HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1928-06-28, Page 5THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 1028,
1'`l1eSo Prices good `for one week from date
a Su to 20 Ib. bars $1.18
Redpath gat, b
Castile Soap, largo eakea :t0 for 25c
.2Calliment Soap Flakes,2 pigs , -r5c
matte by Palm Olive Soap Co,
R''eg. tf`sos, for
1, Oval Enamel Disli Pan, white
blue or green, 4 ealcea• P. and G. ,
1 Guest Ivory, 1 large Cltipso
(Alt for 98c) •
Large Ririe Bananas, at 7e pei• 1b.
Real Red and White "Values.
Rholne 8'
Sproat J.
St • Phone 77
Stewart rt
We pay the highest prices for good cream.
Our services to our patrons are the beit that can be.. given.
Do not send your cream to other Creameries; we want
it here.
To operate a Creamery we need your co-operation.
In return for 'you co-operation we will give • you of our
best in service and prices.
for theMellotte Cream We agent e n Separators: Come
and see the new Models.
Seaforth Creamery Co. Seaforth Ont►
C. A. BARBER, Prop.
W,' J, Walker & Son
Motor or Horse Equipment
W. J. 'WALKER, holder of Go-
vernntent diploma and license.
Flowers , Furnished,
Night or day phone,67..
01 H1 McInnes
Of Wingham, will be at the
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth
Monday, Wednesday and
Friday Afternoons
Diseases of all kinds- success-
fully treated.
Electricity .used.
Beware of an Itchy Spot
Keep your hair and scalp
clean, also free from dan-
druff by having your next
Just around the Corner in
, the Donninion Bank Bui.ld-
Phone 125.
Pianos Tuned
Cleaned and
Residence—James St.
Mr. Joseph Moylan, of St. Mich-
ael's College, Toronto, is spending the
holidays at his ^parental home in Mc -
'Miss Anna' 01Reilly, of Clinton,
Spent the week -end at the home- of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jantes O' -
Miss Anise McQuaid,, . of Stratford,
spent the week -end visiting her. par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. McQuaide .
'Miss ..Sadie Queenan spent ,Sunday
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. " Jblin
Dougherty, •
Mr. Pat. Flannery., has returned
from Battle Creek where he has +been
visiting his sou Fergus, who is very
sick at :present,
Miss Annie Dalton, of Detroit, is
home for the summer vacation.
Mr. john McMillan, of 'Detroit,- is
spending hisholidays here at the
home of Mr. and, Mrs. Miles Mc -
Rev. Father Dantzer, P,P, of St.
Coltun'ban,.is on Retreat at St, Peter's
Seminary rn
London this week.
'St. Columban's Shamrocks went to
Brussels last Friday night and in a
hard-fought, rough game, defeated
Brussels 2 to 0. "Cheer tip, boys, you
are doing well," -
On Tuesday night 'Monkton played
St, Columban on the home grounds
here. It was a wretched evening for
' t
the football as it rained all afternoon
ane the grounds were very bad. The
best St. Colum'ban could, do was to
hold' thein to >a tie, 1 to 1, Wilson
Wright scoring for St. Colunnban on
a penalty 00 the'first ,haif, St. 'Coffins -
ban go to Newton Friday eight.
Want and For Sale ads, 3 times 50c
If you must wail on
Country Ilieliways
wat,lk on the
left side
afety Committee
The HON, GEO. S. HENRY, Chainads
t t
1?ev. and M. MM,.D, it,lu s ,
Miss Margaret (iedcles and Mr,- W. J.
McCorquodale, of Ember), paid a,
visit at the Parsonage on Friday last.
Mrs, Jessie 'Brown ;returned home
Saturday after spending the, past week
atthe home of Mr. 13�obert Hogg, r Me -
m gb,
Killop, who has 'been seriously ill,
itaviug suffered a hemorrhage.
Mr. Ralph Muir slid Mr,, Hugh
M'ttt:ight, Detroit,'ware visitors• in town
over the week -end..
'.Hiss Ethel Beam, Stratford, was
the guest of Miss Margaret Grieve
over the week -end.
