Second prize was won by -licKenzie
aid Pridhaun, of Mitchell.
Rev. F. J. Jordan, of Detroit, visit-
ed with his mother, Mrs. Peter Jor-
dan. on Tuesday.
Messrs. Philip and Patrick Flana-
gan, of MP
cKillo , are in Toronto.
Miss Mamie McGrath left for To-
ronto this week Where she has secur-
e: a good position. She aceotrtpanied
Miss Vera Feeney on her return.
-Hiss Helen Krauskopf intends leav-
ing this week to train for a nurse in
St. Joseph's hospital, London. 'We
wish hiss Krattskopf much success.
-hiss Mary O'Connor. who is train-
ing for a -nurse in the Highland Park
IIuspitah Detroit, spent two weeks'
vacation with her parents, Mr, and
Mrs. Dart, O'Connor.
-Hisses Irene and Loretto O'Rourke
spent a few days with Mr, and Mrs,
Storks, of Stratford.
Miss Evelyn Delaney and Miss
Elizabeth Murray have returned to
their schools in Windsor.
Miss Mary O'Rourke has returned
to her school in Chatham.
lir Martin Klinlchanuner and Mr.
Pat. M[al,<rry. . of Detroit, spent Labor
Day here,
Mist Teresa Delaney trod Miss
Nellie O'Rourke, of Toronto, spent
the week -end with their parents.
Mfr. George Krauskopf lost a rai-
ttab:e horse last week,
Miss Bernice McGrath and Miss
Ruth O'Reilly :eft for Detroit on
Mr. and Mr+. Pat. Wools were in
M ami Mt-. Patrick Stapleton
to mt,ved :w:vn .rad wilt make
is it ;me with :heir daughter, Mrs.
M•; tact Nage of the village. We are
gee to have therm ae Mir. Stapleton
teas 'hem :ere.
Mr. and Mrs. Sicker of Detr, it
••a le•i :'n friends in town on Monday.
Me, Sicker was Mize Ella Carroll,
:slighter of Mr. Timothy Carroll, of
)rub Mr. Carr .vas tee fir-.
stationmaster in Dublin.
err. Alex. Darleee ie at Toronto this
wee k.
1I . I..t.0 Matthews of Detroit
Mailed on friend- an relatives in
r+'•wrl on MI, n t y.
Mirs. Byrne r e turned home from
P, aster a with friends in
the city.
Mfr;. -Carpenter and son %Vatter mo -
tared to Niagara on Sunday t, visit
her la.iglt:e,
Miss Mary Beale :pent the week
end with Mrs, Will Tate of Stratford.
:Mee. Ale'. Da-:ing epent a few day,
in London and Stratford last week
with friends.
Mr. Jos. %Veber of London called
on friends on Sunday.
Mr and Mrs. Scoine of Logan were
the guests of their daughter, Mfrs
Tofu) Darling.
efiss Collins is the guest of her sis-
ter. Mrs. B. Mulligan of the village.
We are pleased to see Clarence
Looby able to be out and we hope to
et.. him entirely well again soon and
hack to school.
Very sorry to hear of Mrs, Nagle
being so seriously 111 at the hospital at
Stratford. We hope to hear of .her
recovery soon,
Miss Jean McConnell has returned
to Detroit where she has a position as
a teacher,
Quite a fete from town took in the
.ltaw the night of the circus and re-
port it to he goori. Nothing takes as
well as a g'nnrl .1.1.,w with both o11
anti young.
A large crowd gathered in ears ,
to see the procession that was to take'
place from Stratford on Monday. We
all congratulate the 'lady, who they
Seaforth, }
a rth Ontario
Wheat, Standard
Oats, Standard or over
Barley, Standard oz' over
Mixed Barley and Oats
$1,15 per bus.
45e per bus.
68o per bus.
$3.30 per 100
These prices aro for sound, dry grain delivered at the mill
Silverking, Best Manitoba Patent, $4:00 per bag
Keystone, Best Pastry Flour $3,75 per bag
Stone Ground Whole Wheat $3.70 per bag
Bran $30.00 per ton
Shorts $32,00 per ton
Middlings $43.00 pc'r ton
These Prices Are CASH.
No Delivery.
