HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1928-07-12, Page 8r, MAGI k IQ r Tii14 ..SEAFOI~ TT`I N] ligNSALle, Mies Helen Swan visited for it w 4 flays this weak with her sister in Lotulou, 's ` f tratferd' wa Mr.ErnestBates o 4 is: town du ;Monday. Miss Florence Welsh of London visite,l.over the week, end with her parents, Mr. and aMrs, Thomas Welsh. Mr, Jack Carmichael, •who has been holidaying for the past twoo .weeks at his home here, returned to Detroit on Sunday, d tisi Afr. Moss McLean of De'trort visited over the week end with re atives around Hensall, Miss Dorothy. Hoskins and Mr, Verne Redden visited over the week end with friends in Stratford. • Mr, and Mrs, Alfred Hunkin of Thames Road visited on Sunday at the home of Mr, William McLaren. Mr. 1'. C. Joynt spent a few days this week in Walkerviile. Mrs, Coffin. and little daugh't'er of Huntingdon, Cal., are visiting with relatives in •and around Hensall. 'The many friend's. of Mr. .'Thomas t Murdock will be sorry to learn that '1 he is eott'finesi to his home through 111-. y Hess•. Mrs. V. Woods, Mrs.. K Callas and Mrs. Vermileau of. Santa Barbara, Cal, are visiting their s other, Mrs, John Dinsdale and sister, Mrs. Fred •Simmons and others relatives here, Mrs• John Murdock, who has been visiting for the past week with friends in Exeter, has returned home. Mr. Roy Vermileau, of Toronto, vis- ited' over the week end at .the home of Mrs, John Dinsdale, and was accom- panied back by his wife, who has been visiting for several months in California, A number from Hensall attended the thirty-first annual convention of the Huron County Women's Christian Temperance Union, which was held in the Ontario street United 'Church,. Clinton on Tuesday, Mrs. A. A. George of London gave interesting addresses afternoon and evening. 'Mr. Jack Swan of Windsor is visit- ing far a few days with his parents here. Miss Lillian Steacy and Miss .Doro- 'thy Heffernan visited over the week end with friends in Stratford. Mr. George Thompson of Toronto is visiting 'this week with friends here. 'Mrs. J. Green, who has been visit- ing for the past two weeks with her daughter in Detroit, returned- home Monday evening. Miss Amy Laramie of Toronto is holidaying at her home here. Dr. and Mrs. Coulter and family of Toledo are visiting the doctor's par- enes, Mr. and Mrs. John Coulter. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hudson of Chi- cago are visiting the former's parents, ,J4r, and Mrs. Geo, Hudson.. Mr. Ned Bkwes has been engag- ed as principal of the Hensall public eelneee .,, take the place of Mr, Wil - Ilam McKay who etcentle resigned, and Mr. Ferris Cantelon has been en- gaged as principal of the continuation school, in place of Miss Jessie John- son. Mrs. Leslie Sullins of Detroit is vis- iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hudson. Misses Rossie and Gladys Broad - foot visited during the past week with. relatives in Detroit. Mr. A, Smith is improving the ap- pearance of his store by having it nicely repainted. Mr. G. Lavey and daughter and Mr. and Mrs, Walter Lavey of St. Marys, Dr, Smith and wife of Omar, Mich.. Mrs. William Smith of Pang- man, Sask., visited over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Smith. Miss Helen Smith of Omar, Mich„ and Mr. Floyd Smith of Detroit are holidaying here with 'their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Smith. The annual'S.'S. picnic of the United Church will be held on Wednesday, July 18th at Bayfield. A good time is expected. There died in Hensall on Sunday, one of our oldest residents in the per- son of Mrs. James Sutherland in her 93rd year. Mrs. Sutherland's