HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1928-07-19, Page 8kiENSAU. ,
Mr. and Mrs, 'Arotth 1ltrrs, ,vf
Tainor, Sask., and Mr. and •Mrs.
r. ,
•Ilowarrl,'�ok. llaititich#.� New. ;Ia;rse� ,
visite, with Mr. and Mrs, A.
recently l
Mrs. Agnes Mr1)vnatd visited dur-
ing the past week with relative. in Ta»
Miss Hazel Cottworth is' visiting' far
a few weeks with her mother here.
Miss Grace Tepper, is taking s
course with the O,A.e, at uttell)tt.
Mrs. ;I', Brown, of Eddy's Mills, vis-
ited over the week -end with Dr, and
Mrs. R: 1. P, Dougall;
Mr. William Webber. who has been
visiting in London for the past few
weeks, has returned hone,
Rev. J. H. Dykes. of Toronto, visit-
ed for a few days with friends in
3it,tge Lewis cis of Goderich was in
t, syr, Monday morning holding court
c , ;,;e appeal of Alex. Smith, against
the assessment of the property of
Owen Geger. Mr. Smith appealed tS
the judge that the assessment •o
n ..Lkt was far too low, that the as-
sessment on his dwelling of $3;600 was
far poo low on a building that cast
540.ii00 Or over, Mr. Smith also ap-
pealed for an $800.00 business assess-
ment to be placed on Mr. Geiger. Mr,
Geiger at certain tunes Oi the year ad-
vertises that he has lax seed, linseed
meal and other corm -nodules for sale;
manufactures his flax into' )W but re-
fuses to pay a business tax, the same
as other men in the yill•,ge, al+hough
paving a business tax in other towns
en the same class of bu,'ne;e, Mr.
J. G. Stanbury appeared for Mr, Gei-
ger. The Judge reserved his decision.
Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Penhale, of
Vancouver. \fr. and Mrs. William
Penhale, of Exeter, Mr, and Mrs. A.
J. Sweitxer and little daughter Lois
and Miss Lois Coby, of Detroit, Mr.
Bert Nosh of Woodstock. Miss Irma
Higgins, r' Kitchener, and Miss Ger-
trude Higgins, of Grand Bend, visited
cn Sunday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Higgins.
The many friends of Mr. Thomas
Murdoch are pleased to see him able
to be out again after his recent illness
The young son of Mr, and Mrs.
James Harrison,. of Goderich Town-
ship, in running across the street at
the Post Office corner on Thursday
last, was hit by a car and knocked
down, sustaining injury to his fore-
head and knee. The injuries, however,
were not serious, and after receiving
medical attention by Dr. Moir, was
able to return to his home.
Miss Hattie Sutherland is visiting
for a few clays with friends in Forest.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Sheffer, of
Toronto, visited over the week -end
with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sheffer.
Mrs. H. Wilson and daughter Vo-
gan, of Minneapolis, visited on Sunday
at the home of Mr. G. J. Sutherland.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Halliday. of Long
Branch, are visiting with Mr.
Mrs. Nelsen Blatchford,
Mrs, Shortt and daughter. Mrs.
Forestor. of Windsor, are visiting
with Misses Mary and Emma John-
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Webber on the arrival of a young
daughter on Friday last.
Mr. and \Mrs. J. W. White and dau-
ghter Janet visited on Sunday with
relatives at Hanover.
Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Hemphill, of
Detroit. are visiting relatives and
friends in town.
Mr. and Mrs, Fred Bowen and babe
visited relatives in Blyth on Sunday.
Miss Anna Tiernan, of Dashwood,
is visiting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles McDonell,
Mr. J. C. Clauson, a former well-
kna;vn resident of the village, but for
a number of years has been in the
West, visited a few days in town.
Mr. and Mrs. William Randall, Di
Plattsvilie, are visiting with Mrs.
Alex. McMurtrie.
Mrs. Thomas Simpson visited over
inc seek -end with friends in Kippen.