DARROGR, Local Manager
PHONE 51 -
say is Ira, Mitchell,, who had her Mr, and Mrs. E. Ward, of Clinton.
ear so nicely decorated_ Only two 'Mr.,Henry° Taylor andson Hary
:ars were trimmed. Tlte procession Dara ;Latvsotr and Lorne Lawson .emo-
was not very large at all. tored to' Toronto on Sunday' to spend
Mfrs. Campbell and family have re -a few days, They intend also .going
turned to Toronto after a pleasant to Niagara.
visit ituand ft. Messrs, Charles and Austin Deis
Mifsswith Miaryer Miancle,Datd, of Galtother, spent ter wentMonday.-
Sunday and Monday the guest ofienIterds. Miss T•hehna DhIc and Miss unn'
sister, Mrs, Gar; Smith. Mrs. Smith motored from Toronto and spent the
to Toronto on
accompanied her to Galt for a week's week -end at the home of the former's
visit, parents, Mr. and .Mrs. James Dale.
Mrs. Dillon and little Betty, of Mr. and Mrs. .-Ephriatit Gee and
Lansing, Mich„ was the guest of her children, of H�agersville; Mrs. Frank
sister; Mrs, Gar. Smith. of Sault Ste. Marie and Mrs.
Mrs, M. Wright, of Stratford, call- J McNeill,' of Fuliarton, were week -
ed our her aunt, Mrs. John Carpenter, end visitors at. ;the home of Mrs.
on Monday.
James Dale and other relatives.
Mr. John Kenny, and sister, Mrs, Mrs. James Dale,' Mr. B. B. Steph-
Fortune, of Seaforth, motored to ens'on and Mr. William Britton went
Stratford on Sunday and spent the to Toronto on Tuesday of this week
spend ft
days. • with friends.
•Ve,cegret to know that Mrs. Cron -
Miss Blanche W1he'atley returned to
would in is not as well as we w ou like to Toronto on Monday toe resume her
see her, but hope to sec her around duties as teacher, She was aecom-
again, c partied by' her sister' Elva, who in•.
Mr, John Darling is kept busy tends' to spend a week in the city
threshing. He has a good outfit and
two good men. John is a hustler.
Stapleton -Downey— A quiet wed-
ding was solemnized, Thursday morn-
ing at St. Michael's C -hunch, London,
when Miss Rode Downey of that city
was united in marriage to Joseph
Stapleton of Dublin. Rev. Father E.
L. Tierney officiated. The bride
chose for her wedding costume a
gown of peach georgette and rase
velvet hat. Fawn slippers and hose
completed the attire. She carried a
bouquet of roses and sweet peas.
Miss Gertrude Stapleton, sister of
the bridegroom, was •bridesmaid and
Carl Stapleton, a cousin, assisted the
bridegroom. After the ceremony a
wedding breakfast was given at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Doyle,
Grosvenor street, London. For trav-
elling, the bride wore a smart tailored
frock with ray kasha coat and hat
and slippers in matching shades. Mr.
and Mrs. Stapleton left on a honey-
moon to Detroit, Cleveland and Tole-
oledo, and on their return will reside in
Mr. Wilt Clark left for New Lisk-
eard on Friday to visit Mr. Hiram
Proctor of that place.
Mrs. George Dale returned an Fri -
clay from Toronto after spending telt
days in tate city.
Miss Mary MelBrien returned to her
school at Essex, on Mionday and Mr.
Joseph McBrien returned to Detroit.
Master Harold 'Glazier returned to
Clinton Monday after visiting his
aunt, Mrs, Thomas Pollard.
Rev. le, Snell, of .Staffa, was visit-
ing old friends last Monday.
Mrs. A. Farnham, of Clinton, spent
a few clays with her brother, Mr.
Charles McGregor and Seaforth
friends Last week.
Mr. anis iiirs: Oliver Anderson mo-
tored to Toronto Saturday to spend a
Ur. and Mrs. Luff and children
Dorothy and Roland, left for their
home in Hamilton last left FWednesday
Messrs. Glen: Tinian and Roy Mc -
Gooch 1
et '
l rrda
y last to motor to
Cochrane to visit Mr.. John Taman.
Mrs. T. J. Thompson and daughter
Mr. and airs. Fred Stephenson; of, Gertrude, of Elgin, I11., motored over
Brussels, spent Sunday with Mr.. and to visit her sister, Mss Mary E.
