HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1928-06-07, Page 5viva'
AY, JUN1 7, 192
Mrs. W F. McMillan was a Strat-
ford visitor over the weekend,
Miss Ruby Young, of Walston, spec
several days last week with Airs, W
J Finnigan,
Misses Alice and Helen Tthornpsoz
left for Detroit on Wednesday morn -
lug' on the Greyhound.
Miss Billie Chesney was a Hatn_
ton visitor this week.
'Miss Helen McKercher spent the
week -end with Miss Margaret Fer
Miss Margaret and Mr. George
Jackson were London visitors las
Afr. and Airs: W. J. Finnigan spent
Sunday in Goderich.
The C, RV, IL, intend holding a sale
of home baking and
catdY this
month; The date will be announced
Miss Annie M. L Cameron of Sea -
forth, graduated from Grace .Hospital
School of Nursing this week and.
Misses R. Winifred Cowan, B1ybh,
and Clara L, G, Copp, Clinton, from
Western Hospital, -Toronto,
Miss Fannie Kemp, of Mitchell, was
a week -end visitor with Miss Evelyn
Mr. Jack Hittcirley, of Brantford,
spent the week -end with his mother,
Mrs. J. D. IHiuchley.
Mr, Joseph .Eckart has been busy
working overtime for the King Cott-
stru'ction Co., until a second steam
shovel arrived Tuesday to fell the
trucks at the stone crusher to keep
the paving g gan6 going in Clinton.
They started last Monday and made a
'record •of 800 feet of pavement the
first day.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Btuesch and daugh-
ter Hilda and Mr. and Mrs. Norman
Bunsch and two children, of Kitch-
ener, spent Sunday with Mrs, Brun-
ner, in Egmondville.
'Saturday's _Toronto pap'ors con-
tained a photo of the graduate nurses
of Wellesley hospital, Toronto, in-
cluding ilvbiss Evelyn Cudangre, dau-
ghter of Mr, and Mrs. William Cud -
more, of 'Seaforth, Monday's paper
contained a photo of Miss Isabel
Archih'ald, daughter of Mr, and Mrs.
William R. Archibald, of Tucker -
smith, who war the First Sir William
Mulock Sch larsatP f
r general pro-
ficiency, junior year.
Mr and Mrs, William Somerville,
or Toronto, are spending their holi-
days with fri'en'ds in down..
Mr: Jack Archibald, of Toronto
Un,t'r it
Y, is visiting his
Mr, and Mrs, 'William Archibald,
Tuckeremith, and leaves shortly to
•take a position in Toronto for the
Late one night last week Mr. Wil-
lard Elliott heard a noise at the back
as he was closing tip his gasoline sta-
tion and upon investigating he found
three young men up on the platform
trying to pry open a window at the
rear of the 'blacksmith shop.- When
spoken to, the chaps jumped into a
car they had left in a convenient place,
and drove rapidly away.
Mr. Thomas 'Smith, .Mr. Jahn Smith
and Mgrs. Stark returtied:home 'Snn-
day afternoon from Welland, where
they attended the wedding of Mr.
Harold Stark
Misses Ruth and Mary McClelland,
of Toronto, are visiting their grand-
parents, Col. and Mrs. Hays.
'Mr. and Mrs, C, H. Holland were
at London Friday attending the Con-
vocation at Western University, when
the former's nephew Milton Vance
Walker, graduated as M.D.
Mr. and Mrs, John M. McDonald
and Charles McDonald, Miss G. Mc-
Donald, of Embro, visited • with Rev.
and Mrs, W, -P, Lane one day last Have You Any Difficulty Reading
week these locals? IIf your eyes feel tired,
'John C. Archibald, son of Mr. and or you find that you have to hold the
Mrs. William Archibald, of Tucker paper at an uncomfortable distance, it
smith, graduated this week at Toron- is a warning that they should 'be ex-
-to University in Honor Mathematics atnined. Savauge's up-to-date optical
and Physics and Arthur R. C. Anent department, in charge of which is a
graduates with honor standing in government registered Optometrist,
Commerce and Finance. offers you the best possible examina-
Seatarth's Minstrel Show was sue- tion and advice regarding your eyes.
eessfully presented at Kincardine on
Tuesday night of this ,week and well HORSESHOES.
received by a large atidier.cc. The singles tournament of the Sea -
Rev. W. P. Lane -has returned after forth Horseshoe Club held this week
spending a week in Walkerville ad- resulted, to date:
tending the London Conference of the Jack McIntosh 42, Charles `Glees 16.
United Church. Thomas Sharpe 42, Jim Young 28,
Miss .Marie Hughes is in London at R. R. Ross 42, W. Hawkins 16.
present. 'Russell Sproat 42, Norman Nicholl
iDr.,J. A, Munn is attending the 41.
convention of dentists in Toronto this Thirteen teams are competingg. The
week. doubles tournament has been post -
The Stratford Salvation Army ported till Thursday of next week ow -
Band assisted at the services of the ing to wet weather.
local corps on Sunday, and gave an
excellent sacred concert. in 'Victoria ' , BRUCEFIELD.