maiden name was Harriett E. Dant, and she was a daughter of the late Col, John Dent, and was born in Embro, Ont. She spent her early fife in Embro and attended college at Cobourg. After her marriage t' tine late Tames Seth- erland they lived at Embro, Forest and Hensall, where they have resided since. She was a consistent member of the Prebsyterian Church till union, when tele family became connected with the United Church. She leaves to mourn her loss one son, George J. Sutherland, postmaster at Hensall, and one daughter, Miss Hattie, at home, and two sisters, Mrs, A. H. Carroll and Mrs. G. Scott of Wood- stock, and one brother, H. M. Dent of Sudbury. The funeral, which was priv'ate, took place from her late res- idence on King street on Tuesday afternoon to the Hensall Union ceme- tery, and was conducted by her pas- tor, Rev. Arthur Sinclair. The pall- bearers were: William McKay, Chas. McDonnell, James A. Bell George C.Petty, George Case, and John Craig. Amongst those who attended the fun- eral from a distance were Mr. John Magnan and Mrs. William Mag,nail of Beachville, Miss Bessie Dent of Stratford, Mrs. Carroll and Mrs Scott of 'Woodstock, Mrs. Charles Nichols and daughter of London Mrs. Dr. Hyman of Exeter and Mrs. Marry Wilson of Winnipeg. The Orangemen are malting great preparations to celebrate the 12th •here on Thursday, A large number of lodges have promised to attend. There will be a baseball match between Staf- fs and Hensall in the morning at ten. At 1.30 the parade will start from the Park grounds and after their march will return to the park wheer address- es will be given by prominent speak- ers. There willbe dancing in the hall afternoon and evening. Meals will be served et the United Church, the ho- tel and other places. Mrs• Paisley and children; of Mon- treal are visiting her parents, Mr. and: Mrs, E. Rennie. Council Meeting. -The regular mon- thly meeting of the Village Council was held on Tnesday, July 3, all the members' present. A deputation from " the firemen was present and made in - quirks on the Are engine leaving town in case of a in the country Councillors Petty and Priest reported that they had placed ItCw tops on all the water tanks in town. .The Reeve reported that the gravelling was fin - lobed, with the e:eeptiorl of a Piece from the •London Road to Shecrilt s gateway, This piece of ,road, if not akeit over by the eonntythis stuatrner t will be gravelled in the fall, Nelson Blatchford was eePeinted weed ne Spector. .A nunber of accosuats were presented and .ordered pard. The Council then adjourned• the first part of the meeting end then started as a Court of ,revision on the Black Creek Drain, Some discussion took place on the different assessments and it was finally decided to adjourn the Court until Friday evening and in the useatatijne- to go carefully into any assessments•• Word was received last week that tine body of Mr, ,Leslie Allen, assist ant manager of the T. Eaton Co. at Moneton, . New 'Brunswick, and sola - In -law to Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Drummond, of Hensall, had been found, Last fall Mr, Allen; accom- panied by, some friends, went on a fishing trap into the wilds of New Brunswick. One evening Mr. Allen wandered away from the camp' and was lost: On failing to come back the alarm was. sounded and the best guides in the province secured, and the search has been practically kept tip •ever since. The body was found about. eighteen Hailes from where the original camp was located, 'indicating that be had wandered a long 'distance. The body was sent to Toronto for burial. 