HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1928-06-21, Page 5THURSDAYS BINE , 1428,.
Red Hot Specials for One Week
-; Minto -len„ and Japanese Coup au 1
Saucer, all for 80e
Soups, r
eg. Ox -tail, lout. 2 for at 2 u
Potatoes Creon Mountain, plc, 29e
pks. 55c,
Corn Flakes, Quaker, 3 pkgs. 25e
(reap --t ..
13 '0,7• ttzil,
reg, lor
Bananas large and waxy, dozen 25c
Don't forget the place, the time, the opportunity
lne g
Sproat Pho
Ro J.
Rhone 77
.:1VI Stewart F � �
'Quality ahva i higher than Price"
We pay the highest prices for good cream. .
Our services to our patrons are the best that can be given.
Do not send your cream, to other Creameries; we want
it here.
To operate a Creamery we peed your co-operation.'
Inreturn for you co-operation we will give you of our
best in service and prices.
We are agent for the Mellotte Cream 'Se arato s.
in and see the new Models.
Seaforth Creamer Co. Seaforth, Ont,
C. A: BARBER, Prop, •
W. J; Walker & Son
Motor or Horse Equipment
W. 5. WALKER, holder: of Go-
vernment diploma and license,
Flowers Furnished.
Night or day phone 67.
D� H, McInnes
Of Wingham, will be at the
Commercial "Hotel, Seaforth
Monday, Wednesday and
Friday Afternoons
Diseases of alt kinds success-
fully treated.
Electricity used.
Beware of an Itchy Spot
Keep your hair and scalp
clean, also free from dan-
druff by having your next
shampoo at
Just around the Corner in
the Dominion Batik Build-
Phone 125,
Pianos Tuned
Cleaned and
Chas. A liowey
Residence—James St.
Miss Janet Govenlock, teacher in
Weston Collegiate, arrived home on;
Tuesday for her summer.vacatlon.
Mrs, Annie- Reid and daughter
Mary were week -end visitors with Mr.
avid Mrs.'John McAsh, Varna. '
and Mrs. W. L. Keys visited at
the home of their 'son Artie Keys, of
Stanley, on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs, Thornton, of Preston,
Mrs; Murdie, Stratford, Mr. and Mrs.
Sam. Somers, Fergus. and Audrey, of
Detroit, were week -end visitors at
the home of Mrs. Sam. Jeffry, who is
seriously 111. Mrs. Soarers has remain -
to help care for her sister, Mrs. Jeffry,
Mrs; Sidney Johns attended the fun-
eral of her sister-in-law, Mrs. An-
drews, of Clinton, on Friday last.
Mr.. Fred Kerslake spent the week-
end at the home of his daughter, Mrs.
Ivan Hill, Waterford.
Dr. H. B. Ross, Miss Margaret
Ross and the latter's aunt, Miss
.Schaefer, of Listowel, left on Tues-
day to spend the summer in the Brit-
ish Isles and. France.
'Mr. and Mrs,, W. W. Robinson, of
London, spent' the week -and with Mr.
and Mrs. Fred. Robinson.
Miss Beatrice Sefp, of London, vis-
ited her parents Mr. and
Seip,over the week -end. '
Messrs George Hutchison and Bill
Henderson, of . London, spent- the
week -end in town.
. Wt. P. M. 'Chesney is leaving 'Sat-
urday morning .on a Pacific coast tour,
accompanied by her daughter, Miss
Janet Chesney, of Cleveland, and her
four sisters. The trip` extend *over
four sisters. The trip extends over
made through the Canadian Rockies
and the Great Lakes.
Mr, and Mrs; A. McKean and Miss
Mary McKean, of Hamilton, arrived
Wednesday to spend a few days with
Mr, and Mrs. P. M. Chesney.
get to middle of street
---give signal with
hand -- at centre of
intersection turn As
sharply as possible.
—get nextto curb and
I turn corner as sharply
I 1 as possible.
Clip this ' simple dia-
gram. These direc-
tions may save you an
acdident some time.
t Martin, of 'o-
r c s ust t a tl To-
nlMt A z M
ionto and Mt Meltachern and soil
and td»ghte of Mt. Forest, spent the
week -end. with at the home of Mr.
Williallt Masons Fi illttt.
