HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1928-07-12, Page 3Palestine Seeking Own ,Legislature Arab Congress Sends Cable to British Government — Opposition Against Request Jerusalem!. ---A resolution. demand- ing ing u demoexiitie parliament for Pal- ektine was cabled to the British Col- onial Secretary and to the League of Nations by the Arab Con ere, nnw in session here. The resolution pointed Out that Palleetirae--was neet inferior Culturally to Syria or Egypt, which were enjoying 'adequate self-govern- ing institutions. • There are 226 dole, gates at the Congress, including 41 Christian Arabs from 18 districts.' Two leading Moslem families from Jerusalem control the Congress but the Christians are willing to co-oper- ate, conditional of setting one-third of the membership of the executive come 1• mittee, n'Umbering 86 also a Christian lit vim -chairman and an associate see- '`tetary, 'The opposition leader, stated that . the Congress does not represent the ?ration since more than a third of the membership withdrew from its delib- erations after the majority had re- jected a !notion for the election of an executive coonnittee by a secret ballot. Differences also ,arose over the nm- ' j9rity insisting on an immediate na- tive legislative'council without British supervision which the Opposition fa- vors. The Zionist issue has not been debated, but if the legislativecouncil is established the British Zionist pol- icy would be constantly, underr fire.., `Be No 1Roarery' Barrie's Advice to Rhodes Men "!-tear Thousand Nightin- gales, Despise Seniors if You Must,,, He Counsels 4 ford .determined to ea e public) duty Mx highest aim. "Brava! But how?. " phapter the Last. The result in MY sass.' "Namely? .All, Mr, Brown, how we wish we could guide you through Ric e as 7011raper osetfwliat is being but eve ospur fow ea t ry u, )ret, the beginning of all you are to be already lies inside You -0, little speck that Is to grow white you •slee"P and while you are awake and that in r> the fullness of time,: according to your Pa'van `Tukl-°Tltiumping control of it, is to be the massing of you or to destroy 7011. 'Speech to Departing Scholars in Whimsical Vein London. --The full text is now avail- able' of the charneteristi0ahly whimsi- cal address which Sir James Matthew Barrie, Bart:, the beloved Scottish author of "Peter Pan" and other works widely read, delivered to the depart- ing Rhodes scholars of Oxford i:Ini- varsity recently, 1n which he advised them :how to chart their course through life, Sir James', address -fel- . P'h><lipp>lne Crater Becomes Active Government Asks U.S. Aid For Inhabitants of Mayon Area lows; "In proposing a toast to the. Rhodes scholars, I am asked to bear in mind chiefly those whose three years here and in Europe generally have just nightfall, then stole to their homes. come or are coming to an end, And Early next morning you heard them at their looms again, their teeth est and waiting for the next year. Dour times — dogged students — no Oeeil Rhodes. But that speck was under control. "On the other hand, there was an old village superannuated school mis- tress who, before she slammed the doer on her school for the last time, chalked on the blackboard this, her "Keep Speck Under Control" "you will know a great deal more about the speck when'yon came back here years hence, not Perhaps so bright as You are today, but I am surd all very able.. 'Education' is a noble word in Mr. Rhodes's ooneeptien of his fellowship. I canjust remember the days in little Scottish town, the only place I know that beats Oxford —I don't mean in games --where the weavers of all ages trudged on their shanks to distant St. Andrew's or Aberdeen in of the college bur. sanies, If they returned victorious they reappeared by day, but if they failed, hung about the outskirts until so, gentlemen, I have at you, •• "Exit 'William K. Brown" "A kindly soul once divided hooks into two :.kinds—those one likes to read and those .that are very able. You young Rhodes scholars are sur- rounded to -night by people who are very able. 13ut it is you we want to read—you unwritten ones. Now that range Custom Still Popular the stage direction le, alas!'Exit message to posterity: 'Drat all 5111- William X. Brown'—that fascinating cation!' When one sees two jaded Yellow, yourself (your interest in whom passes- the love of woman) what is 10 happen to you next? "'Chapter One. I depart from Ox - Manila. -Philippine Government of- ficials have asked the American Red Cross and the United States Arniy establishment here for tents to house 6,000 persons in the vicinity of the Mayon volcano, south of Manila, which erupted slightly on the night of June. 22. All towns and farms in the locality are deserted, and the inhabitants re- fuse to return to their homes because long-time .residents say that the vol- cano is acting as it did before the eruption of 1897, when 200 persons were killed. - Smoke is rising daily from the cone, and a red flare illuminates' the sake; nightly. Earthquakes and the rumbl- ing from upheavals in the crater are continuing almost constantly, accord- ing toreports from Legaspi. The weather bureau' has issued, e.s- surancee that there is no immediate danger, but the alarmed) countryside is deaf to this consolation.' The Ann=. erican Red Cross has established aid stations in the locality to cope with any emergency. Sweet Peppers a la Russe 'Cute in aBaby 'Awful atThree -and it's Dangerous by Ruth Brittain Cut and remove from the stem end the seeds from 6 goott-sized sweet pep- pers. Boil until tender, then remove from fire and drain. Cut in • small pieces 10 enroll carrots, 1 bunch df celery, and b' fair-sized onions. Fry in olive o11 until tender. Fill the peppers with these carefully fried vegetables. Cook down until it is quite thickone tin of canned tomatoes. Add to the tomatoes a pinch of sett, a trifle of pepper and 1 teaspoonful of sugar. Pourthis over the stuffed ,peppers and serve the discs hot or cold for six persons. June Night In the long twilight of the :Northern night The gulls were hawking moths, as, thiough the grass, Still dimly green beneath our feet, we went Along the cliff's edge, high above the Ma; And strange about ne.was that swoop- ing flight Of shadowy' wings; and that still Sea of glass That lay so far below, and never sent A whisper to our eats, but quietly Mirrored the stars of the still lucent n eAty, , Seemed eteangev yet, 0 eornrade, where yon lie, Lulled 11y the Northern waves' mid- i,'" summer croon, Do you recall the old enchanted June When, in strange peace, we wandered through the night, Rapt in that still trance of unearthly light? —Wilfrid Gibson in London Observer. Playgrounds Three Rivers Nouvelliete (Oons.)1 City playgrounds are necessary tp 911 - sure the physical deve??opmeri o o'bi4 children.' pat, 81S is only one see the, reasons why they aro needed, Above all they are needed to defend, our children from the dangers of the street, wireless have (Gramophones and become habits, instead of pleasures. Scott, Cyril Se:rp can keep fit in spite of all the dumbbells, Indian clubst:,xercisers and gyir,naatice wit ll whicle E€afy border] tiltanolvaa 0.i ; sin& Thumb sucking does look sweet In a baby, but it is disgusting in the three- year-old and sometimes it hangs on until fifteen or sixteen! The habit may cause an ill -formed mouth or in- duce adenoids; and' it always inter- feres with digestion. Pinning the sleeve over the hand; attaching mit- tens, ittens, or putting on cardboard cuffs, which prevent bending the _arms at the elbows, are some of the ways to stop the habit. Another bad habit—irregularity in bowel action—is responsible for weak bowels and constivation in babies. Give the tiny bowels an opportunity 'to act at regular periods each day, If' they don't act at first, a little Fletcher's Castoria will soon regulate them, Every 'mother should keepa bottle of it, handy to use in case of colic, cholera, diarrhea, gas on stom- ach and bowels, constipation, loss of sleep, oi• when baby Is cross and feverish. Its gentle influence over baby's system enables him to get full nourishment from his food, helps him. gain, strengthens this bowels. Castoria le purely vegetable and harphless—the recipe is on the wrap- per. Physicians have • prescribed it for over 80 years. With :each pack- age, you get a valuable book on ,Motherhood. Look for Chas. Ii, Pletcher's signature' on the wrapper so you'll get the genuine. Oxford dons in earnest converse DOW DELICATE GIRLS ARE MADE STRONG Rich, Red T3lood Needed to Keen Up Their Vitality. It should be borne in mind that pale, bloodless girls need