HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1928-08-09, Page 4TiE SEAFORTB NEWS
Snowdon 'Bros,, Pulsllettere.
Miss'tr:dna Reid was a week -end
visitor with her cousin, Mrs, Watt,
in FTullett.
Former friends attended the itifteral
of Mrs; Will Robb, 'In Brussels; on
Monday, Her death occurred Friday
night, The late Mr. and Mrs, Robb
had lived for six years on the farm
now owned by Mr, George i)icicson
on the gravel. Five years ago they
.moved to Brussels and a year later
.Mr. Robb died. Mss. Robb was form -
clay Mary Mills, of Tottenham. She
leaves no children,
Mr; Radford has completed the
fine looking verandah on his modern
MissMaryMunn, o'f Brantford,
spent a week's holiday with her aunt,
Mrs. Alex. • Mudn,
Mr, ' Percy W heyruan and Mr, and
Mrs. Harry'Wheyma's,' of Brantford,
motored up Monday and spent the
day, guests of Mr, and Mrs; Alex,
Mr. and airs, Thomas Watson, Mr.
and Mrs, Joseph Davidson and son
Murray, of Loudon, visited Mr, and.
Joseph M s.Sunday Bennett on last.
Sr, and Mrs. Bert Lobb and
...if Clinton, visited Mr, and Mrs. John
.Harris recently.
There will be no service in the
Duff's United Church, Walton, Sun-
; day, Aug,1'Zth.
Mrs.- Mary Campbell, of London,
-and Mrs. Frederick, of Cleveland, vis-
ited Mr, and Mrs. John Harris last
Miss Gerrie Miller has returned
'home after spending the past week at
Grand Bend.
Miss Laura Hoy visited friends in
'Mullett the latter part of last week,
Miss Winnie Drager arrived home
on Monday from London where she
has been staying for a ,few weeks.
The continued r is doing damage
to the gardens and also the field crops.
Miss Mary Shortreed intends going
in training u at Fers-us Hospital about
the 1S,th of August.
Raspberry picking is the order of
rhe day. There has been a good crop
this year.
Mr. and Mrs. G. are holi-
v e
at Pt. Colborne.
Mrs, J. McDonald and Miss Mary
motored to Detroit and spent a couple
of days the latter part of last week.
Mrs. R. Hoy,intends going West on
•:the 23rd of August.
Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Clark have re-
turned alter spending the week -end
visiting in Sarnia and Port Huron
with Mr, and Mrs. A. H. Nethery. The
ladies are si,sters. They motored all
the way, stopping at London enroute,
and found the highways excellent in
that district.
Mr. Robert MoClure, of McKillop,
is erecting a steel garage et present.
Mr, John Williamson, of Walton, as
fisted by Mr. Alex. Cuthill, is doing
the work.
1\Ziss Ruby Young, who is teaching
at Burk's Falls, is holidaying at her
home in the village.
'Mr. Wes, Clark of Stratford spent
the holiday at his home here.
Mr. Wes, Hacknvell has gone to
Holland, N.Y., to attend the funeral
of his little nephew, only son of Dr.
D. Hackwell. Friends extend sym-
Mrs. (Dr.) McCutcheon of Penn-
sylvania is visiting her grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. Hoy.
Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Devldsotl and
son,Spent the holiday with the litter's
Parents, Mr. and Mrs,Jasah Bennett,
MJohn � a r
i, n Idoo er of Se fo kh :has
been e pointed manager of the Wal-
ton U.F:O, store,
Wilfred and Mrs. Clark of Guelph
were visiting Mrs. Enoch Qiuni; an
Sunday, returning to Guelph in -the
'IMeniis'eg, Vera McDonald of Hullett, is
speading a few days with friend's a-
round Walton.
Miss Winnifred Drager, of ,London,
is spending a'few drays at 'her home;
Miss Laura Hoy returned home af-
ter spending a week with friends in
lits \V, 'Clark and girl friend spent
the week -end with his mother, Mrs.