C.a t ai t Tanaw^ y wino has had
,It,t a., , l
charge of'the local S'alvatlon Army
Corps, leaves Thursday for Chapleau,
where he will he in charge of the
week there. Captain and Mrs, Mur-
ray will 'succeed 'Captain Janaway,
Their welcome' service will be 'Sunday,
July ' I, 'Captain Janaway's many.
friends regret his departure,
.Mr, and Mrs, Gordon
Hays and
Mr. and Mrs. Louis' Beall and' Miss
Lucy Eckert and Mr, Earl Hymer, of
Detroit, spent Sunday with friends in
Laying cement on the Huron road
will start at Seaforth on Saturday, it is.
expected, barring delays.
The Ladies' Aid of Northside Unit-
ed ,Church are holding a strawberry
,tea on Friday, July 6.
ISeveuty-one candidates from Sea-
fortlrand district are writing on the
Entrance examinations at the Col-
legiate this week.
'Mr and Mrs, Thomas Steet, of
Meaford, were visitors in town on
Tuesday -nn their way to visit at Sag-
inaw, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. S•teet had
intended making the teip
to the
by bus, but found that the Owen
Sound bus and also the Goderich bus
had been discontinued. •
A Seaforth Girls' Soft,. Ball Team
'Till 'take part in the tournament at
Lucknow on July 2nd. '
Mr. and Mrs, Walter' Robinson„ Mr.
and Mrs, Norman Bohanan, of Lon-
don, motored here Sunday and at-
tended both jubilee 'services in the
Egnvondville United .Ohurch, and were
guests .of Mr.'Robinson's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Robinson.
Mrs, - Katherine. Smith, of Flint,
Mich., carne here to attend the jubilee
services, in.,Eginoudville, Mrs, Smith
who was Miss Cameron and is well
tied favorably known here, is visiting
het•'brother James Cameron; and her.
sister; Mrs. Wa'sman, of Beucefield,
also Mrs. McPherson of town and
brothers, Wnr. and •.Peter 'Cameron.
Muss -(Eva Fee, of Worthington., is
holidaying with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W .G: W. Fee.
Mrs, Thomas Sharpe visited Mrs.
E W. Pat m:tn in Clinton- over the
week -ends
Mr, and Mrs. J. J. Cleary and Mr..
'and Mrs. Louis Flannery tivere visit-
ors at the home of Mrs. Flannery's'
parents in Logan on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Pollard Visited the
latter's sister, 'Mrs. Jahn Wright, near
Auburn over the week -end.
'Mr, and Mrs, Arther Cramer, Mit-
chell, were visitors Friday with Mrs.
Hugh- Wright.
Mrs. George Aberhart was in God-
erich on -Monday, as her father is
seriously ill in the hospital there.
Ilie United Church congregation of
Egmondville is. fortunate in securing-
ecuringthe services of Mrs. Frank Novak for
their choir leader' and' organist in
place of Mrs.,, Ben. Johnson, who has
resigned and is moving to Hamilton
very soon. Mrs. Johnson has given
excellent, satisfaction and the best
wishes of everyone will go.with-, her
and. Mr, Johnson and daughter Fay to
their new ho?+
Mr. George 'A'berhart Jr. and Miss
Mae •Aberhbrt, of London, were home
for the week -end. They brought Mr.
and Mrs, •Johnson and children,- who
were the guests of Mr.'and Mrs, Geo.
Aberhart on 'Sundy. Miss Mae will
remain for the holidays.
Mrs: Clark, of Nelson, B'C., and
Mrs. Thornton, of Preston, are -visit-
ing their.sis'ter, Mrs. Sam `Jeffry, who
is quite ill, this week'.
Prof J j' •:Keys and son, of Nash-
ville, Tenn., •visited at the home of.
last.Mr, and Mrs, W. L. Keys on Saturday
\9'rs: '(Rev.) Hamilton and sister,
MissaGra.ce Otiver, of 'Goderich, were
the guests of Mr. anti -Mrs: 5.' R. Gov
entock one day last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Weber antifamily, of
Woodham, were Sunday visitors at
the home of Mr. and Mrs, Sam:
Hanna, • „Is°It15ij
-Miss Sarah A' Keys, of Stanley Tp.,
who has been visitingher sister, Mrs,
Sam.. Hanna, the past week, returned
hone ore-Tuesdey,
• Mrand Mrs, William .Chapman
and Mrs, A. G. Broadfoot, of Bruce -
field, were Sunday guests with Mr,
and 'Mrs, A. C. Routledge.
