HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1928-06-14, Page 5THURSDAY, AM
14, 1828,
Our Specials -for One Week kirom date
French Mushrooms, per tin lye
Spanish Pimuutoes, i3 tins , 250
Kellogg's Rice Rris tpies, new, delicious 15e
Lemon CupCrosseand Maekwenls 35e & 65c ,.
Lime Cup Crosse and Blaokwells, bottle (5c
Grape Juice, per bottle 25e
(Auer Ale, OlICeefes a Doz. Oarton 90c -
Olives, 4 oz Pimento • stuffed, 2 bottles 250
When in doubt Oall this :Red and White
Ross J. Sproat l Vat Phone 8,
We MStewart
Pho11e '7?
We pay the highest prices for good cream.
Our services to our patrons are the best that can be given.
Do not send your cream to other Creameries; we want
it here.
To operate a Creamery we needyour co -operation, -
In return for you co-operation we will 'give you of our
in service and prices,
We are agent for the Mellotte Cream Separators. Come
in and see the new Models.
Seaforth Creamery Co. Seaforth, Ont.
' C. A. BARBER, Prop.
Jr Walker & Sen ,
Motor or Horse Equiptnegt
W. J. WALKER, holder of Go-
vernment diploma and license.
Flowers Furnished:
Night or day phone 67.
U� ItF McInnes
Of Wingham, will be at the
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth
Monday, Wednesday and
Friday Afternoons
Diseases of all kinds success-
fully. treated.
Electricity used.
Beware of an Itchy Spot
Keep,,your hair and scalp
clean, also free from dan-
druff' by having. your next
shampoo oo at
ust around the Corner in
the Dominion Bank Build-
Phone 125.
Pianos Tuned
gleaned and
Chas. A. lio
Residence—James St,
'Bhe regular monthly meeting. of the
W. M. S. of Egmondville United
Church was held on 'Friday, June 8.
Mrs. James Allan presided. Opened
followed byprayer by
by hymn 546,P Y Y
Mrs. Allan. Scripture lesson, Rom.
14, was read by Mrs. McMillan. Min-
utes of the last meeting were read
and adopted. Roll call was taken.
M'ess'enger prayer by Miss Charters.
Then the devotional leaflet, entitled
"Christianity and the Liquor Traffic."
'The following ladies took part: Mrs.
Sherwood, Miss Thom and Mrs,
Hugh Chesney. The ten heralds en-
titled The Watch Tower were given:
British Columbia, • Mrs. McDonald;
Alberta, Mrs. Brown;'Saskatchewan,
Miss Thom;;` Manitoba, Mrs.. Mc-
Kenzie Sr.; Ontario, Miss Charters;
Quebec, Mrs.' H. Chesney; New
Brunswick, Mrs Stewart; Nova Sco-
tia, Mrs, R..McICenzie; Prince Edward
Island, Mrs. McGonigle; Newfound-
land, Hrs.. Sherwood. After singing
hymn 770, Mrs. R: McKenzie gave a
splendid fall report of the Woodstock
conference, which she attended.' Hymn
579 was sung and the meeting was
closed by prayer by Mrs: McKen-
zie -Sr:
-The Terror of Asthma cotnes like a
thief in the night with . its dreadful
throttling, robbing its victim of
breath. it seems beyond `the power
of human aid to relieve until one trial
.is made of that remarkable prepara-
tion, Dr, J. D. Kellogg's -.Asthma Rem-
edy. Then relief comes „with a rush.
Life bccovnes worth living, and, if
the remedy be used persistently, the
disease is put permanently to rout.
'rake no substitute.
Walit and For Sale ads, 3 tines 50c
drive a
one -eyed car
Carry spare
Safety Coiiumitttee
The HON. GEOi S. HENRY, Mairetan,
t'trehbisitop Williams wilt be at St.
Thomas' Anglican Cdntrch for con -
lirmatiau, on 4untlay, Jttt_e t 24tr
at 11 a. en. •
Mr•. John Brown of Gait is the guest
Of Mr, and Mrs. J. G. Mullen.
Mr, and N's, Bert Klein and chil-
dren; Mitchell, were Sunday visitors
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis
Mrs. Dormice, of 'McKillop, has
had her house on Spading street
fleetly painted this week. Messrs.
