HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1928-07-12, Page 4PAGE FOUR . THJ3; SEAPORTH NEWS Sneered= Bros., .Publishers, W,ALTQN. "Life," Days ma , be long and cloudy, Night be, dark and drear, Pleasures few and illusive Sorrows abundantly near. But what is the use of repinings ? Darkness give's way to dawn, All clouds have silver linings That appear when the storm is gone. Backs were made or the burdens, So sante- wise mac has said, Troubles are God's distinguished blessings Showered upon our heads. Sometimes the think that others' Lives flow along like a soug; Appearances often deceive us, \Vs may be entirely wrong, Perhaps we're the one who is envied, Tho' we feel so downcast and blue, And shouldn't we really be thankful For friends, who are steadfast and true ? Ourchildren, the light of our fireside, Their smiles, their prattle and play ? Our work and strength, that given. us To cheerfully do it each day ? Would we really change place with another heart ? Could we know his innermost Still waters run deepest, We may only know in part, The heartaches, sorrows and longings That he bravely tries to hide 'Neath a mask of _apparent brightness To the 13•aping world outside. of our lives were made all sunshine 'iVithout a little shade, Would we enjoy the blessings The Heavenly Father gave ? Would we love and help the fallen ones Lea fortunate and weak ? Or persuade a wayward brother A starry crown to seek ? We each must have our struggles, If we get the most from life, And win the reward that is promised To those "who have fought the good fight," The sante road we oft times find dreary Was trod by the Saints above Who now are waiting our coming en the Beautiful 'City of God. (—Composed by Cora Forbes (lowland). Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Pipe and Helen are apeuding a few days witb Mrs .Pearl Shaw d Mr and Mrs. Arnold Barris of elaskatohewan spent a few (lays with Sohn and Mrs. 'Terris. The many friends of lire. Lizai Ramsay are glad to hear she is ins. - proving Mr. and Mrs, James McLaughlin and Eileen, of Dutton, spent the week- end with friends around Walton, Mr. R. Dougherty spent the past week in London, returning home an 'Tuesday. Mrs, Joseph Carter returned home Monday after spending a few days in London. Cosby Innes had his arm broken on Sunday while playing on a swing at Bayfield with Charlie McDonald, The rope broke when the two were up in the air. Cosby being hurled forward, lit on his shoulder, but Chuck man- aged to hold onto the rope till he was able to reach the ground and was un- hurt. Cosby was taken to Clinton hospital where an x-ray was taken and his arm was attende dto. Mr. John Driscoll had the misfor- tune to hurt his back when the mower seat slipped, letting hint fall back- wards. He will be laid up for seine time. Miss Evelyn Campbell is spending a few days with her cousins. Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Campbell. Mr. John Kernaghan is suffering from a broken rib and several bruises which he received in acer accident on Thursday evening of last week. Mr. M. Rowland had part of his barn reehiugled last week. The garden party las; Wednesday night was a big success. The gate re' ceipts were $454. Mrs. Grigg, of Moose Jaw. Sask., is visiting friends around Walton for a week. Mr. J. J, MdGavin, local U,F.O, shipper, was in Toronto over the week end with two loads of hogs and a load of cattle. Miss 'vera Elliott, of Goderich, who has been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Shortreed. returned' home on Saturday. Miss Jean Drager visited Iter friend. Miss Ruth Cornier, Goderich, over the week -end. 