Mfrs. George Riley. McKenzie acid other acquaintances:
Mrs. James Attwood and family Miss Louise Allan lett Monday to
and Mr. 'Harold Colclough and Mr. resume her duties as school teacher
John Huclde, of Blehheitn, spent :the in Hamilton.
week -end with Mr.'and Mrs: Robert . Miss Mary McNaughton has re-
Grimoldby. turned to Sault Ste, Marie,
Miss Ida Medd. of McKillop, start- .'bfr. Robert MSc'daughtou has ]eft
ed on her first year of teaching in tier Thamesford, where he is' principal
Kinbourn school on Tuesday morn- of the public ;drool.
Mies Winnifred 'Riley. of Brussels,
pent Sunday with her aunt, Mrs:
Robert Grimoldby.
Mr. Webster McNaughton has re-
turned to Fort William to take up his
position as school teacher,
Miss Anna Lave and Master Stu-
art Love are. in Toronto for a week
spent George Riley, of Brantford visiting their grandp•arctnts, Mr, and
Sunday wit -Ir his parents here. Mrs, Hugh [Iamilton.
lir, John Grimoldby, of Tees•water; Mrs. William Montgomery, of, Eg-
paid' a short visit to the village this mondville, is visiting friends in De -
week. troit for a few days.
Mir. and Mrs. Robert Rogerson Miss Vera 'Crozier has returned to
spent Sundayeveningthe guests- of S. S. No. 1, Tuckersmith, for the conn -
(Edith Furness.)
Away 'rotund the bend of the road you go,
Dear little feat, good-bye's
It is only the first day of school to you ---
Though you hardly slept as the night sped.
And the great Beginning tearer drew—'
•Pint it's over the m of edge heart, g Y it, ,.wo
And we're parting, you and I.
Dear little only Baby say
Did it too lonely seem ?
You never will grudge me these few Hues years
When you know the :well of my hidden tears
And all my impotent hopes and fears
'For I'm giving you up to Life today
And my 'Baby is a dream-
Wove! little n hands • , s you turn from my sight
'Feverish to begin:
if ever I prayed !k is now I pray
For all the days that Cruet follow toda:
i_+od's Laity, tittle feet, for your onward way.
'But its oh, when you're done with the wottld
To my heart conte creeping in.
ing term, ...
Mir. and• Mfrs, Dave Mehean sire I rG
visiting in Torauko this week, Be r pared for ph n
bit. George McOftt'tney Jr.' has left N °{A'ia{
to visit friends in the West,
Mars, R. Doig and Mrs. J. Smith left
for Cabaai, S'ask., to visit their• sister,
Mrs. Neil Grant.
Mrs. H. Peckelder, wise .has been
holidaying with her parents, air, and
Mrs. William Charters, returned Sun-
day last to Lansing,
turned home after spending a few
days withher cousins, Mr, and Mrs,
MCiss ke,Eldznb'eth Mills, Myth, has re-
• Miss Laurabelle Wright spent the
Spastultryweek'at'tile, Mame of Mr, /N. H.
'Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Coleman are
-spending s few clays at the home' of
Mr. G, Johnson, Parr Line, Stanley,
Miss Hilda Ro'bbitrs has . returned
iiome. after. spending a few days at
T oron ta,.
Mr, and, Mrs. Melvin Hudson and
family, of Marlette,' Mich„ called on -
quite a number of their friends in this
vicinity during the week -end.
Mr. T. Hudson and son Joseph and
Mrs, Sweet, of Pontiac; Mich., and
Mr, and .Mrs. Connor and family, of
Ingersoll, visited at the home of Mr.
Thomas Coleman over the holiday,
Mt. and .Mrs, Harvey Moore acid
Mts and Mrs, Ivan Forsyth are in To-
Mrs: harry Bec'k'steitt, Mrs, Charles
Topp, Miss Alice Tapp and bit.
George Kahle, of Buffalo, spent Labor
Day with their cousins, Mr, and Mrs.