Park at might. Wedding bells are ringing in this
Miss •Anne McDonald, of Goderich, vicinity.
spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Mr, Lance Norris was successful in
D. Reynolds, Egmond,ville, ,passing his first year in Medicine at
Rev. F. H. Larkin, DJD., will preach Toronto University.
his farewellsermon in Seaforth Pre's- The regular meeting ,of the Marion
by'tcrian Church on Sunday night. The Oliver Mission Circle will be held on
evening service'in St. Thomas' Angli Friday evening, May 80. The mem-
can Church has been withdrawn. hers of the W.M.S, are cordially invit-
J, W. A. Greig was successful in ed to be present. Miss Greta Mus -
passing his fifth year in Medicine at tard, graduate of United Church
Toronto University and Carl Aber- Training School, Toronto, will be the
hart his second year, special speaker. The members of the
Many friends will be pleased to Circle are asked to bring their Sun -
hear that Miss Ellen Somerville is shine bags,
improving following a slight stroke. The trustees of tlaird's Cemetery
Mr, and Mrs. James Kerr are in are holding a bee on Tuesday, Jue
Toronto this week afteeditug bite UM- 1211s. All plat owners are asked to be
versify 'Convocation at which Mt, present.
Leslie Kerr receives the degree-i1'Lr, T. Morgan, of Taman, an ene-
of hLA, . ,ploy:ec of the Hydro Electric Commis -
Mrs, George •
E. Henderson and sion, met with a serious accidetit
Mrs, DelLacey returned Sunday front while brimming an' apple tree at Mrs.
Toronto after spending the winter John Taylor's, 2nd of Stanley, IIe
there. fell to the ground, a distance of thirty
1Mrs, Fred Beattie, Goderieh Street, feet, and had to be rushed to Clinton
has been very ill, but is improving. hospital for treatment,
Mr. Leslie Watson, of Toronto, Mr, and Mrs, A, Ross and Mr, and
spetrt the week -end with his father, Mrs, T. Gilmour of Wingham, were
Mr. James Watson. Sunday guests at the home of Mr, H.
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Beattie, of Ailcenhead.
Belleville, spent the weep -end with Mr. W. Stackhouse was in Blyth on
Mr, and Mrs, John Beattie, Monday.
Mr, Clen, Colbert, of London, spent Mrs, W, Slovens is spending a few
the week -end here. Mrs, Colbert, weeks with her daughters in Lista-
who has been visiting her parents, Mr. wel and Mount Forest.
and Mrs, A. Barton, returned with Wallace and hazel Haugh motored
her to London. • to Thimble for 'the week -end, They
Mr, and Mrs. George Alden, of were accompanied -home by their
Fordson, Mich., were week -end visit- mother, Mrs, C. IHaugh, who spent
ors with Mr, and Mrs. Robert Jones, the past, week in Dundas and Hamit-
Misses Flo and Emily Cresswell ton,
are returning this week from. -Pala- Air, and Mrs, Andrew Murdock and
Jena, Calif„ where they have spent daughter Flora jean of Detroit were
the winter. week end guests at the home of lvfr.
Mlss Jean Murray, of Pittsburg, Robert Murdock,
Pa., is visiting 'Miss Edith Davidson Softball. -One of the fastest games
for the summer, • of softball ever played ,here was wit-
Mrs, James McIntosh,day everting when the
Inlosh, tvltts sport reseed on Mort
the winter with her daughter in Los
Angeles, Calif., has returned,
r Livings, M , Hat Lz of St, ther-
fues, was the goes -t of Dr, Ross •Sav-
auge last week,
Mr. DtSvid Anderson, of Chiea9'o,
visited his sister, Airs. W. R, Smith
over the week -end.
'Mrs. R. 5, Evans left Wednesday
for Toronto to spend the
latter part
of the week.
-Mr, and Mrs.' Max. Wolsh and fam-
ily attended 'the wedding of Mr.
Welsh's sister in Tor'ott•to oil, Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gray, of.
Stratford, spent the week -end with
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. McMillan, Mrs,
Gray remained for the week.
Miss Bessie Grieve has purchased a
Pontiac sedan.
IRev, W, D. McDonald has purchas-
ed a Star sedan.
Stonehouse, of tse r Toronto, Otto is
spending several weeks with Miss
Nan Campbell.
The following were week -end visit-
ors with their 'father, Mr, William
Hartry, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hart-
ry and son 13i-lly, of London; Dr, and
Mrs. R. E. Hartry of Fort Francis,
and Mr, R. R. Hartry, of Guelph.
"The Dust of the Earth,' presented
for the second time this spring in
Seaforth by the choir of°Egmondville
United Church, was greeted by a
'large audience who thoroughly enjoy-
ed the play, in which the parts were
all splendidly acted. The proceeds
amounted to $98.20,
Mr, and Mrs. Milton Chesney. of
Toronto, spent the week -end with
Mrs. J. R. Hab
kirk. Mrs. Chesney
remained for a visit. •
Mr, and i'frs. Ales. G. Dickson and
three sons, of I redoria, N. Y., and
Miss Helen Dickson, of Toronto, were.
week -end guests of their mother, Mrs:
Adam Dickson.
The annual meeting of .Huron Dean-
ery will be held in 'St. Thomas'
Church, Seaforth, an Tuesday, Juue
12, at 10 a,m, At the afternoon session
addresses will be given by Rev. T. M.
Townsend, of Barrie, Rev. Canon
Perkins of Chatham and Capt. Roily,
of the Church Army, Discussion will
The annual Webster reunion will be
held at Bayfield on June 9th.