'Miss. Margaret Drummond has been with her aunt in New Brunswick since spring, and, they never gave up hope that either Mr. Allen wouid•return, or that his body would be found. Miss Irma Higgins left last week for Waterloo, where she has secured a position in the head office of the Mutual 'Life Insurance Co. of that city. :Miss ,Mattie Ellis left last week for Guelph where she will visit with her sister, Mrs. Fred :Sanallacombe, and intends leaving shortly for the West to visit her niece and nephew and will visit there for t few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. C. Cook and son Harry left by motor, on Thursday last for Los Angeles where they will visit for a few months with their dau- ghter and son-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. Morley Chellew. Mr. Clarence ,Sheppard, of Mani- tonlin Island, is spending his vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J'a•ck Sheppard, east of the village. 'Misses Mary and Emma Johnson have purchased a fine new Ford coach, .A new coal and wood storehouse has been erected at the rear. of the United Church, which will be much More convenient. 'Mr. andMre. M'. Wilson Berry, of s Windsor, spent a day with Mrs. Thos. Berry last week, little skill in the game ape provided much :tentsenaent for both participa- tor and onlooker. After a game of baseball by he youngmen, the come ii1y ;team dispersed to tweet later round the supperatable. Races were held after this w'hicb both old and yoeng equally enjoyed and in which boils took part, Each persoe belting part in the races received a prize, and as it was getting late, all departed for home, well eatisrfad with the day's events. This is ,the first Diorite which lute been orgataized by . the "Merry: taaaker s •Club and both it and the "club' were voted a decided success. • Mrs. George Sloan. -On 'Thursday, July 5th, "the funeral of •Iveary Anne year, canis to this' country with her uaother, two, br'tatlaeee end three sisters abont years ago. She was married 52 years ago to Mr. Janaes 'Ielartin, who now' survives be'. One sister, Mrs, Joseph 'Lawrence,also survives her, Thoes who attended the ftuaeral •frons a drstenee were; Messrs, Brien anti john Martin and Miss Jane Mar - ,tin, of -Stratford, and Mr.. and Mrs, Joseph Lawrence, of Petersburg. DUBLIN, o Dili', and Mrs. Vi . ,Krauskopf, , De- troit, spent the weekend with their friends irs town. Rev; Father Weber,,of I -lesson; call- ed on friend's iu the village last week. Ryan, beloved wife of 'Mr, George e Mrs• James Carpenter and her y G g daughter Lib'bie- awl son Peter, and Sloan took place. from 'her..late i•es'id- ence, Lot 11, Concession 8, to St, tool- Mr, Reardon, all of Detroit, were umban Church, where Requiem 'Mass guests at the home of Miss Jean Mc- was sling by her pastor, 'Rev Fr, Connell, Dantzer, and interment was made in We cossgratulete Mary Dorienstein, St. 'Coiunthen cemetery, The pall- Mary. Dillon, 'GertrudeMulligan, Etla- bearers were: Martin Murray, 'Peter elyn OtHearn,•,Moniea Beach, Mary Eckert, T. E. Roan, 'Timothy Lynch, Mclvcr, Dorothy Brennan, Carrie Oe- Matthew'J,'Lynela and, hotnas Moy- Connor and Dan McCarthy on being lin, A large concourse of friends and successful in the Entrance exams; i� 'Mrs. James Flannery, of Detroit, relatives gather:to pay tribute to the J � k y' memory of one :whom they had loved spent Saturday evening' with Mr. and and esteemed during her lifetime in Mrs. Peter McIver. their midst. To her family alis had Mr, and Mrs. J, Ir, Murphy and been a 'kind and loving sister, wife Misses Mary and lefargare_t visited and inother and .oto her friends• and friends in Guelph'and 'Hasnudton over neighbors she had ever been a 'willing the week -end. heli in time of trouble, •Tian late 'qrs. Mr.. And Mrs: Mayberry, of Brant - Sloan was born 54 years 'ago in Mc- ford, and Mee, James Canoe, of Titus- Killop, one and a half miles west of ville, -Pee and Mrs, Rutherford, of Walton, daughter of Patrick acid' Mrs. Stt'atford,,,,were guests of Mr. and Ryan, and 'had lived all her life ee Mrs, Alex.