HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1928-08-02, Page 4Cie F;' UR
• WALTON. the work of the same Gaup .cunt broke
C)i Whiny +Walton readers will 1?e, into a garage et the Post office At Se -
to knew. filet Eileen McLaughlin
billst Thursda night
Me. Jerome and Mr, Joseph Jordan;
f Detroit, visited With Mr, and Mrs.
Lames Jordati on Sunday..
Miss Kate O'Connell, of Uaud'oii, is
visiting with her mother and sisters
here. d
Mr, Albeet Kien er has purchase
the 50 acre 'farm and tile from 1tr.
Fred Sadler. He gets possession in•
the Fall
• Miss 1140nica Byrne, of Detroit;
spent the week -end with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. W, J. Byrne.
Miss Catherine G'arrnlei, of Buffalo,
is visiting at the hotfie of her parents,
Mr, and Mrs. Ed. ;Gorrialeyr
. 'Mr, Lyle, Jordan :and Mr, Jerome
Jordan motored home from Detroit
last week end.
Mr, and Mrs, James Shea and Miss
Angela Shea, Miss Marie Benninger
and Teresa Carpenter went on the
excursion to Midland on Sunday,
Mrs. Ed. Gormley and'Miss Elean-
or narrowly escaped serious injury
when their horse, becoming frighten-
ed of a swarm of bees, ran away and
upset them about one half a mile
F ,Dtiblin.
south o
and Mrs. Ste -
Miss Mary Givlin a
wart, of Stratford, spent the week -end
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Mr. Harry Kraussleopl, of Washing-
ton, is visiting at, the homeof his
brother, Mr. James Keauskopf. It is
21 years since he has leen here and
he sees a great many changes in our
We are pleased to report .that Mr.
Clarence Loothy, who has been very
seriously i11. is improving a great
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Benn and
family spent Sunday at the home of
)Jr, and Mrs, Joseph Benn in Lucalt.
Mr. Jerry Ryan, of .Stratford, visit-
ed at the home of his mother, Mrs.
Patrick Ryan, of H'ib'.bert.
Miss Lizzie Ryan is visiting at the
home of her mother, Mrs, Patrick
Ryan. •
Mrs; John Evans and family, of Sea -
forth, are visiting friends in Dublin.
Mr. and Mrs. Hector Taylor visit-
ed friends iu Dublin pn Sunday.
Mr. Fred Sadler has sold his farm
on the centre road to Mr. Albert
Mrs, John O'Rourke, of Detroit, is
visiting at the home of her mother,
Mrs. James Burns.
Mrs. Basil Burns and family have
returned home to Detroit after a plea-
sant visit with her friends and rela-
Miss Ella Clark. of Toronto, is
,pending her holidays with her father,
Mr. Clark and her aunt, Mrs. May, of
tate village.
Mr, and Mrs. Dave McConnell
spent Sunday with friends in Toron-
Mr. and Mrs. Heel) \Veltman of
Galt is a guest of the Smith Bop. of
Mr. and Mrs. James Shea and
daughter Angela and M. Benninger
and Teresa Carpenter spent ,Sunday
and Monday in Toronto.
Mrs. Struhb of Kitchener has re-
turned home after a splendid two
weeks' visit with her mother. Mrs.
Burns and Mrs. W. Flanagan of town,
:\Ir. and Mrs. 'Coop and family of
• � of her
Detroit were the gu
Mrs. Longworth.
Cr. Leo Kenny of Toronto is visit-
ing with his parents, btr. and Mrs.
Philip Kenny.
Miss Anna Delaney of Stratford
spent Sunday at her hone here.
\lie, Anna Delaney of Stratford
,pent Sunday at her home here.
Miss Madeline Felly of Wingham
visited with her sister, Mrs. Pat.
-hiss Helen Dantzer is visiting with
friends in Detroit,
Mr. Patrick Maloney and his sis-
ter, Annie, spent Sunday with M'.
Thomas Givlhn.
