HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1928-06-14, Page 8IaAQ 516T Miss Florence Welsh, of Loudon, visited over the weel end with ' her parents, Mr. and Mrs Thomas Welsh, •Mrs, 1:, Fines, of 'Clutton, visited friends in town on feeiday. Mr, Milne Rennie, 'of 'SeaEorth,vrit. ed in town on ,Friday. Mss lelva Sheadook visited a Lon- don on Saturday. Mrs, M. Chambere ,Citi Miss Maud Chambers, of Clinton, visited friende h town during the past week, ;Mr. and Mrs. Ross Dick, of Taran- to, visited ovex the week -end with re.- atIves in and around Hensall, 1 A number from I-tenseIt 'attended ithe Horse Races in Seaforth on Wed- needaY. The annual meeting of the South Horan Liberal. Association, as contiti- 1toted for both Federal and Provincial HHall, Hensall, bon l,kWednesdi y after- Tow neon, June' the 28t11, ' A• very' interesting. recital will be gin'en in the Town Hall 'ort Friday evening of this week by Miss Gre'a Lamnie's pupils. Mr, Henry Horton is ineproving j the appearance of his home by having Ia cement sidewalk chid from the front part of his dwelling around to the back, Mrs. A. Vasey, of Buffalo, is visit- ing for a short time with her sister, Mrs. Alex. Munn. Mrs, John Johnson arid daughter Miss Margaret Johnson are visiting this week with relatives in ITlyde'Park. The W. M. S, of the United Church held their monthly meeting on Thurs- day .with the 'President presiding, A letter ,from Mrs. Childs, •dealing with the Hntne 'Helpers' Department, was read and adopted, followed by the roll call, Miss Irene Douglas rendered a very pleasing piano instrumental, which was very much enjoyed. The meeting for the afternoon was in the form of a temperance meeting and the very interesting and instructive papers on that important question were read by the following: British Columbia, Mrs. A. Sinclair; Saskatch- ewan, Miss A. Moore; Manitoulin, Mrs. A. Munn; Ontario, Mis, G. Hob - kirk; Quebec, Mrs, A, Seruton; New Brunswick, Mrs, Buchanan; Ngva Scotia, Mrs. MdDonald, Prince nEd- ward Island. Mrs, Ness; Newfound- land, Mrs, McQueen. A leaflet writ- ten by Mrs. H. Graham was read by Mrs. A. !Sinclair and much enjoyed. °Wihat Did It Do for Individuals," was very ably given by Mrs. MoDon- ald, and 'What Is the Effect of Al- cohol," was pleasingly read by Mrs, J. Dinsdale, Mrs, Harry Arnold visited in Sea - forth on Sunday. Hoggarth-Ingram. -- The marriage `of Ruby Leone, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Ingram, of !Hensall, to William Archibald Hoggarth, only son of Mr. and Mrs. William Hog- garth, of Tuckersmith, was solemnized by Rev. 'Arthur Sinclair, pastor of Hensel! United Church, at the Manse, at one o'clock, Saturday af- ternoon, June 9. The bride was --be- ! comingly gowned in a dress of French blue georgette trimmed with Madras lace with large gray hat, shoes and hose to match and carried a bouquet of Premier pink roses and maidenhair fern, Miss .Stella Ingrain, sister of the bride, and Miss Margaret Hoggarth, sister of the groom, acted as brides- maids. The groom was attended by Mr. Foster Ingram, brother of the bride. After the ceremony the happy couple left by motor for Part Huron and Detroit. Mr, and Mrs, J. W. Skinner are visiting relatives in Owen Sound. The ball game played on the Hea- sa'1] Diamond on Monday evening be- tween Clinton and Hensall, was large- ly attended. The score was 18-1 in ta- vor of Hensall. A side of bacon was given away to the one holding the lucky ticket. Miss Cudmore, of Hes- sa11, was the possessor of the ticket, School Report: Sr. IV. --Bob Hous- ton, Mabel 'Workman, Irene