Plenty Of nourishment, plenty of sleep and regu- tar out-of-door exercise,' But a lack of appetite and tired, aching limbs tend to hinder progress, To save the weak, thin -blooded sufferer, she mut have new, rich blood, and nothing meets case of this kind so well as i'r. Wil- liams' Pink Pills. These pills not only enrich and increase the blood supply, they help the appetite and aid diges- tion, relieve theweary back and limbs, thus bringing new health and strength and transforming anaemic girls and women into cheerful, happy people. The value of Dr: Williams' Pink Pills' in the case of anaemic girls is proved by the case of Miss Lucy who says - dart, Margaretville, b1.51., "From the age of 12 to 15, I was in an anaemic condition, I was very thin and nervous, had no appetite and had no desire to take part in the doings of those of my age. My mother got. tonic after tonic for mo, but they did me very little good. Then Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills were recommended and almost from the first they seemed to be just what was needed to restore 'my strength. After taking the pills for a time I felt an altogether differ-. ent girl I got up in the morning - .1 - • ,t „ , �,,,,,, feeling bright and active, and ready I ' 'ARRY AND 'ARRiETT AND T 1 for work or play. Since then have HE LITTLE NIPPER bo Th pearly king,:' queen, Prince and princess of Finsbury at Epsom Wialwllaiaysmtakens' Pinka Pillcouples 1ni teinxespof .he best Dr a tonickeof and have thus p of condition." Downs to see what happened to the quid or two they put on the Dee Y. among the immemorial elms I wonder gentlemen, continue. Far worse than B Rte yowr not having a cheery belief if they are ever saying that''Nlobo"dY your scorning us beyond reason would bas ever Orad to put CTOR on mourning because of me'? A' proud summing that you can do better.'11 in firing at h8l,a some of our pea formances You feel LETS OWN 5V 1V �A� HOME up for the best of you if, after re- that the straightest line is through our fiection,you can claim it bodies—still—fire, I only ask you to Warns Against Greatness. let Mr. Brown give' the order. I am "But you will find you Cannot. You ,getting quite fond of that man. And will do .things—have probably already no, good-bye and good fortune, done them' -shady. and ignoble things, "Don't Be Llterary Roarer" soothing, but do not contain one par - dear Mr. Brown,that will mean "I suppose most of you are now tiele of opiate orr other ingredient that mourning for the least of those whogoing home alone, as Mr, Hardy', rtes- can in any way do the slightest harm love you-aI• would 11 you were onrnd. ties would' say, - I believe you. will to. the most delicate child. out. I am not saying this to damp Lind --may be surprised to find—that Baby's Own Tablets reduce fever, you, but rather as a comfort in .case year sojourn here has not perhaps relieve colic, banish constipation and you have been .reading the sort of made you know England. and Europe indigestion, check diarrhoea, sweeten biographies in which the hero is better so much as it'has made you the stomach and allay the irritation without a flaw. It may have given know- your own homesteads' better, that accompanies the cutting of teeth. you a sinkingfeeling that you can Ito not forget Oxford in clashing with They quiet the nerves and promote never be like him. But Seu roar be us and the foreign nationalities^ on health -giving sleep and repose. In like him and in many cases it will be which Mr. Rhodes set so much store. fact, they are as good as a doctor'.in to me." a mighty good thing for you to be as Oxford, where you once sat out a the home, and once a mother has used like him as you can. He is mole dance with the evening star., If yPa them for her little ones she will use neighborly now that you know he has are to be wrttere, don't be rowers.' nothing else. Thousands of mothers Crash! The window splintered me - the spectre Literary roarers—on their tube—inbear testimony as to this, Among der the impact of the hard -kicked hall, "Of. course, I am not speaking of Falls, Man The small boy regarded his handiwork u• +iodate "memoirs, in which there' is G out to meet the nets - with h a s I was told to try Baby p 1 i1 Baby's Own Tablets meet. all the need that exists in every home where there are young children, They are a laxative, but do not gripe. They are Every weak girl should promptly follow the example of Miss Stoddart, feeling sure that the pills will renew her health. You can get the pills from. any medicine dealer or' by mail at 60 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Classified Advertisements B4l1 GMcsw'au EVPPXN'igitin oar'er0,11Wrge jeADDED VAN BODIES, OI't1GINAI.. LY eoet between 8005.00 5„011 1;00,00, ler sale cheap. 