Mr, and Mrs. Allen Sylvester en and
fancily were visitorSunday with Mrs
Alien's aunt, -Mrs. Tunney, in Blyth.
Miss Ella McLaughlin, of Guelph,
is spending the latter part -of the week
with Miss, Robertson and Mr, Robert-
. Jack' Wright, --formerly of Sea-
fortonh, and at present iiving'near Buf-
falo, is a guest this 'week at the .Com-
ntercial Hotel, Mr, Wright's father
had charge of the erection of the Sea-
iorth Post Office When the new one
was built.
Mit Roy Cannell, Hamilton, return-
ed Saturday after a week's visit
with his uncle and aunt, Mr, and Mrs,
William Trott.
Mrs, Elizabeth Whitesides, Toronto,
is spending a couple of weeks, .with
het'' sister, Mrs, S. Boyd,
Aliss Alma Free, of Dungannon and
Mrs. Thompson -and children, of Tint -
mins, visited 'Mr. and Mi's. W. F ren
this aveelc,
Mr, and Mrs,. •J. A, Stewart, Mrs.'
Geot'g Scott and W.E. Broad -
Met visited the forncer's daughter,
Mrs. W; G. Richards i 1 Stratford on
Wednesday. .
Me. and Mrs. Leonard Phillips and
daughter !Loraine of R'oeliester,' N,T.
were guests 'of -Mr and Mrs, E. Welsh
on Tuesday,
Tel', and Vlrs. John Todd and Miss
Tlel'en • Todd, of Stratford, were Sun-
day 'gttests of their aunt, Airs, S
Boyd, who celebrated her 80th'birtht
Miss Florence Fowler visited with
friends in London last week.
Mr. Fred. Jackson of Boibceygeon
!s hoiidaymg with his parents, Mr,
and Mts,IL, C. Jackson.
dart Thursday, June 21,
r, and Mrs. Ross, Science Hill,
were visitors Thursday last with, Mrs.
R. J Dalton,
C. '1 i Toronto, i
Mrs. E. c, tambetla n, i o, s
visiting with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Porterfield,
Me. and Mrs. Robertson and family
who moved feont Stratford to a house
on Higie street cast fall, left Teesday
for Qoderich where they will make
their home.
Mr. and, Mrs. 'Sam Hanna aid sis-
ter Sarah A. Keys, motored to Cede-
rich Tp. oil Friday last and were vis-
itors et the home of Mr, and Mrs.
Lou, Anderson,
Mrs. 5, E. Snaith, Mr, and Mrs. J. T.
Ross, Miss Mary 'Ross and Mr, 11.
Champion, ,all of -Brussels, were visit-
ors Sunday wMisses with the . M McCl re.
Mr, and Mrs, John Heitis and date-
ghter Stella, Listowel, and Mr. and
Mrs, Bert 'McIntyre and Betty, pi
Brussels, visited Mr. and Mrs, E.
Welsh Sunday.
Mr, W, J. Hays, of Detroit, is visit-
ing' his parents, bit, and Mrs. Janes
Mr. auandHaY,Genarcl s 1 t � fr
J. Hays leave Friday to motor to Fort
Erie and Windsor. • Glen will remain
at Fort Erie for a few weeks.
Nurse iVldl,aren spent 5hnalay with.
the Misses Forrest,'
'Messrs, Thomas Coulter and Frank
Kling motored to Paisley on Monday,
combining business and. pleasure.
:Miss Annie Carnochan, of Los An-
geles, Calif„ is visiting her brothers,
Messrs, James and .Robert Carnochen,
for some weeks,
and Mr's, H, J. Clancy and
children,' d[ Detroit, are visiting Air.
and Mrs, Charles Stewart,
Mr, John McIntoshmade business
trip to Landdo t and Aylmer on Mon-
day. -day.
-Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Hutchison and
Miss A. Syerman, also Mrs, R. E,
Bright and her mother, Mrs. IX, M.
