HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1928-06-28, Page 8OH HENSAL,L, • Mr, William McKay, who has been i cineol i 1 isthee-431411 ub a s ;principal£ resigned end X hes ie5 i. l a for over shirty years, , 6 -will now enjoy a'wett earned rest. The papils of hiemomsurprised heti oti'Feeley afternbott last with the fol- le+wittt, address .and presentation: '''D'eaa• Mr, Mcrae,--1We all regret tallow you are about to Sever your coinneetion with the teaching staff of the Hensall school, of avhich yon have been Principal for a long term of years, You have most efficiently and faithfully filled the post, and you must feel a deep sense of satisfaction a$ you look back over the years in which you have served in one of the highest and most important oalliegs, A very great number, = scattered Over a wide area, have received instruction your class rooms, and you can think of many of them who are now holding high and responsible positions in all the walks of life. You have 'filled a place, you have rendered ' a service that can never be paid for with inat- •erial things. The greatest satisfac- ton that can come to you is that you have given your life to enrich the lives of others, to equip them for their tasks and to fit them for citizenship in this great Dominion. We appreciate the interest you have always taken in the school and in the community. We 'recognize the splendid character and your sterling manhood, which., will ever be a power and an influence for good.- As a slight token of our ft teem we ask you to accept this gift, assuring you that our best wishes are with you for manyyears of happiness and useful service. read byMiss This address was Florence McDonnell and the present- ation was made by Harold Appleton on behalf of the teachers and pupils. The presentation wap a beautiful gold desk set. Mr. McKay made a feeling reply, thanking, the pupils for their kindness and expressed his great re- gret that the time had come to sever his connection with the school. The Council have finished the grav- eling and are now removing any loose stones and when finished the streets of Hensall will again be the best in the district. While in Goderich the Reeve interviewed the Road Com- mission, as to their taking over the road cast of Hensall, or to give a grant to all in building up the road so that it will be in as good shape as it was when the County took charge of it three or four years ago. As there will be a big traffic on this road dur- ing the next few years in gravel drawing alone, the commission prem- ised the Reeve they would come down and Took the road over and it is very possible that it will be again added to the gpod road system. Mr. Robert Green, of Detroit, is hofirlaylne et hie home here east of ,ttte, nrilltigts. Mr, Angus leobertson, of Windsor, is visiting his father. Mr, John Rob- ertson and sister, Mrs. M. Cooper. lir. and Mrs, George T, Mickle, of Ridgetown, visited over the week -end within(, and Mrs. Laird Mickle. Miss Nellie Boyle, .who has been holidaying for the past three weeks at tier home here, returned to London on Saturday. el of Detroit is Mfr. John Carmichael, spending his vacation at his home here, Mr. Percy Grantni and sister, Miss Ada Gramm, of Flint, Mich., visited over the week -end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Gramm. Mr. William and Miss Mae Simp- son and Mrs. William Bonthron and daughter Mary, of Detroit, and Miss McMartin, of Barrie. were week -end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bonthron, Mr. John Young, of London, visit- ed over the week -end with friends in to Messrs. 