Mr. Paisley, who has been visiting
for the past week at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. E. Rennie, has returned to
his home in Montreal. Mrs. Paisley
and children intend remaining for a
few weeks.
Mr. Fleming and Mr. Thomas Simp-
son spent the week -end in Kin-
Miss Polly Moore, of London, is vis-
iting her sister, Mrs, Thomas Simp-
Mr. William Simpson and Mr. John
Carmichael, of Detroit, visited over
the Fourteenin outoffifteen
d with
scholars, who recently wrote on the
Entrance examinations, successfully
passed. Mr. McKay is to be congrat-
ulated on the success of his Entrance
The Twelfth of July at Hensall. -
The Orangemen of South Huron cele-
brated the Thurs-
day last, th at ie
one of the largesnsall t crowds
ever assembled at Hensall being pres-
ent. Main street was beautifully de-
corated for the Occasion. Dinner was
served by the ladies of the United
'Church, Mrs, Smith, at the Anglican
Church, at the hotel, and also by a
lunchnumber of At 1,30
the procession st started from the park,
headed by Herman Powe, of Central-
ia, County Master, and H, Hogg, of
Winthrop, Director of Ceremonies,
both being mounted on white horses
Lodges in the huge parade whose .ban-
ners were prominently displayed in-
cluded: Henson, L.O.L. 733, Prince of
Wales Lodge 303, Greenway L.O.B.A,
and L,O,L; Victoria L.O.B.A,; Lucan
ladies attired in white with Japanese
sunshades; 'Biddulph. L.O.L; Harcourt
and Lucan, Exeter, Crediton, Clinton
Highlanders Band, Huron L.O.B.A.,
ladies wearing yellow sunbonnets and
white dresses; Clinton, Winthrop,
Seaforth, Bayfield, Varna,Riveraton,
Goderich township, Goderich Victoria
lodges, the Forest 'City Fife and Drum
band. The parade marched up Queen
street to the London road and back
on Xing street to the baseball park,
where the speaking 'was held. Speakers
of the afternoon were; Reeve Robert
Higgins, Rev. Jas, Foote, Exeter, Rev.
A. Sinclair, Hensall, Rev.. Tarr, An-
thony of Thames Road and Mr, Wil-
liam Doig, Grand Master of the State
of Michigan. Reeve Higgins opened
the ongst-thosirh on theess of platftrtrtcwere
Mr, Thomas Stevens of Seaforth, who
has been an Orangeman for 71 years,
Mr. Thomas Idemphill of Detroit, who
carne over to take part. He has missed
only one Orange walk in 50 years.
llameiug was held ie the evening wltett
;t gittd' time was had by orderly
.trowels. "rhe beet dees;eti lodge ti In
the parade was Victoria 1..0.11 A sI ,
1.ttsat, attired iia white c ith 3apantse
. rt <olr `l t tktoe 1 lege itt ol'ua;tied
rece t,* h •t y"c. , at '. 1;,a o 1e` .
silt 1t l' 0."'t li t,t ' elerealed Star
4. td.t n "a. 7s°, t tart. lett
caatl i etre kw';1v eta 'i1 a brill y,
1101Mill 1\a. ,ie i", ^ 9 at ta, ,less It 1 0,
but the to e .rid not indicate the plat
t)it Monday Crediton yeas defeated tit
1lensall 4-3,
Three men from. a distance spent
Thursday night in the cells here for,
being drunk and disorderly. On Fri-
day morning they appeared before
Magistrate Reid Of Goderich and
were fined $50.0 and costs, or $55,75
each. This was the only case of any
disorder during the day or evening.
The scholars of i\ir. McKay's room
held a picnic in Mrs, Hugh McEwen's
bush on Monday afternoon, each scho-
lar inviting one friend.
Mr. Ernest 'Shaddoek, who was in-
jured in an automobile accident on
Thursday evening is able to be out
again. Mr, Shaddock had a narrow
escape. The accident happened at
Luker's corner, one car coming out on
the Daters road and meeting the
other car at the corner. Both cars
were badly smashed, and the inmates
received a bad shaking up.