Honey attended the funeral of Mr. 1.
D. Price, of Aylmer, Mr. Price being
brother -in'la'y of Mr. Hutchison and
Mrs. Honey, and a cousin of Miss
Tyerman. • -
Mrs. W. A, Wright was in Clinton
on Wednesday to visit her mother,
Airs. Grainger, in Clinton hospital.
Mrs, Oscar 'Neil returned with Mr.
and Mrs. T. McCrae to Detroit on
Sunday to visit there.
Mr. J. G. Mullen, who has been ser-
iously ill with pleurisy, is improving,
Mr, Arthur Broadfoot returns to
Moosejaw Thursday: efter'spending a
month with his mother here.
Mrs. Montgomery Davis leaves on
Thursday on a visit to the West, the
early part of'the trip -being made by
Miss Agnes Crosbie of Toronto
spent a few days with Mrs, Adam
No Game. -The Newton-Kinburn
game to be played here was postpon-
ed on account of rain- on Tuesday
Miss Vera Dodds, Toronto, is visit-
ing her cousin, Mrs, Jack Ferguson,
Mrs. Hugh Dunlop and Vera and
Pete and Mrs. Oeyitle Dale spent
Monday in Stratford.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Stephenson were
week -end visitors 'With Mrs. J. Sin-
clair and Mrs Justin at Brigden.
Mr. and Mrs, Simon Miller, Crom-
arty and son, Mr. Lloyd Miller, Strat-
ford, visited at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Britton Sunday last.
Mr. and Mrs, James Medd visited in
Exeter on Sunday.
Air, Charles H'oggarth sold a valu-
able horse to Mr, G. Dow, Exeter.
Mr, Charles Stewart has received a
handsome offer for his show teaut
which has been clelaning up the prizes,
Mr. and Mrs. J. 1i, Snell of Tuck-
ersmith visited her brother, Mr. 'Oliv-
er Anderson on Sunday. Mrs. A. An-
derson, who had been visiting Mr. and.
Mrs. Snell, returned with 'theme ,
Miss Mildred Britton is spending
the latter part of this week with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs, William Brit-
Mr. Austin ,Dolniage moved a house
which he recently bought in Constance
to les property this week,
The many friends of • Mrs. Elmer.
Pollard are pleased to hear she is im-
Mr, •Charles Garter,Detroit, who has
been ill with the flu, is at the home of
his parents. Mr. and Mrs. William
Carter and his friends are glad to
know he is improving.
Mr, Charles s er was in ,Seaforth
k having hospital this wee g itis tonsils
'Want and For. Sale ads, 1 time 25e
'Mfr. George Layton is visiting with
friends near this • i u• Owen Sound t .wee
The London Road U F'W.O. held
their June meeting at the home of
Mrs, William ,Lawson's• in Hallett on
Thursday evening, also their annual
picnic to Bayfield on Saturday,
Messrs. Fred Nott, ;Roy'Plumsteel,
John Biggins
and Arthur Wiltae were
in Guelph 'Wednesday and Thursday.
Mr. and Airs, Glen McKnight visit-
ed at the 'home of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne
Elliott of near Walton. on Sunday.
IBnru,—In Clinton hospital on June
20th, to Mr. and Mr's. Mervyn H.
Hanley; of London 'Road, a sop (:Billy
George). •-
Mrs. Wilbur Nott and airs,. Jolla
Quigley, motored to rLondiin on Fri-
Mrs, Emma Simpson and her son,
George, Hamilton, visited at the hotne
,if Mrs, 'David )itctntosh last week.
Miss (Cate Moir of Hensall, was the
guest of Mr, and Mt's, J. Moodie last',
week. --
eft's. Thompson is spending a few':
weeks at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. Moodie,
eerie Anna lfDDonald of Dundas IS
a,t preseet visiting at the hone of her
daughter, Mrs, Robert ,Allen,
\• u t u
Miss M. McCully has one .ot a
extended visit to yEm'bro, Stratford
and, other points, The best wishes of
her many .friends go with her.
