The Seaforth News, 1928-06-14, Page 4PAC1fil FOUR
Snowdon. Bros,' Publiehers.
'Bethel S, S. will held their an -
Weal pienie
:Saturday, June 30th
Softball tournament, •$4.00
Puree to both the winningboys'
• .and girls' teauls. • Good prizes
•lfor Winners of Other Sports
AdraiseiOn 1.5� and 25e
a S. Scholars free
Are. William Clark ands_ Master
eelex, motored to Detroit on Thursday
«f last week Io visit the former's .sie-
ter, Mrs. J. Motebray.
Mr. John Williamson and Mr.
Imes Sholdiee are busy relnlifilite
Nit Thomas Beattie's barn..
Sunday evening, June 3, the regu-
ear meeting of the C. E, Society was
say largely attended, the basement of
1),; church being well filled, Miss
Edna Reid, President, conducted the
eervice Lind Mrs. C. Fragrant' sang a
•stace Miss C. MeGowan, who has re-
cently returned from a trip to Pales-
ine, gave a wonderful description of
her journey through that country, and
ef the places which we read about in
-he Bible, where our Saviour walked
.and taught the people. Customs in
ehat country are very much the same
-cede), as they were then. Her vivid
description of Bethlehem, Nazareth,
Jerusalem awl all ehese places, so
familiar by Bible study, brought all
very lunch nearer the living Christ of
• to -day. Miss MeGowen brought one
of the native costumes home with her
erom Palestine and dressed one of the
young men with it, explaining the
meaning of the various parts as the
dressing progressed. She veryvividly
TOM the story of her trip, weaving into
it incidents from the Oid and New
Testaments, Miss McGowan will be
-eery welcome at Walton any time we
'an persuade her to come.
The following is the report of S. -S.
No. 9, Morris, for the month of May.
The Sr. IV• were examined in alt sub-
jects. First class were given marks
eally for their work. The other classes
were examined in geography, gram-
mar, arithmetic, reading, writing and
epelling. (*) denotes present every
day. Sr. IV. -Stuart Bryans 72 per
cent,*, Arthur Bewley 65*. Jr. IV. -
Tom Kirkby 56, Clifford Pease 53. III
a. -Beacham Alcock 54. IIIb.-Isa-
hel.Alcock 65, Mae Shortreed -63*. Ha.
-Addie Bell 84*, Walter Bentley 59,
Lloyd Pease 54, Lloyd Alcock 44. Hie
Alcock 75. I. -Jackie Bryarts
88*, Wattle Bewley 79*, Bobbie Kirk-
by 78*, Allan Searle 70*. Margaret
Bell 67*, Stuart McCall 64*. Primer -
Eric Alcock. Average Attendance 17,
Clara MoGowan, Teacher.
Brown -Crozier. -A quiet but very.
pretty wedding was solenmized at the
manse, Londesbone on Saturday,
June 9th. at high noon, when Ida May,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Cro-
zier, of MoKillop, became the bride of
George C. Brown, son of Mr. and
Mrs. William Brown of Hullett. The
ceremony was performed by Rev.
j• Abery and bride and groom were
emattended. The bride was charm-
Ongly dressed in rose beige lace over
georgette, .1elack satin shoes and black
picture bat, with gloves and hose to
match, Her going -away dress was of
flower georgette. Following the cere-
mony dinner was served at the home
of the bride wbere forty guests sat
down to a sumptuous repast. Mr.
and Mee. Brown, who were the re-
oipients af many costly gifts and
.cheques, left on a honeymoon trip to
Kitchener, Niagara Fella, Peterboro,
Kingston and the boat trip down the
.Si. Lawrence, Upon their return the
'happy couple will make their home on
othe groom's farm in Huliett, recently
, purchased from Mr. Lamont. A wide
circle of friends join in best wishes.
Arming those from a distance eiresent
fior the wedding were Mrs. lhomas
. Stewart, of Guelph; Mr. and Mrs.
George Collison, Kintail: Mr. and Mrs
• McAndrews apse (laughter Isabel, pf.
Drayton; Mr. and Mrs, Bert Curreele
'Mr, 5, \Velem of Toronto is visite
ing 'with IVEr, and Mrs. J, Bishop,
-Miss A, Love of Toronto'le eisitiag
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Mr. end Mrs. Settler, leIrs. Holmes
and WS'S Miller spent Monde)! after -
nowt iu.Steetford. Miss leratiee, re-
turned with thein to her home in the
city after visiting her cousine, Mr. and
Mrs. Solder,
Miss Jean Drager of Welton and
Mr, Riehaed Drape of Preston, have
reterned efter their trip to Detroit on'
the Greyhound to visit their sister,
Miss Hazel Drager;
'Wee Mabel Meehan is able to be
era'stgain after her recent illeess.
Miss Annie lefcTeggart is spending
a few days 'in Stratford.
The -regular ineetleg of the W.M.S.
of „Bethel Church was held at the
home of Mrs. Alex, Munn on Thurs-
day east with a large at'tendan'ce, The
ineetilig was in .charge of the presi-
dent, Airs. David Crawford. Mee,
George Duedas is secretary and Mrs,
Edgerton Roe, treasurer.