Mr, and Mrs. 'William Webster and
family, of.Lucltuow, spcut 'Sunday'
with the latter's parents,' Mr, and
Mrs, Henry Taylor, in town, and also
her brother and sister, Mr.
!last y Taylor and Miss Annie Tay-
lor in Ilil lett
' 11Ftlsie C. Sleitan, of St .George,
^. a3 Mrs. J. G, Martin this
Prn't fail to hear Dr. Bryce at Ea,-
tryootriae on Sunday next, and also
L'r, Hughes an Wednesday evening,
June 27th. Both are outstanding
-Miss E'ni'kle, McMann, Master W'.
Scott and Miss Betty Scott, of Chi
cago, are spending their honeys with
their friends here;
ilr. and Mrs, Joseph C. Eckert
spentSunday in London ,and
Chatham. •
Mr, and Mrs: Emerson Henry and
Mr, and 'Mrs. Marred Henry, of Dray -
100, spent Sunday with Ivlr, and' Mrs,
J. A, Wes'tcott,
Mrs, Henry Taylor was in London
last week visiting her sister-in-law,
Mrs, Leitch and also her daughter,
Mrs. W. G, Jtielltillan. Mr, and Mrs,
'McMillan recently moved front Blyth
to London, where Mr, McMillan has
a position with the 'Supertest..
Mr, Harvey Brunner and Mrs.
YV•siiiam Eatoit, of Toronto, .spent the
week -end with • their mother, Mrs.
Brunner • ,in Egnondvilie,
Mae Mason Miss \ in
7 riot
'leaves this week
for i\Iouut-1 Forest to be bridesmaid at
the wedding elf her cousin Miss Mc
Eechern at Mount Forest
,Paving the_,1-Iuron road from the
Clinton encu is progressing rapidly 'and
More than a ,mile east of the town is
now completed. Work was 'held up
on Monday and Tuesday morning as
the loaded trucks could' not get up
the slippery hills, even with the aid
of a team and tractor. It is expected
work will start from Seaforth end in
slightly over two weeks.
A speed cop at the corner of Goderich
and Main Streets on a recent Sunday
afternoon took the umbers of twen-
ty-seven motorists who failed to stop
as they, entered on the Provincial
highway. No conviaona were made
this time, but ti%ore drastic action is
promised in future.
Mr.' George Steadman,. of Perth, is
supplying in the Provhncial Bank,
while the te'l'ler, .Mr. Gordon Dick, is
Mrs. John Caldwell, 'of St. Marys,
who is staying with her daughter,
Mrs. Pym, and formerly of 'Hensall,:
was in town Monday and Tuesday,
calling on friends.
Mr. and' Mrs. Henry Hoggarth,
John Street, and their daughter and
son-in-law, Mr: and Mrs.- Angus
Brown and family, motored to Exeter
on Sundtfy and visited friends.
The many t'riends of Mr. S. J.
S'pen'cer, James Street, are glad to
see him out again after his recent
Mr, and Mrs. C. Hartleib and Mr.
and Mrs. Mertz, of Shakespeare, spent
Wednesday with A7 r. and Mrs. E.
'Nfr, and Mrs. A E. Dunn, Mies
Horton and Miss Brown, of London,
spent'Sunday with Mr. and Mrs,. E. L.
Mrs, George Lowry, of Brussels, is
visiting her sister, Mrs. A L. Porte-
ous this week.
We are glad to report that the
George Street shut-ins who have been
ill with the flu, are convalescing,
Mrs. Thos.. Coulter, her mother,
Mrs. W. B. Mo'Lean and Robt. Char-
ters spent Sunday in Bridgeburg and
Buffalo visiting relatives.
Miss Margaret Henry has been ill
with the .flu:
iWord has been received here that
Miss Ena Holmes arrived in Alaska
on May 29th, and is -enjoying her new
hone and making friends with the
Mr, and Mrs. Reg Reid spent Sun -
ay in town, on their way home' from
the annual picnic of the McLagan
Furniture Co., Stratford, which was
held at Bayfield last week.
