HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1928-07-19, Page 5THURSDAY
ULY 18, 1828
Our Prices good for one week
New Potatoes, No, I stock, plc.
Slider's Catsup, bottle
Lemon or Limocup, per .bottle
Ceito, per bottle
Canned Raspberries, per tin
Green Gage Plunis, per tin
Yellow Peaches per tin
Tom, or
Veg. Soup
S /mg /Or
We Use U, Trite at the
Red and •White
Ross J. Sproat Ph°ne3'
At • Me Stewart Phone 77
We pay the highest prices for good cream.
Our services to our patrons ate the best that can be given.
Do not send your cream to other Creameries; we want
it here.
To operate a Creamery we need your co-operation.
In return for you co-operation we will give you of our
best in service and prices.
We are agent for the Mellotte Cream Separators. Come
in and see the new Models.
Seaforth Creamery Co, Seaforth, Ont,
C. A. BARBER, Prop.
Walker W. J, &
Motor or Horse Equipment
W. J. WALKER, holder of Go-
vernment diploma and license.
Flowers Furnished.
Night or day phone 67.
DH McInnes
Of Wingham, will be at the
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth
Monday, Wednesday and
Friday Afternoons
Diseases of all kinds success-
fully treated,
Electricity used.
Beware of an Itchy Spot
Keep your hair and scalp
clean, also free from dan-
druff by having your next
shampoo at
Just around the Corner in
the Dominion Bank Build-
Phone 125.
Pianos Toned
Cleaned and
Chas, A, llowey
Residence -James St.
Worms in children work havoc.
These pests attack the tender lining
of the intestines and, if left to pursue
their ravages .undisturbed; will ulti-
mately perforate the wall, because
these worms are of the hook variety
that cling to and feed upon the inter-
ior surfaces. Miller's Wortn Powders
will not only exterminate these wornts
of whatever variety, but will serve to
repair the injury they have done,
PILIA A.'C;'AN,-In McICillop, on Sat-
urdayi June 30th, 1928, to Mr, and
Mrs, Joseph Flanagan, a daughter.
Notice to Motorists
A traffic officer for the County of
Huron has been appointed, and will
be on duty in the future to enforce
the Highway, Traffic .Act. The inten-
tion in making the appointment is to
curb reckless driving, and to make the
roads more safe for traffic. Com-
plaints' are continually being made of
speeding through hamlets and vil-
lages, across intersections where the
view is obstructed, as well ,as .of ex-
cessive speed on. the highways, and
it will be the duty, of the officer to
check such driving in aa endeavor to
prevent accidents.
The officer will also be concerned
with cars driving without tail light,
with one head light, with glaring
headlights, or with defective brakes,
Nearly all reckless driving is the
result of thbughtlessness and of in-
consideration for others, and while
the necessity is to be regretted, it is
expected that some prosecutions will
be necessary.
The motor cycle on which the of-
ficer will operate is equipped with a
siren, and upon hearing this siren all
drivers must slow down till they as-
certain the cause. The purpose of the
siren is to reduce. the necessity of
speeding after vehicles on the motor
cycle, which is a dangerous perfor-
mance for the officer and to the users
of the road.
The co-operation of • all is solicited
in this attempt to enforce safe and
sane driving.
Huron County Roads Commission-
Mrs, M. Fraser, Seaforth, is visiting
her sister, Mrs. 'McCoy.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Jeffry, Hamilton,
and Mr. and Mrs. H. Mathews, Buf-
falo. spent a couple of days last week
With Mr. and Mrs, William Jeffry.
The haying is in full swing this
While playing softball' Mr. Arvin
\Voi'den had the misfortune to sprain
his knee very badly.
Mr, and Mrs. C. Harrigan and.fatn-
sly, Chatham, called on Mr. and Mrs.
George Vivian on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Hambiey, Miss
Vera and Mr. Harvey spent Sunday
in Walton,
Miss Mary Hastings has returned
ftotue from London after her recent
Mr. and Mrs. William Sadler and
family, Mn, and Mrs. R. Sadler and
Mr: and, Mrs, O. Reed spent Sunday
at Grand Bend,.