T. 'Clar•tC,
Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Bicke11,
forth, spent Monday calling on old
Heads here.
Miss Janet ,Simpson spent a few
days 'last week visiting friends in Sea -
Master Jamnes. Murray and his sis=
ters Jean and Margaret, are spending
their, ,vacation at the lakeside, thee
of 'Rev. and 'Mrs, 'Chandler.
Mrs. William Humphries entertain-
ed her friends, Mrs, Armour •Dundas,
of Detroit, and Mrs. Joseph Carter, of
Walton, altos one daylast week.
Mr, Albert Clark is at present work-
ing at James Coutts'.
Mrs. A, Dundas and children, of De
troit, are visiting at Mr. and Mrs.
Carter's at present.
Miss Alethea Garter is visiting her
uncle, Mr. Jack Carter, of Hamilton.
Mr, Joseph •Campbell is busy this
week getting a cement foundation and
stables laid under his -barn. Mr. Raps
ren, or Brodhagen. is doing the work.
Mr, and Mrs, W. C. McEachern„
Winston and 'Gerald, df 'Grey Tp„ and
Mrs. Peter Baker, of Cranbrook, call-
ed on Walton friends 'Sunday after -
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest. Constable, of
S - 'r c Walton
.t, 'Marys, visited friend_ at W 1
on Sunday.
Mr.Gerald Jordan, of Tort tto
xc a Jo ,
spent the week -end with his father,
Mr, James Jordan.'
Mr, D. McKellar, of Crotuarty, is
redecoratingStandard Bank.
'i,'J•IiIRSDAY, AUGUST9, l92e,
We have the goods that make your land ,produce. Everlasting
Clay Drain Tile, Niagara Agricultural Lime, Empire, Smiths or
,Armour's Fertilizers, If your field is wet, drain it. Call us if you
want a machine to dig. If you can not grow clover, lime it; Niagara
Lime does the trick. If you grow wheat, fertilize it. But to get best
results from your F,rtilizer, lime it first, less fertilizer will do and you
can, then grow clover. When you can grow clover, you can grow
almost anything. Call us or any of our Agents. Information cheer-
fully given. Goods always on hand. Do not 11e called front your work
when the car arrives. We deliver at small cost. Quality goods and
A M. -
Clay Drain Tile Manufacturer,'Seaforth, Ont,
General Agent for Niagara J4nt,e and Empire, Smith's or Armour's
Fertilizers for Perth and Huron
It was not known till Sunday that
therobbers:'' who broke into several
places here last week, had broken into
St. Mary's Church, Dublin and also
Zion Church. They certainly lett
' n • 1 around-theuclmrohe . It is
their tarts
too bade the likes of such people , are
,pat large, .
Mr. and Airs. John Darling and
Mrs. Thos. Barns visited friends in
Kitchener on Wednesday.
Miss Catherine Gormley returned to
Buffalo Tuesday, after spending a
week's holidays with her parents, iblr.
and Mrs. Ed, Gormley.
iefr. and Mrs. Neil O Hanley, of
Chicago, are home attending 'tile Old
Boys' Reunion in ;Parkhill this week.
A number of the Dublin ladies had
a very enjoyable picnic at Grand
Bend on Thursday afternoon.
Mr. John McGrath held a very •suc-
cess'ful banking bee last Monday af-
MfsMri Benningeri
s a e ' is visiting
Friends in Goderich.
,Mr, Lewis 'Williams, of Chicago, is
visiting hisrelatives I g relit � s around Dublin.
Mr. James Feeney spent Sunday at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Vririf-
Mr. 12 ,
aud Mrs. Patrick Doyle,
of De-
are visiting the former's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. Ryan . spent the Mr, and Mrs. Michael Doyle, of Hib-
week-end with the latter's mother, bert.