John Elgie,
Mr. William Eyre, of Sarnia, spent
Sunday with his another, Mrs, Silas
Mr. and Mfrs, Cecil Murray .`pent
Stin'ilay visiting friends In Walton,
'Minira Toronto. Rotbert Eigie, of near Kippen,
Mir. and Mrs. Joseph Grieve, of De-
troit, are visiting friends in this vi-
Mir. William Strong left Tuesday.
for Ottawa, to 'resume his duties as
teacher, visiting' in Toron'to on his
Miss ivtary McMillan left Saturday
for •Brace'bridge, 'Muskoka, where she
has-been engaged as a teacher,
'Mr, and Mrs. Robert Shaw, of De-
troit, spent Labor Day with Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Elgie, of Kipper.
'Mr. John McMillan ,3'liof Detroit;
spelir, nt LdabMorrs. Day •wMs'ith hisllan,parents,
Quite a nunrber: took: in the. circus
of Barnet -t Brosaar'Seaforth on. Friday
which was very good for a town,also
en Exeter on Saturday,
The weather. has been ideal for har-
vest, .ntost•everas one is :finished, Many
farriers have thei;r'•fall wheat sawn.
The flower show held in Kippen
last week was the best ever displayed
Kippen. '
Mr, and Mrs. Luff and children,
Dorothy and Roland, left for their
home iinHatnitton last Wednesday,
Mrs. Lewis Tebbutt was
Wtu _
Tuesday attending the' funetal of
her co
usin .,
The Flower Show held on Wednes-
day last by the Kippen Horticultural
Society was certainly a real treat for
all flower lovers who saw the wonder..-
ful displays in the different classes.
More of the members exhibited this
year than ever before, with a cor-
respondingly larger number of en-
tries. Following is a list of the prize-
winners, all prizes being awarded in
stock from which ft is hoped more;
fine specimens"will be grown for next
years shoat-. Potted Plants --Mrs.
William :Anderson, Mrs. Reid Tor-
rance; Collection 6 Annuals --Mrs. A.
Monteith,. _Mrs. William Anderson,
Mrs. Dave Cameron; Collection Per-
ennials—Mrs." J. D. Stewart, Mrs,, J.
Finlayson, Miss J. Chesney; Collec-
tion l'� uCi
iadto t VVInniC
t[oit G
ley French; 1 spike' any color—Mrs.
A. Monteith, Edythe.Bowey; 4 spikes
named—J. 'Chesney, Mrs: A. Mon
Leith; collection Dahlias—Mrs. • J.
Mustard, 1V.-IV'ison t 3 named ;Dahlias
--Mrs.J. Mustard, W. Ivison; col-
lection Rnses--Mrs. A. Monteith, W.
Ivisot; 6 Roses -1W. bvison, Margairet
McDonald; collection Asters—Mrs,
A. :vionteith, Mrs, R. A. Lundy 6
Asfet s=3lrs, A. Monteith, Mrs. Reid
Torrance; collection Pansies -Mrs_
J. Bowey, Mrs. R, A. Lundy; collec-
tion Sweet 'Peas—M. R. Whiteman,
Mars, A. . Motttei,th; collection Peren-
nial Phlox -Mrs. 5. Finlayson, Mrrs,
A. Monteith; collection Snapclragon
-Mrs. A. Monteith, Mrs. J, W. Mc-
Lean, Mrs. -Bowey's special' prize
was awarded to Mfr, W. Toison for
the best colection of namccl 'Gladioli,
and to Miss Jennie Chesney for the
best collection of named Dahlias.
The Weigela Shrub offered for the
best Novelty Plant was awarded Miss
Jennie Chesney for a very tare type
of fern. The Judge was Mr. Raw-
cliffe of Exeter. The committee its
charge wish to thank ail those ' who
helped so 'energetically to make the
Show such a splendid success,
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Anderson are
visiting in Toronto this week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Homey spent
Sunday with friends at Dashwood.
ML', and Mrs. R. Torrance; of God
Crich Towu'ship, visited lir. and Mra.
Li,>Ivison Saturday.
Many old friends ,of Rev, Mir. Bell
werepleased to see him and hear hint
from the pulpit of S1. -Andrew's
United Church Sunday when he
preached a most inspiring sermon,
Miss 0. Finnigan, of the Nile, com-
menced her school duties in 5, S. No.
14, Hay, this week,
Mr. Robert Dayman is in Toronto
this .week;
Holiday visitors were: Miss' Olive
Cooper, of Lansing; Mich,: Misses
Margaret and Grace Cooper, of Lon-
don; Mr. and Mrs. = R. R. •Geog-
hegan, of 'London; Mir. and Mfrs. 'fI.