'Phomas Simpson, Herb Hoggarth, Allen Soldan and Mr. Mills visited over the week -end with Mr. and Mrs, Fleming at their cot- tage at Kincardine. George Sloan. Mrs, James Troyer, of Seaforth, Mt. M, O'Loughlin met with apain- l; visited over e -week-end with 'tela- fttl accident last Saturday when the fives in town, the scraper Mr, James Johnston was Me: an8',;,Cs; W. O. Goodwin and operating struck two .of his fingers, s crushing them. He is progressing daughter Mary and Mrs, Maulkinson nicely. Mr. H. Beuerman has returned trona Moffat, where he has been visiting last week. Mr. Manuel Beuerman is busy plowing for his neighbors with his tractor, of Miss Elizabeth l'furray, Wind- sor, is home for her vacation. Mr. Alex. Mitchell and lir. John Murray were visiting friends in Lon - eon last Monday. his Mr. Peter Gardiner is making rounds pressing the surplus hay and straw. The euchre and dance given at St. Columban last Friday night was a de- cided success and a large number from here attended, The Beuerman orchestra furnished the music, vtr, and 'Alt . William MeMtitrtin and daughter, of llartic visited over the week -end with relatives in town. Chereh 't The yervece&' zn the United G inl t. largely attended. ou 5uuaay last werey Rev Mr, Sinclair preaching excellent sermons at both services, Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Lirtdenfield sang a very pleasing duet at alta evening service. A baseball game wili be held on the local diamond on Friday evening, June 29th, between Stella and 'Hen- sall, and it promises to 'be a very in- teresting game, visit- ingJolla Cann, of •Exeter,,is v ing with :Mr, and :Mrs. John I assnnore, 'Mr. and Mrs. -Colin Hudson and Mr. and Mrs, ,Thomas-Jludson visited in Seaforth on 'Smudgy, Mr. Thomas Cann, of London, is visiting friends in to we. The annual meeting of the Souter Huron Conservatives will he held in Hensall this Friday afternoon, June 29th. A splendid list of speakers have been aecured, includingHo- Ward Mrs, i H ward Failis, of Peterborough, Icon. Dr. Monteith Provincial' Treasurer; George 'Spotton, M.P. of N. Huron, Mr. A. A. Ingrain, President of -the Western Ontario ;Conservative As- sociation, and others. The Secretary of the Association, Mr. Robert Hig- gins, 15 anaking every effort to make this a successful meeting. Ladies are especially invited, and every Conserv- ative in the riding who coo possibly attend should come. Death of Miss Jane Kerr. - The death occurred at the home of Mr, end Mrs, 'William McDonnell, of Kippen, ou Monday, of Miss 'Jane Kerr, in 1 er 83rd year. Miss Kerr was a well known and respected resident of Hen- sall for a good many years. Agent a year ago, owing to advancing ear and the need of care, she was taken to the home of Mr. and Mrs. William McDonnell, where she has lived since, till her passing away on Monday. Hydro At a meeting of the local 'Hydro Commission on Monday evening last it was decided to accept the offer of the Ontario Ryan., Commission e, re- made' our system. The load we have had to carry for the last year or two is tub heavy fur the system, and to give the service that the local Com- mission wish to give their patrons, it has been decided to improve the plant. The work will take about a month. The local Commission have a surplus of about $11,000 to its credit, aitd a part Of it will be used to im- prove the system. Mr, and Mrs. Hector Charlesworth of Toronto, announce the engagement ot, their daughter, Constance Charlotte Charlesworth, M.A., to Louis A, a Mac- Kay, .A., of lialliof College, Oxford, and formerly of Hensall, the marriag to take place this month, MANLEY. h It is our sad duty to lnic`ehthe death of lir. Martin ch took piece ere the 21st test, after a prolonged illness. He was a life -=3i1,, resident of our burg and lived on the homestead, Deceased was born 59 years ago and ids t O'Lears aughlin, who o was mar - sued Mfrs survives him and one son Thomas; also five brothers as hee Patrick and John, of Sear of Stratford, Ed and 'William Mrs.De- troit. hies. Klinkhamer and P. Langw•ay, of Guelph and Mrs. F. Kenny, of Logan. The funeral took place front his residence last Satur- day to St. ,Columban Church where solemn requiem Mass was celebrated by the pastor, Rev. Fr. Dantzer, with Rev. Fr. Goetz of Seaforth as Deacon and Rev. Fr. Bricklin