Mr. and Mrs. F. O'Brien visited
with relatives near Walton on S.ttst-
Mr. and Mrs, H. Leslie spent the
week -end in Gait, Misses Flora and
May Emmerson returned with them,
Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Forsythe, of
Rippem, spent Sunday at the 'home' of.
Mr, 'Robin McAllister.
Mr. Thomas Walker, of Marlette,
Michigan, is visiting among friends
during the week
Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Jarrott, of Brtg-
den, motored up on Sunday, Mrs. "E.
Troyer returning with them to spend
a fewManuel weeks, Reichert met with a
painful accident on Saturday evening,
when he was run into by a car, re
turtling from Zurich. Mr. Reichert
had his collar bone broken, three,ribs'
his hip. He was taken to London
hospital, .Ii
hod is condition is serious.
Miss Hazel Webster and friends, of
Ltieknow, spent` Suud'ay: at the • ,home
of Mr. Francis Coleman,
Miss Margaret Grieve, of Egmond-
clile, visited last week with Miss
.Grace Coleman. Grace returned with
her to spettd tite week -end,
'Mr's, A. A, Forman, of Fort Wil-
Pian, is visitine her parents, Mr. and;
,Mrs Joseph Keati"o.
,Mrs, Gammon, Mrs, Matter, and
Ms Wheat, of Forest, spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Nichols,
Oliver H. Kirk and. Frances L.
Creighton, of Detroit are r^isitiecgSt
the hence of Oliver's parents' and
Frances' g 'ndparents, Mr. and Mrs,
A. M. Kirk,
it .ted 'Mrs. 'Harry. Mooney, Ivlr.
and Mrs, Leslie Mooney, of Bemidji,
Minn, .are guests at the home of Mr.
int tilts, John Grimoldhy. It is over
21 years since they left this 'dis•triet,
Mrs. Harry Mooney is a sister to Mr,
•John Grlmoldbe.
Mrs, Eimer ,Reid, of Stratford, and
Mr, James McDonald, of London, are
guests of Mr. and Mrs. John 'Gritti-
Messrs, .Fred Barlow and Harold
Peterson attended the annual conven-
tion of the Canadian 'Shoemakers' As.
soctation in Hamilton this week.
Mr, and,Mrs. John Cooke, of To-
ronto, visited with their aunt and
uncle Mr, and Mrs. John 4VcIbster,
the last of the week.
Mrs Gordon Webster, of Toronto,
is et present visiting around and in
Seaforth. •
Mr, and Mrs. C. Eckert have return-
ed from Detroit, accompanied by
Messrs. Gordon Hays and Louis
Brail and Mrs, H. Desbottra, all of
Detroit, the latter returning after a.
brief stay,
Mr, and Mrs, Norman Kirk, of
Kansas City, returned home by De-
troit and Chicago after spending their
holidays with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs, Andrew Kirk.
Mr, John Bailge, Huron Road`e'ast,
is erecting a fine new garage.
Mr. and Mrs. H. R. .Hastings, of
Port Arthur, Texas, visited the Tat-
ter's uncle, A. L. Porteous. They
carte by motor arid greatly enjoyed
their first visit to Canada.
Week -end guests at the home of
Mr, and Mrs, Peter DelCourcy, Eg-
rondville, were Mr. and, Humphrey
Lyoid and little daughter Mary, of
Florida, and Mrs, VtTm, Habkirk, New
Mrs. J. V. Ryan. met with a sad ac-
cident last week when she fell and
broke her right arra at the wrist and.
no doubt will be laid up for some
time. 'We hope to hear of her speedy
Dr. Win, Aberhart opened his of-
fice in the Queen's Hotel building,
North Main Street, on Thursday of
this week,
Mr. William Porteous, of Buffalo, is
spending a week with his brother, Mr.
A. L. Porteous.
Mn. 'Joseph Eckart las engaged an
expert machinist to repair .his thresh-
ing ou.tfi't,
•Mrs. Wm. Ament and sister-in..lawa,
Mrs. Coates, of London, are spending
the week at Kincardine.
Mr. and -Mrs. David Davis, of Riv-
erhurs't, Sask., visited last weelc with
his mother, Mrs. Margaret Davis,
Mrs. William Nelson and daughter,
Miss Greta Helson, of Toronto were
guests of Mrs. S. Boyd on Monday.
