HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1928-06-21, Page 8GE E?;QW THE ia'EAFO-RNEWS, THURSDAY, JUNE 21 3928. WIN'1''BR'OP, • 11 Mr, Johti Ballard was called to Stafo t lest week, owing to ore ser - lots illness of his sister, yrs Samuel l Jeffery, who is very low at time of writing. Mr, Melvin Blanchard shingled his residence'last week. •: '.Mr; and Mrs. Robert McFarlane left ou a motor trip to their old home near Ottawa last week, They expect to be away a. couple of weeks. ' Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Bennett of ;'Walton are looking after the farm of Mr, Robert McFarlane while he is away. Mr. and Mrs, Jossph Davidson and son Murray and Mrs. Thomas' Mt - son, of London, spent the week end with Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Bennett. Miss Lydia '• Reid spent the' 'week end at her home in klarlock. • We are sorry to hear that Mr. Ar- tnancl'Kernick is Iain up with a sore hand, Rev, Capt. Rutherford of Burling- toh, Grant. Organizer of the Orange Order of Ontario West, will .speak in Cavan Church Friday evening, June 22nd. Cavan Chureb intend . holding their annual congregational picnic at Bay- field, Saturday, June 30th, We are sorry to hear that Mr. Rnbt I•Iogg Sr. is seriously ill. ST. COLUMBAN. dvlr, and Mrs, E. O'Halloran and children, Mrs, Janice McConnell and Mr, and Mrs, Peter A. .O'Sullivan and Mr. and 'Mrs. James O'Sullivan, 'Miss Clare Krauskopf, of Detroit, is holidaying at the home of her mother in St. Columban, also her brothers and sisters, of McKillop. Mr, Joseph Aftcheson, of the fifth line of Hibbert and his daughter, Miss Mary, are visiting with friends in To- ronto this week. Mrs, Mary ICrauskopf was visiting her daughters in London for a few days last week. Mrs. Catherine Molyneaux, of Dub- lin, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. M. Doyle, has returned to her home in Dublin on Sunday, Mr, and MTs, Joseph Eckert motor- ed to Chatham Sunday accompanied by Mrs, James Doyle, of Hibbert, Who went to visit her daughter, Sis- ter M. Theodore. The members of the Holy Name 'Society attended the district Holy .Nance Rally held in Dublin Sunday last at 3 p.m. There was a very large turnout of members. Football. -On Tuesday evening of this week the St. Columban Sham- rocks and Kinburn met on the home grounds at St. Columban in a sched- uled game in the district. Kin'burn vied game in the district. Result was a decisive win for St. Columban, the scare being 4 to 0 in favor of St. Columban. About 3 min- utes after the play started on a beau- tiful pass from Malone to Morris, Morris scored St. Columban's first goal. Before the end of the first per- iod McCartney scored again for St.. Columban. The second period again McCartney scored another one for St. Colunihan, Ten minutes before the time was up McQuaid scored the final goal for St, Columban, making it 4 too. The line-up: Goal -Reg. Kerslake; full backs, J. McTver, 13. Stapleton; half backs, G. Murray, L. Bruxer, and Nichol- son; centre forward, J. Morris; r, wing, F. McQuaid and J. L. Malone; left wing, G. McCartney and W. Wright. Kinburn-J. Armstrong, R. Dodds, J. Armstrong. Taylor, Stephenson, Dale, Holland, Bullard, T. Dundas, 'Crazier, Dennis. O. Dick, Seafortli, refereed the game. MANLEY. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dorchel and family, of Green Bay, Wis., and Mr. John Dorshel and 'Miss Lena Dor- shel, of Kitchener, were visitors in our burg last week. They found many changes since they left here about 40 years ago.. The former went to Uncle Sam's domains, and as a Huron old boy made his mark there with his brother Peter, who was call- ed by death a few years ago, and also has made his fortune there, John lived in Kitchener with his sisters, taking care of his parents there. They will be remembered by many of their school mates who still reside in our burg. Mr. Henry Beuermann Sr. and his grandson spent the week -end with his son Ed., who is C. P. R. ' agent in Moffat, Ont. Miss Emily McMann, of Chicago, aeeompanied by Mrs. Toseph Eckert, called on her many friends