Govenlack and Ferguson
of Eg
vilte did the work.
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Free have
been at Dungannon this week attend
tag' the ftmerel of the former's 'father,
who died suddenly on Saturday last.
He was its his 81st year,
.Mrs, A. L. Porteous was in Brant-
ford over the Week end the guest of
her sister, Mrs, J, H. Long,
Miss Addison, Mrs, Noble and Mrs,
Boyes of Goderich spent Wednesday
with Mrs, A, L. Porteous.
,Miss Bannister of Detroit is visiting
Miss Belle Jackson.
Mr. and Mrs, J. R. Scott and song
Mr, James M. Scott, left on Wednes-
day an a motor trip to Hamilton,
Brockville and Ottawa.
Me. Robert Smith and Mr. C. Eck -
art have installed phones in their
homes this week.
Mr, Con Eckert left Wednesday to
spend the week with his brothers,
Fred and Peter Eckert.
Mr. and Mrs, Andrew Hamilton
tnci Irene of , Hienfryt, Ballet on
friends in town Sunday and attended
Dr. Larkins ferewell service,
IRev, Mr, Mode and Mrs, Mode, of
Chicago University, Miss Coventr
of Detroit; Mr, and Mrs. John Mur-
ray and sister .Alice, of S'trabford, ,were
guests Sunday of Mr, and Mrs. A. A.
Miss Anona Dale attended the
Brown -Crozier wedding dinner Satter -
deer last,
Mr, George E. Hudson, editor of
the Hespeler Herald, was a caller at
the News office on Friday, while on
his way to Kincardine.
Mr, and Mrs. Neelin have returned
to their home on John street.
Mrs. Ross 3, Sproat went on the
Greyhound to Detroit,, and returned
by motor on Sunday.
Miss Edwards and Miss Cameron of
Bayfield, were the guests of Mrs. (Dr.)
Munn while attending the meeting of
the deanery in the Anglican church on
Mr. William Patrick of the Crediton
Bank staff was operated on for ap-
pendicitis and is progressing _favorably
at present. .
Mr, W. G. Spencer is attending the
LionsConvention this week. The
Montreal Lions Isave chartered a
steamship and the convention is being
field on board on a trip down the St,
Lawrence to the Saguenay River.
Mrs7Esther McLeod, who has been
ill, has been staying with her sister,'
Mrs. Thomas Grieve.
Mrs. Paul Doig and baby are" visit-
ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel
MoGeoch, E motidville.
Mr. John Flannery, who has been
quite ill with the fin for the past week,
is sonhewhat improved.
.:Mes. W. F. McMillan met with a
painful accident on Sunday 'morning
when she fell, spraining her ankle on
the way to church.
Mr. Joseph Aitchesou, of Egmond-
ville, is ill at present with the flu.
Mr. Angus McKinnon of .California,
is visiting Messrs, Rdbert McKay,
Toseph Atkinson and other relatives in
Mr. A. A. Coale, of Brantford is in
town relieving at the local customs of-
fice while Mr, Dawson Reid is on his
Mr. ,and Mrs. Harry Howe and
sons Dalton and Alex. of Queensboro,
returned Wednesday alter a week's
visit with IvE s. Howe's mother, Mrs.
R. J. Dalton.
Miss Mackay`e room in the Public
School is closed at present owing to
,her illness with the fru.
Miss Lillian Bannister, of Detroit, is
visiting Miss Belle Jackson.
Friends of Miss Olive Erratt are
pleased to hear that she is recovering,
having. been seriously ill last week in
Seaforth hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Robertson, Mr. and
Mrs, Edgar Lawson and Miss Hogg,
of Auburn, were visitors Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Sclater and attended Dr.
Larkin's farewell service,
•Dr.'and Mrs. F. H. Larkin, accom-
panied their son Mr. Fred Larkin, on
r Monday.
•• indso
Mrs. George Scott, of Wheaton, Ill.,
is visiting Mr, and Mrs. John A. Ste-
wart. Mrs. Scott was formerly of
Mr. and Mrs, Alex. McLaren and
daughter Ruby, of Hibbert, were visi-
tors Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. J A.
MoLareu, Egmondville.
elle and Mrs. Howard Kerr, of To-
ronto, were week -end visitors in town.
