HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1928-06-21, Page 2Seashore Shells Tell Odd Tales Collectors Seldom Know the Stories, Sometimes Tragic Back of the Empty Conches and Cockles —Mussels Yield SilkAlmost every seashore visitor col- lects shells, yet few a them know any- thing about the curious little creatures that built them. On almost any Jer- eey or Long Island beach collectors can find shells of conch or moon snail and shells of clams and mussels, Some • aro pierced by neat round holee that cause idle wender. These little per- forations really tell an interesting • story. The email holes in the clam shells are often made by the moon snail, It inhabits the spirally coiled whitish shell known among children as "the bell's eye," It walks on an enormous foot, toting its shell on its back along the edge of the water until it scents a claimRapidly approaching, it Tree All -Ireland Polo club opened the grasps the clam in its foot. They re - The Irish Ezeell in Breeding Light Horses ..........iransarcemsvommoirmisMIVMSHEIMEak, AT A POLO GAME IN RHOENIX PARK, EAMON season with a series of three chukker Pnia.tobes and peovidecl some exciting contests in which.much Was main inimohile for about an hour, displayed, by putting a plank between the etonee. But now the plank had fallen down too, and there was a hole big enough fora cow to Walk 011t, "There's the cow," said Dog Wow, eeaee-ee,e—eeee,eeeeeeeaieeeee after which the snail upholds its foot BMISMOOP1111. and saunters off, an empty, pierced their throats coiled lingual ribbons pebble -covered bothoms. If one if for- three rosy children, Tilly, Milly and shell showieg that murder has been I armed with chitinous teeth, tunate enough to find a bed and rest Willy, had looked out of the windows above it on silent oai•s, one may see they would have been surprised, and the very interesting sight of live seal- wondered What Dog Wow and Little done. DRILLING A HOLE. While the snail's foot held the help- less victim, the radula or toothed ton- gue of the snail uncoiled and its end was used to drill the hole, Then the probosis in which the tongue is located turned itself inside out as if it were the finger of a glove and inserted a pair of sharp seissors-like jaws into the clam and chopped it up. After that the snail sucked out the juice as though the probosis were a straw. This same moon snail is a 'good and painstaking mother in spite of her way of obtaining breakfast. On a- nti:nit any June or July day the beach comber may find a "Johnny cod's house as the children call it. It looks like a bowl from which the bet- tion makes them mermaids' fano. tom has been knocked out; it really is Practical children turn them into its anchor by means of silken threads. the incubator that the mother moon dishes and make tea parties with their hese threads have been successfully snail builds for hatching her children. • 'll e The building of this egg case is an all day undertaking. As fast as the eggs emerge the mother covers them with a gelatinous mass that gradually hardens. She holds the case close to her shell until it has traveled clear around it, and this process gives it shape. Then she leaves it half buried in the sand, The babies begin to incubate at once and hatch in about a month, crumbling the shell. The waves help the process, and seen the little ones start in search of food. The waters either crumble the empty "johnny cod's house," or else wash it upon the beach, whore it turns a whitish color and in time is eroded by wind and weather or becomes a child's toy. THE SNAIL FAMILY. The Iiinphet, commonly known as "Dutchman's boat," is a shell dear to boys. Its curious shape, round at one lops zigzagging through the watere, end and pointed at the other, and the opening and shutting their shells as pointing acmes the pasture with his little diaphragm on the inner side, re- though they were wings. paw. "And there's the bele, If that for it the name of boat. The builder should have won fame as the coclde It is fitting that the heart shell cow finds the hole she will walk right out. And then it will be 'Good-bye,sembling the forecastle, doubtless win said Little Cat. Cow'." of "Mary, Mary, quite contrary," In of this shell uses its teeth to serape, together its food—living organisms life the cockle is most intriguing. For- "Maybe she won't find the hole," from the rocks or