of Dublin as Sub -Deacon. From thence the fun- eral went to St. Columba* Cemetery, where all that was mortal was laid to rest. A large concourse of friends followed the remains and showed the eespectin which he was held, The be- reaved have the sympathy of the whole community in this their hour of sad affliction, The pallaewere Messrs. M and '1' O'Loughlin, , Eckert, M. Murray, Jos• McQuaid and THE SBAFORTH NB' S. 13TARGAIP Mon's Shoes. , .. , Alamo Women's Shoes, .. , . , . $2.50 Bull Dog Overalls. . ,$L75 75 10 Bars Soap , . , . , 3 Bars Lux Soap. . ,,.,,.20e Red Rose Tea .. ' , . , .. @iijc Regular 35c Fancy Biscuits 30c Soda. Biscuits lbe It Will Pa, You To lilt In x+ mondviile' Y Y g i I N N�. W. J • i1 HARLOCK. McKILLOP. keep in Death of Marlin, Purcell. - There mind for the big strawberry festival to died at his home on Jaunc 20, after an be heldin the Hartock school grounds. illness' of eight months, one of tMe` under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid KKilian's best and well known res of BurnsChurch. Alice Dunbar and ents in the person of Mr, Martin Pure her company of entertainers, of Lon- cell in his 59th year, Mr. Purcell was don will supply the program. Mr,` the son of the late Mr, and Mrs, Jolt Bertliff, of Clinton, is supplying a fine iPurcell and as of -a family of twelve. booth, Everybody come and enjoy a He succeeded his father on the old good tune. • homestead, where he made a success Mr. and Mrs. A, W, McEwing and of 'farming on lot 9, con. 9, MGKiliop, family visited Witnghsm Thursday of On June 9, 1896, he was married to est week. Miss 'Bridget O1Laughlin, whomhe Misses Marjorie Colson and Bertha leaves to mourn his loss, also one Hoggart competed in the' Huron coin- son, 'Thomas, on -the homestead'. He petition held en Seaforth Friday of is also survived by five brothers, John last week. and James, Seaforth, 1 atrick of S'trat- Miss Estella Murphy visited her foul, William of Detroit, and Edward friend, Miss Marie ;Rapson Friday of of Syracuse, N.Y. and three sisters, last week. Mrs. F. Kenny of Logan .township, Mrs. Crawford, of Blyth, and Miss Mr Klinkhammer of 'Kitchener, and Reta Crawford, of London, visited Mrs. Longway, of Guelph. He was their friends, Miss Florence Watson, predeceased by three of his sisters, Sunday. Mrs. Gribbins. of Saginaw, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lyon visited Mrs, Charles Longway, Kennecott, at the hone of the latter's parents; Mr. and Elizabeth, Mr,' Purcell was a and Mrs, A, W. Beacom, Friday even- kind, indulgent father and husband, a Mg. good neighbor and a strong adherent We are pleased to hear that Mrs. to the Roman .Chtholic Faith, He'bore George Watt; who had her tonsils re- his illness with Christian resignatiqn moved in the Winghain hospital, has to the will of .God., dying fortified with returned home, the full rites of the Church. Tia fun - Mr. and Mrs. David Reid and Earn- eral was held on 1Saturday morning to visited Wen ham Saturday. St. Columba* tOhprch, where Requiem. ily l We are pleased to hear that ' old .High Mass ,was sung by, the ,Pastor;. i doctor stork while- passingcrier Olin- Rev. Father Dantzer, attendeil''by his ton hospital Thursday night presented old friends and neighbors, showing Mrs. Norman 'Sheppard with a fine the high esteem' in which he Ana Heid baby gibe. in the community. The pallbearers lir. William 'Zinn and his niece, were Messrs. -Peter Eckert, Patrick• Miss Bella McCalla, of Kin'btnrn visit- eleLaughlin, . Thomas O Lcuguaid ed Mr. Robert and Florence 'Watson Michael O'Loughlin,Tha Joseph ath Quaeof he Thursday afternoon of last wee k. Martin Murray. Y P Y We join in congr ttilat:ii1g_ Miss crane}minty i5 extended to the fainly •llertha Hoggart in being successful in in their sad bereavement. veinnitig. second prize in the competi- toi n held in Seaforth Friday of last VARN'A a week, Miss Roggen well be among. Mr, and Mrs. Jeff Keyes, daughter. the team frons