THU SDAY, Alf1 a''if$'
who has been attending the 1]utten
:Public school and who wrote on her
in trance examination 'there pa ssed
highest itt her
out of a class of twenty, and
3rd highest in the ;County of Elgin,
Eileen .gives a great deal of this honor
to,7utiss 'Mills wh'o +laid so well the
;for ddetion before she left 8,S..No. ,
..McKillop. The ratepayers of S,'SS, No,
..7 should take note of the ability that
their proficient teacher has of int-
peeting to the little ones, the knowl-
.edge she possesses and they should
;instruct theirschool board not to
allow even "Cupid" to steal her front
Mrs. James F'ultttn abet two daugh-
ters e of '.Toronto are visiting Mrs. John
Mrs, R. Kells, who is on a visit here
•froth Howard, Sask., with her.parents,
Mr. and Mrs. A. Clark, went by motor
ea Detroit to spend the week end with
her sister, Mrs, Armour Dundas,
Resentment is felt in Walton at the
disgraceful rowdyism in connection
with an open air dance staged here
-last Friday night by outsiders. This
;dance platform was built for the Brus-
sels reunion last year and was after -
.'wards bought by some young men,
',We understand that one such dance
-was enough for the people of Bros -
sets and the cotutcil forbade a repeti-
tion in that place, so they came to
. Walton.
Mr, Charlie McVey of Elora spent
Sunday at Mr. Badley's and also call-
He l
. 'ed on other friends. e Sun
evening to visit friends at Seaforth and
Mr. arid Mrs, et evening nithx. Parke frie ds at
":Monday.. g
Wal -
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Jackson and
••son Kenneth of Walton visited at St.
Marys on Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs, Solider left Friday fur
.Simcoe to spend two weeks holidays
=with his brother and uncle.
The saw mill .opened this week,
Miss Mary McDonald returned to
Detroit this week to undergo an ope-
Miss McNair of Toronto was a vis-
-..tor at the home of Mr. and Mrs,
George McTaggart.
Miss Isabel Ritchie has been ap-
pointed teacher at Button's school in
Morris, in which Miss Clara McGowan
has taught for several years.
Mrs, Bessie French of Toronto is
,+isiting with relatives this week.
Mr. and Mrs. James Davidson of
Stratford called on John and Mrs,
Smillie on Sunday.
'lvliss Fern Love, tvho spent the past
ewo weeks with Roy and Mrs. Brad-
ley at Harriston, returned home on
bir. W. J. Shortreed returned hone
'Monday evening from Stratford hos-
pital where he underwent an operation
'for his nose.
Miss Mary Shortreed, who has been
in the U.F.O. store for several years
and who has been most efficient and
obliging, has resigned her position and
leaves about August 15th for Fergus,
avhere site will enter the hospital as a
g rse-in-training. Mary's many
2riends are sorry she is leaving Wal-
ton, but wish her every success. A
number of applications have been re-
ceived for the position the U.F.O.
store but no appointment has yet been
'n Friday morning about six o' -
,thick a 'barn on the 7th line of Mor-
ris belonging to Mr. Beech Alcock
was burned by lightning. No one
was living on this farm. but the build -
Ing was a good one.
Mr, and Mrs. Robert Collins, Lon-
don, Mr. John Menzies. Superior,
Wisconsin, Mrs. Caddingtun. Jackson,
'Mich.. and Mrs. Herb Grace, Strat-
ford, visited Mr. and Mrs. James
Smith one day recently.
Mrs. William Farquharson and
little site are visiting friends in Brus-
Miss Gram Somerville visited her
friend, Mite- Flora Harris, over the
seek end.
Mr. anti Mrs: Andrew Coutts and
,family and Mrs. James Smith visited
friends near Cranbrook Sunday.
Miss Addie Cardiff. Brussels, is vis-
iting Mrs. Walter Davidson.
Mise Clete Dickson is visiting her
;grandmother in Blyth.
We have the goods that make your land produce. Everlasting
Clay Drain Tile; Niagara .Agrteultural I;ttnee Empire, 'Smiths or
Armour's Fertilizers, If your field is wet, drain it, Call us if you
want a machine to dig. I£ you can not grow clover, lithe it; Niagara
Lime does the trick. If you grow wheat, fertilizeit. But to get best
results from Your Fertilizer, lune it first, less fertilizer will do and you
can then grow clover, When you cant grow elover, you can grow
• almost anything. Call us or any`of our 'Agents, Information cheer-
fully given,' Goods always on hand, Do not be called from your work
when the car arrives. We deliver at small cost, Quality goode and
M. So
Clay Drain Tile Manufacturer, :Seaforth, Ont.