Messrs, Gordon Dick .and Dawson
Reid left Monday to spend their vaca-
tion in Timagami, New Ontario,
TaIr. and Mrs. James I. Johnston are
occupying their house on George
Street, having spent the winter in
b' and
�o' 1 and ba a
Mr. and Mrs.3
Mrs: Foid's mother,. Mrs. Ludwig, all
of Kitchener, spent Sunday with Mr.
and Tvlrs. Frank Btiter.
Mr, Robert Stewart, Mr. and Mrs.
McPherson and blrs. Wright visited
Mr, David McPherson, Moulton, on
:Airs, Robert Porterfield returned
this week after .spending some time in
Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. E. C.
17rs, Joseph l'hompson underwent
an operation for appendicitis on Mon
day se the hospital.
Dr, William Aberhart, son .of Mr.
and Mrs, C. Aberhart, is fitting up
the north sample room of the Queen's
luotel on North Main Street for a me-
dical office and expects to open within
the (text week,
Mr, and Mrs. Robert 13aere (nee
Anna Elizabeth Dalton) who were
married in Toronto on Saturday, are
on a honeymoon r trip to ,London,-
Windsor, Detroit and 'Cleveland .and
Will come to Sea
forth Thursday
night to visit the bride's, mother, Mrs.
R J. Dalton. Mr. and Mrs. Baere
elill reside in 'Toronto,
'$fr. James Wright, of Ethel, Mr.
tend Mrs, Tohn Davis and Lloyd
Davis, of Mitchell, and Mrs. Law-
rence, of Detroit, visited Mrs, Dalton,
last Friday.
At a well attended melting of the
Directors of the Seaforth Agricultur-
al Society heli) on Saturday, evening,
the prize list for the fall fair was re-
vised, several new classes being added
and prise money increased. As the
articles exhib'i'ted in the Indies' dc -
worktoft11928 thearts,
din ectorstidecst leidedtlto
get old the prize list early in Jany in
order to give the exhibitors a chance
to 'have their •work completed, A
committee, was .appointed to look after
the sports end of the fair', which will
include -the izsttalhorse races, a horse-
shoe tottruancnt, etc.
Mr. Bale Nixon and Mr, C. 1felcart
spent Sunday its Detroit.
was a
Ur. kine' of Detroit,
M C, Ei ,
etc at the lzo ne Mr,
its last week n of
guest las
•tstcl Mrs, RotyerY Arekuibald before re-
turnutg to French River for the ,sunt-
itler to resume his business, •
Many :twill be „lad to' hear once
again Miss C. 13. Gamest, who made
many »arnt friends pa former visits.
She wilt he at Egmoudvillo and
Northside ' front "Wednesday, June 27
to Fridays June 29.
fr. Frank O Ei ra of Detroit,is
I T'r k a
guest at the home of his sister, Mrs.
D, Reynolds.
Mr, and Mrs, Thos, McRae, of De -
trout, are visiting Mr. and Mrs, Oscar
Mr. Pearson Buffalo, o al ,spa t
the tweets -end with his feather, Dr, John
Iirs, (Dr, N[eArter , and daughter
Peggy, of Guelph, are visiting Mrs. J.
H. Baoadlfoot for fife week,
Miss Laura Harris, of Buffalo, and
Miss Ethel Grieve, of Toronto, were
week -end visitors with Mr, and Mrs.
Thos.. Grieve.
Jack and Morley Hodgins, of To-
ronto, are visiting their ,grandmother,
Mrs, Geo. E. Henderson,
The kindergarten closed on Wed-
nesday owing to alt otstbreak of
'chickenpox among the little tots.
Mrs, Leslie Mullen, who has been
seriously ill with pneumonia, is
samewtitat improved.
Rev, W. D. McDonald and family
visited with his mother at Riversdale,
Bruce Co„ on Friday and Saturday of
last week. .
At the last meeting of the Rebekahs
the District Pres, installed Mrs, Srlat-
W. , D. Monsen
• ud Mrs. 4\
er as .Crean. s
as ISG
ovenlaok who has bzett
Mrs, John G
in declining heoltls for some time, fell
in her home: Tuesday evening, break-
ing her hip.
Ills: Win, Murray is visiting her
daughter, Mrs. Harry 7;yndall, Mrs,
Murray, who is 94 years of age, is
quite poorly.