J. ,Hubbard .and James McClytnont,.
of Detrctt;• John Doig, of Detroit.
rs James MicCiy-uont, of he v
sgMfe'is spending a,wcek with tfrienil-
n: Toronto,
Dir. and Mrs, Ed. Geoghegan and
laughter Dorothy, of. London,' spent
om f Mr,r nd Mrs.
a day at the ha c na 'vi s
antes MtcCaymont, during the past
Master Gordon Geogltegatt, of, Lan -
Inn, is spending a couple of weeks
with his grandparents, Mr, and Mrs.
antes McOlymont.
Waterman's Pen and Pencil
Sets $5.50 tap
Wattsi'tntan's Penss $2,75 up
Waterman's Pencils ' $1,00 up
A real: good line of pens at
$1.50 each and with each a
these we • are giving FREE a
380 page Webster's Dictionary
leather bound,
Do not miss this offer
Good Reliable Wrist Watches
for School $$„50 up
Diamonds —Wedding Rings
J. Al Wes
PHONES -- Store 04W
Res. 04J
and bis famous
Friday, September 7th
This marvelous Orchestra ie
positively the last big attraction
this season. They are famous
radio and Recording Stars, and
without a doubt one of the fin-
est to here this rsiimmer.
Saturday Night Dancing
g �
beginning p September 15th
September pf ember 14
Admission 950 and tax
'Miss Rosa McLean has returned to
Parkhill to teach again,
A number from these parts attend-
ed the celebration in 'Clinton on Mon-
Miss Etta J'arrott has returned to
her ditties in Toronto. •
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McGregor and
Mir and Mrs. Joseph MoLennon
spent tate week -end avith friends in.
Ford -wick and enjoyed' their outing
very much.
Mr. R. J. Dayntan,spent a few days
st Toronto and Niagara Falls re-
'Rev. ,and- Mrs, Conner are expected
Home this week after .:h pleasant
mouth's vacation and will occupy his
pulpit on Sunday next.
• Mr. Daniel Bell, of Bos -tot, who
start the past two weeks' with his
brothers and sisters, returned to his
home on Saturday last.' -
Mrs. J. W. MdLean and son Edi-
son are spending a week with, friends
in Toronto, .
Mr: and firs. Bruce Field spent
Labor Day with friends at Vtnood
stock and Brantford.
Mrs. J, W. French, who ,has been
so seriously flU for the past two
months, is improving nicely- at pres-
ort t.
Mr, W. M. Doig, of Porn - Huron,
spent the week -end with his' family on,
he farts.
Miss Catherine Murray, and her
uncle and aunt, Mir.' and Mrs, Michael
Murray, were guests on 'Sunday, last
it. Logan' at the home of the tatter's
brother, Mr, and Mfrs. W. Prendcr
Mrs. Michael ;Walsh, Mir, and Mfrs.
John Walsh of McKillop, and 'Mr -
and Mrs, Dan Williams of Chicago,
were guests on Sunday last at :he
hone of the 'former's daughter, Mr..
and Mrs. Patrick Wftliams Ribbert.
Mr, and Mrs. Tom 011ier{, of West
Lorne, were visiting over the week
end at the atonic ttf Mr, and Mrs. P.
MleOann, Hibbert.
Miss Catherine Murray returned to
Stratford on Monday last after spend-
ipg a month at the home of her grand-
pa cente,
randpatents, Mfr, and Mrs. P. McCann,
Mir, anif MLs. Harrigan, of Chat-
ham visited at George Vipotd's last
Mt, James •Wallace of Wolsley vis-
iicrl friends nen• S't'atlta over Sunday.
Mfis, GS Peaet ca Miss Jean
Barbour arcertspendingara fpw• days; at
'l'o•nuto. ?' •.
awindth MMors,r, arSpeKik/errra of Ottawa;
vis!tedrs, . Andre'w.
ividLellan•Ittst week,
Mr, anti ,14irs, William Drake of
Stratford spent the hol'iclay with 'Mr.
]tr Badboitr.
Miss Bea .tbieLelktn Iran rctut'ned
to her school in Carlyle,