General Agent for Niagara Lime and Empire, Smith's or Armour's
Fertilizers for Perth and Huron
Sunday, July 29, 1928, tforth o
Mr. and
• -Mrs. Lorne Hulley, of Walton, a
BUTSON.-:Itt Seaforth Hospital, on
•: Tuesday• July 24, 1928, to Mr. and
Mrs. Leslie .Butson, of Staffa, a son.
CRONIN—In Hibbert, to Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Cronin. on July 23rd,
a 500.
CLARK—At Varna, ten July 19th, to
Mr. and Mrs, Melvin Clark, a dau-
ghter, (Elizabeth Eleanor).
.IWLIO C i'—I0. hayfield. on July 12.
to Mr..and Dire. W. R. Elliott, a
son. (John William).
MURRAY.-In Seafnrth Hospital. 00
22, 1C»3 to �r.
Ta k_rsnttn
a sen.
Thieves Visit Dublin. --lit the early
'me o 'tu s lay morning robber»
visited 13..-%lit: visi,ed five places.
'They ,1 a crowbar from the C.N.R.
, pry - t.it d o re and windows and
!eft it a Hills FTar'1»ware when finish -
4. They entered Sm th'e garage.
breaking open two door; and carried
„ff rh,c ,.a,•. hare cigarettes, cigars
and motor oil, f. is •thought the
cent nearly an hour at the garage.
Mr. Bilis' hardware was broken into
and many valuable knives and razors
were carried away, also seven gallons
•,1 gasoline, totalling over $30 word(
of goods. Mr. William Stapleton':(
reed store window was forced and a
sun, , f money was t (ken froin the
ca,h registei The C. N. !R, station
.1�0o was, forted and office window
irr.ken . int plate; t"u „arkeci bet nn•
ling wat4 tal.va. The Catholic Church
,loot was fol ell and finite boxe• were
hit k,n open but the amount taken is
net known. Screw nails were re.
moved front Mr. 0. G ,st.eileas baring
shop, but the thieves were app'rent-
ly 'frightened away as the done was
not i of Strat-
•c d,ri
of Ent e
ford are working on the ease and hope'
to have the robbers at an early date.
We have been .very' fortunate as it is
sonte'titee since a robbery took place
in our village, it thought this was
Stock Reducing Sale
Reduction in price, but not in quality. Owing to
circumstances we are continuing our sale until
Men's Work Shirts, reg L00 for -.73 ;You can go farther but you can't do
Men's Work Shirts, reg. 1,755 fat . ,1,25 any better.
314en's Fine Shirts! reg, 2.00 for.,. .89 Towelling .10. S'tan'dard' Shirtings .19
Men's 4 in Hand Ties, choice ,15 g
Men's Work Shoes $2.40 to $3.7575
Men's Fine Shoes Co. /z PriPrice
Ladies' Shoes l34
Bov' and Men's Sweater Coats.
Men's and boys' Harvest Hats.....10
Ladies' Silk and 'Wool •
Hose, reg. 1.00 for .49
1 yd. wide Feannellette, reg..25 for .19
The regular meeting of the Council
was held on Monday, July 16th. Mem-
bers all present. Minutes ofefa.st meet-
ing read and confirmed. Tenders for
the Hocking Drain 'were opened and
Charles (Zistner's tender, $4080.00 be -
'ng the lowest, was accepted. The
i',lice Trustees of Dublin tillage at-
tended this sleeting and it was agreed
between the Council and the Trustees
That the agreement made in 1927 re-
garding the Township rate, be effec-
tive in 1928 Orders were issued on
the Treasurer amounting to $3.006.06.
l'hene being no appeals against the
r s, e..memts for the Black Creek under
11v=,Law No. 313, Court of Revision"
closed. and B'y-Lav' read a second
time. Council then adjourned to meet
::gain on Monday, the 20th -day of Au-
gust at lo'clock pen.-. to strike the
.oreral rates for 1928.
5, Jordan, Clerk.
Mr,. and Mrs. Robert Kinney, of
l' nkora, were gueate on Sunday last
:,t the home of 'Mr. and Mrs. ,Tames
Murray. Huron Road..