Mr. and mil, R. McKenzie of De-
troit are, visiting tleformer's parents,
Mr.."dlirI Mrs. Alex. ,Mckenzie this
Mr. Lyle ,Hill has sold his house in.
the village to Mr, Hugh Petry anti
has gone to Moose Jaw, Sask.; where
he :has secured a good position with
the railway. Mrs T Hill and children
will go lutea in tate year.
Mr. and Mrs, Thornton M' s ard
Toronto, visited his. father and other
friends on SundaY.
Mr. Hugh McGregor Jr., of Detroit,
spent the weeks -end at the home o,f his
father, Mr, Hugh •McGregor, who ac-
companied him'bac,k to Detroit.
Miss Helen M•ut'ray and Airs. West-
wood, uf" Detroit, visited their uncle,
Mr.John McCowan, over the week-
lfiev, C. and Mrs. Mustard and fam-
ily, of Toronto spent Monday in the
village. They came to visit the for-
orer's sister, Miss 'Gretta before she
leaves to take np'svork in a hospital
in Northern Manitoba,
Mr, Frank Skelton, of St. Marys, is
visaing his parents in the village.
Mr, Hugh Gilmore is driving a new
Durant car.
Mr, Will Sinclair spent a few days
in Toronto and Hamilton last iveek,
,vfr. and Mrs: II, Desjardine ;and
:lir, L. Sararas, of Zurich, spent Sun-
day with Mr. Harry Taylor.
Miss Vera Pepper spent the week-
end at home.
Mr. Hugh Berry is driving a new
Chrysler coupe.
Messrs, John McCowan, Victor
Taylor l and Lorne Taylor were in
o e
London Saturday on business. •
Mr. Percy Harrison has purchased a
new Ford car,
Mr, and Mrs, William Chapman
and family, of Sewall spent Monday
evening at Mr, Arthur Caldwell's.
A very pleasant evening wets spent
by the members of the United Church
on Friday, June 22nd, when they
gathered to do honor to Miss Greta'
Mustard,'R.N., who is leaving this
week to take charge of theMission
Hospital at Lthelb rt Man. Rev.
Bremner presided over a short pro-
gram, cousisting of a duet by the
Misses McDougall, vocal solos by
Mrs, Alton Johnston and Miss Jean
Murdock, and violin selections by
Miss E. Stackhouse. Rev. Mr, Hogg,.
Miss Mustard's pastor while in train-
ing in Clinton, paid a deep tribute to
her work, her courage, and her abili-
ties to carry on the work she is under-
taking at 'Ethel'burt, Rev. Mr, Mc-
Intosh, of Einbro, former minister at
Brueefield, was also present and add-
ed his good wishes for her future
success. Miss Mustard was then call-
ed to the platform, an address was
read by Mrs, R. P. Watson and a
purse of gold was presented by Mrs.
W. A,. Bremner, Miss Mustard made
a very suitably, reply, thanking the
congregation, not only for the purse
of gold, but for the hearts of gold
behind the gift. Refreshments were.
then served atd,a social hour.spent.
Craig-McNall,-A very pretty June
wedding took place in the Manse,
Wednesday, June 27, at 10.30 a.m,
when Miss C•hristena McNeil, daugih-
terof Mr, and 'Mrs. S. G. McNeil,
Blyth, became the 'bride of Mr. Ro-
bert James Craig, soar of Mr. and
Mrs. William. Craig, 7th con„ Mor-
ris. Rev. George Weir, of St. An-
cirew's United Church, performed the
ceremony. The bridesmaid was Mrs.
P7, J, Hiamm, sister to the bride, Mr.
Bernard Craig, the groom's brother,
was groomsman. The happy young
couple left after the. wedding on a
motor trip to Detroit. On their re-
turn they will make their home in
Blyth. A host of friends extend best
wishes .to Me. and Mrs, Craig.
A kitchen shower was held Tuesday
evening in honor of -the bride -to be,
Miss Tena McNeil, by her friends and
neighbors, on Queen Street. Little
Shirley Wallace and Wilma Watson,
dressed as bride and groom, made a
very handsome couple and added
greatly to the merriment of the even-
ing. The gifts were many and beau-
Ivlr. Leslie McElroy, Detroit, visit-
ed his parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. H.