Deters, Marion McKay, Florence McDonaId, Mice Higgins, Howard Hemphill, Grace Brook. Gladys Passmore, Ed, Little, Jr. 1V. -,Beryl Drummond, Irene Hoggarth, Eleanor Skinner, Mae Kennings, Hazel Hudson. Mavis Spencer, Vera Saundercock, Mary Kaiser. Sr. ILL, --♦Harold Sherritt, Lorne Elder, Harold Foster, Helen Glenn, 'HR S1JAFQRTk 111't{Il1iS. THURSDAY, JUNE 14, 1928. BAYFIEID, The Church Army Crusaders, will s' rriveinBa field atttoonatt,Satttrda y t Y A service of welcome will be held at 3 p+m.; an open-air service on the Square at 8 item. Services on Sunday will bet 8 a.m., Holy Conununione 10 S.S.; morning. service 11 service far women, conducted. ley the sisters at .3 pin. Evening service 7 o c1oek, in the afternoon the Crusad- ers will visit throughout the parish, A women's service ,will be held on Tues- day and. Thursday afternoons' at, 3 o'clock, Each night there, will be a mission service at 8 o'clock, • The Crusaders will be iu Bayfield from Saturday, Jnne 16th .to Friday the 22. ivfiss Olive Pollock of Stanley is the' guest of her aunt, Miss lvl, Campbell. Mrs. Frank 'V, Martin of Detroit en- tertained a humher of her friends' at her cottage, "Boulder Lodge, over, the week end, The guests teetoe Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Glogmer, Mr. and Mrs,'S. MendeIso'hn, Mr, and Mrs, M. 13. Sulgkiger and Mr, F. V. Martin. Mr. and Mrs, H. Lawson, Floreence, and Harry Lawson of Stratford, spent the week end at their cottage. At the annual meeting"of the Y.P.S. held Friday evening.in" St. Andrew s church, the following officers were ape, pointed: Pres., Murray Grainger; vice- pres., Dorothy Scotciuner; sec., Annie McLeod; treas., Fred, Heard; organ- ist, Flay H. Edwards. Mr; and Mrs. W, Cotton, Joan and Bud Cotton and Mrs, Alway of Lon- don spent the week end at the for- mer's cottage. VARNA. Five members ofettte Church Army Crusaders will visit. Varna and con- duct services in St. John's A n also lisa Church on Sun. evening, J Thurs..and Fri, June 21 and 22, A tor - dial 'invitation is extended to all to at- tend these services. Mr. and Mrs. W. McAsh of London spent Sunday in the village. Mrs. McAsh is spending a few days with her mother, Mrs. C. Weekes. We are pleased to report that Mrs. A. Horner is able to be around again. Quite a number attended the Dean- ery meeting in Seaforth Tuesday last. A ball game was played between Bayfield and Varma on Tuesday even- ing, Bayfield winning by two points. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd H. Schell and little son of Detroit motored over to spend the States holiday, May 30, at the hone of Mrs. Schell's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Austin. Mr. Alvin Russell Austin of Flint, who has been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred..Austin, for the past two weeks. returned to the city on Friday last, ST. COLUMBAN. Miss Annie Dalton spent Sunday here visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs. John Dalton. Mr, John Williams, of Detroit, spent Sunday here, Mrs, Tihomas Morris, Miss Mildred McGrath and Mr. Frank McGrath at- tended the wedding of their brother Robert, in Detroit, on Tuesday. Reeve McQuaid, of McKillop, at- tended the County Council sessions last week in Goderich. Mrs. Michael Doyle still continues to keep in a weakened condition and her many friends hope for her speedy recovery. Mrs, Catherine Molyneaux, of Dub- lin, visited her sister, Mrs. M. Doyle, who is sick. spent Peter H. McGrath a few days in Stratford visiting her sister, Mrs. Joseph Murphy, Mr, John J. Dalton and his daugh- ter, Mrs, John L. Malone, took in the Greyhound excursion to Detroit and visited their many friends. A number from this vicinity at- tended the Seaforth Races on June 13. :Mr. William Nigh and son are er- ecting a large cement garage, also a hen house, Mr.,James Hart, cement contractor, is doing the work, • HILLSGREEN. Quite a number from around these Parts took in the Webster reunion on Saturday at Bayfield and all report having a splendid time. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Farquhar and family spent Sunday last at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carlile, Don't forget the Young People's Anniversary to be held on Sunday evening in the Hillsgreen United Bella Smale, Eleanor 13e11, Roy Brock, Church, June 17th, at 7.30 p.m., when Etama Wurm, Aldoir Appleton, Har- Rev. Mr. Hogg, of Clinton, will old Appleton, Will Nicol, Viola Hill- preach, ebrandt, 'Kaye Patterson, Tsobeae Miss Martha Carlile, who spent the taundercack. Mr, Sam. Rennie visited over • the week -end with relatives in Hantilton. Ralph Chapman, son of the late William Chapman, late of the Town- ship of Hay, is here on a visit from San Francisco, California, As :t is some 22 years since Mr. Chapman left here he sees great changes and improvements in the village which he can hardly recognize as being the Hensel' off 22 years ago. Mr. Chap- man, who is 'looking well, much en- joyed his visit with so many relatives and friends in the village and victaity. Miss Grace Chapman, of Hamilton, is visiting her parents, Yr and Mrs. William Chapman. Mr. All. Smith, who has been con- fined to his room through illness, is able to be out again. The Hensel! Continuation School is busy this week trying the final exam - 'Mations, the term being ended on Friday, June 15. Walter IJancaster, former resident ea the village, now of Vancouver, is here on a visit and his many friends are pleased to meet him once more. Miss Grace McGregor, of 'Tucker - smith, spent the week -end with Mrs. Z. Heiden. William Blatchford nes had hit dwelling on Queen Street nicely re - shingled. 'Mass Helen Swan is improving the si;gearance of her home on Richmond s'reet by having the roe' sbing'cd. Rev, Me, Weis, of London, gem - lust -ed services on Sunday 1n the village, preaching in the Memo -oil Church Al'he interests of the Lord Lord's Day (lance and in the evening in the Unit- e) Ohurelr, He delivered very good hd•ireeste on both ocea;ioie and met • with goodresponse to his appeals for et; pPport for fundi, to carry n the work. Mr. and Mrs. William Chapman visited over the week -end in Hetnilton, I.,teme of news always welcome, past month at the home of Mr. Elgin 1vIcICinley, of the Goshen Line, has returned home. Mr. Robin McAllister is improving the looks of his house by siding it with asphalt shingles. Mr. and Mrs. Webster Turner spent a day recently in Goderich, LONDESBORO. Miss Mildred Murphy, of Exeter, spent the week -end the guest of her aunt, Mrs. H. Riley. Mrs. D. D. Roberton is visiting her sister, Miss Emmerton, of ;Buffalo, this week. Mr. Tom, Miller, our coal dealer, unloaded a car of Alherta coal this week. Mrs. John Armstrong returned home on Monday after a pleasant week's visit with her 'sister, Mrs, Carter, of IWaterdown. Mrs. Robert Scott spent Saturday lest with' Wtngham'friends. Mrs. Newton Etemcnston, of Fort. William and Mrs. Spuhl, of Auburn, -pent Friday at the home of Mr, Murdoch ,Ross, Mr. and Mrs. 14. Sundercock, of Hensall, spent Sunday at the home of Mr, W, Griffiths. Mr. Herold Johnsteni of London, spent the week=end afhts home here. rive carloads of Masons motored to Goderich on Wednesday night to hear the Rev. Gabriel McGuire ad- dress the Masons there. Mr. and Mrs, W. Brunsdon Mr. and Mrs. 