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Murray, of
•, Sunday
e to
guests ']ncltiramith, were g
last at the home of Mr.and Mrs. Jack
Quinlan. Egnioudville
Mr. John Murplt} eon of Mr. and
Mrs. Franlc Murphy, was taken to St.
Joseph's Flospital, London, an ,Tues-
day night by Dr. Sproat, of Seaforth,
fir an operation which was • reprtcd
stteceseful. -His many friends hope to
see him around again soon,
Mr. and Mr'.. William Nigh and son
Jetta, Mr. Dennis Barry and Miss.
Mare Nigh, of i'uckorsmith; Miss
Catherine Murray, Stratford and Mr.
lud Mrs. Patrick Williams, of Rib -
here were visitors on Sunday last at
the home of the former'�s daughter,
Mr. and lir.. John Walsh, McKillop.
Mr. Dennis Barry, Tuckersmith,
and itis. Margaret Walsh, McKillop,
epent Than'sday afternoon at the home
rf their consiu.- 1efr. Louis O'Reilly,
Inc. Pete 1)e La Franier and fain-
ily, of Stratford, .were visitors cu
'Thursday last at the- home of M'r. and
-Mrs. P. Nfe'r.'ann. Hihbert.
the hoose nitd the road at Ms. Wil-
liam Martin's: was struck by lightning
and stun afterwards itis i a'toth er tree
• b a
• Mr, and Mrs. Percy Tedball. and
daughter ;Edith, ' of Parkhill,: 'spent
Sunday at the home of
Mrs, T,
Miss Fl:elett Hay spent Friday with
Miss Thelma EIFie,
Mrs. Lou Rusk and family, of Wet-
-roue,' Sask., are visiting veldt Mn.
Russ sisters, Mrs, Ivan Forsyth and
Mrs. Joseph McLellan.
Mrs. Peck, of Ergot, was a visitor
last week with Mrs,' Jackson.
• Mr. Idont, Patrick It sporting a new
Hudson -Essex sedan,
The Sth and 9th concession of ', ucic-.
erstnith held then annual • .picnic at
13ayifleld.on Saturday afternoon, there
being about 125 present: The after-
noon was spent in, a game of softball,
and horseshoes, after which the ladies
served a splendid supper. After sup-
per the races were held ami.were en-
joyed by both young and old. All re,;
ported a'fine time and hope to meet
next year,
,An eyesore to most people passing
on the road would , be removed if
some of the rubbish was cleaned up
from the roadside. [t wo b
ld be
great improvement.
\4r: and Mrs, ,Bert Cot: and son
Earl and Mrs. George Tebbntt, of
Porter's Hill, visited at Mr. and Mr.
Louis Tebbutt's on the 2nd souses-
sion, Tuckersmith, last week.
Mrs. Wi11 Shepherd and daughter
Edna, of. Washington, visited Mr, and
Mrs, L. Te'bbutt last week,
_blaster 1). R. Luff, and sister Dor-
othy t
othy are visiting a
tToh T. Mdr
Mr. and Mrs. John Tebbutt and
Mrs, Chris- Tebbubt and daughter Es-
ther, of Saskatchewan, called on -Mr,
aiul Mrs. L. Tebbiitt last week.
Groceries. and Chinaware at Bargains
Salmon, 2 large tins for .39
Redpath Gran. Sugar, cwt $6.40
Raisins, 2 lbs for i 25
S Bars •Castile Soap 25
Corn Starch, 4 boxes ...... 35
1 yd. wide Gingham, reg. ,35 for .15 Pearl Rice, 4 lbs• 31
1 yd Grey Flannel, reg, .60, for , ..40 Kleuziae, 3 pkg. for 25
Gray Flannel, regular .40, for .....25 Pearline, 3 pkg for 25
Your choice of 6 pieces of,granite ware for 2dc
10 qt. galvanized pails for 25c` • (while they last)
Gold Medal Binder Twine t4c lb.
Sherwin Williams Paints, regular colors $1.25• qt.
Horse collars, tugs and Harness parts
Store closes 6 o'clock Tuesday
12 o'clock noon Thursday
Phone 12 on 622 Clinton
Messrs. William, and Harold Stan-
bury motored to Stafford on Sunday.
and Mrs. Wilbur Neat spent
Mn, and Mrs,
of Dunton,
Softball. --The first league game of
the second series was played here
'l uesdaty night. Brttee'fieldc girl , by
defeating Clinton last west , playe
against Blyth, the winner in Group II.
