HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1928-06-14, Page 3KeinaI' Horses INEGLECTED ANAEMIA and Farm 'His �o Often Leads �_.,..— Most Serious to the Chief ,i Consequences. Irl no disorder 1e, delay or neglect Moro : (10,118erOlrs than in auaemla. I Usually the first noticeable. signs are pale lips and chee1m, dant rims finder, ti o eyes and a feeling of wearinege.. Then follow' -headaches, backaches,' palpitation and breathlessness. The only way that anaemia can be over - Turkish President Scorns Lux- ury, Likes American Jazz, Poker and - Night Life Rides to Prove Health --- come is to enrich the blood, and it is Makes Deriial to Rui710r because of their wonderful blood - Abroad; Hard, Worker 1pnricliing and blood -making propor- ties that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have Augora, Turkey, Ask somebody won such success in the treatment et what President Moustaphe Kemaltiffs often most stubborn disease. Pasha, Turkey's, lord of battle, •pros- I Thousands et young girls who were reefs and independence, likes bent in in an anaemic condition owe their all the world ----next, of course, to his Ipresent good health to Dr. Williams' country, which he-eescued from the Pink Pills. One of these, Mies Katie dustbin of the fallen Ottoman Empire McBachern, Port Hood, N.S., says:- "I praise the day I began the use of Dr., Williams' Pink Pills, I had not boon; feeling well for some time, I. was very pale, )tad severe headaches,. dizzy spells, and occasional fainting spells. The least exertion would leave me tired and breathless. In this con- dition I began taking Dr. Williams' Pink P1115. T continued their use until I had taken six boxes, by which time I was again enjoying good health. I hope my experience will lead other sufferers to give this medicine a fair trial." If you are at all run-down, or weak, you should begin at once to take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and you will soon be well and strong. These pills are sold by all medicine dealers or will be sent by mail at 50 cents a box by The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. -and your informant will reply "Items." Ask what he likes next best and you will be told "more horses." You wee't be able to ask him your' self, not if you are a newspaper cor- respondent, for the Ghaat(Conqueror) is as shy of the press and as uuinter- viewed as his famed northern neigh- bor, Joseph Stalin. There is tacit proof of his passion for horses, however, in thebronze equestrian st(ttues of himself which are ,sprinkled over the dusty wind- blown capital city which he and his cohorts have created out of the iso- lated, mountain -guarded village of Angora. Stables Wall Stocked More proof, too, Is found ho the well -stocked stables .of his 1,000 -acre farm, where a score of Arab and Eng- lish horses await theh' master's daily visit. The news gatherer who waits. around long enough may even catch a glimpse of the stalwart. Ghazi In natty English riding .outfit, his fair - head bare, galloping over his farm on the resplendent mount recently sent him by President Doumergue of France, for Kemal is riding again this spring, for the Brat time in two years '-a sporting denial sent in challenge to .the rumors that ruiuble abroad of his: failing health. It may have been due to these same rumors that the gendarme patrolled,. police -guarded gates of the Presiden- tial mansion at Tch'an-Kaya were opened to the Associated Press corre- spondent, and the door and the lips of the Qhazt's most intimate associate, Hikmet. Bey, secretary -in -chief to the President. Stepdaughters Like Americans While he chatted informally of the great man's daily life, two of the Ghazi's six adopted daughters -orph- ans whose fathers fell in the National- ists' war of independence -strolled unveiled, besweaterea, looking every Inch American flappers, past the win- dow of the secretary's office through the flowery garden where two bronze statues of Venus are eloquent of the new day in Turkey, up to the modest, ten -room greystone houses of the President. "Yes, he's a simple ifian," said the secretary, "he has no use