McElroy, over the wreck -end.
Air. and Mrs. Thos. McKay and
Miss Alma of Shel'bourne, were week-
end guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. M.
MoKt•, a.nd Mrs. William Snell and
family and Air. and Mrs. Will Styers
metered tip from Parkhill and spent
the week -end with Mr, and Mrs. Earl
Dexter. '
The Court of Revision was held
Tuesday afternoon when several ap-
peals against assessments were heard
by Judge Lewisl The court was ad-
journed till July 10.
Blyth Orangemen and Lady True
Glues held their annual church. ser-
- in Queen- Street United Church
Sunday evening. They paraded, to the
church from the hall and following
the service marched back to the hall.
The church was crowded to the doors.
Rev. Mr. Doan, of Ontario Street
Street United Church. Clinton, a bro-
ther Orangeman, preached the sermon
t theo occasion.
ct.asn. o
Mrs. McVittie, of Hes p
home owing to the illness of her is
ther. Mrs, 'Gilley. Mrs. Burt, of Lon-
don who hiss also been attending her
sister, Mrs (Jidley. returned home on
'Mt •sG. D. Leib Is, Miss Laidlaw
and bit. James Laidlaw returned Fri-
day- after attending the funeral of a
cousin at Georgetown last 'Tuesday,
'Mrs, (Rev.) Geo. Weir is a guest at
the home of her daughter, Mrs, E.
M, Faris, in Toronto.
Memorial service will heheld in
Memorial ITall Sunday evening next,
Miss Clete Watson attended the
marriage rage of Miss Reta AI. \Vorsell,
formerly ly ;Principal' of 131yth Continua-
tion school, to Mr. Stephens, in God-
erich, on. Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Powell were
visitors in Stratford on Sunday.
>bit, and 'Mrs. William Trott and
family, of Seaforth, visited at the
house of Mrs .Crotty sister, Mrs.
Bowen._on Friday,
Mr, and Mrs, Frank Rogerson vis-
ited Mr. and -Mrs. Charles Asquith in
Anhui -n.0'1 Sunday, •
Archbishop Williams,- of t,ondoit,
con filmier! four candidatein Trinity,
AngHenn Church Sunday afteronon.
Atiss Tierney of iliIyth, teacher at
Brown's school has been re-engaged
with ail ittierettse in salary
Friday evening, June 22nd, a very
RIeasant' evening was spent at the.
Parsonage, Londesh ro, by the choir
choir of T.ontlesboro congregation and
the members and adherents of the
Constance Church previous to Mr. an
Mrs, Snell''s departure for their new
field of labor.' -T1 o of
edThe theo,-
L t
ciesboro Church presented Mrs, 'Snell,
who has been organist and choir lead-
er fair some time with a handsome
table and a purse of money as ,a tok-
en of appreciation of her painstaking
services. The address' was read by
Mr. Gordon Snell and. the pre'senta-
tiori. 'aTa•do by- Mr. ; 5. Postil, Thd
ntetnbet's-;iron' the '.Constance Congre-
gation took advantage of this occas-
ion to express to •Mr, Snell for hie
faithful services as pastor their ap-
preciation by presenting trim with z
beautiful club bag containing money.
the address in this case being read by
Mr, J. J, Hugill, presentation 'be-
ing made by Mr. Matthew Armstrong,
`rise addresses a d sses ale s follows;
"Dear Mrs, 'Snell,—We, tate mem-
bers of the choir, have met here to-
night, to let you know in a small way
that we have 'appteciaed your ser-
vices to us to the church during the
past two and a half years. We feel,
that it is only once in a life -tune that,
such help as you.have given us in
in sr is afforded people t d e c in a rural
community, You have always been
willing to help in every way possible
and we shall miss you, but we know
that wherever you oyou will instill
Y g a
in others, especially the young, the
live of good music, Please accept
this table and money as a little re-
membrance from your friends. Wish-
ing you every success in your new
home, signed on behalf of the. Choir."
The second address was as foilowis,
"Tn our highly esteemed pastor, Rev.
Mr. Snell,—We, the members and ad-
herents of Constance Church .feel it a
duty and a pleasure to convey to' you
in some wayourgratitude for t
t r
kind and faithful th ul ser is ' and v es a assoc-
iation as pastor of our congregation.