`Darling, - MaIdillop• She is survived ; by her Mr., Joseph Carbert, of Detroit, is husband, end three daughters and one visiting his sister, Mrs, George Iiol- son:` Mrs. Joseph Jordan and Mrs. land, of town, • - Mac Feeney, of Hibbert; Mrs, Staph • Mr. and Mrs, Gar. 'Smith spent en Eckert, of Timmins, and James, of Sunday at•'the home of her brother, MtKitlop, Also two sisters and three Mr. Charles MctDaid, in'Kitchener. brothers: 'Mrs, James Rowland, ofMrs. Rice and„Miss Race, • the pub- Calgary, ub Calgary„Alta.; Mrs. Albert Kelly, of lir school teacher, were in town, jest Blyth; Thomas Ryan, of 'Brussels, week and called on Mr. and Mrs. and Patrick and ,Janes of the West. Alex. .Darling. 1We are pleased • to Her daughter, Mrs. Stephen Eckert, know that Miss Rice will be with us of Timmins, was home to attend the for another year and that her two funeral. The family have the- sym- Pupils passed the, Entrance, which pathy of the community in their sad speaks well for her. bereavement. et is a pleasure to the people of Dublin an'd to the tourists to have Miss Mary Snaith has been visiting such a nice lunch room. The ' Smith at her home the past week. brothers are very kind and ' accom Miss Jean Carswell, of Toronto, is modating and that is what counts in visiting friends in this vicinity. their business. We wish them success Miss Olive Medd has been re -en- in their new home. gaged as teacher for S,'S. No. 2, Mc- IsIr. and Mrs. Joseph Klinkhamer Killop, for the coining year. have returned to Detroit, after a long Mr. and Mrs, 'Andrew Middleholtz visit with her father, Mr.Clark. Mrs. and daughter Mary =and two sons, Kllinkhamer has been very ill all win - Leo and .Clatis, .called on Mrs. Mary ter, but is much improved. She is ac- Krauskopf ,On their way to Zurich. • companied by Miss Margaret Dillon. Miss Clara Krauskopf left for D'e- Miss Teresa Delaney. has secured a troit on Monday. - position as stenographer in Toronto. S.S. No. 12, -Following is the re- Mrs. James Iireliy, of Arthur, is vis - port of the June promotion examinee iting her daughter, Mrs, Pat. Woods. tion for S. 'S. Nb. 12, McKillop. The We are sorry to bear that. Mrs. Philip Kenny is on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. John Kenny'and, Clavor returned to their home ,in De- troit after spending a few days' with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kenny. We are sorry to bear that Mrs. Jahn Kelly is on the sick list, Mr. Ralph Dill, of Detroit, he spend- ing holidays with this parents here. Rev. F. A. ,McCardie, of Kings- bridge, visited with ;friends in Dublin on Tuesday, 'Mrs James Klinkhamer, of Detroit, spent the week -end with his family here. The CAVIL. are holding a dance in the Parish .1-1a.1.1 on Thursday eve, July 12th. Music by a Stratford orchestra. Come and enjoy yourself for a few hours. Mr. Frank Smith and family have moved into the residence recently purchased from John Redmond. Miss Ruth Hills. is visiting with, friends in Toronto. Mrs. Michell, of Toronto, and Rev. WneMichell,, of Washington, are vis- iting with friends in Dublin. Mrs. Basil Burns, of Detroit, spent the week -end with her sinter, Mrs. J. Me. Sna•rti; of Detroit visit. classes for next term are as follows: earl liver the week -end with hiss father` Sr. i V.