The visitors scored one run in the first
inning while the home team scored
two. Front then till the fifth inning
Blyth kept adding runs, when the
score was, 7-2, Brucefield settled
<town to work and held thein Roue -
less till the 'finish, while they piled in
eight !
0- vietory,
a 1 vi to
ILineup. Blyth L. Parsons
Baiuton ,;f.; L. Robinson's,s., 8, Rouse
2nd b„ G. Fawcett c.f., E Bell'p, L,
Lamely 3rd'b„ M. Denholm 1st b., A.
Parsons 1;1.
'Bruce'fielcl 1-1, Haugh c, J. Aiken -
heed p•, C. Pepper c.f., D, Farquhar
let b,, D. 'Ro'bins 2nd b.; 0, Harrison
r,f, M Stewart 3rd 'b„ K. Snider s.s„
E. Stackhouse 1.1,
Score by innings—
Blyth .1 1 '3, 0 2 0, 0 0 0—
B rucefield
umpires—Dr, McInnes, Wfngham,
Mr, Pease, hayfield.
Mil'let's Worth Powdens are not,
surpassed ty any other, preparation as
a vermlftige or (worm destroyer, In-
deed, there are few preparations that
have" the merit - it has to recommend
it, Mothers, aware of its excellence,
seek its aid at the (first indication 'of.
the presence of worms i'n their chi•l-
it is
eLreu, knowing that
th medicine that will .give
immediate and lasting relief,
Heist are -visiting Mr. Elton (Heist, of
Toron to.
The Ladies' Aid
and W. M. S.
ii a
meeting will be held this Friday
ternoon, Aug. 3rd, at the home. of
Mrs. George Eaton. The mite boxes
are to he in at this meeting. The cap-
tains, Mrs. Robert Beattie and 'Mrs.
D. MacFarlane, for the East side.
Mr. and Mrs. George Pryce` and
family, Mr. W. C. Bennett and Mrs.
Joseph Bennett took 'a motor trip
through Kitchener,. St., Catharines,
Hamilton and Niagara Falls over the
Death of James Speedie.—The fol-
lowing is taken from a Woodstock
paper: To the many Woodstock
people who knew hint, it will be learn-
ed with deep regret that the death oc-
curred Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock
of James .Speedie, 206 Graham street.
Mr. Speedie had had a lingering illness
ever since lie came to the city five
years ago and his death was the re-
uft•'nf this 'ill health. Born in Ireland
55 years ago, Mr. Speedie came to
Canada six years ago and was engag-
ed in farming at Seaforth, on the 2nd
concession of Tuckerslndth, just west
of the town. T -Ie was there for a year
but his ill health prevented him from
continuing this activity. The deceased
is survived by his wife, and three sons,
Hugh and John of this c ty, and Ro-
bert of Belfast, Two da'tighters also
are left to mourn his loss. They'are HKy.
May and Mrs. W. R. Trotter, Inger- Henry Picking is the order of the.
soil avenue, city. Two brothers, Tho-
mac and Henry, and one sister, Mrs. day. •
and Mrs. Fear, of Clinton,
Johnston. all of Belfast, Ireland, also visitors Mr. ear, Mrs.Louisweree.
survive. The funeral took place on butt on with Mr.
\Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock front On Friday eyeniug a tree between
the late residence and interment will, _ -
arc rubs which gave Bruce -
A large number from here attended
the picnic to Bayfield last Thursday.
A;gobd time was enjoyed by all. The
,Following races were held: Girls under,
6—Doris Dutot, I. Warren. Boys tin-
der • 6, K. McKenzie, D. Daymact,
Girls 6-9, A. Papple, Laura Wright.
Boys. 6-9, H. Snider, 1-1 Collins, Girls
10-'I2—rL Broadlfoot. M. Irvine. Boys
1042, Earl Papple, 3..Cansitte Girls
13-1'5-4Dorothy Woolley. Boys 13-15
—Orrin Zapfe, .R, Grainger. Young
ladies- Hazel Haugh, Olive Harrison.