Mrs. John A7anaon received worst
_Monday that. Mr, Ernest Jenson had
passed away in Detroit, Mrs, Jenson
is Tirs. Manson's niece, and was for-
merly Miss Helen Walker, dlauglrter
of Mr, and Mrs. David Walker, form-
arty of Brucetield.
Mr. and Mrs, Jieo, Stewart, Mrs. A.
Stewart and guest, Mrs. Geo. Scott,
Chicago, were visitors with Mr. and
i\ire.,Richards, Stratford, over .Sunday
-Mrs, H. ,J.- Gibson Was a week -end
guest with,Mrs. H. Wiltse, in Clinton.
Mrs. S. Boyd spent the week -end
with her danghter, Mrs, B. N. Wil-
liams, Stratford.
Mr, and Mrs Robt. Elliott and :dlau-
ghter Olive, of St. Marys, and Mr.
and Mrs, John Selves, and son Bert,
df Ohisefhurst, were Sunday visitors
with Mr. and' Mrs. ileo. Love," Eg-
Mr. Angus McKinnon,ofCalifornia,
who has been, visiting Mr, and Mrs,
R'dbt McKa3, left this week to visit
relatives at the Soo,
Miss Grace $carlett returned Tues-
day from from Burgessvilie.
Rev, Mr. Currie, Lindsay, will take
services -in the Presbyterian Chu ch
next Sunday.
Dr. R. D. Lane, Toronto, made a
short visit this week with his brother,
Rev. W. P. Lane.
Miss Mae'Sin-Lipson, Detroit, was a
visitor in 'town this week attending
the Broome -Dick wedding.
In the horseshoe tournament this
week Mr, Henry Hoggarth won the
singles; winners of the d,otfbles,tHoegy
and Nichols, each won a five -piece set
of glassware. -
A great deal of interest is being
manifested in the services of Sunday,
June 24th, and the anniversary sup-
per and program on Wednesday, June
27th, celebrating the 50th anniversary
of th'e present church building,
The special preacher for thet. occa-
sion, Rev. Peter Bryce, DDD., is one
of the most loved meat in the United
Church. He is of those rather rare
persons, a Scotch Methodist, and in a
very marked degree he combines in
his person the sterling qualities of the
Scotsman, with the spiritual fervor of
itis Mother Church:
In addition to the appeal of the ju-
bilee occasion, the services will be of
special interest to almost all, on ac-
count of the, fact that this will be
tete last 'Sunday on which Mrs, Ben
Johnson will be present as organist
and choir leather. Mrs. Johnson has
won for Herself a very warns place its
the hearts of the whole.congregation
and it is with the very deepest regret
that they will see her leave their midst.
+On Wednesday; June .27th, there
will be art anniversary stopper anti
program and it is hoped that many
friends of the congregation will avail
themselves of this occasion to renew
old acquaintances. An excellent and
•varied prograiniuc has been prepared,
which is sure to delight all who hear
it, The special 'speaker for the Wed
nesd'ay night will be Rev, Dr, S. W.
Hughes. of Wesirbourne Park Chapel,
London, Eng.. Dr, Hughes is suc-
cessor to the late Dr, John Clifford
and beyond the expectations of all, he
has more than maintained the marvel-
lous traditions of Dr, Clifford's titin-
,atry, He is regarded as one of the
most brilliant preachers and lecturers
in Great Britain today.
In addition to his op'etiing,kecture on
Wednesday night in Egm'ondville, Dr.
I-Tughes will also speak on Thatsdi,y
and Friday, June 28 and 29, at 3
p•ni inE t o
ti » d
villc Churchatq
Northside Everybody
p.m. in 1\ntlhsidc Church. Ev Y
should plan to hear all these wonder-
ful messages.
Alott.g with Or. Hughes will be ilfis;
C. B. Grunert, pianist and accompan-
ist, who is so well and favorably
known in t his community. After the
Wednesday night, Miss Grunert will
have charge of the musical part of the
A, T, Scott spent the week-
end visiting friends int London.
Mrs, Janes Moodie and Mrs, James
McQueen visited friends in Egtnnnd
edit) last week.
Miss Mary Snell, of London, is vis -
Wile her brother, Itr. Howard Snell
Niko, Rcta Taylor spent Sunday
With Miss Mildred: Taylor.