oysters to which it tunate is the beachcomber who comes fastens itself. The little creature that upon cockles as the tide is coining in, "She might," said Dog Wow. builds this shell has a horning instinct"What's she doing in the pasture at for them they literally seeni to leap like a carrier pigeon and always re -in joy from the sand to meet the this time of night?" said Little Cat. turns to the same spot on the same waters. "She ought to be in the barn." rock. The eggs are laid in bags, "That's just it," said Dog Wow. which are fastened to the rocic. COLORING OF SCALLOPS Scallops have so various a coloring and so fanlike a shape that imegina- Aside from food; pleasure, fertilizer and shell for State roads, the shell creatures provide man with other use- ful materials. The common black mussel, which clings to posts of piers and lives in colonies, fastens itself to aid. Scallops live beyond the surf on use o Cat were doing, But they got the Sunday School Lesson Ontario Warns •Wet Tourists But ThReeyg Easy to Get Liquor Permit, uSiahtoiuonlds Study Jen° 24-1-eeson X111,—.1esue the Savlour—Zeph, 8: 14-17. golden Tho advanee guard a the 1928 Mr Text—Choose you this day whom dux of tourists from the United ye will eorve,—Joei). 24: 15. • State arrived In, Toronto. Aie during the* May, many of these Aim—To challenge the ohms with ieltena will be Whin out email, Yonable them to Purehgase 11 'Is 10 athe (lee petl ahiimms sa ntdheiarpspnevellouorf a nJeciscursowton I urged that they faraillaelza them. himlatirgendgeoQtfont—helAirboljuVt"Whem have at goivoo with, the regulations. govern - our lesson this Quarter centred? In' ing eouseraptien. which Gospel have we been studying The Star Transevipt, of Paris, Ont., the life Of Jesus? Who was Mark? strep varticalim c a case where fail - Where did he get Ills knowledge of the Um to do eh Tehltited in trouble, life of Jesus? Where ,in the life a A vi liter bought a bottle of whiskey Jestie, did we begin our studies this. a QUarter? land a bottle ef wipe. Pert of the Presentetioro—have an outline map, liquor wile 'consumed at a lunch coun- befeee the class, and then, calling for, ter, and the rest kept in the motor the erlaces a Interest, such as Cvesarea' car in which the man and his wife Philippi, The Mount a Transfigure- Were travelling'. tion, The Road to Jerusalem, Bethany, As there 'were evidences of latex'. jeresalem, The Mount of Olives, Geth- cation the man wee arrested and the semane, Golgotha, have them marked minimum peaalty imposed. eventsofseeehlliterte8ee0ent tbA3assici,le'ajapteadrgivAllthe These people are now. resentful as* what they believe M the injustice ,o them told. • • Give a short account of &eh of the Canadian law; hut they 'should have following: (1) The Transfiguration. made themselves acquainted with the (2) On the Way to Jerusalem; (3) provisians of the act. The Paris paper makee the follow - The Triumphal Entry; (4) The Trial of Jesus; (6) The Story of the Cruci- fixion, • ing"Clungagdea261:111c:novm. all through the What did Jesus teach about the fol. United Statee as a land firming not lowing: (1) Being a Christian et homee (2) 110'w to Be Great; (3) The only With milk and honey, but beer, wine and hard etuff, Permits are handed out to all visitors who apply" for them, and the natural inference la thAt a country in which booze le ee easily obtained will not expect one to carry battles around unopened. , "It is said rules are posted up on the walls of liquor stores, but revr think tel read them. If card con- tatning full instructions were hand- ed out to -suck purehasers, mutton:- arly tourists, much trouble and ill, feeling .might be preiented." Sir Henry Drayton has gone one better and has printed the laws right in the face of the American permits. board at last to the hole in the wall. Cost of Discipleship; (4) About Him- "sherii still there," said Little Cat. Beet • "I see her.". Fill in the blanks in the following: - "Pm glad you do," said Dog WoW What shall it profit a man between his teeth. "If she'd got out Whosoever will come after me it would have been 'Goodbye, Crewe" Suffer little children "I wish yerig.d stop saying 'Good. Whosoever will be great q't won't Winder unto. Cassar....... . . . . .. ..,, „ bye, Cow',' sgid Little Cat. The stone which the builders.. ... be 'Good-bye, Gow' now because we've As they did eat, Jesus took bread got the