this' County which goes Dorothy and son Charlie, of Nashville, to Toronto to compete. Tenn„ are the guests of Mr. and Miss We congratulate Miss Marjorie Logan. Rickell in being re-engaged to teach Mrs. McAsh has returned to Lon S. S. No. 6 for the coming year with tion after spending a few days with. an increase of salary. her mother, Mrs. Weekes. A number in the community gather- Mr. and Mrs. W. Reid have return- ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wii' ed from their honeymoon and are now Bann Brown Tuesday evening of last comfortably settled down on their week to welcome Mr. and Mrs. Geo. farm to face the stern realities of life. Brown on their return home from We wish the young couple a happy their honeymoon. A very pleasant and prosperous life. 'Mrs. Forgie' and son, of Wing - ham, spent a day with Mr, and Mars. F. Weekes. Mr. William Beatty, of Mount Brydges, called on= friends in our vi- cinity last week. Captain Rogers, of the Army -Crus- aders, gave a very interesting dis- course in St. John's Church last week, Miss Stelk, of Clinton, spent a few days with her grandparents, Mr, and Mrs, St:elk, DELINEATOR'. Lowest offeritl}; ever given on this magazine -45 months for $1,00, See - scribe now at ,c r JOHN MacIArIS X,S• Mrs, Melling, 13etterlck; epresentative will be in tpwaa for a few days, .'OST. Yearling heifer., one -year-old", color red, -with e few email white 'epots, Finder please call JOSEPH L, MAL- QN:EY, Beeeltivood.' 'Phone 40•r22 Dublin, 26, were week -end visitors at BaY e A number front Housed attended the anniversary services at Thames road on Sunday last. A large number of pupils of Hen- sall and surrounding schools are this week trying the Entrance examina- tions at Hensall with Mr. Mossann, of Exeter, presiding; Secretary Gordon Raid,ecretary of the Western Ontario: Conservative As- sociation, was in town on Monday. The Decoration services were held on Sunday afternoonat the Hensall and McTaggart cemeteries by the Odd Fellows Lodge of the village, ac- eompanied by a large number of friends. The graves of the departed Odd 'Fellows and Rebekahs were first decorated, after which a short service was 'held, Addresses were made by Rev. Mr. Sinclair, Rev. Mr. Mcllroy, and Mr. William Doig. Mr. George Sutherland had charge of the services. Thosewho attended the service at the Hensall cemetery were pleased with th splendid condition in which the Hensall cemetery is being kept. A very interesting baseball game was played on the Hensall diamond "onr:Friday evening last, resulting in a victory for Exeter, the score being 2-0 in favor of the visiting team, Dr, Fletcher, of Exeter, received the lucky .ticket, getting the aide of bacon, The Sacrament of the Lord's 'Sup- per will be observed in the &tensall United Church on Sunday morning( next. Preparatory service will be held on Friday evening. Miss, Jessie Bell, of -Windsor, is vis- iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs, James A. (Bell, Mr. and Mrs, J. Thompson and dau- ghter Mary and Miss Grablbe, of Southampton, ,visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. 'W. White. Miss Violet Gill, of the Ontario Trloepitai, London, is visiting her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. S, Gill.' 'Mr. and Mrs. William Bell and children, of Windsor, are visiting their .parents, Mr. and Mrs. James A. Boll .and Mr, and Mrs, John 7-uefle, WAS Gland, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs, Alan 'McDonnell for the •past two weeks, has returned to her home at 'Mount Clemens, Mr. 