Messrs. Claire Merner am Walter
Scott, of Detroit, are spending- the
week in town.
Mr. and Mrs. George Fitzgerald and
daughter Jean, of Hamilton, were
week -end guests with Mfrs, Hugh
Mr. and Mrs. B, Williams of Strat-
ford visited Mrs. S. Boyd and Mrs, H.
3, Gibson Sunday and attended Dr.
Larkin's farewell service,
The many friends of Mrs, S. Jeffery
are sorry to know she continues quite
ill. Mrs, Jeffery returned 'Saturday
from. Stratford hospital where site. had
an x-ray exanunattoti, •
Mr, and' Mrs. Edward Johnston of
Goderioh, visited Mrs. Henry Erratt
who is ill with the flu at tine home of
Mr, 3. H. Reid, and they also visited
Mr. Calvin Dowson,over the week end.
eVir. Matthew Bates of Goderich
was a week end guest with Mr. and
Mrs W. 1.. Keys, .
Mr. James Steed) of INetroitl visited
his aunt, Mrs, W, M, Stewart, over
Ibe week end,
Mr, and •'Mrs. Hillitncr and son, of
Grimsby were guests.of Mr. and Mrst
kd 1-hillchley over :Sunday,
Mrs, Shoetraft of New Yos'kk is vis-
iting Miss Edith Davidson.
Mr, Arthur liroadfoot of Moosejaw
is visiting his mother, Mrs„ .3. H.
On Friday evening, members of
First Presbyterian Church met, in tate
church to present Rev. Dr.. Larkin
with a cheque for $500 ,and Mrs. Lar-
kin with n parse of $80, as a token of
their long and faithful service here, et
short program was given by the choir
and addresses were envie by Mr. M,
McKellar, Mr. 3, Cl. Mullen, Mr. Wm,
Knechtel'end Mr, 5. D. Gemmell, rep-
resenting the session. Mr. Mullen
read a very complimentary addresa to
Dr, and Mrs. Larkin, while Mr. Mc-
Kellar made the presentation.
On Sunday Rev, Dr, Larkin preach-
ed two inspiring farewell messages to
thecongregation large attendances. he-
ing at both services,
DEITZ—In Seaforth hospital, Satur-
c • June1 28 to Mr. and Mrs.
day, 9,9
John Deitz, Kippen, a daughter,
Nor, and 'Mrs, 'Ed. Steuernagel left
this week for Dolgeville,,N,T., to seek
their fortune iu Uncle Sam's do-
Mr, Peter Eckert had the misfort-
une to lose two fine heifers last week.
There is aro certainty of what disease
attacked thein,
The patrolmen in our burg have
completed repairing the roads,
Mr, Michael and Miss Maria Mur-
ray have returned front Windsor after
an extended visit.
The many friends of Mrs, James
MIartin are sorry to learn that she is
not improving as rapidly as was ex-
pected. Her case seems very serious.
Mr. James Purcell was.' a visitor
with his brother, Martin, this week,
and we are glad to learn that he is
Miss Olive Severe, of Toronto, is
visiting ' her mother, Mrs, Sam.
ea e.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Co dboIt of
Winchelsea, spent Sunday with Mr,
and Mrs, Simon Miller.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Scott and
family s(aent the week -end in Walker-
IRev, Mr. Elder left this week for a
two months' holiday at his former
horse in Belfast, Ireland.
'Mr. Frank Barr, of Stratford. called
on some of .his friends here on Sunday
Mr. Tohn Robertson and• his mother
spent Sunday with friends in Hensel'.
Married in Detroit On Tuesday,
rune 12. Mr. Robert McGrath, soil of
Mr. and Mrs, Patrick McGrath. -of St,
Coltimban, was married to Miss Ce-
celia Braun Schelde], of Detroit. The
ceremony took place in St. Benedict.
Church Detroit, and the happy couple
will make their home in that city.
'Mr. Louis Flannery and bride-to-be
were visitors at the home .of his father
and mother, Mr, and Mrs. John Flan-
nery, on Sunday. •
Mtr. Leo Flanagan and family were
visitors at the home of his sister, Mrs.
A. O'Leary on Sunday.
Twins were born to Mr. and Mrs,
Tan}es O'Ssrllivan on Thursday morn-
ing, a son and a daughter. The in-
fant son died on Friday evening and
was buried Saturday morning.