for pre- tentious luxury, There's a marvelous • collection of rugs in that housc';_gifte of silken rugs from Uaina,'Persfa, the finest rugs of Turkey, and he doesn't give a fig for .them. Doesn't care whats in the house as long as there's plenty of fresh air, plenty of books en history, political economy and - sociology -and his friends. His pas- sions are outdoors; his horses and his farm.' Kemal's days do not run on a formal schedule. He rises late- the new Turks are all night -owls -and keeps no regular office hours. Terrific Worker at Times When the occasion demands, he proves himself a terrific worker. Dur- ing the preparation of his famed ,400,- 000 -word speech last year he would work forty-eight hours without stop- ping, and during the twenty -three-day battle of Sakaria, during the Turko- Greekwar, he took no more rest than s few minutes' sleep each night, sit- ting bolt upright. He works on his nerve, consuming, so awed rumor says, at least 150 cigarettes'every. twenty-four hours. His dinners are a mixture of Turkish and European dishes, but above all he must have music with his meals. Some nights it is the Presidential or- cheetra of sixty members who play Beethoven, Tchaikovsky, Wagner, and some nights it is the Turkish playergj who wally plaintive Anatolian airs on weird Oriental instruments. Prince of Wales May Revisit East Africa London. -The Prince of Wales, it 1s announced, contemplates a tour in Africa in the auttunn of this year, and is likely to be accompanied by his younger brother, the Duke of Gloucester. East Africa and Northern. Rho- desia are named as regions that may be visited. Tentative inquiries have been made by the Royal Staff through the Colonial Office with a view to find- ing out where motor road transport and similar facilities are available, as the Prince desires to make the tour, as far as possible, by motor -car. The date of the tour, 1t is explained, is contingent on the period during which the roads are suitable for motor traffic. Lady: "It you were in a tramcar, the seats were all filled, and a lady got in, what would you dol" Boy: "Pre- tend to be absent-minded." When Capt. Malcom Camp- bell completed his world's record automobile drive at Daytona Beach, his first re- quest was fora cup of "good, strong tea." The courage- ' ous Captain would have en- loyed Red Rose Tea because it is a blend' of choicest. Assam and Ceylon teas, whose characteristics above all others arc. stsectgtlh- LS -ea flavor, packed by men train- ed in the London tea mark- ets. Sold by your grocer in clean, bright aluminum packages. KEW FFS CeW (4i1 WITH LAUGHTER) There once was a man not unigae Who imagined himself quite a ehlque, But the girls dian't fall For the fellow at all-- Ho made only twenty a wines. Clerk: "What kind of gift was it Yea had in mind -something useful or or•nalnental?" Customer: "Neither! It's a wed- ding present I want. The following is said to come from Aberdeen: Jock met his friend Sandy in the street, "Sandy," he said, "I wonder if you could oblige me wi' a cigarette?" But I thought you said you'd stoppit nmokite?" said Sandy, reluctantly. "Ay, weei," replied Jock. "I've reached the first stage. I stoppit buying." Sir Charles Sykes, former coalition Liberal member of the British House Of Commons, is concerned over foreign competition and its effects on British trades. "Drastic remedies are required" he said on arrival in Canada a few days ago on the White Star liner Regina, "if Great Britain is to be restored to that position in the world which she formerly held. DQn t Mae Fray- {!> ut Baby'' -"Babies Have `Nerves - By RUTH BI2ITTAIN ' Dances to Amerisiin Jazz The Gliazi likes them both. Alter dinner, beforerthe poker game begins, Ahere is dancing to the tube of good merican jazz. An expert..' 'Waltzer and fox -trotter; Kemal abhors the Charleston and Black Bottom. 