HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1928-08-23, Page 41PA
The ONy
'THE ()miry!
ca M)tta,
£.py dot A Fozlera r ! ,:wry Foatura A Thr4i.1! f,
t. N.a, Novel anis aoJ Con t
.kik M Horan Sou.• Cond„a.t Un 1 • r,I•ve..i'
},.•a 'Mat M.rv.N,a Ae.uw
..,, Fnterpr„.,. The Real 5iar d die Chw.
a.ra'R'•-+++ u rss nate. t,.r.,m.y mam..r tter'-.
ie ewes - .a.w..+ eISOON an. as an pia .:.,w• r ieT.rt•`:Ftt
an h•,e. Rook
Children�h�Childrena 30c
�l15 Ar60c TAX PAID
Mrs Latta. McGayin anti feially,•of
{Grey, spent the week with Mr. and
Mrs. William 1v Q- vin and aft were
Stiuday visitors at IBayfte}d
\Mrs Naylor and daughter' Lois of
New York, are visiting her mother,
Mrs. laccwell and 'sister, Mrs, 1a.
Mr :Gordon_-McDqualdl and Marge
trot of New 'Liskeard, are visiting
v1r. and Mrs. Jack McDonald,
Mr. and lairs. Cole and Mr. and
on o Toronto,
W, Morrison, f T
Mrs. V
.spent the 'week end with l Mr, and
Mrs R. W. Hoy.
Miss Vera Gardiner returned Tues-
day even'}ilg from Detroit.
• Mr, Badley, C. P IL 'agent, returned
Tuesday after, spending his holidays
at Port Colborne,
Mr. anti Mrs. R. "'G. Parke, of Sea -
forth, visited ,friends in Walton ;one
day this week,
Mr. and Mrs: de A Hambley , of
Staffa, and Miss 'Florence 'Cooper, of
Seaforth, spent Suudey afternoon at
N. Campbell's.
Mr. aad ,!Mrs. M, Arnistroag visit-
ed, with Mr, and Mrs. "!hos. Young
on Tuesday ' needs ' .ofF t
Sts week,
'Buchanan and Carter
been threshing these last few' days.
Mrs. E Miller and Miss Gertie
Miller visited" the Misses Ryan on'
Monday evening.
D. Steiss intends going to the.
West on Thursday of this week,
1Bi'ble Society will hold their annual
meeting on Tuesday eventing fn the
United Church.
'Edwin Miller is expected to visit
his paresis for a cou'p'e of, days this
week en route to his =home in the
We are sorry to state that Will
Neal is not enjoyinggood health at
Miss Addle Cardiff is visiting with
Mrs. W. `Woods this week,
Raymond and Clarissa Jepson, of
'ergus, are spending a week with
itr. and Mrs. Alex. Muni'.
Mr. Aden Forbes, of McKillop, is
sding an auction sale of farm stock
s',d implements on Tuesday, Septem-
est. 4th. Mr. and Mrs. Forbes intend
,caving for the West shortly.
Mrs. John Shortreed spent the week
rid with he. Meter, Mrs. McLeod, in
Miss Jear. Leitch. of 'Morris, is vis-
iFlt, at the hone of Miss Eileen
i. a lrnei
Miss Alice Hoy is home from To -
•onto an. going out from
L"'nirsdae, August 23rd.
'We are all glad to hear that Viola
t :srter's softball team won first prize
t'ranbrook last Thursday. Viola
✓ list he e'ever at picking out the
oodplaters. The prize was 12,ti0
Mr. attd Mre. and Ray Carter, Mrs.
Mendas end ;.hildren, and Viola
Far u
• rad her friend q
rt'r a
2 L
arson, spent i :Say at the lake last
-eek. Vowel Sunday
Mr. Alex. t..t was a
• sitor at lrarqubarso i s.
Mr. Di
Iit Dale cI
tie' te
st-cp Sunday,
. h Carter's n la 5
kr. a, 1 Mrs.' F Att_,er., h k,ec#er
sited her ceuei . Mr_. Leel e
!..ernes on r uintiv .