'Thomas Farquhar, who has been wishing for some time with rela- tives in Hamilton, has returned home. WANTED, Atu:Inspector or Superintendent for Huron County Children's, Aid Society in place o'f Mr; G, M,' Elliott,•eesigned. Applications in writing, stating quali- fications and salary expected will be .received by the unders'igned up to July 19th, 1928, duties to begin as soon as possible. Fail particulars as to duties expected, etc,, will be given by the Clerk on application. GEO. W, HO LMAN, Dated at 1Goderieh, Clerk, Huron. the 2511. day of June, .1928, • ..28 time was enjoyed by all. Miss Marjorie McEwing visited Miss Einma Jamieson Sunday after- noon, Mr, William Jamieson and family visited A. W. McEwing Sunday even- ing. Messrs. Lorne and Ernie Toll have purchased two fine Chevrolet coupes from Mr, Anderson, of Brussels, re- cently. Mt, Guy and Miss Agnes Leiper, who have been attending the School of t few Commerce in Clinton for the last months, intend leaving for Toronto this week We wish them every suc- cess. Ili. and Mrs. Frank McGregor and fancily visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Parsons Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Thon'ias'Neilans visit- ed Mr. and Mrs, Bert Allen Sunday. Miss Ena Parsons, who has been at- tending Blyth Continuation. School for the past three years, finished writing off this year's examinations Monday. We wish Ena every success. The Alert Club met at Miss Isobel R.eid's Thursday evening of last week. Mrs. William Knox, of near Kin - burn, and Miss Florence Knox, of To- ronto, visited the former's sister, Mr, Thomas Knox, Monday. Miss Lydia Reid has been re-en- gaged as teacher at Winthrop. Audrey Knox wrote the Entrance examinations in Blyth this week, KIPPEN. After an illness since the first of June with the 'flu, Miss Janie Kerr passed to her reward on Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William MoDonald, in her 83rd year. Miss Kerr was born in Hay township, one of seven daughters of William and of her Mrs. Kerr, and the greater part life was spent in that tow•nxshipair some years she had lived in Heti id's coming to Mr. Willia ed McDonald's last fall. She is . surviv Y sisters; Mrs, R. 8. McLean, Kippen; Mrs. Wilson, Winnipeg, and Mrs. McGregor, of Detroit, The funeral took place on Wednesday afternoon from St, Andrew's Church, Kippen, and was attended by a large umbr of friends who gathered top Y e r last respects to one who had so long been a highly respected resident of, this district. Rev. R. R. Conner con- ducted the services and interments made in 7togerville cemetery. pallbearers were Messrs. ;Robert 1 abe t El- gie, T. N. Forsythe, 'J,. W Hugh McGregor, Andrew Bell and William Sinclair.. Mrs. Thomas Kyle has purchased a new Essex sedan. Mr, mei Mrs, Reid of London spent - the weekend at the home of Mr,. and Mrs, W E. Butt and T, W, Butt. ,Mr. W. W. Cooper and daughter,' Grace, of London, spent the week end at W. R. 'Cooper's. 'A cow belonging `to Mr. John B. Hyde was killed by lightning last, Wednesday niglit. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the Estate of Neil Sntith, Deceas- ed. NOTICE' is hereby given that all persons having claims against the es- tate of Neil Smith, late of the Village of. Brncefield, .in the County of Huron, Shoemaker, deceased, who died on or about the thirteenth day of March, A,D. 1928, are required to deliver to Aleandcr Smith, the administrator of the said estate or to W. BrYdone, so- licitor, on or before the 30th day of June, A.D. 1928, a full statement of their claims together with particulars thereof, and the nature of the'securit- ies, if, heldby thein, all duly, Verified by affidavit. :is•NO TAKE NOTICE that after the said last mentioned date the said ad- ministrator will proceed to distribute the estate of the said deceased amongst the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to such claims as he shall have received due notice and in accordance therewith. Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this 5th day of June, A.D. 1928. W. BIRYIDONIE, Clinton, Ont. Solicitor for the said Estate. EXPERT FINIS'HING:' ' Expert Kodak finishing: Develop- •ug 5c a roll, prints 3c each, any size. JACKSON STUDIO, Seafotth. • , 26 THURSDAY, J1(J11 1 28, FARM, FOR SALE, Choice 50 -acre fame, in good coach - teen. Ne lot 16, Cott, 5, McKillop, all cleared and all seeded down. Two 0 storey cement house, flame kitchen, allto good repair, 'Bern 50'x46' on a cement wall, cement 'stabling and water in the barn, Cement driving house 24'x36'. Franme hog pen 16'x24': Never failing well of choice water. Well fenced and unlcrdrained with tile drain, Will 'be sold on easy terms to suit purchaser, with or without crop. Failure of health is reason for selling. For further particulars apply on the premises or write td Seaforth, R.R, 5, ROBERT GXBSON. 1127 CHEAP FUEL FAR.SALE.., 'A quantity of soft- wood, 16 inches ong. Free to split. $2,25 at the stump. Also hard maple, 14' inches ong. Can be delivered. Apply' to James Te'.. Sproat, Seaforth R.R. 3, or phone 160r34. 5 • 23tf, " HOUSE, FOR SALE., Corner James and Ann Streets, Sea- Orth, seven roomed house, electric ight, hard and soft water inside; Garden and, stable on property. Apply MRS. WM. MtM'POTPAEL, John st., of Phone 197, 18tf GRASS SEED FOR SALE. Yellow Blossom Sweet Clover seed at $4.50 per bushel. Timothy and 'al- like mixture, 27 p,c. alsike at $5.00 per bushel. Gov. tested and free from primary noxious weeds. 'RUSSELL D:OUGH+ERTY, 'Walton, lot .15, con, 17, Grey. Phone 37 r 19, Brussels. 16tf CROMARTY. Miss Mary Gorle, of Toronto, spent the past week visiting friends in this vicinity. We are sorry to report the illness of Mrs, John McCulloch. Mr, and Mrs, Andrew McLachlan and daughter Grace: motored to Brant- ford, Galt, and Kitchener during the past week. :Remember the annual S. S. Picnic to. be held• on the Mountain Grove on July 2nd, Mr, and Mrs, Charles Mills, of St. Marys visited friends in this place on Sunday. LONDESBORO. Mr, Rouppe of New York City is spending a few days with his sister, Mrs, John Hutton. Miss Berta Nott of Clinton spent the week end with her Parentis here, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vodden and family were guests at the hone of Mr. John Armstrong on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Wilson spent Saturda y with the former's uncle, 'Mr. John Hutton. Miss Rtith Shaddick of the tenth line,spetit the week end the guest of her fi em; Miss Gladys Fairservice. Mr. and Mts. D. D. Roberton mo- tored to Southampton on Sunday, caliing at different •places on the way. Mr. Will Govier, Mr. and Mrs, Will Lyon of Blyth, and Mr. John Rad- ford motored to Toronto Sunday to see Mrs, Govier, who is in St Mich- ael's Hospital there. Mrs, Janet McVittie of Harlock is. visiting Mrs. Fothergill of the village, The Many -,Purpose Oil. -Both in the house and stable there are scores of uses o f r Dr. Thomas' Ecicetric Oil, USit ' scalds, for cuts, , bruises, e the pains of rhenm�atfsin 'bur ns and sciatica, sore 'throat and chest. 'Horses are liable very largely to similar ailments and mishaps as afflict mankind, and are equally amenable to the healing influtence of this fine old remedy fwhich maeof rien'dshas duringdtltethousands past fifty yearsfirtn - IN M'EMORIAIM: UliLE.Y. In loving memory_of our dear Reggie, who died one year ago Oil July 1st, 1927. He was only aasweet little rosebud, A pure little flower from birth; So God called him home to Heaven, Before he was soiled' on earth. -From Mother, "CARBROOK FLASH'IAGHT" The purebred Clydesdale "Car- brook Flashlight" No. 24641. Enrol (nett No, 1958, Approved Form I. will stand at .his own stable, lot 3, con. 3, Hullett, for .the season of 1928, Tern s. $15.01).. T. J Mc- Michael, Prop. music and speeches. - 'iss Hamilton and •Miss Weekes sang a duet with Miss Coates as pianist. Mrs, Foote also sang a lovely solo. Another event of the eat ening was the •presentation of a living loom suite to Mr, and Mrs. Harrison, Mrs. Lourne Thurlow read the ad- dress. Taken entirely 'by ' surprise, Mr. Harrison replied in a few words, tbanking thein for the beautiful gift. The address read as follows: To (Dear Ida and Jim: - On this happy occasion; of the Thirtieth Anniversary of your mar ridge we desire to congratulate you upon