Dr, Murray Fisher, wife and child,
of Biacebridge, Muskoka, are here Want
visiting Isis another, Mrs, Peter Fisher
and sister, Miss Eleanor,
Mr, Harry Hannon has (('loved , this
family to town from Toronto :and they,
are veetnpying the residence of Mr.
Earl Drummond, alt North Richmond
Mrs. Shear's and Mrs. Hooper•. ' of
Exeter, visited on Friday with itt'rs.
John, Murdoch,
Miss \ring Fisher, of IIatnilton, wile
has been visiting in and around Hen -
sail, has returned home,
hLce. 1'. Fisher visited over the
week -end with her daughter, Mrs.
Moffatt, at Briteefieid.
Mrs. Robt, Bonthron visited" ,rela-
tives htLticknoys on Tuesday.
Mr• J. \\r, Ortwein was in Kitchen-
er on Wednesday,'
Mr, and Mrs, Jacob Wertz, Mr, and
Mrs. Eichler and two children, of
Pigeon, Mich., Mr. , and Mrs. '. L
Hudson and children, of Seaforth, Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Merner and son Leon-
ard, of Zurich, Mr. and Mrs. Shauna-
baker and mother, and Miss Gilbert,
of Houston, Texas, were week -end
visitors with Mr. and Mrs, S. Meaner
and Mr, and Mrs. George Brock:
Worms sap the strength and under-
mine the vitality of children. Strength-
en them by using Mother Graves'
Worm Exterminator to drive out the
and For Sale ads, 3 times 50c
Car of fresh :Portland Cement 'jest
in. Also Hydrated, Ieinte and Paris -
tone, a ready made plaster,
(9130. A,ILLS*SONS,
Hardware Merchants, Seaforth.
30, -.--
.A few 12 -week-old I3. P. Rock cock-
erels, bred from pedigreed stock,
Also one Gravityhand w
asher with
wringer. 0,StEGIS1, Centre St,
Seaforth, Phone 304. 30
Tenders will be received by the un-
dersigned for painting the Egmond-
ville School up to Tuesday, July 31.
For further information, • apple; to
Bicliard Kruse, R. J, 13EATTIE, Sec.
Any n'untber of acres lip to fifty,
(nixed hay, .mostly timothy. Will sell
oii shares or on the. field. A. D.
SU'FH'HRLAIN?D' Seaforth 2915
Mr. and Mrs. W. J• ]Finnigan wish
to thank their many friends and neigh-
bors for the kind and thoughtful ex-
pressions of sympathy during their,
recent sad :bereavement. - ,
'1'lte hinder twine,,season is at hand.
s(t'ioltms it 1arnt.d get quyoattaftttytwi'anei
hand, Redpath bt d. Price' right t oedr
both twine and sugar, Number of
Waggon tclttgues in stook. Phone R,
j MfeMILLAN, 30
25-45 Sawyer -Massey gas threshing
outfit with good route -Cheap. Owner
retiring. Also 10-20 Titan in good.
forth 29
Expert Kodak finishing; Develop-
ing 5c a roll, pritts'3'c each, any size.
.TA'OKIS'ON STUDIO, Seaforth 41
Tenders will be received .for the
painting, of the inside of VOW)),
School House No, 1, Maillop and
Logan, until •tf my 27ttti•, '11'or farther
particnlars apply to FILTER E.
MALONEY, r,r: 5, Seaforth. 'Lot 8,
Con. 4, McKillop, 29
Any Huron Boy contemplating at -
‘tending the Ontario Agricultural Col-
lege for the two-year or associate
course is eligible to compete for the
combined Huron County and Massey
fund scholarship. Particulars of
scholarship may be found elsewhere
in this paper, Applications should be
addressed to the Department of Agri-
culture, Ctintoe, Ont. -29
Nearly all children are subject to
worms, and many are 'born with them,
Sparc .them suffering by using 'Moth-
er Graves' Worm Exterminator, an
Want and For Sale ads, 1 week 25c excellent remedy.