'Ernest Adapts and Miss Brigham,. silent +Surtdey at the home of Mr Willis •Mountain, of the tenth line, ,Hutiett, Mrs. 13, :McCool, Mr. and Mrs, James 'McCool and Miss Margaret spent Sunday at Woodstock, Mr, and .Mrs, John Nott and Miss 13e11e spent Sunday at, the home of Mr. W,'Ycunghlut, near Auburn. Mr, and 'Mrs. Toni. 'Fairservice and family spent Sunday with Hite! RGi Man's Shoos. , . . , , , , .. $3,00 Women's Shoos... $2.50_ B. u11 Dog Overalls 3 Bars Lux. Soap. , , 20c Red Rose Tea • 43pil Regulal.' 35e Fancy Biscuits • • 30c Soda Biscuits 10ct 1 . Will PayYou To 13• In El> d ville t 11 uy p,mgn W. J. RI1VNICAN Pig Bubbles inyour Tea cup••••what do they reallytdl about money? You've watched them scores of times ... Many little bubbles running together until they form a group . . . Then smaller groups are attracted to the first big group, making it Larger still. Means money for you, they say ! And so it does if you will remember that the bubbles are merely obeying the law that "like attracts like." . Money obeys the same law too ! Then use this law yourself ... In ones or twos add your dollars together, by saving regularly, week by week. Presently, and sooner perhaps than you expected ... your group of dollars. will be large enough to attract more dollars needed . And you'll hay e the capital n to start you on the road to success. Start a savings account with the Province of Ontario Savings Office. It is your own institution. The Government guarantees the safety of all monies deposited and withdrawals may be made without notice. By mail or in person your account will be cordially welcomed at your nearest branch, TORONTO BRANCHES: Car. Bay & Adelaide Sts.; Co'. Danforth & Penick Ayes.; Cor. University & Dundas St. OTHER BRANCHES AT: Aylmer, Brantford, Hamilton, ' Newmarket, Ottawa, Owen Sound, Pembroke, Seaforth, St. Catharines; St. Mary's, Walkerton,• Woodstock. Seaforth Branch, J. M. McMillan, Hours 9.30 a,m. to 5 p.m. Sat. 9.30 a,m. to 5 p.m, 7 p.m. to 930 p.m, PROVINCE OF ;` i AVINOS OFFICE EVERYOEPOS/TGlfdi7' / }'Y,j/iTARIOCOYERNMENT HEAD OFFICE 15 QUEENS PAM A SALE QV 1-/QMB BAKING Under the auspicett of the 'Crain/lie r i►sLag' ' e ue will be no Sate Non,ct urd,t June 23rd,at for o'clock, in the stoe one door north of Mr. Box's restaurant. FOR SALE. Two Pomeranian pups from prize winning stock, registered pedigree, real pets, 3 months olcl. W. 5, Wale Hams, I3gx 357, Seaforth, 25 PORTLAND CEMENT AND WOVEN WIRE FENCE, A ;carload of Canada Cement just arrived. The hest Wire 'Force in the market, special. even spaced 8 wire Fence, 44c rod, The strongest Fence itt the tnarle.et' and galvanising guar- anteed for 5 years. ;GEO. A SdiLIJS & SONS, Hard- ware Merchants, (Seaforth. 24 CHEAP FUEL FOR SALE. A quan.eity of soft wood, 16 inches long. Free to spilt, 82.25 at the stomp. `Also hard tnaptle, 14 itiches long.Can be delivered. Apply to Jaynes R. Sproat, Seaforth R;R 3, or phone 160r34. 23tf EXPERT FINISHING. Expert .Kodak finishing: Develop- ing 5c a roll, prints 3c each, any size. JACKSON STUDIO, Seaforth, 26 DWELLING FOR SALE, Frame dwelling on James street with two lots and barn, for sale cheap to wind up estate. Immediate pos- session. Apply to W r' Willis, Ex- ecutor. 