Inspector 5, E. Tom, of West Hu-
ron, has placed '
p a ed his resignation before
the County Cpuracil after serving in
this capacity for forty years. His suc-
cessor will be -appointed this week.
IMrs. R. E. Coates left for Toronto
Monday where she will .visit her son,
Mr. 1.
1C t
Mrs. George Chesney returned to
Toronto on Monday after visiting
friend's here for some time.
Mr, Matthew $gttes, Goderioh was
the guest of Mr. and Mrs, W, L,
Keys, on Saturday:
Miss Edna Carder, of Toronto, and
her cousin, Miss Susan Govenlo'ck,
Were the guests of Mr, and Mrs. 5, R.
Govenlock on Friday of last week.
Friends of Mrs. ,Sam Jeffry are glad
to know she is itnproving, after being
quite ill for some time.,
Mr. and Mrs. John McAsh and fain-
ily, of :Varna, were Sunday visitors
with Mr, and Mrs W. -•L, Keys. •
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Thompson are,
spending this week and next in St.
Louis, Mo., with the fornrer's brother,
Mr. N. Thompson.,
-Mr. and Mrs. John McPherson re-
turned Saturday after spending the
past few weeks at the home of Mr,
and Mrs, Harry Norris, Cromarty.
Miss Mabel 13ateinan is ill with the
flu. '
:Miss Lynch, of Detroit, returned on
Wednesday after spending a few days
with Mrs. Joseph Gibson.
Barfield nine caine here to play a
friendly game with the local boys.
G4od playssb)
both heavy
and good fielding made a real
game, Bayfield started in the lead in
the first innings when they secured ono
run, Brucefield failed to score until
the third wlteit Stackhouse and Boyce
each made a run. At no time did ei-'
tlner team get a start and the score
ended in a tie, 2-'7, The score indi-
cates a fast and exciting game. Bay-
field lineup: Castle, catcher; Brandon,
lst b.; Weston, pitcher; Tarns, 2nd b,;
Davison, s.s,; Gordon 3rd b,;. Blair,
Li; :Sturgeon c.f.; Lindsay, r,,
'Brucaficld lineup; A Jeffery, 1st b.;
G. Munroe, 2nd b.; 13, Stackhouse,
catchier; L. Boyce, pitcheer; 11 Nor-
ris, 3rd b.; H. Armstrong, s.s,; B,
Robins 1.f.; B. Rogerson, c.f,; G. El-
liott r,f,
. and Mr ' r dwell and
Mr. s Artht Cal
son William, accompanied by Mrs,
William Sinclair, motored to Niagara
Falls over the week end to visit their
daughter, Miss Anna Caldwell, who is,
training at Memorial Hospital,
Airs. William Scott and Mrs. Alex.
McCartney, of Moose Jaw, are at
present visiting their sister, Mrs. Al-
lan Douglas, and their 'brothers in
London and Westminster.
Rev. W. A. Bremner is in Walker-
villc this week attending Conference.
At the close of Conference he will go
to Cleveland, Ohio, to spend a few
clays at the home of his daughter, Mrs,
West. In the absence of Mr. Brem-
ner on Sunday, Mr, .F, S. Savauge of
Soaforth, occupied the pulpit both
ntorning and evening.
Miss Mayme Swan is visiting her
sister, Mrs. C. H. Iiam, of Toronto,
Air. and Mrs. Edgar Munn of Hen-
son,. spent Sunday at thehome of the
latter's father, Mr John Swan.
Mr, Enningcr of Toronto visited at
the home of Mr. and Airs. George
Swam on Sunday.
Y. P. S.—The Young People held
their regular monthly devotional
meeting on Monday evening in -the
school room of the church at 8:30 o'-
clock. .lir. Jesse Freeman ,presided.
The topic, "Force or Lo've," was very
ably taken by Jesse Freeman, The
meeting closed with the rl'tizpah bene-
Next Monday evening the Egmond-
ville Young People's Society will be
with us. We are looking for a gond
;lir. George Ar tstrong ranch family
spent Sunday at Mr. Lorne Taylor's.
-Quite a number in the community
have been sick with the flu and we
wish them a speedy recovery.
NIr Dutot, of Comber,b-visited his
son and fa'mily, Mr, !Stanley •Dutot,
and also his daughter, Mrs, Thomas
Caldwell, who underwent a serious
operation in Seaforth Memorial Hos-
pital recently.
Mr, John Cornish is at ,present ill
with the flu. We hope he will soon
be able to -be around again.
Mr. Prank Vollick died in Clinton
on Monday. 'He is a brother of Mrs.
Hohner, of our village.
The electricians of the Doer Elec-
tric Co, 'have returned -to Kitchener,
-after wiring a number of the farms.
Mr. John McCowan Sr. has return-
ed hoine from attending the fttneral of
his sister, Mrs. Peter Murray, of De-
Mr, Alex. Souter and son John
of Detroit, spent Sunday at their
home here,
The following is the report of 5. S.
No. 3, Tuckersmith, for the month of
May. The names are arranged in
order ,of merit.
iSr. IV. — Carrie -Oke. Ellen M.
Scott, Elizabeth IBroadfoot, Mildred
Robins, 'Bob McCartney.
Jr. IV —Janet Watson, Evelyn Wil-
son, Billy Celwill, Robert Papple,
Bruce Armstrong, Gordon Wright.