A 'lumber from the village attend-
ed service in the Presbyterian Church,
Seaforth, on Sunday evening to hear
Rev. Mr. Larkin's farewell sermon.
1VIr5 and Mrs. J. Johnston, Blyth,
visited with Mr. and Mrs. C Frage
land on Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. Hoerle has returned after be-
iug absent for a few weeks on a, trip
to visit friends near Ottawa,
Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Gardiner visited
friends in Blyth last Sunday.
Miss Annie McTaggart is in Strat-
ford this week.
Miss Gertie Miller and Miss Violet
Rankin took in the moonlight excur-
eion 10 Goderich last week.
Mr. Pete. McTaggart is having his
house remodelle.d. Looks as though
he might he thinking, of getting it
housekeeper. "Eb. Pete I"
Some of the members of St.
George's Church attended the Dean-
ery meeting in Seaforth on Tuesday.
The deg is very bad now. Doors
and windows have to be kept shut,
seeeeted Buchanan met with a
painfel accident en Monday when he
was crankin,g the car. It back Bred,
almost breaking the bones in the hand.
His many friende hope he will soon
Miss Cora Harness, who has been
elsiting her friend, Miss Mary Innis,
-returned to her home in Granton on
Mr, Wes Clark of Stratford spent
Sunday at his home here,
Mr. C. Case net with a painful ac-
eident, He was riding on the bat* of
neighbores wagon and jumped off
. and fell, the hind wheel of the wagon
....sassing over his hand and breaking
several bones. It is especially bad as
Mr. Case has only one hand.
Mr, and Mee. George Snelling of
Monktoti spent .Sunclay at the home of
Mn. and .Mrs. John Meehan.
Mrs. William Woods spent the
iseeek eud in Seaforth.
Miss Lilly 'Knox spew Sunday af-
ternoon at the lin-mo of Mr. William
Mee Thomas Campbell of Iteue-
sels visaed at the home of Mr. and
Mrs, Fred Innes last week.
The farmens of the 13th and 14th of
MeXii-loP, have been busy during the
-east week drawing gravel.
Mr, John Kernaghan spetit itt
week miti in Brussele.
Mee. Joseeli Campbell hae been on
the sick list during, the meet wade. +fee
friends wish ,her a speedy recovery.
Wises Vlorence and Aileen Ryan,
• who are attending Seaforth Collegiate
spent the week end at their home here,
Next Sunday evening the -Christian
lettriea.vor Society of Dufe's Church
will be conducted by the members of
the Women's lefieeionary Society,
Mr. Ray Carter ef .Waterdown is
spetellitg his holidays et hie home
with his paeentri, Mr. end Mee. Joseph
A large erowd attended the dance
lase reidae night. A.S1 reported a
goer' time.
e aeene
The reeetieg ef elle Ribis Scieiety
was held lit the Anglican Church last
week, Rev.. Mr. leintteek, of Toron-
to, a, former missionary in 'West Af-
rice for over thirty year, gave a very
able address. eee
Rev, Mr iPenrose, of the feinted
Church, attended Conference last
Marion Oliver 1t8ission Circle. -The
regular meeting of the Marion Oliver
Mission Circle was held on Friday
evenitig, June 8theat 8 pen., with the
presolera, Miss ,Leila Stackhouse, pre..
siding.. A very haeresting program
was glace,' which consisted of a mann
solo by Eleanor Siridere violin selo,
Eva Stackhouse; reading by Pearl
Douglas., The members of the Vit,M.S
were present at this meeting and all
greatly enjoyed an address given by
Miss Greta Mustard, who told o.f her
experiences as nurse among foreigners
in' the cities of Cle.veland and New,
York, Most of the sunshine bags'
were handed in at the tneeting. but
there are still a few which may come
in yet.
Reid -Boyce. ---A most • in ter estieg
wedding took place on Saterclay, June
9, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed-
ward Boyce when their daughtee,
Mabel Ann, became the bride of Mr.
Wilinee Reid, son of Mr. and Mrs. 7.
Reid, Varna. The beide, who was
given in Marriage by her father, was
dressed in a gown of orehid georgette
trimmed with ribbon ad carried a
bouquet of roses, sweet peas and
baby's breath, She Was attended by
her sister, Miss Eva Boyce, gowned
in pine green crepe de chine aud car -
vied it bouquet of narcissus, tulips anti
lily of the valley. The best' man was
Mr. Bert Boyce, brother of the bride.
Miss Florence Boyce, gowned itt an-
ary crepe de chine played the wedding
march, The ceremony was performed
be, Rev, W. A. Bremner, pastor of
United Church. After the ceremony
wedding dinner was served, The
The Guild* of St.- Georges Church eouse was decorated in pink and white,
intend having a baking sele on Satur- lilacs and spring flowers, The bride -
day. June -30 in A,O.U.W. hall. groom's gift to the bride was it trea-
sure ehost of silver; to the bridesmaid,
a purse; best man, cuff Hales, and to
the pianist, sherbet glasses, The
happy couple left by motor for Tor-
onto and were taking a trip down the
St Lawrence and Saguenay rivers.