Miss Helson was on the Collegiate
staff some years ago.
Rev. Mr. Sinclair, Tiverton, brother
to Hon. W. E. N, Sinclair. will take
the services in • the Presbyterian
Church Sunday next. Rev, Mr. Wood-
side, of London, preached to large
congregations at bath services on
Mr. Thomas Walker, Mr. Thomas
Hudson, of Marlette, Mich.; Mn, Thos,
Consitt and Russel, of Hey; and Mr.
and Mrs, James Smith and family, of
Windsor, and Mrs, Wil(Consitt, of
Hensel!, were week -end visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. John Consitt,
The 'Rebekahs held a picnic at Bay-
field on Wednesday afternoon.
Mn.,George Hays returned for a two
weeks' visit with Mr, and Mrs. Gor-
don Hays, of Detroit, who spent the
week -end with Col. and Mrs. Hays.
,Messrs, Frank and Bruce Scott, of
Torontoe were guests during the week
with their aunt and uncle, Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Dickson, and other
Mr. and Mrs,- David MnCutcheon
and family, of Viscount, Sask., and
Mr. and Mrs. Ford Sparks and son
Lorne, of Cochrane, are visiting Mrs.
George Sparks.
Mr. Borden Mercier, of Windsor, is.
holidaying in town.
Mrs. Beetlia O'Connell and daugh-
ter Dorothy, of -Windsor. are visiting
relatives here.
Mr. D. F. Buck. of :Rouyn, Que.. is
spending a few days in town this
Mrs. Sclater and ` daughter Vera
motored from Stoughton, Sask., and
have been guests "with Mr. and Mrs.
John McIntosh, Centre street, the past
week. They expect to return to
Stoughton the first week in August.
Mrs. George Laird, of Fargo. N.D.,
who spent the past few months at the
home of her brother, Mr. J. R, G'oven-
lock, left on 'Tuesd'ay for Atlanta; N.
Dakota. She intends spending a few
days in Chicago with her nephew, Mr.
W. H. Govenlock; on her way home,
Mrs. Andrew Park, of Nelson, Brit-
ish Columbia, is here attending the
funeral of her sister, Mrs, Samuel
Miss Lillian Morley of Milvet•toi
leas been engaged as teacher in Eg-
mondville •public school.
Mrs, John Shea of Beechwood,un-
derwent an operation for appendicitis
in the hospital on Tuesday. She is
progressing as favorably as can be
Mks Anne Downey, nurse -in -train;
ing et the Seaforth hospital, has re-
turned fi'am spending her holidays 'at
•Mrs. Leslie 'Mullen is in Seaforth
hospital at present,
A:Ir. George Fowler of Fergo, N.
D'a,leota, is visiting his nieces, the
Misses Cresswell.
Mrs, 1+. G. Livingston and Miss
Gilchrist Livingstone, of Detroit, are
spending their holidays in town,
Col. Alex, Wilson of Toronto "is
visi'tiitg his sister, Mrs, A. Young.
Mrs, Meintzntan and Mrs, (Dr.) Trow
were also brief visitors. '
Mr,send Mrs. Ed. Davis of Tilson-
,bitt'g, are visitiltg ,Miss Edith David-
Mrs. Stone of Rapid City, Man.,
left 'Weclnesday after spending the
,gist week with her aunt, Mrs, Geo. E.
13 derso
The pavers. have' completed 2%
miles df pavement west of Seaforth,
Mt Peter •Daley and his daughter,
Mrs, Thornton, art visiting his son,
Mr, Ed, Daley, Walkerton,
Mr, slid Mrs. Frank Baxter and
Mr. and Mtn: Richard Thompson and
daughter Helen visited Mr, (Tarry
Baxter in Toronto last week,
Mrs. Hudson and Misses Vera and
Mae 'Hudson and Mrs. Shannon at-
tended the Corrigan fancily reunion et
Clast ookstoweek,wn Friday and Saturday of
Mrs. D, F. Smith and Margaret and
Archie, Mrs. John Hillier, Mr, and
Mrs, William Hillier a.nd Winnifred
and Messrs. Alf, and,Hugh Hillie? all
of Sarnia, were week -end guests at
the home of Mrs, Smith's sister, Mrs,
joscph Gibson,
Mr. Ben, Johnson, of Hatniltou, cad
a town visitor of Tuesday,
Miss Margaret Cudtuore is spending
a week or two with- her sister, Asa
1 velyn Cudnttare,.in Toronto
Miss Sadie Baxter, of Mitchell, vis-
ited her aunt and uncle, Mi, and Mrs,
Frank Baxter, this week,
Mr. and Mrs, Jack Clifton and
Frank Taylor Clifton, of Detroit, are
spending the week with Mr, and Mrs.