all the success; happiness and continued prosperity of a happy married life. You have beautifully exempliied the truth of love and the divineness of marriage. On this happy occasion of your assembled guests we congratulate you upon' your good. health, and the health of, your fabout you. tl You o w have aprove inhere the highest mays the best things that life offers to young people starting out to make a honne,, and to uphold the true traditions, of industry and thrift, and to. convey happiness and love into the'. lives of others, You have shown how possible it to overcome the trials and difficulties of life, and to turn them' all into suc- cess and blessing. We see it with. abounding evidence that •God has crowned the past thirty years of year wedded lives with His loving kind'ness and Hie tender mercies and that He has abundantly blessed unto each other, and made you -a joy •unto rnany hearts. Our 'heartiest good wishes are extended 't0 you on :this occasion. for long continued happiness and blessing: through' many years to cosine to you both, 'And while this anniver- sary may bring- to you much thought,. and 'sense and outlook that seems strangely similar to that of thirty years ago, yet we trust that you Will engoy to the fullest measure the happy confidence of veterans in the field of life, and long continue to be an in spiration, a blessing and God's minis- tering servants to the youo ng P P who have yet to face those problents which 'you faced, and who'yet are un- tried in those great respotnstcbilitics, which you have so nobly proven to be a joy. To increase some of the happy sense of 'love; and good wiil and best wishes, such as you enjoyed 'thirty years, ago, 'we desire to present te yen us'a Thirtieth Anniversary'Ite- ntenubratice, these .gifts and with the fervent 'hope that you will both long enjoy, them. Signed on behalf of Mother,Bttothers, Sisters and Fandily, The Black Perolaeron-Stallion "DI•AMANT" has been purchased by Mr., William 1.1, Keeler of .Dublin from Mr, R. W Agar, and will travel in the Seaforth district this season. IWflliam H. Keeler, Mgr 21tf 92 PROFESSIONAL CARS, Medical. DR, 1.1. ;UGH ROSS, l hy ai and Surgeon Late of Idoa Hoat• pital, London, England, Bpeoi*l attention: to diseases of the eYe, e*at nose and throat. Office and renld- ettce behind Dominion Bank. Office Phone No, 5; Residence Phone '111* .5 DR. F, J, 'BURROWS, Seaford)" Office and residence, Goderich (trea* east of the Methodist Church, 'Cop-• over for the 'County of Huron. Tel* - phone No. 40. DR. C. MAOK,AY.-C. Mackay, honor graduate of Trinity UniyPera- ity and gold medallist - of Tri (Medical College; member of the 1 lege of Physicians and 'Surgeons Ontario, a SE FOR HM MARKETS. A T Wednesdey,'June 27th, Wheat, per bus, ,..$1;40 90c 785c 0c $2,20 2,10 35c $1.50 20c -26c -29c 18c 'Barley, per bus, Oats, per bus, Buckwheat, per bus, Shorts, per cwt. Bran, per cwt, Butter, per lb. Potatoes, per bag Eggs, per doz. Broilers, 1./ lbs, per lb Broilers, under 154 lbs, per lb, ....15c Old roosters, per, lb. 1.5c Old hens, live, 6 lb. per lb 21c Old hens, live, 5 lbs. per lb, 19c Hogs, select, per cwt Hogs, thick smooth,' per cwt $11.00 THE McKILLOP Fire F re Insurance Co. td' DR. F, J. IR. FORSTER-Eye, Eta: DT 'T in (bat. Graduate Nose and h Medd.- eine? University' of Toronto 1897. La Assistant New York OpItthaim'ic aunt Aural Institute, Moorefieid''a,Eye, and Golden Square throat hospitals, Lau.. don, England. At Commereaa1 hu$ia6„ Seaforth, 3rd' Monday in ea'tb mouth" from 11 a,m. to 3 p.m, DR. W. C. SPROAT,-Graduate'•-id Faculty of 'Med'icine, - University see ;Western Ontario, London. iMensbus of College of Physicians and S'enrf geons of .Ontario: •Office in Aberhr at' Drug Store, Main 'St„ Seafort . Phone 90, Dental • FARM AND I!SOLATE'D-' TOWN PROPERTY 0 N L Y, INSURED Officers --James Connolly; Goder- ich; Alexa• Jaines' Evans, Beechwood; Vice President; D. F. McGregor Seaforth; Sec. -Treasurer, Directors -Wm. Rine; No.