'Miss Alma Snider is visiting at the home of Mrs, Charles Drager. Miss Margaret Love, R.N., is visit- ing friends and relative.: in Kinhttrn this week. Mrs, R. Martie, of Seaforth, has been visiting at the home of Mr. and Airs. Duncan Johnston. Mrs. Silas Johnston,- 16th Con„ Grey. underwent an operation for e,nitre in the Kitchener -'Waterloo hos- pital on Saturday of last week and is doing as well as can be expected. Mr. James Lawson, who has been visiting Mende and relatives around Ottawa, returned borne on 1,Vedneeday .,t last wed.. i rs el The Quant' friends c f .I Jelin T d. Hislop are sorry to learn she is uol enjoying as god health as usual. The construction gang who have been working m of the new skeel'•taro of RebaPatrsen's; west boundary, have almost finished it, 'Miss Mary McDonald. of Detroit, it; spending a few days at the parental Mame here, regaining her strength af- ter e eeriatts illness: Miss Annie Simpson is spending the holidays at the hone of her brother, jetties Simpson on the east boundary. Mr, Jolt" 'Keller, of Chicago, -Til., is spending We vacation at the limn, of Haigh end Mrs. Campbell, 16th Con., A remarkable thing happened. last 'Wcdttesctaynight where calves belong- ing ton villeger brokeloose to .par- ade up to the garden party to hear the, tlicrhlandere lemic, Mr, and Mrs. W. J. D£gksott of Sea - forth and Mrs. W. Scott af Winnipeg are visiting 'their brother, Mr. George Dicksou-who is still very ill, Miss Jessie Demote is visiting her friend, Miss Rosie Talbot at Learning. ton, ' Mrs.. Wilson and datneater•, Mrs. Moore, and Mr, Moore left Tuesday for their home at Grand Rapids, Mich, after visiting in McKillop, Mrs, Hugh Kirkby. of Morris has a very bill' round -leaf geranium plant that measures 3 It., 11 in, and bears 7 or 8 buds and two blossoms, • ,The plant Inas grown like a shrub, It was got a• year ago from f fir. Cutt o£ Myth. TIICKERSMITH, Miss, Jessie Hodgert, of Exeter, t f at the home of Mr. s a tt a few days to e le Y and Mrs, Thomas Hodgert last week, !Ladies Aid No, 3, of Eginondville United Ghurcli held its monthly meet- ing at the•home of 'Mrs. John Taylor. 'Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Bell, of De- troit, spent last week alt the home of Mr, and Mrs. George •Boli, of Tuck- ersmith, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hodgert spent Sunday in Exeter visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs, William Elgie visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John McLachlan on Tuesday. Master Russel Hodgert 15 visiting at the 'tante of his uncle, Mr, John Hodger't. Miss Frances Houston, of Brant- ford, is spending her holidays at the home of her parents, Mr, and 'Mrs, Samuel Houston. Mr. and 'Mrs. George Handley and daughter spent the week -end at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. James Gemmell. ' Mr. Albert Martindale visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Thomas liudgert on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. A. McKinnon spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. T. Lane. Mr. and Mrs. L. -Bell, of Detroit, called on Mrs. James 'McIntosh Satur- day last. Mises Loretto Lane, of ,Maynvoth, is hone for her vacation. Miss Mary McNaughton, of Sault Ste. Marie, is spending ,the summer vacation at her home. Mr. and Mrs. 'Won. James, of To- ronto, are spending a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs, G. 'Cameron, S.S. No. 7 held their annual picnic to Bayfield Friday last; a large num- ber of the section were present and everyone enjoyed a good time. Airs, Luff and Roland and Dorothy, of Hamilton, are spending their holi- days at Messrs. John and William Martin's. Mrs. McCartney and Mrs, 'Wilkin, of Clinton, were visitors at the home of their brother, Mr. Louis Tebbutt, last week. Mr. Carl Wilkin, of Wind- sor, was also a visitor. Mr. and Mrs, A. Matheson were in Toronto over the week -end with their son Cecil, whom we regret to learn is seriously 111, Mr. -and Mrs, Oscar Bail, of Detroit, visited Mr. and