HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1928-08-02, Page 5CHAIN RED &WHITE STORES THfUtt$D'AY, /t,TJGUJW V 2, 1928. Our Specials for One Week :Rise, large and flaky, 3 lbs, for 1'k Tapioca, pearl white, 3 lbs, for 23c Peanut Butter, in Toy pails? each 1.8c P and' G Naptha Soap, 22 bars for 98c Water Glass, for your 2 tins for 25e French Canned, Peas, 2 tins for 25c Fresh Fruit arriving every day, fol best goods leave your orders. Ross J. Sproat Phone 8. W. dTA Stewart Phone 77 We pay the highest prices for good cream. Our services to our patrons aretlie best that can be given. Do not send your cream to other °Creameries; we want it here. To operate a Creamery we need your co-operation. In return for you co-operation we tvill give you of our best in service and prices. We are agent for the Mellotte Crean? Separators. Come. in and see the new Models. Co. Seaforth, Ont. Seaforth Creamery C. A. BARBER, Prop. Walker r & Son ,l. UNDERTAKING —and— EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment W. J. WALKER, holder of Go- vernment diploma- and :license. Flowers Furnislted, Night or day phone 67. DMcInnes AH, Chiropractor Of Wingham, will be at the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth Monday, Wednesday anal Friday Afternoons Diseases ofllalltrkinds success- fully Electricity used. Beware ot_ an itchy Spot Keep your hair and scalp clean, also free from dan- druff by having your 'nest - shampoo at SID'S SHOP Just around the Corner in the Dominion Bank Build- ing Phone 125. Pianos Tuned Cleaned and Repaired ilaed Y e ■1L Chas A. HOW Y Residence --James St. tlir, J. Radford ' ccant anied by J Edna a e p Webster sent Sunday and Mts.•,A, P with Paris frienldls. es llcCaol and Mr, and Mrs. James A'Ir. NIcC to oohs mo•the r motored Woodstoelc on Sunday to see Miss Della MteCool, who is very ill there. Mr. and Mrs, James Fairservice and Air: and Mrs. J'o'hn Melville were fn Seaforth' Saturday. Messrs.. Clayton Dodds and Scott Blootner, oft+Chicago, are visiting at the home of Mr, R. Shaddick. nt Mr, and Mrs. John Armstrong spe. Sunday with Goderich friends. The W.I. will hold their annual pic- nic at Bayfield on Thursday, August 2nd. There will be races, ball and other amusements. Everybody wel- come, Conte and have a gdod time Mr. and Mrs. W. Taimblyn and .fam- ily, of Toronto, who have' been guests of. the latter's mother, returned to their home at Toronto ' on Thursday last. 'Mr. Joseph Lyon had a cattle 'beast killed by lightning . last Thursday night. Quite a number from here attended the 'Band Tattoo at Clinton on Thursday evening, ofMr. and Mrs, Will Mair,'Clinton, and Mr, and Mrs. Fred oss, of Au- burn, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. 12. Riley, of the village. ' Mr. Harrison Lyon is visiting.. his sister, Mrs. Sampson,' at Palmerston. Miss Belle Nott spentthe week end the guest of her cousin, Miss Helen Youngblut. ,Home Burned.—'George . Canbert's brick house was burned early Mon- day tnorning, There were no signs of fire iii the kitchen at the back where' the fire started when one of the boys entered about 12 o'clock and the fire main part of the lain was catching to :the marl rouse when discovered tarp hours later. As the boy did not light 'a match when enterb'ig lit is supposed mice wer. the cause. Very little was saved. There was $1,200 insurance on the .house and $500 on° the furniture. The 'family is living on bhe vacant McIntosh farm till their new house isbuilt✓ W. TOWN TOPICS air's, rrhest Chittenden and two daughters, 'Ruth and Betty, are visit - Mg her ,other; Mrs, William 'Mea Michael and sister, Mrs. 2, E, 'Coates tuii:l other 'friends for a week. lar, and Mrs,.:Patteeson, of 'Lite!. now, and her brother, 'Mr. Kenneth Hanker, of Greed Fork's, N. Dakota, Mere 'guests of 'their cousins Mrs, Jessie Brown recently; Mr, and Mrs. Joseph. H. Robinson and baby and Miss Dorothy Davis,. of Detroit, spent a few days last