- jack 'Hulley 79, John l 60. I Adams here, and was accompanied back with his wife and child who have Veen vis- iting here for -a few weeks. Mr. Jack Woods, of Santa Barbara, Calif., is visiting at .the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Simmons and other relatives in and around Hensall,- Miss Alice Dougall, of Windsor, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. \Villiam 'Dougall. Mr, and Mrs. James :Smith and fam- ily, of Windsor, visited with Mr. and Mrs. William Consitt. A number of the Hensall girls at- tended the picnic at Miss Tory Bol- ton's school. A number of ball games were played, also horse shoes and a number of other sports, after which supper was served. Mrs. J. F, Kimball and little daugh- ter, of Chicago, are visiting her sis- ter. Mrs. Robert Patterson. Mr. Orville Twitchell has improved the appearance of his garage by hav- ing the front of it nicely painted. "Mrs, A. Horton and grandson, Ray Patterson, who have been visiting for a number of weeks in Chicago, have returned home. Misses Jean and Dorothy Campbell of Toronto, are visiting their grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs• Thomas Mur- doch. Miss Helen Swan visited for a few days with her sister in London, VARNA. At the time of writing we are sor- ry to report Mr. Oren Dowson is suffering with an attack of inflamma- tory rheumatism. After a long and painful illness, Mrs, Pilgrim passed away on Monday in Seaforth hospital. The many friends of Mrs. Chuter are sorry to know she 'is suffering from flu, Mr. C. Pilgrim of Detroit is home for a few days. Rev. Mr. Harrison of Clinton con- ducted the service in St. Johns Church on Sunday. During the recent rain storms Var- na was struck by Lighting -not light- ning. Nothing serious has happened so far. ]Rev. Mr. Penrose conducted service in Exeter Sunday. Jr, "IV.-'Gretta 'Hulley 92, Agnes Dodds 80, Sr. III. -Agnes 'Case 73, Elizabeth McFarlane 70. Jr, III. -Bert 'McSpadden 75, Tillie Hulley 70. Sr. IL -Author McClure 48. Jr. 11. Margaret Habkirk 85, George Habkirk 82. Primer, --Gordon Hulley, good. The winners of the spelling contest for the entire term were IV. -Mary Dodds; MC -Agnes Dodds.; II.: Bert MdSpadden; I,• George Habkirk. Annie E. Strong, Teacher. MANLEY. Obituary. -The death occurred on Wednesday, July 411h, of Mrs, James Martin at her late hom•, 'Concession 10, Menlo township, •after 'a pro- longed illness. The funeral took place on Friday morning to St. ,Col= umban Church, where Requiem High Mass was celebrated' . by ;Rev. ;Fr. Dantzer, and thence to St. Columban cemetery, where interment was' made. The deceased, who was in her 79th McKILLOP. In Division Court held in Seaforth on July 6th, before His Honor Judge Lewis, J. L. Malone of McKillop took action against Lorne 'Wilson of Tuckersmith, for $65.00 in connection with a horse transaction. The horse was sold by defendant to plaintiff on the understanding that it was a silt-, corning seven-year-old beast. Plain- tiff had testimony of a veterinary that the horse appeared to be eleven years old, Defendantpleaded lea den h e had not guaranteed the age of the horse,but ad •purchased it on the understanding it was under seven years of age and later saidthe animal to the plaintiff believing it to be under, seven years old. The jury allowed plain'tiff $50.00, Merrymakers' picnic, - That She "Merrymakers" good times were not confined to the winter months was clearly in evidence oil Thursday last who. their curb met le fi3ayfield on th Ir picnic. The day Was an ideal one for a picnic and the different fam- ilies met in Jowett's grove where