'Mr. and Mrs. Janes Devereaux and
Mrs, William Devereaux were in Lon-
don•on .Monday -
Miss Mary Dempsey is home from
Chatham, with her .grandmother, Mrs.
Martin, who is ill In -McKillop..
11tr. end Mrs. Joseph Carlin, Huron
Road, were visitors in Clinton on Sun-
Miss Laura Beacom 'attended the
wedding of her friends, Miss Mae
`Lyon and Mr. Emmerson Hesk Wed-
nesday oflast la t week. "
Mr. and Mrs, A. W. McEwing and
Helen visited Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Armstrong, of near Ethel. on Wed-
nesday of last week, also attending
the funeral of the late Mr. Hugh
Moses, of Jamestown.
Messrs. A. W. Beacom, A. W. Mc-
Ewing, Elmer Pollard,' G. Brown, J.
Neilans and Russel Barrows attended
a Masonic meeting in Goderich Wed-
nesday evening of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. William iS'heppard, of
Clinton, visited Mr. and Mrs, Norman
Sheppard and little Miss Wilma on
Tuesday afternoon of last week.
A number from the vicinity took in
the moonlight at Goderich Tuesday
evening of last week. Alt reports are
that a wonderful time was enjoyed.
Miss Marjorie McEwing, who has
been attending the Clinton Collegiate
for the past year. finished writing off
her exams Monday afternoon. We
wish Marjorie every success,
Ladies' till oE''Bur
ns- Church
held their June meeting at the home
of Mrs. Peter Taylor, Thursday af-
ternoon. About twenty ladies were
present, The meeting was opened by
singing hymn 773, after 'which tine
Lord's prayer was repeated in unison.
Marjorie Colson read the Scripture
lesson, after which the business part
was hells, with discussion concerning
the big garden party on June 29 to be.
held in the Harlock school grounds.
The meeting wet closed by singing
hymn 562, and all repeating the Miz-
parh, A very dtlinty hutch was served
by the hostess, Mrs, 1?, 'Baylor, assist-
ed her friend+, Mrs. T. Neilans and
Mrs. D. Reid,
1{r, and ,Mfrs, James Webster, of,
Luclenow, also Mr. Webster's mother,
Mrs, Grace Webster, visited Mr, and
Mrs, A, W. Beacom and family on
Thursday afternoon of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Watt and baby
Archie visited in Landon Thursday of
last week, .
Mr, and Mrs, George Watt and ,Mr.
Harold Beacom visited Mr, and Mrs;
13. Allen Thursday evening of last
Mr, and firs Sol. Shannon visited
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Parsons Thurs-
day evening
rlVedditig bells rang in' Londesboro
on Saturday at boon When Mise Ida
Crozier, and Mr, George Brown were
married, 'A large circle of frfettds
joie in wishing Mir, and Mrs. Brown
helneleess and'. a prosperous future in
our community,
Mfr. and Mrs. McAndrews and Mists
Isobel, ni Drayton, spent the week -6
end at the horse of Mr.. and Mrs, W
liain Beown.
Int. and Mrs, Ed. Pilus, of Brant-
ford, visited at the hone. of Mrs. Wil-
liam Browns mother, MICS. Collinson,
of 131ytlt, on Sunday
!Mrs, :A; W, Beacotu, Mr. Harold
Beacom and Kathleen and Edythe,
visited Mr, and'Mrs. William Bremner
of near Ethel, on Sonde,,
Mr, Syd Leasing, of 'near Suntrnei•-
hill visited at the home of Mr, and
Mrs, Isaac Rapson Sunday afternoon.
A strawberry festival will be held M
the Iiariock school grounds on Friday
everting, Jane 29, A good programme
is expected. It is to be supplied by
Alice Dunbar and her variety girls or-
chestra, of London, We hope for a
wonderful warm eighty) ice cream
,will be properly appreciated, The,
the auspices
the Ladies' Aid ofBurns7Chuch,
,Mrs, John Mille and Mrs. James.
Watt attended the W.I.in Bat
Community Hall on Thursday after-
noon 01 last week.