Miss Jean btacKenaie has rcteraed
home from Stratford Normal,
'Cite rttady friends of Mr, and Mrs elven at tbt+•reeeni conference held in
Walker and fancily are,gkacl to know Woodstock, Mrs. D. Tuft led ins
that Mr, joules Wslker and Norman
rr: Roll [a
l showed anattend-
ais fully recovered after theirauto ones) twenty-five of n tzus. Aver
\ vs ,Varalker is
accident loot wealc. L n
slowiy.insprovuig. but is still confined
to her bed.
Miss Tette MacKay, of Buffalo, is
visiting her uncle, Mr. John Mc -
Co wan.
lir. and Sirs, P. 11, Moffat, of
Dashwood, spent the week -end iu
Goderich with Mr'. and - Mrs, 1).
Mrs. Janet Ross returned s mG
week after spending three weeks with
her daughter, Mrs. Hastings (Marg-
aret) of Belgraee, who has been re-
covering from an operation,
'Miss Helen Swam R.N., of Iiensall,
Mspent the week -end at the home of
rs. 1=I. Aikenhead,
Mr. and Mrs. A. Caldwell and sun
Bill spent Sunday with Mr; and Mrs,
W. G. Wilson, of Goderish at their
sunrtner cottage.
Mr. and Mrs, Lyle Hill spent Suss-
day with Mr. and Mrs. Will. Hill.
Miss Nettie Sinclair spent Sunday
with Miss Gretta Mustard, of To
runts, who was home over Sunday.
.lir, and Mrs. John McBeatit spent
Sunday in Goderich.
Softball News, --A good crowd was
present on Friday evening to see the
Brucefield ball team win a double-
header against Londesborough. The
girls played first and although the
game was very lintel) in Brucefield's
favor•, proved quite interesting, 'The
visitors got away to a good start and
scored 3 runs in the first inning. How-
ever Btruceifiek'd girls starred at the
bat, having eleven runs to their cre-
dit when they went to the field after
he firsthieing. The final scorenTC was
, go
ld do not
.,3 5, Bruce'fie
i rte
July and it s quite
desborough till J � aq
likely they will not have such an
easy time there. Line-up:
'Londesborough—T, Little, J. Holt-
zeur, J, MitVittie, B. Fairservice, E.
Armstrong, M, Colson. A. Snell. B.
Little, G. Fairservice.
IBrucefield--rH. Haugh, e; D. Farqu-
har, Ill); C Pepper, 3b; J. Aikenhead,
p; 1). Robins 21b; E. Stackhouse rf;
V. Wheeler, If: K. Snider, ss; 13.
Chapman, ef.
The boys' game was much mare
even and exciting. Errors were nu-
merous on both sides but at no time
did one side get far ahead. The score
was 113,51 iii Brucefield's favor. Line-
up for Brucedield:
"E. Stackhouse, e; C. Sherwood, p;
A. Jeffery, lib; H. Armstrong, ss; H.
Norris, 3b; George Monroe 2b; Bill
Robins, If; Bill Rogerson, cf; Gordon
Elliott, rf,
The boys played in Bayfield on
Wednesday evening and wast the
game by a score of 7-4, As the score
indicates, the game was one of the
best seen around here. Sherwood,
pitcher for Bruce'field, starred, hav-
ing s
in a number of strikeouts to his ere -
ditt,, Line -sup:
Bayfield: Castle, Lindsay, Brandon,
Teker„ M. Davidson, Gaden, Davidson,
Blair, Sturgeon.
IBrucefield—Stackhouse, Sherwood,
Jeffery, Patterson, Armstrong, Nor-
ris, Robins. Ross Elliott.
;Batteries; Bayfield—Castle and Lin-
dsay. Brttcefteld— Sherwood and
Miss Margaret Aikenhead, of Loos
don, spent the 'week -end at the hone
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.
Mr. Gordon Elliott spent Sunday
with Mr. Elwood Stackhouse.
Messrs. Charles and Gordon Man-
ning have purchased a Ford coupe.
'Mr, Norman Lloyd spent the week-
end with his norther, Mrs. H. Gould,
in Clinton.
Mr. -A, .Patterson. of Toronto, is
visiting at the home of Mr. John
Many who have been ill with the
flu arc able to be out again.