Miss Edwards. ,et Exeter, spent
+unday at the h:.rne of Mr. John
Rev, E 1: t Exeter. preach
▪ i in the 1., rite l Church Sundae
-worming and a. liloncrieff in the air-
ernoon.1 r v s a very
rleent speaker and --a very- enthusia
worker er Sa latchewan.
ieeee. W. \t 3tli. ter. of Port .Huron
Mich., spew Senclav with Mrs. R. H.
the Misses Ferguson.
Mss M. Harris. Wroxeter. v
"as been visiting at Mrs. R. H. FC
r home.
e-aeon's. s has r a t o• her
3s`.. a t M W. \3 o1z
t orontu spent trte week -e ri 1 john McArthur
ie rids in the tl'age t t .e and I ars lerkby, and
Mr. V es Clark o Stratford. ,spent .vo cantina• Ivan and Mi'lle'r
-etinday with. hie paean lir. and .r er
trs. Thomas Clark vfie t t t: Jaekiin spent the week-
\fr. and J. \\'• swain ani i I ,• t DL s Mabel Machan.
laughter M see Ina and Betty. have \fr. Rollie Ma.) . visited friend in
antra+• t .heir home in New To- � i, •o•vt'• Yu Sunday.
onto, aster .Spending a week with t �;•r, and en GeorgeaDundas, Mr.
ter. 5.tau s si:a:er. \Ir;. Nelson .tirt Mrs.Thema; Young, Mrs. R. W.
iM•. and M555 Alice Hoy. Mr. and
\Ir. and \lrs. Nelson Fulton. re 1 \le , same. 'Coutts, Mr. Freeman
:sir. and Mrs.Hugh Fulton m.'.nred ITac•k c i Mr. W m., Stewart, Mr. and
Shakespeare peare recently.l ". (twk Meehen and Mabel and
iT.r. Huh Fulton eta+ returned to
-rtue after spending a week vistt-
g relative in Shakespeare. Ctrs
rd girl L a.rara
Mr. 11 us 1leLaughllu n Dutton
a, n e „n: ''l fr end in this
C city
Miring the pa;t
tfr. 1 ,sepit .Ryan has purchased a
t r to.. assist
r ctn
I lit
tint in Inc fartn 'Wark.
Mr. end 'Ver . Jose'plt Cethpltell
•Sunday aY, Grand Trend.
�ftist of, file •ti nl :r; a'tll li:tt It
. S
trt,itin�* their gra n :�•
ler;. fames 'Day.ideon and baby
ai:nrray, of London" returned Monday
Soo ray
after several weeks
of her parentts Mr, and 'Mrs.. Joseph
Jonathan Kirkby. -- l\ ith apparent
suddenness death removed one who
though a cripple had endeared him-
self to the whole community, in the
person of Jonathan Kirkby, in Brus-
sels, oil :Friday, August 17. 'He- did
not regain consciousness after under-
going an operation for appendicitis,
from which he had suffered only since
Wednesday. For the past six years,
Mr. Kirkby had lived with his mother
in Brussels, during which time he was
a cripple, having had- both legs am-
putated for 'gangrene.. In . his wheel-
diair be had a regular route around
the town that he wheeled himself
every day and by his jovial and
cheery manner won the friendship and
respect of everyone. Along with a
hardy constitution, this characteristic
as always pars of hint despite his
severe affliction and Ise Bever uttered
a word of complaint during any of
x operations. 'He was born Tues -
,y. Aug, 15, 1365, in Usborne town-
ship. late George
h stn d the
and M Kirkby, and his death is the
fleet break in their fainly of ten chit
'ren. Hisfather predeceased hum
three yea sig., %\'hen he was eight
years h. family
moved, un
old the am
\ e foren v ar and then
Lrr_t w
13e Il U
,tame of 21 c,r nteasant 10, Mor -
where he lived till going to Brus- urday
▪ Besides his mother there sur- Mr ,Tack Somer. of Detroit, .;pent
• c two brothers. Mr. H. F. Kirkby, the week -end at hie home an the
w Belgrave, and Mr. H. B. Kirk -Mill Road.
ev,.at he old lronir teal in Morris;' it -cs Kathleen and Agnes C -un -
T1 seven sisters, Mr John Caistor.
s City. Mich,. M:s. Peter Mc-
Arthur. Blyth. Ellen and Jane Kirk -
Br e,..Mrs.join: Shortreed.