Geo. D Ferguson.
Mr, Earle Webster, son of Mr, and
Mrs, T. J. Webster, has been ap-
pointed principal of the—Two-roomed
public school at South Porcupine,
New Ontario,
Al.t'. William \'Nileta n and sister,
Mrs. Stewart, attended the funeral of
a cousin in Goderich,
Mr, and Mrs. Hoover, and Mr, and
Mrs, Fisher Toronto; and Mr, and
Mrs,1-1, E, Stark, Welland, were week
end guests with Mrs. A. E. 'Stark.
Messtrs, Robert .Scarlett and Thos,
McMillan, KIP., attended Maeon'ic
Grand Lodge on Wednesday and
Thursday in London,
Mr, Alex, Sparks and son Lorne,' of
London, were visitors Friday and Sat-
urday last weelc his mother, Mrs. Geo,
Mrs. Habkirk, of. Walton, is visit-
ing this week at the home of Mr: and
Mrs. Joseph Gibson,
Mr. and i'Lrs, Wm. Cuthill and' three
daughters, of Sheldon, N. Dak., visit-
ed with Mr. and Mrs. Robert McI{ay
last week.
Master Willie Charlesworth, of To-
ronto, is holidaying with his encle
and aunt, Mr, and Mrs. W. C. Gotten -
Mr. and Mrs, Walter Robinson, Mr.
and Mrs, Norman Bohanan, of Lon-
don, were Sunday visitors with Mr.
and Mrs, Fred Robinson.
Miss Beatrice Seip was a week -end
guest at her home on Market Street.
Mrs, William Finlayson and daugh-
ter Lola, of Welesley, are holidaying
with lvfrs. .Finlayson's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. H. Weiland,
'Miss Gladys Way is attending the
:summer school in Goderich as a dele-
gate from Egtnondville Y.P.S.
Mr, Sloward Barker and sons Har-
vey end George, Miss Anne Barker,
all of Stratford; Misses 'Ella, and
Bertha Barker, Toronto, and Miss Lil-
lian Pulleyblank, R.N., of Grace Hos-
pital, Detroit, were Sunday guests at
the hone of Mrs. Hugh Wright, . N.
Main Street.
Reel and Mrs. A. W. Barker, of
Brussels, spent Saturday afternoon
with Mr. and Mrs. Tyerman. /
Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Hill, of Lon-
don, spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs,
Jahn 'Millson, N. Main Street,
Master Douglas Stewart is spend-
ing his holidays with his cousin, Ste-
wart Bell, Hensall.
Miss Howe, of Detroit, and Miss
Clark, of Kingsville, were guests of
Mrs, J. B. Tyerman this week.
Mr. and Mrs, Charles McGregor
and son Ross and Mrs. John Milken
motored to Stratford Sunday morning,
Mrs. Wells and little daughter visit-
ed at the home of Mr, Joshua Pol-
lard Tuesday,
Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Reid are spend-
ing their vacation at the former's
home on Victoria Street. They in-
tend to leave for Detroit to spend
some time there and take in the
Shriners' parade:
Miss Margaret Grieve, daughter -of
Mr. and Mrs. James ,Grieve, entertain-
ed several of her girl friends last week.
Mrs. Thos, Coulter was in London
visiting her sister, Mrs. Billett,
Mr. and Mrs, Billett, of London,
and Mrs. Thos. Coulter, of Egmond-
ville, were camping at Bayfield for
several days.