'Young liirnself-ho is only forty.six -the Ghee likes young people around hint and his. Cabinet members and all his associates are young men, They are a 'group.. or hard-working, hard - playing leaders of a new generation in a 110W land, led' by a man who knows what he wants and who will spare nothing to achieve it. "We shall transport the new Turkey from its corner of Asia, shadowed by fatalism, clouded: by old traditions, into Europe,' Said one of his associ- ates to, Kemal when the ,Nationalist movement, was ,first afoot. e "No," said Kornai, his blue eyes afire; "we shall tra.rlt:port Europe into Turkey, hut Turkey shall still be. ,urs. --Associated Preys. , ► ONLY A CAR FARE Judge: This. man, officer, claims he took only a car fare from his em- ployer. Officer: Yes, your honor, but it was a car fare to Mexico, you see. • Drivers Who Drink Lumber will probably never again be cheap enough to use for anything but breakfast food. ' "Have a drab," said the polite 'war- den, as the murderer was led in to be electrocuted. If YOU are buying anything on time what it takes to make both parties happy is to pay on time. We always thought 1t was pretty safe working in an editorial office until we heard of that magazine editor who dropped fifteen stories into a waste- basket. FIGHTING FOR BABY'S HEALTH. The automobile driver who drinks to excess is the terror of the road. But should any driver even touch liquor while he is operating a motor vehicle? The moderate drinker is also a menace to safety: "It is undoubtedly' the fact that even a little liquor often,.,upsets the balance and normal attitude of mind of many a person, and affects his oper +' r•9 of a motor car unfavorably. Liquor makes same 1lersor:;: confident. From other persons it takes away confidence and makes them doubtful and hesitating. Liquor does not mix well with the driving of a motor vehicle. A motor car or truck is not improperly called a private locomo- tive, The driver has to undergo train- ing to operate a machine that weighs a ton or more and can be sent along at a rate of speed of from thirty to fifty miles an hour. The locomotive engineer is required to be an abstain- er. The driver of a car should deny himself the use of liquor whether he rides alone or is responsible for the safety of others."-N.Y. Times. Husband (seeing wife off In train): "Now, dear, just as soon as you ar- rive you must telegraph." Wife: "All right.' Flow' much will I telegraph for.?" Much of the nervousness In older children can be traced to the over- stimulation during infancy, caused by regarding baby .as a sort of animated toy for the amusement of parents, re- latives and friends. Baby may be played with, but not for more than a quarter of an hour to an hour daily. Beyond that, being handled, tickled caused to laugh or even scream, will sometimes result in vomiting, and in- variably causes irritability, crying or s @epl&ssness, Frettulness,crying and sleeplessness from this cause can easily bo avoided .by treating baby with more considera- tion, but when you just can't see what is making baby restless or upset, bet- ter give him a few drops of pure, harmless Oastoria. It's amazing to see how quickly it, calms baby's ner- ves and soothes him to sleep; yet it contains no drugs or °plates, It is, purely vegetable -tire recipe is on the wrapper. Leading Iirfsiciane pre- ecribe It fot' colic, 0bolera, dfarrhd'a, constipation, gas on stomach and bowels, feverishness, loss of sleep and all other "upets" 00 babyhood. Over 25 million bottles used a year shows its over\yholfning popularity. With each bottle of. Caste:ea, you get a book 00 I1loth'erhoocl, worth its weight in gold. Look for Chas. H. Fleteher's signature on the package eo you'll get genuine Castoria. Thorn are Many imitations, ISSUE Nos 23-'28 ROOFING . 