\-artderno, f, B.0 Mrs. Robtl Watt,
it etit. Mrs. T ii mas McCall, Brus-
\Mr, and Mrs. Elsley, of Mount
Forest, spent the week-etid at the
home of Mrs.Walter Stevens.
lir. and Mrs. 11r. C. Landsborough,
formerly of Tnekersneith, abut •now of
''ort Credit, renewed old acgtuaint-
•,ucea in Bruce'field, Stanley, Tucker-
ntitle, Clinton, Seaforth and Brussels
last week.
Mr. Alex. Addison, teacher of the
Taxis Boys' Sunday school class, vis-
ited Master 'Nelson Forrest, who was
operated on for appendicitis in •Sea -
forth hos'pitaL-last :week. Nelson's
many friends will he glad to hear he
is improving.
Mr. and Mia je Addison attended
the .funeral of their nephew at ,Srntn-
meehill last week,
Mr. and Mrs. 'Lyle Hill and family
left for their hone in Moosejaw last
Last Sunday the United 'Church
Sunday School decided to "lie enrolled
in the Temperance Edticational Cam-
paign, The ReseiC.T,U is 'working
through the Sunday Schools from
coast to coast, their aim being to edu-
cate the young on the terrible evils of
intemperance and offering 1,000 prizes
for the best written essays on the sub-
ject of temperance,.
'Miss Martha' Carlyle of Hillsgreen
is visiting at the 'home of her cousin,
Miss Dorothy Farquhar, of Stanley.
Mr. and 'Mrs. (Clayton 'Martin, of
Englehart, visited at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. William -McKenzie and also
at the home of Mr. ,and Mrs. Hugh
McLachlan, last week.
Mr. Laurie Hyde, who has •heetr
wising e summer course at Loudon,
has returned Borate and is spending
'the remainder of his holidays at the
parental home.
li leas Campbell is visiting her
aunt, Mrs Metcalf, in London.
Mr. George' Swan has purchased a
new Essex coach.
Mrs. James Hilt. of Stratford, spent
the week -end at lir. A. Caldwell's.
Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Taylor spent
Sunday at Grand Bend.
Mas Iia Scott, of London, is
spending her holidays at the home of
Ler mother. Mrs. A. T.Scott.
Mr. and Mrs. Austin Wheeler and
l,aby, of Detroit, are visiting the
' •ruler's parents, Mr. and Mrs, 'T.
Wheeler. They were accompanied :by�
\firs Viola ;Wheeler, who has been
Man with great ability,
Mt•..T. H. tMdOlymmrt, Of Toronto,
is visitutg his brother and other
f Heads. 41
• ) � 1 , fBoston,lS
1Mr. aticl zlMts 4 13e1 a
f tt -with his
,�� 1 t .vat
making a t ee l led v s
Ilial tg l ll.
brothers and sisters,
Mr, land Mrs. James Squires, of
Granton, visited at the home of Mr.
and Mrs, Joseph Daynia 1 on Sunday.
Mr. ;Jack Warner, of London, visit-
ed ' at the stone of his mint, Mrs.
el 1
I t} 'acrd,
Thos.ill 1overthe w.
Da. a
Mr. Sad Iver s. John MesEwan and
son Gordoii of Wroxeter, and Mr,
and Mrs, Ben. Johnson, of Listowel,
visited et the home of Mr, and Mrs.
John 11MeNaeghton recently,.
Mr,. Rteee Cltaptnata and Mr. Clifford
13roadfoot are leaving today for" the
great West on the harvest excursion:'
Miss Margaret McDonald, who has.
e Thomp-
been the guest of ,Mrs. ,Tarnes P
son, has returned home after a pleas"
ant holiday.
and Mrs. 'Thomas Elder Balled,
ON some of their old neighbors this
•' lumber frau] here attended the
circus ire Goderieh on Friday and ,re-
port a good clean show.