12xoellent epporte9tt7 far local !nevere. Reunion ler soittng:--. these vans Ilex, eea replaced by :nod - ern type for long stance moving. Apply 10111 The Meyer,. ainllton. ASY 151110198—WE ,EA;CCx •701719 varlotles, prices 1On up. We will have 60,008 for July and Aeggnat. Write for fres 58t101661.110.. A. 11, Switzer, Granton, Ontarla• negct xahtr' 1'19.19 POUND I7P- 'rWP1NTX- I ' • ane sanipios free Atocldns' & aro ND le, Dept, 1, 011111x, Ont. Crew of Schooner Describes Si king Last' of Gloucester's Racing Vessels Goes to Bottom Curling, Nfid.—Details of the loss of the' henry Ford, the last of Glou- cester s iou-tester's racing fishing acliooners, which sank near Bonne Bay, .was .told by Captain Cjlayto1l Morressey and his crew of 26 men, who landed from the - wreck in their dorries at Bonne Bay. The Ford, which was engaged in halibut fishing on the west coast of Newfoundland, ran on the eastern end of the Whalesback reefs ail` Martin Point during thick weather. There was a strong west wind blowing and a heavy sea and two flours after the ves- selgronnded the crew oras forced ba •abandon her. -The heavy pounding on the rocks tore the bottoms out of the vessel and she sank in eleven fathoms of water.. Her mastheads remained above the surfaoe, The crew landed' safely at Gull' Marsh, not far' from the spot where the steamer Ethic was lost ten years ago. That shipwreck was notable from the fact that a New- foundland dog aided in saving the passengers and crew of the vessel. The shipwrecked fishermen saved nothing. but their clothing. The;;cap- tain of. a steamer which arrived at the scene of the wreck before the Ford broke up, attempted' to float her, but was prevented by the heavy sees, The Ford was built in Essex, Massa,, in 1922.' She was bu=1. to defend the international fishermen's trophy in that year, losing the series to the+Blue- nose of Lunenberg, N.S. She won the Lipton Cup in the Gloucester aeries of that port in 1928. The new schooner Columbia beat her that year in the ,elimination race to decide the Glou-' ester challenger for the international trophy and the Columbia retained the Gloucester fleet until she was lost in et storm near Gape Sable last summer. The Hero. A canny Scot found himself be- leagured in New York during the Great War, his fife being still in Aberdeenshire. "Why don't you go home to the wife, Sandy?" exclaimed a friendly Ameri- can. "What 1" exclaimed Sandy, indlg- antly, "wad ye has me riskin' my life crossin' the Atlantic Ocean wi' a' than murderin' submarines aboot? Na! Nal I've sent tor the wile tae come a completely successful attempt to dig up' the dead and twist a finger in their sockets. 'Lives of great men all re- mind us, we can't make our lives sub- lime.' And they may bring ue nearer to it. 'And, departing, leave behind us footprints on the sande of time. I don't know that you should rollick 1n anticipation o4 that. Those foot- prints—even if you achieve them— what will happen to them next? They will be carefully sliced off and eold at C.hristie's. On my soul, Brown, I be- lieve you would be wise—it it doesn't incommode you—to stop short of greatness.:, Despise Us If You Must" "'Ohapter 18. 1 r'-'tch the summit' No, they, sometime. fall off. To be very able and better. One place where immortals are never -,-never seen la til; top of the table. • "One hopes that. you are leaving Oxford feeling, as the old eaytng has, it, that red blood boils in year veins. that you could eat all the elephants in Hindustant and pick your teeth with the spire of Strasburg Cathe- dral. That's the epis'it. If to despise us Helps in your enthusiasm, then, A Cruise to the ... IAGU USA,' .