Young men—Shan. Reid, Gordon El-
liott, Married ladies—Mrs, F, Burdge,.
Mrs. J. Wright. Married men—Roy
Consitt, W. Elliott. Shoe race -.-G.
Addison and F. Baird'ge, O. Harrison
and G. Elliott; Three legged' race --
C Pepper and Te: Elliott, M. Irvine
and M:- Bro'adfoot. 'B'oys' three-leg-
ged race—G. Elliott and Harold Arm-
strong, W. Elliott add Stan: Reid.
Necktie race --IG. Addison and J.
Fotlteripgliam, R. Broadio'ot and E.
Bro'adfoot, Graceful walking — Mrs.
H. Aikenhead and C. Reid; Mrs, A.
Broadfoot and D. Fotheringham. The
stanters were W. Stacldhouse and A.
McQueen. Judges wereH. Aiken -
head C. Reid, John Nantes and Doug.
Fotheningham, At the close all the
children receiveld a sack of candy.
'bii, and Mrs. Ed. Johnson and son
Jim, Toronto, are visiting Mrs. John-
son's sister, Mrs. Wilson Armstrong.
'Miss Anna Caldwell returned to
Niagara Saturday where she is in
Alex. Soute, and Jack visited
at their Monte here over the week -end.
IRev. W. A. Bremner is driving a
new Essex coach.
Nurse Gladys Addison, who has
been spending the past three weeks
at her home here, returned to her
work in.Or,itlia hospital last, Friday.
She was ecooanpanied by her mother,
who spent the week -end with friends
in Cerillia.
Miss Pearl Brock returned home
last week after spending two weeks at
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mustard's cottage
al Inverhnroat.
Mr, and Mrs. Biggar and family, of
Port McNichol, spent the past week
at the home of Mrs. C. Brock,
Rev, W. A. and Mrs, Bn•emner
taking their holidays this month. Rev.
Mr. Ferris, of Knox Church, Landon,
will occupy- the pulpit for the month
of August.
Mr, add Mrs. H. Aikentlead spent
Tuesday in Niagara.
The delegates who attended,. the
Goderich Summer school,. ,Misses
Janet Aikenliead• Eleanor Snider and
Dorothy'Broad'foot, _gave interesting
reports of the meeting at the eevning
service -last Sunday: The Rev. W, A.
(Bremner, the President of the School
sa'i'd that there was just as much zeal
displayed by the delegates in the Bible
study sessions as in the hours of re-
creation. That certainly speaks web
for otic young people, •
The night that Rev. F. E. Storey
showed his. lantern slides in the
church, of the people of South Ain
erica, the congregation responded
with an offering of over $70, showing
their interest in his'. work.
'Brucefield is now lighted up with.
.Pisses M. Stewart and Janet 'Alk-
clihead have returned from a very
Pleasant motor trip to Rrc et
Windsor and Detroit.
The following pupils of Miss Elean-
or Snider, Btucdfield, were successful
itt passing the examinations of the
Toronto Conservatory of Music held
at Seaforth on July 4th, Junior piano
—Jean .Foster, Varna. Primary piano
Richardson. Introductory
.pian -Kathleen Mustard ('horrors),
Miss Pearl Brock and bliss Olive
and Mr.-Pere1' Harrison spent Sunday
'lit Gnderich. '
bir, and bh's, Arthur Caldwell mo-
tored to Landon on Friday Pant, tak-
ing their daughter Anna that far on
her way to Niagara Falls, after spend-
ing three. weeks' vacation at' home,
bit. borne Taylor attd fatn•ily spent
Sunday at Parkhill
Mr, Schlott Ross spent Sunday at
Grand Bend,
Mr. John McCiiwitn spent Sunday
iu Sea'fotrh.
Mrs, Lyle Hill, of Bru e''field, •spent
the week -end with Mrs, I-Tarvey
Mr, Frank Skelton, of St. Marys,
galled on his parents Sunday evening.
• Miss Edith Staulbuty and a number
of girl friends are camping in hay-
Miss vir6n1 Shipleyy is
,cousin Miss !lode Crich in Mullett.
MI and -Mrs tWilliamt .Grieve, of
Mr. arid Mrs, Mitto t aWiltsc e home of
be made in the Presbyterian cemetery.