week at the home of Mt, and: ` Mrs. Fred Robinson. Miss Ann Newcomb has returned to Detroit after spending her vacation at the touts of side. and Mrs; nod Robinson. Mrs, Guy ,Richards, of Detroit', is spending two weeks' vacation tat her home here with Mr, and .Mrs, Fred Robinson, Air. and Mrs, Walter Robinson and Dorothy, Mr. and Mrs, Norman Bo hammon, of London spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Fred Robinson. Mr. and Airs, John Quail and fam- ily left ou Tuesday for Clinton, where they will reside, Mr. Quail having a position there with the C.N,R. Mr, Quail has been employed with the C. N,R. in Seaford! ,for the past fifteen Years and their, many friends are sorry to lose to -n, them from w Mrs. Dan. Berry visited her daugh- ter, Sister Felicita, at. the Sacred Heart Convent, Louden, ,for a few clays.: Mr, Henry Kranskopf, of Arlington, Wash, ,called on friends. in town,'He and his brether. Frank left here 22 years ago and have mac. e good in incle Sam's ' 'domains, \Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Eckart and arr. and Mrs. Leonard Bolton motor- ed to Port Stanley last Sunday, Mr. Joseph Eckart has engageda mechanic from Hamilton to adjust us and repair his engine. 'Rev. W. D. and -Mrs. McDonald and family are away on their holidays at present and will visit at. Lucknow, Teeswafer, Port Elgin and. Wood- stock: (Rev. A. W. Nrertatosh, 13,D., of Van- couver, with his wife and daughters, motored ea Ontario and were visitors with his sister, Mrs..john M. Hend- erson and Mr. Henderson. McKil11op; also with his sone Mr, Hugh McIn- tosh in London. At present.they are visiting Mrs, •MeIntosh's • home in Eastern. Ontario, and will return to Vancouver the end of August. Mr. and Mrs. J M. Henderson mo- tored . to Buffalo last week wibh Rev. and Mrs. McIntosh and visited rela- tives at 'Oattaraugus and Derby, N,Y. Mrs. T. Sharpe and soft Keith have. returned from visiting friend's at Bttight's Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Salaries Hetherington, of Royal Oak, Mich,, visited at the home of Mr, and Kars. 1': Sharpe. Mr. Alvin Sharpe has accepted a position with Mr. I -I. Edge, g . at Wind- sor, Miss Jean Smith was a week -end visitor ,with Miss Helen McKercher, IfILcI!ill° p. h stent last -Miss Bertha Beiatty, w o 1 week in Tor'on'to, has returned home. Mr. and ' Mrs: Joseph Grieve, of <irosse Isle, Mich., were week -end guests with Mr, Grieve's mother here, Miss Beth Ford, Clinton, was a visitor last week with Miss Ria Hills. Mrs. W. 0. Fowler, of Galt, is spending a few weeks with the Misses Cresswell: Mrs, W. 13. McLean and Mcs. Coul- ter attended the funeral of Mrs. lt. B. ti/iaLean at Kippen on Monday. • Mr. Peter Hay, of Niagara Falls is visiting his brothers, Messrs. John and James slay. Mns, J'dhn'Hay Sr., who has been visiting in Niagara for three weeks returned to Seaforth., wibh ?tiro, Miss Moir rind air. •Notble,' of Btit- ish Colimt'bia and Messrs. Frank and Harold . Coates, bf Toronto, were guests of Mrs. R E, Coates over the week -end. • . Mrs, James Powell and daughter Annie, and Air. Wilson, of Wingham, and Air. Thomas Pewee of Turniberry, spent Sunday with the ,former's bro- ther, Mr. James Neldon. • Miss Margaret Nelson, Wingham spent Sunday with her brother, Mr. James Nelson: ?bliss Margaret' Hart, of Toronto, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. G. D. G. H'arn, Mr and Mrs. R. J. Wegj and chit= car • With visitor « s I F1 orou•to w en o �were esd n Tuesday. Mts. 'Tarn o Mr, Ross MoGonigle, of Kitchener spent the week -end with his parents, •and •Mrs, Robert M'oGonigle. Mr. Jack Pringle, . of Milwaukee, Wis., is spending a few days with his grandmother, ?Mrs. J. H. Broa'dfool 'ale. Stewart Fowler, of Leamington, visited' Mrs. Jahn:Willson, over Sun - clay. aal..r, add Mrs,: Fred Larkin, of Wind- sor, called on 'friends here ,on Monday. Mr, Leslie Watson, of Toronto, is spending his vacation with his father, James ' Watson. AIr,a J • ry, William ahed two r excellleen sermons 10 la e to 'laa•ge. congregations in 'First .Pres- byterian Church on Sunday. air, and Mrs. T. J. McILinney • and famiily, of Guelph, were week -end guee•ts with MM. William McMichael. Mrs.