Sr. II•L—Je'an Watson, Willie Pap-
Jr. III._Arthur Wright, Howard
iSr. II. -'W. D. Wilson, Earl Pap-
ple, Beatrice Armstrong, Bobby Dal-
Jr. II. ---Gertrude Walter, Annie
Pap'ple, Alice Wright, Delbert Taylor.
5 hours
Floyd W. Parsons, the well-
known publicity expert said
that on Itis last trip to
France the telephone au-
thorities told hurt it would
take five hours to give him
telephone connection be-
tween Paris and i•Iavre. It
only takes a railway train
five hours.
Here, he . could have been
talking as great a distance
in three or four minutes—
if he gave the operator the
distant number.
If you don't know the dis-
tant number, Long Distance
will look it up for you, and
tell you what it is, 5o you
can make a memo. of it for
future use.
A wise move is to give us
a list of the firms you talk
with by Long Distance, and
let us supply the numbers.
We will, gladly,
-- Ony
9 Days More
and the
MAR aill‘
Baokrupt-Shoe SaIe
Will Be Ali Over!
We must clear this stock:out to the bare 'walls. and
have out the prices to the limit,
There are still many Bargains left. •
Shoes that will soon cost you double the pries
we ask for theist,
When we close our store on Saturday Evening,
Get some of the Bargains, while there is yet time,
Opposite Canadian Bank
oL Commerce
I.—Flora McDougall, Annie Belle
McDougall, Donald
Mayne Watson, Mac 'Wilson, Isabel
Armstrong, Grace Dalrymple.
,Pr.—Milton Taylor, Ruth Walter,
Elsie •Robins, 'Ervin Siliery, Myrtle
Papple, Ivan Taylor, Muriel Wright,
Morley Wright.
The following had perfect attend-
ance: 'Bob McCartney, Elizabeth
Broadfoot, Carrie Oke, EIlen M.
Scott, Mildred •Rob'ins, Janet Watson,
Evelyn Wilson; 'Gordon `Wright, :Ro-
t Pa a cart
Watson, Arthur
Wright, :Beatrice Armstrong, W. D.
Wilson, 'Earl Papple, Bobby Dai-
rymple, Delbert Taylor, Alice Wright,
Annie Papple, Mayne 'Watson, Mac
Wilson, Grace Dalrymple, Flora and R
Annie 13, McDougall, Myrtle Papple,
Muriel Wright, Morley Wright.
L. Boyce, Teacher.
Your old organ remodelled into a
useful piece of furniture -at
reasonable cost.
Work shop at rear of BARLOW'S
eei Estate, Conveyancing, Bonds
ani Investments
Phone 152
Seaforth, Ontario.
A Good Portion
of beef served to you for the evening
meas, roasted about medium, with the
blood gravy oozing through, gives
ono a foundation. It just makes one's
mouth water to think of it. How
was that last piece of meat we sant
you? Wasn't it fine.
Your Butcher.
Phone 58 Seaforth.
The Special Milverton
We have it --Give it a Trial, .Also
Grain Screenings
Chop of All Kinds
Your Pluto Nee
Repairs and charging on all makes.
A good line of Nev and Used Parts.
Has its good points and bad, they say, but we think we are
offering the kind of work that more nearly approaches
If your car needs fixing up, and the best do sooner or later,
let us demonstrate to you the many advantages of our
reliable work.
. l e' " rage
our Specialls for Ohne Week • •
20 bard Somme Naptlta Soap 9+1,00
and 5 boxes Soap Flakes Free,
Silver Leaf Lard, 1 lb, Aso, 3 ib, pail 530,
5lbpail. ,.,.,89c
Corn on Cob, .Aylmer brand, tin 23e
Toilet Paper, 3 rolls for, . , .. , .... 12o
Marmalade 4 oz. jars very special, 3 for $1,00
Lux Toilet Soap, 3 cakes for......,.,,.2r.e
We use you right a the Red and White
Phone 8
Ross J. Sproat
`i�iC • M. Stewart Phone 77
Quality alivays
higher than Pi®tCe"
ar u
We pay the highest prices for good cream.
Our services to our patrons are the best that can be given.
Do not send your cream to other Creameries; we want
it here.
To operate a Creamery we need your co-operation.
In return for you co-operation we will give you of our
best in service and prices.
We are agent for the Mellotte Cream Separators. Come
see the new Models.
in and se
Seaforth Creamery Co, Seaiort.h, Out,
C. A. BARBER, Prop: i.
Vil Walker 86Son.;
Pianos Tared
Cleaned and
ChaS..Aa• Lowe y
Motor or Horse Equipment
W. J.'WALKER, holder of Go-
vernment diploma and license.
Flowers Furnished.
Night or day phone 67.
Ni g
Residence—James St.
rian Hogg, a sort.
DOI.G.—In :Seaforth hospital, on June
2 1928, to Mr. and Mrs, Paul Doig,
Seaforth, a son.
Mr, Howard McIntosh, of The
Manitoba, was a week -end guest
his uncle -and aunt, Mr, and
Jack McIntosh.
Mrs. Robt. McKay, of Detroit,
visiting her cousin, Mrs, Robt.
lbfrs. McCullough and daughter
Stewart, and Mrs.
Mrs. y (Detroit)
McKay Pa (ley this) visited in Wroxeter
and Paisley this week.