Mr. and Mrs, Clarence 'Martin and
baby of 'Walton, Mr. Peter and Miss
Vera Dunlop spent Sunday ,at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. ,Orville Dale,
Mrs. Clay and son Teddy, Chicago,
are Spending their vacation with Mr,
and Mrs, Malcolm McDermid. It is
seventeen years since the .sisters saw
each other.
Mn, and Mrs. John Dale and Jim of
Clinton were Sunday guests at •t'he.
home of Mr. and Mrs. FTCtrold Dale.
Miss 'Bessie Crawford of Clinton
spent the wee: encl with her friend,
_hiss Hazel Freeman,
Miss Clarissa and Master Keith
Dale are spending their holidays with
their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs,
Hugh Dunlop.
The threshers are busy in our local-
ity again. '
Miss' 'Olive Knox has returned
home after an extended visit with her
sister, Mrs. Thomas Appleby.
Mr. John H. Medd of Exeter is
spending a few days with his son, Mr.
Janes Medd,
Mr. Thomas Bowler and family of
Goderich spent Sunday. at William
IWil}iam'Connell and wife were also
Sunday visitors at the Carter honne.
Miss Betty Lawrence and Mr. Rolbt.
Lawson have Been on the sick -list for
a few days fiut ate improving.
The many friends of Mn, John Mur-
phy of the liluron Road are pleased to
see hint home from the London hos-
Ipitnlarnathesualt of health and good
Sister• .Claudie and Sister Fabronia
of St. Joseph's Community, London,
were guests on Thursday last at the
home of the former's brother, Mr.
and Mrs. Patrick Woods, McKillop;
Arid also at ,the home of her father,
Mr. Patrick Woods, Dublin, and he
conveyed 'then' to the''horne of the
latter's parents, Mr, ani! Mrs. Joseph
Nigh, Seaforth, and were met there
by a number of their relatives and
spent a sociable evening together. Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Jordan. of London
and Mr. and Mrs. Peter De La Fran-
ier and family of Stratford were visit-
ors on Sunday last at the home' -of
Mr. and 'Mrs. P. Mc'Cann,'Hibbert:
Mise Mary 'Prendergast of Ellice,
spent last week at the hone of her,
uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Mike
Murray, Tuckersmitll.
Miss Mary Walsh of 31cJallop. is
holidaying at the home of her grand-
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Nigh, Tuck
Miss Elizabeth Murray of London
de spending the holidays at:the 'home
of her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. P.
McCann, Hibbert.
Miss Ann Atkinson of Detroit is
visiting ai 'the home of her mother,
\Mrs. Catherine Atkinson, Seaforth.
Miss Catherine Murray of Strat-
ford .and her sister, MissMaryMurray
visiting them for some time, I of West Lorne, were guests on Theirs
Mi. and 'Mrs. R. McKenzie and day last at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs B. :Kaiser have return- f August Ducharme, Hibbert.
nhave r
r, tit home in Detroit.and lire. A
a m o t Mr.
Mr -.1. G. Kaiser, of 'Detroit, is ? home to 'Elkhart after visiting at the
sial friends around Brucefield. home of her father. Mr. Robert "Bar -
Miss Leila Stackhouse, of Stratford, hour.
-rr. ather home here.
-.pent the week -end
had her tonsils
Miss Marie Elliott. a
rn' hospital nn Sat-
•r3n e.t in Clinton t ps
*ot] f -Clinton, are .;pending a few
ay. at the home orf Mr. H, Aiken-
Le pl.
Mr. and Mr . George Stanley and
lobby. e•,i Grass Lake. Mich., is visit-
ing at the home of Mr:, Jas• Me -
Tar unera; which was held 17onaid.
4-.o ofSt.Marys,
Frank -Reit n.
,, residence was:Diry •
u -fav t m 1 late rt d
v largely attended. Rev. Mr t eleite 1 at the home of his - parents
t . n 1,tuctc_,1 the se rv,eee in she a,t week. He cane t, see his sister.'.
rare of his pastor, Rev. Mr. Bar. Mn,.. Hill.
i Brussels
t t was made tt
t n
i t n
n ter The pallbearers were four I{LI'PEN.