A number from Isere attended the
C. N.' R. picnic at Niagara Falls on
Saturday and report a very pleasant
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilsott and
Mr. and Mrs. Fred DuFort spent
the week -end at the home of AIr, and
Mrs. George Swan,
:\A•, W. J. Falconer was in Brant-
ford Friday attending a L. (CLL.
A°L•, and Mrs. Howard Snell, Miss
Beatrice and Mrs. James Snell visit-
ed friends in London on Sunday.
'.l'hc 13. F. W. 0. of London Road
are holding their anal picnic to Bay-
field on Saturday, June 23.
Y, P. S.—The regular monthly mis-
sionary meeting was held on Monday
evening at half past eight. George
Knight presided in the absence of
Lulu Stackhouse. The topic on the
hook, "Drums in the Darkness," was
very impressive and interesting, be-
ing taken by Leonard Boyce. After
singing liynun 1171 the meeting closed
with the Mizpah benedictions,
Mrs. R. Allan acid little daughter
Betty left Tuesday. morning to visit
Friends and relatives in Dundas. To-
ronto and Shutt Ste, Marie.
'.bass Anna ITattgh left Tuesday to
spend the summer months in Lake of
Bays district.
Mr. and Mrs, Roy Stowell. of Al-
berts, -and Alts, M. :Drysdale. Hen -
salt, visited at the home of Mr, and
Mfrs. R. Allan one day Iasi week.
At the morning service on Sunday
last in the United -Church, Bruccfield,
Miss Greta Mustard gave a most in-
teresting and inspiring address in
which she gave an account of the
Student Volunteer Aiis'sionary Con-
vention held last winter it Detroit.it.
Four thousand students t5 gakhetC
d at
this great convention from all parts of
the United States and Canada. They
carte together to study and plan for
the extension of Christ's kingdom in
foreign ,lands. Miss .Mustard leaves
at the end of the month to take a
position as matron in the AV, M. S.
hospital at Ethelbert, Manitoba, for
which wnrh she is admirably fitted,
both by temperament and training,
A social gathering of the congre-
gation and other friends will be held
in the dhut•ch at Bruce'ficld on Friday
evening of this week, ,tune 22nd, at.
8 o'clock to bid farew^eli to Miss Mtis
ford and to wish her tossers in her
The' W. M, S. of the United Church
held their monthly nesting on June
113th, with the President, Mrs. W' A.
Bremner, ,presiding, Mita. Addison
read an interesting and helpful ncadiug
,;pendieg her holidays witis her Pa
ruts, Mr. and Mrs. vltiilialn ii. Kite
Mats. AA
Knox of
is or
'aleher sister, Miss Maggie 'Brown, mite
interesting part of the meeting was an' at the home of Mr, 'I'hont is Kao% O.
address given by Miss Anna M.1 Tuesday.
Haugh, , dealing with the Student, Vol.. Mr, and Mrs, Jim Watt, of . Blyti
utlteer Movement. Mrs. J, McQueen,' visited Mr. and bfrs. Leo Watt a1
with a few walk-:hose/1' words of ap tutriay.
prcclation, then presented MISS Haugh
with a beautiful banquet of flowers,
Mrs. W. Ratten'hury closed lite"tsreet-
ing with prayer;
Lyon-Beacoln.--Os Saturday, Juste
Lath a quiet but pretty'wedding was
solemnized at the Manse, Lontlesboro,
when Rev. James Abery united' in
marriage Laura Marjorie, eldest date
ghter of and Mrs, A, W. Beacons,
to 1de. JosepMr,h E. 14011, soa of Mr,
and , Mrs, Harry Lyon. Miss Ida
Lyon, sister -Ante groom, was brides-
maid, and Mr, Harrold Beacom, broth-
er of the bride, supported the grooin.
The bride was prettily gowned' in a
dress of powder blue erepe romaine
trimmed with lace, with blonde shoes
and hose to match, After the cere-
mony a wedding dinner was served at
Ilse home of the bride's parents,'Later
the bride aitd groom left on 'a motor
trip to Dresden, Detroit and . other
points, the bride travelling in a il'ress
of rose beige silk fiat crepe, navy coat
and hat to Match. Mr, and Mrs.