The bride travelled in navY flat crepe
chess, navy coat trimmed with squir-
rel, and hat to match. On their re-
turn they will reside on the groom's
farm in Stanley.
The Land= Road U.E,W;0, will
hold their regular monthly meeting
on Thersdav evening, June 21st, at
Will Litwson's. The men are invited
to this meeting, the feature of which
will be a spelling match, and a real
good time is looked for.
Miss Kae Beattie, R,N..'
Mies Florence Beattie, Miss Helen
Stone, Miss Irene Snider motored
from Loadon and spent the week end
at the home of Irene's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. John Snider.
Rev. W. A. Bremner returned home
from Walkerville Conference laet
Mr. James Kitchen has gone to To-
ronto where he has a position;
Mr. F. Skelton of St. Marys visited
hie parents Sunday.
Mrs. C. Ham mut son Wesley oz
Toronto are visiting at the home of
Mr. J. Swan.
Don't fail to see the ball gatnes on
Friday evening here. Londesboro
girls play Brucefield girls at 6 p.m.,
then Londesboro boys and Brucefield
immediately after. Be here on time
so you will miss nothing.
Mr. and , Mrs. Howard Snell were
Neilsen visitors on Stinday.
Miss Norma Hood, of Buffalo, spent
the week end with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Hood.
Mr, Laurier Hyde of Ridgeway and
Miss Erna Hyde ot enWellateeeeeleet
Miss Kyle of Hensall is visiting at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. j, Deitz of
the village.
Mr. and Mrs. Myers of Zurich
spent Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. Smith's
of the village.
The Y.P,S. was held on FridaY ev-
ening. Mr. Conner presided and Mr.
Harvey McClymont at the piano. Mr
Earl Dick gave a reading on the hymn
"Abide with Me." The meeting was
closed with a few games.
Mr. William Glazier and father, of
Clinton, spent Sunday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Butt.
Messrs, John and Hugh Mceefur-
trie have both bought new Chrysler
,Reee R. R. Conner and Meesrs. B.
1), Field, James Bowey, Eobert Coo-
per attended a meeting of the Masons
at Goderich on Wednesday evening.
Mr. Charles Clifton of the London
Road has completed the foundation of
his new dwelling and expects to start
the brick work shortly.
The many friends of Mrs. Thomas
Caldwell will be glad to know that she
is progressing very favourably after
her recent serious operation.
Mr. William Deitz is making rapid
progress with his new house and when
completed it will no doubt be of a
modern type.
Mr. Thomas Workman has the ce-
ment work for his new barn, well un-
der way and expects to have it in
readiness for the season's crop.
Miss Jean Ivison visited over the
week end with Miss M. Scarlett of
Mr. and Mrs. 'Herbert Jones spent
Friday in London.
Miss May of S.5; No. 14, Hay, has
resigned as teacher of that school.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Ingram of Exeter
vieited Mr. and Mrs. James Johnston
'rhe Woman's Missionary Society
was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Chesney for June with a g
attendance being present. .‘...-eire
Mrs. James Chesneeee net enjoy_
Mg her ti,sual
to soon neerg'fro"-ne"althl but we hope
eof a speedy recovery'
..11tialfrs. Warren Schithe and
. and Mrs. Roy Consitt and son
erack have returned home from De-
trnit after a very enjoyable visit.
Mrs, Babbitt and daughter Gertrude
have returned home to Detroit after
epending a few days with her aunt,
Mrs. Thomas .Dayman.
Mr. Arthur Patterson visited at Mr.
John Norris' over the week -end.
Mr. Peter McKenzie disposed of
some good live stock this week and
received good returns for them,
Mr. John McNaughton has been ill
with the flu but his many friends are
glad to hear he is improving.
Mr. Rebut Dinedale is able to be
out after a severe attack ef influenza.
Mr. Alex. eleeturtrie. .31 Toronto,
visited his brothers last week.
Miss eeesie johnstore of Remelt,
vieited Mr, and 'Mrs. Hugh Mee/tut--
tele last week.
A large acreage of beans are being
sewn by the farmers.
'ehe regular monthly ineeting of the
Womehei Missionary - Society was
held in Varna United Church on
Tuceday, May 5th, at 2.30 p.m. Mrs.
MeClyntt, the President. preeided.
This year the societies ase being ask-
ed for quilts and mend second hand
clothing, to be sent 1,, the Minn ells -
Rem schools in the West. Each
month the mvinhers and holm-, help-
ers are giving a shower for the baz-
aar, which is 111 be held in the Fall.
Ties month the .thower tvas of towels,
bet there were also many other useful
and beautiful articles, Next mouth
the shewer ie o, neiseellatieous. It
was decided td send ter envelopes and
aphlets Inc the "Hititleu Springs,"
as the Home Helpere Department ie
nos called, Text Word Inc next
month, "Word."