here this week. Qpite a nutnber of men and boys from here attended the Holy Name rally in Dublin last Sunday. There may be other corn removers, but you will not be cbinpletely satis- fied until you have used Holloway's Corn Remover. TUCKERSMITH. Masters Jack and Bud McLean, sons of Mr, and Mrs, Dave McLean, underwent operations for tonsils in Seaforth Hospital Thursday last, Miss M. McLean is at present very i11. Mr, J, Doig, of Buffalo, visited at the home of his parents, Mr, and Mrs R. Doig. Mr, 'William. Sproat visited friends in Buffalo over the week -end.. Mr, George Armstrong, of Gods- rich, has purchased a house belonging to Mr. A. Routledge, of Egm'ondville. ,Mr, William Taylor, of the 7th concession of Tuckersmith, is ill with the flu, The many friends of Mr. William Charters aro glad to see him around after being laid up with a .broken A very .happy gathering was held on Friday last when neighbors and friends assembled at the home of Ms. and Mrs. William Riley to spend the evening with the recently Married ecu- plc, and to welcome to the neighbor- wood, .Mrs. Riley, who was formerly f•' Mary. Jane Hart, daughter of Mrs, John Hart, of Mc'Kil- •'rd Mrs. Riley proved ti os't and hostess and '11 too soon with '^'client music oil the violin being ftsi'itished by Mr.. lhtgh Chesney and Mr. Jimmie l'ow au, A handsome pair of leather easy. chairs were .presented to Mr, and Mrs. 'Riley mad the followmg ad- th•ess was read by Mr. Robert J. Beattie,. to which lttr. Riley made a very able reply: "Dear Mr', said Mrs. Riley, We, your frientls and neigh, hors here :asapmb.led, wisli to extend to 'Mrs. Riley a hearty welcome to our neighborhood, in the establish - 1110111 of your new home we wish you every success in life, not only things that pertain to your welfare and comfort hitt also things of a -high er nature, We also 'hope that your. life may; be cheered by every hagpi- nese which married life should give, On behalf of theist, assembled here we ask you to accept these chairs as a slight token of aur esteem. and friend- ship, We sincerely hope and trust that you may be spared- to enjoy long life, health, happiness and prosperity. Signed on behalf of your friends, William 'R. Archibald." KIPPEN. Mrs. John 'Moffatt of Clinton spent the past week at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Bert McKay. Mrs. Harris and two children of St. Marys are visiting at the home of her aunt anti uncle, hfr. and Mrs, William Dow of the London Road. Mr. and Mrs. R, V. McClyniont of Detroit spent the week end at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs, James McClym'an't, On their 'return trip they were accompanied by Mrs. James McCl'ymont, :lir, and Mrs. Pearson and family' of London spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs, James McClymont, Mr, and 'Mrs. Field and fant'ily are on their holidays for a couple of weeks. He is relieved by Mr. Guen- ther of Hespeler, Mr. and Mrs, E. Stafford of Vienna spent the week end with her brother, Mr, W. L. Mellis, • A number from aroused ;the village took in the excursion to Niagara -Falls- on Saturday. They were: Mrs. W. E. 13utt, Mrs, T. W. Butt, Mr, W. Fair- bairn, Mr, and Mrs Cochrane, Mr. and Mrs, H. Jones and Mrs, M. Rei- chert. They all enjoyed their' trip, even if it were early -eon Sunday morn- ing when they returned, Mr. W. R. Cooper spent Monday ie London. Mr. and Mrs. Clif, Watson and family spent a few days in Detroit at- tending the funeral of a friend, Miss Elva Anderson is home from. Normal school at London. Mrs. (Rev.) McKilabon, of Toronto, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Henry Ivi- son, Mr, and Mrs. William Horney and Erma Ferguson attended the•Cann re- union in Usborne last Saturday, Miss Isabel Alexander has had a severe attack of the flu. Mrs, 3. G. Chesney, who has been so seriously ill for the past ten days. is improving nicely and her many friends hope to see her around again shortly. Mr. J. C. Bell had the misfortune to lose a valuable work horse recent- ly, Mr, Bell has had more than his share of hard luck as he lost a very valuable one last year. Farmers are rejoicing over the fine rains the first of the, week which were badly needed. Mrs. H. McGregor was taken to London hospital recently to undergo a serious operation. Mr. W. J. Caldwell lost a valuable milk cow one day recently. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Daymen visited with friends in London over the week -end. Flu is very prevalent in and around the village. Mr. J. P. Bowvey, merchant. has been seriously ill the past week but is somewhat better. Several farmers took in the excur- sion to Guelph on Wednesday and felt well repaid for their trouble. HIBBERT. The Council met on June 18th in regular session and resumed Court of Revision, disposing of all appeals. The appeal against assessment of Lot 5, .Con, 6, was dismissed. The assess- ment of 'Lot 22 and ,S/.3. Con. 3, was changed from Mrs, Teresa Jord- an to Roland Kleinfeldt. Court was then closed and Roll declared finally revised and corrected. • By-iLaw No. 312 for borrowing $4,000.00 by the sale of debentures was finally passed and the debentures sold to ratepayers of the School 'Section. These deben- tures were issued to enable the trus- tees of Union School Section No, 1, Hibbert and Logan, to build a. new schoolhouse. The weed inspector and the Clerk were instructed to get not- ices printed and mailed to the owners of land or their tenants in the Town- ship regarding the Weed- Control Act and its enforcement. The Clerk was instructed to write the Council of Fullerton Township regarding their objections to the manner in which an error in the assessment of Lot 30, N. T. sit, was corrected by the Engineer: There being no appeals against as'ses's- ments in the Gardiner and Tyndall Dram By -Law, Court of Revision closed and the 03y -Laws were read a second and third time and finally passed, The Norris Drain 'By -Law also was finally passed. The Black Creek Drain 'By=Law No. 3113 was read a first time and provisionally adopted. Orders were issued on the Treasurer amounting in the aggregate to $2,343.66. Council then adjourned to tweet again oh Monday, the '116th clay of Jtily, at one o'clock in the afternoon. J. Jordan, 'Clerk, LO'NDESBORO. Mrs, James Mair, of Clinton, is vis- iting Mrs, Gaylen of the village. Mrs, McCrea and Mr, Jim motored to Wingham on Saturday last, A number from here attended the C.'N, picnic at Niagara Falls on Sat - :Miss Julia 'Brown spent Thursday with 'Clinton friends Mrs, Normanfuaking and c • dreg of pent the week -end the guests of Clinton,itfrs, Rudderi, Mr, and Mrs, McCall spent Sunday at Formosa, Mr. and Mrs, Harvey and Miss Mabel mtctored to London on Sunday, Mr, and Mrs. McTtna"i ht, of Bever- ley Toweetiip are guests at the home of r, John Finggl�and. twit John Radford, Mr, and Mrs. 71RGP Men's Shoes',,,,,,, ,,,,,,$3.00 Women's Shoes , , . , .. , , , ....$2. , .. .$� . 5a0' Bull Dog Overalls ".$1,75 10 Bars Soap .., •..........85c 3 Bars Lux Soap 20c Red ,Rose Tea . . 09e Regular 35c Fancy .Biscuits 30e Soda Biscuits ,, 160 It Will PayYou'To Bu Ili E mon d ville Y g d W. FINNIGAN It makes no difference how important everyday affairs may seem to you, just now! The time will certainly come when you will realize that the saving of money is the most important business of all ! ' Knowing this to be so, the Province of Ontario Savings Offices remain open extra hours to make it doubly convenient for you to put something by . . regularly. All branches are open at 9.30 each • morning and do not close until '5 p.m. On Saturdays some branches close at 1 o'clock, but most are open both Saturday afternoon and evening. Keep in mind too that the Government guarantees the safety of all deposits and that business may be transacted by mail if you cannot come in person. TORONTO BRANCHES: Cor. Bay & Adelaide Sts.; Cor. Danforth & Fenwick' Aves.; Cor. University & Dundas St. OTHER BRANCHES AT: Aylmer, Brantford, Hamilton, Newmarket, Ottawa, Owen Sound, Pembroke, Seaforth, . St. Catharines, St. Mary's, Walkerton, Woodstock.. Seaforth Branch, J. M. McMillan, Hours 9.30 a,m, to 5 p.sn. Sat. 9.30 a.m. to 5 p.m. 7 p.m. to 9'30 p.m. It1111111111111111I111111111 ^' tc nunuuutitunnuunno? Will. 