they soon assembled round k table well - laden with chicken and other good things. - After dinner they separated r Mtn different groups, which late met to witness a welt -snatched game of fontball by the men, :captained by Robert Campbell and Adrian Hogg, This was followed by a game of foot- ball by the girls, who also showed no leanNut Source of 1 2 3 In vacant lots and partially culti- vated fields. In. fence corners where the plough- share cannot penetrate. Along the roadways of your district. Each year weeds destroy Ontario's crops to the en tent of millions of dollars. You must help rid your community of this menace byco.operating in every way. See that your own land is clear. ' Re' port weed growths on roadways, vacant proper' ties or uncultivated fields to your representative on your local council O to your weed insP ect or. Thus you will be doing your duty in exterminating one of the greatest enemies of successful fanssing-noxious weeds. Write for Bulletin, "Wads of Ontario?' ONTARIO DEPAkTMRNT OF AGRICULTURE Parliament Buildings } . Toronto WON. JOHN S. MARTIN Minister W. B. EOAOHOUSZ 'Alteputy Minister • '.T{OR SALES One hundred l -{year-old S.'C, White Leghorn hens, '1 hese birds were all trap nested iutd called, 'We have also a few 12 -week-old 11,' P, Rock cocker- els; bred froaia, pedigreed stock, Also one Gravityhand washer with wring- er. O, S'IiRGRIS'T, 'Centre S.t„ Sea forth,. Phone 304. 30 APARTMENT TO RENT, 'Wstlr bathroom and all modern eon- •veniences. Apply to MIIS. JAMES t;;tILID1*Si' E, N. cicala St., Seaforth. • 24 AUCTION SALE Of Hive Stock, Fresh Caws, 'Calves and Pigs at lot 5, Dori. 17, 'Grey, ora- leeid'ay, July 13th, at 1 pan, GEOIRGIE RAIv1.SA'Y, Prop, -67 FARMERS' ATTENTION A meeting of the Wheat Pool Sign., ers will be held in the Town Hall Fri- day evening, July 13, at 8 p.m,. The binder twine season is at .hand. Conan and get your twine when it shits you. A quantity . of sugar • on hand, Redpath brand, Price right ,on both twine and sugar. Number of waggon tongues in stock. Phone R. J. 30 BUGGY FOR SALE. For sale, a rubber tired buggy in good condition, can be seen at Peter Fitzpatrick's, con. eeelli'bbert, 27. FOR SALE. 1+5 acres of timothy and alfalfa hay, Also 24 acres of pasture with good water supply, for rent. Apply to MRS. M. CU'RTIN, Seaforth. tf `FOR SALE, 1 'Durham cow newly calved, 4 - year -old. Ten pigs, 'We months .old. Apply at The News Office. 28 FOR SALE. 25-45 Sawyer -Massey gas threshing outfit with good route --Cheap. Owner retiring. Also 10-20 Tifan in good shape. LO:f7TS EB,ERiiAIRT, ` Sea - forth 29 Expert Finishing Expert kodak finishing; developing be a roll, prjitts Sc °soh any size. Jackson studio. WANTED. An Inspector or Superintendent for Huron County Children's Aid Society n place of Mr, G. M. Elliott, ,resigned. App'iications in Writing, stating quali- fications and salary expected will be •eceived by the undersigned up to July 19th, 1928, duties to 'begin as soon as 'possible. Full particulars as to duties expected, etc., will be given by he Cleric on application. ' GEO. W. H10LM'AN, Dated at ,Goderich, Clerk, Huron. he 25th day of June, 1928. .. 28` CARD OF THANKS. • Mr. George Sloan and familywish to thank their friends and neighbors Inc many acts, of kindness daring their bereavement. CARD OF THANKS. Mrs. James Hughes and family, of Seaforth, wish to express their heart- felt thanks for the many spiritual and floral offerings and acts of kindness during their recent sad bereavement 'FARM I''f:/ft SALE. choice e0 -sere farm, ie good pantile tion, N%J. lot 16„ cone 5, McKillop 411 cleared and all seeded down. lino storey cesaent'hoesc, frame kitchen, all in good'repair. Barn 50'x46' ten a ceenetat wall, cement stabling and water in the barn. 