Mrs. T. Maloney, .' iofr. Matthew Murray, Miss Mary
Miss Anna Molyneaux, of Kitchen—Ryan, Mr. Jack Nicholson and Miss
er, spent the week -end with her par- Ruth O'Reilly spent Sunday at Bay-
ents here,
Mr. Jerome Jordan had his tonsils field,
removed on Thursday.A large number from here attended
the dance in St. Gblumrban, Tuesday,
Mrs. ;Dennis Dillon hacl a minor opt,uly 31st and report a good time.
eration on her neck and is improving. Miss Annie Brennan- has returned
Mr. P. F. Berl spent Thursday al home from Toronto after sipendin'g
Goderich. two weeks' vacation with Mrs. Mich -
Airs. C. J, O'Reilly and family, of ell and family.
Detroit, are visiting at the home, of . Mr, Henry. Krauskopf„ who has
Mr, and Mrs. T. J. Mo'lyneaivx been visiting his brothers and sisters,
'Mr, Harry Bruxer left on Saturday here, has returned to Arlington,
for Detroit and will accompany Mr. \ltrasltington, this week.
Krauskopf from Chicago to the?' - Miss Gertrude Stapleton is holi-
C lits: ll. McLaughlin and two sons idaying with friends and relatives in
g Toledo.
and daughter and Miss 'Ver.mount, of r Mr. anti 'Mrs, Leo Krausl.•opf enter-
Walkerville and Mr. and Mrs. Russell rained a large number of guests in
Litt. of Lond;an, : od Mr, and Mrs. 'honor of his brother, Mr. Henry
Fd, L.tt,' of Solt -ford, and Mr. and 'granslcopf.
Mrs. Gordon Jeffrey and .Crs. A. Gor-
non, of Stratford, and Mr, and Mrs.
John Rock, tf Mitchell, and Miss HIBBERT.
Alma, of Stratford, were guests o ,Mrs. 'Wil'1•iam Nigh and son John,
Mr. and Mrs. A'ea:, Darling on Sun- Mrs. P. AirCann, Miss Catherine Mur-
ray, Miss Margaret 'Walsh, Masher
William Nigh and Master Ray De La
Franier were visitors on Thursday last
day ant Monday. •
Miss Mary M'icDam, of Galt, is vis-
iting her sister, ars. Gar. Smith. for a
at the home of Mr. and • Mts. Jose -ph
r" r
M an ' s.George -tle'n o
and ,Atkinson, s n of
Toronto„spent the week-erid at the
home of their cousin, Mr, Joseph At-
kinson and Mr, William Atkinson,
Mr,and Mrs. I Patrick Doyle, of Cle-
've'lan, are"v'isiting at the home of his
Hpar'ientsert:, Mr, and Mrs. 'Michael Doyle,
Miss Mary Murray, Mr. and Mrs:
Thomas O'Neill, Miss Regina ,.Schen-
ckenburger and her nephew, of West
Lorne, were guests on Monday last at
the home of the former% grand-
pStaarefftnts, Mr. and Mrs. P. McCann,.
Miss Kate Oliver silent Monday in
Mr. and Mrs, William Drake, of
Stratford, are visiting at the home of
her• father. Mr. Robert Barbour.
, Mrs. Willi -am Chappel passed away
•firr Stratford hospital on Tuesday
ternoon, after three weeks' illness. Be-
sides her bereaved husband she leaves
a baby three weeks old.
Mr. and Mrs.:' ill Devereaux and
son,Jos,visited friend's Myth a atByhhSun-
cls ,
• 'Mr l Mrs.PIP• rat i, McG h silent
Sunday with P. J. and Mrs. Kelly,
Mr. and Mrs: 'W. L Fortune of
Detroit are visiting Mr, aid Mrs,
Arthur Cronin this week;
Mr. and Mrs. James Phelan and
Miss Aleen •Oarlbertvisited "Seaforth
'friends -over the week -end.
Mr. and Mrs. John :McNicholand
son Aubrey and Mr. and Mrs. P. J,
Kelly spent.. Saturday vis'itin'g Seafortit
Mr. and, Mrs, C. (Rogerson and
family spent Sunday at Grand Bend.