98d Dollar a Roll saved heavy weights We pa Freight. Ank for free sample and Catalog of Builders' Bar galas. HALLIDAY COQ Hamilton) Red Rose Orange Pekoe —Top Quality • r(, In clean, bright'Aluminuen Au De yourself, said we to a prominent wife's relative in our morally helpful way yesterday, and, acting upon the suggestion, he immediately borrowed $25 more, "I doctor myself by the aid of medi- cal books." "Yes, and some day you'll die of a misprint!" Scotchman's Son -I want a half pound of butter, and be sure to wrap it in to -day's paper. Is the Constant Care of Every Young Mother. The young mother has a• constant care in looking after the welfare of her little ones. Childhood ailments come on so sudden -sometimes with- out a minute's warning -the mother may have a very-sicic baby on her hands before help can be obtained. That is unless she has a remedy in the house which she can safely give the baby for finy'of the many miuor ailments of babyhood and childhood. Such a remedy is found in Baby's Own Tablets. Thousands of mothers throughout the country always keep a box of the Tablets on hand and they proclaim them to be without an equal for sweetening baby's stomach; regu- lating his bowels, and thus ,driving out constipation and indigestion, colds and simple fevers, and making the dreaded teething period easy. Baby's Own Tablets are an abso- lutely safe remedy. They are guar- aateed ,3 be nee from opiates or any other narcotic drug • which are so harmful to the future welfare of else baby. Mothers, it you value the life of your little ones give him Baby's Own Tablets when he is ill, or, better still, give him an occasional does of the Tablets to ward off illness. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or will be sent to any address, post- paid, at 25 cents a box by addressing The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. • Acquire "The Skin that Charms" The quest and love of beauty-- the eauty-the desire to be personally attract- ive -is today a dominating trait in men as well as women. Especially is the younger generation not ashamed that it -wants and tries to be healthier, happier, and better -looking. You can be all three of these if you will takeBuckley's TRU-BLOOD to eradicate impure and impoverished blood. You can have a clear and colorful complexion, a skin of velvety:snioothness. And this has its value and appeal -that those who possess "TRU-BLOOD complexions" may use their favorite" cosmetics, with greatly- enhanced effectiveness. With.TRV-MLOOD also use, 13neldey's OINT- MENT. It acts like magic" m rejuvenating the skin in eradicating blemishes and cearsaness. Sold at ail pug Stores, Tones the Blood to Production 1 Classified Advertisements in Canada �1TANCll movers of - Canada ELargest • MOVING AND STORAGE, speedy padded. vans, New TlltluiPnt0nt. latest methods: Two experiennsd 0,e0. April Output 39 Per Cent, , every, trip. .All loads insured. Beyond Higher Than in March I compare for UC 0l end care, Before yOu he mp1o, writs -aa- Or WII'n and, reverseOnt the 1 charges. riead..ofdce• Hamilton. Ontario. Ottawa Automobiles prodeaed in: °anode, Erin eh0 Mover. Canada during the mouth of April numbered 24,240, marking an increase I lIA'rCII F0tJP VAri1I0TII0s. of 39 per cent. over the 17,478 crs sit Write for free oatalosue. A, 06. produced in March, but slightly under Swicser, Granton, Ontario. the 24,611 cars produced in April last ; year. Tiro advance in April over PREPARE FOlt ART CAREER Marche-wae general in all types of Under the dlreaifan of ,world's larseat cars; open model passenger cars rose canrnrerelal art and`g advertisin6 service. to 8,137 from 1,445; closed model pus- organization, imsommerelalarpstistsbo trained stinger ears to 15,318 from 12,806; • ad- 'ler Meyer-)loth way' earn as high as cbasaiB to 5,493 from 2,967; and*28t0lllte to draweme st.Por I'loofioE.su00 tracks to 292 from 257. No taxi• cesssa, Meyer -)loth tlo., palahigan Ave., cabs or buses were made in April at loth st., Chtoago. as against 4 in the preceeding month. ( Chicks from Blood -tested Stock The 24,240 cars produ5ed in the Strong, healthy chicks fr"om bleb-produc- month under review were valued at ing stoolt, blood tested and free•-frezn $16,586,420, f.o.b, factory, and of this peed,'` I, white 301 diarrhoea. ala :with h ren total 17,662 ears worth $13,713,905 Recite, lu0e deifvary, 510.00 ner ttundrad. were intended for ease in Canada and per a White Legrderis. $14.00, C-Oerr s.. 25 the balance, or 6,678 cars valued at preen paid en 100 or mora; 1110. delh'ery .: $2,871,516, were made for export, guaranteed. ut Saville Panitry Farm, otterviue, Out. Customs' records show that 5,150 cars were imported into Canada dui, THE PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION inn April as compared with 6,114 in I of Canada HAEY 030111$0 No husband can understand wily the neglect of some trifling household errand should cause so much trouble. 