\. 5fy-,,,
Of 38 groups of manufac-
tured goods Canada sells
the Empire to the total of
$178,000,000. It is to be
remembered that the Em-
pire imports from all
countries these good's to
the amount of $2,571,000,-
000. The British Empire
presents a tremendous
opportunity for the devel-
opment of export on these
OLL down the map of the world. ' Follow the•British Empire
red through the continents and across the seas. There you
see beckoning markets for. Canada -where fewer bade
restrictions intervene, where British tradition is appreciated, where
Canada is known. There we can sell. There we can also buy. •
Canada is buying more Empire goods than ever before -things we
cannot grow or make -raw materials for our factories. Since 1922
Canada's imports from Empire countries have increased 67 per cent.
Last year we bought Empire .goods to the value of $2503000,000.
And what is Canada selling the ]Empire? 'Last year we shipped
$500,000,000 worth of our products to other British lands, an increase
of 44.3 per cent. in six years.
The various parts of the Empire want more Canadian goods. A
demand exists among them for Canadian manufactures, or for the
products of Canadian lands or waters. But we must see that our
exports are maintained at a rigid standard, that they are packed as
consumers desire, and that our prices are right.
To encourage this growing Empire trade, eleven of Canada's twenty-
four Trade Commissioners abroad, are working in Empire centres.
They are familiar with the demands of the people among whom they
live. Their services and the information they gather are at the
command of any Canadian ,producer or exporter. To get into touch
with Trade Commissioners, write the Commercial Intelligence
Service, Department of Trade and Commerce, Ottawa.
When you buy Empire goods, you do a part in making possible
greater Canadian exports to these sister countries. Where we sell,
we must also buy.
o°.C' F. C.1'., O'I ARA, Deputy Minister Hen. JAME$MALCOLM; Minister
5-rootned house on .Side Street,
Seaforth, Electric lights; hard and
soft water at the door. • Good wood-
shed end good garden. Apply to The
Newt Office. 31
Choice 50 -acre farm, in good condi-
tion, N54 lot 16, con. 5, McK•illop, all
cleared and 011 seeded down. Two
storey cement house, frame kitchen,
all in good repair, 'Barn 50'x46' on a
cement watl, cement :stabling and
water in the barn, 'Cement driving
house 24'x36', Frame hog pen 16'x24'.
Never failing well of choice (eater.
Well fence'd and underdrained with
tile drain. Will' be sold on easy terms
to suit purchaser, with or without
crop; Failure of'health is reason for
selling. For further particulars apply
on the premises or write to Seaforth,
p.a. 5, ROBERT GIBSON. t127
Corner James and Ann Streets, Sea -
forth, seven roomed house, electric
light, hard and soft water inside.
Garden and stable on property, Apply
MRS. WM. McMI'OH'AEL, John ate
or Phone 197. 18tf
The P,lack Perchemon -Stallion
has been purchased by Mr. William
H.'Keefer of. Dublin from Mr, R. W.
Agar, and will travel in the Seaforth
distinct this season.
)William. H. Keeler, Mgr
Wednesday, July 18,
Wheat, per bus. $1.40
Barley, per bus. 90c
Oats, per bus. • • 75c
Buckwheat, per bus. 80c
Shorts per cwt, $190
Bran, per cwt 1,80
Potatoes, per bag 1.50
Eggs, per doz. 20c-27'c-5'lc
Butter, per lb. 33c
Broilers, 1% Dias, per ib '1i8e
Broilers, under 1% lbs. per lb 15e
Old roosters, per Ib. 15c
Old hens, live, 6 ib. per lb.... 21c
Old hens, live, 5 lbs, per Ib 20c
Hogs, per cwt. $11.50-12.00
Mutual Fire f usuraece Co.
Officers -James Connolly, GoderT
ich; Alex. James Evans, Beechwood,.