'Cement drivin ' . house 24'x36'. Frame hog peat 16 x24 Never failing well of choice water, Well fenced and underdr'ained with tile drain, Will be sold on easy terms to stan purchaser, with or without - a1 la i e weep, Failure of•he k g son for reason selling. For further particular's apply on the premises or write to Seaforth, R.R. 5, ROBERT GIBS'ON, . t127 HOUSR FOR • SAE. Corner James and Ann Streets, Sea - forth,. seven roomed house, electric light, hard and soft water inside: Garden and stable en property. Apply MRS, WM. McM'DOHAEL,' John st., or Phone 197. 18tf THURSDAY, JUL '' 12, 19Z OFESSIONA L CARIIA Medical. The Black PercheronStallion "DIAMANT" has been purchased by Mr. William H. Keeler of Dublin from Mr, R. W. Agar, and will travel id the, Seaforth disticict this season, • ler, tWilliam H, Kee , Mgr 2111 SEAFORTH MARKETS, Wednesday, July 11th. Wheat, per bus, • $L400 Barley, per bus. ..••••, .- Oats, per bus, 75c Bucicwheat, per bus. 820 Shorts, per cwt. Bran, 10 B per cwt. t r Potaoes, per bag $1,50 Eggs, per doz. 31c -35c' Butter, per lb. 35c Broilers, 13/4 Ua,, per Ib 18c Broilers, under 1% lbs,' per Ib , , 15c Old roosters, per. lb, - 15c Old hens, live, i 1lb.... 2/c e, 6 b per Old hens, live, 5 lbs,per 'lb 20c Hogs, per cwt. $1'125 THEKI Mc I,LOP Mutual Fire Insurance e in ran ceCo DR. H. HUGH , ROSS, Phytic"sni and Surgeon. Late of London 1111 Hilal, London, England, Spetittl attention to diseases of the eye, east, nose aand�nthtttat, Office and ;Witt, once behind Dominion Bank. Olden Phone No. 5; Residence Phone Imo. FARM AND ISOLATE'D' TOWN PROPERTY- .-O N L.Y, -INSURED Officers --James . Connolly, Goder.- ich; Alex, James Evans, Beeehwood, Vice President; D. F. McGregor, Seaforth, , ;Sec. -Treasurer. Directors -•Wm. ;Rini; No. 2 Sea - forth, John FBennewies, Brodhagen; James Evans, Beeahtwood; M. Mc- Ewen, Clinton; James Connolly, God- erich; Alex, 'Broadfoot, No. 3, Sea- forth; J M. Sholdice, No. 4, Walton; Robert Ferris, Harlock; George Mc- Cartney, No. 3, Seaforth; Murray Gibson, 'Brucefield, • Agents -Alex. Leitch, r.r. ''_1, 'Clin- ton; E. Hinchley, Seaforth; J, A. Murray, r,r, No. 3, Seaforth;• J. V. Yeo, Holmesville; R. G. Jarmouth, Bornholm, ` James Kerr and John Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors, Parties desirous- oto 'effect .,insurance or trans- act other business.' will be promptly,, attended to by application to any, of the above, named officers ..addressed - to Their respective'postoffices: DR. F. J, BURROWS,, tSetsfitirtk,: Office and residence, Godertch_Aceilt east of the Methodist Church. 'Dt over for t'he.'Couss4y of Huron. '4''ttfa• Phone No. 40. DR. C. ''M'AOKAY.--C, Metil ty< honor graduate of Trinity thaws* ity' and gold medallist of. Tricky Medical College; member of tlae,Otilie lege of Physicians and Surgeons Ontarfp, OR, F. J.sR, FORSTrER-Eye, Mae: Nose and Throat. Graduate in idedie rine! University of. Toronto 1897. iii Assistant New York Ophthalmic: lung; Aural Institute, Moorefield's Eye, sad Golden Square throat hospitaim, Lane don, England. Ad Commercial. %sae. Seaforth, 3rd Monday it evils mond, from 111 a,m. to 3 p,m. DR. W. C. SFiL'OAT.-•raduaee.+sl Faculty of Medicine, University et Western Ontario, London, Illienalsee of College of Physicians and '.fist- geons of Ontario, Office in Abere. Drug.; Store, Jatain St., Seedste. Phone' 90, Dental. DR.