®PS Fills Every Vacation " Need •LIERE is an IDEAL TRIP. sail among the Thousand 1.1 Islands where the scenery is world faeaous ... ,eu pelricnee the thrill of shooting the Rapids .. • explore the Old French cities of Montreal and Quebec where charm is traditional ...loiter in quaint- ancient villages , play over the famous Manoir Richelieu Golf at Ititprr,��' Bay ucnah for speckled put on adouesade prlrate'preservee ... ero'se down fie can yon of the Saguenay into the Sawing northern sunset. Surely this trip offers a variety of holiday pleasures! And always there is the perfeoi1 0p!e0i inxnFieus a0.-, eommodation and excellent cuisine invariably fount on beard the great now liners of CANADA STEAMSHIPLINES. Plan to enjoy this Ideal cruise this year. Let no help you arrange your trip. ;y;; For fanZntorrru,tion, rotes end reeeroaneaa Montreal. Quo, } J. 'R. Beck, � . Ticket i'fi_e l p 46 Yonge Street, 715 Vic'ioj' Square Toronto, Ont. o,t your local agent. the market .place—thumping on their them is Mrs, Hurst, Pine 8 s, „ expanses- o - who says:— 's with round eyes. Finally he decided tress of the spindle not tearfully but Own Tablets by a friend who had used to own up about it. "I'm very sorry, with gay curiosity, Whether you are them for all her little ones and said :he said to the occupant of the house, to be a mason and wank in the edifice she could not do without them. After "but I've broken your scullery win - of Cecil Rhodes's imagination or using them for my baby boy I quite dove. I'll fetch my father along to thrown out asbad' depends Well on agree with her and certainly think mend it." A man came round shortly character—and' character depends they are the finest medicine in the after and put in a new PaneBu�Tha speck. ehlefly on the world for little ones." be two -and -six, he said. " pro - "We a so"Waa 11 seem to be touched by it Baby's Own Tablets.are sold by all tested the other, "the boy said 7011 and :ane perhaps sent into the world medicina'dealers or by mail at 25 cents were his Sather," "And he told me to decide for ourselves whether wea box from The Dr. Williams Medicine you were his mother," was the discon- are worth having. Above. all thing's, Co., Brockville, Ont. carting reply. do not defer finding out what your ,peaticsikir speck is—for they vary muob--be1ore it spreads. Mr. Brown, say dear, forgive me for eoseng. 'Iue am the tomb of sshipwrecked, but sail thou on.' The toast is the Rhode, scholars' with thoughts of the great --stall we say Eldzalbethan?— lsvha brings them here." slat CANADA /"�, pp ]�, STEAMSHIP LINES q nine- s,eeer a . ,art. -eeee, Movies for Quebec La Presse (Ind.): (The Provincial Secretary hopes that Quebec will pro- duce its own films dealing with the history of the trench -Canadian race.) Our history offers a rich choice of sub- jects -more interesting than most others. The' rough 1115 of our mis library and intended putting it on the slonaries and the pioneers of the library, posted three university pro P��'lice Bar Warren Inscription From ebuiit Louvain Library Louvain, Belgium.—Lively excite- ment has been caused in this quiet university town recently by the latest move by Whitney Warren, American architect, in the controversy over the inscription over the library recon- structed after the one destroyed in the war. The rector of the university, M. Ladeuze, acting on information- that Mr, Warren already had prepared a baiustiate with an inscription refer- ring to the German destruction of the heroic period, the military and politi- lessors as sentries all night. cal incidents, our habits and customs, Early in the morning, a motor truck the picturesque settings we can find, arrived from Brussels and, under the impish abundant material. Only one direction of Pierre de Soete, a Belgian condition is needed, that the people sculptor, -workmen began unloading who produce our scenes of French- separate parts of the balustrade bear - Canadian history shall be qualified to Mg the inscription "Destroyed by Ger- do so.. __ man Ferocity, Rebuilt by American POOR MULE Generosity." They were about to raise the first A young Negro, driving a cart drawn part'ot the balcony when M. Ladeuze, by in mule, was crease endeavoring to induce excited, rushed out of the library with the animal to Increase its speed, Sun- papers attesting the ownership of the donly the mule let fly with Its heels building. The regular workmen em and dealt lite Negro a tremendous kick gaged 011 the building thereupon ne- on the head that stretched him on the ' — ground, ___---� "Is he hurt?" asked a stranger of r :: another Negro who had jumped from the cart and was standing over the prostrate driver. "No, boss," was the reply.. "Dat mule will probably walk kind 0' ten- dah for a day or two, but he ain't hurt!" A� Busy Glacier. ....Thelparlet lu'�ide wee wpm gni. a o iiilafgf oe- many dna o euestjope, "And just where did you say this rook came fseQm 7" inquired another wahoo. Yiti guide politely re- plied that a glacier brought it down, Then: up spoke the inquisitive one again:, 'And where ( j the glue �, About wo ou " ' 1 t back people suffer front 60111 stomachs, l every Home Needs Minard'8 Liniment Separation Quebec Soleil (Lib.) : The appoint- ment ppoint ment of Canadian Ambassador to for- eign or eign countries is not incompatible with' the harmony of the British Coln- monwealth of Nations. It le, on the contrary, impossible for countries which differ from one another 00 much in their interests, their re- sources and their geographical posi- tion, as the countries of the Empire do, to have one -voice, one spirit, one will and on? desire. Some men are born to 6'i'eatneas, With luck their lives begin; And some achieve distinction, While others just butt in. fused to assist the party from Brus- sels. M. de Soete ordered his'men to keep 011. The professors called the Police Commissioner. He appeared with three summonses for M. de Soete for trespassing and had them served, though the 'sculptor flourished written authority from Mr,' Warren. M. de Soete persisted and tried to raise part of the inscription. The Com- missioner ordered his arrest. He was taken to a police station, but alter the usual identity examination was re- leased, Mr. Warren, having been near the library all morning without interven- ing, decided about noon to abandon the battlefield to the rector and left for Brussels. There he said that he would bring legal action a,. '^at the rector. But the Belgian a 11 ere slow and the dedication of tie new library is scheduled for rely 4. The only possibility of intervention some Bel- gianappears to be on the part of a nationalist organizations, which have been especially moved by the contioversee—N.Y. Herald Tribune. • hen tt ood Sours did tlffer b t t •h rs after estIng•many go?" „ "Aw." said the snide, ' L.. 1 " a0. t They call it indigestion, It means that after another root ' 1010 stomach nerves have been over - I haus iso illusloihe about the inldi stimulated: There is excess acid. The genua of !lona. Their could illi les dim 'Nal to correct it is with an alkall' 50 gine on with a needle and thread.—Charter' T. Gass, Veteran The right way is Phillips' Milk of Lion Tamer. Magnesia—just a tasteless dose in 117 that you conitl tlifnit their which neutralizes many times its brains were sown volume in acid. • Minard'o Liniment, heals cuts, bruises+ wa ter, It is , pleasant, efficient and t ,0 'may t�u'� -...i 20. glines Teresoopcs, 3 st..at Pa l: Other TaIe5' “1,, .sea and Microscopes to choose from. 11,11. to have anywhere, Sena for list. 51 sarta Optical Co., VA., 123 5111 Ave. 171st, Dept. 18, Calgary, Alta, Vacationists You'll find many uses for Mlnard'a during your vexa- tion days. Puck a battle In your grip. harmless. It has remained the Stand- ard with physicians in the 60 years since its invention, It is the quick method, Results come almost instantly, Itis the approved method. you will never use another.. when you know, Phillips' Be surd to get the 'genuine. p Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physi- clans for 60 years in correcting excess 1820(12. Each bottle contains full direc- 1 tints -=•any drugstore. FARMER'S i[.t9FE GETS STRENGTH By Taking Lydia F. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound Wilton, Ont.—"I 11111 taking Lydia B. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound throughthe Change of Life. It helps me and I cannot praise it too highly, I was troubled withheat flashes and my limbs were heavy so 1: could hardly Nk11c to do my farm work. i saw in the newspapers Your ad about tho Vegetable Com- pound and thought to give it a trial. The first bottle gave me relief and X have told others what it doss for Mo. I 0.11 willini, for you 10 use my lot r it you choose;' -.MEC:, p, B. pirrh.ts, 1Vi'tton, Ontmlo. • Ask Year Neighbor ineUP 'tie. 27—'1IAr-