.Mrs. Adam Hays was hostess at a
troussea tea held at her home on Fri-
day evening in, honor of her daughter
Jean. The house was prettily decor-
ated for the occasion, and the pretty
trousseau was displayed in several
rooms by friends of brae bride»to-be,
and was admired by the guests. A
buffet luncheon was served through-
out the evening.
The regular meeting of the C.G.I.T.
tt Egmonclville was held on. Tuesday
afternoon' in the basement of the Eg-
tnandville Church, The meeting open-
ed with the C,G,I.T, opening cere-
mony, followed by hymn 256. The
topic, "The Preparing of Peter for
1:'entecost," was ably taken by Mildred
Wallace. This was followed by the
business part of the aneetimg, during
Which the camp grounds, tents, etc.,
were discussed, The camp is to be
held the followieg month. The n eet-
ing was then .adjourned by Mildred
The regular meeting of the W. 11.
5, of Cginondville United 'Church was
held last week. Opened by singing
hymn 97, followed by prayer. Scrip-
ture, "clow Women in New Testa-
ment Days Helped," taken .by Mrs,
Idowatt, Mrs McKenzie Sr.,r12rs,
Reinke, Mr's. S,hillinglaw, Mrs. Sher-
wood, and Miss Thom, Devotional
leaflet, "In the 'Midst of Common
Life," was given by Mrs. McDonald.
Minutes of the Inst meeting, offering
and roil. After this, a leaflet entitled,
"Community Mission Work," was
taken by Mrs, Stewart and Mrs.
Allen, Miss Thom and Mrs, McMillan.
Meeting was closed by singing hyann,
11e, followed by prayer by Mrs. Mc-
oon't know the half
Performance that reaches thrilling new limits!
Srrnoothness that sets a new mark in motordom!
Gas efficiency that alters all previous standards!
A single ride will explain why this has been the most
enthusiastically accepted Hudson ever built.
'1600 and up
All prices f. o. b. Windsor, taxes extra
Buyers can pay for cars out of income at lowest available charge
for interest, handling and insurance
The Huron County W.C.T.U. held
its 31st annual convention in Ontario
Street Church, Clinton, on Tuesday,
July 10th, with morning, afternoon
and evening sessions. The President,
Mrs. A. T. Cooper, in the chair. En-
couraging Deports were received from
the departments of work. The ad-
dress of welcome' was given by Mrs.
W. Hiles, of 'Clinton, and was re-
sponded to by Miss Mabel Baitie, of
Goderich. At the afternoon session
repents from Secretaries and Treasur-
er followed. The question drawer
was conducted by Mrs. T: T. George,
of'Londou, Field Secretary of Provin-
cial W.C.T.U. Mrs. .Downs and Mrs.
Aiken rendered a duet. The election
of officers resulted: ,Hon. Pres., Mrs.
Davidson, Goderich; Mrs. A. Mc-
Guire, Brussels; Pres„ Mrs. A, T.
Cooper, Clinton; lst Vice, Mrs. A. E.
Lloyd, Wingham; 2nd Vice, Mrs, E.
Bender, Blyth; 3rd Vice, Miss J.
Murray, Exeter; on, Sec'y, Miss E.
Murdoch, Heusall; Rec, Sec'y, Miss
A. IE, Consitt, Exeter; Treasurer,
Miss Mabel Bailie, Goderich; Y.
Sec'y, Miss B. Joyn't, Wingham; L.T.
Sec'y, Mrs. Geo, Johnston, Goderich;
Auditor, Miss Robertson, Goderich.
Mr, A. T. Cooper gave a short ad-
dress on law enforcement, The mem-
orial service at the close of the morn-
ing session was conducted by Mrs. A.
E. Lloyd, of Wingham. Four mem-
bers were on the list. The evening
sessitott had as chairman, Rev. J. E.
Hogg: A duet was given by Mrs, H.
Fitzsimmons and Mrs. Corless, sev-
eral numbers by little Billie Joe John-
ston, of Goderich, a fine recitation by
George Henderson, of Wingham, and
a comprehensive address by Mrs. T.
T. George, of London. Various reso-
lutions were brought in by the resolu-
tions committee, discussed, and ad-
opted by the convention. Dinner and
supper were served by the members
of the Clinton Union.