Mrs. Smith and son Archie
Mrs. McKay, of Sarnia, visited.
and Mrs. Joseph Gibson over
week -end. Mr. Gibson .returned
Mrs. Samuel Erratt, of Hamilton,
Ste -
D i McInnes McInnes
Of Wingham, will be at the
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth
Monday, Wednesday and
Diseases of all kinds success-
fully treated.
Electricity used.
Beware of an, I,'lltJlly Spot
Keep your hair and scalp
clean, also free from dan-
druff by having your next
shampoo at
S l D' SMr.
Just around the Corner in
the Dominion Bank Build-
Phone 125.
arrived here Tuesday,, owing to
serious illness of her. niece, Miss
Erratt in Seaforth hospital. Mrs
ratt is a deaconness in Hamilton.
Mrs, 13.'C. Rising returned Wednes-
day to Toronto after a week's
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs,
Mr. and Mrs, Sam, Hanna attended
the birthday celebration of their
ghter, Mrs. Henry Weber, at Wood-
ham, on Thursday.
Keith Lamont returned Thurs-
day to Detroit after spending a
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs,
Friends of Mr. Murray Savauge
pleased to know that he is somewhat
unproved, having suffered an attack
pleuro -pneumonia. He was brought
home from Exeter on Saturday
was in a serious condition -for a time.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Horton,
Hensa'1l, were week -end guests of
and Mrs, Henry IIoggarth.
Friends of Miss Olive Erratt,
Stanley Township, regretted to
of her serious condition, Miss
underwent an operation for appendici-
tis in Seaforth hospital on Saturday
and pneumonia developed later.
Mr. and Mrs, George F•itzgerald,.of
Hamilton, were week -end guests
the fatter's sister. Mrs. Hugh Wright.
?OiLYN'EAIUX. — In Seaforth hospi-
tat, on May 23rd, 1928, to Mr. and
+Mrs. T. J. Molyn'eaux, Dublin, a
son (stillborn).
H'O!GG. — In Seaforth hospital, on
June 4, 1928, to Mr. and Mrs. Ad-
will prevent
GEO. S. HENRY, Clwinnatr
{ Y f '
5 - Safety
4l,• tt
f rr.
Mrs. W F. McMillan was a Strat-
ford visitor over the weekend,
Miss Ruby Young, of Walston, spec
several days last week with Airs, W
J Finnigan,
Misses Alice and Helen Tthornpsoz
left for Detroit on Wednesday morn -
lug' on the Greyhound.
Miss Billie Chesney was a Hatn_
ton visitor this week.
'Miss Helen McKercher spent the
week -end with Miss Margaret Fer
Miss Margaret and Mr. George
Jackson were London visitors las
Afr. and Airs: W. J. Finnigan spent
Sunday in Goderich.
The C, RV, IL, intend holding a sale
of home baking and
catdY this
month; The date will be announced
Miss Annie M. L Cameron of Sea -
forth, graduated from Grace .Hospital
School of Nursing this week and.
Misses R. Winifred Cowan, B1ybh,
and Clara L, G, Copp, Clinton, from
Western Hospital, -Toronto,
Miss Fannie Kemp, of Mitchell, was
a week -end visitor with Miss Evelyn
Mr. Jack Hittcirley, of Brantford,
spent the week -end with his mother,
Mrs. J. D. IHiuchley.
Mr, Joseph .Eckart has been busy
working overtime for the King Cott-
stru'ction Co., until a second steam
shovel arrived Tuesday to fell the
trucks at the stone crusher to keep
the paving g gan6 going in Clinton.
They started last Monday and made a
'record •of 800 feet of pavement the
first day.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Btuesch and daugh-
ter Hilda and Mr. and Mrs. Norman
Bunsch and two children, of Kitch-
ener, spent Sunday with Mrs, Brun-
ner, in Egmondville.
'Saturday's _Toronto pap'ors con-
tained a photo of the graduate nurses
of Wellesley hospital, Toronto, in-
cluding ilvbiss Evelyn Cudangre, dau-
ghter of Mr, and Mrs. William Cud -
more, of 'Seaforth, Monday's paper
contained a photo of Miss Isabel
Archih'ald, daughter of Mr, and Mrs.
William R. Archibald, of Tucker -
smith, who war the First Sir William
Mulock Sch larsatP f
r general pro-
ficiency, junior year.
Mr and Mrs, William Somerville,
or Toronto, are spending their holi-
days with fri'en'ds in down..
Mr: Jack Archibald, of Toronto
Un,t'r it
Y, is visiting his
Mr, and Mrs, 'William Archibald,
Tuckeremith, and leaves shortly to
•take a position in Toronto for the
Late one night last week Mr. Wil-
lard Elliott heard a noise at the back
as he was closing tip his gasoline sta-
tion and upon investigating he found
three young men up on the platform
trying to pry open a window at the
rear of the 'blacksmith shop.- When
spoken to, the chaps jumped into a
car they had left in a convenient place,
and drove rapidly away.
Mr. Thomas 'Smith, .Mr. Jahn Smith
and Mgrs. Stark returtied:home 'Snn-
day afternoon from Welland, where
they attended the wedding of Mr.
Harold Stark
Misses Ruth and Mary McClelland,
of Toronto, are visiting their grand-
parents, Col. and Mrs. Hays.
'Mr. and Mrs, C, H. Holland were
at London Friday attending the Con-
vocation at Western University, when
the former's nephew Milton Vance
Walker, graduated as M.D.