We feel that we cannot rightly esti-
mate the value- of those services. Not
only on account of the excellent men-
ner in which you have filled such a
responsible position, but also for tie
Christian spirit and example display-
ed by you to all with whonc you have
been associated, Pte deeply regret
the severance of those pleasant and
helpful associations. (During your stay
among us we. have indeed enjoyed
your thorough and extensive exposi-
tion of the 'Scripture which has pro-
vided us with continued inferrnation.
and inspiration. And as a slight token
of appreciation we ask you to, accept
this Club Bag, . not for its intrinsic
value -but for the Motive that pronepts
it. We trust as the years come and go
-you may have many pleasant memor-
ies revived by this token, May your fu-
ture life be brightened 'by knowing
that the Christian example set by you
has had its influence for. good among
those closely associated with you. As
you enter your new field of Christian
service we desire that not only our
interest may continue to be with you,
but also the blessing of the Master
may constantly rest on your labors.
Signed on behalf of the members and
adherents of your congregation."
On Saturday, June 23rd, Mr. James
Deans and Miss Clara Brown, of
Alvinston, ILam'bton Co., motored to
Londesboro, Where -they were united.
i t marriage by Rev. (Byron Snell at
tie Rarsonage. After a honeymoon
trop to Kincardine and Owen •Sound,
they will take up residence at •Alvin-
ston, where 'Mr. 'Deans is engaged in
business. A host of friends wish them
every blessing and joy through life.
tAbotit fifty of the friends and neigh-
bors assembled at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Sundercock on -June
20, the object of the gathering being
to present the .bride and groom, Mr.
and Mrs. Emerson Hesk, with two
remembrances, , The first part of the
evening :was spent with contests, after
d'. which Mies Clete Medd favored 'tl
gathering by singing two solos, aft
which' the presents were . preemie:
addle s.
was read
diet Grieve. At the chase of the a
dress n lovely chair was peesented.b
Mliss Mary Cartwright and a beaitt',
fit/ fernery by Miss Edythe Joslinf
air.' -Hosie thanked . his friends an
neighbors in a few suitable word
Lunch was then served, The remain
der of tate evening was' then spent wit
daneing,'Mi•.joseppit Quigley supply
Mg the music. The address was a
follows' "Dear Mr, and "Mrs. iHesk.•-
Remembering the old saying tha
"the first hundred years are the hard
est" we have gathered hereto -night ti
wish you joy and happiness in Ybyi
first' hundred. May these little gift:
and the kind wishes of your friend!
and neighbors which aceontpattj
them, help yon to enjoy at least fift1
years of happiness together. Signer
on behalf of your friends and neigh:
hors, Margaret Grieve, ' -
If you are planning a trip
- by aeroplane, automobile,
boat, bus, bicycle or railway'
Bain — surely' your object
is to have a good, time.
The only logical end ofa
perfect day is a good night's
sleep, and no time is a; good
time ii', you've got to wander
around from pillar to post
trying to find a bedroom.
That happens too often.
Ensure a good night's sleep
by telephoning ahead for a
room. It is the 'only sure
way. The very fact of hav-
ing removed the doubt will
make you light-hearted .---
-more capable of enjoying
your trip.
Real Estate, Conveyancing, Bonds
and Investments
Phone 152
Seaforth, Ontario.
A Good ' Portion
of beef served to you for the evening
meal, roasted about medium, with the
blood grayy oozing through, given
one a foundation. It just makes one's
mouth water to think of it. How
was that last piece :of meat we sent
you? Wasn't ittitne.
Your Butcher.
Phone 58 . Seaforth.
I The Snecial Milverton
We have it—Give it a Trial, Also
Grain Screenings
C. G,
Chop of All Rinds
Your Rut' Need..
Repairs and charging on all makes.
A good line of New and Used Parts,
l-tas its good points and bad, they say, but We think we ark
offering the kind of work that more nearly approaches
If your car needs fixing' up, and the best do sooner or later;:
let us demonstrate to'you the many advantages of ottr
reliable work, '':sal Ji
eat -.
PHONE 1.67W-