Mrs, J. E. ;Ball over the week -end, Haying has commenced. A few fields of sweet clover have been cut. School house No. 4 is being improv- ed during the holidays. It will be raised and a basementbuilt and a heating system installed, A number of improvements were made to the church property at Tur- ner's Church last week, Mrs. Wharin and Helen and Jean and Philip Wharin and Miss Helen Davis, all of Toronto, were week -end visitors at the home of Messrs, John and 1Villiann Martin. Mr. Davis Moore underwent an op- eration for his nose in'London hospi- tal last wee!: and is improving nicely, STAFFA. Miss Marie Sillery, Batchawana, is spending her vacation under the par- cntal roof. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Elliott and children; spent the week -end with friend:; in London, Mis Eva Vernor, Stratford, is holi- daying with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Miller, Mr, and Mrs. C. Bowman, Hagers- ville, visited with their son, Mr, Cecil Plowman, recently. Miss G. Leary, Mitchell, and Miss M, Harburn, Flint, are holidaying with their cousin, Miss Vera Leary. Miss Mary Hastings is progressing favorably after her recent operation for appendicitis in a London hospital. Mr. and 'Mrs. Walter O'Brien, , of Flint Mich,. spent a few days with relatives in Staffa and Cromarty. Mr. and Mrs. W. Copp, London, visited with Mr. and Mrs, George Mason last week. Don't forget the Baseball Tourna- ment to be held on Aug. 1st. Four fast teams will play. Further notice later. Mr. Harold Oilirien, Flint, spent the week -end at his home here. Misses Dorothy and Alice Riley, Dublin, are visiting their grand- parent- Mr. and Mrs. R, (Lavery. Mr. Ken. Drake ,rade a trip to De- troit recently, and brought home a new Chevrolet truck. Mr. and Mrs. D. r. Hill and son, „f Waterford, spent a week's holidays with Mr. and Mrs. James Hill re- cently. Miss Iva Elliott, Mitchell, teas the tenet .,t Mi: Marzette Sadler last week Miest: , e.r of P Toronto, c to, and Miss F. Coepee. Seafort), spent the week -end with their sister, Mrs. F. Hambley. Mr. -Howard Leary, r London, spent eni the holiday week -end with his parents, Mr. George .Prater visited his sister in Watford over the holiday. Misses Irene Sillery, Marzette Sad- ler and Belle McLellan, teachers from Stratford, Whalen and Carlisle, are home for their vacation. Internally and Externally it is Good, --.The crowning ptiroperty' of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric .011 is ,that it cmu, heneed internally far many com- plaints na well as externally. For sere throat croup, whooping cough, pains in the chest, colic and many kits - deed ailments it has qualities that are unsurpassed, asset. A bottle tl of tit costs little and there is no foss in always having it at hand.. l LzlvMVILLE. Mrs, 1VellhtoiSMer utas ; ed as gt pian�st of n thisicichtu'oh, resign; Walter Walter Johns is taking the position very ably, commencing last Sunday. Saerament of the . Lord's Supper was administered at the close of the inorniug•'s service last Sunday; I-I'ayiug has =menaced and protn- iscs to be a good crop if Weather is favorable, Misses Joy and Evelyn Whitiopk of St. Thomas were visitors fila the neigh- borhood last week, • KITTEN/ Airs, James McClymont has return- ed hone after spending a few' days with friends in London, Mr. Harvey McClyinont spent the week -end with friend;; in London, 'Mg George 7 air n ! e oe Detroit, is nodi t f s t pe a kw days with Isis brotitt,r- I -1 n I 1 a Y � r, R. to 4 Aa n n of Tnck- r Y Ct^smith, Mr, .and Mrs, William Ivison, of the village, is' spending a few weeks with her sister, in Toronto. • Mr. Thomas Mutt has employed Mrs, Len, Purdy for the summer months. The latter is residing in Mr. W. E. Butt's house in the north end, Mrs, John. McKenzie, of H'ensall, is visiting at the !tome of her 'son, Mr. William