• Kleitefeldt, of Cromarty, tuni- orient an opetltiO1itclnlSe forth Hos- fatal on July g fairly well. Mr, Robert Ovens is doing nicely' after an operation in the Hospital oe. July 29. Qvlliss Martha Wilbee underwent an operation on July 25 and is improving.. Mrs. joint' Shea, who underwent an opera time recently, returned to her home- at Beechwood. on, •Tuesday. Brother •Albert, of Taronto, son of Mr. ;To'sep'lt• Malady; was here visiting is stay- ing in town last week, and for sonic time with his father its I21 b'h'ert, Maas Pearl Kestle, Btanhfdt'd, sister of C. W. i estlel and Miss Lita Kettle of Ingersoll, niece of M..r. Kestle, are visiting .Mr, and 'Mrs, Nestle, MANLEY. 'Rev. J. 'M. Eckart and Rev, Fr. Ricket left last Friday for their re- spective e- Hawthorne, N.Y, '1 Haw homes 11 1 ctive 5 C 4 and Brooklyn,, ,N.Y., to resume their duties, after spending the past three, weeks with relatives and friends in this vicinity. Me. and Mrs. John Murray and then' sons Michael atad Leo, and their. daughter Helen. motored to Guelph' last Sunday to visit their daughter Elizabe'bh, who is taking alt agricul- tural'course at the Guelph College. \.Gr. Earle Hey'mer and Miss Lusty Eckart, of Detroit, and '?ale. and ides C. Eckart were visitor's in our 'burg last Sunday, LON'DESBORO, Mr. Thomas Moon,, of Lottoi spent' the week -end' at his home here. Mr, and Mrs. R, Govier and '• iO The past few fine days has' "almost dompleted haymaking. Cutting wheat and barley is the order of the day, The Fall Fair prize lista are now ready for distribution. Mr. A, D, Sutherland has leased.the south' store (next Box's restate-ant)of the block recently Purchased` by Mt, 4y, M. Stewart, aecl will move his of- fice there in the near future, Mr, Ste- wart has moved his poolroom. to the north note, fo1'tneriy occupied by the Strattd,'theat e.' erE, of Regina, Me. and Mrs, .Hlodg Sask,,;are visiting Mr. and, Mrs. M. this week, lvleKeatll'. Mr. and 'Mrs, Fred. Savidge and Mr.,Cecil Knight, who had all oe- f ly of Toronto were recent visit- erasion In Kitchener Hospital, i nei THS SEAFQ.E T i NEWS The Misses Grace McLean, ,Anona Dale, and Ethel McK•ayr'etut'ned Tues- day from their motor and beat tiip through °wen Sound, 0 illia, Colling- wood and Muskoka Lakes. They re- port a woliderful time, Miss Dorothy Voices, of Detroit, who has 'beets vis'itin'g friends here, re- turned Saturday; accompanied by Miss ' Iva Nott, of Huron Road west, alto will visit in the city for a while. Dr. and Mrs. Armstrong, of Mitch- ell, and Mr, ' and Mrs, A, D. Arm- strong and Miss Margaret Armstrong motored to Bayfield on Sunday after- noon to visit their aunt, who is Ill, Misses Ruth and ivfa> ine Grimmer, of Ayr, visited their soughs, Miss' Lois McG'avin, th'e' past two weeks, Mrs. L. P. Twins and son Tack, of Saskatoon, are visiting - Mrs, Lwiss and Mr, and Airs, Atex, AZcGavin, Alps Lillian Wankel, of Toronto, is spending the week with her parents. A'lr. and Mrs, A: Wankel. 121t', A, Wankel and Miss Irene Wankel left Wednesday to visit friends at Port Elgin, Rev. Ja E. -Storey, a returned mis- sionary fto'nt .South America, gave very instructive and appealing lectures ie both Northside and Egmondvitle United Churches this week. His lec- turers were illustrated with films of Sough American life, M. Lorne Pethick and daughters Clara and Thelma, of Orillia, are vis- iting \2r. and Mrs, Alex, McKay this week, Mr, and Mrs. F, D, Hutchiso•n,. ac- companied by lir, Geo., Hutchison, of London, and Misss Dorothy Hutchison are visiting Mr, and Mrs. Lorne 'Hut- chison in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hays,p.nd son Stanley, of Windsor, are visiting his - Mrs. Hays. rent Col. and parents, Miss L. Faulkner spent a few days this week visi•tina in Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs, Warren Abient, o`f Detroit, were week -end Visitors with the former's parents, Mr, and airs. ' t�n.:n't, 1Villtat t A a Rev. Mr. Hemphill, of Strathroy, will take the services in First Pres- byterian Church next Sunday. Rev. W. J - Hall, of Linhaven, Flor- ida, arrives Tdrtu'sday for a visit with his sisters, Mrs. J. R. Govenlock and Mrs. W. L. Keys, It is 40 years since Mr. Hall visited his home, which was just north of Bayfield. His many for- mer friends in this district tvalt be pleased to see hint back again alter all these years. Mrs, Wm, ` Ament and Mrs, Coates, London, have returned after spend- tng a couple of weeks at Bruce Inn, Kincardine. Mr. Bill Faulkner was a holiday vis- itor in Toronto last week. 'Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Sills, of St Paul, Minn.;- are visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. G. A, Sills, Mrs. H. Wiltse, •of Clinton, spent a few days' this week the guest of Mrs. H. J. Gibson. PAGE VW 16 AND UP Alt prices f, o. b. Windsor, taxes extra- Buforou Buyers can ,acarst of y f income at lowest available charge for interest, halt. Xing and insurance i recision b a t in Mis Gret Huth� The great performance that marks Hudson out among all fine cars, with stellar brilliancy, is not alone in the genius of its design, but in a manu- facturing execution that also stands at the head of the industry. The hand-matchingof all pistons is a detail in this precision manufacture, that is typical of every operation in building this greatest of all Hudsons. ILJ D S O N SuperSix ROY BROTHERS and eo, STRATFORD, ONT. hidden by tall fir trees through which catch the honk of a horn and when a one can catch a glimpse of beds of car approaches if any of the chicks gay tulips and yellow ellow holt blossoms, happen to be on the roadway he - . there lives a lady apparently on the rounds them up and drives them out BLYTH Mr. Sidney Leslie. ---The death of 'Mr. from Sidney Leslie on Sunday evening heart trouble, was a great shock to the community. He lead attended a fam- ily reunion at Freelfon the latter. part of t'Ite week and returned for the Sun- day services, 'a's'lie was the talented lea,cler of Queen St. United Church choir. He was at SS. in the mottl- ing but was unable to attend the morning service. Gmadualily he be- came worse until •death came in the evening. Though Mr. Leslie had just been in Blyth since 1922 he won the deep respect of everyone, In .part- nenhsip with Mr.Leslie Hilborn, he conducted the flour rill here. He was ?born 41 years ago in Beverley tp., Wentworth county, sons -of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Leslie, Freelton. He -was united in marriage 3.9 years 'ago to Beatrice Dunkin of Greenville, who predeceased hint ie 1a17, He married Miss Nellic Mearce of Guelph in 1916. Six years "ago he left the farm and came to Blyth. -He is :survived by his viid'ow and four children: Hazel, Ern va, 'Gladys and Howard. aft at home; also two sisters, Mrs, Torrey Pus- lin;cb and Miss Nina Leslie, Freel•toe. The funeral was held Tuesday, July 39. The services were conducted by Rev. Dr. 73'arn'by, assisted by Rev, W. B. Hatvkiias, Mr, Sweetmeat, of In- dianna, sang a solo,'iiieautiful Isle of Somewhere" and the hymns "Face 'to 'Face" and (`Rock of Ages," his favpr- 'ite hymns, were also sung. The flow- er -bearers were Barrie McElroy, Ed- rorin. Bender, Cecil Garniss and Eddie 'Tay'lor. Interment was made in Un- ion cemetery. The pallbearers were: Watson,Roy Wallace,John, ce �•r' ala b� a Ilene ' htm an Harold W4 'Toll, Fraul. Belt, g attd Herb. McElroy, Among those from a distance attending the funeral were Mr. and Mrs, Alferd Leslie, Ms. end Mrs, lit, Leslie, Miss Nina Leslie of-Freeiton; Mr. and Mrs. Torrey, Miss Marearet Lennon, Mr. Charles blunter, Pustinch; Miss Walker, of 'Guelph; Air, Dunkin, Greensvitle; Mr. Will Kern, Brantford. 