25 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the Estate of Neil Smith, ,Deceas- ed, NOTICE is hereby given pkat all persons having claims against the es- tate of Neil Smith, late of the Village of Brueefield, in the County of Huron, Shoemaker, deceased, who died on or about the thirteenth day of March, A.D. 1928, are required to deliver to Alexander Smith, the administrator of the said estate er to W. Brydone, so- licitor, on or before the 30th day of June, A.D. 1925, a full statement of their claims..togebher with particulars thereof, and the t(ature of the securit- ies, if held by them, all duly verified b y affidavit. AND 'TAKE NOTICE that after the said last mentioned date the said ad- ministrator will! proceed to distribute the estate of the said deceased amongst the persons entitled thereto, having regard only tb such claims as he shall have received due notice and in accordance therewith. Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this Sbh Clay of June, A.D. 1928. W. BiRYIDONrE, Clinton, Ont. Solicitor for the said Estate. 25. CARD OP THANKS. Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Humphries, of Walton, wish to express their heart- felt thanks for many acts of kindness and expressions of sympathy during their recent sad bereavement. TUTCKERSMITH. Dr; H. Ross of Clifford, visited with his sister-in-law, Mrs. A. Ross, who is spending a few weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs: A. Nicholson. Mrs. William McGee and little daughter Margaret, of Toronto, are week end visitors at the home of Mr.,' and Mrs. B. Rick; Mr. William Wright Sr. still con- tinues ill and is confined to bed. Mrs. William Wright, Mrs. William Oke and their father, Mr. Hearn, mo- tored to Hamilton to visit Mrs. Hearn who spent the winter there. Mr. Edgar Allen has purchased a Ford sedan. Miss Greta Broadfoot, ,daughter of Mrs. A. Broadfoot, is home, sick with the flu. Mr. James Riley attended the fune- ral of his aunt, Mrs. Ben Riley, Kin - burn. HIBBERT. !Brother Francis ,of the Christian Brothers Order of Lackawanna, N.Y., is spending two weeks at home of his parents, Mr. and, Mrs. Luke Nigh, Tuckersmith, Miss Margaret Cleary, .R.N., of Ro- chester, N.Y., was a guest for a few days last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs, John Walsh McKillop. We are pleased to report that Miss Mary Nigh, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Luke Nigh, Tuckersmith, is able to Be out again, after the injuries she re- ceived from a car accident about three weeks ago. Mrs. Michael Walsh of McKillop was a visitor recently at the home of her daughter,. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kelly, Stratford. Mrs. Joseph M. Doyle, who was in the Seaforth hospital, for the last two weeks returned with her young son Thomas Michael,, on Wednesday of last week to their home on Coleman street, Seaforth. 5ntmmuulttutnal111lee Adfl inilllllllltllltfltIt awaismimoosessitstiallailW Mends. Mrs. ,lames Campbell is 'spending a week with her sister, Mrs. .Knox, Mr. Robert Townsend and Mr. Alex, Wells spent 'Monday in 'London. Miss Laudy Young returned home on 'Thursday last . after spending a couple of months with London friends, Mr. and Mre. ,Dang, of Detroit, tailed an Mr. and Mrs. John Nott one day last week.: Mr. and 'Mrs..Fingland and Miss Alice spent Sunday with Auburn Mr, and Mrs. Townsend 'motored to ,�aarae.a+ London on Monday last. For ,Scalds or, Burns. -Dr, Thom- as' Eclectric Oil isastandard remedy for the prompt treatment of scalds and burns. Its heathng power quick- ly soothes the pain and aids a speedy recovery from the injury. It i5 also ao excellent remedy for all manner of cuts, bruises and sprains, as well as for relieving the pains arising from inflammation of variotts kinds. A bot- tle in the •house and stable saves many a doctor's and veteritiary's See, Want and Icor Sate ads, 3 times 50e VVAN'TED. Applications ler the; position of or- ganist ,end choireleador in the le - mo rdnrl'le U ited Cburb will he re- ceived up till Friday June 22nd. Sal. ary previously paid *300,00 per an- ntnn, ' Duties to begirt Sundae, July lst- or State earliest possible date. JOIH'N hIeN'AY, R. R. 2, Seaforth, Soe'y of Session. 