MoKenzie, of Stanley,. "Hiss Etna Hyde and Mr. Laurie Hyde, who have been teaching, have returned home for the holidays and are visiting their parents,- Mr, and Mrs. John Hyde. Miss Norma Hood, of Buffalo, vis itedduring the last week at the home Hof oodlee.r parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph ' 'Mr, Alex. Hyde was hoinp visiting his parents over the holidays. Mr, and Mrs. Howard Taylor and family, of Midland, New York, visit- ed at. the hone of Mr, and Mrs. Charles Switzer last week. Miss Anna May Hood visited. friends in London over the first of July. RILLSGREEN. - .\Ir. and ;Mrs. Robert 'Stephenson have returned hone _front their visit to Lttcknow and Walkerton. Much sympathy is extended to the bereaved parents and family of Mr. David Anderson in the death of their second son, William, who was killed in a car accident last 'Thursday even- ing, west of Brucefield. The funeral, which was private, took place on Sun- day afternoon to Baird's cemetery, Quite a number from this vicinity took in the anniversary at 'Blake on. Sunday, Mr. Mac McAllister of Port Huron attended the funeral of William An- derson on Sunday. STANLEY. Rev. W. 0. Robinson, Storthtiake, Sask., and Mr, and Mrs. Richard Ro- binson, Carlile, Sasir„ arrived at their home on the Goshen line last week after a ten-day motor trip from the West, Rev. Mr. Robinson recently accepted a call from Antler, Sask., and will talre' charge the:e ou August let IIe was formerly pastor of the Walton Methodist Church. BAYFIELD Tlie Misses Parke attended the fu neral of their brother-in-law, Mr. Al- bert Redmond. in Marlette, Mich., on Sunday, July 8, Mr. Redmond wan born on the Goshen line, Stanley, 73 years ago son of the late John and Mrs. Redmond, He was twice mar- ried, his fired wife, formerly Miss Parke, predeceasing some years. It is 45 years since he left Stanley. His widow and seven children survive. LONDESBORO. Mr, and Mrs. Ivan Ross of Vine- land spent last Thursday at the home of Mr. W. G. Ross. Mr. and AL•s. Abb Knox and little son Teddie, of Macklin, Sask., are vis- iting at the home of Mrs. Knox's par- ents, Mr, .and Mrs. Brumbley. Mr, and Mrs. John Radford and fancily motored to London on Friday last. Mrs. Elseley and Mrs. Tamblyn re- turned last Saturday to their homes here after visiting a month with To- ronto and Hamilton friends, Mr. and Mrs. Will Tamblyn and children of Toronto are spending a couple of weeks with the former's mother here. Mr. and Mrs. Snider and family of Windsor visited at the home of Mr. John 'Radford last week. Mr. and Mrs. James Hessen of Buf- falo, and Mess Betty are visiting at the home of Mr. John Armstrong, Mr, and Mrs, A;ntstrong and 'Mrs, Taman spent Sunday with Westfield' friends: Rev. Mr. Abrey spent Monday and Tuesday in London. Mr. John Fingland left on Tuesday to visit bis brother in Winnipeg, Me. Fiogiand expects to be away about eke weeks. The induction 'of Rev, J W. Johnston took place last Tuesday in the former 'Methodist church at 8 p. in. Rev, Dr, Barnby, of Myth, -pre- sided. Rev. George Weir, Blyth, preached the sermon. The address to the minister was given by Rev, James Scobie, Belgrave; to the congrega- tion by Rev. H. G. Whitfield, St. Helens. Rev Mr. Johnston comes to Londesboro from :Kerrwood, near Strathroy, and now has charge of the: circuit formerly in charge of Rev. 13.. Snell, now of Staffa. HARLOCIC. A number from this vicinity attend- erl Walton garden party last Wedens- d evening. t y ev g The Ladies' Aid of Burns' Church held their July meeting at the home of firs. Thomas Neifans. A Targe num- ber i,f ladies were present. hfiss Pena Parsons visited her friend, Miss Mary Denimim, Wedncs tiny afterttnnn last. also attended a pic- nic nearby. The Junior 3m ntituto Girle and Jun- ior :Farmer Boys Met at Miss Mary'. Cartwright's Thursday