'Gooier and Miss Maud . Lyon motored to Toronto on Monday last. Mrs, Govier is having an operation in one of the hospitals of that city, Her many friends hope to see her come back much benefited. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Worthy are vis- iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs, T"mgland, Miss 'Jewett, of •Michigan, spent a feW days' at the home of Mrs, Mc- Crea last week, Mrs.James es Campbell returned lastt Friday after a pleasant week spent wnt her sister, Mrs.Knox, of ,Blyth, Miss Entmerton, of Buffalo, spent a couple of clays with her sister, Mrs, D, D. Roberton. Mr. T. Oliver, of Clinton, spent the week -end with friends here. The young people's groups of the United Church spent a pleasant day at balmy Bayfield on Saturday last. Mrs. 'McLeod of Ripley, spent Fri- day of last week the guest of Mrs, D. D, Roberton,. bfrsr; T. Moon spent Tuesday with her cousin, Mrs. S. Garter. 'hfr, and Mrs. Mac •McCool left on Wednesday for Flint, Mich ,whe re they will attend the wedding of, Mrs. McCoal's cousin, Miss Millar, of that city, CARD Q3 THANKS, Mr. William Duggan anis fancily wish to thank their many f ten ds and neighbors for their kind expressions of sympathy and for flowers and Muss cards in the loss of their dear mother., LOST. Twa, billsbetween the 'Creamery and Cluff's milt 'Fhider please leave at The 'News Office, 25 ' FOR SALE. Two Pomeranian paps from prize wiisnhsg stock, registered pedigree, read pets, 3 months old, W, J, Wil. liams, Box 357, Seaforth. 25 ' • DWELLING FOR SALE. Frame dwelling . en Janios street with two lots andbarn, for sale cheap to, wind up estate. Immediate pos- sission, Apply to W '" Willis, Ex. emitter. 25 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Iii the Estate of Neil Smith, Deceas- ed. NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having claims against the es- tate of Neil Smith, late: of the Village of Brecefield,'.in the County of Huron, Shoemaker, deceased,, who died on dr about the thirteenth day of ,March, A.D. 1928 are required to deliver to Alexanders Smith, the administrator of the said estate or to W, B'rydone, so- licitor, on 'or • before the 30th day of June, A.D. 1928, a full statement of their claims togebher with particulars therebf, and the stature of the securit- ies, if held by them, all duly, verified by affidavit, AND TAKE NOTICE that after the said last mentioned date the said ad- ministrator will proceed to distribute` the estate of the said deceased amongst the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to such claims as he shall have „received flue notice and in accordance therewith. • Dated at Clinton, Ontario,this 5th day of June, A.D. 1928. W, -BIRYIDONE, Clinton, Ont. Solicitor for the;,said Estate. 25. AUCTION SALE OF FARM STACK, At lot 92; Provincial Highway, 3 miles west. of 113olni'csvi-lle, on Tues- day, June 26th, at '1:'30 sharp, consist- ing of the following: 35 head of, cows, -young cattle and young calves. 30 store 'hogs' 'from 75 to 305 lbs, each, 2 sows with litter at foot, .sev- eral yowl g'pigs 6 weeks old: 'Massey -Harris mower 6 ft. cut, nearly new; good farm wiagon, 2 -horse Oliver scufflcr, 2 new neck yokes, 2 sets of whiffletrees, Terms. -All ;sum's of $15 and under, cash; over that amount 6 months' credit will be given on furnishing bankable'paper, or a discount of -b p,c, per annum allowed for cash 'on credit ambunts. ' A. E. Townshend and 5. R. Mc - Math, proprietors. Geo. H. Elliott, auctioneer. CHISELHURST. The Ladies' Aid of the Chiselhurst United Church will hold a strawberry festival on Thursday , evening, June 29, Supper to be served from 6 to 8.. Programme will consist of outside talent. Everybody welcome.. Mr. and Mies. George Squire, of Whalen, visited over Tuesday with Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Harris. Mr. and Mrs. Jones and Mr. Fink- beiner visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William, Parsons. EIlIMVILLE. Mr. and Mrs, Walter Hern, of