Paring a corn is both risky and in-
effective. It is .much better to use
Holloway's Corn Remover and eradi-
cate them entirely.
Varna United Church Garden Party
to be held on Dr. L. Moffatt's lawn,
on Thursday evening, 'Aug, 2nd, Tea
served from 6 to 8, Adults 50c, chil-
dren25c. The entertainers will be the
Favorite Four, assistedby Archie Mc-
Cullough, and. Dr. L. Moffatt, all of
London. In case of rain, will be held
the following evening. 30.
Mr, M•utch of Clinton and Messrs.
Webster, of Varna, carried off the
prizes for best drumming and Ming
at the celebration at Heusall en Thurs-
day last. They hete'e done so annually
for some time,
The garden party held on the lawn
of Mr. Lorne Manson last Wednesday
evenhtg ,was well attended and the ex-
cellent programme was most thor-
oughly enjoyed by all.
Mrs, J; A. Currie, of Toronto, who
has been spending a few clays with .her
sister, Mise Margaret Sparks, of the
Bronson Line, returned home early in
the week.
Mr. Alphonse Shea, an old Bronson
Line boy, who has been for many
years in ,the Canadian West, has been
renewing old acquaintances itt the vi-
cinity of his old home during the past
Mr, and Mrs. Shiers, Mr. and Mrs.
Nathaniel Ester .and daughter :Pearl
anti Mr, and Mrs. Allen Ester spent
Thursday evening with -Mr. and Mrs,
J. A. Carnie. Miss Mat•yibcl ,Carnie
returned with them to spend a few
days with theta et their cottage at
Miss Jean Certtie returned Saturday
afternoon from a visit to friends at
Hensel! and Exeter.
Miss Margaret Tough is attending
the summer school at Goderich this
Mrs. Oscar Wright and fancily, of
Kenilworth, are `visiting at the home
of her mother, Mrs. George Dowson,
this week,
Mr, Thomas t as Reid and sister,. Miss
Eunice Reid, were Sunday visitors
with Mr, and Mrs, A, W. Keys, Baby-
lon Line,
Mr. Robert McNaughton, of Guelph,
was home for the week -end visiting
his parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. Mc-
Mr. and Mrs. H. Dayntond have
purchased a new Ford car.
Miss Gladys McKenzie, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Peter IvfdKcnzie, is vis-
iting her grandmother, Mrs. J. Mc-
Kenzie, Hensel!.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Wright have
purchased a new Ford car,
Mr, and Mrs. William James, of
Toronto, are visiting Mr, and Mrs,
Charles Wasman, for a few days.
Mrs, George Cameron visited at the
home of her sister, Mrs. William Fin-
nigan, Sunday last,
Rev. J. AI, Eckert and Rev. Fr.
Reichert, of New York, are spend-
ing their vacation with their friends in
this vicinity.
A'Ir. W. Rapiers is still -busy with
cement work
He still has two bares
to. finish near Walton.
Haying operations were greatly.
hampered by the rain last week. The
crop is heavier than was at first an-
Rub It in for Lame Back,—A brisk
rubbing with Dr. Thomas' Eciectric
Oil will relieve lame back. The skin
will immediately absorb the oil and it
will penetrate the tissues and bring
speedy relief. Try it and be convinced.
As the liniment sinks in, the pain
comes out and there are ample
grounds for saying that it id an ex-
cellent article.
Real Estate, Conveyancing. Bonds
and Investments
Phone 152
Seaforth, Ontario.
A Good Portion
of beef served to you for the evening
meal, roasted about medium, with the
blood gravy oozing through, gives
one a foundation., It just makes one's
mouth water to think of it. Row
was that last piece of meat we sent
you? wasn't it fins.
Your Butcher.
Phone 58 Seaforth,
!"Tie Snecial M'1
1 vert(1n l
We have it—Give it a Trial, Also
Grain Screenings Chop of All Kinds
argTED xl Helper, so go
ienced mechanalic, atod ollexper-
Goodyear Tires anti 'rubes
Battery Sales and Service.
Charging and Repairing all makes of Batteries
A good: line of new and used parts of different makes of ears
if your ear is in need of repairs, give us a call
Studebaker Sales and Service
�� YICe
PHONB 167W -