board just where she can't get General. Questions on the Lessons— out without seeing it." . What disciples did Jesus take with And so they had, for they had put him, to the Mount of Transfiguration What did Jesus ask the disciples a Ccesarea Philippi? What did Jesu teach about little children? Wh wanted to sit at the right and lef 7 hand of Jesus? How did Jedus enter Jerusalem? Why? What did Jesus mean by cleansing the Temple? Why did the Jewish leaders dislike Jesus? How did they get Jesus in their power? What was the charge they brought against him? On what charge was Jesus put to death? Where was Jesue burled? What three women came to the tomb that fleet Easter rnin ? "That's a very smart cow. She's got the No Trespassing sign exactly where out of the balm, and the next thing you know she'll find that hole and get out of • the field. We've got to stop that hole up, Little Cat," said Dog Wow seriously, "but 1 don't see how. We'can't lift back that plank." "Let me think," said Little Cat. "Let me think." The snail family is a large one, in- cluding the whelk and the conch. There are.two conches on the Atlantic coast, Buccinum undatum and the Fulgar genus. The Buccinum is of the same species as the whelk of Europe, which is much sought after as a food. The Fulgar is known to children as the pear conch. The poet speaks a the whelk as "Neptune's wreathed horn," and all children at some time or other learn to hold it to their ears and listen for the beating of the sea - waves within. Little Cat BY RALPFI BERGENGREN It was a beautiful spring night with a cute crescent moon, but nobody in the house where Little Cat lived was awake to look at it. It was past the time of night when Little Cat usually got up, but there he was, in his basket behind the kitchen stove, sound asleep with his head on his paw. The kitchen door had been left open that evening, and when this happened, Little Cat was able to hear the radio. So he had sat up till as late as 10 o'elock listen- ing to the music. Little Cat sometimes sang himself, so he knew a good deal about music, and enjoyed it greatly. The night was so mild that the kitchen window looking out on the INCUBATOR OF THE SEA Buccinum undatum builds a curious incubator, a mass of triangular- shaped, parchment -like shells, which are sometimes called "sailors' soap." The Fulgar lays its eggs in a long string of incubators that resemble parchment -shaped pill boxes set one on top of anether. The string tapers like a tail and is fiat at the end, by means of which the mother fastens tightly to a rock. The little snails have complete, if miniature, shells, by the time they leave the case. Children delight in these empty incubators, and pretend they are necklaces. The fiercest of the snails that drill best cow— the lttle hole:: in the shells of other "Wait a bit till I get my cane," said creatures suck not only the shells of Little Cat, "and P11 be with you. And the clams and mussels but also of do put your hat on straight! It's way but it won't be our fault." many of the univalves. Thus Fulgar over your left ear." It took quite a while, and if Farmer service, address your order to Wilson Pattern 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto. or Buceinurn may cause the death of So Dog Wow took his paws off the Little Cat steed leaning en his cane, hat. And by the time he hade and thought: Deg W OW eat down and that Little Cat had come out of' the watched him admiringly, wagging his window, with his cane under his left front leg, and had stood up on his tail' hind legs, and was leaning on his) IS IT A RIDDLE? cane and looking at the moon like a I "I have it! Ah -ha!" cried Little little gentleman. I Cat. "How do people keeie other pee - 1 pie from coming through a hole with - A WONDERFUL NIGHT.' , out stopping it up?" "What a night! What a night!" "If that's a riddle, Little Cat," said said Little Cat. "Oh, those people! "it's too mach for me." Those people! They think I'm asleepli)w Wow, "They put up a board with letters in my basket, and here I am, up and i said Little Cat. out enjoying the beauties of nature!" tom it," "I see what you mean now," said "You'd have missed it if I hadn't ' Wow. 1 Deg Wow. "It says 'NO trees pass - waked you up," said Dog "Farmer Jenk's best COW— 1 ing,' or something like that." "I know where one of those boards "I was up late," explained Little put a tree, and it has fallen Cat, "listening to beautiful sounds. 