•J. A. IMU•Nt' Successor to Dr, R. R. Ross, gratlotn ate. of Northwestern University, Qs11• bago, Ill. Licentiate 'Royal Coll at, Dental Surgeons, 'Toronto: c ver Sills' hardware, Main +Cunt. Seaforth. Phone 1'91. DR. F. J. B'EOH'ELY, graduant Royal College of Dental Sure, Toronto. Office over W. R. Snit e Grocery, Main street,. 'Statectfa. Phones, 'office 185W, residence B184J Auctioneer: ' GEORGE 'ELLIOTT, Licensee Auctioneer for the County of idfasnc. Arrangements can. be made foa. Sate Date at The Seaford' News• :hews moderate and, satisfaction guararebesI.:. HAROLD JACKSON- 'Lic®ac& Auctioneer for Huron County. &es rangements can 'be, made for sales et The- Seaforth 'News.' Charges made - rate. Guaranteed satisfaction, Anne 134r5, Seaforth. • 26)1 WATSON AND RIEI' REAL ESTATE. AND INSURANCE AGENT• -(ISuccessors to James Watson) MAIN ST., SEAPORTS, -ONT. All kinds of, Insurance risks tame ed at lowest rates in • First -Med Companies. Flanagan. Mr. Jos. Jordan, of Detroit, spent the week -end with Mr. James Jordan. Mr. and Mrs. Tom. Morris, Mr. Pat. Morris, Mrs. M. McQuaid and Mrs. 1'. V. McGrath spent Sunday it Lon- don. Miss Eileen Jordan, of Rochester, N.Y., who hs spent 'tire past two years teaching in that city has return- ed home to spend the summer months with her parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. James Jordan, Miss Marie Benninger, who has sperm the last week in Mildmay at- ending tending the Old Boys' Reunion, has returned to her home. Miss B. Mc'Grath, of Stratford, is visiting at the home of her brother,, Mr. John McGrath. Miss Verna. Drake, of .Stratford, sPent the -week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Drake. Miss Annie Ryan, of Seaforth, is attending her mother, who is laid up with a sprained. ankle. Mr. Joseph McGrath Jr., John Mc- Grath cGrath Jr. and Hugh McGrath, spent Sunday at Bayfield. Miss Anna Dillon has taken up work at Mrs, L. J. Looby's for the summer and Gertrude Mulligan has employment with Mrs. George Hol- land for the summer holidays. Miss Margaret Howard, of Brant- ford, and Mrs: Wna. Tate, of•'Strat ford, Calle don friends in the village on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. James Shea, of Wind- sor, have returned ito their home after a ,pleasant visit with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. O'Rourke en- tertained a number of friends on Sun- day evening. The Ladies' Guild monthly meeting' was held at the home of Mrs. Leslie Moore in Hibbert last Thursday. All the officers of the Guild were present. i and the were counted, thecans w db , an lucky one 'fell to Mrs. Wm. Hills, a very nice white and blue granite set, The lucky number-vvas 1,632. C R Y. ROM T A Mrs. David Bruce has returned to her home here after spending a month with her daughter,' Mrs, Balfour, in Windsor. 'Mr. John Hamilton spent a stay in Toronto last week with his sister, Miss Lizzie Hamilton, ,who is ill in St. John's Hospital, Toronto, Rev, and Mrs. Ritchie and family, of. Point Edward, motored here last week atad yisited a mintbe'r of their old friends, Mrs, Ritchie stayed over theattended W iaM. Shea 25th e nIjtesbytenaofn Church, which was held at the home of Mrs, James Hill on Saturday, July 7th. Salso very aV1 service ht the Presbyterian took the Church on Sunday and her address was much en-. joyed by all. Mrs, Will Norris' and children, of Detroit, are visiting friends in this vicinity, Have your next , Suit or Overcoat made by BATSMAN E. W. • Practical Tailor " MAIN ST., SEAFORTH Prices from $25.00 ups ,YOUR. OWN MATERIALS MADE UP AT -REASONABLE RATES Try us for'Prompt Service Style and Satisfaction THURSDAY, FRIDAY and 'SATURDAY RIN=TIN=TIN. A DOG OF THE REGIMENT Based on R.in=Tin=Tin's own life DOROTHY GULLIVE and TOM GALLERY appearing in suppoitt