evening, July 5th. The object of the meeting was t.. present Mr. and Joseph Lyon with a small token or remembrance., The first part of the evening was spent M playing games, -after which allare' at present iter together ed Iger ani! an� ! g address was read by Anal Marie Rap- son as frllowst e THE SBASE4EQETH NEWS ci'10 Mr, and Mrs, ,Jae [roes,' Dear. of Waterdoee'le ppklie seneed. Mlas lilriepdsa--As . you have now emerged Cry Stewart, eAittou, was appoint. on the se . of.:ntatrtnton' ethe eon- s'st Sea y,w , m a as as t ant to Mr, Garrett; o$ be of the it ior,. i tit forWroxeter, - ms n Its to -w[s W o et r t� icy a he u r tofB J a, a Blyth e aur - you all the blessing& at ltcaith and , etion soltoa , 1 Y h ort ,t prosperity, We trust that, you will Mess Kate Heffion spent a couple still keep up your attendance at our of days, last week with iter aunt, Miss club and in some "vitt' we wish to ex- Lynn, at Godei'ioh, tend to you our'Beet Wishes es mens- The McLean Mission Baud "leets in Se, Andrew's Church at 3 p.rn. an Saturday, A good programme is be- ing prepared, Cher Margaret Cowaii, who has. been teaching in the. West, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Dan. Cowan, IMr. and Mrs, L. 0, Miller and son Clarence, of Gac ierlch, here-wee'k- end cg'ootisg'hs. f their mother, Mrs, Col- Airs, I. Bell, who has been quite ill at the home f 1 of c o her brothel., Mr, B. Herrington, gtot, isimproving Her sister, Mrs. W. B, Allan, of Paisleys who has been attending her, returned this week. Mrs,- Johnston of"Winnipeg,is vis- iting her' mother,` Mrs. Nicols Ctnm- bore of the Club, so we ask you to tic eept these tokens --may it be o sort of rest to you when yoti are weary with the day's' toil, Signed on behalf of Jr. Institute and Jr. Farmer mem - bers, A lovely wicker rocking chair was their presented to Mr. and Mrs, Lyon by Miss Hattie Grey and .,Miss Flor- ence Watson, also a' slxtall sum of money. 'Mr. and Mrs, Lyon thanked the clubs for their kindness, "For they arJolly Goo<l Fellows" was a te t snag. dainty lunch was served by Cartwright,. assisted Miss Maty t by her brothel's. Before leaving for home Mr, Eldon Stoltz moved a vote of thanks for the hospitality of Mr. amid Mrs. Cartwright and family, which was responded beaa hearty clap of the hands. The J`itnior Institute and Junior Farmers Field their picnic in Bayfield Friday of last week. Miss Ella Toll, who lies been visit- ing Mr. and. Mr.s Ernie Toll- and Lorne for some weeks past, motored to Toronto Saturday with her broth- er Lorne, to resunie, her work as sten- ographer in that .city, • Messrs. Bert Beacom, William Knox, Jim. Neilatas, George Smith,: Harold Tomlinson .and Willie Wells took in the ciicus in London Thurs- . da. Miss. Pearl Crittenden ,returaied home after visiting her cousin, Miss JeanStevens. Misses Jean and :Irene -McCallum also Walter and Arthur Bewley spent part of last week visiting their friends Mildred, Lydia and Eddie Bell. Mrs. P. C. 'Carr and her daughter, Mrs, Gillespie and son of Toronto, are visitic\Tnittig the forrher's sister, Mrs, S. Me. - t Messrs, Ernest and Ward Knox, Mrs. George Knox' and Olive visited Mrs, Knox's daughter, Mrs. T. Apple- by of Roxboro Sunday, Miss Ella Armstrong is visiting her friend, Miss Marjorie Colson. Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Colson left Friday for Biiacebridge tovisit Mr. •Colson's father, wlao is very ilh We wish Mr, Colson Sr. a speedy recov- ery. !Miss Kathleen Beacom visited a few days with her sister, Mrs, Joe Lyon. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Knox of Cal- gary, Alta., Mr. and Mrs. Albert Knox and son of Macklin, Sask, visited Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Knox Saturday. Mrs, Wm. Knox and Lilly Knox, also little Miss Jean' Knox of Clinton, visited Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Knox . Ss turclai•, BLYTH. Messrs. George and Herman Blatchford, of London, visited with Mr, anti Mrs. Yeo last week. ;key. A. C. Tiffin, of Wheatley, was renewing acquaintances here last Thursday. - Mrs. Leo Turney and daughters, Mrs. H. Tamerson and son Bobby, of Lansing, Mich., and Mrs. Henry Arm- strong, of Trowbridge, spent last Fri- day at the home of the foriner's uncle, Mr. John Yeo. Mr. and Mrs, Will Lyn and family were Torott'to visitors during the week. Mr. and Mrs, John Yeo and Mrs. Newson, of Goderich and Mr. and Mrs. C, Newton, of Winnipeg, Man. yisited with the latter's uncle anti aunt. Air. and Mrs, Jolmi Yea, ons Sat- urday. A number from here took in the reunion at the "Stone School" on the 3rd line, Morris, on Thursday. lir, and Mrs. John Yeo were guests of Mr, and Mrs. Roger Pepper, of Clinton on Thursday. Court of Revision was adjourned on Tuesday to July 18 when the remain- der of the fifty appeals against as- sessments will be heand. The hearing will last throughout the day. Aiaster Billy Leith of Stratford, is visiting his cousin, Barrie McElroy. Died at Oshawa.—Though his con- dition was slightly improved the mid- dle of last • week, George Spafford passed away in Oshawa hospital on Friday. Judy eth. He underwent an operation forappendicitisnearly a week previous eo his death. He was just 21 years of age, sat of the late Charles and Mr -s. Spafford, of Blyth. He was born in March, 19D7, at Bee - ton, but the family moved to Blyth when he was a year old. George was very popular among the young people here and was one of the best base- ball' players af,the clestrict.. in 1923 he learned .telegraphy and since then' had been relief operator on the Tren- ton division of the C.P.R. and was at Oshawa when taken ill. He had not been ill previously and the word of his sickness was a severe shock to the rest of the family. Besides his "'other. there survive: Mrs. R. PI. Sargeant of Cubit,. Airs, Roland Tay- lor, London; Miss Harriett Spafford of Toronto; Wilbert. Cleveland; Aus- tin, 'Guelph; us-tn,'Guelph; Misses Iriabcl and Mary Spafford, Woodstock, and Earl, at home. The funeral was held Sunday as 2.30 p.m, from his home on Queen street. Rev, W. B. Hawkins conduct- ed the services, assisted by Rev. Gen Weir, Interment was 'made in Union cemetery, The pallbearers were: Ross Robot on 'Cecil Gardiner,Carl s C I Scrinn eour - \W •an t ni g V d La t tdy, Reg, Ar- gent, Morris Farr, Norman Floody. The flower .bearers were Shan Sib- thorh e and William Hamm, Those attending the funeral From a distance were; Mr. and Mrs.' Alex. White, Bothwell; Mr, :and Mrs. Chas, Riley Ingersoll; Mr, and Mrs, Bert White Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, Mr, Bert Webb and Mr, Roy • T'oxall, all of Woodstock; Mr. R. a Taylor and Mrs, Geo. Hoover, of London; Mor- els and Beverly Fear, Kincat dine; Mr, (Tarry Mcliea.th, Toronto; Mrs. Peter Utticy, Kitchener; Cliff Scrimgeour, Stratford, brothers and sisters and members frown- C Company, Tiuron Regulars, Lantern, Mr, Ross Robinson, who has been teething in Keewatin, was appointed in place of Mr. Bisbee as principal of the public school, Mr.,B'i&bec resign- ed last week to take the P,"neipalship Miss Elsie Dodds,,of McKillop, Was a visitor Tuesday with Mrs. Geo. Col- linson. The pageant presented by Clinton ladies under the auspices of the Wo- men's Institute, was not very well at- tended on Friday evening -last on ac- 'count' of uunteroes other events on the same date: Proceeds amounted` to 529,00, The Women's Institute meeting was held Thursday, July 5, Arrangements' for the pageant presented an the fol- lowing night - were -trade. Mrs. Rus- sell Richmond gave a very instructive reading on "Canning and Preserving." Miss Eenva Leslie read a paper on. 1'Sunlight, the Health Giver." The Boys' Orciteetra dontposed