Duncan -Morris. -- A wedding of
much interest took place in Toronto at
3 pan, on June 6th, at the home of Mfr,
and Mrs, 1L Givecn, 84 Olive Avenue,
whole Miss Edith A, Morris became
the bride of Clarence T. Duncan, of
Toronto, son of the late William Dun-
can and Mrs. Duncan, of Bright, Ont,
The ceremony was performed by Rev,
Mr. Paulin, of St, Paul's Presbyterian
Church, in the presence of immediate
relatives. The bride was dressed et
pale blue taffeta, black shoes and hat,
and carried a bouquet of Ophew,
roses and lily -of -the -valley, The
bridesmaid was Miss Thelma Ilenry,
of Toronto, who was dressed in pink
georgette with grey hat tied shoes,
and carried a bouquet of sweet peas
and roses. The groomsman was the
bride's brother, Mr, Jacte Mo:ris, of
Orillia, A reception was held ill the
evening and Mr. and Mrs. Duncan left
on a trip to Blyth and Bright, the
bride travelling in a blonde dre.ss, with
hues to match, They will reside at
49 Keele Street, Toronto. T'te beide
t, a former Blyth girl, havi g trade
her hone with Mr. and Mfrs, George
Chambers and attended school '.fere.
See has been head bookkeeper at
Woolworth,;, Toronto,
'Congratulations to Rev. Dr. Barnby
ou his election at the last Conference
as a member of the General .Coun-
cil of the United Church of Canada,
'whitenich meets at Winnipeg in Sep -
Miss Mae Taylor,, of Detroit, is vis-
iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Ab.
Mr, and Mrs. C. T. Duncan, of To-
ronto, who are on their wedding trip,
visited Mr, and Mrs. G. M. Chambers
on Thursday and in- the evening re-
ceived friends. They were the recip-
ients of manygifts from friendshre
and in Toronto,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hewitt and
Miss Jennie Chambers, of Kincardine,
visited over ehe week -end with Mr.
and Mrs, G. M. Chambers,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Marghall visit-
ed friends at Centralia on .Sunday.
Miss Margaret Brown spent the
week -end with her parents, Jno. and
Mrs. Brown.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Johnston and
Iona, Jno. and Mrs. Grasby and Chas.
and Mrs. Nicholson and Gordon at-
tended the Brydges re -union at For-
ntosa on Saturday,
Messrs..Nelsou and Norman Nichol -
sen spent Sunday afternoon with Mr.
George Nicholson, of McKillop. .
Miss Melda McElroy, of 'Western
University, is visiting at the home of
her mother, Mrs. J. R. Bell.
The induction of Rev. George Weir
will take place on Thursday evening,
June 14th at 8 o'clock, in St, Andrew's
United Church. He will be inducted
by Rev.. J. E. Hogg, of Clinton; Rear.
Mr, Davison, of Wingham, will preach
the sermon; Rey. W. A. Bremner, the
address to the minister; and Rev. W.
R. Alp. the address to the congrega-
tion. Refreshments will be served at
the close of the service. Mr. Weir
comes to Blyth after eight years at
James Richmond has started to
reconstruct his house.
' Mrs: William C; Laidlaw spent the
past week visiting with her sister,
Mrs, Chris. Kennedy, Comber. _
Miss Alberta Richmond is spending
the present at home before writing
exams in Goderich,
Miss Katie Laidlaw, nurse -in -train -
Mg at Guelph, who is home for a
vacation, entertained a number of her
friends on Tuesday evening, Miss
Laidlaw returns on duty ,at hospital
in Guelph in a few days,•
Miss Ada O'Dell spent a few days
at the home of William C. Laidlaw.
Mr. and Mrs. Sillib and Harold
Collinson, of Brantford, spent Sunday
with Mrs. Sillib's mother, Mrs. M.
Mr, and Mrs. Russell Branton,
•14 hitewood Sask., are visiting , Mr.
and Mrs, G, D, Leith this week,
Mr, and Mrs, George Collinson, of
Iintail, called on the former's mother,
Mfrs. 'Collinson, on Saturday an their
way to the Brown -Crozier wedding.