1 off,"wassaidlttle Cat. There was a lady singing who sangl i So Little Cat and Dog Wow hurried so much like me, Dog Wow that 1 back along the way they had come simply could not go to sleep until she till they came to an old wood road. porch had been left wet way open. had finished. It was wonderful. You There -was a tree near the entrance About half an hour after the time have heard me sing?" la the old road and a Board with let - Little Cat usually woke up, Dog Wow "I have" said Dog Wow. "But we ters on it that said: toed on his hind legs on the porch • have no time to stand here and talk and looked anxiously in through the about singing. Farmer Jenk's best open window. He had his hat on the side of his head, and was very much w---" excited. When he saw Little Cat asleep "That is the third time you have said 'Farmer Jenk's best cow,' " said in his basket Dog Wow barked a very Little Cat. "What is on your mind small bark, for he was a thoughtful about Farmer Jenk's best cow?" dog and never barked in the night loud enough to wake people up. "She will get out of the pasture," "Bow -wow!" said Dog Wow, a little said Dog Wow. "She will run away. There is a hole in the wall, and if louder than before but not loud except that cow finds that hole, all I can enough to wake anybody up Little Cat. "Bow-wow-svow-wowt say is that it will be 'Geod.-bye, Cow.' Bow -wow !" You come with me, Little Cat, and This time Little Cat really woke up, I'll show you." and jumped out of the basket. He So Dog Wow and Little Cat hurried came to the window. along the street, past the Smith's "Oh, it's you, is it?" said Little Cat. house, where Dog Wow lived in a "I thought I heard something." house of his own in the back yard, "It's me," said Dog Wow. and past the Jones's house, where the "How many times," began Little Jones's pig lived in a pen of his own Cat, "have I told yeu—" in the back yard and so on past the "Well, it's I, if you like that any Perkins's house and the Robinson's better," said Dog Wow. "But we haven't got time to bother with gram- mar. Not a minute. Farmer Jenk's NO TRESPASSING Police Take Notice. lay at the feet of the tree. "It works with -people," said Little Cat, "and perhaps it will work with a cow. Anyway, when we've put it where the cow qan see it we'll have done the best, we can, Dog Wow, and that's doing much." Dog Wow lifted the board with his strong teeth, but the best he could do was to lift one side of it. Little Cat tried to lift the other side with his teeth, and then he tried to help lift with his paws, and then he tried to get underneath and lift with his head, But he was really no help at all, and Dog Wow had to walk backwards and drag the board after him. Little Cat walked behind like a little gentleman and pointed with his cane in the direc- tion that Dog Wow ought to go back - house to the pasture of Ichabod jon- evard. So he was some help after all. athan Jenks, the farmer, which was "I hope that cow won't find the hole just beyond the house where Farmer before we get there," said Dog Wow Jenks lived with his stout -wife Sarah between his teeth. "If she does it and their three rosy children,Milly, will be ,Geed -bye, come.,, • Tilly, and Willy. Farmer Jenks' barn "We're doing our best," said Little was at one end of the pasture, which Cat. "If she gets out she'll get out, had a stone wall arouncl it, and in one 1 thestones had fallen down and Jenks and his wife Sarah and their Patterns sent byreturnil the moon snail. All have hidden in -window ledge, and straightened his Farmer Jenks had mended the place ma . 837 On Peace Tour 0Royal Welsh Ladies' Choir Starts on Three -Year World Singing Tour • What was the iinpression that Jesus Lqndon.