'Air, and Airs. E. 12, Lockyer of Cleveland are visiting the former's mo- ther, Mrs, Fawcett, for a couple a'f weeks, 411 r ,1 IU11 re 11 d ec s gave is Lewis Judge . the a(ipeais of assessments in favor of y of those appealing, whose assess- ments will 'be the same as last year. Duncan Munroe, 12 -year-old son of Mr, and Mrs. Mueroe, broke his right tient nn Satarctay when he fell Erom. a •tree, 'Miss Catherine ITardisty of Galt is visiting her aunt, Miss Woodcock. :Mr, Skelton of Mo eis suffered a 'fractured arra on Tuesday when he fell from a load of hay: Mr. Robert Patterson of the Au- burn road had his aiekle crushed by a horse on Motidas'. Mr, 12, C. Collinson of St, Patti, Minn, arrived Thursday of this week for a holiday visit with relatives. Miss Hafts, of Winnipeg, is visiting her sister, hit P. Gardliner, Mr, and Mrs William Detwcillcr ' and Mrs. of Roseville are visiting Ml,.,at Leslie Hilborn, Rev. ani! Mrs. W. 13, Hawkhis were week end guests at Hate! Sunset, Go- derich. NIRS: T. J• WIdBSTER RAISES FINE POULTRY (Tendon Free Press.) On the second cottcesslott of Tucks. ersntith, about two and a half mites southwest df Seaforth, In a large pa- latial -looking, vine -covered brick real• Street, �il'fe. 1SoCultough, of Toronto, has been the guest of Dr, and "Mrs. itunn George sunny side of the meridian of life who has had considerable experience in poultry raising, although she does not pretend to run a poultry farm or hatchery. IRea'lizing the .possibilities of this important department of farm 'in- dustry, Mrs. T. J. Webster decided thirteen years ago to go into raising hens a .little heavier than most farm' women. 'The first year she set two in- cubators with '500 eggs and gradually increased the capacity until she has an equipment Of two .coal -burning brood- ers and incubator space for '1;400 eggs. Early in the spring she sold a batch of 400 little chicks arid has still '650 hens and 550 chickens, with an' output of eight 30 -dozen crates each per week. Last year she had 1.400 chickens, Finding hens so unreliable and a mix- ed flock gf al'l ages and kinds un- satisfactory, she began hatching With incubators, using pure ,bred eggs and in this way got control of the flock, so that she always know's the age and kind of each.' Eggs from a `well -culled breeding pen were set from hens two years or over. The eggs for setting are closely culled, small eggs (being discarded and no eggs used that are over 10 days old. The machine is set at a temperature of 101 for the first week, 102 for the sec- ond and 103 Inc the third. By doing this you get 'strong chickens. She be- lieves in obtaining and keeping the best breeds ,possible and has 'bred her own Laghoans for the past 12 years. Mrs. Webster has had great success in raising baby chicks, which she leaves in the incubator for 36 hours and has seldom Post any. She sees that they are kept warm in coalaburn- in:g hovers. Any building will do as long as it is free from draughts. Last year, when one of her brooder houses was destroyed by fire, she raised 800 chicks int the woadsbcclahy closing tau_ front up with windows. She attrib- utes her success with baby chicks to int in to of t assts n ern'ta n ana P using g s . p a t tit being �k g the Y ' Tern water, q the drinking , two crystals to a quart of water. This solution is good to guard against white diarrhea, colds or sickness, It is all right, too, with the older hens if they ever gel croup or cold. During these years she has sold a limited number of baby chicks and hatching eggs. Sire also :has the very best cockeresl'and best breeding stock. The baby chicks' Mash monists of .70 Pounds pure cornmeal. 