Mr. and Mrs, John M. McDonald
and Charles McDonald, Miss G. Mc-
Donald, of Embro, visited • with Rev.
and Mrs, W, -P, Lane one day last Have You Any Difficulty Reading
week these locals? IIf your eyes feel tired,
'John C. Archibald, son of Mr. and or you find that you have to hold the
Mrs. William Archibald, of Tucker paper at an uncomfortable distance, it
smith, graduated this week at Toron- is a warning that they should 'be ex-
-to University in Honor Mathematics atnined. Savauge's up-to-date optical
and Physics and Arthur R. C. Anent department, in charge of which is a
graduates with honor standing in government registered Optometrist,
Commerce and Finance. offers you the best possible examina-
Seatarth's Minstrel Show was sue- tion and advice regarding your eyes.
eessfully presented at Kincardine on
Tuesday night of this ,week and well HORSESHOES.
received by a large atidier.cc. The singles tournament of the Sea -
Rev. W. P. Lane -has returned after forth Horseshoe Club held this week
spending a week in Walkerville ad- resulted, to date:
tending the London Conference of the Jack McIntosh 42, Charles `Glees 16.
United Church. Thomas Sharpe 42, Jim Young 28,
Miss .Marie Hughes is in London at R. R. Ross 42, W. Hawkins 16.
present. 'Russell Sproat 42, Norman Nicholl
iDr.,J. A, Munn is attending the 41.
convention of dentists in Toronto this Thirteen teams are competingg. The
week. doubles tournament has been post -
The Stratford Salvation Army ported till Thursday of next week ow -
Band assisted at the services of the ing to wet weather.
local corps on Sunday, and gave an
excellent sacred concert. in 'Victoria ' , BRUCEFIELD.
Park at might. Wedding bells are ringing in this
Miss •Anne McDonald, of Goderich, vicinity.
spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Mr, Lance Norris was successful in
D. Reynolds, Egmond,ville, ,passing his first year in Medicine at
Rev. F. H. Larkin, DJD., will preach Toronto University.
his farewellsermon in Seaforth Pre's- The regular meeting ,of the Marion
by'tcrian Church on Sunday night. The Oliver Mission Circle will be held on
evening service'in St. Thomas' Angli Friday evening, May 80. The mem-
can Church has been withdrawn. hers of the W.M.S, are cordially invit-
J, W. A. Greig was successful in ed to be present. Miss Greta Mus -
passing his fifth year in Medicine at tard, graduate of United Church
Toronto University and Carl Aber- Training School, Toronto, will be the
hart his second year, special speaker. The members of the
Many friends will be pleased to Circle are asked to bring their Sun -
hear that Miss Ellen Somerville is shine bags,
improving following a slight stroke. The trustees of tlaird's Cemetery
Mr, and Mrs. James Kerr are in are holding a bee on Tuesday, Jue
Toronto this week afteeditug bite UM- 1211s. All plat owners are asked to be
versify 'Convocation at which Mt, present.
Leslie Kerr receives the degree-i1'Lr, T. Morgan, of Taman, an ene-
of hLA, . ,ploy:ec of the Hydro Electric Commis -
Mrs, George •
E. Henderson and sion, met with a serious accidetit
Mrs, DelLacey returned Sunday front while brimming an' apple tree at Mrs.
Toronto after spending the winter John Taylor's, 2nd of Stanley, IIe
there. fell to the ground, a distance of thirty
1Mrs, Fred Beattie, Goderieh Street, feet, and had to be rushed to Clinton
has been very ill, but is improving. hospital for treatment,
Mr. Leslie Watson, of Toronto, Mr, and Mrs, A, Ross and Mr, and
spetrt the week -end with his father, Mrs, T. Gilmour of Wingham, were
Mr. James Watson. Sunday guests at the home of Mr, H.
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Beattie, of Ailcenhead.
Belleville, spent the weep -end with Mr. W. Stackhouse was in Blyth on
Mr, and Mrs, John Beattie, Monday.
Mr, Clen, Colbert, of London, spent Mrs, W, Slovens is spending a few
the week -end here. Mrs, Colbert, weeks with her daughters in Lista-
who has been visiting her parents, Mr. wel and Mount Forest.
and Mrs, A. Barton, returned with Wallace and hazel Haugh motored
her to London. • to Thimble for 'the week -end, They
Mr, and Mrs. George Alden, of were accompanied -home by their
Fordson, Mich., were week -end visit- mother, Mrs, C. IHaugh, who spent
ors with Mr, and Mrs. Robert Jones, the past, week in Dundas and Hamit-
Misses Flo and Emily Cresswell ton,
are returning this week from. -Pala- Air, and Mrs, Andrew Murdock and
Jena, Calif„ where they have spent daughter Flora jean of Detroit were
the winter. week end guests at the home of lvfr.
Mlss Jean Murray, of Pittsburg, Robert Murdock,
Pa., is visiting 'Miss Edith Davidson Softball. -One of the fastest games
for the summer, • of softball ever played ,here was wit-
Mrs, James McIntosh,day everting when the
Inlosh, tvltts sport reseed on Mort
the winter with her daughter in Los
Angeles, Calif., has returned,
r Livings, M , Hat Lz of St, ther-
fues, was the goes -t of Dr, Ross •Sav-
auge last week,
Mr. DtSvid Anderson, of Chiea9'o,
visited his sister, Airs. W. R, Smith
over the week -end.