• 2 Sea- forth, ,.John iBennewies, . Brodhagen: 'James: Evans, Beechwood; M. Mc- Ewen, Clinton; James Connolly, God- erich; Alex. Broadfoot, ' No. 3, Sea - forth; J. M. Sholdice, No. 4, Walton; Robert Ferris, Harlock; George Mc- Cartney, No, 3, Seaforth; Murray Gi:bson,:Brucefield. Agents -Alex, Leitch; r.r, 1, 'Clin- ton E. Hinchley, Seaforth; J. A Murray, r.r. No. 3, Seaforth; J. V, Yeo, Hoimesville; R. G. Jarmouth, Bornholm. James Kerr and John Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors:^Parties desirous to .effect insusance or :trans- act . other business will 'be ,`promptly attended to by application to any of, the above named officers addressed to their respective postoffices. - DR. J." A, IMJ•NQN - Successor to Dr. R. R. Ross, grades• ate of Northwestern University, c1til ca.go, Ill, Licentiate Royal 'Coll o- na 'Dental Surgeons, Toronto., Of6ax cater Sills' ghardware, Main attest, Seaforth.. Phone 181... DR. F. J. BEOf ELY, 11a4 Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Tomato. Office over W. R. • St1is Grocery, Main street, 'Seaford'. Phones, 'office- 185W, residence 185'f. 'Auctioneer. • GEORGE [ELLIOTT, Licensaid Auctioneer for the County of 'Hunan, Arrangements can be Made -J i" Sala Date at The Seaford' ' News. Cmaer+ moderate and satisfacttion guaranteed EPAROIUD JACKSON - Auctioneer ' for 1Heron County. Ar-• rangements n 'be madCe The SeaforthcaNews. hargesfor msalesodaete- rate, Guaranteed satisfaction. Phone 134r5, Seaforth. WATSON *AND REI>lS-: REAL ESTATE • AND INSURANCE. AGENCY, (Successors to James Watson) MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT Ailkinds of Insurance risks -effect- ed at lowest rates in First -Class Companies. TUCKERSMITH. Mr, John McNaughton has .been confined to bed for a couple of weeks with the flu. Mr, Elliott Walters is at present sick with the flu. Mr, and Mrs. Roy McGeoch and, Mr. and Mrs. George McGavin spent Stmday at Springbank. - Mr. and Mrs, Re Boyes and little son Robert have returned from a pro- longed visit with friends in Muskoka. Mrs, J. Allan visited at the home of Mrs. Norman Jones one day,recentiy. Miss Jean Fotheringham visited ov- er the week end et the home of Mr. (and Mrs, T. J. Webster, ' A number of friends and' relatives: gathered at the hofne of Mr. and Mrs, William Riley Friday evening last and spent an enjoyable evening. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. oyes have, re k tuola, rned from a tnbMtor trip to is-. Mr. and Mrs, T • ,Richardsdin and Mr. and Mrs. J, Allan and Mr. 'Gor Richardson motored ' to Sarnia Friday last, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Arian and fa- mily visited' with her uncle, Mr, .Bnr- ,gess of Brussels, Friday last, Mr. William Taylor is able to be out after an attack of flu. Herne of news always welcomer. EXETER. Ott the everting' of June 15, a large gathering of about.: sixty relatives and frtrncs gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Jentes 'Harrison, it being the event of their thirtieth w•ed.ding anniversary. Dinner was ".served in the dining room, Rev, James Foote of ;Exeter, proposed a toast to the bride and groom.' Mr. 4. 'W, Smith Toronto, responded' to the •toast. The remainder of the evening was spent in Have your next Suit or - Overcoat made by y W.- BATEMAN : Practical Tailor MAIN ST,, SEAFORTH Prices from $25.00 up. • YOUR OWN MATERIALS MADE UP AT REASONABLE RATES Try us for Prompt Service Style and Satisfaction Thursday, Friday and Saturday TieiciE RN T1 HE BUGLE CALL- , � • with Claire Windsor Herbert Rawlens n The Kid himself -at his finest. You'll give him your tears and .your cheers in the stirring story of frontier wars Monday Tuesday and Wednesday AND EVIL ADAM with t ��rr CODY N NG LEW CODS ILEE PRS LE A Smart Farce 'Comedy of a married uian who remained - gay. SPECIAL CIJtL NE+ XT WEEKEND TheRohens andKenya' in Paris s A torrent of merriment,' a tornado of Laughter, a oylone of comedy,