30 pounds mid- dlings, two per cent. charcoal, two per cent; bnatemeal and a little cod oil. (vet o I 'i 10 Give them rioter to drink meal clays, then begin with soul milk. lire Webster's does not use atiy commercial chick food. The following is the lay- ing mash she uses: Two parts oats, one part con, 20 per cent, beef scrap. two per cent salt, two per cent. char- coal; add cod liver oil in the winter. For scratch grain, barley and asIs d 0 clean up gaickly it the morning , wheat al night. She always did well with broilers, wh�i,ch maturetsickhdro', until test year, when •the prices ped, 'Her greatest ally and helper is a syhite collie dog called Teddy that she has .trained to watch the flock. Teddy is a friendly, intclligcttl animal with a :fine sense of discrimination in regard to varieties of Ibircis.'He knows a pigeon front a crony and lets the 'former pass unnoticed, huh when a ¢ 11C 1 the . Cr. hawk or a crow appears nt thele. ,IC Considerable excitement in the camp. Teddy rebs up a howl and keeps running around and barking at such a rate that the marauders soon decide, that discretion is the better pert of valor and fly art to the bosh with Teddy in Trot pursuit. ale never' stops until he is. acre they are well past the litre fence, when he returns, tied, but with a pardonable pride in his achievement,. Before The advey t: id ort of this faithful collo. Mis Webster deuce overlooking the road al P Y lad lost' la many ea soli ,, ars with Mis's J, MdBCide= convalescing, of the danger zone. Fairfield Farm is a safe and beautiful sanctuary for the wee chicks as long as Teddy is on guard. Although Mrs, 'Webster's main ac- tivities are attending lo her home and Family and . feeding Idle chicks, she finds time to make her own dresses and during the winter months hook same handls me rugs andpatch some o ge o e pretty quilts, 'In addition to this she teaches a class of young women in the Egmondville United Church ''Sunday School and is also leader Of the C. G. I. T. group of girls. McKILLOP. Mr. William McNay, son of air, and Mrs. John i4feiay. has been engaged as teacher for Roxboro school for the conning year. Miss Jean Smith, of Seaforth, spent Sunday with Miss Helen McKercher. Rev. Air. Smith and Misses Marg- aret Cuthill, tE'ssie Dorranee and Olive Medcl spent Wednesday at the Summer School held in Parkview Church, :Stratford, Miss Evelyn Moxley, of 'Dorchester, Miss Edith Hunt, of Toronto, and Mr. George Wilsher, of Hamilton, are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hunt at present. Mr. and Mrs, Robert McElroy and daughter Doreen, of Ottawa, spent the past week with his mother, Mrs. R. McElroy and sisters. Mrs. Alf. Brown. and Mrs. Gordon. Mrs. Fred Hutchings and children,. of Barons, Alta., near Lethbridge who has been visiting at the home of . her brother, Mr. Zack IvlcSpadd'en, near Walton, is at present visiting at the home of Mrs. Hutchings' father, - Mr; W. G. McSpadden, near ,Dublin. Mr. W. E. Hawley, of Winnipeg, ' Man„ is at present visiting at the home of her brother, Air. Will Mc- Spadden, at Winthrop. The trustees are erecting a wood- shed at 1a.S.S. No. 1, McKillop: A D. SUTHERLAND GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY Real Estate, Conveyancing, Bonds and Investments Phone 152 ` Seaforth, Ontario. A Good Portion of beet served to you for the evening meal, roasted about medium, with the blood gravy oozing through, gives one a foundation. It just makes one's - mouth water to think of it. How `. was that last piece of meat we sant you? Wasn't it fine. GEO. A. STEWART Your Butcher. Phone 58 Seaforth. .ra BBN=Mt1 The St ecia1 Milverton a.:.. }Flour We have it ----Give it a Trial, Also Grain Screenings C s 65T GRAIN DEALER • Chop of All Kinds OMSON PHONE 25 day, 'Se4dy's ear, too, Is `.quick to WANTED A Helper, also- good exper- ienced mechanic, at Duce: YOUR AUTO NEEDS Goodyear Tires and Tubes • Battery Sales and Service.. Charging and Repairing all snakes of Batteries A good line nl new and used'parts of different makes 01 o 1t your oar is in need of repairs, give as it estl. Studebaker Sales - and Service r eoier's .- a,ra y,e PHONE 167W