'Normal Man: One who gets mad at his wife because she said it would rain and he wouldn't carry an um- brella, and it did, Our forefathers ate peas with a knife and drank coffee from a saucer and yet were considered pretty good citizens at the time. "From now on I'm a marked man," sighed the sailor as he left the tatoo- 1st. Election -A time when the voter is kidded into the belief that somebody cares a darn what he thinks. ,The banks conduct a school of sav- ing and pay the pupils while learning. Rhe prevlone months and 4,917 in April of a year ago. Exports cleared from Canadian ports during April showed 3,956 ears as against 3,592 in vi Estahnshed 1907. Assets 9289,157.00, BurDins to policyholders over $150,000.00. THE ONLY PURELY CAN- ADrAN coMPA0TT laming sickness and Accident nem, March and 4,087 in April, 1927. s once to =a,.tbeYrs of tbn 05- A caloulatlon of the number of cars I Agents In rsome n ratertn'.ities and ro ons made available for distribution In in Canada. Canadaurng _ during April made by 'adding E E. GLEASON. 3. G. rumple, Authors' Fight for Public Ear Is Told by Hugh Walpole • Many Worth While Books Fail to Win Recastion, Says British Novelist' London. -Hugh Walpole has been malting some remarks about the position of undoubtedly worth -while books in attracting the public atten- • tion that merit does not nowadays assure the amount of hearing which it Would once have gained. Speaking at the Institute Francais in London, where he presented the annual Fomine-Vie Heureuse prize to Virginia Woolf for her book "To the Lighthouse,' he described the in- creasingly difficult struggle for recog- nition which writers must face. "The best doesn't often receive the attention it deserves," he said. "The example of Mary Webb. who has at- tracted the Prime Minister's admira- tion, has occurred during the last few days. A short time ago I read two excellent novels, both by women, They were "Spinster of the Year," by Miss Bentley, and . "Dim Star," by Miss Yates. I have not yet seen any where re review of them, nor did their publish - pollen 'abounds. The geologists have ers include them• in their list. Yet drawn up immigration maps for vara- they were both very remarkable ous plants, fixing the age of their books. Old -Tile Ships 1500 -Year -Old Swedish Craft Shed New Light on Seamanship " Stockhalm-Two pre -Viking ships, 1,500 years old, and one oar estimated to be 5,000 years old, have been found in Sweden, shedding new light upon ancient Swedish seafaring and sea- manship. The oar, made for paddling, was found 'deep down in a moor in Dale - culla, and the experts of the bistorical museum in Stockholm estimated its age 4y the pollen test. This test con- sists in examining a piece of the soil h the object was found and where Proa s= t f 5,150 cars to the 17 - , $ the imports o 562 made for sale in Canada, gives a1 total of 22,712 cars. For the first four months of the year the number of cars made available In Canada, thus computed, totalled 60,935. For the four months ending April, 1928, the cumulative production num- bered 662,685 cars having a sales value,f.o.b. plant of $43,200,132. Waffle this output was 23 per cent. less than the ligures for the corresponding period of last year and the value was 15 per cent. lower, conditions.general- ly, in the industry' were nevertheless much improved in April. "`Hindenburg a Loyal G tl man " Says Fach en e , Paris. -"Marshall von Hindenberg is a gentleman of absolute loyalty." This is Marshal Foch's apprecia- tion of his former adversary. Andre Rivoire, the French writer, recently attended a congress of liter ary men in Berlin. Received by the President of the Reich, he related his '-------•--- experienee to Dlarehal Foch, comment esII11 ��ttiilleeee Ing that the former leader of the Ger- IP man armies had spoken cf peace in convincing terms and convinced man- ��� 9 1 nes. Foch was deep in thought for a moment, then, with great