'We are sorry 10 report that Hazel
Hunkin, eldest daughter of Mr. and
Mks, efunkite met with a painful at-
eideut, while playing ball at school,
to running, site collided with another
little Mel and as a Net& her shoulder
wee dislocated and very painful.
The many friends of Mrs. Cleric will
be sorey to know she was contfleed to
be bed and we hope soon to,see her
thc week end witlile'lesrents, Mr.
and Mrs. John B. -* .ee, I
MIss llaYrILF-eev.a)n has returned
home Nee"' ` - • le
. .oin a visit with her sister, rs.
eerelam in Toronto.
Mr. Oliver Turnbull of Grand Bend
spent the week end at Mr. Lorne Wil-
son's and Mr. Harry Taylor's,
Mr. and Mrs. James Hill and Mr.
and Mrs. William Leith of Stratford
celled on friends in the village on
Mrs, George Hill spent Stanley at
her sister's, Mrs, A. Caldwell.
Mrs, Lyle Hill has been confined to
bed with the fle.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Waiver and
Mr, and Mrs. Desjariline of Zurich
visited at Mr. Harvey Taylor's on
Mr. John Swan ha s returned home
after spending the past week in De-
Dr, Migh Roes Clifford visited
the home of Mrs. James McDonald
last week.
Mn, and Mrs. Willicen Nesbitt, Mrs.
W. Douglas and Mr. and Mrs. Dow
visited in Stratford last week.
Nurse liohner returned to Clinton
this week to resume her nursing after
en absence of six weeks,
Miss 'Grette Mustard will .give an
tradrese next Sunday, June 17th, at the
morning service in the United Church,
Nurse Rouatt is visiting felends at
Kirkton this week.
Y.?. S. -The Egmondville Young
People's Society visited the Brucefield
Young People on Monday evening in
the schoolroom of the church. The
programme was condected by the Eg-
niondville Y. P. The meeting' opened
with Mise Sadie Howatt, the Vice
President, In the chair. After' hymn
336 was sting, Kenneth 'Jackson led in
Prayer. Scripture lesson Was taken
by Mies Bertha Beattie. The topic,
"Religion nf Jesus," was very ably
taken by Mn. :Earl Webster. Solos
were given by Misses Ethel 'Jackson
and Maegaret Pentland: duet by Jean-
ette Finnigan and Sadie Howatt;
readings by Vera Hudson and a sel.
ection by the nrcheetra. All weee very
well reodered and very much enjoyed,
The Octal part of the programme
was in charge of 'Janet Aiketthead, the
conveller, After a contest.
"Ridden Authors," lunch was served
and the treetieg closed with the Mies-
nah Benediction. The Brueelfield
P. enjoyed having the .Egmondvillt.
peeple very much,
Only the tutinformed endure the
agony of corns. The knowing ones
apply Holloway's Corn 'Rentover and
cret nilief
•• COUNTY' comma,.
The Hem County (Countil 'begtan
his Jiine deliberations on June 51:11, itt
the afternoon at council chamber, God.:
mech. The Clerk read the minutes of
the Janeary meeting and after calling
the roll, Wardell (Hays addreesed ehe
couraeillors, ate County 'Council 'has
provided a home, known as the ,Chile
siren's Shelter, end hee.eupported this
to the amount of 13,000 per year, They
have decided' to take over its manage-
ment, 'Plane will be submitted for
approval cluriegthe 'session, .
Among the icommunications were
the ,fallowing:eNetice from, the Bine-
iff of Huron of the dismissal of the
turnkey at the gaol. 'Sent to propeety
corms -1'14m From the Clerk of Us -
borne re the matter of ethnitting in-
digents eo hospitels, Med, ,From
the Deputy 11Iniseer of Education re
school grants for elie public and sap -
mate sehools to the county a's 'follows:
Public schools'1203830, and Separaite
schools, $91,58, making a total in all
of V130.38, Piled: 'The resignation of
John Elgin ITom, Who hee been" the
public school 'inspector. of West Hur-
on for the pasteforty-thee years, Livid
on table. From eheriff eMiddleton ,re-
garding a eurvey asked 'by 'the Gov-
ernment to' 'be made of the gaol, with
view of :taking precatitiouery meas-
ures to avoid escapes of prisoners.
Making of plane and copies cost $148.
,Referred to ,property 'committee.
From the 'Provincial Seeretary's De-
partment making comment on and ad-
ditional recomimendations re alteras
tions at the gaol, and returning item
account as requested by Sheriff. Mid-
dleton. Sent to the 'Property 'Com-
mittee. The petition of property
owners of the village of Egrriondviele
asking that the county read through,
the 'village •froin Seaforth be paved.
Sent to the Good Roads Commission.
From Mr, Feed Martin, of. Luckno'w,
asking for a grant to the 'Lucknow
Junior Farmers' Association. Sent to
the executive committee. From Dr.
Emmerson re a previous acconnt ren-
dered for attendance on- Jane White.
Sent to the finAnde committee. From
EC. Beacom, applying for the posi-
tion of Inspeetor of 'Public 'Schools of
West Huron, Laid on the table.