'Mrs. R. 5, Evans left Wednesday
for Toronto to spend the
latter part
of the week.
-Mr, and Mrs.' Max. Wolsh and fam-
ily attended 'the wedding of Mr.
Welsh's sister in Tor'ott•to oil, Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gray, of.
Stratford, spent the week -end with
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. McMillan, Mrs,
Gray remained for the week.
Miss Bessie Grieve has purchased a
Pontiac sedan.
IRev, W, D. McDonald has purchas-
ed a Star sedan.
Stonehouse, of tse r Toronto, Otto is
spending several weeks with Miss
Nan Campbell.
The following were week -end visit-
ors with their 'father, Mr, William
Hartry, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hart-
ry and son 13i-lly, of London; Dr, and
Mrs. R. E. Hartry of Fort Francis,
and Mr, R. R. Hartry, of Guelph.
"The Dust of the Earth,' presented
for the second time this spring in
Seaforth by the choir of°Egmondville
United Church, was greeted by a
'large audience who thoroughly enjoy-
ed the play, in which the parts were
all splendidly acted. The proceeds
amounted to $98.20,
Mr, and Mrs. Milton Chesney. of
Toronto, spent the week -end with
Mrs. J. R. Hab
kirk. Mrs. Chesney
remained for a visit. •
Mr, and i'frs. Ales. G. Dickson and
three sons, of I redoria, N. Y., and
Miss Helen Dickson, of Toronto, were.
week -end guests of their mother, Mrs:
Adam Dickson.
The annual meeting of .Huron Dean-
ery will be held in 'St. Thomas'
Church, Seaforth, an Tuesday, Juue
12, at 10 a,m, At the afternoon session
addresses will be given by Rev. T. M.
Townsend, of Barrie, Rev. Canon
Perkins of Chatham and Capt. Roily,
of the Church Army, Discussion will
The annual Webster reunion will be
held at Bayfield on June 9th.
Inspector 5, E. Tom, of West Hu-
ron, has placed '
p a ed his resignation before
the County Cpuracil after serving in
this capacity for forty years. His suc-
cessor will be -appointed this week.
IMrs. R. E. Coates left for Toronto
Monday where she will .visit her son,
Mr. 1.
1C t
Mrs. George Chesney returned to
Toronto on Monday after visiting
friend's here for some time.
Mr, Matthew $gttes, Goderioh was
the guest of Mr. and Mrs, W, L,
Keys, on Saturday:
Miss Edna Carder, of Toronto, and
her cousin, Miss Susan Govenlo'ck,
Were the guests of Mr, and Mrs. 5, R.
Govenlock on Friday of last week.
Friends of Mrs. ,Sam Jeffry are glad
to know she is itnproving, after being
quite ill for some time.,
Mr. and Mrs. John McAsh and fain-
ily, of :Varna, were Sunday visitors
with Mr, and Mrs W. -•L, Keys. •
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Thompson are,
spending this week and next in St.
Louis, Mo., with the fornrer's brother,
Mr. N. Thompson.,
-Mr. and Mrs. John McPherson re-
turned Saturday after spending the
past few weeks at the home of Mr,
and Mrs, Harry Norris, Cromarty.
Miss Mabel 13ateinan is ill with the
flu. '
:Miss Lynch, of Detroit, returned on
Wednesday after spending a few days
with Mrs. Joseph Gibson.
Barfield nine caine here to play a
friendly game with the local boys.
G4od playssb)
both heavy
and good fielding made a real
game, Bayfield started in the lead in
the first innings when they secured ono
run, Brucefield failed to score until
the third wlteit Stackhouse and Boyce
each made a run. At no time did ei-'
tlner team get a start and the score
ended in a tie, 2-'7, The score indi-
cates a fast and exciting game. Bay-
field lineup: Castle, catcher; Brandon,
lst b.; Weston, pitcher; Tarns, 2nd b,;
Davison, s.s,; Gordon 3rd b,;. Blair,
Li; :Sturgeon c.f.; Lindsay, r,,
'Brucaficld lineup; A Jeffery, 1st b.;
G. Munroe, 2nd b.; 13, Stackhouse,
catchier; L. Boyce, pitcheer; 11 Nor-
ris, 3rd b.; H. Armstrong, s.s,; B,
Robins 1.f.; B. Rogerson, c.f,; G. El-
liott r,f,
. and Mr ' r dwell and
Mr. s Artht Cal
son William, accompanied by Mrs,
William Sinclair, motored to Niagara
Falls over the week end to visit their
daughter, Miss Anna Caldwell, who is,
training at Memorial Hospital,
Airs. William Scott and Mrs. Alex.
McCartney, of Moose Jaw, are at
present visiting their sister, Mrs. Al-
lan Douglas, and their 'brothers in
London and Westminster.
Rev. W. A. Bremner is in Walker-
villc this week attending Conference.
At the close of Conference he will go
to Cleveland, Ohio, to spend a few
clays at the home of his daughter, Mrs,
West. In the absence of Mr. Brem-
ner on Sunday, Mr, .F, S. Savauge of
Soaforth, occupied the pulpit both
ntorning and evening.
Miss Mayme Swan is visiting her
sister, Mrs. C. H. Iiam, of Toronto,
Air. and Mrs. Edgar Munn of Hen-
son,. spent Sunday at thehome of the
latter's father, Mr John Swan.