delibera- nt to his existence in Sweden, On this special occasion they found no pine pollen in the clod examined, and knowing that the pine entered Dalecarlia some time after 3,000 years B.C., they according- ly dated the oar ise belonging to an earlier period. This pollen analysis discovered by the Swedish botanist Lagerbsim and Perfected by another Swedish'seien- tist, Von Post, is looped upon as a revolutionizing method of investiga- fc Gen. shirr• 'GRANS Aea• M 0511 Oface: GRANBY, Que. Our breeders are bred for bib g production. White, Brown and Buff Leghorn.. Barred and White Rocks, R.I. Reda, Aw opus, Buff Orpington., White Wyandotte.: ,wend op. 100%$ live delivery guaranteed. \Vrits. todty (cr FREE CHICK BOOK. BGHWE0SER'S HATCHERY,._- martumnal. eOFFAto•ri. Asthma Yields to Minard's. Spread on brown paper and apply to throat. Also inhale. "Of recent years unless a piece of literature is also a piece of news, like a crime or a divorce, it gets no public recognition at all." At the same meeting the Bookman prize for a French work of imagination was awarded to Tulian Green, who is a young American, born in France. After this year this .prize will revert to its original title and be known as the North0liffe prize. tion, he paid this complime former adversary. For Hay Fever -use Minard's. The bill collects, found that the family he was about to ?un bad h skipped, taking the goods N.1111 them. After some inquiry he mana,;.:'l to 1 locate the van driver, but that wortr'1 claimed to have no recollection of where he had taken them. "Come now," said the collector, producing a 95 bill, "this ought to rouse your mem- ory." "It ought to, sir," the van driver admitted, "but you see mine ain't no ordinary memory, an' sostl$take a deal 10 put it of rousing. Why, it to sleep." tin of early geologleai periods, "Give me your money or I'll blow Thee ancient ships were found oe your brains out,' commanded the the western shore of Sweden in the Itoldnip. The intenclecl victim calmly province of Hallancl. The ]Lulls are I laughed in a manner that showed that made of oak timber and fourteen ,ire didn't caro about Dither. He was meters long, four meters wide and a college boy. built on ribs and nailed together by • wooden pegs. T.heY If ere compare- , Irl Mexican. ,campaigns the women lively well preserved. always accompany their busbande in Stranger: "Then there's the Smiths. They were among the first settlers in this town." Shopkeeper: "How things have changed. They're among . the last settlers now." Woman Strengthened by Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Port Colborne, Ont. -"After having • an operation, I was very miserable weak, nervous and., oe" near unfit to tiVofe.srsaw LYW4 •... E. Pinkham's Veg-.. stable Compound )advertised and tried it and believe ' it helped me won- derfully. I have no weak spells any: more, the pane . have left me and my nerves are much - better. T feel safe in saying Lydia E. Pinkham's medi- cines have helped me wonderfully."- P os.t MColborne,0.OntBTEtaLOR, Box 149, For Troubles ddurs a 1er o a ACID STOMACH HEARTBURN GASee•,.AUSEA What many people call indigestion very often means excess acid in the stomach, The stomas 1 nerves have been over -stimulated, and food sours, The corrective 19 an elkai,t 'whfeh neutralizes acids instantly. And the best alkali known to medical science IS Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. It has They say canned grapefruit, which army, 00 the soldiers are always remained the standard with Physicians h kept in fighting trim, in the 50 years since its invention. doesn't sgiiirt„is just as good as t—•--�:• fresh. But it isn't sporting. Minard's Liotment for Insect. Bites. One spoonful of this harmless, taste- tions -any drugstore less alkali In water will neutralize les stantly many times as much acid, avidi the symptoms disappear at once. : will never use crude mothods when once you learn the efficiency. of*Ie., i 0o get a small bottle to try, Bo sure to get the genuine Phillip? Mnk of Magnesia prescribed by plryet clans for 50 years in correcting exceed acids. hash bottle contains full. direct r