.,eu r t ;,c and •o rat The annual flower show of the
Kippen Horticultural Society. will be
held in the school room of St. An-
drew's United Church, Kippen, on
the afternoon and evening. of Wed-
ne-dot August 20th. •Besides the'
...nalprizes -shown on the pretniuin
t a pecial prize ie offered for -dov-
e).'i"an,s. The totnmittee in charge
-rc• very desirous that every member with her son, Mr. George. Vrvnan,
take part in the show and bring some- Mr. and Mrs: F. O1Brien are spend -
thing to display Inc the benefit and ing a few days with relatives in New
interest of visitors and fellow 'nem- York State,
hers. Cc,me and bring your friends Mrs. Md'Ctay sand Miss Jennie
\ir J a:t Holland, all left here on
et, that this will be the beat show yet Tierce spent a few days last week
Thursday of this week for the West. held h t ellrryctety. h Day°than, of ' with Mr. and lire. Matthews at Ford -
R. \\'. 'H•'y' iia,I hie faoit wh le Detroit. visited with 3vfr. R. J. Day -1 Master Francis Elliott of Mitchell
1 .vht•n a steel tall fell'nn it while sttan over the week -end.
I is visiting with
Itis aunt. \h s, L. C61" t;:
Mrs. Fowler, who has been staying , quitoun.
Mrs. S. Webb is spending a' few
days with Hamilton friends. -
Mrs, Joseph Norris has returned to
her_ home in the village. Miss Flor-
ence Mitchell, Centralia, is visiting
with her.
Vise B. Snell of Toronto is holiday
ing at her home.
Miss H. Pollard of Norwich visited
with Mrs. A. A Colquhoun recently.
Mr. and Mrs.:G. G. Wilson and
.Miss Norma- spent the week end at
Mr, and Mrs. F:'!Hansbly spent Sun-
day with Walton friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred O'Brien, irf
Owven. Sound, arc holidaying under
l roof.
the parents
Masters Jim and Gordon Scott of
Cromarty spent Sunday with Master
Lorne McGill
Miss Mary Drown is visiting in
Stratford for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. George Butson and
-lir 5 Edith Tiffin spent a few days
in London recently.
Mrs. Jackson of Mitchell is visiting
,year! ng on the main line of the rail -
say near :Galt on Tlutrsday. i,
feienis are glad to know it is on the
v be a. i u
4 he will mend, t.lou- t p
!lacier Reg, Cnok, of Clintnn r.
s=iting lw e
So i
' �n hte. ncth , r
erre, erimour Druid's, and daugh-
ters Muriel, Jane and Vera, have re -
'" 11bnSC.-ill
turned .7 their
Me, George Dickson's many friends
regret that he has -been very low, dur-
ing the week and little hope is now.
taiso visiting amelia the Moon
S r f Clinton •n
Mr, John . heptrttd a Cln to and
t 5 Gsons,m, of ClintonC}'hat � , t ,
Content rpottllan, visited at the !tome
a A. ••\�V tBe ca i,s Sunday,. Ao man
f u n
had a wonderful trip coning some.
1,600 miles by iilotoreyele from Mor
bile, Alabama, UJS,A,.to Clinton, He
intends returning home by the Mis-
Miss Jean Twyford, of (Bititou, 15
c MissMarjorie Ma
visiting h r Stun M r
l wing•
Miss Ena Parsons has returned
.iterate after visiting her friend. Miss
Nary Denholm,
Sirs Harold arae! Kathleen Beacom
visited their grandmother,' Mrs. Pear -
ll, Ilona of Mrs. 'Patriek 'Ryan of iffib
1Thomas o reale of Buffalo
Mn. Gormley y
o r r c sio] to the
left t the harvest as rat i
West: on, Tuesday.