24. HOUSE FORSALE, Corner James and Ann Streets, Sea - forth, seven roomed house, electric light, hard and soft water inside. Garden and stable on property Apply MRS, WM. MCMIOHAFJL,, John at„ or Phone 197, 18tf GRASS SEEP) 'Iv'•R SALE. Yellow Blossom Sweet -Clover aced at *4,50 per hushel. Timothy and•al- sike noixtirre, 27 p,c. alsike-at $5.00 per bushel, Gov. Gov, tested and free from printery noxious weeds, RUSS'ELL DOUGHERTY, 'Walton, lot 15, eon. 17, Grey. Phone 37 r 19, Brussels, 16tf FARM FOR SALE. Choice 50-acre,.farm,• in good condi-' tl6tt: N 5 lot 16, con, 5, MeiKillop, all' cleared and all seeded down, Two storey cement house, frame kitchen, all in good repair. Barn .50'x46' on a eetrieut wall; cement stabling and water itt the barn. !Cement driving house 24'x36'. Frame hog pen 16'x24'. Never failing well 'of choice water, Well fenced anti ur degrdrained with tile drain. Will be: sold on easy terms to suit purchaser, with or without crop., Failure of, health is reason for selling. For further particulars apply on the premises or write to Seaforth, R.R. 5, ROBERT GIBSON. tf27 "CARBROOK FLASHLIGHT" The ptitebred Clydesdale "Car - brook 111ashli ht" No. 24641. Enrol- ment No. 1958, Approve;! Form I, will stand athis own stable, lot 3, con: 3,utlett for' the sewn Hasn of 1928. Terms. $15.60. T. J. Mc- Michael, Prop. The Black Percheron Stallion « DIAM�ANT" has been purchased by Mr, William H. Reeler of Dublin from Mr. R. W. Agar, and will travel in the Seaforth district this season. William H, Keeler, Mgr 21tf - TiiE. McKILLOP Mutual Fire Insurance Co. FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY, INS'UR'ED Officers -James Connolly, Goder- ich; Alex. James Evans, Beechwood, Vice President; D. F, McGregor, Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer, Directors -Wm. Rinn, No. 2 Sea- ford); John . Bennewies, Brodhagen; James Evans, !Beechwood; M. Mc- Ewen, Clinton; James' Connolly, God- erich; Alex. Baoadfoot, No. 3, Sea - forth; J• a 14. Sholdice, No. 4, Walton; Robert Ferris, Harlock; George Me- Cartney, No. 3,. Seaforth; Murray Gibson, Brucefield. Agents -Alex. Leitch, r.r. 1, Clin- ton; E. Hinchley, Seaforth; J. A. Murray, r.r. No: 3, Seaforth; . J._ V. Yeo, Halmesville; It. G. Jarmouth, Bornholm. James Kerr and John Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors. Parties desirous to effect insurance or trans- act other business will be promptly attended to by applioaition to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective postoffices. WINTHROP. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Bennett 'at- tended the funeral of their cousin Miss Belle Cook, of Westfield, lash, week. Mrs. Hanna and daughter Annie, Mr, and Mrs. Harry Hart of Seaforth and Mr, William Hart of Brussels, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Al- onzo Spading., Miss Minnie Wheatley spent Sunday at her home here. Mrs. Harold ,Smallden and children, 'Babe and.Bob, of Watton, spent Tues day in the village. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Medical. i T :HU I• ,h i DR. H. G ROSS, P s date and Surgeon, Late of London pate!, London, England. Spec[tt attention to diseases of the eye, nose and theoat. Office and told - ones behind Dominion Bank. OWte Phone No. 5; Residence Phone i.Od- - • DR, 'F, 5, IT7Ri32JOfWIS, Seaf5a1 Office and residence, Goderich gears east of the Methodist !Church. t;or..• aver for the County of Huron. Tele- phone No. 40. DR. C. MAC( AY=C, Max . !totter graduate of Trinity : Un''ie ity and gold medallist of Teiiat3E1't 4y edical'"College; member of the lege of Physicians and Stergeous tet Ontario, --DR. F. 3, lit. 'FO'RSTER-Eye, Nose and Throat, Graduate in lkdt eine, University of Toronto 1897. !feat Assistant New York Ophthalmic and Aural Institute, Moorefield's Eye, and Golden Square throat hospitals, Lat. dolt, England. At Comrnercial EWA ('Seaforth, 3rd Monday in each mouth. from 111 aria. to 3 p.m. • DR, W. 'C, SPROAT,-Graduate at Faculty of -Medicine, University of Western Ontario, London, Member of 'College of Phylslcians and Sae- geons of Ontario. Office in Abetter& Drug Store, Main St„ Seiteetlt Phone 90. - Dental. DR. J, A, IMUNN Successpr to Dr. R. R. Ross, gaff* ate of Northwestern Univereaty, Chit cago, I11. Licentiate Royal 'College ;e5 Dental • Surgeons, Toronto; ,Office aver Sills' hardware, Main serest. Seaforth. Phone 151. F.BEJ HELY •ra DSR.J. a g d1aM�r1 Royal College of Dental.Surgeriss. Toronto. Office over We R. &aide e Grocery,Main street, Steerh Phones, 'office 185W,residence MT. Auctioneer. GEORGE ELLIOTT,- Limited _Auotioneer for the County of 1.8eten. Arrangements can be made .for .Side Date at The Seaforth News. amine moderate and satisfaction guaranteeeff. WATSON AND REID''S REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENC•t ((Successors to James Watson) MAIN ST., SEAFORIPR, (ANT ,All kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at towe'st rates. in First-+C(0e Companies. SEAFORTH MARKETS. • Wednesday, June 13t1:.. Wheat, per bus. ' 211.411 .Barley, per bus. 2fie. Oats; per bus „ Buckwheat, ..-9 per bus. • 87Yc Shorts, per cwt. 20 Bran, per cwtlf) Butter, per lb. • •: EggeLper doz. 20c, 26c, 29c Potatoes, per hag - $1,50 Hogs, per ewt ... . +/026 Chickens, (five, 54 lbs., per lb 17c -22c Chickens, dressed, 4, 5, 6 lbs.... .... per Ib 2. 20c -c Old hens, live, 5 tbs.. , per lb. 20c -22k Old hens, dressed, ....per lb. 22e -25c Exeter.. The wedding took glace .on May 24th, of. Mrs, Ethel May Lloyd, dau- ghter of lvir, and Mrs, ' Phomas El- liott, • of Exeter, to Hy..,Wartman Gould, of Clinton, the ,ceremony be- ing performed by Rev. C. J. Moor- house, As there has been a dropping off in bowling here the past few years, the Tennis Club has secured two courts en part of the bowling green. Mr. and Mrs, brad 'Hoggarth an- rounce the engagement of their sec- ond datighter, Edith Irene, to William Frederick Mitchell, of Toronto, son of Mr. and Mrs.• otin Mitchell, South London. Have your next Snit or Overcoat made by E. W. BATSMAN Practical Tailor MAIN ST., SEAFORTH Prices from $25.00 up. YOUR OWN MATERIALS MADE UP AT REASONABLE RATES Try us for Prompt Service Style and Satisfaction • Thursday, Friday and Saturday TOM MIX with MARJORIE D2 W and '111 ANY" the wonder horse Outlaws - Of The Red 'River Gerald Beauntont's story of the Texas Rangers Monday, Tuesday. and Wednesday JOHN GILBERT TWELVE MwithILES OUT Ernest Torrance Joan Crawford Rum -runners, pirates of •today, plying their million dollar trade-Hi-jackers, anore,desperate preying on rum -runner With the screen's greatest roman actor Metro has taken the Broadway stage success out on the high seas and pro- duced a thriller that will make you grip your seat.