Vice President; D. F. McGregor,
Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer,
Directors --Wm. Rinn, No. 2 Sea -
forth, John Bennewies, Brodhagen;
James Evans, 'Beechwood; M. Mc-
Ewen, Clinton; James Connolly, God-
erich; Alex. Broadfoot, No, 3, Sea -
forth; J. M. Sholdice, No. 4, Walton;
Robert Ferris, Harlock; George Mc-
Cartney, No, 3, Seaforth; Murray
Gibson, Brucefield.
Agents -Alex. Leitch, r.r. 1, Clin-
ton; E. Hinchley, Seaforth; J. A.
Murray, r.r. No. 3, Seaforth; J. V.
Yeo, Holtnesville; E. G. • Jarmouth,
Bornholm, James Kerr and John
Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors. Parties
desirous fo effect insuaance or trans-
act other business, will be promptly
attended to by applination to any of
the above named officers addressed
to their respective postoffices.
;Dp., H. HUGH ROSS, Physicia
and Surgeon, Late of Landon Hes-
pital, London, England. Specie.:
attention to diseases of the eye, ear,
nose and t'hr'oat, Offiee and r04
ence behind Dominion Bank, Office
Phone No, 5; Residence Phone 104
DR. F, 3, II3URRIOWS, Seaforth,
Office and residence, Goderich street;
east' of the Methodist !Church, 'Car•
ones for 'the County of Huron. Tela(,
phone No. 40.
DR. C, MAOKAY.-. . Mackay,
C lis ,..., y,
honor- graduate of Trimly UniVera-
ity and gold medallist of Trinity
rMedieal College; member of the Out -
lege of Physicians and Surgeons el
DTR. F. 5, R. FORSTiER-Eye, Este,
Nose and Throat. Graduate in Medi-
cine! University of Toronto 1897. iLet4;,,
Assistant New York Ophthaimic and
Aural Institu'te, Moorefield's Eye, and
Golden Square throat hospitals, Lon-
don, England. At ;Commercial 'hotel,
Seaforth, 3rd Monday itt earth monthe. i
from 111 a.m. to3p•m, Al'
DR. W. C. 'SPR'OAT.-Graduate et
Faculty of Medicine, University a4
Western Ontario, London.' Memisr
of College of Physicians and,Sar.
geons of Ontario. Office in AberSigfes
Drug Store, 'Main St., Seaforth.
Phone 90,
DR. WM. ABERHART, Graduate of
Faculty of Medicine, University of
Toronto. Member of College of
Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario,
Licentiate of Medical Council of
Canada, Late interne Toronto Wes-
tern Hospital. Office --Queen's Hofisi
Building, North MainStreet, Phone
89. Night calls, phone 1'1.1,
Successpr to Dr. R. R. Ross, grade -
ate of Northwestern University, a -
sago, I11. Licentiate Royal College ea
Dental . Surgeons, Toronto. Office
ver Sills' hardware, Main street.
Seaforth. Phone 151.
DR. F. J, B'EOH'FILY, ' graduate
Royal 'Col'lege o'f' Dental .Surgeons;
Toronto. Office over W. R. Smith's
Grocery, Main street, Seaforth
Phones, office 185W, residence 1853
Auctioneer for the County of Hume
Arrangements an be made for Sale
Date at The Seaforth News. Charges
moderate and satisfaction guaranteed.
Auctioneer for Huron County. Ar-
rangements can 'be • made for sales at
The Seaforth News, Charges mode-
rate, Guaranteed satisfaction, Phone
I34r5, Seaforth. 2611
(Successors to James Watson)
All kinds of Insurance risks effect-
ed at lowest rates in First -Cass
Have your next
Snit or Overcoat
made by
Practical Tailor
Prices from $25.00 up.
Try us for Prompt Service
Style and Satisfaction
with TONY The Wonder Horse
Tumbling River
from the story "The Scourge of the Little 0"
- Star of "The Volga Boatman"
in .
,The Night Flyer
A Tale of -the Roaring Rails