Iters, John McConnell Sr left on
'lfonde morningfoe California to
visit his sister, Mrs. Neil Friel of San
Francisca'', Itis many friends wish
biui 11 pleasant trip.
lslr, Joint MdGrath shipped a fine
carload of heavy horses to Quebec on
uta Sets
Stt d i
is seriously
1 - �Borne 'St,
M Malachi
ill His ntauy friends wish to sec;ltine
around soon,
'Mr, Leo (Burns, adopted son of the
late John Burns of Hibbert, oras hue -
led in London on Monday, following
with her sister, Mrs. J:Tenderson. has
i HAg7;OCK.
left for Toronto. I
•d na
u 1 t
e Ca a
IGeor g
Miss Etta .Basi left. Inc Loudon this ' Mr. and Mrs. g
isori o
Mr. and J
vacation at and r .
her vacat
rc 1. after speeding
sr home here. Yale, bfich, alsti'bir. and Mrs. Nell
Mr. T. Laing and sons and Mrs. Sterling, Saginaw, Mich., sparit the
Steell, evf Exeter, spent Sunday with ween end of eft, and Mrs. S.
Kippen eu friends. Vstiltsafn calling on friends in
v, Rev, Mr—McEwen, of Toronto, Walton. -.
conducted services in St. Andrew's lir. and Mrs. Thotnas Cale of Tor-
Charee on Sunday, delivering.a Wen- ,.neo visited at the home of the let-
dirt s.rmr,n, 'Ewen is a.young ter'sbrother. Mr 5, McVittic, Sunday,
son, and their uncle, John Pearson, of a long illness'
Grey, Sunday, : Mr. and Mrs, Louise Evans -of 'De-
Mrr, and Mrs,, 'state Rapson,: and lroit spent Sunday at the home of
Marie" visited .Mr. and Mrs; J'm :err and Mrs, Pet. . awt
Raltleby and family, of near Auburn Mr. and Mrs, Jack McGrath and fa-.
Friday, evening. • mily spent 'Sunday at 'Grand Bend:
Mr, and Mrs. Robert, Ferris acid
fain' y and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bell
and Family, picnicked at Ball's bridge
-A very enjoyable evening was
spent Monday_
when n a num-
ber of the young people who have
been playing hall at A 'W: McDwing''s
this summer, ordered a special treat
of ice cream for the evening.
Mr, and 'Mrs, Leo Watt and 'Bob,
and Mr, and Mrs, Nelson Lear and
family visited Mr• and Mrs. IvfcVVit
tie Sunday.
Mr. fames 'Watt and Master Owen
Watt, of Toronto, are visiting at pre-
sent in the neighlborhood.
Mr, Albert Lydiatt who has been
employed with Mr. Ai W. MoEwing
for the past few weeks, left on the
harvesters' excursion Thursday. We
wish Ala every success;
Congratulations are extended to
Miss Ena Parsons who has been'suc-
eesslul in passing her normal en-
trance examinations at Blyth Contin-
uation school, Ena is going to Clin-
ton high school next term.
We were very sorry to hear that
Mr. David Bowes passed away at his
home near Blyth on Sunday after,-
noon at 4 o'clock, Muth sympathy is
extended to his widowand children,
and also to his mother:
Middle School.. 'The following is
the report of the Middle School exam-
ination of the Dublin Continuation
School. - Studenes obtaining 7'5' per
cent and over are ranked. let; those
obtatining 66-74, 2nd; 60-66, 3rd, and
50-59, C. .
D'aletzer, William, Algebra 2, phys-
ics C.
Dill, Kenneth, Algebra C.
,Dill,- Marion, 'E. Literature auth., .,
C, Latin comp.,
French comp. C.
Di11, Veronica, E. Tit. C, French
such, C.
'Eckert, Eileen, E, 11„ 3, ancient
hist. C, chem. C.
Jordan, Margaeet, E. lit. 2, Beitish
hist, C, anc. hist, C.
Krauskopf, Rose, E, lit. C, arae. hist,
C, Latin auth. 2, Latin comp. 2, Fr.
auth. 2, Fr, comp. 2,
McCormack,Mary, Eng:.. lit: C, Fr.
,auth. C.
McGrath, -Bernice, Fr. auth.., .
MoGrath, John, Eng. comp. 2, Eng.
sit 3. Br. hfst. C, ,anc. •hist. 2, alg. 2,
phys. 1, chem, C
Melady, Evelyn, Eng. comp. 3, Eng.,
lit: C.