Under the head of inquiries, Mr.
McQuaid brought up the case of a
man who had not been a resident of
bis township for more than three
weeks, as to his power to commit, him
to the county home. The matter was
discussed but action deferred owing.
to the case being before the court.
At this juncture Councillor Inglis
made a motion ,secondecl by Council-
lor 'Langford, as follows: That this
county council accept the resigqation
of Mr. Tom as Inspector of public
schools in West Huron. In accepting
Mr. 'Tom's •reeignation after nearly
43 years as inspector in the county,
this council wishes to .place on record
its appreciation of the exceilence of
the service rendered by Mr. Tom .clur-
trig his long term of office: We join
heartily in sviehing Mn. Tont health
and 'happiness 'in his retirement from
the active duties of a 'busy, and well
spent life." This motion was carried,.
Motion by Hill and Beattie that the
council accept the invitation of the
Lions Club to the dinner eit the Hotel
Sunset. Carried.
'Motion by Councillors McKibbon
and Henderson that the culvert on
Prairie Road north of Wingham be
widened to correspond to width of the
road as it is at present a source of
danger. Sent to the Good Roads
Moved by Councillors 'Wright and
Henderson -that the Witighain Spring
Seed Show be given a grant of 125.
Sent to the executive committee.
n thatt4l: 1-1acke
grant t e Junior !farmers •of Luck -
,,ow. Sent to the. executive com-
Motion by Councillors Hackett and
Anderson that this county give a
grant to the Junior Fermers of Luck -
now. Sent to the executive com-
The Wednesday meriting sessiou
was taken up with the hearing of the
deputation from the Western 1.1111-
versity. who appeared before the
creincil ie connection with the making
of a grant to the Western .0tetario
University Endowment :Fund. The
deputation was composed of Profes-
sore Kingston and Landon, of the
Western University, Major Gordon
Ingram and Mr. Arthur Ford, Mr.
John Joynt, exeM.PsP., put in a word
for the univesrity. The matter wag
laid over tie the afternoon session.
On Wednesday evening the mem-
bers of the county council and the
county 'officials had their banquet
in St. George's parish hall, provided
by the Women's Guild,
Wednesday Afternoon.
elr. John Wightman appeared be-
fore she Council re the building of a
sidewalk at Belgrave from the vil-
lage to the school. He was referred
to the Roads ,Commission.
Mn, Mansoe, Reeve of Stanley
Township, asked with reference to
the signing of papers for the aclntis-
sion of a person to the Hospital Inc
1 flcurables. Mr. Manson was in -
termed that the signeture of the
sleeve(' was necessary.
'Tee following motions were then
'Motion by Hill and Inglis that this
Comity Council petition the Depert-
ment of ;Highways to assume 90 per
cent. of the cost of all Provincial
Roads and .50 per cent, of all roads
complying with the Good Roads legis-
lation; that the tax on gaioline be
raised from three to five cents per gal-
lon on all grisollitie used for automo-
bile purposes.Carried.
elotion by johnston and :Hackett
that this County (Council urge the
completien of the Dicky hill on the
North Boundaey, which has been
under construction for about toe
yeas. Sent to Roads Corpinission,
.Motion by Goetz and Klopp that
We 41. Oliver be appointed constable
at Crand Bend for a period of twt
neatens beginning July lst, and the
the 'Clerk rake up the matter Witt
the 'Clerk of tatebton to assume. theit
portioe of the cost. ;Curried, .
le -lotion by Kennedy awl Beattie
that the .legmonciville etrect be payee-.
this year 'es it is it road of very
heavy teethe and it. takes PPWatdS of
51.,000 yeetly to keep it in repair and
11 1101 payed it shoitid be terred at An
eurly date. Sent to Roeds
Motion by Raelter and McQuaid
Ulu 'this 'Cotincil consider appoint -
went of n etaffitt ofileek isi conneetiou
with the eounty reade, the seine es
counliee adjoining, as tt IS nOt a duty
of the eateity officers at Present, end
that ell the titles, go to the County.
$ent to the special committee.
Motion by Heiederson and MeKib-
bon that whereas . the vote on the
specie' levies at the (December. ses-
sion, 1927, settled nothing, this 'Coun-
cil . hereby resolve ,10 61.11)Xllit the
whole question to the County Judge
to be investigeted, and that a repoet
be made 'itt the December session on
the auderstanding that all affected
parties stand by 'the decision, Carried.
Metion by Kennedo and McQuaid
that the Egmoncleille bridge he re -
Paired as the abutments are starting
to give way, also that a stop sign be
pla.eed at the Mill Road cooler. Sent
to the RoaclealCeuemission.