Lyon will reside on the groove's farm,
1113th Concession, 'Hull'ett. The bride
was the recipient of many beautiful
and costly presents. Their many
friends join in wishing them a long,
happy and prosperous wedded life,
Mrs. Thomas Hill, of London, was
visiting—her brother, Nit Thomas
Staples, returning
ruing hoc e
of last week,
and Mrs, Thomas Reid of To-
ronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Bert
Allen last week.
Little Miss Rosamond Appleby, of
Roxboro, visited at the house of her
grandmother, Mrs, George Knox, re-
turning home Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Tony- Appleby and
little Marion, of Roxboro, visited
Sunday at the home of Mrs. Apple-
by's mother, 'Mrs. George Knox.
A[r, and• MTS. Hugh McEwing and
family, of London, visited Mr. A. W.
McEwii g and family and Mr. and
Mrs. Isaac Rapson's •Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs. Angus Reid and Miss
Lydia and Miss. Isabel visited at the
home of Mr, Wilson Campbell. of
near Seaforth,.cm Sunday,
The Alert Club met at the home of
the Misses Amy and Ena Parsons on
Monday eventing.. A splendid evening
was enjoyed by all.
Mr. Looby, of Dublin. finished Fri -
clay the contract of moving Mr. Stev-
en's old dredge on Mr. Rohert Fer-
xis' 'farm.
Miss Ida Bremner, of Ethel, spent
the week -end at the home of Mr, A,
W. ,Beacom.
Mr, Bert Beacon and Misses Kath-
leen and Edythe Beacom visited Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Bremner of near 'Ethel
Sunday afternoon.
Keep in .mind June 29 for the straw-
berry Festival to be held in Harlock
school grounds under auspices of the
Ladies' Aid of Bursts Church. Alice
Dunbar and her com.pauy of enters
tainers from London will supply the
programme. Everybody cone and en-
joy a good time.
Mr, Robert .Leiper of Toronto spent
the week end at his home here.
Miss Mac Taylor of Detroit visited
at the home of her uncle and aunt,
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Lear one day
last week.
Mr. Stewart Beattie returned hone
the latter part of last week, after
spending a few weeks in London.
Miss Florence Knox of Toronto, is
The Alert Club are presenting them'
Play, `Safety First," In the Metltodis
Church Kinburtt Tuesday evettitt
June 26. Everybody welcome,
Mr. Robert'Stewart of Hamilton n tea
been engaged tutting (t number of th
pianos In the neighborhood part o
last week.
'We are sorry to hear that Mrs. El
»ter Pollard is at present very poorl
1 -ler many friends wish her •a speed
A mint( er of. the yoking peopl
played sofa ball at A. W. McEwing',
on Tuesday evening.,
Mrs, McVittie Sr, is at present vis
ititig at the dlotite of her son, Mr, 5
mon McVittte,
Realize the immea.e altone
in conditions—in jut a ie.r
year: that the telephone
has helped bring ahout.
The store in tate smaller
town now carries pretty
mud; the Prime up-to•dat1
styles as the big city stern:,
Thanks to Long Distance,
Manufacturers' or Whole
salon' warehouses are prac-
tically at the storeke e,pi r'.,•
elbow. The time Ieduire,i
to telephone an order by
Long (distance is now only
a few minutes; connections
are now often made at once,
without hanging -up the
And the cost of Long Dis-
tance rnessages is small ---
is often quite a little less
than is generally stippiosed,
Call up our Manager and
ask him the rate to points
you at'e interested in.
Real Estate, Conveyancing,
and Investments
Phone 152
Seaforth Ontario
A Good Portion
of beef served to you for the evening
meal, roasted about medium, with the
, blood gravy oozing through, gives
one 4 foundation. It just makes one's
mouth water to think of it. How
was that lastpiece of meat we sent
you? Wasn't it fine.
Your Butcher.
Phone 58 Seaforth.
i The Special Milverton
- We have it ---Give it a Trial, Also
Grain Screenings Chop of All Kinds
Your Auto Needs
Repairs and charging on all makes.
A good line of New and Used Parts,
Has its good points and bad, they say, but we think we a
offering the kind ofwork that more nearlyapproaches
If your car needs fixing tip, and the best do sooner or 'later,.
let tis demonstrate to you the many advantages of our
reliable work. • s
s �
F - s Garage