of. Howard Leslie,. Barrie and Jack McElroy and. Kenneth and Gordon Lyon, accomp- anist, Mrs, Herb, McElroy, 'furnished' the music. A committee to select the prize for the entrance pupil obtaining the highest "lark at Blyth centre was appointed, being Mrs. Bender and Mrs. Gardiner. The prize goes to Miss Josephine Weir. The C.G.I,T. met in St; Andrew's Manse on Monday evening. After the devotional exercises the minutes were read by Secretary, Miss Nellie Fear. Stories were told in a very interesting. and pleasing manner by the President,, Miss Muriel Wilford. The girls join- ed in a very helpful discussion of ,natters brought up in the „meeting. 'The meeting was in charge of the leader, Mrs. (•lIev.) Weir.. The 'representatives who will go next week to Summer School at God- erich will be Misses Clara and Ida McGowan, Clete Watson, Edna Bell; Dorothy Poplestone, -Rev, and burs. Weir leave Monday next on a month's holiday at Lake of Bayl, Muskoka. - Miss M. L. Parrott is spending a couple of weeks with her sister, in De- troit. The community service in Memor- ial (Hall. Sunday evening, filly 1, was very well attended, Rev. W. B. Haw- kins conducted 'the exercises, A pat- rio'tic address was given by Rev. Geo., Weir. B.A., in which the speaker pay- ed ,fitting respect to the memory of the boys who laid down their lives during the War. Revs. Jas. Abery of :Londesboro, W. J. Maines of Wal- ton, P. W. Goodwill and Dr,. Barnby of Myth, assisted in the service; A union choir rendered two selections, Mr. Sidney Leslie acting as leader and Mrs. (Dr.) Wilford as pianist. The attendance was very large, ser- vices in all churches 'having been withdrawn. Mr, Joseph Phelan, of Cincinnati, has returned home this week after vis- iting his many friends here, Mr. and Mrs. D. J. McCasey, of.To- ledo, are visiting friends here at present."• Mrs, A. Hankens, of Detroit, and son Will., left for Detroit on. Sunday' after visiting' friends at Blyth. Ret, Fr. -Von. !Phelan, of Windsor,' "Was home attending the funeral- of his aunt, Mrs. E. Fitzpatrick, of Wingham, Saturday. Mrs. Frank Schuyler, of Seaforth; is visiting her cousins, Mr: and 'Mrs, J. T. McCaughey, this week, Ivlr, and Mrs. Will Devereaux, of Seaforth, visited Blyth friends over the week -end. Miss V, Morrison, teacher of No; 1, 'Morris, is spending her holidays at her home in McKillop, Afire Loretta Healy, of New Ham- burg, is visiting at her home here, Mr, and Mrs. P. J. ,Kelly scpent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs, Joseph •Kee- hau, St, Augustine.. 'Mr. and Mrs, Jno. Riley and two children Eileen atrd'Helen, of James- town, spent Sunday with Jno. and Mrs, Grasby, Miss Annie Iiallahatt spent the past work visiting relatives at Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Jabez Broome spent Sunday afternoon with Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Nicholson. Mrs, 'Clarence Johnston and Iona were guests over the week -end with Miss Christie ,.Forrest, of Jamestown. Mr, and Airs. James Tucker, of Durham, spent n couple 'of -days last week with the latt•er's sister, Mrs. John Grasby. MrsMcCool„ of Clinton, and Miss Dorothy Millar, of Flint, Mich„ visit- ed their cousin, Mrs. James H, Rich- mond, one clay last week, Mr. and Mrs, V. S. Stevens (nee Miss Worsen) 'have ritai•ned by way of the Hudson River from their hon- eymoon to Nctw e y n York and m c other Poinfs. Messrs. David and James 'Laidlaw attended 'the funeral of 'their aunt, Mrs. 