The matter of the .grantine the
sum of $15,000 a year for a period
of ifive years to the Western Univer-
sity was then taken up. The first
eoeaker was 'Reeve Higgins, Hensall,
'who was (followed 'by Messrs, Mc-
Kilebon, johnston, Hendeeson,
Hill Beettie,,MoQuaid and Dr. Milne,
Moved by Reeve Beattie and sec -
°tided by Reeve Hitt that the question
of e grant of $75,000 to the Western
'University be left over to the De-
cember session end .the 'County (Cleek
find out what the other thirteen coun-
ties are doing,
'The Agriculteral Representative,
Mr, G, R. Patereon, addressed the
Council. Me. Paterson' suggested the
cleaning up ef the weeds ori the high -
Ways and that the GOvel•nment might
withhold their gra& on ,highways if
weeds were not destroyed,
The advisoey committee ap'pointed
by the 'Council and cemposed of
Messrs. R: R. Sloan, 'John 'L. Mc -
Ewan, John Parrish, G. R, McCart-
ney and 5: J. Hoggarth had beeneeall-
ed in consultation. , He thought it
would be very appropriate if the mem-
bers of the advisory committee 'were
paid similarly to the committees of the
Council. '
'There was discussion re- paying the
County Solicitor a retaining fee or sal-
ary similar to the manner in which
the high 'constable is paid, in return
for which certain sertrices should be
rendered instead of charging lees for.
consultations with the county. officials,
'The matter referred to in the mo-
tion making special levies was clis-
cussed and the motion made by Coun-
cillors MeKibbon and Henderson was
On the call for motions the.follow-
ing were received: Moved by Ken-
nedy and .Btatl.lantyne, that the equaliz-
ation of the assessments of the soy- gre 'pension. -
eral municipalities of the County for •
1928 be the same as for 1927. Carried. We recommend that the Ontario
Moved by Beattie and.Stalker that Government be petitioned that fines
we hold our annual picnic at :Baefield inmcieed for infractions of the traffic
on 'June 27th and that the Warden, laws occurring in the county roads, be
Clerk and Councillors Manson arid paid to the county instead Of t� the
Cox be the committee, Carried, local municipality as at preseat, so
'Motion by Turner and Hubbard that if it is deemed expedieht to 39 -
that Council accept offer of the Globe point a traffic officer, the cost well be
Indemnity Co. 'and a .policy covering .provided for.
all liabilities cif the .council. Referred The Department has deducted the
to the .Finance Committee, - 1e26 provincial .highways bill from the
'Moved "by Johnson and Keys, ad- 1927 subsidy on celerity roads. To-
vising that we pay the advisory cons- gether with .the 1927 account, the total
mittee to the Agricultural Represent- to be met for the provincial highways
ative for one meeting yearly on the is '$81,125.96. 'This may be provided
basis of the 'County Committees. Re- for by the issue of 20 -year 5 per cent.
ferred to the Executive 'Committee. instadment debentures, which would
Motion by Snell and Goetz 'that cost the County of Huron $6,509.76
the Council take action re the ap- yearly for twenty years. The .County
preach to the bridge on - the main oi Huron will be able to securemoney
highway through Exeter as there is on a 4.90 per cent. basis or less.
great danger. Sent to the Roads We recommend that the Govern-
Commission.ment be further petitioned to reduce
Motion by Snell eteeeefeegealea-eleateeteeseeteopoyeton of the cost -Of province
glier-Rxifiet-ii-Ospitir be inad-e the same ial highways, iiierahle- fiesetheecountiee
great as the•other hospitals. -Sent 1.0 from 20 to 10 per cent.
the Executive Committee.
Re application of the Town of Cod -
Motion by Adams and McKibbon erich for the improvement of Cambria.
that the Roads Commission make the Road, we recommend that this be
appointment of the traffic officer. done for the rebate due this year.
The estimated expenditures for 1928
of McKihbon and Hig- arc: Maintenance - Resurfacing 168, -
gins no action was taken on the 000, oiling and tarring, 110,000; snow
.clause re the appointing of a con- roads 0,500; dragging $23,000; bridges
stable to enforce the L. C. A. $2,000, culverts $1,500, weeds 12,500,
drains 11,000, grading 12300. Mach-
, !Following motions ieere read:
Motion by Messrs, Keys and Rawl- inery--New $15,000, repairs /5,000,
and that the attention of the High- (total 120,000). Superintendence $5, -
ways Departnient be drawn to the' 200. Construction 126,321. Defielt
advisability .af improving of the road from 1927, $6300. Patel $170,521.
along 8111 concession of .Gi•ey Town- 'Estimated eeceirets - 2 -mill levy,
ship from Ethel to the westerly limit $88,542,35; rebate and sundry re -
of the•toweship es a County Road. ecipts, $6,000; government- subsidy,
Carried. $82,260.85; tote!, $176,80235,
'Motion of • Messrs. Hill and Mc-' Construction has been. curtailed to
Quaid that this County Council ex- avoid an increase in,read levy. We re-
gress to Inspector Ton their appre- commend a levy of two mills to cover
=tem of the long and valuable sere this program.
vice he. has rendered to the Comity as
Inspector. Finance. Committee.
Moved by Reeve Beattie and sec- .\ve
recommend that accounts be in
.onded lyy Reeve Dt, timer
the hands of t'thClerk at least a week
Cluff Beacom be appointed
Scli.°()1 before the meeting of the Couttell.