'Miss Patience Scott returned
From -Toronto where she was narking
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Burnside of
Grimsby returned Sunday after
spending the past week with her
mother Mrs.'Colclough.
'lvir. H'ar'old Wightman has accepted
the position of Principal of Keewatin
'Public School.
:Air. and. Mrs, Will "Lyon returned:
Wednesday after a two weeks holiday,
Mrs. Nichol, of near Seaforth, ` is
visiting her Sister, Mrs. George Col-
lin•son. -
Mr, John Barrett, of Saskatoon left
Thursday of this week, after a visit
with his another, Mrs Charles Bkrre'tt.
Mr. Robinson, of Guelph, has re-
s Is Your Opportunity
Every make, any style, closed or open models. Priced to sell
and we are going to sell every one regardless of cost. Sale
,reoiarts Thursday9 u ust 9t lti:
REAR OF eammE r'elm!, HOTEL
Small down payment, long and easy terms, Your present
car taken in exchange.
This Sale is being conducted by London nndson=Essex Sales
This Name Is Your Guarantee. Come ;lee 'For Yourself
oMr.mEsi1e 7tL„ flOTEL, AUGUST 9th
opened the shoe repair Shop formerly
owned by Mr. Win. Burling.
Mrs, Alex. Fox,, of,' Toronto, and
Mi and Mrs, 0. Johtteton of Toron-
1, are visiting hers.
The Misses Barnby returned 'Wed-
nesday after a two weeks; holiday et
Misses 'Veleta and Laverne Bal-
lantyne, of Toronto, are visiting their
aunt and uncle, ..Mr. and 'Mrs. Chas.
'Uunroll. .sorviees will be continued one
ntoro Sunday. Queen St. at 11 asset,
and St. Andre'w's at 7 'p an.
Many friends of Mr, Ben), Taylor
are sorry to know site is quite' poorly,
Mr. and Mrs. George Brett, of To-
ronto, and Mr, and Mrs, Thos. Mc-
Kay, of Shellburne, spplst the week -end
with Mr. and Mrs. R. M. McKay,
Dr. and Mrs, T. Ivison Barulby, of
Rodney, -spent a short time this week
visiting at Blyth and Kincardine,
•Dr, and Mrs. Smith. Dr, and Mrs.
Rebel and daughter Mrs, Henry and
illi Henry, all of ^ Windsor„ were •vis-
itors at the Rectory oh Wednesday.
Mrs. Will Burins and family :return-
ed this week after visiting relatives at
North Bay,'Pembroke, Toronto and
other points,
-MissMargaret �aret ar Hawkins in .was week
tk s
end .guest with MlorVelettal Shamm'ey,
alin hatn
\ 14
Golden Jubilee. --Trinity Anglican
Church will celebrate its Fiftieth An-
niversary an Sunday Sept. 9, The
committee in charge of invitations. is
ars. ((Rev.) W: 13, Hawkins, Misses
Alice 'Wa'tson •and Ella Metcalf.
'The annual Garden Party of Trinity
Church, Belgrave, which was held at
the home of Mr. Thomas Montgom-
ery, was'"a decided, success, the pro-
ceeds amounting to over $300. The
large crowd enjoyed the music -by tite
Kenny'lWilson Co. of Torontd.
Mr. R. C. Collinson, of St. Paul,
Minn„ ,w.h has been visiting' here left
'Wednesday for London.
hiss Ruth Metcalf is holidaying
with her cousin, Miss Minnie Yeo.
'Mrs. Fred Toll Sr. is visiting with
her daughter in Paris, ,
Air. arid Mrs. W'ili Lobb, of litho n
Mrs. Nelsonof Vancouver, BI nd
C, a
Mr. Millson, of St, Marys; visaed
with Mr. and Mrs. John Yeo last
Mn and MrsA.';Sweetman and dau-
ghter Betty, of Indianapolis; Ind. and
Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Lyon, of Blyth,
Spent Wednesdays afternoon with
friends .in Morris.
Miss A. Toll, of Guelph, spent the
week -end at her Home here.