God- erich, visited' at the home of Mr Charles Johns last afaednes'day. Mr. Silas Johns is confined to his bedwitha heavy cold. Many others have been afflicted in the same way. A. variety of flu seems to be going the rounds now. Mr. William Elford wears a beam- ing countenance: another daughter is the cause. ' Several carloads of young people motored to Clinton last Wednesday evening and entertained the inmates, of the Huron County Home also treat- ing them to oranges and home-made candy. WEST BRODHAGEN. The spring crop is growing very slow in this section. Hay is very short and nearly a failure in some fields. Sweet clover is winter killed, but this week's rain will do some good. We hope for the best. Quite a number of friends gathered at the home of hfr, and Mrs: Fred 13euerman one day, it being MTs. Beuermann's birthday.` All her sisters and brother gathered to wish her many returns of the day. Mr. and Mrs, William Koehler and two children, Mr, and Mrs. Charles Regele and son Harry made a busi- ness trip to Strafford last Saturday. Mr. and, Mrs. Charles Regele and son. Harry visited in Ellice -on Sunday last., Fruit will be scarce around here as the frost fro ie the bloom on the trees. Some vegetables were frozen in the gardens also. (Bees in this part are not doing very well as There are no' flowers and: it is too dry, one party said. It is .most unusual to have to feed bees in Julie as there are usually fats of flowers, HILLSGREEN. Mr. Anson Coleman is visiting friends in Bay City, 'Mich, Miss Blanche Taylor spent Sunday with Miss Grace Coleman. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Jarrott spent Stindy at the home of Mr. William Jarrott. Mission Bated will he held next Sun'd'ay afternoon. Text word will be "Abide," Mr, and Mrs, William . Armstrong and son David, formerly of ,Hillsgreen, now df New York, are visiting ,Mr. and Mrs. James Love and other friends in the vicinity at .present. A. number front around our burg took in the excursion to Niagara Falls on Saturday. Mr, Thos, Consist and Russell and Mr. Clarence. Parke left Thursday morning this week for Marlette Mich, m n by motor, Want and For Sale ads, 3 times 50c EXPERT' FINIS'1IJINQ; `Expert Kodak finishing; Develop- 5e• • it t c c anyiz. �nroll, rll t8 � ea hs e a 1p , Mg J.'ACKSON STUDIO, Seaforth. 26 CHEAP FUEL FOR SALE. A quatatity of soft wood, 16 inohes long Free to split. $2.25 at the stump. Also hard maple, 14 inches long, Can be delivered, Apply to James R Sproat, Seafortli R.R. 3, or phone 1601'34, 23tf HOUSE FOR SALE, Cotner James and Ann Streets, Sea- forth, seven roomed house, electric light, hard .and soft water -inside. garden -end , stable on property, Apply MRS. WM. McMIOIiAEL, John st,, or Phone 197.- 1811 GRASS SEED POR SALE. Yellow Blossom Sweet Glover seed at $4,50 per bushel. Timothy and al- sikemixture,e 27 e.c a lsike at 5.00 per bushel, Gov. tsted and free from printery noxious, weeds. RUSSELL DOUGHE+RTY, Walton, lot 15, con, 17; Grey, Phone 37 r 19, Brussels, l6tf FARM FOR SALE, , Choice 50 -acre farm, in good condi- tion. NJf lot 16, con, 5, McKillop, all cleared and all seeded , down, Two storey cement house, frame kitchen, all in good repair. Barn 50'x4-6', on a cement wall, cement stabling and water in ,the barn. 'Cement driving' house 24'x36'. Frame hog pen 16'x24'. Never failing well of choice water. Well fenced and uitderdrained with tile drain. Will be sold on easy terms to suit purchaser, with or. without crop. Failure of health• is reason foe selling. For further particulars apply pn RRti5, premises or write eo GIBSON, eafotf27 '"CARBROOK FLASHLIGHT" The, 'purebred Clydesdale "Car brook Flashlight" No. 24644. Enrol- ment No, 1958, Approved Form I. will stand .at his own stable, lot 31 con, 3, Hullett, for the season en 1928, Terms $15.00. T. J. Mc- Michael, Prop. The Black Percheron Stallion "DIAM'ANT" e.. has been purchased' by Mr. William 11. Keeler of Dublin from Mr. R. W. Agar, and will travel in the Seaforth district this season. , William H. Keeler, Mgr, THE McKILLOP Mutual Fire Insurance Coe FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY 0 N L Y, IN'S'UR'ED Officers -James Connolly, Goder- ich; Alex. James Evans, Beechwood, Vice President; D. F. McGregor, Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer, Directors -Wm, Rinn, No, 2 Sea - forth, John 'Bennewies, Brodhagen; James Evans, :Beeohwood; - M. Mc- Ewen, Clinton; James 'Connolly, God erich; Alex. Broadfoot, No. 3, Sea- forth; J. M. Sholdice, No. 4, Walton; Robert Ferris, Harlock; George Mc- Cartney, No. 3, Seaforth; Murray' Gibson,, Brucefield. Agents -Alex: Leitch, r.r. 1, Clin- ton; E. Hinchley, Seaforth; J. A. Murray, rd.. No. 3, Seaforth; J. V. Yeo, Holmesville; ' 'R. G. Jarptouth, Bornholm. James Kerr and John Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors. Parties desirous to effect insurance or trans- act other business will 'be promptly attended to by application to any of the above named officers •addressed to :their respective: postoffces. P1QFRSSIQNAL CARPS. Medical. DR, II: HUGH ROSS, 1.'itysfcaiast and. Surgeon. Late of London Hot,, vital, London, England, Speen, a't'tention to diseases of the eye, ewta nose and.:thnoat, Office and , -wild ence 'behind Dominion Bank, Wes . Phone No, 5; Reside;u a Phone '10d °' DR, F. J: 'BURROWS, Seaforth, Office and residence, Goderlch *tram east of the Methodist Church. Coe. over for the County of Hubs, Tele- phone No. 40. TBR, C. MtACSIXY,-C. Mac,,kaylr,. honoraduate of Trinity r mty Unffir'ar ity and , gold medallist of Trinity Medical College; member of the Celt•. lege of Physicians and Surgeons oil' Ontario. e DR, F. 3. iR. F0'RSTER-!Eye, Es -4 Nose and Throat, Graduate in Medi. cine, University of Toronto 1897. Let* Assistant New York Ophthalmic atod Aural Institute, Moorefield's Eye, aria Golden Square throat hospita'le, Lea - don, England, ' M Cominercial hot, Seafortli, 3rd 'Monday in calla mond-, from 1!1 a.m. to 3 p.m. • DR, W. 'C.'SP'EOAT.--Graduate 'et Faculty of Medicine, University of Western Ontario, London. +Menibet of .,College of Physicians and Seer- geons of Ontario. Office in Aberhasti Drug Store, Main e St., Seaforth. Phone 90, Dental. DR. J. A. MUNN Successor io Dr. R. R. Rosa, grad- ate of Northwestern' University, Cld- sago, I11. Licentiate Royal 'College* Dental Surgeons, 'Toronto. OO r ver Sills' hardware, Main . street, . Seaforth. Phone 1'51. DR. F. J. B'1?CHELY; gredMiell Royal-' College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Office ;over W, R, Smiles Grocery, Main street, Seder*. Phones, office 185W, residence ISO. Auctioneer. GEORGE 'ELLIOTT, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron, Arrangements can bemade: tier sal Date at The Seaforth 'News. ,Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. WATSON AND REID'S' REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY (Successors ` to James Watson) MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates in First -Cass Companies. SEAFORTH MARKETS. Wednesday, June 20th. Wheat, per bus. $1.44 Barley, per bus. ' 90c Oats, per bus. 75c Buckwheat, per bus. SOc Shorts, per cwt. $220 ' Bran, per cwt . .............. lXO Butter, per ib. 35e Potatoes, per bag $1.50 Eggs, "per doz. • 20c -26c -28c" Broilers, 14 lbs, per lb 'lec. Broilers, under 154 lbs. per lb ;15c Old roosters, per lb ,. 15c Old hens, live, 6 lb. per lb,.. 21-c Old hens, live, 5 •Its per lb: ..: 19c Hogs, select per cwt Hogs, thick smooth, per cwt $11.00 - Have .. ii1A4 Have your next Suit or ' Overcoat made by E. W. BATEMAN- Practica Tailor MAIN ST., SEAFORTH Prices from $25.00 up. YOUR OWN MATERIALS MADE UP AT REASONABLE RATES Try us for. Prompt Service Style and Satisfaction Thursdh'y, Friday and. Saturday 'RlefilIRD DIX The Gay Defender. The screen's best" liked Male Star as Joaguin-Murietta,' California's most romanatia figure back in 1850. When villainy of gold: greedy adventurers turned a lan- guid Spanish youth into a terrorizing, night -riding Robin Hood. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday BEBE DANIELS ' its SHE'S SHEIK HEIK Valentino's Arabian stuff as interpreted by the pepful Bebe Also THE COLLEGIANS RINeI3-SS