. 'bit'. John Hudson has purchased a
new Champion Waterloo Separator
complete, and is now web equipped
for the .coming threshing season.
Mr. Alex, Souter and son Jack, of
Detroit, motored home fox the week-
.Miss Carrie . Oke, who has been
spending the past two weeks at the
home of her uncle, Mr. John Mills,
Harl'o.ck. returned home this week.
Mr. and Mrs. John 'Sinith, of Lon-
don, and Mr. and Mrs. Chapman, of
Strathroy, were visitors" at Mr. Rus-
sell Coleman's on Sunday. •
Mr, and Mrs. Secord Mchrien, of
Hullett, were visitors at the home of
her parents, bir. and Mrs. William
Mr. and Mrs. Richmond and Mr. C.
K. Taylor, of Blyth, were visitors at
:Martin Bros. on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs, A. Nicholson "" and
Harold and Jack Nicholson spent
Sunday at Wingh>am, visiting Mieeend
Mrs. S. McBurney.
Mr. and Mrs. CecilMurray spent
last Sunday in Exeter, visiting the for-
mer's parents, Mi. and Mrs. Angus
The continued wet weather makes
the .Farmers anxious about the hay.
Wheat cutting has just started.
Mr. Stanley Jackson spent the week
end in Parkhill.
Me and Mrs. Peter Hay and son
Johnny, of Niagara •Falls, are visiting
with the former's brother; Mr. James
Miss Hazel Shannon, of Ford City,
spending her holidays at the home
rrf her father, Mr. John Shannon.
Mr. Fel qu, Bullard returned to
TSunv ile en Monday after ,pen d]iog
the week -end at hi. It,me here.
illas. Irene. Patterson spent the
week -enol with Mrs. W. C. Bennett.
Mt -s. Jnr, Haist and Miss Vera:
Cut Sow Thistle Now
A little attention immediately to cutting; Sow Thistle
will prevent millions of seeds being scattered over your
farm and your neighbour's farm. `
Sow Thistle is one of the most pernicious weeds in the
Province. It has been on the increase. Further in-
crease, means loss of hundreds 'of thousands of
dollars, Get it ander control `now before it gets
your farm untie', control.
John -S. Martin
Minister of Agriculture.
G. it Paterson
ill Represents,tive
2 0 `0 '0 2 1, 4 '1 x•-10,
trustwor y
Ladies' Ribbon bo
n Wa ,;:
tel .E'auity
shapes' -•--E reett, white 11,5 1(1. red
gold . $8.50 u
Gents' Strap Watches
$8.50 up
Ge'nt's Pocket Watches
$5.00 up
We are now in a position' to
fit any stype of watch glass
ladies' orents' round '
g , o 1 fancy
shapes with glass or P. B. U.
Crystaloid (unbreakable) fitted.
same day as received
Our Watch Wold. "SERVICE"
Diamonds — Wedding Ri'ugs
Repairing a Specialty
PHONES—. Store 64W _
Res. 64J
e road t ►
tip, and
r o
now stand
'`SOU have a precious privilege . .
.1 You can choose which road your
life', shall follow from this time forward.
And glorious the possibilities of achieve-
ment if you choose aright.
The first step along this road is not hard.
Take it today . . . It is to save that
money which later on you'll need for
investment in a home . in a business
, . . in your own self improvement.
And no matter how far you have travelled
along life's highway .... some capital.
you must have, if you are now to .,tread
lon', prosperity's pleasant road,
i 1 t1
Wise your decision if you begin to save
it to -day.
Extra business hours make it easy for you
to deposit your ^savings in the Province
of Ontario Savings Office. And the
safety of your funds is assured for the
government guarantees the security of
all deposits.
Furthermore, all monies may be with-
- drawn without notice.
id k .• Cor..
BRANCHES, Cor Ba e y e
Y Cc Adele
ll+ c.vrib v i+vick Ave, co..University &Fon Y & Dundee St.
OTHER BRANCHES AT Aylmer Brantford Hamilton,
Newmarket, Ottawa. Owen Sbund Pembroke. Seaforth,
St.. Cotuarume, St. Mary's, Walkerton, Woodettock.
Hetis�'�rF1C�. t��,':.�aes �'�' 5QaCeleSPARK
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