A jolly crowd of young people of
S:S: No. 1 Morris, gathered Friday
evening at Mr, Les, Fear's for a game
of -ball.
Mrs. Ada Halliday and Mr. Howard
Young, of Goderich, Mrs. DcGraw, of
Strathroy, and Mrs• Kerby, of Toron-
to, were guests at., the 'home of Mr.
and Mrs. John Yeo Thursday.
Women's Institute. — The regular
monthly meeting -of Blyth Branoh'Wo'
men's Institute was held ,i:n Memorial
'Hall, Thursday, August 2nd, .with
`President Mrs. W'ightinan in chair,
'Meeting' was opened by singing "The
Maple Leaf Forever." followed with
the Lord's Prayer in unison, after
which the regular business was trans-
acted. This being Grandittothers'
meeting, the afternoon was given
over to the different ones having part
in ,the\programme.. The opening num-
ber was a duet by Mrs H. 'McElroy
(not a grandmother) and son Barrie,
that beautiful song "I'll take care of
you, Grandma,” being sung and much
enjoyed. Miss Ballantyne," of Toron-
to, very kindly offered to take a photo-
graph of the gathering, which was -
done out in front of the building, Mrs.
Alf. Elder then gave a very instruct-
ive rind interesting sketch of the Pio-
neer Church, talrinq for an example
her own childhood church, bringing,
out very. forcibly the sacrifices made
to 'build up and (maintain the church.
_Sirs, R. C. McGowan having the sub-
ject. "Comparing Pioneer Day's in the
Hoole, and Today," touched on the
privileges of today and an earlier day.
Following ' this, Grandmothers 'Mes-
dames Fawcett and Burling sang that
sweet old song "Home Sweet 'Home."
All enjoyed these -ladies wearing cos-
tumes of pioneer days, as. also did
Mrs, H. McElroy. Mrs. A. 13. Carr,
having the topic, "Social Life -in other
Davi," owing to ill health, . was un-
able to be uresent. Mrs, (Dr.) Wil-
ford gave the paper, which compared
the mothers and girls of today with
those in earlier days. Grandmother
Mrs. Colclough gave 00 interesting
reading and was appreciated. There
were 4Z present at this gathering, 17
being grandmothers,' Mrs. Armstrong.
]laving. the ,honor of being the only.
"Great Grandmother" present, while
Mrs,. George Leith captured the prize
for having the largest number of
grandchildren, there being 1-0, alto-
gether. After this very impressive
programme, and refres-hments served,
all went away feeling it did one good
to' he presentat such gatherings.
Messrs. Charlie, Ross and Stewart
Chambers, 'Toronto, are visiting their
uncle and aunt, Mr, and Mrs. G. M.
• Chaifebers.• .
Mr. and Mrs.D. O. Oolelough and
on Jack, of Bergessvtlle, were holi-
day visitors with the former's mother,
Airs. J. Colclough,
Mr, Dave Bowes, of Hallett, had to
be taken to the hospital Tuesday ow-
ing to his serious condition. '
-Mi. 'Dave Floody is having his
house raised.
The Plower Show will be held at
isfernorral Hall on Wednesday, Aug,
?9hew sbSoupwp:.:er will be served following
't '
W.M.S. •— Queen '.Street W. kf..'S7
monthly meeting u'as held Tuesday,
Aug. 7. There was ''large attendance,
Mrs. John Mills presided and opened
the meeting. with the Doxology and
prayer nt ,unison, Hymn 123 was sung,
Mrs. Howatt read the devo-
tional leaflet, The Scripture was read'
by a nitntlier of the lnrlies, Two very
interesting readings Were given lby
Ire Hetes 31 c1'Iroy and Mrs. C. Bell
111 '( if,5 - t., (iIT,liO' Shanghai and
Japan," followed with a prayer by
Mrs. Colclough. A pleasing duet Was
sunt, by Airs. McElroy and Mrs: Wil-
ford, "In Shadow and. du Sunshine."