Mrs, M. Collinson, who has been
sick the past two months, is slowly
A C. 0. 1. T. group- was organizer!
on Saturday last by Mrs. Weir, when
the following officers were elected:
I',eader, Mrs, (!Rev.) George Weir;
President Pearl Williams; Secretary,
Stella Richmond; Treasurer, Effie
Laidlaw; Pianist, Jeatf Laidlaw, Code:
"As a C. G, I.•T. under the leadership
of Jesus, it is my purpose to oherish
health, seek truth, know God, serve
others and then with His help, become
the girl •God would have me be." The
aim of the 'C. G; T, T. is to direct girl;
to realize that service is the greatest
thing in life.
The Mission Band met on Satur-
day afternoon with a large • attend-
ance, The President, Miss Annie
Richmond, occupied the their. A
good program was carried out, after
which Mrs, Weir spoke on the limited
advantages in 'Eddie for education of
Miss 1{ildred Tlilbore and Mrs.
Thomas Lyons went on the Grey-
hound excursion to Detroit last week.
Miss Wilma Ashton, of Gerrie, ie<
visiting her sister, Mrs. J• B. Watson.
The death occurred at Westfield ou
,lune 6th, ni itlss Isabel Cook, in her
2lih year, following' eight weeks'
115a8 with cotnphcartions following
pneuntonia. 'Tho funeral took plane
on Thursday last. She is survived by
her niathet Mrs, Johns Cook, West-
field, also three brothers and one 515 -
et Feed Cook at home, Grerdon
Cook of the West; George of Belgrave,
Mrs Reg Carter of Auhttrn and Mrs,
Earl McKnight of Westfield, and two
1half-brothers and a half-sister, Thos.
-- to the -
When we close our Store on Saturday
ui this "Great Money
I � a Saving Shoe
Sale" Will Be All, Over!
There are plenty of Good Shoes left for Men, Women
and Children, but the time to buy at Out Prices is grew-
ing short!
.Better buy them now than wish you land!
Womem's Shoes at
95c, $1.45, $1.95,
$2;95 to $3.45 a pr,
Men's Shoes at $2.45, $2,85, $3.20
to $ 3.85 a pair
Your Last Chance! =- Get Busy.
The J. H. Smith and Son
1 „Opposite Canadian Bank of Commerce
•-- .-nvac�*ew
at home; Jep Cook of Blyth; and Mrs,
Isaac Snell pi B'lyth.
Mrs. Walter Way, of Killarney,
Man., recently celebrated her golden
wedding. She was born in Morris
and lived ther • until fort • ago.
e S years g
She is a sister of Mr. W. H. McElroy,
of Blyth, and is blessed with a family
of nine sons and three daughters.
The Presbytery of Huron of the
United Church meets at Grand Bernd
on Thursday, June 21, at 10 a.m.
Mrs. Dobie, of Kincardine, is visit -
Rev. W. B. and Mrs. Hawkins, Miss
Myra Stinson, Miss Ella Metcalfe, Mr.
and Mrs, John Iibward and Mrs. Ar-
thur Tierney attended the meeting et
the Huron Deanery at Seaforth on
Mr, John Fraser and Mr. William
Hamm and Miss C. F. Hawkins, of St.
Thomas, returned Saturday, after
visiting Rev. and Mrs, W. B. Haw-
kins and Mrs. William Gray, Port
ing Mrs. R. Knox.
Mr. and Mrs.Bert McElroy, of De- A D.SUTHERLAND
troit, who have been visiting his par- GENERAL INSURANCE
encs, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. McElroy, AGENCY
Wingham, spent Wednesday in Blyth. Real Estate, Conveyancing, Bonds
Mrs. William Sims and Mr, and and Investments
Mrs. Bert Tasker and children,visit-
0 152
ed at Durham over the week -end.
Seaforth, Ontario.
ae � e.
A Good Portion
of beet served to you for the evening
meat, roasted about medium, with the
blood gravy oozing through, gives
one a foundation. It just makes one's
mouth water to think of it. How
was that last piece of meat we sent
yon? Wasn't it fine,
Your Butcher.
Phone 58 Seaforth
The St'ecial Milverton
4Ve have it --Give it a Trial, Also
Grain Screenings Chop of All Kinds
Your Auto Needs
Repairs and charging on all tnakes.
A good line of New and Used Parts.
Has its good points and bad, they say, but we think we are
offering the kind of work that more nearly approaches
It your ear: heads fixing up, and the hest do sooner or later,.
let tis demonstrate to you the many ;tcivantages, of our
reliable work,
Realer's Garage