Tnspector for West Huron in nm -f A.
sion to Mr. Tom. Ganged. Mn. Beacom Re accounts oDr. T..Emmer-
west eoti 'and Dr. H. Taylor, we recom-
was duly elected inspector for mend that the doctors collect their
Huron, to begin his duties the first of bill from Mr. 'White.
September this year.
neeessary this year to get the roarla
into 5,. smoother condition, On Feb.
.23 the commissloe met in Toronto end
during the week eeteeded the Ontario
(.40ral Roads Assoeiation Couvention,
On April 19th the cowed-84ms left
by onr an an ineketion trip to the
eounties of St. Clair, Macomb and
Washenaw itt the (State of Michigan.
The counties ixt Michigan are tecog-
nized as 'being leaders lit road cone
struetion and. maintenantie. All 'their
equipment is motorized and mech Va.
!liable information was obtained, also
much was 'learned of their practices
re road signs and in the application bf
calcium chloride and other dust pallia -
elves. 'They are adopting on some
roads a staisderd grade of 50 feet in
width, giving a 15,foot shoulder Which
peovides safe parking space, and per -
snits oe widening the pavement whee
necessary, Hering the past month
inwchinery has been purchased as fol-
lows: Reo trucks, one used truck for
maintainer, one Runtriey 20-30 tractor,
two Case 18-32 tractors and one :Do-
minion Road power grader. Conside-
rable expenditure will also be required
Inc repairing the count- members, so
our machinery costs ,for this year will'
be considerably higher than usual.
This county has followed the prac-
tice in the past of using teams almost
exclusively for hauling, but such ex-
perience as we have had and of neigh-
boring counties shows that heeling by
truck ise much cheaper. In 1927 CD/1-
lraC ls were let by the county for 20c
per yard 'nil*, end other counties
show cost of haulingwith their o'wn
trucks of ;from ten to 14 cents per
yard mile,
!During 1928 the payment of all ac-
counts by cheque has been adopted,
rather than seediir. a lump sum to
each patrolman, The Department of
Highways has advised us that all
fences on the London Road he moved
off the road allowance by Dine 15,
Ellld notices' have accordingly been
given the owners affected.
The 'approval o,f the ieepartrnent
has been given_to following roads as
County ,Roads:
1, Road in the TownshiP of Col-
borne and Goderich from Carlow to
the Huron Road.
2. In the Township of Turnberry
from Binevale to Wroxeter via the
second concession.
e. In the Township of Stephen eas-
terly from the London Road at Cen-
tralia to concession' roads 2 and .3,
thence northerly to county road 4..
We recommend that the Pensions
Board at Ottawa be petitioned to re-
consider the matter of pension for Mr,
Tony Meehan, of Wroxeter, and that
his pension be .substentiaely increased.
Mr. Meehan was permanently and
seriously disabled • as a result of
wounds, and he receives a very mece
. account re service of Provincial Of-
1,11e"1")teticrne.:ss3T,a'T":taipcchntitlie tabritAnttYh'es fienee neer Whitesides as ordered by the
Government. Re the large number of
lawing motion passed: That this
nd other .hospital
indlgent accounts a
council issue $100,000, V,: per cent.
accounts, we recommend that these
fifteen year:: sinking fund debentures.
Carried. We also reccomend that Govern -
be atljueted by the Warden and Clerk.
House of Refuge Committee,
, meet enact further legislation, nlaciug
Re the 'Brown case. We recommeno
a. check on admitting indigent pat -
custody of the entente' at present and
that Mrs. 13rown's estate remain in
should Surnise an affidavit when send-
ients to hospitals, that the hospitals
:Mrs, 'Brown be allowed out on three
ing . ..
seiCiii-lesqueet of the Bank of Montreal
months' probation: and if eatisfactory
at Clinton, we recommend that the
ehe .committee give Mrs. 'Brown her money required to he horrowed tor
release, on receipt of the proper borals
the House of Refuge be borrowed
from relatives and township of Hel-
iBank of Montreal 'at One -
lett, and then return all funds stand- 1.1em the
ing to credit of Mrs. Brown, after all ,
This was kft over till the :rane-
e:menses are paid, and that all ex- `-"n-
111)(ciitlise.(1's j''irsaildePoaniros'ecii0er'Mofrsthellirncjawpelle.'! arY .0O21.81n0ity1. Property Committee,
tor, Re fenee, the department or high-
'We recommend the paettient of
The matter of issuin.g debenture:,
ways claims front lance is oil the pub- .We visited the jail, with five pris-
lic highway and demands that same oners in at present. The immigration
be removed to the line. We reconi- officers is here taking steps to have
nen (1 that this be dont. We, the corn- Mr. Mayo, one of the prisoners, de-
mittee, approve of the Judge's order re ported. We examined the 'Court
sale of Mc.Donalcl property in the Vil- T-Iouse and we reeommend that the,
lege of Bayfield, McDonald being an evtals and floor of the She.riff's office
inmate of the I -louse of Refiege. lie decorated and repaired.