'O'Connor, Rose, E. Lit'. 2, geom. C
Lat, auth. C, L+a't:' comp. C, Fr, auth.
C, Fr. comp. C.
OtLoughiin, Bridget, geom. C.
O'Rourke, Dorothy, geom. C, phys.
C. chem. C, Lat. auth. 3.
O'Rourke, Joseph, 'Alg, C, Latin
comp: C, Fr. auth. 3, Fr. comp, C,
O"Ronirke, Margaret, Br. hist. C,
anc. hist. 1, chem. 3, p'hys. 2, Lat.
Auth., 3, Lat. -comp. C, geom. 2.
Ryan, Annie, Eng.. comp. C, Eng.
lit. 2, geom. C.
ISmith, Florence. Alg, C. geom, 2,
phys. C.
lir: and Mrs. Dan Crimond and his
sister, '5Mrs. iRoibertson and two daugh-
ters of Detroit, are visiting at the
Messrs, Patrick Jardlan and"Joseph
Maloney spent ,Sunday at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Ryan of :Strat-
Mr. Dani. Williams' and :Louise Wil-
liams of ca o visited ''sited' friends in
Dublin Sunday' evening.
efiss Lizzie Ryan of ISeaforth spent
Sunday- with her mother, Mrs. Pat-
rick Ryan.
Mr, John Drake lost a valuable
mane on MondaY. -
Mr: MartinldcQuaid of Toronto is
i%siting with his sister, !Vire. James
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Krauskopf of
Detroit spent Sunday with eft-, and
Mrs; ,George ;Kradskopf.
Mr. and Mrs, Pat. Woods spent
Sunday in Strafford:
Mn.- and Mrs. Louis Dillon visited
Mrs. Mitrtin 'Curtin of Seaton!). on
Nle, andM •Ps, Charles '} r
les Alien, of
London,. a lea e-
tl nr1C the engagement lrien
�g t
their sster, Rose M, Downey, to
Jose h P. Stapleton, oft 1'
p 1u the
marriage to take Mace the 'atter-part
of August.
Laltos Ribbon Watell Tanc
o r e white chap s Cx a n, wh and rod
gold $8.50 up
Gents' Strap Watches
$8.50 up
Gontis Pocket 'Watches
$5.00 up
We are now in a position to
fit' , any style of watch glass
ladies' or gents', round or Taney
a i a
shapes glass or P. B. Us
r s d id' (unbreakable) bl ed' -
U too lab a o fitter*
y i ).
same day as received
Our Watch Word "SERtVICE"
J. Al Westcoft
Diamonds — Wedding Binge
Repairing a Specialty
PHONES — Store 64W
' Res. 64J
e w•o• rhde�x�/.eyct
Those who believe in you ..: Your own family
, your close friends .. your sweetheart.
The all see inyou the possibility of splendid
achievement,' They expect big things. And that
staunch resolution, deep in your own hear'*- to
show them the stuff you're made of .. -.. -chat
great faith you have tee yourself . • • back it
up with action.
Take 'the ;first step every successful man takes
Begin to save money,. ,.
No life plan is complete of can be - perfectly.
carried out without capital. "
Start now to deposit regularly in the, Province of
Ontario Savings Office, where the Qovernment
guarantees security,
All,monies may bewithdrawn at ,any time with-
out notice and extra business hours make it more
convenient for you so easily teach your nearest
TORONTO BRANCHES : Cor, Bay and - Adelaide Sts.. Con
Danforth and Fenwick Avenues, Cor.Univetsity and Dundee Ht:
OTHER BRANCHES AT: Aylmer, Brantford, .Hamilton.
Newmarket, Ottawa, Pembroke, Owen Sound, Seafarth. St.
Catharines, St. Mary's. Walkerton, Woodstock.
Seaforth Branch, J. M. McMillan, manager,
Hours 9:30 a.m, to 5 p.m. Saturday
9:30 a.m. to 5 'p.m. 7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m
etv bars I 65
eominqin Daily___CARS
Visit the Large Sale of Used Cars _
Conducted by-�LorLondonHudson Essex Sales
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1 AeRiFie,E, out.They.G..
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'DThis Opportunity
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