Mr, Enningcr of Toronto visited at
the home of Mr. and Airs. George
Swam on Sunday.
Y. P. S.—The Young People held
their regular monthly devotional
meeting on Monday evening in -the
school room of the church at 8:30 o'-
clock. .lir. Jesse Freeman ,presided.
The topic, "Force or Lo've," was very
ably taken by Jesse Freeman, The
meeting closed with the rl'tizpah bene-
Next Monday evening the Egmond-
ville Young People's Society will be
with us. We are looking for a gond
;lir. George Ar tstrong ranch family
spent Sunday at Mr. Lorne Taylor's.
-Quite a number in the community
have been sick with the flu and we
wish them a speedy recovery.
NIr Dutot, of Comber,b-visited his
son and fa'mily, Mr, !Stanley •Dutot,
and also his daughter, Mrs, Thomas
Caldwell, who underwent a serious
operation in Seaforth Memorial Hos-
pital recently.
Mr, John Cornish is at ,present ill
with the flu. We hope he will soon
be able to -be around again.
Mr. Prank Vollick died in Clinton
on Monday. 'He is a brother of Mrs.
Hohner, of our village.
The electricians of the Doer Elec-
tric Co, 'have returned -to Kitchener,
-after wiring a number of the farms.
Mr. John McCowan Sr. has return-
ed hoine from attending the fttneral of
his sister, Mrs. Peter Murray, of De-
Mr, Alex. Souter and son John
of Detroit, spent Sunday at their
home here,
The following is the report of 5. S.
No. 3, Tuckersmith, for the month of
May. The names are arranged in
order ,of merit.
iSr. IV. — Carrie -Oke. Ellen M.
Scott, Elizabeth IBroadfoot, Mildred
Robins, 'Bob McCartney.
Jr. IV —Janet Watson, Evelyn Wil-
son, Billy Celwill, Robert Papple,
Bruce Armstrong, Gordon Wright.
Sr. II•L—Je'an Watson, Willie Pap-
Jr. III._Arthur Wright, Howard
iSr. II. -'W. D. Wilson, Earl Pap-
ple, Beatrice Armstrong, Bobby Dal-
Jr. II. ---Gertrude Walter, Annie
Pap'ple, Alice Wright, Delbert Taylor.
5 hours
Floyd W. Parsons, the well-
known publicity expert said
that on Itis last trip to
France the telephone au-
thorities told hurt it would
take five hours to give him
telephone connection be-
tween Paris and i•Iavre. It
only takes a railway train
five hours.
Here, he . could have been
talking as great a distance
in three or four minutes—
if he gave the operator the
distant number.
If you don't know the dis-
tant number, Long Distance
will look it up for you, and
tell you what it is, 5o you
can make a memo. of it for
future use.
A wise move is to give us
a list of the firms you talk
with by Long Distance, and
let us supply the numbers.
We will, gladly,
-- Ony
9 Days More
and the
MAR aill‘
Baokrupt-Shoe SaIe
Will Be Ali Over!
We must clear this stock:out to the bare 'walls. and
have out the prices to the limit,
There are still many Bargains left. •
Shoes that will soon cost you double the pries
we ask for theist,
When we close our store on Saturday Evening,
Get some of the Bargains, while there is yet time,
Opposite Canadian Bank
oL Commerce
I.—Flora McDougall, Annie Belle
McDougall, Donald
Mayne Watson, Mac 'Wilson, Isabel
Armstrong, Grace Dalrymple.
,Pr.—Milton Taylor, Ruth Walter,
Elsie •Robins, 'Ervin Siliery, Myrtle
Papple, Ivan Taylor, Muriel Wright,
Morley Wright.
The following had perfect attend-
ance: 'Bob McCartney, Elizabeth
Broadfoot, Carrie Oke, EIlen M.
Scott, Mildred •Rob'ins, Janet Watson,
Evelyn Wilson; 'Gordon `Wright, :Ro-
t Pa a cart
Watson, Arthur
Wright, :Beatrice Armstrong, W. D.
Wilson, 'Earl Papple, Bobby Dai-
rymple, Delbert Taylor, Alice Wright,
Annie Papple, Mayne 'Watson, Mac
Wilson, Grace Dalrymple, Flora and R
Annie 13, McDougall, Myrtle Papple,
Muriel Wright, Morley Wright.
L. Boyce, Teacher.
Your old organ remodelled into a
useful piece of furniture -at
reasonable cost.
Work shop at rear of BARLOW'S
eei Estate, Conveyancing, Bonds
ani Investments
Phone 152
Seaforth, Ontario.
A Good Portion
of beef served to you for the evening
meas, roasted about medium, with the
blood gravy oozing through, gives
ono a foundation. It just makes one's
mouth water to think of it. How
was that last piece of meat we sant
you? Wasn't it fine.
Your Butcher.
Phone 58 Seaforth.
The Special Milverton
We have it --Give it a Trial, .Also
Grain Screenings
Chop of All Kinds
Your Pluto Nee
Repairs and charging on all makes.
A good line of Nev and Used Parts.
Has its good points and bad, they say, but we think we are
offering the kind of work that more nearly approaches
If your car needs fixing up, and the best do sooner or later,
let us demonstrate to you the many advantages of our
reliable work.
. l e' " rage