Roads Cemrniesion. eehr• COW till Lice iIs) eubmitted
The Roeds Commission made its othee report ,which is as follows: Re
firer reeort as follows: An expendi- plans for the gaol, we recommend that
lure of $42,9290 has been made to no action Ire taken, but would refer
date, a considelable pant of whkii is tlite matter to the Warden with eowo-
aocounted for by ,gravelling work done te let.
at the end f 1921, anti during the
early pareof ehe winter. A heavier. Special Committee,
expendittire for deagging has been, 11 e spocir,1 committee's report is l59
VIISDAY, JUlkifil 14, 192
aid; style and beauty le
11 e li'Verplay weeditequal.
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"Slitter Plate Mal Wears"
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Diamonds --- Wedding Rings
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follows: Re motion of Messrs, .Bae-ker
and McQuaid re traffic officer on the
county roads, we- recommend that this' •
motion be, and the traf-
fie ofecer be appointed accordingly
by the RciadeOommission.
Re recommendation pf the Liquor
Control. Board re appcinting high
constable ter enforcing the act, we
recommend that this matter be ileft to
the whole council for 'consideration.
NoReticobinnintinication from Prof.' J. R.
Reynolds, of .the 0.A.C., .we recom-
mend that this be left with the whole
Council, The sum of $50 WS,S granted
re scholarehips.
Roads Commission,
The second report of the Roads
Commission is as follows: Re motion
of eleeses, 'Snell and Goetz that im-
provement be made to the approach,.
to the Exeter bridge, we recom'mend
that' the commission examine the sit-
uation aitd take such action as deem-
ed advisable, Re resolution of the
County Council of Perth petitioning
the „Department of Highways for the
designation of a .provincial highway'
southerly from Mitchell, through
Kirleton, along the easterly limit of
Usborne Township, we recommend,
that this Council endorse this petition.
Re motion .of Messes. Kennedy and
McQuaid, asking for improvement of
the Egmondiville bridge and the eree-
tion of signs; we recommend 'that
danger signs be erected and any urg-
ent repairs be tnatle.
,Re motion -of .Messrs. MeKibtion
and Henderson that bridge on the
Prairie Road be '-widetied, we recons -
01011(1 that action be deferred till next
year, as the necessary expenditure
will be considerable.
Re petition front" ratepayers in the
village of Egmondville anel re motion
of Messrs, Kennedy and Beattie that
the street of Egmoneville be paved,
we recommend 'that this street be sure
face treated With tare
'Re motion of Messrs. Johnston and
Hackett, urging the completion of the
work it Dickie's Hill, we eecoinmend
that this work be completed, if con-
ditione permit., Re applicatiens of
delegates front the village of Belgrave
asking Inc improvement to the road
and bridge between, the villiZe-eand
the public school, we recommend
oinproy.ement be made next year.
Executive Committee. .
Re motion of Messrs. Beckett and
Anderson, that this -County COUtteil
approve of a grant of 150 to the
Junior Farmers' Association of Luck -
now, we recommend no action: This
was amended, 'giving the grant of $50
on condition that 'Bruce County give
the same or an equivalent to the Bruce
'County grant. Re rnotioe of Messrs.
Johnston and Keys, that we pay the
committee appointed a'e advisory M
the Agricultural Representative for
one meeting yearly on the basis' of
the other County committees, we re-
commend that they ee paid for two
Re motion of Weight and Hender-
son that e grant of $25 be given to
the Wingham Seed Show, we recom-
mend that this grant be given, '
Re motion of Messrs Snell and.
Higgins that the Exeter hospital • be
given the same grata as the other
pitsls as the demands and regulations
are the same as on the other hosai.-
tals, we recommend no action.
• -Ry-Laws.
The following by-laws were pre-
eented end passed :
IBy-law No, 5, 1928, to equalize ti
assessments of elle several munici-
palities in the County of Huron for
the year 4928.
!Byelaw No. 6, 1928, to raise the
sum of .$177,084,70 ,for general pur.
poses for the'year 1928.
By-law -ego. 7, 4e28, to raise the
sum of $84',542,35 ,fier highwaY Pur-
poses for the year 1928.
Byelaw No. 8, 4928,, to provide for
expenditure cm the -system of county
highways in the County of Huron.
1By-law No, 9, '1928, appeinting
ner Clete Beacom Inspector of Pub-
lic :Schools, West Heron,
ifiy-law No. 10, 1908, to confirm the
payment of ceetran eependitures and
grants made during the jutie meet-
ing of the aitnon Comity 'Council for
the year 1928.
By-law No. 11, 1928, to provide
fends for the support and mainten-
eery of the thildecti's Aid Society in
the County of Moron, including the
salaries' of the matroti and the in-
Byeteve No, 12, ' 15528, authorizing
the County rereasurerto issue 15 -year
debeetraes for $100,000 4 1e2 per
coltpeyable yeaely.
, By-law Na. 13, 1928, to pity the
County Shlicitor, R. C. 'Hays jr., a
retail -deer fee in lieu of fees in certain
The besiitess of the June .session
having been concluded the Council
rente and swig elle National Anthem,
and ,adjottetied to meet tbe first week
in December.