.Sirs William Mills,' Mrs. Cr Grasby
azul afro Eitiveett gave 'three, des'
1'a'i'tnri •rad not, l-vntn 168 was
sung Three of the ladies, Mrs. Main-
es, Mrs. Will Johnston 'antr. Mrs. Wil-
ford led in prayer, easing the meeting.'
A' vas scrieel afterwards.
Miss Mary Spafford, of.W'oodstock, •
is visiting her 'mother, .Mrs, Chas,
Miss N taIesl
Leslie, w ohas been v
Ming with Mrs, S. Leslie, returned last
week to her home at lireolton.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hiib'orn and
family, motored' to Freelton and spent
the week -end with Mr, and Mrs. Al-
fred Laking..
Messrs. Ciifrord Wallace and Fred
Miller motored from Newark, N.J,
and are visiting relatives here,
Mrs, William Armstrong and son
Billy, of Sault Ste Marie, Ont., are
spending a couple of months with her
parents, Mr. and :Mrs. N. Johnston,
Miss Norma McV'itbie of Hespeler,
is spending her holidays with her aunt,
Miss Pear1 Giddey.
r[he choir of Queen street United
Qhurchwere entertained' at the home
of Mr, Roy Toll pn Monday evening,
Rev, Mt, Mustard from 'Toronto
will preach in . HillsgreenUnited
Church on Sunday next at 2., 30 p,in,'
Rev. Mr,'Conner .is taking his holi-
Mr. James McNaughton and sister
Mary of Tucicersntith, visited at the
s]tometotd p1. Mr. Francis Coleman on
Mrs McBride Sr., and daughter,
Mrs.. NicholsSunday: on'of the West, visited
at the 'holmof Charles Stephenson on
Mrs, E. Troyer was visi ed by Mrs.
Horner of Detroit and M •s. 3, Smith
of Hens'all last Wednesda
At £he date of writing, l i r. Matntel_
Reichndoertnhospital,' still continues t ery low at
w2 A e
',adios' Ribbon Watch—E'e uoy
shapes••—Qrreon, white and red
Gents? Strap y 'Nato
Gent's Pocket Watches
We are now hi a
P osition to
fit any ,style of watch glass'
ladies' or gents', round or Taney .
shapes with glass or P. B. U.
Crystaloid' (unbreakable) fitted
same '
ice �. received
Our. Watch Word "SERVICE"
• A,: WVe�tc. -
. r
Diamonds — Wedding Dings
Repairing ` Specialty
>? � a r i<y
PHONES — Store 64W
Res. 643
d,,,,,, t m, n , nip n. a mm,,,uunnm "„ ,n,,,,,,,,,Y,
N a
' ��Illlllllll��l�lllll�l ��� III II��I��llllllllll��� �Illpa „I
i II
Doikir&" ••
THEFuture is very bright for the man
or woman who plans . . who
realizes there is much more. tto enjoy than
the trivial pleasures of the passingymoment.
Position ... wealth . . , the good things
of life ... these are worth while. And
they lie just a little' way along your future
path if you will plan to get them.
The : dollars that now, unwittingly slip
through your fingers . -... Let them pave
your way to bigger things. Save these
dollars regularly each pay day. Soon you'll
own capital. Then the pleasures that last
, .. a home ... a business . a profit-
able investment ... will be yours to enjoy.
Begin with your next pay. Open a savings
account with the . Province of Ontario
"Saving Office. As a citizen of Ontario -you
are entitled to all its privileges.
The government guarantees the safety of
your savings and all monies deposited may
be withdrawn at any time without notice.
TORONTO BRANCHES: Cor. Bay & Adelaide -Ste.; Cor.
Danforth & Fenwick Aves.;, Cor. University &'Dundas St.
OTHER BRANCHES AT: Aylmer, Brantford, Hamilton,
Newmarket, Ottawa,• Owon Sound, Pembroke, Senfortk,
St. Catharines, St. Mary's, Walkerton,. Woodstock,