—The Royal Welsh Ladies' made oh: (1) The disciples; (2) The People in general; (3) The priests and Choir of 40 members, which recently Pharisees; (4) Pilate; (6)' The Can- sang before the King and Queen at I Windsor, has given a farewell per- , btlArip7lication—Who do you say that ! formance at the Royal Albert Hall Jesus is? Do you let him govern your prior to its departure et a three.years' life? Would you follow Jesus if it , world • tour. It will he "a singing meant to lose your position or your 'drive' for universal peace an effort wealth? How have you answered • — s ' to link all Englisn- peaking peoples Pilate's question of what to do with Jesus? Will you accept Jesus as your Saviour end crown him •the king of your life? no cow could come out of the field with- out stepping over it. "Oh, those ' people! Those people!" said Little Cat. "They think you're asleep in your house and I'm asleep in my basket, and here we are—up and out enjoying the beauties of na- ture and keeping Farmer Jenk's best cow from getting out of the pasture. What fun! What fun!" PERFECT SIMPLICITY A sports dress is smartest of course, when it's simple. Style No. 837 is ex- tremely popular. It is particularly fetching made of striped novelty sheer woolen with the stripes reversed for the front panel. The belt is attractive slipped through openings and tied at side. can easily be made in an hour and only requires 3 yards of 40 -inch material for the 36 -inch size. Two sur- 1 faces of crepe satin, printed and, plain silk crepe, and georgette crepe in two- tone effect, are lovely combinations,. Pattern is obtainable in sizes 16, 18 years, 36, 38, 40, 42 and 44 inches bust measure. Pride 20c the pattern. HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS. Write your name and address plain. ly, giving number and size of such patterns as you want. Enclose 20c in stamps or coin (coin areferred; wrap it carefully) for erkh number and .r.r.,21;:noonoseltommumbossuatacessommaecnommpeopsomemlemi*mcomomsmome MUTT AND JEFF—Bud Fisher. FAMe AND FakrUaia ARe unTtlIN MY GRASP AT L AST , MuTT come ANO Loo!' AT MY LATEST wuct.fr I (IN A itEAL, avaGLAR ibk)or wiklibtfue. IT Is TRAM: TAKE TAM creotutiAtt AND TRY TO PRY ty OfeC-ae. (No, AMb NECrlieR CANt Oft ANY ONE ELSE sou woRLt:i: -••••-••.•••-••-•- • -- Away From City Pests Visitor: "How Is 11 that you h aV a Do many beautiful wild flowers and shrubs growing on your plaoe?" Gentle= Farmer: "Ob., you. se I'm off the main highway!" by the wizardy of song. The choir will have a repertory of Anglo -Celtic folk songs, which Mme. Clara Novella Davies, its founder and conductor, hopes will lead to the pop- ularizing of community singing. "I have been planning and thinking about this tour for the last 30 years," said Mme. Novello Davies in a press interview. "I believe that by popular- izingsinging and. giving the people of the British Empire some idea of the tradition behind English folk songs, greater friendliness betweeh nations can be developed, Commun- ity singing results in a general feeling of good fellowship." The cb.oir will go to Australia vla Cairo, and on to Canada in the autumn. The United States and. other countries will be ViSited; including Patagonia, where Welsh ranchers a have formed a colony of their own, preserving their old customs and laws. Women Will Leave Politics Mussolinihas not much faith as regards women in politics. Re- cently he received a well-known American lady lecturer, He told her that is fifteen years the Am- erican women would not take the slightest,interest in politics. "It is in woman's nature," he said, "soon to tire of things ex- traneous to her nature." Among such extraneous things he places politics. Soon, he added, women would fasten again to the call of nature, and would take greater interest in their homes and families than in bridge and motor cars. Is There No Limit to Jeff's Inventive Ability? THEM You CAN Go ourstoe Ab Gc,,r IT: l] 1llIllhl I °**42"c7\1144 .4r 111 e". 1111111111110101111 • c." .el , • • .4 ... 05.;;;;;AttriPlezvy, :14t DID SHE UNDERSTAND Witte (awake): I heard you putting the car away. Why are you home so late? Hubby; JuSt.----hIc!had 0 lit-Ittle blowout, mdear. No Business "My Job's like the weather," re- - marked the bootblack. "How's that?" asked the customer. "When it rains it means no shine," he grinned..—Cincineati Plnquirer, Correct Teacher: adan anyone tell what causes trees to become petrified?" Bright Student: "The wind makes them rock."—Chicage Tribune. Arizona Bones Relics Of Long-I-Ieaded Race Nogales, Ariz,—Ancient earthen jars,i t mexi icNivocenri:litorreinfelg! nrgeenci.ehleielitilio one xrere.seneo‘i,,fae,taeavperbrey9- declared to be •rrire than 2,000 years old by Daley Myren Outemieh of the thilvelsitY ?if AviiOna; who , Playacted the retiree Istany or DM jam are inserilied WItit eu r lo tie cosigns and crude drawings oi' venires, centipedes and birds. ,DCLitt rill Mining attributed the findlnee to the Pillion:10 people, • a long-headed race,