'William 'Moore, Milton, 'Halton County, Mrs, M'eKiuicy and dainghter, of \Vinnipcg, are spending Itoltdays with the for toner's sister, Airs. Charles Fraser. Mfr. and :\fes. Thos, Millar and 'chil- (11'011 spent an evening last week with \1 r, anal Mrs. Jas. IT. Richmond. Mrs, I's• Bender and Mr's, Jas Rich- mond were among the representatives of the Blyth IViC.T.U. at the ,conven- tion held in 'Clinton, C,G.I.T,--A very enthusiastic', and pionrising group of Canadian girls tinder the able ieadership of Mrs. Weir t'el'l their secant meeting as an organized greup, of girls train- ing and developing their lives so as to influence others and learnt of their' great leader,J'eaus Christ. The group THURSDAY, JUrele 12, 1923, already has 02 Inentiiers, every otte a live wire, and' ready for action, and we fed assayed that sae thenteetfngs eon - Mine, more will `be added to ,their number. It is the aim of all groups to develop the fourfold life of 'Christ and ito group with such a ptm'pose,as theirs can be on the wrong track. The girls 'have notch for which •to thank Mrs. Weir -for her interest and lead- ershipearnestland'y westarted wihope thell sootuplendidtinue,work sa The first annual meeting .of the Blyth `'Ontario Wheat Pool," met at the tome ,pf Mr, and 'Mrs, Norman Sanderson on Friday evenng Iast. Af- ton•and timeelecbtion usime•of s's olffiiacer' rsof wtheile" methe etingof- ftt,ers, for last year were re-elected, titer adjourned to the dining' room where the. hostess provided aa -straw- berry festival. Mr.John Sanderson is sporting rtim g a new Ford ear, Mr.. D. C. Rodger has purchased Mr. George Johnston's garage.- The arage,'The `.l my Meeting of the W. i dl s. of the Queen street United Clhnrch held on Tuesday, ,Tutt' e3asi Mrs. D.ivtts Floody presiding, Meeting opened by singing 116 hymn, scripture verses were taken by Mesdames Naines, Carr, Leslie, Barnby, arasby, Bich- mond and colciough, followed by the Lord's prayer in unison. Mrs. Stater, spoke for a short time on the life of our departed sister who passed to her eternal reward' on June. ZSth, 3928, She was a devoted. Life Member of. our W.M.S„ her life had been one of service and sacrifice, It can truly be said of her, She loath done what she could, Blest be the tie that Binds" was then sung. ,' The leaflet, "Jesus in tine Midst of Common. Life," was tak- 6IFTS that \ PLEASE for Ali Occasions J.Ai. Westcoft Diamonds — Wedding Rings Jeweller Y Repairing a Specialty p Y PHONES —' Store 64W Res. sl:l`'tr, eta by Ars. W. 11. - McElroy. Mrs. Carr then led in prayer. A solo was given by Mrs, T. Lyon and a reading was taken by Mrs. L, Hilborn, "Our Stewardship of Personality," followed by restionsive reading, "The Ilarthis the Lords." Then silent prayer for our tuissiottntriee. Mrs., (Dr,) Barnby closed the meeting with prayer. RE you looking ahead five, ten, twenty years? ... Theseyears are yours. Y They're full of precious opportunities. They will bring you final success if you make the right plan now and follow it., Then why trust to luck ? The road to financial independence begins where you stand. Take the first step today . , Same money. For without capital the best of plans are little more than castles in the alt. Put something by regularly, in this your own institution , , . the Province of Ontario Savings Office. Make each pay , , day count in your plan for success. * *, Branches of the Province of Ontario - Savings. Office are conveniently located throughout the province. Your account will be cordially welcomed, whether you op by or pen it . mail in person. Youh savings are guaranteed secure by the Government and all monies may be withdrawn at any time without notice, TORONTO BRANCHES; Cor. Bay. & Adelaide Ste.; Car. Danforth & Fenwick Avou.; Cor. University & Dundee St. OTHER BRANCHES ' ATI Aylmer, Brantford; Hamilton, Newmarket, Ottawa, Owen Sound, "Pembroke, Seaforth, St. Catharines, St, Mary's, Walkerton, Woodsktedc, Seaforth Branch, .1. \'r. McMillan, Manager Hours e.3o a,m, to's d,nr. Saturday 1 ?o rr:,u. 15)5 1,m. 7 .rip, tc, 9 yo p,aa, tit ETZ 4.1 ti 6YERrD �PfkSS'lT�,l1 MA/l/®it+ sr3;lf� ur C MEAD OFFICE - 15 QUEENS PAI ltilttiiitlllillti(itlif111116s r 'tIIIIIIIt111f11ssI111111f 1111?i